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suites Hee WA cpa Date_ BG fig UNIVERSITY OF UTAH OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY STUDENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Interviewing Competency Exam COLLEGE HEALTH | Division of Occupational Therapy ‘Competency Components Not Observed or ‘skill performed inappropriately ‘Adequate Skil demonstrated High level of | Nia ‘kill Demonstrated 4. Introduces self to client — which includes acknowledging client's ‘namo, introducing self, and stating purpose of interview 2, Explores and discusses client's priorities and concerns regarding the reason fora referral to occupational thorapy '3. Questioning demonstrates preparation and familiarity wth the interview format 4. Utlizes understandable language; Explains Jargon as appropriate ‘5, Demonstrates the ability to paraphrase and reflect client's content and feolings 6. Asks additional open and! or clarifying questions when client gives ‘short or vague responses, 71s able to refocus client back to Interviewing topic in a respectful 8. Avoids giving advice 8. Uses silence appropriately 10. Demonstrates appropriate body language - which includes appropriate eye contact, personal space, facial expression, gestures, postural orientation, speaking volume and modutation “11. Demonstrates appropriate Interest and energy level in response client's behavior 42, Acknowledges changes in clients affect, mood, and body language 412, Effectively responds to client’ affect, mood, and body language “14, Summarizes client's responses at the end of the interview 416, Gives client final opportunity to add information or ask questions 416. Informs client what the next steps of the intervention process can orwill be 17. Ends interview on a positive note and provides a sense of closure Overall rating of Student's Interviewing Competency Level (Cicle One) Comments 211872016 sll do not meet competency requirements. RLY |\\S XA] AISIAIS NEN Intervibwing— ‘kilis™meet competency requiremer uw Interviewing skills exceed competency requirements Student's ID # Melissa Lepe da Date 14/ I UNIVERSITY OF UTAH COLLEGE HEALTH Division of Occupational Therapy OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY STUDENT PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT Faculty Evaluation for First Year Psychosocial OTSPA Faculty ‘Comments and Suggestions Skills/Outcomes Assessed Improvement NS SSIN ces Needs Preparation Arrives at appointment on time Prepares questions in advance Establishes appropriate interviewing environment How interview conducted Explains purpose of interview in clear, understandable language Establishes rapport with client Uses allotted time effectivel Briefly summarizes key points ofthe interview. Uses we simple, clear terms In summary, student prioritizes occupational ea concerns similarly to how client has prioritized them Number of minutes that interview lasts AD" 1D. Min Gathers Information regarding: he : . Occupationsiroutines that are most important fo the | Von nce clam son . a of reed ber Most important people in their lives -social support system addressed? ee Aye stoderorts en aor wie res) ‘Occupations/routines that are going well - are a fo ye Wi poet Occupations/routines that are typically engaged in strengths Cccupationsiroutines that the person wants to A Kk rs change

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