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How Much Can We Perceive with Sixth Sense

(Psychic) Abilities?
Quite often, we come across pictures or photographs on the Internet that have captured images of ghosts. These
photographs provide a blurred glimpse into paranormal activity around us. The truth is that we are almost all the
time impacted by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) whether we are aware of it or not. In some cases,
the impact might be quite dramatic such as a possessed person behaving in a violent manner or an experience of
being sexually assaulted at night by an unseen entity. In other cases, ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies,
etc.) create problems in our lives in a very subtle manner such as financial or marital problems.

The capturing of paranormal activity on film or the ability to see an out-of-focus face of a ghost is just the tip of
the iceberg in the understanding of the subtle-dimension. In short, it is a very superficial level of understanding,
about the activity of ghosts. As our sixth sense (subtle perception ability) develops we begin to understand and
perceive this activity in more detail along with why it is happening.

Let us examine the various progressively deeper levels of sixth sense (subtle-perception or psychic ability) with
regard to this paranormal world of ghosts.

Level 1: At this level, we are able to perceive through our psychic abilities the gross impact of the ghosts
(demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) this could be in the form of an understanding of the subtle
causation of a specific problem like marital disharmony or a scratch on skin or wall without apparent cause
etc to be due to ghosts. For the purposes of understanding the relative difference between the various
levels, let us consider the ability to perceive at this level as 1 unit. The various types of images of ghosts
captured on photographic film would fall in between level 1 and 2.
Level 2: At this level we are able to perceive the superficial or gross details of the subtle form of the
ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). For example, we can see what the ghost looks like in
detail. Compared to level 1, the relative sixth sense ability one would need to perceive this, would be
equivalent to 1000 units.

Level 3: Here we are able to perceive the details of the mind of a ghost (demon, devil, negative energy,
etc.) i.e. the feelings and emotions of the ghost. For example, we may perceive that the ghost is looking
angrily at the affected person. The added sixth sense ability needed to perceive this would be equivalent
to 100,000 units as compared to level one.
Level 4: At an even higher level, we are able to perceive the details of the intellect of the ghost (demon,
devil, negative energy, etc.) like for example, the ghost is attacking the person with a specific subtle-
weapon. To perceive this much through our psychic abilities would be equivalent to 10 million units as
compared to level one.

Level 5: Understanding the reason for the specific act of the ghost. This ability would be equivalent to 1
billion units.
Level 6: Perceiving the superior ghost or subtle-sorcerer (mntrik) that has ordered the lower level ghost
to attack the affected person and the still superior subtle-sorcerer who has ordered the superior ghost and
who provides the black energy necessary for this distress giving process. This ability would be equivalent
to infinity. Only God or He (at the highest spiritual level) who has merged with God can know such details.

The diagram below shows the various levels of perception that one can have and the relative sixth sense ability
we need to have to perceive it.
From the diagram above we will realise that that there are many levels of perception about an attack by ghosts.
In order to perceive the various different levels of causative factors, we need exponentially increasing sixth sense
or psychic abilities.

Some seekers doing spiritual practice under guidance of the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF), have
such an activated sixth sense and can perceive and report the following details about ghosts and their activities.
1. The type of ghost (demon, devils, negative energy, etc.) whether robot/puppet like common ghost and
their number (how many ghosts are involved in that particular attack).
2. The subtle-region that the attacking ghosts belong to.
3. The quantity (percentage) of black energy used by the ghost (demon, devils, negative energy, etc.)
4. The actual particular act of attack/affliction.
5. Objective of attack.
6. Mechanism of action of the attack:
A. Use of the five Absolute Cosmic Principles (Panchatattva) and their proportion
B. Use of subtle occult science, mantras, etc
C. Use of various elements of black energy like subtle skulls, vertebrae, etc.
D. Actual act of attack and its salient features
7. Whether they are aided by other ghosts in attacking the affected person.
8. Gross and subtle effects of the subtle-attack.
9. Decrease in black energy of ghosts.

When many seekers, unknown to each other are asked to take a subtle reading of a single event, their readings
come uniform across all the various variables as discussed above.

Only when we know the details of the attack and the attacking ghost, can we plan effective measures against
them, like fight or flight.

Through spiritual practice our sixth sense begins to get awakened. Through this sixth sense we are able to perceive
the spiritual dimension.

What do we have the ability to perceive when our sixth sense begins to develop?
The following is the order which our ability to perceive frequencies/vibrations from the spiritual dimension is

The first vibrations and frequencies we are able to perceive from the spiritual dimension are the
frequencies of negative vibrations. This is because the vibrations of the lowest level ghosts are the most
gross and therefore the easiest to perceive via our sixth sense. For perceiving frequencies of higher level
ghosts of course we would need highly advanced sixth sense.
The next stage of frequencies are from the positive side:
o On the positive side the first level of frequencies we are able to perceive are of Divine Energy
o After perceiving Divine Energy frequencies one is able to perceive frequencies of spiritual
emotion (bhv).
o The next in the hierarchy of positive frequencies are frequencies of Divine consciousness
o The fourth subtle most frequencies are those of Bliss (nand).
o The most subtle-frequencies in the spiritual realm are those of Serenity (Shnti) and they are a
quality of the Supreme God principle.

With regard to Saints; they emit positive frequencies depending on their spiritual level. The following shows what
frequencies they will emit.

Saint at 70% : Divine Energy

Saint at 80% : Bliss
Saint at 90% : Serenity

The average psychic (at the 30-35% spiritual level) only has the ability to perceive vibrations emitted by inferior
ghosts such as the common ghost (bht). They mostly cannot perceive any part of the positive realm. In most
cases, the positive energies that they perceive are in fact negative energies (ghosts, devils, demons etc.) posing as
positive energies. It is impossible for the average psychic to perceive vibrations of Saints.

Through spiritual practice our sixth sense begins to get awakened. Through this sixth sense we are able to perceive
the spiritual dimension.

What do we have the ability to perceive when our sixth sense begins to develop?

The following is the order which our ability to perceive frequencies/vibrations from the spiritual dimension is

The first vibrations and frequencies we are able to perceive from the spiritual dimension are the
frequencies of negative vibrations. This is because the vibrations of the lowest level ghosts are the most
gross and therefore the easiest to perceive via our sixth sense. For perceiving frequencies of higher level
ghosts of course we would need highly advanced sixth sense.
The next stage of frequencies are from the positive side:
o On the positive side the first level of frequencies we are able to perceive are of Divine Energy
o After perceiving Divine Energy frequencies one is able to perceive frequencies of spiritual
emotion (bhv).
o The next in the hierarchy of positive frequencies are frequencies of Divine consciousness
o The fourth subtle most frequencies are those of Bliss (nand).
o The most subtle-frequencies in the spiritual realm are those of Serenity (Shnti) and they are a
quality of the Supreme God principle.

With regard to Saints; they emit positive frequencies depending on their spiritual level. The following shows what
frequencies they will emit.

Saint at 70% : Divine Energy

Saint at 80% : Bliss
Saint at 90% : Serenity

The average psychic (at the 30-35% spiritual level) only has the ability to perceive vibrations emitted by inferior
ghosts such as the common ghost (bht). They mostly cannot perceive any part of the positive realm. In most
cases, the positive energies that they perceive are in fact negative energies (ghosts, devils, demons etc.) posing as
positive energies. It is impossible for the average psychic to perceive vibrations of Saints.

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