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HLTH 2019

Performance Outcome
Personal Training Certification II
By: Andrea Hori 5A
Professor: Aurelio Pimenta
Client Goals:
balance and coordination when performing both simple set and complex exercises
To improve postural imbalance in upper body weak chest and tight back muscles
To lose fat and lean body weight
To improve abdominal endurance further

Assessment Justification:
Assessments necessary to see the baseline of the client pre-training and to compare to post training
values to see if the above goals were met or not
- Used the 3 stage bike test (Sub max VO2) to assess the clients current cardiovascular fitness status to
provide an adequate prescription for weight loss on the bike and treadmill machines
Body Composition/Anthropometry:
- Took height and weight to calculate BMI, to see if clients ratio between height and weight was in the
normal ranges
- Assessed performance (Sloan Weir) body fat measurements to see the relationship between the clients
fat weight and lean muscle mass body fat percentage
- Took waist and buttocks circumference measurements to compare to normal ranges as well
- To assess hamstring tightness indirectly and also to observe upper body and back posture going into
forward trunk flexion as client has upper body muscle imbalance
- To assess the endurance of the abdominal muscles as client wants to improve abdominal endurance
specifically to help with static and dynamic balance
- To assess chest endurance, as client complained of having weak chest muscles
- Used the tandem pivot, crouch & walk to assess clients leg strength and balance and proprioception while
turning and moving
- Used the combined lunge and hurdle step to assess once again leg strength, balance and proprioception
as well as coordination completing the movements and steps of the functional test
- Gave brief counselling session on the importance of appropriate nutrition and diet and combining that will
exercise is the optimal way to successfully lose weight and/or maintain current weight used the
Canadas Food Guide as a pin point of discussion

Elements of Prescription Relative to the Client Goals:

Balance & Coordination:
Started off with simple set exercises using machines and/or dumbbells to see clients adaptation to all the
resistance exercises assigned to meet the above goals Ex. for upper body muscle imbalance gave chest
exercises to correct weakness and a series of back stretches (including PNF) to reduce the tightness in the
lower back
Then moved onto combination exercises to promote coordination increase Ex. having client perform a
sumo squat, followed by an upright row and overhead press or having a client complete a rep of lower or
upper body exercises using a step combination in between
From here, progressed to decrease stability having client perform resistance exercises on the swiss ball or
standing on a BOSU ball to promote balance and proprioception increase Ex. exercise where the client
stands, balancing on the flat side of the BOSU ball and I would throw a medicine ball from all different
angles for the client to catch
Finally, used resistance exercises and in between got the client to do ladder/hurdle pattern combinations
to further increase coordination and balance Ex. one leg ladder/hurdle hops, followed by lunge trunk
twist with the medicine (all ladder/hurdle exercises were timed)
Muscle Imbalance:
- Prescribed a variety of chest exercises improve strength and endurance in the chest using dumbbells,
machines, body bars, etc.
- Prescribed static stretches for the back as well as PNF stretches
Weight Loss:
- Prescribed 4 cardiovascular programs for the client to promote weight loss
- Assigned a continuous bike, treadmill and elliptical prescription and an interval prescription on the
- Prescribed full body resistance routine to promote lean mass increase
Abdominal Endurance:
- Prescribed a variety of exercises promoting abdominal endurance in the inner, middle and outer core
Ex. Standing on one leg with eyes closed, transferring MB from one hand to the other over head, wood
chopper (both diagonal and across), dynamic bridges with and without swiss ball, oblique trunk twist with
MB, bicycles, planks (both prone and side), etc.
- Standing on the BOSU for the simple set resistance exercises was used to decrease stability and promote
core activation to remain stable on the surface while completing each set of exercises

Pre & Post Data Representation/Analysis:

Many of the objectives set forth by the client were not met because the pre-test/post test fitness
assessment data has not changed significantly. The clients body fat percentage, waist/buttocks circumference
and BMI remained the same. Her chest strength increased slightly from completing 3 repetitions to being able to
complete 6 repetitions (which is still in the needs improvement category) and her abdominal strength remains the
same at completing 17 full repetitions. Her predicated sub max VO2 has not changed from 26 ml/kg/min. Finally,
her balance and coordination has improved slightly as each week we slowly progressed to increase the difficulty of
exercises but not enough since time was not spent outside of training, concentrated on these aspects.

Reasons that contribute to outcomes of training are as follows:

- Time consuming school schedule
- Client claims she does not absorb information quickly during class lectures and goes directly to the
library to review information and leaves directly after to make it home at a decent hour
- Commuting time is not in her favour, have to spend about 2 hours to get to and from school on a
daily basis
- Fitness center hours of operation dont fit into her schedule or how she prioritizes her time
concentrating on school
- Is not motivated to use the exercise equipment available at home because she is too tired after
- Feels if she makes time for exercise it will negatively affect her progress at school
- Negative excuses continuously being made about not having enough time and reorganizing her
schedule will not work no matter what she tries

Final Recommendations:
Use tactics to gear out of the contemplation stage of change and move towards to preparation and action
stage of change making a list of pros and cons to exercise/physical activity, identify and weigh out the
barriers to making the change
Start out slow for aerobic and resistance training and slowly progress up with time and eventually exercise
will become a part of your weekly routine even if busy with school and assignments
Seek help from physician or a registered dietician to receive appropriate counselling about nutrition and
also for emotional support to make this change in your life
Use exercise as a positive thing to relieve stress and tension from your life clear your mind with
physical activity instead of sitting around pondering on negative thoughts having them weigh you down
On study or assignment breaks, go for a walk or do some sort of physical activity instead of sitting and
thinking about negative aspects of your life that are going to increase your stress levels

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