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Unt sumxrmery
Sports activitiest dance, dive, tce-skote,
lump high, ploy basketball, nde a hr.trse,
. nrA, ,i .tt.t..N-
Sports verbs: hit, ktck, pass, throw,
touch, walk

2 Usaln BoLt
can (affirmative, negative,
questions, short answers)

Reading: An arti. e about an

lnternational srng ng star; proh es
. t'- ,o o U
acde N/l er
ski Listening: Listen nq tc a teenger
descr birg wht sorecne ca do
Speaking: Ta kinq about abilities;
pronu.lation oi cr:tt (. ..:.' and r' )
t.lick Fanning
urf Writing: Wr['inq about your triends'
nd \our bi lties; and ad but

1 0 loqun Corts

Values and topics

7 Tom Daley Sports
di:r"p....... ff wt i.t' of the sports actvites are in the
Olympic Games? Complete the chart with the Work
verbs in exercise 1. Citizenship
Vocabulary Summer Wnter Not n the Respecting other people's abilities .
Olvmoics Olvmoics Olvmnics
ports actlvitles Recognizing other peoplet talent
run fast i gwimt ice-skatei surl;
ff { uu.t ttr. nhotos with the words below. jumphigh;nde 5ki daace
Then lsten, check, and repeat. a horae', dive:
play baeketball
dance d ve ce-skte jump h gh
p ay bsketba I r de a lorse run 1st
skr surf svr m fvfi." an activity from exercise 1. can the
class guess the verb?


lntroducing the topic BIanka VlaSi (born November B'h, 1983) is 2 Vocabulary practice
a Croatian athlete. . Look at the chart.
Mick Fanning (born lune 13th, 198l) is an . StuoeTs classi'y the sporls ac.:viLies in
Vocabulary Australian surfer.
erercise I :" Lhe charl.
Tom Daley (born May 21't,1994) is a
Aim . Check answers.
British diver.
Present and practice sports activities
Erika de Souza (born March 3'd, 1982) is a
3 Personalization; practice sports
Brazilian basketba player,
Warm-up activities
Michael Phelps (born June 30th, 1985) is
Look at the photos. AskDoyou know any of . Choose an activity from exercise 1.
an American swimmer.
the people? What are they famous for? (see
Joaqun Corts (born February )2d,1969) . Mime the activity to the class.They
Ba ckg rou n d i nfo r m atio n belaw) guess the activity.
is a Spanish dancer.

1 Presentation of vocabulary set: ! rxtend yourvocabulary

Bode Miller (born October 12t\, 1977) is a ]
sports activities @2.2 cook draw or;ve p ay rne g;ita'
mle American skier. I

Usain Bolt (born August 21'r, 1986) is a

. Lookatphotos 1 l0andtheverbs in I sirq
- spea"
I rench

the box. lSokboak paqew32

JaTna can aLhlete.
Mao Asada (born September 25, 1990) is . Label the photos wth the verbs.
t***" __-_*--_*-**-l
a Japanese figure skater. . Play the CD, Listen, check, and repeat. Further pradce
! Werkb+ok
Ellen Whitaker (born March 5'h, 1986) is a ! paseW32

British horse rider. I rar+ttieem

Exploring the topic

Read and understand a text about things
young people can do
Present can for aility (affirmative,
negative, questions, and short answers)
Review cou"rL'ies ard sporLs acLivi. es

Ask students one or two questions about
things they can do, e.g. Can you dive? Can
you surf? Can you ice skate?, etc.

1 Matching (firstreading) @23

. Read and listen to the article.
. Match the photos with the names.
. Check answers.

2 Detailed comprehension task

(second reading)
. Read the text again. Check (/) or put a
cross (X) by the questions.
. Check answeTS.

3 Detailed comprehension task

(third reading)
. Read the text again and fill in the b anks
wlth the correct name. lf l neaa and lsten to the artcle.
Match the photos with the names.
. Check answers. t ?-a?)g,,.. ..._

z @ry
Extra activity (stronger classes) t Aqa
[l nead again. Fill in the blanks with Mala,
Extension work on text; dictatlon
B Read again. Check (/) or put an X (f) by the Pablo, or Antony.
. Choose a paragraph from the iext and questions. 1 ?ablo l Antoy can speak
use it as a dictation passage. 1 surfz
can Antony I other languages.
2 Can Pablo runfast? @ 2 Mam 's favorite sport is suding.
Extra activity (all classes) 3 Can Pablo and Antony speak English? @ 3 f-4Llo is from south Amerlca.
Review and extension of countries and 4 Can l\ara surf every day? A q M9!1"-- isn't happy in the ocean.

nationalities vocabulary 5 Can Pablo jump high? A s YafP is happy on vacation.

. 6 can N/ara dncel @ 6 Man and Antony are dancm

Give students the following countries
and nationa ities from the text (or
ask them to find them): Switzeiland;
Argenti n a; 5pa n ish; Germ a n; Eng Ii sh;
South Africa, French.
. Students give you the country or
nationality for each word.
4 Controlled practice of con
1-)' 1.: ,.'
" '.L *r/ ; (questions); review of sports
Grammar Look at the chart. . Look t ihe .rb ltir chrts fcr NlcI ar]
can Eva ncl 5-r.
Questons and short answers
Talking about ability
Can l s\eim ? Yes, I can. / []0, can't o Vr/rlte qLrestions us ng C;ir b,e 1 thelt ..

@ took at the chart. run lastl Yes, yo! can. i Nc, ylu (an't cl the r.,erbs in tie cl.:rt.

Affirmative Can he I she,' it daf(e?

Yes, he l she, i can.1 . f heck rsv!'ers.
can fun fast can't run fast
Can we surf? les, [e can. ] l.lo, [e can't 5 Controlled practice of can (short
|o! can sw 0. '/o! can't:r m
Can vo! ski? Yes, yo! can. i l'lo, lou can't answers)
ile I 5re i lt high it
can lunp

Can0r <
He i She can't iump hiqh
Can they dlve? Ye5, the! can. i []0, ihe! can't . I ook at the b; ty charts again.

Yor can sk. You can't s[ .

ffi write questions about Nick, Eva, and Sam.
. Write the answers to the questrons in
exercise 4.
ihev can rce-skate. ihey can't ice skte.
Ni(k (/)
carr can't ()
. Check answers.
* Look at the pictures. Write sentences.
ssrf ]IiJfi,m PAGE 87
,;; i;;i
-,# .
ski c-":kre x
Fast finishers can do Puzzle 5A on
ewjlr page 87.
1 Can Nick ?

2 94\ he 9uff flllillfiI|


v )t
3 C41h9y14fa91
Green: My friends can't ski.
( Red: My teacher can dance.
i '-1t::tulit
Blue: I can't play soccer.
tir high
, x
#w*r tc* ym*a!

4 q41 Eva and Sam icelok4te ? 5 Personalization; oral practice

5 9?!. they{fv.g .1 of can (affirmative, negative,
6 Clyt-he;y-jyqp.l.igh ?
question, and short answer
writ" unr*"rs to the questions in exercise 4. forms); review of sports activities
1 Y9o,\e9pn 4 Yes,lhey can . ln palrs or small groups, take turns
2 Yeg,he can 5 No,theycant to ask and answeTs questions using
3 N9.hg94t 6 Y9s?rley c?! Can you ...?

. Write your partner's answers.
87' Puzzte
. tel the class about
Take turns to
@ jump hish
what your partner can / can't do.
1 He can't Pki
2 She can icelskatg with can you ...?
I Ask and answer in class
Extra activity (all classes)
3 They caadance I StudentA: Can vou dance?
4 thgaanltyyq!42t Student B: Yes, I (an, / No, I can't. Extra practice can (questions)
5 lhey ca;n'lride 4horge I Tell the class about student B.
Nico can dance. He cn'r ski.
. Students choose a different ability, e.g.
6 He canlum;phig-h I play soccer, jump high, etc.
. Students walk around the c ass and ask
other students Can you... /Tell students
to make a note of the answers.
. Give each student a large strip of
#rm*xrerer 2 Controlled practice of can paper and teL them to write down the
(affirmative and negative); review
number of students in the class who
Aims of sports activities can do the activity in a sentence, e.g.
Present and practice can for ability . r d ". Thirteen students can rtde a horse.
(affirmative, negative, questions, and short tc aes.
. Stick a piece of paper on the qvall with
a nswers) . Check slrers. the tit e "ln our class ..."
Review sports activities
. Te studentsto sticktheirsentences
Talk about abi ity 3 Grammar charli can (questions
below the tit e to produce a poster of
and short answers)
al the abiiities in the class
1 Grammar chart: cdn (affirmative . Look at t lre .hart.
and negative) Furtherpractice
I Workfoook
. Look at the chart. Note: I paqew:t
o\i I r*utti*+n
Note: swapping the subject pronouns and !
, can is called a modal verb and has can.We do not use an auxiliary verb l
the same form for al persons with can, e.g. da / does. ]

ramrla ref*rexee nas+W31

JL Sramgar refere'(c pag+Wil
Building the topic

rq* 1

Present and practice sports verbs

Model affirmative and negative
L;3 "i& q*

Elicit / Present the verbs hit, kick, pass,
and throw.Then elicit the sporfs baseball,
basketball, soccer, aad tennis. Ask students
to match the verbs with the sports.
I UfJ,
baseball:throw, hit
<accer kick n:<c thro\^r ?ffiro

1 Presentation of vocabulary set:

sports verbs @ 2.4
. Look at the photos nd the ',,erbs n ihe
*; .r Match the photos with the verbs below.
o \4/rlte the number'of the photos nert to Then listen, check, and repeat. ffi
the ,rerbs ln tle bor.
. L st.., check, and
ht kck pss

throw ' touch wa k -

2 Vocabulary practice: exposure
to affirmative and negative ;:i . Put the letters n the correct orden

imperatives @ 2 5
Complete the coach's instructons. Then
listen and check.
. Look t the p .tLrr..s ad the iurb ..d
I ;Lr i

. 6\ fastl Don't
Llscramb e the ietters ad coro/ete gC@ Run

walk r
the ba ll
the coaci'r's rnstructlons. E: ' ,i\
. Y
Play the CD Llsten and check.

Extra activity (weaker classes)

Extra pract ce: sports rrerbs
4 saos .*
f -^ Don't hit
6 otcuh tf
. f hoose a sports ,,,erb fron exercise I .
the bal I
-^ \
the coachl the ba li
. *.(l}7 \
/Vlme lt to the clss. Studets quess tIe *\.:
rre rb.

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Review d exteslon of srorts rerbs
. Look t the rrerbs in erercise '1 aqain
and mak.. ist of other sports thev are
used in.
o lo n oo .o,( o oeo

Extend your vocabulary

Ctch the b I Dive into the r,rrterl
Don't drop the ba I Don't fa I overL
Stad r-rpl

It,Further Dract(e
I !i';L^.',li paqeWS4 l

I ati.;:i;::+":

Extra activity (all classes)
Fun and games Practice ol imperatives (affirmative and
negative); game
Grammar q look at the signs. Write the instruction. [Jse . Give instructions with c assroom
lmperatlves the affirmative or negative.
language for students to follow. Explain
Giving instructions that il you say "The teacher says" before
the rmperatlve, students must fo low
O Lookatthechart.
the instruction, if you don't say"The
Affrmative Negative teacher says"then students don't
Run ! Don't run! lo low it, e.9.1:The teacher says, Stand
Pass the balll Don't pass the be I L

upl (students stand up); T: Don't talkl

(students can talk but stay standing
- Look at the octures. Write the instructions.
up), etc.
Use the affirmatve (/) or negative (x).
1 D9.L't4t4;lk I

. Fast finishers can do Puzzle 5B on
page 87.

:d,, Don't kick it!
Pass it.
Run fast with the ball!
The secret sport: basketball
1 D _o-:r',:r !:h"r.9"1.u .

the ball I Over to you!

r. (
4 Written practice of imperatives
(affirmative a nd negative)
. Find examples of imperatives ln the
instructons in this unrt.
Students'own answers
. Think of instructrons you hear in the
4 Dp1lp9ouch ..........
the ball I . Wnte exampLes us ng afflrmative or

to irmrrtlrirr
tnd three instructions in this unit. Students'own answers
r%<. Read, ...
Wrte three instructions for your classroom.
Use the affirmative or the negative.
Don't iump on the desks!

t rast!

ranrrmar 2 Controlled practice of

imperatives (affirmative and
Aims negative)
Present and practice imperatives . L ook .rt the pictures arl r,vrlte thc

(affirmative and negative) lnstru.i ons usinq the afflrmatil,e or

Review sports verbs n-.gatlve mp..rative.
Give instructions . Students should ook at tl'e check (/)
,o / .,lo
1 Grammar chart: imperatives . fheck slve[s.
(affirmative and negative)
. Look at the chart. 3 Controlled practice of
imperatives (affirmative and
Note: negative)
. We use the lnflnitive of a verb for . Look at the siqrs.
affirmative imperatives and Don't + . \,Vrlte the strLration using the
i nfinitive for negatlve imperatives.
r.1 -S, r., _.
. We do not use a subject with . Ch-.r k answers.
Grammar referenee :jggwJt .
-wrxg ffiargsk


Read a text about extreme sports

Write exrme spor5 on the board E icit the
meaninq of th s phrase. AskWhat extreme
spc-trts do you know? Have you ever done any
of the-se sports? Would ye r- tr7

Street luge started in Ca llornra, when
skateboarders found they could travel
faster by ying down on the r skateboards.
The first race was in 1975 and street uge
is now popular in the U.5., Europe, South
Africa, and Austra ia.
Yvon Labarthe (born January 11t,1974)
is a male Swiss street luge star.
4-qryI!,tsf --------J : Look at the photos and read the profiles.
This sport is from ths United States. The wortd Match the photos wth the profiles.
Free diving
sport where drvers try
is a champion is Yvon Labarihe and he is from -234
Swtzeriand. He can go 100 kilometers per
to go as far as possible under
water on a hourl Yvon can also do some other spos. He
s ng e breath and without any breathing can ski and he can run very fast, too. ; Read again. Correct the nformation in
- -- ( '<an rs the
eq uipment. 8 Frea diyng lvorld chamo c-

Tanya Streeter (born I 0' January, I 973) is Tanya Streeler s a free diving world champon.
a female British free diver. She is British. She can dive 160 meters wlthoui
air She can b undemater for six minutesl - -::a^.rmp meters.
Zorbing is an actlvrty whlch was invented
# #flss#
in 2000 by Dwne van der Sluis and I l:'r ro s from
This sport is from New Zealand. Three
Andrew Akers in New Zea and. A Zorb is peopie can go n a Zorb ball. lt can go fast
a huge plastic ba .The inside olthe bal - 60 kilometers per hourl Steve Camp irom I ceop e can qo in Zorb b
South Africa can travel 70 meters ln a Zorb
has several straps r,vhrch keep the rider(s)
ball. Don''l use a Zorb bail in the park. tt's
in p ace. Some Zorbs are fl ed with water dangerousi
: ..:i Laorthe s from

Zorbing is a so popu ar in Europe, Chrna, ff ffgrrpppdrmm," s4l

a ne.a go kilometers per hour
and Argent na.
Tor Kirkman is British and he is rhe i
Mountainboarding was started by Rlck mountainboard world champlon. He cat:m3 - '.o.Ie'-er.tO-
nine metersl Tom is also a musician. He can
Wr son in California in the early 1990s play the guitar His music is on some cf nis
\4ountarnboards are similar to skateboards mountanlloard videos. I 5hecnbeunderwaterfor minutes.
and have three or four whee s.
Tom Kirkman (born February10lr,, 19BB) is
" B'- Sl O. l o I OOolOe r.

1 Global comprehension task (first

. Look at the photos.
Extra activity (weaker classes)
. txtra practice:
ccrn for ab ity
Read the profiles quickly, Iooking lor
words that he p you match the photos . Flnd exarnples ofthings peop e . i-:
r!ith the texts. texts can do, not related to the r !.:..:
. \4atch the texts (A-D) to rhe pictures
Extra activity (stronger classes)
(1 4).
Extens on work on text; dictat on
. Check answei's.
. Choose one of the texts and r-.d r : .-
2 Detailed comprehension task o-l l. " do - o t.
(second reading)
Extra activity (all classes)
. Dod o. d i tO t T .. o9ir.
Re,",rew and practice sports vercs aa
. Read the statements ad comrre a.tlv ties; m me game
them wlth the text.
. Choose one olthe sports from t.e !r-r i
. Correct the staternents br changing the
and mtme it for the rest of the class :c rii
information b ue. g u ess. ]ilil

. Check answers. ,!f]

turther practice
I ,1rt

I nrIkbs*k p9ewl6

3 Detailed comprehension of the
am astd sert"te listening text (third listening) @ 2
. Play the CD again.
Listeraxrg grc:*fur"ag
. Listen. Complete the sentences.
. Check answers.
Listen. Who is Katyz b ri lt; ' Lsten and read.

Talk about abi lties
Pronun.iatlon: cdn

1 FirstlisteninS @2.8
a Play the CD
a Llsten and read

2 Presentation of pronuncation
point @ 2 9
. Play the CD.
. Llsten to the eramp es.
t i' Look at the Pronuncation box. Listen to Pronunciation: con
the examples.
r n EngLish, we pronounce cn in two
Fronunclation dif'e -, ,r"
,, ln the affirmative and questions, we pronounce
; . ln affrrmative and "

can as ,
ql'lol A'o
$ i Lsten agan. what can Katy do? Check (./) * lnshortanswers,wepronounce canas,'
or put an x () by the activities.
', you lump high? Yes, I ::.
r :_ litln_:ll.:? : -- ... - ,


,.... I ., dance. Play the CD e,cain

run fst . Listen aga n and repeat.
Lsten again and repet.
sw m fast

ride a blke fast

& " t Litt"n. check (/) the (orrect column.
3 Pronunciation practice @)1A
I ffiffiHkrcffiffi{ffi $*e$@4- rr} ffi
. Red the sentences and predict hornr
I,#',.':ds3q'-wPq*# r "- '' ",. {,r con s pronounced.
de a horse
I r."[to'
ol". b"-t.tb.'
2 cast
. Play the CD. Llsten to the sentences and

'lr check the correct colunrr.

{i ', Ltt"n again. complete the sentences.
I C. o. l;
. Check answers.
I Katy s Rob's
2 : era^'.r' reI lo-e-"'-
Practice the dialogue in exercise L
4 Dialogue practice
m nutes
j ":
. Practlce the dialogue in exercise 1 with
3 There are actvites n a triathlon. *$ ttow change the words in
Write a new .
a partner.
dialogue. Then practice the dalogue in class.
"1/,"t".hlor . Llsten io students'dia ogues Check
'ilj......,.r..,..,.,,,,..,r1 53 the pronuncration of i.:::'and 'i,=: .

Ask stronger students to read their

dia ogues out in front of the c ass.
Tarri: That's fastl Can she do other sports?
R*b: Yes, she can. She can swim fast and
5 Dialogue personalization and
she can rlde a bike fast, toc
Llsten to a teenaqer ta klnq about his Tsrri: Run, swin.r, and ride a brke.Those are . Change the words n b ue and write a
the three activitles in a triathlon. new dralogue 1n pairs. Think of different
slster's abl lties
ab: Rightl And Katy is a trlathlete. She's a activlties.
1 Global comprehension of the triath on champ on. . Practice the d a ogue lvith e partner.
listening text (first listening) @ 2J T*rri: Really? That's amazing. Can she do . Llsten to studets'dialogues. Check
. P ay the CD. everythi ng ?
the pronuncation of ',:i: nd :i,:-::: .

. *b: No, she can't. She can't s ng and Ask stronger students to read thelr
Listen to Rob describrng his sister and
she can't play soccerL But she can p ay d alogues out in front of the class
check the photo whlch shows Katy.
basketba l.
. Check the answer.
T*rvir Rightl

II Further Dracti(e
_. ..--.,'
I MuttfHl"!
Audioscript 2 Detailed comprehension of the
l{aiy: RobL
text (second listening) @ 2.7
ftob: Run, Katyl Runl
Teri: WowL 5he can run fast.
. Look at the aclvities in the chart. Play
the CD again.
fiob: know. She's a\ /esoTne.
Terri: ls she your lr end? . Llsten and check (/) what Katy can do
Sob: No. Katy's my srster. She can run frve and cross (& what she can't do.
Kfr*t&mg Fil in the chart with information about Jula
and her f riends.

Write a clescription of you and your frrends'
S& t-ook at the Writing skills box'

Wrrting skills
W swim ice-gkale

abilities Im |I :..-- r-l


Writlng skill: ond and but " We use and to join similar ideas
I rr. ,^t . , C.l 0 :" - dance
'. We use but to join contrasting ldees
1 Writing skill: and and but l,oI ir, -.t .( ::
! writing skills: and and q

text Circle the examp

* t',tow read the
i We use and to join slmilar ldeas l and and but.

idea' r\_
. . We use br-' ,o lo "l cor rt"a>tif-9 ,
. Wher the sub je.t ot Lne f;"sl 'dea
t{ow fill in the chart with information about
yor and Your friends.
' second iclea, we ofte.l u5e d connn
Write about you and your friends' Use the
i [) befote b,t. i H;:;;;".',.":, [i text and the chart to helP You'

i t ,on swim, but I can't ride a bike ice-skate. -- t l
l Mv friends are Tom no I
i tron swtm but my brother can't swim l
sarah. tom .un ,rn ti I
,n? h" .un jumP high' I
. Read the Writrnq skills box Look at the He's awesomel Sarah
examPles. can dance, b-ul sne I
can't ice'skate she's
2 ldentification of and and but in a
modelwrting text
. Read the text and clrcle the examples
and and but.
#*r # #s
. Check answers.

3 Detailed analYsis of model

writing task
. Lookatthechart.
. Read the informatlon about lulia and ll Answer the questions with can ff u"td, tt " t"ntence halves'
, Kick / a when lhe
righl ;s red
her friends in exercise 2 again' 1 ( an You [51? ts5, I srn
, *rn-b
- in lhe la[el
. Complete the chart with information 2 Can You PlaY basketball? No' !
3 Don'i wlk-lUF-c lasll
I cn
about Julia and her friends' 3 Can You ski? Yes,
Dn',t wim^ d .he blll
6, Ican
. 4 Can vou PlaY soccer?
Check answers.
-e:C note actice
4 PreParation for Personalized ia5, I a.l]. i t'lr --l : P

. Think about Your friends'and Your
Complete the chart with information
abouL you and Yor,r f"ierds'
2 Self-assessment of i m Peratves
Check students are comPleting the
For tems 1-4, students read the
chart correctlY,
Aims sentence halves and match them to
make imPeratives.
5 Personalized writing Check understand\ngof can / can't,and
a Follow the model writing text Use your imperatives Students check (/) Yes, I can if rhey
own information from the chart to think they understand the vocabular
Self-assessment of own Progress
change the text. or grammar well, or check (/) I need
1 Self-assessment of can I can't mre practice. if they think they need
. Write your text about your abilities
. ihe more practce.
and your friends' abilities Remember For items 1-4, students read
to use dnd and bu to join similar or questions and complete the answers lf students have chosen I need more
contrasting ideas. with the correct words. proclce.,encouraqe them lo review
these sectlons and to do more Pract
. Students check (/) Yes, I can' tf lhey
Extra activity (stronger classes) think they unclerstand the vocabulary
Review and practice can; make a graph or grammar well, or check (/) I need
. Students compare the results of their
findings about abllities in exercise 3'
mire practice. if they think they need
more Practlce
. Stuclents make a graph or chart of the . lf students have chosen lneed more
classes'abllrtles. qaclice.,encourage Lhem ro review
these secrions and Lo do more
. DisplaY the graPhs in class'
:it *a;rg:!3:*1''F
Daily routines: do rny hr..mevtork, fintsh
classes, get up, 1o ro bed, go to school,
have breakfctst, ha,e dtnner, have lunch,
lntroducing the topic .. , .1.,."< t.O I \

School subjectst6tt... .t ..

English, geography, htstory, noth, mustc,
Dt .p .:( Oa,.
ryk Simple present (affirmative)
Simple present (he I she / it)
Prepositions of time: o .l

z .\.?"ve.breakfas
Reading: o p'o r . ol -' :-- ,g- '
and thetr da lr routin,.s; an artl.le
..i& about n extraordinary te.anager;
' ...
pr.-dicting r,rhat a text ts about
Listening: Listenrng to someone
d.-scriblng the r daily routrne
Speaking: i^,1 ooo .l ), oo
rb. ^ol o-.,
Writing: An e mall aboLrt )/our day;
'o o .'

Label the pictures with the words
below. Then listen. (heck, and repeat.
Values and topcs
dc mv horei,,o:k f I slt r 5se5 get !p Daily routines
qo to oed lio io sahoo iraie breKi5t
have d nrer hare unch s:art c asses
Multicu lturalism
Iatch Tl Complete the sentences with at or in, and a Education
time expresson.
::,i.'. !:,rn-':
I i9e.-p
2 L[a r cldsses
seven thirty / n ne o'c ock
.h- notl rg I orqs6 g I I do my homework
" "'
1 lgotobed


Extra activity (all classes)

Extra practlce: daily routines vocabulary
i . , it used before times of day
and review telling the time
. , It used before phrases, e.g. ihe .
Drawa series of clockfaces with
Present and practice daily routines
_ ::y! : : ::"y:Y::::y:_ .
different times of the day on the board.
ln small groups or as a whole class,
2 Practice ot I inin time phrases; students tell you what they do at those
Warm-up personalization times of the day.
AskWhat things da you do every day? ln . Complete the sentences with the
pairs, siudents write down as many ideas corecL preposi'io.l. at o, in.
Extend your vocabulary
as they can. Set a time imit and write their sanowicr islen to n-usic
. Students can read their completed
b;y a
ideas on the board. take the bus take a shower
sentences out to the rest ofthe class. !
! visit my grandparents
1 Presentation of vocabulary set: Extra activity (all classes) I Werkbs*k pasew:t
daily routines @2.11
Extra practice dai y routines vocabuiary;
I_ ___=**=._ ***
. Look at pictures 1-10 and the words in
mlme game Furtherpractice
the box.
. I Workhcok
. Label the pictures with the words from
ln small groups or as a whole class, I pasewrs

the box.
students choose an activity from ! rotuir;n*m
exercise 1 and mime it for the others tc
. Play the CD. Listen, check, and repeat. q U ESS.
{ss; i*:11f i +s ;il i":
the topic
Different countries,
Aims different lives
Read and understand a text about
.:]'-r '-'l My pro,file
teenagers in dillerent parts of the world My profile

Present slmple present afflrmative

Review daily routines and times

Ask studentsto ook at the photos and to
quess horv Hyun and Adriana fee (happy1.

South Korea rs a country in East Asia. lts
population ts about 50 mi lion and about
10.5 mi ion people live in the capltal,
Seou . Seou is one of the largest c ttes
in the world. South Korea has one of the
highest rates of nternet use in the world Absi r*8

Brazil the largest country in South

is I My nome is Hrn. l'm fiom Seoul in Sqttr I
Amerlca. lts popu ation is rnore than
,193 I Koeo.lgiupatskthrtyqndtgotosM I
I ot sorren fhlrly. lr're stort chsses dt dghf ddod( I
m ion and its capita is Brasi la. Rlo de I qnd finidr ot four o'clock Wts hove lurrch ot I i'm Adriono {:om Rio de Js*eiro in Brqzi. I Ei
.lanerro is the second argest c ty ln Brazil I twetueo'dockAfterschool, tdorryhornetuo* I up ol eighl o'clok. ldo my homework in the

and lt has two famous beaches, panema

I ondlhovedinnerwithrryfomily.lwoW, I momng. The I hove lunch st lselve o'clock
I ond lhen I go t bed ol elven o clock. I and I gs to schooi. l*ly iosses stqrt ol one
and Copacabana. I On Sqrrtoys, I go to shool. I srrt do<-s I c'clcck !n lhe ofternon od finish st vs lh.ty.
I ot eigt* otloc* ond finish ql lwalre c'dodc I I My +r:enis ond i ptoy volleybol in lhe evening,
Ii rloY comnor Oomes with my ftiends in lhe snC I gc 1o bed ot ten iiirty. O S*'turdoys, I go
1 Global comprehension task (first ofiernoon. I
I io ?he becch with my iriends.
reading) @212
. Look at the photos of Hyun and
Ad ria na.
. P ay the CD Read and isten to the texts
quick y and flnd where they are from.
lf (D neaU and lsten to the profiles. Where are
. Check nswers. Hyun and Adriana from?
Read again. Write H (Hyun). A (Adriana). or
B (both).

&HlrrdEi{* 1 "l do my homework in the morning."

illi.:ir :s fr-ir-, iecui
:n 5r,ith .ai+n. Qf nead again. Fill in the blanks in the charL
2 " n the afternoon, I play computer
A.lriara is fl.rm Rio de iar=i,t i:-: Eri Hyun Adriana games." .H

re ().:i =. 8oc,.m. 3 "After school, have d nner with

2 Detailed comprehension task
ffi 2'baoa.n .3,'ao' my fami y. " 11

4" attwelveo'cock."
(second reading)
ffi +o.. .t b3o 5"
have unch
p ay vo leybal in the evening."
Look at the chart.
ffi \5,11pap.n 61o:zt 6" goto schoo on Saturdays." H
Read and listen to the texts again.
. Fi in the chart wrth the correct
intormation. Remlnd students thev are
ook ng for t mes.
o lt . I o1 Ae Extra activity (weaker classes)
o- o C d::.
Extra practrce; review of daily routtnes
3 Detailed comprehension task voca bu la ry
(third reading) . Call out the dai r routines but do not
. Read setences l-6. say the verb. Students nust say the
. Read the texts again and find the verb, e.g.T: . . fo bedSS: go, etc.
se nte n ces.
o Wrlte H (Hyun), A (Adrrana), or B (both)
rext to each sentence.
. Check a swers.

Extra activity (all classes)

Extra practrce; da iy routines vocabulary
. ln smal groups or as a who e class,
students compare if or when they do
actlvit es and when Hyun or Adrlana do
the same activitles.
. Drscuss the simllarities and differences
as a class.

. Fast finishers can do Puzzle 64 on
page 87.

E ( rg about da y actrvlt es
3 have 4 finish get 7 do
Look at the chart.
2 We 5 start 8 go
s t y!a-tp"j..I_v-". at e ght o'clock
go to sthool at e ght o'clock f^*"^.^J
You get up at seve thirty.

W: have luch at tw ve thirty. 5 Personalization; written and

Ycu watch TV !n the evenlfg oral practice of simPle Present
They finish c asses at three o'clock (affirmative) and daily routnes
Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences.
*.- 6 We L9to-,hP. at ten o'c ock . Think about.your daily routine.
Fll in the blanks wth the correct verbs. . Write four sentences about your daily
routine - three true and one false.
Ir! tllc lr1)rtrilrg I {l) Lll) t s{t1'crl . Read the sentences aloud.

tlli! l1. | lrn I (7) llrc.rkl,rst. I . Take turns to guess the false

at seven o'c ock

11'r.(4) :'
{o *clrorl rt,itlr rr1\,sisl('r
(I1{l i)i { !,r55t! r}l I ltt tt tllii(l' Extra activity (all classes)
'lf tr sil]{,(tl I ll'l I 1'. irt{t r1r! Practlce of simp e present (affirmative);
'icle s 1/) { h(.ii h)rrr0111}t k. \\re review of daily routines vocabu ary; a day
{li) : ' ilirlttt't{ !{'1'N}1 lllit tl irlr{l I in the lle of . .

11-i) ti) l)c(l.rt [+n tiriIt\'. . Students think ofthelr favorlte

2 we Vveblea at seven thirty
sportsperson, movle actor, s nger, etc.
. n pairs or smal groups, they imagine
87' Puzzle
64 that person's dai y rout ne and make an
agenda for a day

Further practice
'U ."s. I tVorkhsrk
Write three true sentences and one false
I pgeW39

3 we 99.19?c\ao at e ght o'c ock.

I *turtir+ir,t
sentence about your daily routine. Can the class
guess the false sentence?
Student A:
Student B:

at elght o'clock

e&!;,*1&i&*& 57

2 Controlled practice of simple

preserit (affirmative); review of
Aims daily routines vocabulary
Present and practice simple present . Look at the pictures ofthe brothers'
(alilrmative) daily routines.
Rev ew dai y routlnes . Complete the sentences with a verb in
Ta k about daily routines the simple present.
. Remind students to look back to page
1 Grammar chart: Simple present 55 if they need help with the verbs.
(affirmative) . Check answers.
. Look ai the chrt.
3. Controled practice of simple
Note: present (affirmative); revew of
. The form of the simp e present is the daily routines vocabulary
same for // /ou (s ngular) /We /You . Read the text.
(plural) / They.
Complete the text wlth the missing
G ra m ma r ref erence
=,jii@.s?. verbs.
Check answers. .
Building the topic Building the toPic
Wwc*xcxmry Vocabulaly
chool subiects
O { Look at the Pictures. Fill in the blanks wth
Present and practice school subiects the words below. Then listen, check, and repeat.
Model simple present affirmative (he / aomputer scien(e Enq ish geoqraphy
art i lle:l r: 2 5h-" h!
she / it) history math mus a P.E sclence rlt
: ala i'[c tr] ll,
Warm-up .,.
Ask What is your favorite subject? Why?

1 Presentation of vocabularY set: ..\

school subjects @ ).13
. Look at pictures 1 1 0 and the school
subjects in the box. 3 Hsf.r!.lrle 4 lhe:i!ale5
r -: _-:'
a LJ

. Complete the sentences below each I llte eref !

_ r:: " l
picture with the correct school subject

,t^ ffi{
-1,\ /-\a4l
1 t.llf tr rft@)

. I
ll\ /l lRlr//---
Llsten, check, and repeat.
\ .le. ,Vir'l'-,1 ti-l^ffi
Take fficlte llr*.Sffi
P,r-t #.
Capital letters II i ET\\
1n English,we use'capital letters for the 7 H," ih nkj t llc::rr:: : -: Her favorite
::::;'_ t'!: at subject is
following school subjects: mat
5 rtresl !1. c'r : Pl .........

. languages, e.g. English, Portuguese,

Spanish Fill in the subjects in Marta's schedule
. abbreviations, e.g. PE (physical . Languagesr Englsh, Potfuguese
ed ucatlon) . Abbreviations: PE. (physical education), PC (personal

2 Vocabulary practice: school

subjects __, Fill in your schedule for today.

. Look at Marta's scheduLe.

. with the correct school
Fill in the blanks
subject from exercise l.
. Check answers,

3 Vocabulary practice and

. Look at Marta's schedule in exercise 2

agal n.
. Think about your schedule.
. Fill in the schedule with your schoo
subjects for today.
. Ask some students to tell the class
about their day, e.g. I study French at Compare schedules with other
three o'clock. students.

fnEtlE-tr Extend your vocabularY

Students'own answers.
band choir drama karate SPanish
Extra activity (stronger classes) Workh**k . F$lY4s:

Oral pract ce ol school subjects and simple

present affirmatlve (he / she / it)
. Students swap completed schedules
after exercise 3 wlth a Partner. ll:i:l'r*:
. Students feed back to the rest ofthe
class about their partner's schedule, e.g.
Maria studtes art at 1A a.m. taday.

Extra activity (all classes)

Extra practice: school subjects; my ideal
. Copy the blank scheduie in exercise 3

. Students complete the schedule for

3 Controlled Practice of simPle
Work and play present affirmative (he I she I itl
. Look at the pictures.
Grarnmar . Complete the sentences with the
tn*p*c prs$r* {&* i sl*c "1
ff correct form of a verb from the box.
falking about daily activitles . Check answers,

W Look atthe chart.

3 ie gtu\iee jutrPg 4 Controlled
.. 4 Lucia high
Practice of simPle
Affirmative geography at school. ln baskeiball present affirmative (he I she I it)
. Look at Jed's diary and his dailY
HP thiks sriere is.o!
She kes mth
. Write sentences about what he does
It starts at 9 o'aiock.
each day.
5 ! : I! tr !r'f tilai . Check answers.
lle goes to sthooL oN SturdaYS.

she does her hometrork in the rl0rnlq @ PAGEBT

t f lshes at fine thrrt! . , Look at Jed's daily activities. Wrte a . Fast finishers can do Puzzle 68 on
sentence for each daY.
page 87.
He / She I lt studies Eng sh.

irregular MONDAY
Mark watches TV.
He I She i t has breakfst l lhe r0r fq fUESDAY
He rides a horse.
fHURSDAY He plays comPter 9ames.
& ritt in tt" blanks with the correctform of the
verb n parentheses.
FRIDAY He studies English.
1 My brother g! up at slx thirty. (get) Favorite subject: He likes music.
2 The science class sfal:t5 at eleven thlrty.
(staft) Over to you!
3 Yalks
5s to school. (walk)
4 5.661 flnlsftes at four o'clock. (finish) 5 Personalization; wrtten
5 Julia h?3 two math classes today. (have) practce of simPIe Present
6 He o95 to the cybercaf on Mondays. (go) affirmative; oral Practice of
Look at the pictures. Fll in the blanks wth simple present affirmative
the correct form of the verbs below. (he I she)

do qo rLrtrrp P ,v 5tudY lrlah

. Thinkaboutthe things you do every

. Write three sentences about Your
daily routine.
'.:,1: li: : ::: . Exchange your sentences with
Choose three days. Write a daily activity for arlother student and check for
each day.
On Saturdays, I play basketball.
Jack Play.P soccer 2 My s\sfer w?th?.?
Exchangeyour sentences in class. Tell the class Take turns to tell the class aboutthe
in PE. TV in the mornlng.
about another student.
other student.
On saturdayt umberto does his homework.
. Remember to use simple Present
affirmative he / sheforms.
*rli&iisr*r&te;1:;1 se

2 Controlled Practice of simPle

present affirmative (he / she / it) l[=',
Aims . Read the sentences.
Present and practice simple present . Complete the sentences with the
affirmative (he / she / it) correct forrn olthe verb in parentheses.
Review daily routines and school subjects . Check answers.
Talk about daily activlties
Extra activity (weaker classes)
1 Grammar chart: simPle Present Extra practicer h e / she / lt simple present
affirmative (he I she I it) affirmative forms
. Look at the chart. . Call out the inflnitive form of verbs.
. Students give you the third person
singular afflrmative form.
. We add s to the infinitive of the verb . Ask them to spell them out, making
Lo 'nake r\e he / she / iL forrs.
sure they are using the correct form
. We add -es if the verb ends in -o, -x,
-sh, and -ch.
. Some verbs are irregular e.g. has.
6ran'nar refere*{e }sw]7 :

Aims en cxtooldinorg tecnogcf

Read an article about an extraordinarv
teenager l
I ISAAC BEECH is fourtn yeors old. His nicknore
Reading skill: predicting what a text ls s Zoc. He g@s to o speciol school in Monchester
a bout i n fhe U.K. lfs colled Chethomt, ond ifs o fomous
I music school. Zoc ptoys ihe piono ond the viotin, He!
very good. Zoc studies regulor subiects like English,
Warm-up I
science, ond molh ot the shml, but he hos music
Look at the photo of lsaac. Ask How old I closses every doy, too.
(fourteen); What instrument s he
ls he? I

Sore sludents go home when lhey finsh clos sr

playing? (avlolin). Students read the text ,l Chelhom!, but Zsc con't. His porents ond iwo sislm
quick y and check their predictions. I ore n Brstol, 220 kilomtE from Monchesls. So
rl Chelhomt is Zoc! school ond his hore. He studi

M I $ee he hos brckfost, lunch, ond dinner there, ond

I he goes to bed fhere. Ther ore thee other boys in
Manchester ls a larqe city in the I ZoCs rmm ot school. He thinks ils fun.
ti I

northwest of Enqland, in the U.K. lt has a I On Soturdoy mornings. Zoc Aets up ond gG to I

population of about 484,0A0.|t has two .

I school. 'Ihere oren't closset but he ploys the violin
in lhe school orcheslro. He hos free time in the
universities: the University of Manchester
':l oftemoon. On Sundoys, Zoc des his horewoj< ond
and Manchester Metropolitan. lt also has l ploys sporls, ln te evenings, he watch fV oad s
two soccer teams: Manchester United and
Manchester City.
Bristol is a large city in the south-west
of England. lt has a population of about Read again, Fill in the information.
433,000 The city is bui t around the river .--- Look at the Reading skills bcx.
Avon and there is a famous bridge called
the Clifton Suspension Bridge in the city. :.',AVE.
-ool., t L'l .
1 Reading skill: predicting ',0[o,r r o. " _

what a text is abou! global ',1'/L
Look at the title and the pictures C .c . OE SCHOOL:
comprehension task (first reading) correct options in the summary. :OCATIONi
. Read the Reading skills box.
.e 13rd19 8'' - Read again. Circle T (True) or F (False).
i Reading skills: predicting what a text
nqici- : :: .r: ::- !:/ t[o trru:i ai istli mentS
; is about I .egula. spe- -
: :: :r a: .rJ: a on St!ld\,!
I Look at the title and the pictures before Now read the rti(le qui(kly. Were ),'c! I :: ' r:::r cr s lt : scl.ool
reading. Try to form an dea of what the correct? ' : :: r-:, beC h: rocrr
I text is about. I -r:t .::: -one ot trte !;eekefds
: : a: i i ol I etd5 on tie fterei T:
. Look at the ttle and the pictures.
. Read the summary. 60

. Circle the correct optons in the

. Extra activity (stronger classes)
Read the textquickly and checkyour
. Check answer\ 3 d C dSS,
. Choose one ofthe sections c
and use it as a dictatlon passag
2 Detailed comprehension task
(second reading) Extra activity (all classes)
. Read the information on the D card.
. Fu"ther Lexi comprehen.on
. Read and listen to the text again.
. Ask students to complete the followi

. sentences with information from the

Fi in the lnformation on the card.
Iext Zac's schaol is called. . . (Chethan
. Check answers.
Zac plays. . . (the piano) and (the violi
Zac studies regular subjects like . ..
3 Detailed comprehension task
(English, science, and math). Bristol is
(third reading)
Q2A km) from Manchester. There are .
. Read the text again. (three boys) in Zac's room. Zac plays

. CIrcle T (True) or F (False). he ... (violin) in the school orchestra.

. Check answers On Sundays, Zac... (plays) sport. Zac
hos... (200) cyber tr iend,.

2 Detailed comprehenson
of the listening text (second
listening) @215
. Look at the chart.
. Play the CD again.
Listen and read.
. Llsten. Check the columns about
T-" me bort Cristina's daiiy routine.
. Check answers.

Talk about school subjects
Pronunciation: Simple present -s
And she studies art. she wants to be

1 Firstlistening @216
. Play the CD.
. Listen and read.

2 Presentation of pronunciation
point @2.17
Look at the Pronunciaton box
. Play the CD.
the examples. . Listen to the examples.

' l:,.r r' i rl' Tre oronnc,lion o[ rhe sirple presen.

for d feret verbs.
j is different for different verbs: :

want watch

_. Listen. Where is Cristina f rom? Where is

. i,:. as in goes
she right now? Listen again and repeat. .

'' Listen again. Check (,/) the (orrect ' r Listen, Put the verLrs in the correct :*i' "i11"'.' - ."
column(s). rolumn.

does f nishes qeis r des thln (s .

Play the CD again.
Ltsten again and repeat.
!h-..1."i! _ir ai i!-,'ri:rt iri irz' 3 Pronunciation practice @218
i 1:.: :( i tL I l : ,,':t : : ti getg oes finishes . Play the CD.
I lti lir a r'rf i.j !t! !i
. Listen and write the verbs in the correct
iter:rll thinkg rideE

i ,ia .ir:! i | t tr iir ,ii t'l column in the table.

!.rt! r.l,,i .r'r.l !.r', i Practice the dialogue n exercse 1. . Check answers.
5 5r,r !r:r l l'i bi:a- a- Now change the words in
Wrte a new .
!,ri r a;i: a ra !i r;li daogue. Then practice the dialogue in class. 4 Dialogue practice
. Practice the dialogue in exercise I with
-61 a partner.
. Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
pronunciation olsimple present endings
this month. Cristina, is your day different . Ask stronger students to read their
in Spain?
dia ogues out in front of the class,
Aim (ristina: Yes, it isl lt's very different. ln

List..n and identify details of a teenager's 5pain, I get up at six thirty. But in the 5 Dialogue personalization and
daiLy routine United States, I get up at seven thirty. And practice
in Spain, we have lunch at two otlock . Change the words ln blue and write a
1 Global comprehension of the in the afternoon, but here in the United
new dialogue in pairs.
listening text (first listening) @ 2.15 States I have lunch at twelve otlock.
. Practice the dialogue with their partners.
. Look at the photo of Cristina. AskWhere nterviewsn And after school?
{ristina: Well, in Spain I play basketball Listen to students'dialogues. Check
do you think she is from?
with my friends, but here we go to clothes the pronunciation of simple present
. Read rhe quest o'rs.
stores or fast food restaurants.
. P ay the CD. lnterviewer: What about the weekendsT . Ask stronger students to read their
. Listen and answer the questions. (ristina: I get up at ten thirty in the United dia ogues out in front of the class.
. Check answers. States and in Spain, but in Spain I go to
the beach on Saturdays and 5undays. n
IT' Further Dractice
Audioscript the United States, I watch TV or I go to the I tu1ultiR0!

!t*rve+rer: This is Cristina and she's an movi-. thealer.

exchange student. Cristina is trom Spain,
but she is at a school in the United States
Round-up ry,{ffi
Wrvx6 filt in the chart with information about
Damon's daY.
Look at the Writing skills box
Write an e-maiJ about your daily routine
Writing skill: use of then for sequences
. We use lhen for sequences.
1 Writing skill: Use of then for I get up at seven o'clock.Then I have breakfast.

sequences in writing I get up at seven o'c ock, and I have breaklast

. Read the Writing skills box.

Read the e-mail. Crcle the examples of then.

. W" use rhen between two events t
i to indlcate that the second event I
Dear Carlos,
How are you?
This is my day.
ln the morning, i
2 ldentification of then in model gel up at seven
o'clock and Lhgve
writing text breakfastq!q!)
. Read the e mail and circ e the examples
I go to school. !
siart classes at
eight o'clock- I have lunch ai twelve o'clek.
of then. ln the qEe[Iroon, I lnish classes at two
. Check answers. thidy.qlgIDmy triends and I play smcs d
we play computer games.
(l ow fill in the chart wth information about
, ln the evenng. I nave dlggr
dingr ar six your day.
3 Detailed analysis of model d mv hmuh/k
do my zn.llThe I go
homework. and(!ej)l
What airout you?
oo to

writing task Write soon, Writ" an e-mait about your day' Use the text
and the chart to help you.
. Look at the chart.

. Read the e-mail again.

. Complete the chart wlth inlormation
about Damon's day.
. Check answers. *, Unscramble the words to make senten(:; ff Write fou. senten(es about your weekend.

1 o'ciock/atl get up/seven /TheY 1 l4etu?alnineo'clock

4 Preparation for Personalized They getrupaLoeveno'@-
writing 2 classes / eiqht / We / at / thrty / start 2_
. Think about your daily routine.
W9 *?ra da#:3 41 3t4kr ifty-
homM* ?
. Complete the chart with information
3 his / school / after / does / He /
He.$pe. e hja.hery4ryy44! afr*-*Itog,l-
about your daY. 4 thirty / has / She / at / seven / dnner
. Check that students are completinq jC
?. h a:e dilllg:.4 ?q en iY
the chart correctly. Remind them to use
note forms and times where possible. te! c eei t -' :: l:

5 Personalized writing
. Follow the model writing text. Use your
own information lrom the chart to
change the text.
. Write your e-mail about your daily
. lf students have chosen I need more
routine. Remember to use fhen to
hen to'eview
practce.. encoJr aqe,
sequence events where Possible.
.5ese sections and to do'nore prciice.

*a*m ",, 2 Self-assessment of daily activities

. l-or items 1-4, students write their own
sentences about their weekend.
Check understanding of simple present
(alirnariv6t, aro daily aclivllies NBIlIltr
Students'own answers.
Self-assessment of own Progress
. Students check (/) Yes, I can. if fhey
1 Self-assessment of simPle think they understand the vocabulary
present (affirmative) or grammar well, or check (/) | need
. mare practice. if they think they need
For rtems I -4, students read the
scrambled sentences and reorder them more practice.
to make sentences. . lf students have chosen I need more
. (/) Yes, I can. if tiey procG., enco-rage lher lo review
Students check
think they understand the vocabulary these sections and to do more practlce.
or grammar weli, or check (/) | need Further pradce
mare practtce. if they think they need
! Parwork pages132-133
Unit summary
fffif,lEtr Sports activities

Daily routines
ports verbs

Vocabulaty School subjects

pos activities B Unscramble the verbs.

1 sosa 9a95
ll uU"l tt
pictures with the sports actvities. Grammar
2 it h hii. ..

3 kkic can

4 hwotr !h.Iqw..... lmperatives
5 uhotc t"ough
Simple present (affirmative)
6lwka Plk

1 jvn?hih 2 !.11ce Daily routines

fitt in tt blanks in the sentences with the Recording grammar
words below.

: gwinl
4 .rylg4horsg ... ....
i,.9:,.lli*, ..1:*t- .,: "l.iv.: Tf,..v1Tl,i
1 we 9taft
morning ancl
classes at eight thirty n the
finlsh .. c asses at three
thlrty in the afternoon.
Write a sports profile

2 After schoo, Ld-o my homework and

ths wat-gh. .. . ry.

3 1 geluP at seven thirty in the morn ng

6 plav
ffi 4
1g h4ve
On the weekend. I

chool subjects
to bed late.

baeketball @ rind nine school subects in the word snake.

,f9'q, -rc,
l iu:gk rg
# .,. ..,........... a sulf-......... .
ff,\{Hl L
t $,
li i'r
i\ ii
Fl = lli

are$aE %-S' '

f@l 63

Voeabuary 3 Review of vocabulary set: daily

Aim . Fl l th-. blaks ,a 59_s rririlll
Review and practice sports activities, th.. worcis from the bor.
sports verbs, daily routines, school subjects . Ih.-ck i]rswers.

1 Review of vocabulary set: sports 4 Review of vocabulary set: school

activities subjects
. Look at pictures l-10. . Fid r. e scloc -rrbleir:-s lr ihe ,.,,icrc
. Label the pictures with the sports ske.
activities. aheak asvrers.
. Check the answers.
Further practi(e
2 Review of vocabulary set: sports Li+:iiEliiii
. Unscramble the verbs.
. Check answers.
Review and practice can, imperatives,
simple present (affirmative) can *K*"
lf complete the dialogues.
"*f,+*' ,aE=-*
1 Review can 1 A: Canyousli.. (you/ski).Ben? '.! *"li
D:}Y! ,

. Complete the dialogues with the B: No, I 9'lll . Bt aan!9-e-:_-91a.$9 ** a-d&e
correct form of ctn. (ice-skate).
5 w4!!ryitlyg^u 6
. Check answers. 2 .. Can Lucas and lvan un
4pt I

(Lucas and lvan / run) fast?

B: Yes,they c4n -. ......Butthey canltjup irnglle pres+?xt {af$ie nrative)

Extra activity (all classes)
Oral practice and reinforcement of can
. . .. (ump) hi9h. l ritt in the blanks with the correct form of the
3 . Canyourfatherswi verbs below.
. ln pd;r,. sIudel., cnoose u-ne or lwo (your father / swlm) a kilometer?
dialogues and practice them. B: No, he,c--l-n:! . Bu1 he.-gAn.d!v-e
have ge play ride study watch

. Theycan act it outlorthe rest of the (dive) 10 metersl

1 On Saturdays, my sister and her friends
cl ass.
a 4, C-4y"9uk!ok . (you / kick) rhe bail? go ." to the shopping mall.
B: Yes, L^6..4, . And L-c,enlhryry 2 !49 . .. . lunch in a cybercaf
My brother ....

2 Review imperatives (throw) it. Watchl

3 yys watch TV n the evenings.
. I ook ar | 6 ono wrire rrperaLives. 4 1 de my bike to school every day.
S fmma tdi9?'--
. Check answers. @ Look at the sigos. Write imperatives. Use the 6
Spanish and Portuguese.
My brother and I Play .. soccer on the
words below
3 Review simple present
(affirmative) fffir;:ifffi*;ffi;:;*=j Stacdy
. Fill in the blanks wth the correct simple
Lir:y-lr*i:r. -y.:ll:-ryitnsiee.._.- RoJdng grammar
Make a grammar section in your notebook. Write
present form ofthe verbs in the box.
,f:<*. rt translatfunt and explanations in your language. Wrte
. Check answers. m---erfr
, L,r- -* examples of your mstakes.

lf Look at the notes"

l 7 Don'tkickballs

that they understand

1 Awareness of a particular
grammar point
. Read number 1 with the students.
!'Jlrt is the grammar poirl?

: _ : r ::i: il l-i 1: itll

. Answer the question. a Dan't-ibbk,,

* l,4ake notes on the simple present in
fllB.r your notellock.

2 Making a personal record of 64 6t$*

grammar areas n a notebook
. Make a "modei" notebook entry for a
grammar secton on the board, 1 Reading 4 Writing
. Students start a grammar section in . Look at the photo and read the profile. . Follow the model text.
their notebooks and make notes on . Match the words with the information. o Write a sports profile for your sport.
, lhe si.nple present : . Check answers.
, . Strd.nrt ca1 cornpare notes. 5 Reading
,ITtrM!IT . Students put all the profiles into a class
,.fttrrtB 2 Where? 3 Team 4 Rules
magazine about sports.
I Further oractice
"* _
j 5 Favorites

2 Preparation for writing (first task)

They read about other students'sports.
They can vote for their favorite sport.

! urttinom' . Choose a sport (from the lnternet, a

newspaper, a magazine, or from your
Project extension
. lf you have the facilities, ask students
Project 3 .'i{i*c.i
own experience).
to post their profiles onto your class r
Aims 3 Preparation for writing (second school website.

Read a sports profiie

task) . Encourage other students to log on to

Find out about another sport

. Draw a picture or find a photo of your the website, and to read and compare
sport and find out-informaton about lt. the profiles.
Write a profile about your sport
lnclude: where it is played; how old it is;
the equipment needed; how to play it /
Unit summary
Preferences: eat, hate, lk,1sten, ve,
love, read,speak,wear
Clothes: crs p, j acket, 1ea n s, sh orts,
s n e a k ? t s, s w e a t p a n t s, s t,tt e a tsh tr t, T- s h t r t

Simple present (negative)
Simple present (yes lno questions)

NORMAL 6UY :P.'-4" Skills

Reading: ^ ot- e ol o r"' oJq oo
ad hrs room; a collection of s ogans
Oa d 1/o
Listening: Listenrng to a teenage boy
: talk about hls favor te sPort

Gr Speaking: Talkrng aboL,rt habits, eo

Writing: Writing about your
-r i. ,.t.p AL.


Vocabulary 4 We don't TAE hamburgers. Art

I don't ealhambvtgerc
Preferences 5 I TILESN [o'ock TJS'c.

lf { loot at tne pictures. Fll in the blanks I listen Lo tock music Values and topcs
with the words below. Then listen, check, 6 I don't KEASP jn the mornings. Consumerism
and repeat. don't

I ?:?._e-.41in\l|e ryo! "ting.?.
Mu lticulturalism
7 We KELI Katy Perry
WelikeKatyTerry Work
L#**Ygq**,*--**,*, 8 I VLIE in Quito. ldentity
I live in Quilo
B Unscramble the lefiers to make thg verbs
Then write the sentences. 9 We DERA music magazines.
We rea mueic magazinee
1 I VOLE Tokyo

*r* What are your preferences? circle the verbs

AWRE T sh r
1 leat/don'teatmeat.
2 I wear/ don't wear sneakers.
EATH Mondys 3 I listen / don't listen .o hip-hop.
4 I Iike / don't like soccen

{*sJ*Liio*l&i***;s 65

. Extra activity (stronger classes)

lntroducing the topic .
Play the CD.
Listen, check, and repeat. Review imperatives; write a slogan

. ln small groups, write a slogan for a
2 Vocabulary practice; revew p'ooLct o your own cho ce.
of simple present (affirmative); .
Aim Remind students to use the verbs fi'om
exposure to simple present
Present and practice verbs for preferences exerclse 1 and any other vocabulary
they need.
Warm-up . Read sentences I -9. . Students draw their product and slogar
Look at the pictures. Explain that these . Unscramble the verb in CAPITALS and . Display their slogans round thq class.
are s ogans (a short phrase that is easy to write the sentence with the verb.
remember, used in advertising). Ask Doyou . Check answers. Extend your vocabulary
like slogans? Can you remember any famous collect enjoy hang out practice send
slogans for products you know or ltke? 3 Personalization; review of simple !
present (affirmative); exposure to
i Vf*rkbock paqewa4

'l L--
Presentation of vocabulary set: simple present (negative) Further pradice
preferences @ 2.19 . I EtJorkbe*k
Read the sentences. ! paqew44
Look at the pictures and the verbs in .
the box.
Circle the verbs thai are true for you. I m*ltieent
. Students share their opinions with the
. Read the sentences and fill in the blanks
rest ofthe class.
with the verbs from the box.
Exploring the topic the topic

Read and understand a text about a

teenager's preferences
Review and practice simp e present
affirmative, preferences, school subjects
Model simple present neqative

Ask students to look at the picture of
Bradley's room. Ask What do you think he
/ikesl Elicit answers.

1 Predicting (first reading) @ 2.2A

. Reading
Look at the picture and sentences 1 -8.
. Make some predictions about Bradley.
3 loot at Bradley's roor
. PlaytheCD. Read and listen tothe blog the sentences
q uickly. 1 He surfs.
. Check your predictions. 2 He speaks Ja
3 He eats fast l

2 Detailed comprehension task 4 He loves spo

(second reading) 5 He wears T-s

6 He listens to
. Read the blog again and then correct 7 He likes mov
the information in b ue. B He reads mar
. Check answers ds a uls:. (}) Now read and liste bdr h
Are your answefs core(t?
3 Detailed comprehension task E mrthe questions.
(third reading) ff Read again. Comtthe irhrr lgtnre is Bradleyt school?
. Answer the questions. 1 Bradlev is Amerien. bP,a6each

. Check answers,
VVhafs his favorite school subject?
lb anotit g cho ol subjecL s ?.E.

What is Spontania?
Extra activity (all classes) 9 nraniats,o"pdlql-slauofaband
Review and practice preferences; What is Bradley's favorite movie?
persona lization Wy's ?q|grt q\oli e i9 4u4ta!
. ln pairs or smal groups, discuss the WtD s in the movie?

similarities and differences between 7e 1aAana ie in the movie - -.

lrhat is BradleyS opinion of T-shirts with

Bradley's preferences and your
. Ask palrs or groups to feed back to the
c lass.

Extra activity (all classes)

Further comprehension practce
. Give students the following sentences
to complete with information from the
exf: Palm Beach is ... from Sydney (one
hour). Bradley loves ... and ... (science;
music). Bradley can . .. (run fast).
Bradley likes ... and ... mustc. (hip hop;
reggaeton). Bradley ... on the weekend.
(surfs). Bradley doesn't ... (watch TV).

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Extension work; dictation
. Choose a section ofthe text and use it
as a dictation passage with the class.
This is me
3 Controlled
present (negative); review of
Practice simPle
simple present (affirmative)
Grammar S Complete the sentences about the T-shrts' . Rer:l iF-o setl [eaes.
Use the affrmative or neqative of the verbs
Simple pretent (negative) . lo'rD ete th.o ,!et.'rrces i'riLh tle
Talking about facts and habits in the present ll
eat listen to love PlaY read watch ,.rerb i rire secod sct-t.'tce .

ll Look at the chart.

. I hek i] i5\ii1-'l-S.
.:Affiriitive lleoativ.,
I love chocoLate I don't love thocolate. 4 Controlled practice of simPle
Yo! speak Efql sl. You don't speak Erq ish. present (affirmative and negative)
l-le'she i lt eats
te Sre
I i doesn't eat . Look dt th.. pi.tures d re d he \/.'rbs
th-. box.
lve read magazires. \r!e don't read maqazlnes.
Nlatch theT-shlrts with the verbs.
You listen to mus t You don't listen to music

They wear T-sh s. Tev don't wear T sh fts. Complete the sentences with the
simple present affirmatlve or negative
B circle the correct option. form ofthe verbs in the box.
I 66iB doesn't like dolp^ ns. . Check answers.
7 lcr don't/(oesn'ttspeal rhree Laeouages. 3 | y&ch-N-.
: We@6n-/ doesn't wear schoo .1itorr5. @ PAGE Be
I Mv 'ather don't /@oesn'I) sten to my mL,ic. . Fast finishers can do PuzzleTA on page
5 . Te's rorhe'don't /@eoo
o rney(-iB doesn't eat chocolate.
ooo<s. /,- rT\
\, ,vtoRE \ 89.
7spY @
Gl complete the sentences. Use the negative. l1':1 like, speak, read, wear, eat, love, dance
1 | 4qn' meat. I et f sh.
Mysteryverb: listen
2 N/ly friends don't ?Peak Japanese. fhey 6 Latry ancl Kyle .d9nlt
lislento r4p ryg?|ic
speak Engl sh.
3 Gemma doe;21't l;ike.. drama. She likes
&ver to y*ux

Myfather dogsn'lread magaznes. He

5 Personalization; oral Practice
reads newspapers.
of simple present (affirmative
5 My leacher doesn'tlisten
He listens to h p-hop music.
to 'ao aJs c.
6 complete the chart with information about you
and negative)
. Fill in the chart with information
6 vv" d91'r.p;l2y basketball. we play and a lrend. Tell the class. about you and a friend. Write a noun
soccer. You Your friend next to each verb.
\t?::-hpP c9ryt?ttr tg
. Take turns to tell the class about you
(don't) play
and your friend.
(don't) like
(don't) speak
. Use the simple present affirmative or

I love hip-hop music. My frend loves computers.

I don't play volleyball. My friend doesn't play
Extra activity (weaker classes)
Reinlorcemer-l of sinp'e present nc9I ve
. Call out the verbs from pages 66 and
{e&.ee&&ielii* 61 67, the person, and afftrmative or

I . Students give you the correct verb

6raxrmar . We use dont with I / You (singular), form, e.g. T: speak, he, negattve SS. he
We / You (plural) / They. doesn't speak
Aims . We use doesn'twit he / she / it.
Present and practice simple present Exa activity (all classes)
. don't = do not, doesn't - does not
(negative) Review and practice lmperatives; design a
Grammar referen(e : I4efii4::
Revrew simple present (affirmative) T-shirt slogan

Talk about facts and habits in the present lnvent a slogan. Draw a T-shirt like the
2 Controlled practice of simPle ones in exercise 4 with Your slogan
1 Grammar chart: SimPle Present present (negative) on rt.
(negative) . Red tlre senlenaes. Display a llne of T-shirts round the class.
. Lookatthechart. . Llrcle the cort-'ct for- oltn.''.er'l-' Students can vote on the bestT-shirt

. Ci r:ck slners.
aLl tr-e -s t--cl

. We make the negative form of the

simple present wirh don't / doesn't +
the infinitive of the verb, e.g. ldon't l+ii:t{'ffiT
understand. NOTffi.
Building the tapic 5s+ ff=*1

Present and practice clothes
;tu -l
Review simple present (affirmative and

Model slmple present (yes / no questions)

Books closed. Ask Do you know any words
for clothes in English? ln pairs, students
write a list. Which pair has the longest list?
Wrlte the words on the board

1 Presentation ofvocabularY set:

clothes @2.21
. Look at the pictures and the words in
the box.
. Label the pictures with ihe words from
the box.
ir ic see p ctures of lny
(lothes :
. Listen, check, and rePeat.
lf l uu"t tt nctures with trl
Then listen, chk, and rePeat
2 VocabularY Practice: exposure to
simple present $es / no questions); a;p -:aa:: -':i:a : ::
: ::: 55c P rs terll s
review of simPIe Present
. : .l -, q1f
(affirmative and negative\ @2.22
B l neaO and listen to the conveetin T!ren ..: r::f::l--l l
. Read and llsten to the dialogue. match the clothes below wi the csmt :: r,'!a ','a 1ie al a: jo
. Mat the clothes wlth the correct people.
people. 1 sneakers Er1m'sida a - . a-'
. 2 T-shirt B,,dslib . -.::I
Check answers. drobfu
3 jacket :. - :: : : :ief, iil rl n]g ?
4 sweatshirt and cap Adrs'sfu r-::rl!!'t'1. Srie hl-! faa!
3 Personalization; vocabularY Bnm'sfu
5 shorts : a,i jae te: h P hol llslc
practice E'lro'9dE','
6 sweatpants :: ,:. r lirell
. Read the headings.
. Students write the clothes they wear. writ" th".loth"t.
Clothe5 I wedr t school: _-
. Students share their views with the : !ces. H." lcves o o tllc', es
: ,. I 90:
cla ss. Clothes Iwear on the weekends:

Extra activitY (all classes)

Personalization; practice of clothes
vocabu la ry 68 i.... .-'-:. ::r: i:,-'
. ln pairs, choose your favorite it'^m of
clothing from the Picture.
. Share your choices with the rest of the
cl ass.

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Written practice of clothes vocabulary
.Choose your favorlte piece of clothing.
Write about why you llke lt. Use verbs
form th js unit and explain why it is your
fvo''Le P,ece of ( othing

I Extend your vocabularY

i boots qlasses gloves shoes socks

! sunglasses
i d*rkfuo*k pagew46
! Further pract(e
I !erfohek paqew

! r+u*'nern
2 Controlled practice of simple
rhis is _"
ffi present (yes I no questions); review
of preferences vocabu lary
Grammar (l Make questions with the words below Then . Red the words.
lmple prerent (1rcs / no questlons) look at the backpacks and wrte the orrect
. Put the words in order to make
short answef,
Asking about facts and habits in the present
1 (Terryilikelhip-hop) questrons.
O Look at the chart. 9^999,f"ply"likqli?:\o? .. ? . Check answers.
Yes,he doeo
Do wear je;is? lri. i do.
2 (Julia / read / art books) 3 Controlled practice of simple
i!, r don't
DoegJu;il4yg4dpt.l9_9ks . ? present short answers
Yes, she does
Do jio! love m!!.7 ".!r. rL do . Read the short answers and the
ll., 'icii don't 3 (lrry / listen to / pop music)
DoesTe?ryliotenLopo?usic completed questions from exercise 2.
Doeshershei ieat
lrer5|erii does
fe / she i i1 doesn'1.
No,he doesn'l . Match the short answers to the questlons.
Do we read bookll '/es, w-" do. I
4 lulia / play/ sports)
(Terry and . Make sure students ook carefu y at the
Do1eryy ayd J11ti3-phy ?p?rre
l,lo, we don't ? subject of each questron.
Yes,lhey do
Do yoL speak lr.lanese? fes, ,ior do.1 . Check answers.
llo, vor don'1. 5 / eat / meat)
D9e9 J1;1i194!.,me7r
Dc lher watch flo\, s? Ye5, they do i
No, she doesn'L
4 Controlled practce of simple
i'lo, they don't.
present (yes / no questions
S& put the words in order to make questons. and short answers); review of
1 you / soccer / Do / hate preferences vocabu lary
Do you .hate.goccer . Look t the pictures carefully.
2 They/ Do / T-(hirl> / wear
. Read the sentence prompts.
Dothey wearT-shirts
3 Does / TV / watch / your brother
. Write questions in the simple present.
poeg y912!9t!e;
"Wtc-,h TV . Write short answers for each question,
using the information ln the pictures.
4 you a1d your tnends / music , ; ;; ,;, ;; .
' Check answers.
Dq*leur !ierd4li44!!p ngd "........ .

ilfl pAGE Be
5 sandra / lngug.t / ,"r. , ;;r, ';;;; . Fast finishers can do ?zzlelB
78 *& on
&WSXW paeese' Puzzre page 89.

Uut.h the rtrort answers with the questons E to
in exercise 2.
Ask and nswer the questions n class.
5 t T A S J A N4 P C A
a Yes, do.
we 4 ove art / hip-hop music i English? H I T R C o R B
b Yes, they do. 2 wear sweatpants /T-shrts / sneakers?
t ) S N E
K t R S A
c No, she doesn't. .,? have a favorite cap / color / ro(k bafd?

d No, I don't. 1 5tudent A

A t T A R L C H M
e Yes, he does. 3 Student B T A R t H P A N S T )
)ruoentA; DoeS y0ur m0m wear sweatpantsl
Student B: No, she doesn't. H N T A t u o R T S A
Now tell the class about another student IV T H o T
Lara loves art. Her m0m doesn't \ryear sweatD
E C A P B I T u G K

R B L A t R Y E
A C t
arA;;,;;*;-*.*.&.;ti;rl-* 69
t u
S N N S u I R

C A T S l-l o R S I K
&rarmgfiar H A ) E A C i( E T

! trtotet

Aims i . We makeyes / no questions in the

Present and practice simple present (yesl

i simple present wirh do / does + Or"r t, yr"l
i subject + verb (base form), e.g. Do
no questions and short answers)
1 you likerhis? NOlYott}iketffi 5 Personalization; oral practice
Review slmple present (affirmatlve and of simple present (yes I no
The auxiliary verb do / does must agree
negative) questions and short answers)
i with the subject in questions, e.g. Daes
Ask about facts nd habits ln the present

he like this? and Do they like this?

. Ber' the ci'oi-lpts.

The verb is always in the bse form,

. Take turns to ask your partner
1 Grammar chart: simple present .
e.g. Does he likeil NOT Hne-tikerit? questions ab,out him / her, and his /
(yes I no questions and
short g

answers) i. ln short answers, we use the auxiliary

her family.
Tell the class about your partner.
. : verb do / does, don't / doesn't and not
the main verb in the question, e.g. Do . Remember to ase he / she / it forms
you speak English? Yes, / do NOTffi of the verbs if appropriate.

!13Y *T1l yilYt:

Living English re"w
&eadmry LJ

Aim o
Read and identily the meanings of grafliti
messages on a wall

Ask students where they might see
messages like these. Give students 30
seconds to think of as many places as
po,srble. lve rh"y -een a'rv'ur-Tt f;
slogans? .r
Walls, T-shirts, TV, newspapers,
magazines, advertisements, the lnternet,

Litc i
buses, cabs, cars
*h**-&r $re*&e,
1 Global comprehension task (first
. Check students understand the
meaning of slogan.
. Read descriptions a c and then read
and listen to the slogans on the wall. Q ';:tcn the slogans with the definitions.

. Choose the best description ofthe a .--'. aa\ s i and iook t t L_

slogans. ..).
. s-,/,'
, -. i : :': Sm le, dafae, celebtie
Check the answer. --L i -': : : ^ : \u filL ln the l anks.
2 Detailed comprehension task f*r,,-
tsv-_ ., - - : .r- -:!C rend? Get d3gl
(second reading) -:- )
: .:: :-: -orr ng sleep uft 12 o'a oak
: : : :: ::: tc !r'hat you say Best
. Red thc ,evel :logat :. -r"J '.: r: :i:. iowhatyou don'tsay |.ii

. Read the definitrons. : I ::: :': EooC fr ends.

. . -. " 'ia r yorr fe. I
Match the s ogans with the definltions. : r:- : !.t !P in the morn 19.
. Check answers. Reading e
r : r- : -E:s;aTy to speak to be good friends
@ nead the slogans on the wall. choose :lre
3 Extension actvity; correct description below. ' .'.:'< : .tefesi ng to Look at, but notfun

. Now choose your favorite slogan from I O - _',
- - $ ltow choose a slogan for you. Write it on
this page. :-:. your folder

. Wrlte it on your folder.

70 ;;,*"*
Extra activity (all classes)
Write a slogan on a wall
. Use a large piece of paper. f there is
time, students can draw a wall as a
. Students think of thelr own slogan.
. They all write their slogans on the wall.
. Dlsplay the students'wall tn the class.
They can add to this as the term

I Blatkbaok
I pasew+a
Listen. Circle the correct option
rhi is *" @ Check answers.

ListeninE peaking rcakino

tsfi ll

*tt Lirt"n and read Aims

q, loot at the photo and listen to Matthew.
Talk about habits
rlt Answer the questions.
Do you wear ?
Pronunciation: ed sounds
1 Firstlistening @2.25
4 . Play the CD.
. Listen and read.
2 Presentation of pronunciaton
point @2.26
. Play the CD.
-'' "i( T . Listen to the examp es.
l i Pronunciation: eo sounds

i9t * ! ln English, there are different eo sounds

i. ,l*l as in sweatpants
ffi u,l rook at the Pronunciaton box
. Play the CD aqain.
* to the examples.
. Listen again and repeat.
ea sounds
. Tiere are different "ea" sounds.
3 Pronunciation practice @2.27
lrl ii/ . Play the CD.
I Where ls Matther iromT sweatpants
2 Wht's tre name of h s iavor te basketl]a
. Listen and write the words in the
le"n. Lsten agan and repeat. correct column.
3 \./,1hat's tre nat onal ty of hrs fvof te basketbil
d)l Listen. Put the words in the correct
. Check answeTS.
p ayerr'
Extra activity (all classes)
*,r Listen again. Crcle the correct option. cheap sneakers rt
sweatsh !n,er
Fxtr prial ae, e,- sourtds
I Matthev/sfalorte coo15 re red afd blue /
white. . 5t-rderts fid cthe r erarrples of eo
2 He hs Houstor Rockets sneakers / clothes. soLrnds in ihis unit.
oweatohirl cheap
o- Do." wat(h rellpnone
wear sneakere
4 The Housto Rockets sneakefs are expensive / 4 Dialogue practice
g3 Practice the dialogue in exercise 1.
Practice the dialogue in exercise I with
5 Yno "1lnq wears number 7 ' 1
on hr: T sh rt
a partner.
b ,o V r g 1.89 meters 2.29 melers
Now change the words in . Wrte a new
@ Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class.
p'onunciotion o' ea sounds.
Ask stronger students to read their
*&;,s;* zt
dialogues out in front of the class.

thev're awesomel
5 Dialogue personalization and
The pLayers wear red and rhite shorts
Aim and T shirts. So, do you know my larroritc'
. Change the words in blue and write a

co ors? Red and ,,vhlteL new dialogue in pairs.

Listen and identifu specific information
from a description in my lree time, \r'ear jeans, a red Housto. . Practice the dia ogue with their
Rockets T-shlrt, and a Houston Rockets pa rtners.
'l Global comprehension of capl I a so have a llousto Rockets jacket . Listen to students'dialogues. Check the
listening text (first listening) @ 2.24 ad r,vatch. pronunciation of ea sounds.
. Look at the photo and read the There are llouston Rockets sneakers, too, . Ask stronger students to read their
questions. brt don't have them They're exp-.ns vel dia ogues out in front of the c ass.
. Play the CD.
lV,- lavor te p ayer for ihe Hor.lsto Rockets
IT'Fufther oractice
is Y2o t\4 n9. He's Chlese, but his hon.e is
. Listen to Matthew and answer the
n the U.S. orn,. He has number'l'l on ls I t+4utifl&t
q uestions.
T shlrt. Fle's ver,v b gLTrr,ro neiers 291
. Check answers. He's coo L

Audioscript 2 Detailed comprehension

Mett*ur My name's lvlatthew. l'm from of the listening text (second
Houston in the U.S. and I love basketball. listening) @224
The basketbaL team in my hometown . Read the sentences.
is called the Houston Rockets. I think
DL-,, +t-^ a
r Writing rf i te a,.rt wth nformation about
My preferences Eira Write a Eason where apprcprate. \
Wrlte a text about your preferences look atthe wrting sklls box

Wr'ting ,('ll:: g ve "easons grtlreHiqh

-re because Lo
ffi frr.fl
ffi . We use because to gve reaffi
I wear a cap because I ink it's ool 6 E*ry- I like

. Mexico City is the capital city of -arshr

Mexico. lt is also the largest city n
3 Reacl the tc\t. Cir(le rhe :,:--: :: :' -;'- ;
Mexico. lt has a population of about
B.B5 million people.The city was ElEb- I listen to . . .. . ..

orlginally bui t by the Aztecs and was @

called Tenochtitlan. I don't listen 10

. Mariachi is a type of music that began

in western Mexico. There are usually I watch

violins, different types of guitars, and

sometime harps. Mariachi players agsTzl,f-shiA" I wear

usua y wear special clothes. ut.W J**ts

. Evanescence is an American rock band I don't wear

Theyformed in 1995.
I -f
1 Writing skills because ;'.:s-l.t @ ffofl m in the chart with information about
. tlou- Write a reason where appropriate.
Read the Writing skil s box.
Writing skills: becouse
We use becausero give reasons.
Because is followed by a subject.
i lcan

rUout your preferences. Use the text
ald the chart to help you.
gire reasons.
Use becuse to

2 ldentification of because in ,- E l in rF: r : .
f| E tt in ttre blanks with do / does t clon't.
model writing text tDo you read magazines? Yes, I

. Read the text.' :t.: : l

. Crc e examp es of because. :e 1 reri' ["]0, 5,rr

. - Check answers.
::: :
r lr:ti :pe[ s,i.]r : I r ts, l[,'

3 Detailed analysis of model

l,ir!r r,rtr p ri -af5) l'lar,
writing task
:: :: ::: ::: I
. Look at the chart. :

o Comp ete the chart with information , : -at: iare pract (e

about Mariana.
. Remind students to write a noun and
an adjective where appropriate.
. Check answers.

4 Preparation for personalized I can ... . ,. s-udents have chosen I need more
writing, encourage them to review
. Complete the chart with information Aims r^:se sections and to do more practice.
about you. Check understanding of simple present
2 Self-assessment of simple
. Remember to use an adjectlve where
(negative), and simple present (yes / no
present $es I no questions)
possible. q uestions)
. I
Fcr items 4, students read the
. Check that students are completing the Self-assessment of own progress
seniences and complete them with the
chart correctly.
1 Self-assessment of simple ccrrect words.

5 Personalized writing present (negative) . Siudents check (/) Yes, I can.ifthey

. Foliow the model writing text. Use your
! For items 1-4, students read the rhink rhey understand the vocabulary
sentences and complete them with the o!-grammar well, or check (/) I need
own information from the chart to
correct answers. more proctice. if they thlnk they need
change the text.
. Write your text. Remember to use
. Students check (/) Yes, I can.ifthey more practice.
think they understand the vocabulary . lf students have chosen I need more
because to give reasons.
or grammar well, or check (/) I need practce., encourage them to review
more practce. if they think they need these sectlons and to do more practica
more practice. furttrer practice
! Pairwork paguz*-ta
I Terl
Unit summary
Going out: bolrltng alley, concert,
couniry, cionce school, party, skcte park,
saccer garne, 5part5 center, theme park,
I o..
Leisure activities: exerctse, go onltne,
ttt. /1 /.( u .a ,1 ,.aA
3 gotoa swimmrng, ga To the ltbrary, pla,
cornputer gams, read baoks, talk on the
'a" ...h
Simple present (wh- questions)
5 gotoa Expressions of frequency

IIt go,o" Skilts

Reading: a'
r -r \ lr o ner ,o.
of a school choir; !nterviews with

ffirs \
ieer'ragers from around the r',orld

"l .
r- i'
Listening: L
.6,,r, : : :

s:eninq to someone
ol.,go O Tpo' .''
.:@ to c t:'e,

Speaking: TaLking about freqrenc';
) Listen. Write the correct names.
srlenr ieiters
Writing: il'rlti^g aboLrt \'a ri r.e: .ir-
Kenji Lffi Monlca Sophie and Sam iOO

1 Ltlas goes to a dance school and part es

3 Sophie and 1qm . go to the skate park and Cross-cu rricular
the bowlinq al ey. Geography
goes to theme parks and
goes to a youth club and to
Look at the photos. Complete the Ibels
with the words beiow. Then listen, check,
SOCaer game5 Values and topics
and repeat.
Complete the sentences wth places you go
Hobbies and free time
bowl ng al ey aof,cert .olrntry M u lticultu ralism
ciance schoo pfty skate part Consumerism
so.cer gme sports (eilter tfeme 1:ark 2 I don't 9o to
Volth c LLb

*ureiga&i*,# 73

2 Listening;exposure to going out ii:::ii: 'r (er1 .:nd !love soirer. p a,

lntroducing the topic vocabulary in sentences @2.29 soca..i ,.,.nltlt rly fr ,-ds L 'r,olt clL:b. oit
. Read the sentences and the nannes in
lo soaLeT q.ln'..s, too. The',,'te w:sor..1

the box.
3 Personalization; practice of
Aim . Play the CD. going out vocabulary; review of
Present and practice going out vocabulary . Listen and wrrte the correct name. simple present (affirmative and
. Check answers. negative)
' Complete the sentences with place
AskWhere do in your free ttme?Wrie Audioscript you go ["onr exe'cise
any new voc ,on the board. What's lueas: l'm Lucas and I ove rnusic. lqo to I

the class's fav ee-time activity? Hold danceschoor onTuesdaystor"u,,nip'

studentscanfeed backtothe restc
the class on where they go'
a class vote. hop dancing. on the weekends, I go to
parties. l can dance there, too
1 Presentation ofvocabulary set: !,- - -
foloniea: My na'ne's Monica.' qo- to -herne
! ^ "nd r*" "".rbrt*
going out @2.28 parks with my friends. lt's funil go to caf movies restaurant
- !
shopping mall theater zoo
Look at the photos. concerts with my friendr,,oo. I
. Label the photos with the words fron Sepkie: l'm Sophie.There's a big skate park i lY*rkh*ek p,s1\6+

the box. in our town and I go there on Saturdays

. Play the CD. Listen, check, and repeat
and Sundays with my brother Sam. There's I Further practCe
a bowling alley, too. We love it. lVerkbe*k paqe\{50
Exploring the topic

Read and rnderstand text bout a sho\/
chol r
S mp e pr..sent Lr,'h questions 'n4 E
Rev ew s!mple present (affrrmative and
n..!latlv-.) I
Warm-up I
Look at the photo. Asl< What is this? (A
-to.\ .o . Do r o oo 'l UT\ILIIVITTEtrI

\/vhen do you da t? Do yo knc:w anyone

,tho doesl (A) ',: : - I :1c dance, and our teacher, Bob, plays
My name s Re'1a a-o - -::: ' '-: : :-: !^ie sing and dance in concerts, too.

1 Reading for meaning (first BostonintheU.S d-- l- :,',i.. :

School. Ny'yfavo Ie s-: i-- : --: ::::-:. happy when I sing and dance.
reading) the sl_ow c'o:' dl s- :: _ : : i :' : - :-: ,!ekends. I go to concerts and dance
. Read the questlo and ihe three Unlimited.
options. (B)
'ro the songs on my MP3
. Read the intervl.^w.
On Mondays aiter sc9a
:aeff in my bedroom.
player, and then
Choose the correct option ln the lunchroom. we c:-
Check the answer. room. lt's small. :-tr/r called G/ee. lt's about a show choir in
(D) ^ : :ailed New Directions.
2 Detailed comprehension task t.
(secondreading) @230
. Reading
Rearl q[r..itlo.s I 7.
.D., Read the interyiew. ls a
I q
rd then mlcl^L the qrest cs with th.. a a sports club Read agan. Answer the questions.
s!,/-.I.s the text. $a singing club : iYhere does Reina live?
c a vouth club 5tE livee i1j,Pot.19l.
o o I r' o
:hool does she go to?
to W4;lker Hligh a\o_g ;l,,...,.......... -
3 Detaled comprehension task e.s

(third reading) Bob?

D h9!7e?chq
. Red quest ons 1 6.
2 G es he do for the show choir?
. Read the text aqain ,:nd ansvner the 3 a tPt-hqpti4n9
q Lr esti o s. 4 loes Reina listen to her MP3 player;

. Check aswers.
A i@ts_!p.he: M??
pl aye r fi het
5 E ....................

Extra activity (all classes) 6 c the name of the show choir in G/ee

r '' olP'o
;o , o o
. Ask stud..nts the follorv ng qrest ons
on tle text: old ts,Seinl (fitteen)

Wha[!; her fa'toile srb]ectl (n'usic)

Whot s her shcl,tl choir cciledl (l,4uslc
l-.ln lmited) \r1/here dc-es Retna sinq sonqs?

li her bedroon)
Extra activity (stronger classes)
. Choose a se.tion of the t..rt ar-d rse :
as a dlctatio passaLte.

. Put the words in order to rnake
questions,.using the question word at
the start of each one.
Grammar look at Susanna's answers' write the . Check answers.
a lmple present (Wh- quertlons)

4 Controlled practice of answers to
l Asking about regular activities

ll Look at the chart.

simple present (Wh- questions)
. Read answers a-e.
i Ouestions . Read the ordered sentences from
What do sing? exercise 3 again. Match the answers to
Where do you meet? the questions.
When does he, she I t qo to the DeathT . Check answers.
Why do we lke the Youth ciub?

How do 'lou PlaY baSktba l?

5 Controlled practice of simPle
do on the weekerds? present ( lllh- questions)
. Read the dralogue.
circle the correct question word' : l-llr de you do- 5af'uiays
B Yo u \1) .o.:n

go to a youth club with my friends on

. Wnte the questions, using the answers
t wh"r. oo you go to the youth club? Susanna: I
@ to decide whtch questron words to use.
On Fridays at eight o'clock Saturdays.

z uow you play the guitar? you: lbWheredoYoueet . Check answeTS.

@ Oo

Becuse Love mu<,c. your friends?

: where /@l'bdo you do in the evenings? Susanna: I meet my friends in front of the movie Extra activity (all classes)
I wtch TV r- Ty oor. theater. Oral practice ol stmple present (t4lh

4 when l6do you 90 to school? You: \3) How doYougoto q uestr ons)
the youth club?
IVly rom or vos me. . ln pairs, practice the dialogue.
s @-hil How do they have lunch? Susanna: We go by bike to the youth club

ln the fast food restaurant. You: 147 WhYdoYou like . Students can act it out in lront ofthe
the youth club? rest ofthe class.
eut the words in order to make questions. Susanna: We like the youth club because its fun.
T you / How/ in.Japanese/ "Hello" /say/do You: $)Whatdoyoudo Extra activity (stronger classes)
'gy! do y91 5ay.".H.9llo" i1..!4pan"e-93 ? there? Personalizatlon; oral practlce of simple
2 do / llsten to / What / you / on your MP3 player Susanna: We .elr rd llsten ro rusir. present (14lh- questions)
.What.dg-you.lj--a-7-ent9g1yguy.\lppL4;ye1 You: 16 W]he19y.9^7got"p..k94 ...
3 Why/ Sara /to soccer games / go / does go to bed at eleven thlftY.
.. 1
. Students change the information in
Susanna: L

Whydoes9a1aqg.lo oc.9rgam?9 ....? Susanna's dialogue and use their own

information about free time activities.
4 does / strt / When / the Enqlish class
dogslleE1glgh cla?? *art. FggggEW paseEe'Puzzre84 4 .
WheT ? Students practice the new dialogue and
5 Eduardo / does / go / on Saturdays / Where act it out for the rest of the class.
Whg;q doesEdu4rdq.go qn?.a-Lt!!.7y-e ?

the answers wth the questions in Write five questons with l/yal Where, When,
@ na"t.t . Fast finishers can do PuzzJe BA on
exercise 2. Why, and How. Ask and answer in class.
StudentA: What do you do after school? page 89.
a Because she likes soccer. 4 Student B: I meet my friends and we go to the
b "Konnich wa."
skate park.
c He goes to dance school. 5 StudentA:Where do you have lunch?
cl At eleven 4
Student B: t have lunch at school.
2 sports center 3 country
e Hip-hop music. 2 4 soccer game 5 skate Park 6 Party
7 youth club
Mystery words concert

. #ver * yoasE
Gnar:rrar when to ask about the time; i

. whylo ask about the reason for 5 Personalization; written and

something; oral practce of simPle Present

Present and practice simple present (l/t/h- questions)

. how fo ask about the way something (lrllh-

q uestions)
is done; . Think ofone question for each i
Review simple present (affirmative) question word,What,Where,When,
Grammar reference , Ba!eW4+, :
Ask about regular actlvities Why, and How. i

' and check theY

1 Grammar chart: simPIe Present 2 Controlled practice of question
Y::t"ti.t ?testions
(Vtlh- questions) words: What /When lWhY I How I :

. What /Where
. Take turns to ask and answer the
Lookatthechart. :

. B-.d s,.ntences I cue5l;o-s. ,

Note: .'1
We form simple present lr1lh questions il'c .: r'r sr,''c rs to hel p,vo L.t

with a question word + do / does +

subject + verb.
. --eCk clllS!\r-al-S.
We us: 3 Controlled practce of simPle
. whd when you are asking for present ( t4lh- questions)
information about something; . -o.k t the worrls.

Present and practice ersure activ tres tlhat tg
Mode erpress ons olfrequency

AskWhat do yot.t do after school? Do .vou
f shonnlns? : i I
so ,/ ,

do different things each doy? E cit any new

! librory?
go to rhe /
vocabulary and ,,vrite t on the board.

go swimming? ,/
1 Presentation of vocabulary set:
reod booksr

leisure activities @ 2 31 I exercise? ,/

. Look at the photos and the words rn . go out wilh friends?
the box. a
wotch TW
. N,,1atch the photos to the words. ' go online?
o r1 ,'o I o drped-. ploy compuler gomes?

tolk on the phone?

Gs"' 111
2 Vocabulary practice: exposure to
expressions of frequency
O=w s=frtrodd
l=oF@owk 4=foorrlffiow*
- &r-

Look at the chart and the information
be ow about frequencv
. I

ComQ ete sentences 5 with eisure
activlties from ex..rcise 1, using th..
nformatlon about frequency in the
cha rt.
. Check answers.

Extra activity (stronger classes)

Extenslon and reinforcement of lersure
actlvrties Vocabulaql l-ook at the chart and fll in the blanks with
. Students copy and cornp ete the chart Leisure actlvltie the correct verbs.

in exercise I lor themselves. t t never w:bqp":pjua. n the

@ { na"t.t, ttr" photos with the words *$,
. Students take turns to dlscuss their Then listen, check, and repeat
z I qoo.rt wttjff]rg!4i once a w-"ei
answers in pairs. 3 | qoswinmjng three trmes a

. exercrse 9c io :.a :':'

Ask students to feed back to the rest oi go o^l ne o . ---: -:
the class go out with frlends reac bc<: 4 1 4o online""-"" ", ", " " . f ve times a weeI
q t readbooks
. What is the most popular eisure actrvity go shopping tark o:- :-: and

rn the class? go swimm ng ['atcl ''. every day.

Extend your vocabulary

76 {$itg:su*#,{iJia
I chat on ine go for a wa k p ay music
, p ay tenn s watch DVDS
u0-rk10o1 easew52

turther practice
II l{orHGH paqeW52

I *:uttiRor,r
3 Controlled Practice of
Free tlme How often... ?and expressions of
Grammar Look at Victora's schedule. complete the . Look at Victorla's schedule.
Expresslons of frequencY
questions and answers. . Complete the questlons and Victorla's
jn the
Talking about how often we do activities answers, ustng the information
schedu le.
@ took at the chart.
. Check answers.
and answers
How often do you go swlmming? Extra activity (all classes)
I never go swimming.
We go swimming twice a week
Oral practice of How often. . i and
tlw often does he
He reads books once
/ it read booksT
a month

reads books three tmes a Year.


_ {r&
expressrons of frequency; revlew of simple
present (affirmative)
. ln pairs, students take turns to practice
;;] Replace the words in with the
\U FJ and act outVictoria's dialogue for the
expressions of frequencY below' w
t"..:1t,.,.,,',t',,,,,,,,,,r,,.,t,,,, r-^st of the class

every day four times a week once a month EIJITI',i PAGE 89

three tlmes year tw ce a day twice a week -@ . Fast finishers can do Puzzle BB on
1 They go sw mm ng page 89.

2 She qoes on ne N@
How often do You go shoPPing?
th e g9e?""g ttljl? !!!1i9.. I 4,!?! Students'own answers.
Hsy! e!i-e- !1,4. "o-
y oll,. h ave ten n i s lesson s?
We 90 to concerts in April, May, and July.
z .,pJ^ojlg"!p-yo!] ,,...... , have guitar lessons?
4 Personalization; oral Practice
I exercise on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
I lp.:lr Cfu114-o-yo-,-11..... -........ -.. go to the library? of How often...7 and expressions
Thursday, Frday, Saturday, and Sunday
llkf qry. 4 V e,. .l of frequency

I,Sp.!9. -t-tre -o-11
Legryiz?qP 4?:Y
4 H-q!1 oj194lPYqu. go swimminq? . Thlnk about actlvlties yol dc n,vo;'
I Oo9wifrfiing once a wg.ek free tire.
My mom goes to the library once in lanuary,
5 How ofren rela?
once n February, once in March .. relaxl
. Take trrns to tel each other ocL-l1
.My -mgv sl,pe 79 !\e lib rary,ot)c. 9 a,np fu .
I levq.f
actlvlt es rou do n Your free t n-e

#4iXXBW paeeae'
@, . to ask how often vor-
Take t,;rns ::
Leon ooes out with friends on Tuesdays,
them and answer aPpropriate Y
ff,urs."Oays, Fridays, and Saturdays.

a:Beek ..
sk and answer in class about free time Extra activity (all classes)
De,.Oro -ot,O,'I..le t,
P'o L 'Ot .

StudentA: How often do you go to a soccer game?

present and expressLons of freq uency
Student B: Once a month. How often do you talk on
the phone? . ln c ass, ta k about a the thrngs r",'e do
StudentA: Every dayl
as part of our routlne and ask for an
examp e cl something we do everY
si5i'si!t&:driji& 77 day / once a week, etc.
. . . LUOe- ts i. r 4, . 6 'i-'
down as rany thlngs as poss ble that
they Co a) everY daY, b) about once a
Grammar . We put express ons of lrequencY at
week, c) about once a month, d) once
the end ofsentences.
a year.
Aims o We say ance,twlce, and then hreel . ln groups, students read thelr lists to
Present and practice expressions of four / five, etc. lmes.
each other and cross out anythlng that
frequency and questions {tammarreierente Paes/49 is said by more than one student.
wifh How often ...?
. One person from each group can tell
Review simple present (affirmative) 2 Controlled Practice of the rest ofthe cLass about the people
Talk about how often we do activities expressions of frequencY ir rt e, g'O-p o.ld lr . ' S,n a' 'e , :

. Read sentences I 6 and the rfferences.

1 Grammar chart: exPressions of d

expressions of frequencr in the bcr.

frequency I lurttrer pra(tice
. o rd L I e dppropr ore' o,' 5
I Workbook paqewsl
Look at fhe chart. I.
frequency in the box to reo a.e
r,rrords ln blue.
! r,+ulri*oo+

We use How ofte n .. .? lo ask about o !r,1iils the sentences \,! th Ile ac'feai
frequency. erpression of frequencY.
We put never bewveen the subject . Check answers.
and the verb.
Living English

Read interviews about how young people
round the world spend their free time
Readirq skil :u:ing dictiorar'es

Ask students to find the countrles
mentioned in the texts on a map or a
globe (the U.S., Japan, Norway). What
do they know about each country? (see
cHrExlfa}:? ..,: ,:r 3{n
B a c kg ro u n d i nfo r m at o n belaw)

Wtry ir'ipu ti?:i' r ..,ri i

,.rr ,
rrr,:rrri.r:rrrlii r:, lr: ,

There's:lli4dirji'fiti,le iaiilh ii{ r..

f heyadij.N9ru_syila_9{qntry

The U.S. is the fourth largest country r".:.....i. sldiajr{iddrsilti:.,:rr.,r :r"'iariii,r'i.

i- ..,.. .. wlredo;Viiii.sli{r,,,,',:.:,: :::.:'1...)..:, :: ):::: ::a,
in the wor d. lts capital is Washington I ld rinirtri,,(iryy.dtil'rid,rf .!sr.
I d{tn lrd<iririifiiifai.i .r'.. .ri -,,,:r,,.. ;.
DC.There are 50 states. lts popu ation is
Wfiy alr.illlkriirr ri,i rr:'.':i::rr rri ,r:i r,ii )i ,,rr.:r.

approximately 3OB mi lion. , !!di,a(rili jir;,i*lr :

loYgmhi6t_rlrl :rr,rr,i.ll ilr't':')':'t':::'::';"::' t::''::
Japan is a country in Asia. lt s Hii.,aa:::.:::,:.a::..:::::.:.::::::,..a:::.:.,.'
E tri.ddt.iarihlet.ti!. illrwc!&rlt
made up ol over 3,000 islands in the fi@l.lrliitf ir.rr:,r.,...:.:::::,, . :):. .:.:

Pacific Ocean. lts capita isTokyo. ts

population is approximately 128 miL lon.
Norway is a country in northern
* :::l :gain, Answer the questions.
Europe, in the west of Scandinavia. Lt
Look at the Read rg s. : : : , :: :::: T ffl do i er free ttme?
shares a border with Sweden, Fin and, *.
and Russia. ts capital is Oslo and its
population is approximately 4.8 mil ion
: : --.-r; lallry?

dof t krr..
1 Reading skill: using dictionaries karaoke sinqing

Red the Readirg s(ills box. : : :.1:i ,r! dc ,ii

Reading skills: using dictionaries : : t_::- arce: rt-" do t,

D ctlo;ries c;r heip stuclents:
. : -'r':lcitblrr'
. f id tIe ].,.arngs of r.",ords ihe.v
dor't ur-derstd; : :':-= :rc Co tl

check the spelling of words; * ery d aJ, "i:1.!!.i!\9.\,
give students confidence with : -: . rtres Anna qo to schoo in w nter?
she skis
readi ng;
become independent learners.

2 Reading skills task: using

dictionaries (pre-reading) 4 Detailed comprehension task
I furttrer practice
. Red the words and put thenr in
(second reading) *'.-
a phabetica order. . Read the text agan. Ifffix;:l
. []em d students that if lvords begi ., Answer the questions. Wriie i;li rs,'.:r.
the same etter they shou d look at
r,r,ith where appropriate.
the next etter the v,rord. . Check answers.
. Now ook for the r,vords ln the
I -' .. ,-ld .: ^ o
Extra activity (all classes)
. Check nsr,.;e[s. Oral practice of How often...7 and ans",-i'ers
. ln pairs, students choose one ofihe
3 Global comprehension task (first texts and take turns to intervew ihe
reading) teenager in the text.
. Red the three optios. . They can act out their interviews in
o o Lrd li - o Lh tltr e lront ofthe rest ofthe class.
. Choose the correat optlon.
Extra activity (stronger classes)
. Check the asr,ver.
. Choose one of the interviews and use it
as a dictation passage with the class.
Pnlerk: I never go to concerts.They're very
l*tervie$rer: Well, thank you, Mark.
fl*arl: You're weicome. BYel

(/) the Listen and read

2 Detailed comPrehension
1*. Listen to the conversation, Check
of the listening text (second
chart with Mark's answers.
Now often do you listening) @2.33
. Read staternents 1 -6.
. P ay the CD again.
. Listen. Circle T (True) or F (False).
. Check answ.'rs.

What about you,
Tl k bout ir.'r ucnc'
How olten do you Prouclat o: Sllct etters

1 Firstlistening @)34
. Ply the CD.
o l. -r1,. d red.

2 Presentation of Pronuncation
point @ 2 35
. P ,:,,,th-. tD.
. L :t:r ti-r le exmpl.'s.
the examples.
Pronunciation: Silent letters
Some words ir Erglisn have"silent"

Listen again. Circle T (True) or F (False)'

;: r-.LLers. [his leans we do not

Some words have "silet" etters. We don't ,

-fa :: :.:::--a:i.l''i TIF
pronounce them.
2 of'.en lvhere WelnesdaY

Or .
j -: : -' : ::l i::: I : : ::: rr@ Lsten again and repeat. Play the CD again.
4 : -:1::::: l- - :: rr@ . Listen again and repeat.
Lsten. Cross out the silent letters.
5 l.::ll-: : a :.1 :: o/F
b -: : -: Ot 1 \,riere : isiei 3 Pronunciation practice @2.36
w K 4 ,ow
. Read the words.
.--. Practice the dialogue in exercise 1
. Play the CD.
,-: Now change the words in . Write a new . Listen and cross out the silent letters in
dialogue. Then practice the dialogue in class. each word.

. Check answers.

4 Dialogue practice
. Practice the dialogue in exercise 1 with
il{ark: Mark.
a partner.
lnterviesver OK, first question. How often
do you go out with friends?
. Listen to students'dialogues. Check that
il4ark: Twice a week. We go to the they are not pronouncing silent letters.
Listen to a conversa bout a teenager's
shopp rg mall. . Ask stronger students to read their
free time
lntervi*wer: Right. Do you exercise? dialogues out in front of the class.
1 Global comprehension of the tulark: Yes, I do.
listening text (first listening) @ 2.33 lnterv*wer: Good. How often do You 5 Dialogue personalzation and
. Read the cha.
vt*rk I play soccer twice a week. . Change the words in blue and wrlte a
. Play the CD.
lvtevieuer: And how olten do you go to new dialogue in Pairs.
. Listen to the eck Mark's the movie theater? . Practice the dialogue with their
anSwers. Ffark: Once a month. partners.
. Checkanswe Eertsrlriew*r: Really? And what kind of . Listen to students'dialogues. Checkthat
movles do you like? students are not pronouncing silent
Audioscript ffiark: I love action movies. letters.
lmterviewer: Good afternoon. l'm Louise. !*terslewer: Me, too. What about music?
Can I ask you some questions about your
. Ask stronger students to read their
Do you like rock music?
free time? dialogues out in front of the class.
ark: No, I don't! I hate it. I love hip-hop.
Mark: Sure. lnerrierser: How often do You go to I Further Dradice
lnterviewer: What's your name? L,,,,u,u**u'
Writing Wrltlng m i, t= chart with Daniela's free time
diYiti= I
Mr fiee tlme
Q look at ttre writing skilk bc.
Write a text about your free time
Writing skills: using roo to ad another
Weuse attheenca'a ::-::-:: -: ::: fobayolhclub
another point.
1 Writing skills: too lgotod1c"c.- -'.-
once a week

Writing skills: foo

. We use oo at the ed of a sentence l Read the text. Circle the esnpk dm
What do w use before fm?
to add another point.
. We use a comma (,) before oo when
It comes at the end of a sentence.

2 ldentification of too in model

writing text
. Read the text and circ e th.. examples
of oo.
. Notice how there ls a comma betore
oo each trme rt appears at the end oi a


3 Detailed
writing task
analysis of model
Q um in tf,e chart with your free time
*it a t"*t rbout your free time. Use the
text and the chart to help you.
Read the text about Daniela again.
Comp ete the chart wlth informatlon
about Daniela.
. Check answers.
Write questicns'a-'.-: =-'- :-: f| *it" fou. r"ntences about your actvities.
mh l,!* often, never, once a week, and fhree
fiffi a year.
qa:::i-l i-:'.
4 Preparation for personalized
How do l ximminqongg aweek ......... -
wrting g.::::::: :
. f omplete the chart w ih information wf|ydoyou
about you. r,.r: .::::::: t::.
. Check that students are comp eting the
chart correct y. . :. 'eed note prattice.

5 Personalized writing
. Fo ow the mode writlng text. Use your
ow ides from the chart to change
the text.
. A eoOO-,O Iogr.o,i e

Remember io use oo at the end of

. lni
sentences to add another po nt.
I Further pra(i(e
lf students have chosen mu.e
proctice., encourage them to revie'rn
these sections and to do more prcice :;,,'i'1.,,T,1i1;;'
Aims 2 Self-assessment of expresskrns
Check understanding of simple present
of frequency
(wh questions), and express ons of . For items
'l-4, students wrte senierlces
freq r-rency aboul Lhemselves, using an adtivity ancj
an expression of frequency.
Self assessment of own proqress

1 Self-assessment of simple
Students'own answers.
present (negative) . (/) Yes, I con.ifthey
Students check
o items I 4, students read the
F-or think they understand the vocabulary
answeTs and conrplete the questions. or grammar well, or check (/) lneed
. Students check (./) Ies, / con. rf they more practice. if they think they need
think they understand the vocabu ary more practice.
or grarnmar we , or check (/) I need . lf students have chosen I need more
mare prdctice. if they think they need practice., encourage them to review
more practice. these sections and to do more practice.
Unit summary

Going out
Preferences %m
Leisure activities

@ complete the sentences with the verbs

qig Grammar
Simple present (negative)
eat hate like listen live
l leve read (4e;," 6 P9^aq?r q?y_e Simple present (yes I no questions)
speak : wear
-*J Bl Simple present (Vllh- questions)
1 | love Yao Ming. Hel fantastic.
Leiure activities
Expressions of frequency
2 sPak 5p5. @ 1-8 with a-h.

3 lrea snebookamonth. 1 9o aTV

4 lisfzrn b my Mp3 player every day. 2 read b wlth friends Study Skills
c shopp ng
5 | urear black clothes because they're
3 9o
Using your coursebook
4 tak d books
5 go out e the library
6 t hat'e horror movies. They're tetrible. 6 play f on the phone
7 My favorite music is hip-hop. t -1,!k",.""-.-. lay-2. g on ne
1 9o to
8 l'm a vegetarian. t don't l?3-.--,,,-,,-.. meat.
9 live in Bogot in Colombia.
B watch h computer games
- - -
imple present (negative)
Qf ubet the clothes.
ll cort".t th" r"ntences. Then write affirmative

f,' rno*r fr '-'*"'"o'n"" sentences. Use the words in parentheses.

'l lill wears jeans. ,Y (shorts)
Jill doesn't wear jeans

t, iacket S. er-a,kez
1hg 19ars sho*o
2 Kyle and Deb listen to hip-hop music. Y (azz)
, tg pytd P "eb lotl!\t9re!_1]a "\iiP:hQP f!t:?_jg"
Ihey "lisf.en Lo jaz music

8=-==-,=-=i:=- 3 You go shopping every day.

Y9u d?r:! A?_"?-hqp?:|! -919ry
I (swimming)
4ey " " .

Golng out You go owimming

rcot.t tt" pictures. write the place. 4 Damon likes basketball. x (soccer)
..?.em9\ d9p?:t:1 ti:ke b-ad:kerb4ll
He soca-er
5 We go onllne. ,Y (play computer games)

k zr*,-P-_- We don'L go online

Weplay compuae-rgames

3 tudinsatt".!

fE@ 81

Vocabulary 4 Review of vocabulary set: lesure

activities llul'-lx;[o',u'"
Aim . Match words 1-B with a-h.
Review and pracice preferences, clothes, . Check answers.
going out, leisure activities

1 Review of vocabulary set: Grammar

preferences Aim
. Complete the sentences with the verbs Review and practice simple present
from the box. (negative, yes / no questions, 1,4/h
. Check answers. quesr:ons.), express ons ot f'equencv

2 Review of vocabulary set: clothes 1 Review simple present (negative)

. Label the clothes. . Correct the sentences. Use the simple
. Check answers. present negative.
. Write simple present affirmative
3 Review of vocabulary set gong sentences using the words in
out parentheses.
. Look at the pictures and write the place, . Check answers.
. Check answers.
2 Review simple present (yes / no
. Fi n the b aks vir th Do or Does.
. l\/atch qu-.stions 1 6 with trswers A F.
* -:: r :: ( T s schedule. Write sentences.
. f heck :ns\,!-eis. -:: :-: /,c'os ln parentheses.

Extra activity (all classes) 2

Extra pra.tlce ,slnrple present .ves / no 3 os 4

. Students answe r the questior-rs in


ererclse 2 so the,- are true for them.
A No, she doesn't.
2 :'aa., 3gaitscnl:er TV
3 Review simple present (1,{/h- B Yes. they do. They love the country
C No, I don't. I don't dance.
questions) 6
D No, they don't.
. O lL V - . O 4
E Yes, I do.
usinq th-. t'vords lr parentheses. F Yes, he does.
. Cleck nswers. mpe premt {LUfi- questions)
Extra activity (all classes) f Writ" th" qr"stions. use the words in
Belnforcemet cl ora praciiae of simp e w
present i.'fh questrons
. l p rs, studets pra.t ce the d a oqu-' 1 Kim 4@e to !.!1.liilbr4ry o19.9. V.\1ee\ .. .....
l (go to the library)
goe to the 5?9rt _5- ce\!91 t!1'I?P
. fhey a.t it oLt for tl-e rest of the class 2 She
e5aw-eek . (go to the spods center)

4 Review expressions of frequencY 3 thewakhesTVeverylly

carly: (watch TV)
. Look at Kinr's scheclule end tl'rtte
Who's that?
4 themeetgfrlend?-1lrheyo:ut:l c\tb _
Alexa: lt's my sister, Sandra. r-rsinq the words ltr t'wice aY9ek. (meet friends at the youth
. h- Carly: !!i3 dus1aab intsfree club
o to Oo O'
time? (what / SandE / do)
freq r-re n cY. Alexa: She plays tennis. She3 scdhot
. Check nsw-rs. carly: (2) .ou' ow" ru*fry-l llsing your coursebook
I mgage has different kinds of material to help you study.
(how often / she / Play) i
Extra activity (all classes) Alexa: Every day. My dad watchs ts galm. ! O root
list.where can you find
ca(tyt G).YEi@5hewM-? - tese ttrinsst
Ora pract ce oi erpress ons of lrequeni y ' [
. palrs or srnJl qroups, (why / he / watch) I I "l want to ludy new vocabulary [ron urit 7." 4*
studets 2 "l want qrammar explanati0ns from unit 8." 4_
Alexa: Because he is her coch- -l want extra reading for unit 7."
cornpare Klr's sr h-'du e wlth their crltr rettr tn\WhendoyuPbY 3 ,,9
4 "l want project work fol unit 8."
for a in'eek. with her? (when / you / Play)
. Ask plrs or qroups to t.' the rest olthe Alexa: t never play with her! I can't play tennb!
a Workbook (pageW43)
tuht'e dP!-g- b Engage Maqazine (page 90)
class about their schedules. CarlY: (5)
c Workbook (page W48)
in your free time? (whm / you / 90)
d Workbook (pageW49)
Study skills Alexa: I go to the bowling alley or tfrc

Using your coursebook

82 (&EO
Enqage 2' edlticl has a lot of dlfferent
klnds of mierll to he p your stLrdents
improve their Enq lsh Jse this quick
quiz to help studets better naviqate Project 4 4E 3 Writing (second task)
back to thirgs they harre sLudied -iiJCer-rts write a report bout thelr
Aims l'.Lrps'TV habits usinq the answers
1 Awareness of material in Read aboutTV habits in the U.S. ;:t ererclse 2.

Do a group survey
4 Speaking
Write a report about your group'sIV habits
. Groups share their results orally with
1 Reading the rest ofthe class.
. Look at the photos and read the survey.
. They compare their results.
. Match the questions with the answers.
Project extenson
. Check answers. . lf you have the facilities, ask your
fnB[llilr studenLs to record the r surveys using
2G 3F 4C 5D 6B 7A a digital camera.The video files could
then be uploaded to the lnternet.
2 Preparation for writing (first task) . You could also ask students to share
lHi;lffi''.u"' . ln groups offive, students ask and their results online, if you have a class e
answer the questions in the survey. school website.
. -
l'ey 'ecord the answers.
Vocabulary Grammar
f Unscramble the countries. 1 Put the dalogue in the correct order.
t het ntideU tasteS O l'm from Rio de Janeiro. l'm Brazilian.
2 ..... xiMceo @ Hi! what's your name?
3 trlsuaAi tl l'm fourteen,
4 arBzli D where are you from?
5 eth dUntie ngKdiom O My name's Rosa Hernandez.
t5 O How old are you?

Write the nationalities.

1 Martha is from Guatemala. 2 Fill in the blanks in each sentence.
She's 1 How are you?
l'm from Russia. 2 You from Melbourne,
t'm AUS!'c :
Harry is from South Africa. 3 your name?
He's 4 Jack f ifteen years old.
Nico is from Spain 5 We f rom Tokyo in Japan.
He's /5
Tomoko's from Japan.
Look at the information. Put the words in
order to make sentences or questions.
Complete the sentences with an adjective. Name: CarlVan de Merwe j
1 l'mt r y.
nse: 13 +]

2 lt's h Country: Africa
South #
3 She's h g Nationality: South African #
4 They're h p
5 You're b d. A: What's / Hi. / name / your
6 l'mt r d.
7 You're a t B: Carl Van de Merwe / name's / My
B We're co
9 l'ms d. 3 A: are I old I you / How

/10 4 B: old / thirteen / l'm / years

5 A: are / you / from lWhere

6 B: South Africa / from / I'm

Unit test @
4 Match sentences (1-5) with sentences (a-e). Reading
'l The computer is from the United States.
2 )lia and Nicolas are f rom Brazil. 1 Read the web chats. Circle the correct words.
3 We re Br,15[. .-_ {.'._r 7:09 pM t=
4 Maria's from Mextco City.
5 My name's Takako l'm Japanese {f",1;,.'q,i;$i"jili

a They're Brazilian Joe14

What's your name?
b Sne's lt4exican HiL

c l'm rom Kyoto in Japan.

Hello. My name's Yevgeny Plushenko. What's your name?
d l'm L z My riend is Jake. We're f rom the
Un ted K ngdom My name's Joe. Where are you from?
e t's American. Yev15
/5 I'm from St. Petersburg, Russia. Where are you from?
5 Fll in the blanks with the words below. l'm from Phoenix, Arzona in the Unted States.
Coo I How old are you?
They're .;
;*;;;*S;F Joe14
l'm 14. How old are you?
1 Hello. Joh n. Yevl5
l'm I5. l'm happy today.
2 Mei is from China. Chinese
3 Emily and Michael British. Greatl I'm happy today, too.
A Hi l'm Jeff. Lvn my friend.
We're from the United States.
8:15 PM
Elaine and David are Australian
fourteen "

Hello. What's your name?

Hil My name's Miley. What s your name?

l'm Kimoko, but my n cknarne's Klm . Where are you from?
l'm from Park Clty. lt's rn the United States. l'm Amer can.
Where are you from?

'm from Osaka. Japan.
Cooll How o d are you?
I'm 15, How old are you?
l'm 14 and l'm cold here n the U.S.
Phewl l'm hot here n Japan today,

1 loe is Russian / American.

2 Yevgeny rs fourteen / fifteen years old
3 Joe and Yevgeny are happy / sad today.
4 Kimi is from Park City / Osaka.
I )tr Miley ls fourteen i f ifteen.
Total: I 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the adjectives. Then match them 1 Circle the correct word.
with their opposites (a-d). 1 This is my friend. She / Her / His name is Paula
ich p a old 2 These are my dogs. His / They / Their names
2l ng b small are Cleo and Luna.
3b g c expensive 3 My / I I Me name is Beln. l'm from Lima.
4nw d short 4 My sister has white sneakers in she / his / her
t4 : l::.
.'.:: a:.-,:-, : - .- She/OUf/we
2 Fill in the blanks with the adjectives below. 'a;- a

--. , :=- - -: - ) ler dad's American.

b:n- -a-.. - .:.- - :-Cle.Your/YOu/
:l"io .
::* ..old, smltl .

1 That car is -_- . lt's $ 100,000. -: )""

' ' ----,.:. ner,v? it's fantastlcl
- j :,.- .'
2 Rico's sneakers are . They're - =,..- lt lts/lt'sname s
r: - t --
size 46
3 N/y cell phone rs It's so cool.
4 That man is 95. He's
2 Fll in the blanks with the possessive
5 Wowl Those sneakers are $5. They're adjectives below.

6 l'm . l'm 1.25 m

3 Complete the words.
1b d cell
2b s d t
3b k s
nd I have skateboards.
4ch r
sd k _ skateboards are expensive.
6g m c s 4 name is Chief.
7c s t 5 and Martha's bedroom.
8l p bedroom is small.
9mzr - . ts
10 w t h
, -?,,
Unit test @ 't,:;,
3 Rewrite the sentences with the possessive 3 Reading
in the correct Place.
1 Read the blog. Complete the sentences with
I Eiena ce I Phone / old words from the text.
Elena'e cell Phoneis old
My blog
2 Brr-,no lv1P3 PLaYer / new

3 Yasmin game console / exPensive

Hil My name'$ Jirn. l'm fifteen years old, and
l'm from New York. t\,4y bedroom is big' lt's
4 Our cat name / FluffY
my favorit* ro*m in the hous*.
My favorite thing is my computer. LIy
5 Leo pencils / short eomputer is *n my desk. lt's a new c*mputer,
and it's fantasticl My lamp is on my desk, and
6 My brother sneakers / big nry chair is biack anC verY old.
My favorite sneakers are in my ci*set'They're
blue ancl gray. My music magazines are under
7 Suki skateboard / green
my bed. My skateboarci is under my bed, too'
l6 It's old and red. M-rr *at, Tipu, is on my bed
with my school books. My cell phcne is cn
4 Filt in the blanks with the correct word' the bcdside table. !t's new. My watch is there,
too. lt's old and green,
1 is mY new cell Phone'
l'm very happy in my bedroom. It's cool!
(This / These)
2 --
Are Your sneakers?
(that / those)
3 _* ... is Laura's notebook. Jim is from

(Ihat / Those) 2 Jim's bedroom is

3 His sneakers are and

are Leon's books.

Cl-his / These)
his bed.
5 ls __-_-..-- . your new computer? 4 Jim's magaztnes are

(that / these) 5 Jim is in his bedroom.

.. 15 110
Total: . / 60

Write questions for the answers. Use What "'?

1 A: Ylhat arethose... .. .. ?

B: Those are mY DVDs.

B: ' :' : -. -=,'. Ce PhOne'
B: ': : -'..'r::COafd
B: ' -.: .- : - -.-:: _ ::_c 5

B: -' .-.: .- , --='r l:-e COrSOle
Vocabulary Look at the family tree in exercise 2 again.
Match the descriptions (14) with the
I Fill in the blanks with the words below. names (ad).
1 Her father3 name is lgnacio. _
actor artist athlete dancer doctor model
2 Her sister's name is Clara. _
si skateboarder soccer player writer
3 His grandparents' names are Juana

Johnny Depp:
and lgnacio. _
4 Her mothe/s narne is Sonia and her
2 Marcelo Gomes: sister's name is iulia.
3 Katy Perry:
a iulia
4 Tony Hawk:
b Nicolas
5 Andy Warhol; c Sonia
6 J.K Rowling: d Clara
l Carlos Tvez. I4
B Gisele Bndchen: Grammar
9 Usain Bolt:
I Fll in the blanks with the negative short form
10 Magdi Yacoub: of e.
..1 10
\: an artist.
Look at Clarat family tree. Fill in the blanks 2 models.
with family words. 3 a writer.
4 doctors.
[lL.*-l: [rsr@ 5 an actor.
6 --j=I =-. -a': singers.

t,,]; I
-__l_- 7

....... t8
2 Rewrite the sentences. Use the negative short
form of be.
1 Julia is Clara 's E,iet,er
'l She's a doctor.

2 Jorge is her
3 Nicolas is her
4 Sonia and Jorge are her
5 Juana is her 3 They're singers.
6 Sonia is her
7 lgnacio is her 4 He's a soccer player.

5 We're dancers.


unit test @
Write complete sentences. Use the affirmative Reading
and negative short forms of be.
1 my teacher / tired He / not angry
1 Read the article. Correct the false statements.

My f,eac-her ie tired, He isn't- angr!,

2 |/hungry. |/notthirsty
Young actors
3 Pippa / an actor. She / not a singer. aniel Radclift'e is an actor. He is Harry Potter
in the Harr-,- Potter movies. His favorite Hurm
4 We / hot. We / not cold.
Potter book is book three, The Prisoner of Azkabut.
His favorite mnsic groups are Red Hot Chili Peppers.
5 .Jon and Chris / singers. fhey / not artists.
Razorlight, and the Kaiser Chiefs. His dogs are his
I 6 Katia / cold. She / not tired. favorite animals. Their names are Binky and Nugget.

upert Grint is a young actor, too. He's Ron

7 Marco / a doctor. He / not a writer.
Weasley in the Harr-t Potter rnovies. and he's
Har:ry Potter's friend. In the movies, Ron's live brothers
8 Celia / Brazilian. She / not American
are Fred, George, Percy, 8i11, and Charlie, and his sister

/7 is Ginny. In real life, his three sisters are Georgina.

Put the words in order to make questions. Samantha, and Charlotte, and his brother is James.
'1 you/Are/a/writer
Rupert Grint's f'avorite sporl is soccer. His dogs are
his favorite animals. Their names are Ruby and Fudge.
2 your / se / grandmother / ls
Ruby is brown, and Fudge is black.

3 he / f rorn I ls / United States / the

Daniel Radcliffe is an athlete.
a n|gl Ra d clif f e i e nlt an alhl et
4 Dan e a's / Are / sister / you
D- e_

He's an actor
His favorite Harry Potter book is The Goblet of Fire.
they/ fifteen / Are I old / years

Answer the questions. 3 His dogs' names are Ruby and Fudge.

1 A: Are you students? (/)

B: Yeswe are
A: ls he an actor? (X)
4 Ron Weasley is Harry Potter's brother


A: Are we in Ms. Castro's class? (,x)

5 . In real life, ]ames is Ron's father.
A: ls your computer newT (/)

5A: ls Julra your srster? (/) 6 Ron's dog, Ruby, is black

6 A: Are they athletes? (zY)
t5 Total: / 60
Vocabulary Grammar
I Complete the places and animals. 1 Fill in the blanks wi lhere is or There are.
't lk 1

2m nt n 2
3m t y 3
4b t . v 4
5r v r 5

6b ch t5
lf r t
2 Circle the r:"::::-s,',ers
Bb d
t8 a bu-tterfly in the forest.

2 Write the plural of the nouns. .- - ?a' te beach?

1 beach
j : - - .- -' -'e lhere
2 waterfall I . - =.-=a:ernthemall.
3 butterf ly
. -- - ' ':::-:- - C Thgreafe

4 lake
: - -.: i.-: CIOSS frOm

- -='=. : sthere
Unscramble the words. Fill in the blanks. any foxes in the forest.
'1 Youareatthe (sub tops) a There isn't b There aren't c There is
**_ t5
2 Me -li's in front of the new
(holsect rotes) 3 Comple e $Etbns and the answers.
3 I'm hungry. ls there a fast food ,I A:
here?(trentaruas) u:--
ls the new Twilight book in that 2A:
?(kreboosot) D-l
ls the new Transformers movie on at the iA. mountains i n your_country?
?(emoiv ratheet) u -_ - :
My grandfather's in the a whale in the zoo?
(rycbface) --
Are there sneakers in the : 1,
a bear in the forest?
(topsrs erost) - -- -.- -
D. :' - l-
Where are the in this mall? t10
(tersmoros) !.
Unit test @ a& e*r,*FF

4 Look at the picture. Circle the correct words. Reading

1 Read the text. Complete the sentences with
words from the text.

M1 favorite placa bI Laura

\rle\om to imal\tvi\\! lt's great! ln tm\\vi\\, thr

aw ffovio thoa\ws, shopping ma\ls, and c'bYrcafie.

l'm in ml favorit p\aco..\ho oo. lt's in th
parK. lhera ar?, bsart, znd penguins!
a sma\\ r^rator{\l noxt to lho uo, andlhero' a sma\l

1 The bookstore is across from /between the laK in front of th 'rtarfa\\. horo aro blu nd

clothes store and the cYbercaf. graan birds on th laK. lt't o\d toda1. l'm old and
2 The sports store is next to / in front of the 'fher itn't @
thir{ a caf tntho parr
3 The restrooms are across f rom / next to the Nor^r, l'm in th nw shoPPing nra\\. t'm not o\d,

and l'm no1 ihiretl now. l'm in m' favorito {at food
4 The bus stop is between / in front of the
clothes store restaurant. O
5 The restrooms are across from I next to the 'fttvro are two movie ihoalor in thr m\\.
movre theater.
/5 arc. 5oo eafi tn ozch \hoa\od'lrtere;t a clbercafi

nrt to thi movio lhe,alor andihore ara twentl now

Look at the picture in exercise 4 again. Fill in the
blanks with the words below. comprltrrs. oo\!

across f rom between in front of next to

1 Laura thinks Smallsville is
next to
2 There's a next to the zoo

A: Where is the bookstore? 3 a

There isn't ln the Park.

B: lt's 4 There are 1,OOO in the movie

the cybercaf. Lf ted Ler5.

A: Whe'e is the cybe"cafe? There are twenty new con'rputers in the

B: lts
the sports store and the bookstore
.. 110

the bookstore?
Total: / 60
A: Where is

B: lt's

the clothes store.

A: Where is the movie theater?
B: lt's

the cybercaf.
A: Where rs the taxi?
B: t's

the bookstore
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with sports words. 1 Write sentences with can and can't.
1 Joaqun Cortes can d 1 Jing-mei / dance. She / not surf .

2 Jess de Lima can j high. J-inq: m ei @n-dan@-*e...-ca$' t su"rf... .

3 My brother can r fast. 2 I / jump high. I / not run fast.

4 You can s on big mountains.

5 Kobe Bryant can PlaY b 3 Tia / dance. She / not PlaY Piano.

6 You can't s in the OlYmPics

7 Natalia Molchanova can d 101 meters. 4 We / speak English. We / not speak Chinese.

B Can you r a horse?

9 You can i -s in the wlnter t il;r r"r t.**H;;;;i;;;;.;;;
10 Michael Phelps can s fast. 6 You / ski. You / not ice-skate.
Fill in the blanks with the words below.
% 2 Answer the questions.
l= jurp play ride run 1 A: Can you dive? Qr)
+il*=:.:.:::.",.,:+1i::!:!.*.:ii;ii!;;ii.:;;r:ii;iiiE::l+riii.r'_ii:+:r,i!+i;;;l3!ir:!=i;:':!t ==
e: No,lcn?
1 lcan fast.
2 A: Can they swim? (/)
2 Can you high?
3 N/ilo can
_ t- ___-^
d flot5e,
3 A: Can we ski? (/)
4 They can basketba I I

4 A: Can Felix ride a horse? (X)

Circle the correct verb. B:-

1 Run I Don'tthrow / walk / touch 5 A: Can Sara ice-skate? (/)
2 You walk / kick / throw the ball in handball B: .-------*..'.-_........... ..........

3 Don't touch / kick lwalk the soccer ball with 6 A: Can they dance? fir)
your hand. B:-______.--=---
..... I 5
4 Pass / Touch / Walk the ball to Kellyl
5 You throw / walk / kick the ball with your foot
in soccer.
6 Don't pass / hit / throw the coach !

Unit test @
3 Read the cht(wthlnformation about Eva Reading
and Jame. Wrile/questions and answers.
1 Read the article. Answer the questions with
Activi Eva Jaime short answers.
dance x Ertrema spo rts?
ice-skate Laurir ?ugh is ritish. H an swim sr^rim a Kilomair

jump high x x in vory old wator! H's an arirm t\limmgr. \le can

wim in 'th Arli cean and lhe Nnlarclic Ocyan

1 Eva / swim?
A: CanEvaswim fhe watr in ih ArJi \coan is very cold, and

B: Yes, she can peop\e can'Iowim in it for a long time Lwis an

Jaime / swim?
awim in 'the Arti Ocean tor oighteen minutasl

Eva / dance?
A: Al Morrison can sYi on rratr, rrithout sKis! H's a
B: "barefooling" champion from ths Unttd iiates. H
Jaime / dance?
can tYi ai b5 Kilomotorb ?or hour, but he can't jump
B: hrgh. His brothr and sisir can tYi on watr, too.

Eva and Jarme / ice-skate? -lhol

can't sYi at to5 Kilom'ir pzr hour, but thel

can sYi on wa-ter and dancv on thir sKir!


Eva and Jaime / jump high?

Can Lewis Pugh swim in the Arctic Ocean?
Yes,he can
Can Lewis swim thousands of meters rn cold
3 Can Lewis swim in the Arctic for three hours?

kick not hit not swim throw walk 4 Can Al Morrison ski on water?

Don't run in the classroom!


Can Al Morrison jump high?

2 your sister!
3 the basketball to mel
6 Can Al Morrison's brother and sister ski at
4 in this lake! lt's dangerous.
65 kilometers an hour?
5 the balll lt's a soccer qame.
Total: / 60
Vocabulary Grammar
I Complete the daily routines. 1 Put the words in order to make sentences.
1 gotos 1 thirty /geI/ We/six /up/ day /al/every
2 domyh
3 have I 2 school /to/club / go / an / arf /They / afler
4 have d
l4 3 the /\Ne /in /TVr.;.;i;; r;.;;
Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases
below. 4 magaztnes/read / I / room/music t,, t

at finish classes get up go to bed 5 You /lhe /your/ afternoon / homework t i:" t,
have breakfast in start classes watch TV
| (1) at7 a.m. I (2)
(3) Write the he I she I it forms of the verbs in
at seven thirty I at B:45
the correct column.
(4) the morning. The first class
is math or English. | (5) at f inish go have like meet read take
3 p m , and then I practice soccer. I go home watch
(6) .
5o'clock. l(7)
in the evening I lrke The Simpsons. Add -s Add -es lrregular
| (B) at 9:30 p.m. rcad1
Complete the school subjects.
i Jake plays the piano in m c.

2 Rebecca paints In a l7

3 Hiroshi has m h homework every day
Fill in the blanks with the he I she I itform of
4 Matt studies other countries in
the verbs below.
5 Pedro studies important people in up go have
.' do finish get play
6 N/ randa thinks s nc is interesting I Daniel his homework after
7 | play soccer in school.
B My favorite subject is 2 Jos the violin.
C O TS NC J )d|utd to a dance class afte'
t8 school
4 My friend classes at four
5 My mom at 7 a.m.
6 Ana breakfast at erght o'c,c -.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
Unit test @ w

verbs below.
1 Read the profiles. Circle the correct answer.
go have listen paint read study watch

lWe A typical Saturday

books on the weekends.
2 Katia lunch at twelve o'clock
My name's Adriano, and I'm fiom Salvador.
3 Daniel and Felipe to my Brazil. On Saturdays, I get up at ten thirty and I
school. watch TV. Then I meet my friend Marco. We go
4 My sister lV ln the morning. to a shopping mall in town. We have lunch in a
5 Adriana fantastc pictures fast fbod restaurant, and then we go to the rnovie
6 My brothers to great nlus c. theater. After that we play soccer at Marco,s
7 N/y sister history at school
house. l go home at about five o'clock.
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the I'm Olivia fiom Birmingham. Alabama in the
verbs below. United States. On Saturdays, I get up at seven
o'clock. I have breakfast. and then I meet
go go have play watch
my friend Esther. We have dance classes on

I (1) TV in my bedroom
Saturdays. The classes start at nine o'clock, and

after school, but my best friend Victor they hnish one thirty. We have lunch in a caf.
(2) to the sports center after Then we go to a shopping ntall. I go home at
school He (3/ basketball every about six o'clock in the evenins.
day. Victor r47 free time on the
weekeno, no we (5) to the Adriano gets up at ... on Saturda,,s.
movie theater in town. a 9:30 a.m. b 10:30 a.m.
t5 Adriano and Marco have lunch .. .

a at Marco's house b in a fast food restaurant

41 6 p.m , Adrino ,s . .

a at home b in the mall

Olivra and Esther's classes start at ... .

a 9a.m b 1:30pm.
At 3 p m., Esther and Olivia are . .

a rn a dance class b in the mall

Total: I 60
1 Match the sentence halves. 1 the blanks with the simple present
Fll in
1 Do you eat negative form of the verbs in parentheses.
2 Do they listen 1 They books (read)
3 We speak 2 He TV (watch)
4 Mr. White teaches
3 My uncle to concerts. (go)
5 llike
6 Sara always wears
4 Natasha fish. (eat)
5 My srsters drama. (like)
a science at school.
6 We soccer (play)
b black jeans.
c to hip-hop music?
d sushi? lt's Japanese fish. Look at the chart and complete the sentences
e Kanye West. His music is awesomel with the simple present affirmative or
f English, but not French. negative form of the verbs.
Preferences Hiro Maribel
2 Fll in the blanks with the verbs below.
wear Jeans x

I hate live love read speak wear jj

] listen to rap music X
F4 ;.;:+i9

play basketba x
1 I a uniform to school every day.
2 Do youi'grandparents in read newspapers x x
1 Hko wAt-Q-- jeans.
3 We don't Chinese
2 Maribei rap musrc
4 They Lady Gaga. They think
3 Hiro basketbal I

she's cooll
4 Maribel _ jeans.
rap music, but I love rock
Hiro *__

5 rap music
6 Maribel and Hiro newspapers.
6 My sisters books after school
every day.
3 Complete the clothes words.
1 l-5 L

2 jn
3 c .... .

4 s .................. k s

5 swtns
6 s.....r...s
1 j kr
B s...... t h r.
Unit test @
Fill in the blanks. Use the simple present form Reading
of the verbs below.
1 Read the profiles. Answer the questions with
not eat not go not listen not wear play short answers.
I love ...
'l a uniform to school.
Kelly loves tennis, and she loves school I She
2 Mv father to rock music.
goes to a tennis school in Florida. She lives
3 Japanese. Konichiwa !

with her parents and two brothers in Tampa,

to school on the near the school. She wears her f'avorite cap and
her favorite T-shirt with a tennis slogari. She
chocolate. has tennis lessons and then math and science
t6 classes every day. After school. she reads tennis

4 Complete the questions with Do or Does. magazines.


Akiro listen to rap music? Austin lives on a big farm in Australia with
you like school?
his parents and his three sisters. He doesn't
Marta wear T-shirts with
go to school because it is 500 kilometers fiom
his house. He studies at home with the TY
Miki read books?
your friends live in Or ando, radio, and a computer. Austin loves school.
Florida? "I don't wear a uniform. it's cool. I wear my
.. t5 old sweatshirt and sweatpants every day. Atler
school, I listen to rock music."
Complete the questions with Do or Does.
Write short answers.
A: Do you watch TV? (/) 1 Does Kelly go to a basketball school?
e: Yes.ldo . ..... .
No, ghe doesn't
2 Does Kelly wear a school uniform?
A: - Monica wear sneakers to
school? (/)
- 3 Does Kelly have a sister?
3A: ... you go to the mallwith 4 Does Austin study at home?
your friends? (X)
B: 5 Does Austin have a teacher in his school?

4k they read newspapers? (X)

6 Does Austin like school?

5A your brother speak

Spanish? (/) Total: / 60
Vocabulary Grammar
1 Complete the words. 1 Choose the correct question word and
1th m p k complete the questions.
2d n sc I
I A: coes sr e I ve?
3 s . tg (How/WhererWhen)
4 s r sc n t
B: ln Santiago
5b lng ll y
6c c t 2 A: co you swim with?
(When / Who,,'How)
B: My"
Complete the sentences. 3 A: sports do you p ay?
1 ldon't lrve in a city I live in the c (What/Where/When)
2 You use your skateboard at the s B: Basketoa
p 4 A: co you start classes?
3 Universal Orlando and Walt Disney World are (How i What When)
1p B: At 11 a,m-
4 You play tennis at a s c 5A: co you travel to school?
5 I go to the y c at school (Who/What/How)
twrce a week with my friends. B: By bus.
6 On your birthday you have a p 6 A: --- do you go to the youth
/6 club? (How / How often / Where)
B: Twice a week.
Complete the leisure activities with the verbs
below. - t6
Fill in the blanks with the words below.
i go go go out go to play read talk i

shopping / swimming

2 compu Ler qames 1 A: do you spell your name?

3 the library B: H-l-R-O-S-H-I.
4 TV 2 A: _ do you do on weekends?
5 on the phone B: I go out with my friends.
6 with friends do you do your homework?
7 online B: ln the evening.
B books 4A: do you I ke rap musrc?
t8 B: Because it's awesomel
5 A: do you go to the movies?
B: Every week.
6A: do your grandparents live?
B: ln San Franclsco
Unit test @ p=
l:: :a:
E; rEiF:

Complete the expressions of frequency. Reading

1 Mondays and Thursdays
1 Read the interview. Answer the questions
with full answers.
2 February and October
3 9 a.m., 12 p.m., and 4 p m.
Free time
a daY Charlie lives in Ottrwa. Canada. Every weekend. he

4 June l", lune B'h, June 14'h, and June 2Bl' meets his friends in the park to play softball. Charlie's
mom and dad play. too.
5 2008, 2009,2010,2011,2012, ... "It's great fun. I nleet two or three of my liiends in
the park. Mom rnd Dad practice with us. Dad throws
6 ere'7 ror^ ng and every evenrng
the ba1l. and we hit it. I love sotlball. It's fun. and it's
a day
good exercise.
7 l/ay 30'i', June 30th, July 30'h, ...
"How often do ,ou play?"
a month
B lvlonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, "l practice afier school three tirnes a week, and w'e

Saturday, Sunday play in the park every Sunday. We start at eleven

day o'clock. and we finish at one o'clock. Mom r.nakes
t8 Iunch. and we have lunch in the park. After th1t, we

4 Look at the information. Complete the go to the skate parkl"

questions and answers. "Do you play in the park in winter'}"
Free-time David Guillermo "No. it's cold here in rvinter. We play in the sports
go online Monday, Tuesday, every morning center or at the youth club !''
Wednesday, Thursday, and every
Friday, Saturday, and evening
Su ndaV Does Charlie live in Brazii?
go shopping No, he doesn'. He lives in Canada
go to the every Summer every summer Does Charlie like softball?
co ntrV
u and winter
exerctse Monday. Tuesday, Monday,
Thursday. and Friday Wednesday. 3 Does Charlie play every day?
and Saturdav
go to the every Fr day every Saturday
4 Does Charlie have unch at nomeZ

How oflendoes Gu lermo go online?

5 Does Charlie go home .i,.r ,r..n,
Twice a day I,
Guillermo go to the country?
6 Does Charlie play so[l.oall in the park i^ *in,.'Z
David and Guillermo go
/10 f
shopping 7
Total: / 60 t
David go online? f

Davld and Gui lermo go to the ti
movies? t

6 Gurllermo exercrse i

i;r-rt ---+'- i .,.,':l.:+ r '! , ++r+

Notes and answers

to practice countrtes and nationalitles
to ask and answer personal information questions
to practice feelings

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Grve out the activity sheet. Go through the examplewith the class
' Make sure students understand that they must ask and answer personal
information questions without giving the name of the person on the profile.
' Students then ask and answer rn pairs and guess who their partner is describing

Students' own answers.

Extra activity
Students can write new profiles about different people rn different parts of the
worid and exchange information with a new partner

Who is it?
tudent A
Work with Student B. Choose a profile. Name: Name: Bruno
Don't say your name. Take turns to ask and
answer questions with Student B. Guess who
Student B is. Repeat with a different profile.
ii: ffi
Belo Horizonte

Student B: How old are you?

Time: 11'.24 p.m. Time: 824am.
Student A; l'm ...
Student B: Where are you fr,om?
Student A: l'm from ... / l'm ...
Student B: What's the time?
Name: Dina Name: Andres

Student A: lt's ...

Age: 15 Age: 14
Location: St. Petersburg Location: Cadiz
Student B: Are you ... today?
Country: Russia Country: Sparn
Student A: Yes. I ... / No, l'm
Student B: You're ...
Time: 1.24 p m. Time: 11.24 p n.

Name: Vera ,{ Name: Kenli 6\ Name: Akiko a Name: Arex .1

Age: 13u, Age: rr tt \ ^
Y) Age: 14 \://. Age: ls f4',
Location: osaka i-'
Location: Belo Horizonte Location: Osaka Location: St. Petersburg
Country: Brazil Cou ntry: Japan Country: .Japan Country: Russia
Time: 8'.24 a.m. Time: 7'.24 p.m. Time: 7.24 p.m Time: 1'.24 p.m

*=,+liii#!, #-il;*ii.d-; ;;-d,*#-f,s

Who is it?
Student B Name: Sofia Name: Bruno
Work with Student A. Choose a profile. Age: 14 Age: 1 3
Don't say your name. Take turns to ask and Location: Cadiz Location: Belo Horizonte
answer questions wth Student A. Guess who Country: Spain Country: Brazil
Student B is. Repeat with a different profile. Time: 11'.24 p.m. Time: 8.24 a.m
Student A: How old are you?
Student B: l'm ...
Student A:Where are you from?
Student B: l'm from ... /l'm ... Name: Dina Name: ,-\
Andres t'--\
Student A: What's the time? Age: 15 Age: 14 k/
Student B: It's ... Location: St. Petersburg Location: Cadiz
Student A: Are you ... today? ntry:
Co u Russ ia Country: Spain
Student B: Yes, I ... / No, l'm ... Time: 1.24 p.m Time: 11'.24p.m.
Student A: You're ...

Name: Vera Name: Kenji Name: Akrr.o a Name: Alex 1

Age: '13
Age: 14 Age: 1a r'\:f1 Age: 15 \r]
Location: BeloHorizonte Location: Osaka Location: Osaka -) | !
Location: St. Petersburg
Country: Brazi) Country: Japan Country: Japan Co u ntry: Ru iass
Time: B'.24 a,m Time: 7.24 p.m Time: 7.24 p.m. Time: 1.24 p m.
Notes and answers
to practce adjectives and possessions
to practice the possessive adjective my
to describe things in a bedroom using prepositions of place

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs
' Give out the activity sheet Remind students not to show their
sheet to
their partner.
. Go through the example with the class.
' Make sure students understand they must use my with the possessions
and the furniture.
' Students then take turns to describe and draw the possessions in
prctu res.
o students then compare pictures and check the possessions are in
correct place.

Student A
1 My MP3 player is under my desk. tt,s white
2 My cell phone is on my desk lt,s new.
3 My watch is on my bed tt,s biack.
4 My TV is on my bedside table. tts big.
5 My magazines are under my bed. They,re oid.
6 My pencil is on my desk. lt,s long
Student B

1 N/y game console is on my desk. lt,s new.

2 My sneakers are in my closet. They,re white
3 My lamp is on my desk. lt's blue.
4 My schoolbag rs on my chair lt,s black.
5 N/y books are on my bookcase They,re old
6 N/y skateboard is under my desk. lt,s qreen.
Extra activity
' Students write sentences or draw pictures about thinqs in their
bedroom and exchange information with a new partner.

Describe draw
Student A
1 Look at the pictures below. Don,t show
2 Listen to Student B and draw the things
Student B your pictures. Tell Student B where in
the possessions are in your bedroom. Student
draws the possessions in his / her picture.
is / desk. lt / white.
E*- ""f
Student A: My N/p3 player is under my desk.
lts white i
- i lir-.\
,i:i.. ,, / ls / desk. / new. 11

, ffi/is/bed rrlbtack

- / is /
@ bedside tabte It / bis

/ are / bed. They / old

6 -eeee- / is / desk. tt / long.

Describe and draw Look at the pictures below. Don,t show

Student B A your pictures. Tell Student A where the
possessions are in your bedroom.
1 Listen to Student A and draw the things
Student A draws
your picture. the possessions in his / her picture.

4'ffi8=' : .::il:re::
-::: ):; .;a
'1- .=
-'::. r / is / desk. lt / new.
-=' ==
'-==_li '
=*: Student B: My game console
"k." is on my desk jts new.
:: t
2 .*'l]-r. r'1r

/ are / closet . They /white.

, ;t i is / desk. tt / blue.

4 & /s/Ar.lrbtack.
t !
!:lf,r& )
: '.-=='== / are / bookcase. They / old I

'"- 1
6 '= / is / desk lt / green :


Notes and answers

to practice asking questions about family and lobs
to practice be questions and short answers

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class rnto A / B pairs
. Give out the activity sheet. Go through the example with the class
. N,4ake surestudents understand they must ask and answer about names, ages, and lobs.
. Students then take turns to ask and answer questions and complete the family trees.
. Students then compare family trees and read the text to check thetr answers.

Student As family tree

Student B's family tree

Extra activity
. Students copy the blank family tree and repeat the activity
about their own families
.riir-i. ; , ,:..' ':. :' !.'! , i lrl''
rr i-:{! :..- :.1 ;. ;i-a "'. ;:, 1.


Family tree
Student A
I You are Dani. Look at the information about 2 Now ask Student B questions and complete
your family below. Answer Student B,s the family tree with information about
questions. his / her family.
Student B: What's your mom's name?
Name: Name:
Student A: Her name's ...
Age: . Age:
Student A: How old is she?
Student B: ..

Student B: your mom a doctor?

Student A: No, she sn'1. She's a / an Age:
#.111 -, My blog

My name's Dani. l'm fourteen years old. My mom,s Name: Name: Yuk
name is Anita. $he's 45 years ald and she,s an Age: Age:
afilst. hrly dad's 47 ybars oiC and he's a dctor.
His ran"e is Gilberto. h4y sister is eieven years
old and her name's Ana. My br*ther is sixteen
years old and his name is Luis. My grandparents
are Ju*na and Gustavo. My grandmother,s
75 years ald, and my grandfather's 7g years ald.
My grandfather's an artist, iike my moml

Family tree
tudent B
1 Ask Student A questions and complete You are Yuki. Look at the information about
the family tree with information about your family below. Answer Student A,s
his / her family. questions.
Student B: What's your mom's name?
Student A: Her name's ... My blog
Student B: How old is she?
Student A: She's ...
My name's Yuki. l'm thirteen years old. My
Student B; ls your mom a doctor? rnom's name is Emi. he's 46 years old and
Student B: No, she isn't. She's a / an ... she's a wiiter. My dad's 47 years ofd and he,s
an actor. His name is Koji. My brother is ten
Name: years cld and his name's Jun. My sister is
Age: sevenieen years old and her name is hdaki.
My grandparents are Takako and David. My
grandmother's 73 years old and she's a wriier,
like my mom! f,ly grandfather's T5 years oid.
He's great!

Name: Dani
Notes and answers
to practice nature vocabulary
to practice asking and answering questions with there is /there are

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the activ ty sheet. Go through the example with the class.
. lVake sure students understand they must ask and answer questlons
about their pictures using there is / there are.
. Students take turns to ask arrd answer questions and find the
d,'ferences n tre r pictures.
. Students can then compare prctures and check the r answers

Student As picture
There are ten birds.
There are six butterf lies.
There are three foxes.
There are two tigers.
There are eight monkeys
There's a river. There isn't a lake.
There are mountarns. There rsn't a waterfall.

Student B's picture

There are six birds.
There are ten butterflies
There are f ive foxes.
There are four tigers.
There are nine monkeys.
There's a lake. There isn't a river
There's a waterfall. There aren't any mountains.

Extra activity
. Students draw their own spot the difference pictures and test a partner.
Spot the difference
Student A
Ask questions about Student B,s picture.
Answer questions about your picture.
Find seven differences. ffi
Student A: Are there any birds in your picture?
Student B: Yes, there are. There are six birds
in my picture.
ffi -,ry.==En

Student A: There are ren birds ir my picture.

there a man in your picture?
Student B: Yes, there is That's the same.


Spot the difference

Student B
Ask questions about Student As picture.
Answer questions about your picture.
Find seven differences.

Student A: Are there any birds rn your prcture?

Student B: Yes, there are There are six birds
rn my prcture,
Student A: There are ten brrds in my picture
ls there a man in your picture?
Student B: Yes, there is. That,s the same.



;..i. i.; ..i.. i:..i-.:.=,:::

Notes and answers

to practrce rmperatives
to practice sports activities and sports verbs

. Copy and cut up the cards for Student A and Student B on the activity sheet
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the cards to each student. Place them face down.
. Go through an example with the class, Turn over one card and mime the activity
for students to guess.
. Students continue the activity in pairs turning over a card and miming the verb.
. Remind students they must use the imperative form when guessing and make a
note of the points they get for each correct answer.
. To make this more interesting, you can set a time limit for each card.
. After students have used all their cards, ask them who has the most po nts.

Extra activities
. You can do this as a whole class activity using all the cards
. Students mime verbs of their own choice for a partner to guess the verbs.
. Students all stand up. Give students actions to perform by callrng out tmperatives.
lf students perform the wrong action, they are out of the game and must sit
down. The iast student standing is the winner. The game can be repeated with a
more confident student calling out the imperatives for the other students.
lmperatives mime
tudent A
Choose a card. Take turns to mime the activity on the card. Student guesses
B the activity.
There is one point for each correct answer.
F-- --T -?- T---_4-
rtt 't

', i""-ukate |
I ?l'.{ ..
. I -rrr
sk ri *rII{
'v Er.'

rtt r


; kick a I: ..uG
rf ': run r--t i throw a ball
-..- fast
:ltr s- u :


lmperatives mime
tudent B
Choose a card. Take turns to mime the activity on the card. Student
A guesses the activity.
There is one point for each correct answer.
F-- --T -?- T-- --4- 'l

! ridea !

! swim r fuit a ball


r fuike I
dance i


I ridea t I {

t horge
I I passa :


r I


ball I I
I i
Notes and answers
to practice simple present aff irmative
to practrce daily routines
to practice school subjects

. Copy and cut up the activity sheet
. Dtvide the class into A / B pairs
. Give out the activity sheet
. Go through the example with the class, reminding students to fill n the activity tn
their blank agenda page
Students exchange information and complete their agenda pages.
. Stude-ts check their answers rr- pairs.
. Alternatively, check the answers with the class and ask students to cor.e out and
complete the agenda pages on the board.

Student As agenda

Monday plal tennis with Dad

Student B's agenda
Monday p\a1 basKetball with rad
Tuesday art \ub allor schoo\ Tuesday go to bad earll

Wednesday rf c\aem with Fob

ffi Wednesday do nglish homeworK

Th u rsday studl for cienct. eram

Th u rsday cionce c\ub aftor shoo\

stay in, v.tatch mccor

game on TV ffi Frrday go to Iho clbercafe &

Saturday nw booK 5at ay

go to ihe movio lhoaler

u rd
with Aliia
Sunday swim at Ilte beach S u nday stay in, rad nw booK

Extra activity
. Students copy and complete the agenda page with their own activities for the week
They then compare with a new partner.
E=i#:#,*-H ;?r##.#+*
Agenda dates
tudent A
This is your agenda for the week. Don't show Student B your agenda. Take turns to
talk about your activities. Complete Student B's agenda with his / her activities.

Student A: On Monday, I play tennis with my dad.

Student B: On Monday, I ...

Your agenda Student B's agenda

Monday plal tannis \rith Dad

art \ub aIor schoo\

Wednesday sud lass wi'ih Fob

Th u rsday eiudy for bLionLo o\afi

stal in, v.talch eoccer
gamo on TV

rd n'r booK

swim ai lhe beach


Agenda dates
Student B
This is your agenda for the week. Don't show Student A your agenda. Take turns to
talk about your activities. Complete Student A's agenda with his / her activities.

Student B; On Monday, I play basketball with Brad.

Student A: On Monday. I ...
Your agenda Student A's agenda

plal barKatball wiih rad

Tuesday go to bed aarll

do m1 nglirh homworK Wednesday

*ience c\ub aIer shool Th u rsd ay

go to the clbercafi,

go to iha movie lhoaler

with A1a

stal in, rad nw booK

Notes and answers
to practice simple present questions and short answers
to practice talking about preferences
to practice clothes

. Copy and cut up the cards for Student A and Student B on the activity sheet.
Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the cards to each student. Place them face down.
. Go through an example with the class. Turn over one card and ask a student
the questron.
. Make sure students understand they must use simple present questions
and answers.
. Ask one or two pairs to feedback to the rest of the class about their
pa rtner's pref erences.

Students'owr answers.

Extra activity t._

. Students write more questions to find out about their partner's preferences.
. They ask and answer the new questions with a new partner.
Do you like...?
Student A
Take turns to ask and answer the questions below with
student B. use Do ...?questions.
Student A: Do you like rock music?
student B: yes, r do. r rove rock music. / No. r
don,t. r hate rock music. g
F-- --T _T_
rtt T__ ___4_.__
like t^reaf
, rockm-usic?
, .r, a=b
i dl;il, i ;t:lh
: ,

rtt i i

r--- --+ _+_ +_- __{

I listen to the I r
live in an r like T-shirts

i radio in the I eat meat? ; apartment?


I morning? ; ;
| with slogans? I

rtt I
L-_ __ _.L_ __ __J


Do you like...?
Student B
Take turns to ask and answer the questions below with
student A. use Do ...?questions.
Student B: Do you like hip_hop music?
student A: yes, r do. r rove hip-hop music. /
|.-- No, r don,t. I hate hip-hop music. g
--? -.F- .r-_ __:1-o.--;
r I
I like hip-hop r wear I read musc
speak r swealnan-1s I

|! mui.2 || Fre;;i |i to school? | ,rsazines i

I every
-vY, -"r. I
--+ _+_ +-_ __{
I talktoyour | , r
v I: namDurgers?
-_ -_!ove
I live in a big i rike r

t day? i cty? | basketbatl? r

I '-i I I
-- __ .L__
r'r:1::-,i!,,,'i-'i :.-.'a:1..)-.. . ..-

Notes and answers

to practice simpie present questions; UVh- questions
to practice questions with Houv often ...?
to pracLice places 'or goi,'g our

. Copy and cut up the activrty sheet.
. Divide the class into A / B pairs.
. Give out the actrvrty sheet.
. Go through the example with the ciass, reminding students to check three places
they go to.
. Make sure students understand they musi use simple present questions and
How often questlons.
. Encourage students to feedback to the rest of the class wtth informatron aDout
their partner

Students' o\vn answers.

Extra activity
. Students think of more places they like to go to and ask and answer w th a new
partner about how often they go there
Places I go
Student A
Look at the places in the pictures. Check (/) three
places you go to. Don't show Student B. Take turns
to ask and answer questions with Student B.

Student B: Do you go shopping?

Student A: No, I don't.
Student B: Do you go to the bowling alley?
Student A: Yes, I do.
Student B: How often do you go to the bowling alley?
Student A: I go
to the bowling alley once a week.

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Places I go
Student B
Look at the places in the pictures. Check (/) three
places you go to. Don't show Student A. Take turns
to ask and answer questions with Student A.

Student B: Do you go shopping?

Student A: No, I don't.
Student B: Do you go to the bowling alley?
Student A: Yes, I do.
Student B: How often do you go to the bowling alley?
Student A: I go
to the bowling alley once a week.

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