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Tulburri de prostat i urinare Prostate and urinary disorders

Tulburrile de prostat sunt destul de frecvente

printre brbaii n vrst. Peste 90% dintre Prostate disorders are quite common among
acetia sufer de probleme precum prostatita, elderly men. Over 90% of them suffer from
mrirea prostatei i cancerul de prostat. such problems as prostatitis, prostate
Simptomele frecvente includ urinare frecvent, enlargement and prostate cancer. Common
urgent i incomplet, durere i umflturi la symptoms include frequent, urgent and
nivelul locului i zonei mari. Multe femei, incomplete urination, local and large-area pain
dup natere, sufer de incontinen urinar i and swelling. Many women, after childbirth,
uretrita. Tulburrile urinare att la brbai ct i suffer from urinary incontinence and urethritis.
la femei duc la vizite frecvente la toalet pe Urinary disorders in both men and women lead
timp de noapte. to frequent toilet visits at night.
Recomandarea noastr: Our recommendation:
Urmai recomandarea noastr pentru bolile Follow our recommendation for self healing
cronice de auto-vindecare. Concentrai-v mai chronic diseases. And focus more on slapping
mult pe lovirea prilor interioare ale the inner sides of the legs, the groins, the lower
picioarelor, a clciului, a abdomenului abdomen and the buttocks. When the condition
inferior i a feselor. Cnd starea se improves, gradually slap along the four limbs
mbuntete, tragei treptat de-a lungul celor to thoroughly detoxify.
patru membre pentru a detoxifica complet. Stretch 1-3 times a day, and gradually extend
ntindei 1-3 ori pe zi i extindei treptat durata the duration up to 30min per leg. Add sandbags
pn la 30 de minute pe picior. Adugai saci weighing 3-15kg on each leg.
de saci de 3-15 kg pe fiecare picior. We have had countless testimonials and
Am avut nenumrate mrturii i nregistrri ale records of patients with prostate disorders who
pacienilor cu tulburri de prostat care au have self healed with PaidaLajin. The most
auto-vindecat cu PaidaLajin. Cel mai critic caz critical case is an 86-year-old patient with
este un pacient de 86 de ani, cu cancer de advanced prostate cancer. He has been cured of
prostat avansat. El a fost vindecat de cancer, the cancer thanks to his daughters high-power
graie fiicei puternice a fiicei sale. Cteodat, slapping on him. Sometimes, she would slap
i ddea un picior timp de 4,5 ore. Dei one of his legs for 4.5 hours. Although the
pacientul a ipat din durere pe parcursul patient yelled out of pain during the entire
ntregului proces, rezultatul "torturii" este c process, the result of the torture is that the
cancerul este vindecat i multe alte boli sunt cancer is cured, and a lot of other diseases are
vindecate. also cured.

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