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Mullins Library AssignmentKaitlyn Brickey

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(C) Summary

Name of Article: Special Issue: 3D Printing for Biomedical Engineering

Author: Chee Kai Chua, Wai Yee Yeong and Jia An
Journal Name: Materials
Date of Article: February 28th, 2017

The selected article introduced a topic that is further reviewed in a special issue for the
Materials journal, 3D printing and its uses in biomedical engineering applications. 3D printing,
also known as three-dimensional printing, rapid prototyping, or additive manufacturing, arose as
a research area in the late 1980s. The technology was not initially applied to the field of
biomedical engineering until new printable materials became available. Eventually, medical
devices like prostheses, surgical implants, and tissue scaffolds were not seen as uncommon to
be made using additive manufacturing. The review goes on to discuss recent advancements in
the field due to new bioprintable materials. While this article was only a small introduction to
the current state of 3D printing in biomedical applications, the full special issue goes on to cite
specific literature to highlight major events in the evolution of the field that led to its modern


Title of Article: Patterns of Technology Use and Relational Outcomes Among Emerging Adults
Author: Rachel Tegowski
Year: 2017

This dissertation on technology use and its effects on relationships focused on young, emerging
adults due to their developmental phase in relationships and high technology use. The
researcher set out to answer three fundamental questions concerning technology use and its
correlation with relationship attachment, jealousy, and relationship satisfaction. Data was
gathered from 614 participants in the area of East Carolina University, and the results showed
that overall relationship satisfaction could not be determined by the level of technology use.
However, technology use was found to be correlated to jealousy within the relationship which
can indirectly affect relationship satisfaction. In addition, more technology use was related to
attachment security, and attachment security was correlated to jealousy.

Name of Article: Razorback Football Funds to Support Classroom Debt

Author: Jim Watts
Journal/Newspaper, etc.: Bond Buyer (Newspaper)
Year (must be last five years): 2012

This newspaper article in the Bond Buyer is discussing an approved proposal that was intended
to allow the athletic department to fund $1.25 million for 30 years towards academic buildings.
This was to be in the form of lease revenue bonds, and would directly fund an 18 million dollar
project to build both laboratory space and classrooms. Any costs over the $18 million budget
was to be paid in reserve bonds or from the university. The building was intended to be up to
90,000 sq. ft., and construction was intended to start in 2013. The facility should have been
finished by 2015, and although the original budget was $18 million, the project could cost up to
$25 million.

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