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CFD Exercise 2

Heat transfer problem with COMSOL

A kettle filled with cold water is being heated. Calculate heat transfer
and natural convection flow patterns during heating.

Only main steps are here shown. Please refer to the previous exercise
for more detailed info, or separate Comsol tutorial Free Convection in
a Water Glass for details of similar set-ups.
Setup of a simulation with COMSOL
Steps to follow:

Model wizard: 2D rotational symmetry, non-isothermal laminar flow,

time-dependent solution
Parameters input, you can either use Global definitions to give values
to symbols, or insert parameter numerical values directly to the fields.
Construction of the geometry. You can select rectangle with radius and
height typical for a kettle.
Selection of the materials. Right-click materials -> add material, select
water and click add to a component. Built-in properties can be seen.
Setup of a simulation with COMSOL
Setup of boundary conditions and initial conditions. Set top boundary
(surface) to slip wall. The others may remain as no-slip. Go to laminar
flow, physical model and click Include gravity. Since the system is
closed, pressure should be defined at some point. Select Physics
toolbar, click Points and choose Pressure Point Constraint. Select one
point, e.g. the upper right corner of the simulated region.
Set temperature boundary condition for the bottom, e.g. 150 oC. Set
Heat flux boundary condition for the outer wall. Select convective heat
flux, external natural convection, wall height to the given kettle height.
For top surface, set heat flux similarly but with appropriate geometry.
Generation the computational grid. Select fine.
Setup of a simulation with COMSOL
Calculation of the solution. Go to Study 1, time dependent. Set Times
to a range (0,0.5,200), i.e. 200 s of total simulation time with reports
twice every second. Click Compute. The simulation will run for
several minutes, so you can answer to some of the questions during
Analysis of the results. Add 2D plot group to results, re-name it to
Temperature 2D. Right-click it and add Surface. Go to Expression, and
click Replace expression (two small triangles next to the title)
Select manually the color scales to remain from 293.15 to 423.15 K
Go to Export, right-click Animation. Set 4 frames per second. Click
Layout, and select Include Color legend (only). Export the movie in a
suitable format to some suitable folder. Open the movie and follow
heating of the water.
Questions (set up the simulation and answer
while it is running)
What does non-isothermal laminar flow add to the model?
How pressure in the fluid is specified?
How gravity and buoyant force is taken into account? How does this
term appear in the momentum balance equation (ACC, IN, OUT or
Why liquid surface is specified as slip wall?
How heat transfer through the kettle wall was modeled? Why the
selected approach was used, and could it be done differently?
Is the surface boundary condition for heat flow realistic? What else
should be considered?

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