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28, 873878 (1997)

Raman Microspectroscopy of Some Iron Oxides

and Oxyhydroxides

D. L. A. de Faria,1* S. Vena ncio Silva2 and M. T. de Oliveira1

1 Laboratorio de Espectroscopia Molecular, Instituto de Qu mica, Universidade de Sa8 o Paulo, CP 26077, 05599-970 Sa8 o
Paulo, Brazil
2 Departamento de Engenharia Metalurgica e de Materiais, Escola Politecnica da Universidade de Sa8 o Paulo, 05599-970 Sa8 o
Paulo, Brazil

Hematite (a-Fe O ), magnetite (Fe O ), wu stite (FeO), maghemite (c-Fe O ), goethite (a-FeOOH), lepido-
2 3 3 4 2 3
crocite (c-FeOOH) and d-FeOOH were studied by Raman microscopy. Such compounds have already been studied
by Raman spectroscopy, but there are some disagreements in the reported data. Here, Raman microscopy was
employed to investigate the laser power dependence of the spectra of these oxides and oxyhydroxides. Low laser
power was used for the reference spectra in order to minimize the risks of spectral changes due to sample degrada-
tion. The results obtained show that increasing laser power causes the characteristic bands of hematite to show up
in the spectra of most of the compounds studied whereas the hematite spectrum undergoes band broadening and
band shifts. ( 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
J. Raman Spectrosc. 28, 873878 (1997)
No. of Figures : 7. No. of Tables : 2. No. of References : 35.

al.,6 who reported the Raman spectra of FeO, Fe O ,

a-Fe O , a-FeOOH and c-FeOOH. Hematite and mag-
2 3
netite were also studied by Hart et al.,7,8 who presented
The understanding of rusting mechanisms is of funda- a precise and complete assignment for the observed
mental importance in corrosion control and therefore it Raman spectrum ; orientation eects of a-Fe O single
2 3
crystals were investigated by Beattie and Gibson.9
is very important from both the technological and eco-
nomic points of view. Raman spectroscopy was also employed by Boucherit
Rust composition has been the subject of several et al.,10 Thierry et al.,11 and Nauer et al.,12 who aimed
investigations, mainly because it can provide insights to characterize corrosion processes in ironwater inter-
into corrosion mechanisms.1,2 X-ray diraction, IR faces. For the same purpose, Oblonsky and Devine13
absorption spectrometry and electrochemical methods used surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) to
are the techniques most often employed in such studies. study the nature of the passive lms formed on iron,
Oxides and oxyhydroxides, the main metal corrosion nickel, chromium and stainless steel in a borate buer.
products,3 strongly absorb infrared radiation but they All of these studies reported Raman spectra for some of
are usually poor light scatterers. This is probably the the iron compounds investigated here. In these studies,
reason for the larger number of studies on rust com- high laser power was employed (from 100 to 500 mW)
position using IR spectrometry compared with Raman and this could lead to sample degradation. In fact,
spectroscopy. Thibeau et al.6 found that the Raman spectrum of FeO
However, despite this drawback, Raman spectroscopy was very similar to that of Fe O and they interpreted
3 4under illumination.
presents at least two important advantages over IR this as due to FeO decomposition
spectroscopy : there is no need for sample preparation With the remarkable developments in Raman instru-
and the spectra of watermetal interfaces are easily and mentation, it is now possible to obtain good quality
quickly obtained.4 For example, some studies have spectra even from very poor light scatterers using a few
combined eletrochemistry and Raman spectroscopy to hundred micro watts or even less.
investigate in situ lms formed on metal surfaces in Some disagreements in the reported spectra of iron
corrosive aqueous environments (see, for example, Ref. oxides and oxyhydroxides motivated the present work,
5 and references cited therein). because reliable reference spectra are essential for the
The need for reference spectra for the most common correct use of the information obtained by Raman spec-
iron oxidation products inspired the work of Thibeau et troscopy in iron corrosion studies.
In this paper, we report investigations of the Raman
spectra of hematite (a-Fe O ), magnetite (Fe O ),
wustite (FeO), maghemite2 (c-
3 Fe O ), goethite3 (a-
* Correspondence to : D. L. A. de Faria. 2 3
Contract grant sponsor : FAPESP. FeOOH), lepidocrocite (c-FeOOH) and d-FeOOH in
Contract grant sponsor : CNPq. order to clarify the inuence of laser power on the
CCC 03770486/97/11087306 $17.50 Received 20 February 1997
( 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted 4 July 1997

Raman spectra. This is of particular importance because

of recent interest in the photochemical behavior of goe-
thite.14 The spectra were obtained directly from pow-
dered samples with very low laser power (ca. 0.7 mW),
minimizing the problems caused by sample handling.


The Raman equipment was a Renishaw Raman imaging

microscope15 (System 3000) consisting of a single
spectrograph (0.25 m focal length) containing a holo-
graphic grating (1800 grooves mm~1), an Olympus
metallurgical microscope and a Peltier-cooled CCD
detector (600 ] 400 pixels). The spectra were excited Figure 1. Raman spectra of (a) a-Fe O and (b) c-Fe O .
2 3 2 3
with 632.8 nm radiation from a 35 mW air-cooled
HeNe laser (Spectra Physics, Model 127) and the laser
beam was focused on the sample by a ]80 lens to give hematite, there is a consensus on the reported
a spot size of ca. 1 lm ; the resolution was better than 2 data.6,8,9,19
cm~1. The laser power was always kept below 0.7 mW Hematite belongs to the D6 crystal space group and
at the sample, to avoid sample degradation, except in 3d
seven phonon lines are expected in the Raman spec-
the laser power dependence experiments. After each trum,20 namely two A modes (225 and 498 cm~1) and
spectrum had been recorded, a careful visual inspection 1g 299, 412 and 613 cm~1). In
ve E modes (247, 293,
was performed using white light illumination on the g
previous work,8,9 the 293 and 299 cm~1 bands were
microscope stage in order to detect any change that
could have been caused by the laser.
All the samples were studied on a microscope slide as
prepared or received and their compositions were
checked by x-ray diraction. The diractograms were
obtained with a Philips Model PW 1710-based instru-
ment, tted with a Cu tube (40 kV and 40 mA).
The samples were obtained from the following
sources : a-Fe O , mineral (Minas Gerais, Brazil) and
commercial 2product
(Labormax) ; Fe O , mineral
3 4 from the
(Minas Gerais, Brazil) ; c-Fe O , donation
2 3
Institute of Physics, University of Sa8 o Paulo ; FeO, kind
gift from Cyro Tanabe (Escola Politecnica, USP) ; a-
FeOOH, mineral (Minas Gerais, Brazil) and prepared
according to the literature ;16 c-FeOOH, synthesized
according to the literature ;17 and d-FeOOH, synthe-
sized according to the literature.18
The eect of temperature on the Raman spectrum of
magnetite was investigated using a TS 1500 temperature Figure 2. Raman spectra of (a) a-FeOOH, (b) c-FeOOH and (c)
stage (Linkam Scientic Instruments), coupled to a d-FeOOH.
TMS92 temperature control unit (Linkam) and a PS
1500 power unit (Linkam).
The acquisition time ranged from 10 s in the most
favorable cases (hematite and goethite) to 5 min in the
worse cases (wustite and magnetite).
Data analysis was performed using the Grams386
package (Galactica) and, in all the curve ttings per-
formed, a Lorentzian lineshape was assumed.


The Raman spectra of iron oxides and oxyhydroxides

are shown in Figs 13. As mentioned before, the laser
power was set to avoid degradation of the sample,
which was checked through successive scans.
Among the iron compounds cited here, the most Figure 3. Raman spectra of (a) Fe O and (b) FeO (asterisk indi-
3 4
studied are hematite and magnetite. In the case of cates artifacts).

( 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc., Vol. 28, 873878 (1997)

only resolved at 100 K or less. However, Fig. 1(a) Some of the Fe O peak positions that have been
3 4
reports the Raman spectrum of hematite in the 100 reported7,23,24 are suspiciously close to the values
1800 cm~1 range at room temperature and the 299 expected for hematite. Thibeau et al.6 reported the
cm~1 band can be observed as a shoulder of the much Raman spectrum of a mixture of 90% Fe O and 10%
stronger 293 cm~1 peak. a-Fe O by weight and the coincidence of 3this4 spectrum
2 3
Several samples from dierent sources (natural and with that reported by Dunnwald and Otto24 is evident.
synthetic hematite) were studied and gave similar results Furthermore, the peak at 1322 cm~1, assigned to a
except for changes in relative intensities that occurred hematite two-magnon scattering, is not a feature
when natural samples were studied. This can be expected in a magnetite spectrum, reinforcing the
explained by considering that such samples are much assumption that hematite is present as a contaminant in
more crystalline than the synthetic one (available as a the above-mentioned studies.
ne powder) and consequently much more sensitive to Figure 3(a) depicts the Raman spectra of a freshly
sample orientation, owing to the band polarization fractured Fe O crystal face at room temperature. As
3 4
behavior.9 mentioned before, only the bands at 300, 532 and 661
Hematite is an antiferromagnetic material21 and the cm~1 are observed despite the very reasonable signal-
collective spin movement can be excited in what is to-noise ratio. However, as shown in Fig. 4, the laser
called a magnon. The intense feature at 1320 cm~1 is power has a clear eect on the sample. The spectrum
assigned to a two-magnon scattering which arises from recorded with 0.7 mW shows the behavior discussed
the interaction of two magnons created on antiparallel above, but when the laser power is raised to 7 mW new
close spin sites.8 bands show up. Comparison with Fig. 1 leads to the
Raising the laser power to 7 mW (at the sample) conclusion that hematite is being formed at higher laser
causes the bands to broaden and to undergo a small power. Moreover, the spectral changes are irreversible,
shift to lower wavenumbers, as shown in Table 1. Peak as shown in Fig. 4(c), and clearly dependent on the
positions and widths were obtained from curve tting surface morphology. If a at portion of the crystal with
using Lorentzian band shapes. no apparent defects is irradiated, the changes are not
The large increase in bandwidth shown in Table 1 observed (Fig. 5).
probably arises from local heating due to the relatively Transformation of magnetite into hematite is a very
high laser power, which enhances anharmonic inter- common phenomenon in nature and is called martitiza-
actions. Actually, at low temperatures (77 K) the a- tion.25 The dependence of hematite formation on the
Fe O bandwidths decreases and the band positions Fe O morphology is also observed for maghemite
2 slightly
3 3 4 is transformed into hematite when powdered in
shift to higher wavenumbers, as rst noticed by which
Beattie and Gibson.9 This behavior seems to be fully preparation for x-ray studies.26
reversible, as turning down the laser power causes the
bandwidth to decrease.
Magnetite has a spinel structure (O 7) above 119 K,22
h T , one E and
giving rise to ve Raman bands : three
one A . Table 2 summarizes the peaks2g reported
g for
Fe O by several workers and, in contrast to hematite,
3 4are some disagreements.

Table 1. Wavenumbers (m8 ) and full widths at half maximum

(FWHM) for hematite as a function of laser power
0.7 mW 7 mW

l8/cm1 FWHM/cm1 l8/cm1 FWHM/cm1

226.7 4.8 219.6 10.2
245.7 6.0 236.5 22.0
292.5 7.1 282.7 20.0
299.3 8.5 295.2 17.3
410.9 11.6 395.9 29.3
497.1 21.2 492.3 51.9 Figure 4. Raman spectrum of magnetite : effect of laser power.
611.9 14.4 596.0 38.9 (a) 0.7 mW ; (b) 7 mW ; (c) same spot as in (b) but with 0.7 mW ;
(d) 0.7 mW after exposure to a flame.

Table 2. Wavenumbers (m8 ) for magnetite according to dierent workers

l8/cm1 l8/cm1 l8/cm1 l8/cm1 l8/cm1 l8/cm1 l8/cm1
(Ref. 6) (Ref. 10) (Ref. 7) (Ref. 23) (Ref. 24) (Ref. 19) (Ref. 11) l8 (this work)

298 300 (77 K) 298 301.6

320 320 (77 K) 319
420 420 (77 K) 418
550 550 560 (77 K) 550 540 550 533.6
663 670 676 680 (77 K) 676 665 670 662.7

( 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc., Vol. 28, 873878 (1997)

weaker than the two-magnon process.28 Hart et al.7

found a very weak feature at 472 cm~1 and assigned it
to magnon scattering, in agreement with neutron data,
which predict the optical magnon at 468 ^ 8 cm~1.29
Wustite is a non-stoichiometric compound with an
approximate composition ranging from Fe O to
Fe O.30 Above 198 K its crystal structure is cubic
and below this temperature it is rhombohedral.
Thibeau et al.6 reported the Raman spectrum of
wustite from ca. 450 to 650 cm~1. They assigned the
observed peaks at 616 and 663 cm~1 to magnetite
which originated from sample decomposition owing to
the use of a relatively intense laser excitation. Figure 3
shows both the Fe O and FeO Raman spectra ; the
3 4
FeO spectrum was taken with 0.7 mW laser power but
the laser was defocused to decrease the possibility of
Figure 5. Raman spectrum of magnetite : effect of laser power. decomposition. It is clear that these spectra are not
(a) Flat surface, 0.7 mW ; (b) flat surface, 7 mW.
equivalent as the bands at ca. 300 and ca. 535 cm~1
observed in the magnetite spectrum are not present in
A crystal of magnetite (natural sample) was heated in the wustite spectrum. The peak at 663 cm~1 (magnetite)
a ame to compare the eects of irradiation and shifts to ca. 652 cm~1 and appears signicantly
heating ; the observed spectrum shown in Fig. 4(c) is broadened, probably because of the contributions from
similar to that of hematite, indicating that the eects are non-equivalent sites in the wustite structure.
equivalent. Wustite is metastable below 570 C and its decompo-
Using a temperature stage, it was possible to measure sition leads to a-Fe and Fe O .31,32 Figure 7 shows the
the spectral changes in the magnetite spectrum when 3 wu
4 stite spectrum ; Fig. 7(a)
eects of laser power on the
the temperature was raised to 300 C, as shown in clearly shows the characteristic peaks of hematite. It is
Fig. 6. reasonable to assume that the Fe O formed during the
Figure 6(c) (spectrum taken at 200 C) clearly shows 3 4 in to a-Fe O .
spectrum excitation was transformed
Maghemite (c-Fe O ) has an inverse spinel 2structure
the maghemite bands [c-Fe O , Fig. 1(b)], while in Fig. 3
6(d) (spectrum obtained at 23003 C) characteristic hema- 2 3
and can be seen as an iron-decient form of magnetite,
tite peaks can be readily observed. with structural formula Fe3` K O2~, where K
Magnetite is known to undergo the following phase 21.33 2.67 32 sites.33 There
means 2.67 vacancies in octahedral spinel
transitions with temperature increase :27 are no signicant discrepancies between the Raman
200 ]C 400 ]C band positions reported for maghemite10,19 and the
Fe O c [ Fe O aFe O present work.
3 4 2 3 2 3
In contrast to hematite and magnetite, the maghemite
The temperature in the ame is higher than 400 C but bands are not well dened and the resolution seems to
this is probably not the case under laser irradiation depend on sample preparation because it is directly
even with higher laser power or during grinding. This related to the degree of crystallinity of the material.
reinforces the dependence of such structural changes on Nevertheless, the Raman spectrum of maghemite can be
the surface morphology. characterized by three broad structures around 350, 500
Magnetite belongs to the D@ magnetic group, which and 700 cm~1, not present in any other spectrum of
4h in this case the assign-
predicts a one-magnon band, but iron oxide or oxyhydroxide reported here.
ment is not as straightforward as in the hematite case, Despite the similar structural formulae of the oxyhy-
mainly because one-magnon scattering is usually much droxides a-FeOOH (goethite), c-FeOOH (lepidocrocite)

Figure 6. Raman spectrum of magnetite : temperature depen- Figure 7. Raman spectra of wu stite : effect of laser power. (a) 7
dence. (a) Room temperature ; (b) 150 C ; (c) 200 C ; (d) 300 C. mW (acquisition time 3 s) ; (b) 0.7 mW (acquisition time 5 min).

( 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Raman Spectrosc., Vol. 28, 873878 (1997)

and d-FeOOH, their Raman spectra show substantially The investigation of the eect of the laser power on
distinct features, as has been reported extensively in the the Raman spectra of some of these compounds
literature. revealed that sample degradation frequently occurs
Despite small dierences in peak positions (^5 under intense sample illumination and may lead to the
cm~1), there is good agreement in the reported spectra misinterpretation of spectra.
of goethite6,11,12,19 with bands at 243, 299, 385, 479, Some of the reported bands of magnetite are suspi-
550, 685 and 993 cm~1 (this work). Additional peaks at ciously close to those of hematite and hematite forma-
1120 and 1255 cm~1 have also been reported24 but they tion was proved here to be a consequence of the use of
are not present in the spectrum shown here [Fig. 2(a)]. high laser intensity. A comparison of light and heating
Comparison of the spectrum reported in Ref. 24 with eects on magnetite was also made and its transform-
those in Ref. 12 and in Fig. 2(a) suggests that the former ation into maghemite and hematite with temperature
may contain a contaminant species, probably lepido- increase was followed by Raman spectroscopy. It was
crocite ; the possibility of sample decomposition due to possible to show that the Raman spectra of Fe O and
3 4
intense laser excitation can be ruled out because hema- c-Fe O are clearly distinct, in contrast to the statement
tite bands (the product of goethite dehydration) are not 2 3
by Oblonsky and Devine.13 It was also shown that the
present in the spectrum. Raman spectra of Fe O and FeO are not identical but
The Raman spectrum of lepidocrocite (c-FeOOH) has 3 4
exhibit clear, albeit small, dierences in the main peak
also been extensively investigated and there is a con- positions.
sensus on the most important peaks :6,11,12,19,24 245, The sensitivity to laser power seems to depend on the
373, 493 (shoulder), 522, 650 (shoulder), 719 and 1303 surface morphology, at least in the case of magnetite
cm~1 (this work). The broad peak at 719 cm~1 has not where rough and at surfaces are available ; at surfaces
been reported before and it could arise from a small were signicantly stable even under high power excita-
amount of maghemite formed during the synthesis of tion and, similarly to hematite, just undergo a small
the compound. In contrast to goethite, lepidocrocite band shift to lower wavenumber. Whether this behavior
dehydration leads to maghemite and because the can be extended to the other compounds was not inves-
surface stability relative to the laser power depends on tigated because, apart from hematite and magnetite, all
its morphology, as discussed in the magnetite case, the the other compounds were ne powders.
possibility of laser damage to the sample cannot be dis- It was suggested that the c-FeOOH spectrum could
regarded, despite the low laser power employed here. be characterized by a band at 1322 cm~1 but the c-
Finally, the Raman spectrum of d-FeOOH10,12,34 Fe O , a-Fe O and d-FeOOH spectra exhibit a broad
shows broad bands, due to the low degree of crys- 2 3at about2 3the same position. Furthermore, Bou-
tallinity ; the peak positions are 400 and 680 cm~1 (this cherit et al.10 proposed that the broadness and shape of
work). Keiser et al.35 reported a weak band also at 296 the peak in the 650700 cm~1 region should be used as
cm~1, and this can be seen as a shoulder on the broad criteria to dierentiate the components of rust lms
main peak at 400 cm~1 in Fig. 2(c) ; two other broad formed on iron electrodes because, except for hematite,
bands at 1160 and 1314 cm~1 (not reported before) goethite and lepidocrocite, all the other iron com-
show up in the d-FeOOH spectrum. pounds present their main peak around 650 cm~1.
Under high laser power, all the oxyhydroxides inves- However, in this work, it was shown that the c-Fe O ,
2 3
tigated here show the characteristic peaks of hematite, Fe O and d-FeOOH Raman spectra are clearly distin-
3 4
the power threshold being dependent on the surface guishable and thus the suggestion of Boucherit et al.10
morphology. should be followed only when the experimental condi-
tions do not allow good quality data to be outlined.


Rust composition studies using Raman spectroscopy The authors are deeply indebted to FAPESP and CNP for nancial
q of some of
support, to Simone C. Diniz for her help in the preparation
usually demand a high laser power for the excitation of the iron compounds and to Gabriela C. Fronzaglia for the x-ray dif-
the spectra because some of the most common iron fractograms. S.V.S. expresses his gratitude to FAPESP for an MSc
oxides and oxyhydroxides are poor light scatters. fellowship and M.T.O. thanks CNP for an undergraduate fellowship.


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