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What Will I Be? When I grow up, what will I be? Any ambition is fine with me. Will I be a teacher? I can help children to be leaders. Will I be an actress? I can become famous. Will I be a baker? I can bake cakes with eggs and butter. Will I be a pilot? This is my favourite. ia & Ask the pupils to name other sceupations. AB poge 5 Uistening and Speaking Listen and say. When I Grow Up aor | Iwant to be an astronaut | when I grow up. I want to be a chef when I grow up. What do you A want to be when you grow up? 13. Proctse this structure with the pupils. Include cthar ambitions. Ask the pupils to discuss their ambitions In groups ond give reasons for their choice, AB pages 52 and 5 68 Listening a Listen and do. Asyiela Putri binti Azhar is the voice actor for Malaysia’s most famous twins Upin and Ipin. Listen to the interview with Asuiela Putri. Reporter : Asyiela Asyiela Asyiela Reporter : Asyiela Reporter : Asyiela So eathaatate : Thank you. Good morning, Asyiela. : Good morning. Reporter : Is it fun being a voice actor? : Yes, itis. Reporter : How long have you been the voice actor for Upin and Ipin? : I’ve been the voice actor for Upin and Ipin since 2010. What do you want to be when you grow up? when I grow up. Oh, really? I wish you @ all the best. 13.Ho) Nake a recording ofthe interview. Ask Wh-Questions fo check understandi Ask fhe puplis fo ole: ploy the etenew, Find oul mote about voice aces orl Inform the pup 3 Say the sounds - ay, ou Say the words, The Sound Wave Find the Sounds Sound the letters in each word. Turn and Say Lg In The Sound Wove. use the Mesiean Wave to intioduce the phonemes /et/ foray and /at/ for ou 2A ie aise he sound card, The pupls say the comtesponding sound ene afte the other while rising and 212 lowering thei cards Tn Find the Sounds. the pupils find the corect graphemes to form the words-on the boord, The pupils he Reading Read aloud. - A Hot Day, A Stormy Night One hot day, Ray went to the bay, On his wau, Ray stopped to play. It was hot, he could not stay, He would return another day. One stormy night, Ray sat on the couch, It was dark, he saw black clouds. Thunder crashed, he was shocked, He shouted out loud, and fell off the couch. Guess the occupation. |. I deliver letters. | lomo Ga. 2. I fly aeroplanes. i lama 38. I cookin a hotel. lon c a. 4. I take care of people’s teeth. lon a. 5. I travel into space. lam on GD. ‘ 223 Read together. A Day In the Life of a Librarian My name is Miss Lily. I am a librarian. I work in a public library. Every day, I open the library at 10.00 a.m. I help library users to look for books. I also arrange books on the shelves. I take good care of the books in the library. When I am free, I read and answer e-mails. Sometimes I read stories to the children. I close the library at 5.00 p.m. Fill in the blanks based on the text. 2.3.1) & White reading. ask the pupils to identity the fasks ofc librarian, EME} People in the School Identify their workplace in the school. - librarian, teacher, clerk, guard ¢ Write sentences, for example: The headmaster is in the office. 322 2 ‘Ask the pupils to write the santences in their exercise books. Ses eeeesenoses Sing together. Egg Puppets |. Colour the pictures of the puppets. Cut out the pictures. 2. Paste the pictures on two empty eggshells. 3. Insert pencils into the eggshells. Your egg puppets are ready. ee ec ee ee ay What Will I Be When I Grow Up? What will I be when I grow up? T always wonder each night and day, Will I be a doctor? Will I be a soldier? T wonder day by day. Tra lala lala, whatever is there for me, That will be my destiny, Tra lala lala. The puppet template is in the AB on page 113. Use the egg puppets to pradisslthe structure on 44.20! page 8. Use the puppals ta sing the song wilh actions. Sing fo the tune of Que Sara Sara.

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