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174 IEEE " a x i o n s on Power Systems, vo1.6, No.1, February 1991


Wenyuan Xu Jose R. Marti Hermann W. Dommel

Student M.IEEE Member, IEEE Fellow, IEEE

Department of Electrical Engineering

University of British Columbia
Vancouver, B.C.
Canada, V6T 1W5

ABSTRACT: The operation of nonlinear devices under un- In this paper, a multiphase harmonic load flow (MHLF)
balanced conditions may cause harmonic problems in power sys- technique is described which solves the network at fundamental
tems. A multiphase harmonic load flow solution technique for and harmonic frequencies in ,the presence of nonlinear elements
analyzing such problems is described in this paper. The harmonic and unbalances. It is based on the harmonic iteration scheme
load flows are obtained from iterations between the Norton equiv- which has been used earlier to compute harmonics from HVDC
alent circuits of the nonlinear elements and the linear network converters, transformer saturation and thyristor-controlled reac- ,

solutions at harmonic frequencies. Harmonics generated by static tors [7, 8, 91. The harmonics caused by static compensators with
compensators with thyristor-controlled reactors under unbalanced thyristor-controlled reactors under balanced and unbalanced con-
conditions are used to illustrate the method. The inclusion of the ditions are used to illustrate the method. This technique was
control characteristics of the static compensator and comparisons primarily developed as an improved initialiaation procedure for
with field test results are described in a companion paper. EMTP simulations, but it is also a useful tool by itself for multi-
phase harmonic load flow analysis with unbalanced conditions.
KEYWORDS: network unbalances, harmonics, harmonic
load flow, multiphase solution, static compensator. The multiphase harmonic load flow technique is simple in
concept. Besides static compensators, other harmonic-producing
nonlinearities with or without control specifications can be in-
cluded. In order to keep the explanation of the method simple,
only static compensator operation with known conduction angles
The voltage and current waveforms in power systems are fre- is considered in this paper. The inclusion of the control charac-
quently distorted by harmonics. This distortion can cause various teristics of the static compensator and case study results as well
problems, ranging from capacitor failure to communications in- as field test comparisons are presented in a companion paper [lo].
terference [l]. The propagation of these harmonics through the
network must be assessed so that harmonic counter-measures can
be properly designed. Harmonic load flow programs are an im- 2. PRINCIPLE OF HARMONIC ITERATION
portant tool for such harmonic propagation studies. The work on
harmonic load flow solution techniques was pioneered by Heydt et To explain the principle of harmonic iteration, a static com-
al [l].Their well-known HARMFLO program can be used to an- pensator with thyristor-controlled reactors (TCR) will be used as
alyze harmonic load flows caused by rectifiers, HVDC converters, the source of harmonics. This device is essentially a reactor in se-
and other nonlinear devices [2,3]. Similar techniques are described ries with anti-parallel thyristor valves, as shown in Figure 1. The
in [4,51. valves conduct on alternate half-cycles of the supply frequency, for
durations which depend on their firing angles a,thereby creating
There are also many harmonic problems related to the unbal-
adjustable reactive power generation or consumption [ll]. The
anced operation of power systems. With unbalanced conditions,
operating range goes from no conduction at a = 180" to full con-
the generation and propagation of harmonics are more compli-
duction at a = 90". The duration of conduction is defined by the
cated. For example, extra so-called non-characteristic harmonics
conduction angle
may be produced. It is important to evaluate the effects of these
D = 2(180° - a).
harmonics since no filters are generally installed to alleviate them.
In view of the fact that there is always some degree of unbalance If Q is less than 180°, harmonic currents are generated, aa shown
and that the harmonics are more sensitive to unbalances than the in Figure 1.
fundamental frequency component, unbalanced harmonic analysis
has received more attention recently. Unbalance effects have been 2.1 Harmonic Norton Equivalent Circuit
induded in the three-phase frequency scan technique proposed by of Thyristor-Controlled Reactor
Densem, Bodger and Arrillaga [5] and in the computation of non-
characteristic harmonics from rectifiers [6]. To compute the harmonic currents with the harmonic itera-
tion scheme, an equivalent linear model of the TCR shall be de-
rived first. In general, the voltages appearing across this element
will be distorted with harmonics,
90 W! 098-4 FWRS A paper recommended and approved
by t h e IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of n
the IEEX Power Engineering Society f o r preaentation
a t the IEEE/PES 1990 Winter Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia,
i(t) =
h= 1
(Vh(COs(hWt $h). (1)
February 4 - 8, 1990. Manuscript aubmitted
August 31, 1989; made a v a i l a b l e f o r p r i n t i n g With the valve fired at tf, the current through the reactor during
November 17, 1989.
one half of a cycle is determined by

0885-8950/91/02004174$01.00 (D 1991 IEEE

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- A the Norton equivalent circuit are easily found from Eq. ( 7 ) , after
I[, has been obtained from the Fourier analysis of Eq. (3). This
relationship is symbolically expressed as

Figure 1: Thyristor-controlled reactor and waveforms.
Note that there is no coupling among the equivalent circuits of the
different harmonic frequencies. They are also independent of any
network unbalances.

2.2 Harmonically-Decoupled Network Solutions

With the nonlinear TCR represented as a Norton equivalent

circuit a t harmonic frequencies, the node voltages of the entire
network can easily be found by solving a system of multiphase
node equations
[Yh-net~oork][Vh-nehuork] = [Ih-network], h = 1, * 7 n7 (9)
CIv,,((hwL)-l[sin(hwt + (bh) - .+hwtf + dhj],
i ( t )=
1 t f 5 t Ite;
h=l 0 < t < t f and t, < t < T / 2 ;
where t f is the instant of firing, t, that of extinction, L the induc-
at each frequency. The nonlinear TCR effects are represented
in these equations as currents in the vector [Ih-nehuork]. Once
the node voltages have been obtained, improved values for the
equivalent current sources can then be calculated from Eq. ( 8 ) ,
which in turn is used to compute improved voltages. This is the
tance of the TCR, and T the period at fundamental frequency. For process of harmonic iteration. It is continued until the changes in
the second half cycle, the current will reverse in sign (Figure 1). the equivalent current sources are sufficiently small.
To obtain the current phasors as a function of the voltage phasors, This iterative process constitutes the basic idea of the mul-
Fourier analysis is required. Since the closed-form Fourier analy- tiphase harmonic load flow technique. To include the load flow
sis of Eq. (3) is complicated due to discontinuous conduction, the constraint options of HARMFLO and sinular programs, Eq. (9)
distorted current is generated point-by-point from the given volt- at h = 1 must be modified into multiphase load flow equations, as
age with Eq. (3) and then analyzed with discrete Fourier analysis. described next.
This produces the harmonic content expressed by

iharmonce(t) =
h= I
which was used as a current source model in [9] to represent the
harmonic effects of the TCR. It is better to model the TCR as The multiphase load flow solution must be able to handle
a Norton equivalent circuit, however. It can be shown that the unbalanced conditions. Unbalanced load flow analysis was first
equivalent inductance of a TCR for a purely sinusoidal voltage at introduced by El-Abiad and Tarsi two decades ago 1121. Since
fundamental frequency is [Ill: then, much progress has been made [13, 141. An excellent sum-
Le, = nL(u - sina)-1 mary of the state-of-the-art of three-phase load flow analysis can
be found in [13].
This equivalent inductance represents the TCR very well at funda-
mental frequency, and reasonably well at other frequencies. The 3.1 Modelling of Network Components
differences between the current absorbed in jhwL,, and the ac-
tual current from Eq. (4) become the parallel current sources in In contrast to most existing techniques, the load flow con-
the Norton equivalent circuit representation of Figure 2, with straints for each power system component are expressed as branch
equations here, instead of constraints on node quantities. ' Since
Y L e q = (jhwLJ' (6) branches can be connected in any way by the user, this provides
1h-q = (jhwLeq)-'Vh - I h (7) greater flexibility.
where vh = IVh(e36hand I h = IIhleJeh.
3.1.1 Three-phase Synchronous Machines
For given voltages at the TCR teriuinal, current sources of
The response of a synchronous machine is different for pos-
itive, negative, or zero sequence current injections. This must be

taken into account in unbalanced load flow studies. Reference [12]
has developed such a model (Figure 3(a)), with the branch equa-
= [Ygl([Vkl - [Vml - [El) (10)
[V,] = [Vk-a V k - b Vk-=IT, voltages on side k,
[V,] = [V,,-, Vm-b Vm_,.IT,voltages on side m,
[ l k m ] = [Ikm-@ 1km-b Ikm-eIT, currents from side k to side ni,

Figure 2: TCR equivalent model for multiphase [E] = [Ep .'Ep uE,IT, internal voltages,
harmonic load flow analysis. [Yglmutual = (yo - w 3 ,

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, 'I,


Subscripts p, n, and o indicate positive, negative, and zero se-

quence components, respectively. For the negative sequence reac- G([Ikm],[ v k ] , [ v m ] ) = F s p c e r f i e d (15)
tance, jw(L&' L : ) / 2 can be used. The zero sequence reactance
This equation and Eq. (10) for branch currents jointly define the
is jwL,. For the resistance, the armature resistance can be used,
three-phase machine model.
though this is not quite correct because the negative sequence re-
sistance can Le an order of magnitude larger. 3.1.2 Multiphase Loads
Loads are usually represented as constant power consump-
0 a tion in single-phase (positive sequence) load flow programs. For
k m unbalanced load flow analysis, the different response to positive,
0 9 ncgative and zero sequence voltages and currents must be mod-
elled, in addition to the power constraints. In view of the variety of
I load characteristics, four basic types of load models are proposed.

Type 1. Constant impedance load with known [Z] or [Y] branch-

matrix representation.
Type 2. Load with constant active and reactive power specified
0 0 as a single-phase branch (Figure 3(b)). It is defined as:
k m
0 0

0 0

This load corresponds to the traditional PQ representation.

k m
However, it is defined as a branch between two nodes, rather
0 9 than from node t o ground as in single-phase load flow pro-
grams. This allows large flexibility in the type of connection,
k m as for example phase-to-phase loads in delta systems.
0 e
Type 3. Static load (Figure 3(c)). In this type of load, it is
assumed that the positive and negative sequence impedances
(a) three-phase synchronous machine. are equal and that. the ratio of the positive to zero sequence
(b) individual branch load. (c) three-phase static load. impedance is available. In effect, it assumes that the load
(d) voltage source. (e) current source. impedances are balanced for the three phases. The total
active and reactive power is specified, but the positive and
Figure 3: Branch models for multiphase harmonic load zero sequence impedances are not explicitly known. Using
flow studies. symmetrical components, the branch equations for this type
of load in phase quantities can be expressed as
The machine internal voltage E p is unknown and must be
adjusted to satisfy the machine load flow constraints for terminal
voltage and power output.

Slack machine. The specified constraints are the magnitude

and the phase angle of the positive sequence voltage at the where y is an unknown admittance and [ K ]is a known con-
machine terminals. stant symmetric matrix determined from the positive to zero
sequence impedance ratio. The unknown admittance must
- [ v m l ) = V#peeifiedr (11) be adjusted to fulfill Eq. (18).
where [TI = (1/3)[1 a Q.'].
Type 4. Rotating machine load with unequal negative and pos-
Machines with these constraints correspond to the slack itive sequence impedances, as in the case of induction mo-
nodes in conventional load flow studies. Under unbalanced tors. For this load, it is assumed that both the negative
conditions, the negative and zero sequence voltages will be and zero sequence admittances are known. The positive se-
nonzero because the network sees the machine as admit- quence admittance is not known and is to be determined
tances Y, and Yoin negative and zero sequence represen- from the three-phase active and reactive power consump-
tations. tion. With symmetrical components, this type of load can
be represented as
PV machine. The specified constraints are the three-phase
active power output and the magnitude of the positive se- Ikm-p =G ( v k - p -v m - p ) (19)
quence voltage at the machine terminals.
Ikm-n Yn(Vk-n -v m - n ) (20)
Ikm-o =K(Vk-0 -vm-0) (21)
In stead of using Ypas an unknown, it is better to model the
load as an internal voltage E , behind the negative sequence
where superscript denotes conjugate transposed. admittance Y,. E,, then becomes the unknown variable and
Eq. (19) can be rewritten as
PQ machine. The specified constraints are the three-phase
active and the three-phase reactive power output. Ikm-p = y n ( v k - p -V m-p -Ep), (22)

_I. .

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Transforniing Eqs. (20), (21) and (22) into the phase domain Collecting all the related equations tbgether, the multiphase
and including the built-in load flow constraints, this load load flow problem can be formulated as:
model can be defined as:

[Ikm] = [%I([vkl-iVm1 - (231

- [Ikm]H([Vk] - [vml)= ( p + jQ)speezf*ed. (24)

[E] = [E, u'E, uE,]',

P;lmutual = (ro ro)/3,

[Yglsclf = (K + 2ro)/3,
Note that with the introduction of E,, this type of load has
the same structure as the P Q synchronous machine. It can The general form of these equations can be written as
then be siinply treated as a PQ machine with negative power
geiiFrat ion
By specifying the load flow cpnstraints at the branch level,
the loads can be arbitrary connected between nodes or from node
to ground. Loads can also be connected to the same node.

3.1.3 Voltage and current. sources

and [Iv] is the vector of currents from voltage sources,
Voltage and current sources are again represented as branches. ( 1 ~ is
4 the vector of single-phase P Q load currents,
The voltage source (Figure 3(d)) is defined as
[Ifif]is the vector of machine currents,
Vk - vm = Espeeifted. (25) [IL3] is the vector of static load currents,
[Ep]is the vector of machine internal voltages,
A current source between two nodes (Figure 3(e)) is defined as
currents leaving two nodes, [y] is the vector of static load parameter y.

I k = Ispeeified, Equation (34) is a set of nonlinear algebraic equations, which

&n = -Ispceified* must be solved iteratively. Experience has shown that the Newton-
Raphson method is probably the best method for conventional
load flow studies [16]. It has also been chosen for the solution
3.1.4 Other Network Components of Eq. (34). Rectangular coordinates are used here to separate
the complex variables and equations into real form. Besides its
Overhead transmission lines, underground cables, transform-
simplicity, the rectangular representation has other advantages.
ers, react,ors and capacitors can all be modelled as coupled .rr
For example, if there are no PV and PQ constraints, the Jacobian
circuits. Details are well-documented in references [13] and [15].
matrix becomes constant. The solution is then equivalent to the
There are no load flow constraints associated with these compo-
direct solution of the linear problem [Y][V] = [I].
With the Newton-Raphson method, the system of linear
3.2 Formula.tion and Solution of the Load Flow Equations equations
[J,][Axt] = - [ A F ( z c l ) ] (35)
With all network components described at the branch level is solved in each iteration step, and the variables are then updated
in the form of Norton equivalent circuits, it becomes easy to write with
the nodal equations for the entire network. The branch adnlittance
niatrix of each component enters the larger network adiiiittance
[.;+I] = [zi] [Azi],
matrix according to well-known building rules [15], while the cur- where i is the iteration number,
rent sources between sides k and m enter as currents with a posi- [J;]the Jacobian matrix,
tive sign on side k, and with a negative sign on side m. With load
flow constraints, these currents in [L]are unknown, and must be [ A F ( z ; ) ] the residual vector.
iteratively adjusted. As a result, the network equation is formed
as With Eqs. (27) t,o (33), Eq. (35) becomes
[YPI + [Is]t [Iu] = 0, (26)
[Y] is the network node admittance matrix constructed
from the branch admittance matrices without load flow
[VI is the node voltage vector,
[Is]is the vector of current sources leaving each node,
[I,,]is the vector of unknown currents (associated with
1o;itl flow constraints) leaving each node.

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The procedure for obtaining the submatrices in this Jaco- machines act as frequency converters. For example, a negative
bian matrix is the same as in conventional load flow techniques. sequence current at fundamental frequency induces second har-
Once the Jacobian matrix is obtained, Eq. (35) is solved by Gauss monics in the rotor circuits, which in turn induce third harmonic
elimination with sparsity techniques. The largest component in voltages in the stator. This can be taken into account with the
the residual vector is used to test for convergence. method suggested by Semlyen, Eggleston, a.nd Arrillaga [18].
2. Loads. The behaviour of loads under the combined effects
3.3 Initialization
of unbalanced and harmonic conditions is usually not well known.
Choosing an initial guess [z,]for the iterations is more com- Using the load modelling techniques of reference [19], a multiphase
plicated in the multiphase case. The traditional initialization tech- load can be modelled as a combination of lumped R,L,C elements.
nique, which uses 1.0 per-unit node voltage magnitudes with re- If the test data needed for this representation is not available, the
spective 120" phase shifts among phases a, b, and c, becomes un- recommendations of reference [17] can be used. This reference sug-
reliable if there are phase shifting effects through wye-delta trans- gests that the harmonic characteristics of a load can be modelled
former connections. Since the convergence of the Newton-Raphson as
method is sensitive to the initial guess, a special initialization pro- Zlwd-h = (Ra + jx#)//jXp, (39)
cedure is used before entering the iteration loop. where
The procedure is based on the observation that the load flow
equations become linear if there are no PV or PQ constraints. To
approximate the network this way, the components with PQ and
PV constraints are modified as follows:

1. Machines with PV and P Q constraints and rotating machine Using these approximations, the single-phase P Q load is replaced
loads are represent,ed as admittance matrices of very small by &,,,d-h, and the static load is represented as
ruagnitude. This approximates open-circuit conditions.

2. Other loads are represented as known admittances y whose

values are determined from
where T h is the user-supplied positive to zero sequence impedance
ratio of the load at the given frequency. These sequence parame-
ters are then transformed into phase quantities.
for the single-phase P Q loads, and
3. Transnussion lines. Transmission lines are represented as
exact multiphase A equivalent circuits calculated at the considered
harmonic frequency [15].
for three-phase static loads. The voltage magnitude (VIis
estimated to be equal to the user-supplied rated voltage of 4.2 Solution Techniaue
the load.
With the various system components represented at each
With these approximations, the load flow solution becomes harmonic frequency, the problem formulation is the same as that
linear. Rather than writing a separate algorithm for this initial- of Eq. (34). However, since the machines and loads are represented
ization, the normal Newton-Raphson algorithm is used with zero as constant impedances at harmonic frequencies, the problem be-
initial values, and the linear estimate [CL] is obtained in one iter- comes linear and iterations are not required.
at,ion. This becomes the starting point for the following load flow
Based on Sections 3 and 4, a general purpose program was
written for the solution of the network with load flow constraints at
To solve the network at the harmonic frequencies, it is first fundamental and harmonic frequencies. The three solution stages,
necessary to define how the machines and loads respond to har- initialization, load flow, and frequency scan are all done by the
monics. Newton-Raphson solution module, with or without iterations. The
harmonic iteration of Section 2 for static compensators was added
4.1 Harmonic Response of Network Components by using the Norton equivalent circuits of Figure 2. The general
form of the multiphase harmonic load flow (MHLF) technique can
1. Machines. As a first approximation, it is assumed that
then be described with Figure 4.
machines do not produce harmonics. For harmonic frequencies,
they can t,hen be modelled as known admittance matrices, as sug- The initialization is very simple: At harmonic frequencies,
gested in reference [17]: the equivalent currents Ih--eq representing the effects of nonlinear
elements are set to zero. For the fundamental frequency load flow
solut,ion, the PV and PQ components are modified into known Y
matrices. With these simplifications, the approximate node volt-
ages without harmonic distortion ( h = 1) are obtained in one
where h is the harmonic order, and XI-, and XI-,, are the nega- iteration. Because the voltage harmonics are relatively small com-
tive and zero sequence reactances of the machine at fundamental pared with the fundamental frequency components, using these
frequency, respectively. The internal voltage is zero for h, > 1. A node voltages as initial conditions is quite reliable.
similar model is used for rotating machine loads.
As shown in the flow chart, the MHLF technique consists
For more accurat,e representations, it must be realized that of two basic parts. The first part is the construction of harmonic

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Norton equivalent circuits for the nonlinear elements (a TCR is Thus the size of the Jacobian matrix is reduced considerably
used as an example). The second part performs the network so- and the computational burden is only linearly proportional
lutions at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies. These two to the total number of harmonics. Thirdly, the technique
parts are interfaced through the process of harmonic iteration. has good convergence behaviour [lo].


I iteration-0 I
A practical static compensator, such as the one shown in Fig-
set initial TCR model by letting 0
ure 5 [ll],is more complicated than the simple TCR unit of Figure
1. First of all, there is the delta connection of the TCR's. This
connection is used to filter the zero sequence harmonics (e.g. 3rd,
9th). With the multiphase representation and the Norton equiva-
lent circuits, the modelling of delta connection is straightforward,
Call "WORK-SOLUTION and the circulation of the zero sequence harmonic currents is auto-
matically taken into account. When the operating conditions are
unbalanced, the non-characteristic harmonics in the delta connec-
h>n tion are automatically obtained.

setupcomponent models for harmonic h


compute new TCR Norton equivalent

. .
(a) Static compensator stxucturc (single-phase diagram)

NETWOFUC-SOLUTION is a subroutine
whose function is to form F ( [ x l ) = 0 equation
and to solve it by Newton-Raphson method.

Figure4: How chart of the MHLF technique.

(A TCR is used as an example of nonlinear element.)

The main characteristics of the MHLF technique can be sum-

marized as follows:
(b) T m d e l t a connection
1. The MHLF technique is a multiphase program. It can be
used either for single-phase or for three-phase harmonic load Figure 5: '"he structure of a practical static compensator.
flow studies. Unbalanced operating conditions can be con-
sidered in the study.

2. Harmonics from other nonlinear elements can be analyzed The second complication is the three-winding transformer
with the technique. The linear equivalent circuit models for connection. The phase shifting effects of the connection are crit-
nonlinear elements not included internally in the program ical for the cancellation of the 5th and 7th harmonics generated
can be supplied by the user externally in the form of a sub- by the TCR's at the two secondary windings. With the multi-
routine. The MHLF program has been structured to make phase modelling of transformers, the phase shift is automatically
such interfaces easy. included [15]. Since the voltage ratio can also be included in the
3. The MHLF technique is computationally efficient. First of transformer model, the load flow analysis can be performed in
all, its initialization is simple and reliable. Secondly, because either per-unit or physical quantities.
the Norton equivalent circuits are harmonically-decoupled,
the network solutions are performed one frequency at a time.

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7. CONCLUSIONS W. Xu, J.R. Marti and H.W. Dommel, “Harmonic Analysis

of Systems with Static Compensators”, Paper submitted for
A multiphase harmonic load flow (MHLF) technique has IEEE PES Winter Meeting 1990.
been developed for the harmonic analysis of static compensators T.J. Miller, Ed. Reactive Power Control in Electric Systems,
and other nonlinear devices under balanced or unbalanced condi- New York: John Wiley&Sons Inc., 1982.
tions. This technique incorporates the harmonic iteration scheme
into the multiphase framework. The MHLF technique consists of A.H. El-Abiad and D.C. Tarsi, “Load Flow Solution of Un-
two major parts. The first part constructs harmonic Norton equiv- transposed EHV Networks”, Proc. of 5th Power Industry
Computer Applications Conference, Pittsburgh, pp. 377-384,
alent circuits for the nonlinear elements. The second part performs 1967.
linear network solutions at fundamental and harmonic frequencies.
User-supplied modules for particular nonlinear elements can also J. Arrillaga, C.P. Arnold and B.J. Harker, Computer Mod-
be easily interfaced with the program. eling of Electrical Power Systems, New Zealand: John Wi-
ley&Sons, 1983.
The paper describes the development of the Norton equiv-
alent circuit for the TCR with a known conduction angle as an N.A. Wortman, D.L. Allen and L.L. Grigsby, “Techniques
example of nonlinear elements modelling and the extension of this for the Steady State Representation of Unbalanced Power
Systems”, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems,
modelling to multiphase network solutions at fundamental and
vol. PAS-104, pp. 2805-2824, Oct. 1985.
harmonic frequencies. The inclusion of the control characteristics
of static compensators into the MHLF solution and the results of H.W. Dommel, Electromagnetic Tmnsients Program Refer-
cas? studies are described in a companion paper [lo]. ence Manual (EMTP Theory Book), Bonneville Power Ad-
ministration, Aug. 1986.
8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS G.W. Stagg and A.H. El-Abiad, Computer Methods in
Power System Analysis, New York: McGraw-Hill Book
The financial assistance of the System Engineering Division
Company, 1968.
of B.C. Hydro and Power Authority is gratefully acknowledged.
The authors are also indebted to TransAlta Utilities Corporation, CIGRE-Working Group 36-05, “Harmonics, Characteristic
Calgary, Alberta and to B.C. Hydro and Power Authority, Van- Parameters, Methods of Study, Estimates of Existing Values
couver, B.C. for providing data and field test measurements. in the Network”, Electra, no. 77, pp. 35-54, July 1981.
A. Semlyen, J.F. Eggleston and J. Arrillaga, “Admittance
9. REFERENCES Matrix Model of a Synchronous Machine for Harmonic Anal-
ysis”, IEEE Trans. on Power Systems vol. PS-2, pp. 833-840,
D. Xia and G.T. Heydt, “Harmonic Power Flow Studies, Nov. 1987.
Part I - Formulation and Solution, Part I1 - Implemen- A.S. Morched and P. Kundur, “Identification and Modeling
tation and Practical Application”, IEEE Trans. on Power of Load Characteristics at High Frequencies”, IEEE Trans.
Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, pp. 1257-1270, June on Power Systems, vol. PS-2, pp. 153-160, Feb. 1987.
W. Song, G.T. Heydt and W.M. Grady, “The Integration
of HVDC Subsystems into the Harmonic Power Flow Al-
gorithm”, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems,
vol. PAS-103, pp. 1953-1961, Aug. 1984.
W.M. Grady and G.T. Heydt, “Prediction of Power Sys- wenyuan X u (St.M’85) was born in China in 1962. He received
tem Harmonics Due to Gaseous Discharge Lighting”. IEEE a B.Eng. degree from Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China in
Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-104, 1982 and a M.Sc. degree from the University of Saskatchewan,
pp. 554-561, March 1985. Saskatoon, Canada in 1985. At present, he is a Ph.D. candidate
at the University of British Columbia.
A. Semlyen, E. Acha, and J. Arrillaga, “Harmonic Norton
Equivalent for the Magnetizing Branch of a Transformer”,
IEE Proceedings, Vo1.134, Part C, No.2, pp. 162-169, March Jose R. Marti (M’71) was born in Spain in 1948. He received
1987. a M.E. degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1974 and
a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of
T.J. Densem, P.S. Bodger and J. Arrillaga, “Three Phase British Columbia in 1981.
Transmission System Modelling for Harmonic Penetration
Studies”, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, From 1970 to 1972 he worked for industry. In 1974-77 and 1981-84
vol. PAS-103, pp. 310-317, Feb. 1984. he taught power system analysis at Central University of Venezuela.
Since 1984 he has been with the University of British Columbia.
D. Xia, Z. Shen and Q. Liao, “Solution of Non-characteristic
Harmonics Caused by Multiple Factors in HVDC Transmis-
Hermann W. Dommel was born in Germany in 1933. He re-
sion System”, Proc. of the Third International Conference
on Harmonics in Power Systems, Nashville, IN, pp. 222-228, ceived the Dip1.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in electrical engineer-
Oct. 1988. ing from the Technical University, Munich, Germany, in 1959 and
1962 respectively. From 1959 to 1966 he was with the Technical
R. Yacamini and J.C. de Oliveira “Harmonics in Multiple University, Munich, and from 1966 to 1973 with Bonneville Power
Convertor Systems: a Generalized Approach”, IEE Proceed- Administration, Portland, Oregon. Since July 1973 he has been
ings, vol. 127, Part B, No. 2, pp. 96-106, March 1980.
with the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada.
H.W. Dommel, A. Yan and W. Shi, “Harmonics from Dr. Dommel is a Fellow of IEEE and a registered professional
Transformer Saturation”, IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, engineer in British Columbia, Canada.
vol. PWRD-1, pp. 209-215, April 1986.
W. Xu and H.W. Dommel, “Comput,a.tion of Steady-%ate
Harmonics of Static Var Compensat,ors”, Proc. of the Third
International Conference on Harmonics in Power Systems,
Nashville, IN, pp. 239-245, Oct. 1988.

Authorized licensed use limited to: DELHI TECHNICAL UNIV. Downloaded on April 06,2010 at 06:22:37 EDT from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

Discussion dependent set of harmonic current sources, or better still, as a

harmonic Norton equivalent [A]. Then, the three phase TCR
Adam Semlyen (University of Toronto): I would like to commend the
authors for their novel approach in solving the multiphase load flow model is assembled.
problem. Using a harmonic domain Norton equivalent for the representa-
tion of nonlinear elements has made it possible to include them in a In this paper the authors are presenting a model, which
Newton-Raphson solution of the whole system. The approach permits to represents each TCR branch as a voltage dependent set of
solve even such difficult problems as encountered with a set of star con- harmonic current sources paralleled by a linear admittance.
nected nonlinear branches with isolated neutral.
The linear admittance is based on fundamental frequency volt-
In the approach of the paper, the Norton equivalent circuits are con-
sidered to be harmonically decoupled. Consequently, the load flow solu- age and current considerations. This is amenable to a Norton
tion has been performed sequentially, for one harmonic at a time, a equivalent at each harmonic frequency; as opposed to the har-
significant saving compared to a fully coupled approach. In general, monic Norton equivalent obtained in the harmonic domain.
however, the linearized representation of a nonlinear element in the har-
monic domainAmay couple the individual harmonics with each other. The former does not exhibit cross-couplings between harmon-
This appears clearly from equation (17a) of reference [A] ics, and standard factorization techniques will apply when solv-
i = Yhrmv+iN ing the network. The latter exhibits cross-couplings between
harmonics and more specialized inversion techniques will be
which corresponds to a harmonic domain Norton equivalent with i and v
being vectors of the harmonic components of currents and voltages and required [B].
iN the Norton current vector. The matrix Y,-, in the above equation (the
Norton admittance matrix) is generally full. I wonder, therefore, what are The authors have moved from the current source repre-
the assumptions or procedures which permit to use the decoupled sentation to the Norton equivalent representation of the TCR.
approach of the paper without loss of accuracy in the solution? Is the Presumably, because of better convergence characteristics. Have
TCR a harmonically truly decoupled device?
the authors found this improvement to be significant? If so,
In order to illustrate that the coupling between harmonics can be
significant, consider the following extremely simple example. Let then, the principle presented in this paper should also be ap-
plicable to other non-linear components, i.e. magnetic non-
i =w+$
linearities and electric arcs.
be the equation of a nonlinear reactor and
The rationale behind this surmise is given below. Har-
w=l+f1cosOt (b)
monic domain linearization lends itself to a Newton-type it-
the input (flux linkage) of base frequency only. Direct substitution yields
erative solution, where the Jacobian matrix contains all the
3 1
i= -y:)~osot+ -y1:cos3ot harmonics and the cross-couplings between harmonics. The
4 4
With ~1 =w1 be+Awl eqn.(c) becomes Jacobian matrix corresponds t o the admittance matrix of the
harmonic Norton equivalent. During full conduction state,
i = i h e +Ai
the TCR behaves linearly, and the admittance matrix of the
where harmonic Norton equivalent becomes diagonal, i.e. no cross-
3 1
i h e =(VI+ -4~ : ) ~ ~ c o s o ~4 + - - w : ~ , c o s ~ ~ ~ (e) couplings between harmonics exist. In this condition, the Nor-
ton equivalent presented by the authors and the harmonic do-
main Norton equivalent will coincide. Clearly, this is not the
9 3
Ai = (1 + -w?)brAwIcosor
+ -w:
~eA~1cos030t (0 case at other conduction states, however, a close numerical cor-
respondance will exist if the cross-couplings between harmonics
With w1he= 1 eqn.(f) becomes are neglected and the Jacobian matrix is evaluated during the
Ai = 3.258y11coswr+0.75Ay11coso30t (€9 first iteration only and then, kept constant until convergence
This equation shows that the same base frequency incremental input Ay1 is achieved. The Jacobian matrix is diagonally dominant and
produces a third harmonic output of 23% (0.75D.25) of the base
frequency output. The resulting coupling is thus not insignificant, the harmonic admittance of the entire network is even more
diagonally dominant. Thus, it is quite likely that the Norton
[A] A. Semlyen and N. Rajakovic, "Harmonic Domain Modeling of equivalent representation of this paper will exhibit very good
Lamiited Iron Core", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, Vo1.4, convergence characteristics even in cases of harmonic voltage
N0.1, January 1989,p ~382-390.
Manuscript received February 5, 1990. It has been found that for some non-linearities, such as
iron cores, the number of iterations taken to reach convergence
is the same, whether the Jacobian is evaluated at each iterative
E. Acha (OCEPS Group, University of Durham, U.K.): I
step or it remains constant after having been evaluated during
would like t o congratulate the authors for this timely and most
the first iteration. For some other non-linearities, such as lam-
interesting paper. In particular, I would like to address the
inated iron cores, this is not the case. Nevertheless, the effects
newly developed TCR model, which is simple and yet compre-
of neglecting cross-couplings between harmonics should be in-
vestigated for the case of iron cores, particularly, multi-legged
TCRs are nonlinear components and their harmonic in- transformers.
teraction with the power network is reached by iteration. This
The authors must be congratulated for a most valuable
is especially true for cases in which harmonic voltage magnifi-
cations occur due to resonant conditions. One possible mod-
elling approach is to represent each TCR branch as a voltage- [A] L.J. Bohman and R.H. Lasseter.fHarmonic Interac-

Authorized licensed use limited to: DELHI TECHNICAL UNIV. Downloaded on April 06,2010 at 06:22:37 EDT from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
tions in Thyristor Controlled Reactor Circuits’, IEEE Trans- an iteratively adjusted harmonic current source The system is
actions on Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 1919-1926,July solved for one harmonic frequency at a time. The solution is then
compared with the characteristic of each nonlinear element and corrections
1989. are added to the element’s harmonic current source.
[B]A. Medina, J. Arrillaga and E. Acha.(Sparsity-Oriented We observed significant improvement of the convergence rate by mov-
Hybrid Formulation of Linear Multiports and its Application ing from a current source model to a Norton equivalent model. The
to Harmonic Analysis’, To be presented at the IEEE PES Win- improvement is due to a more accurate estimation of the fundamental
frequency voltage at the TCR terminal. We completely agree with Dr.
ter Meeting, Atlanta, GA, Feb 4-8,1990. Acha’s harmonic-domain linearization analysis. According to our numer-
ous test runs,it is very likely that convergence can be further improved if
Manuscript received February 20, 1990. the diagonal elements of the harmonic-domain Jacobian matrix are as
the equivalent admittances in the harmonic iteration scheme with nonlinear
inductors has been presented in reference (I). In general, we have found
that the convergence rate is inversely affectedby the degrees of saturation
and network harmonic voltage resonances.
Wenyuan Xu, Jose Marti and Hermann W. Dommel: We would like to
thank all the discussers for their interest in the paper and for their valuable Reference
comments. We hope that the following comments will help to clarify some
of the raised issues.
Professor Semlyen:
m W. Xu, “A Multiphase Harmonic Load Flow Technique”, Ph.D.
Dissertation, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C.,
Professor Semlyen is correct in pointing out the harmonic coupling Canada, February. 1990.
nature of nonlinear devices. The harmonic Norton equivalent curcuit for
the TCR presented in the paper includes the coupling effects in the form of Manuscript received April 12,1990.

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