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Cathy Drury Friday, November 3, 2017

Mrs. Baxter 11:00

Second grade
Writing Workshop

Comparing and Contrasting Two Fables

Essential Question(s)- What are the similarities and differences between these two fables?
What qualities does a fable have?
Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by
different authors or from different cultures.
Recount stories, including fables and folktales from diverse cultures, and determine their central
message, lesson, or moral.
Learning Objectives Assessments
Students will be able to compare and contrast Teacher will have students fill out a venn
two fables. diagram as a class using informal assessment.

Students will be able to explain what a fable Teacher will have students share what they
is. learned about a fable as partners at the end of
a lesson.

a: The True Story of The Three Little Pigs
b: Index cards with questions/traits of a fable
c: Venn Diagram sheet
d: Anchor charts
e: Paper plates looking like a venn diagram

Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge- Students will have no prior knowledge of
what a fable or folktale is. Students will know the story of the Three Little Pigs.
Lesson beginning- Teacher will ask the students what a fable is. Teacher will give an example
(the three little pigs) and ask the students what the story has in it that might be different from a
normal book. If they cant come up with anything, teacher will ask the students to think of the
characters, or the main idea. (5 minutes)
Instructional Plan-
1. Teacher will introduce an anchor chart to help them remember what a fable has in its story.
Teacher will hand out different parts of the comparing and contrasting sheet on index cards
and have the students think of their topic during the reading as a group. The teacher will read
The True Story of The Three Little Pigs. (10 minutes)
2. After the teacher reads the book, students will talk in groups about their index card with their
question and what they think it is from the book. Groups will go around saying what they talked
about for their index card (5-7 minutes).
3. Students will be reminded of the other fable they read called The Three Little Pigs. Students
will talk in their groups to come up with differences between the two books (2 minutes).
4. They will also figure out what is the same and write the answer in the venn diagram as a class.
The students will write it on the board and they will have two plates that make up a venn
diagram where they are sitting. Each group will work together to come up with their answers that
are different as well and from the index cards. (10-15 minutes)
If the students have extra time, the teacher will have the students give an example of
another fable.
o Differentiation: Students will be assigned groups. The teacher wants everyone to learn
from this, so I will put higher level thinkers in groups with lower level thinkers so there is
a mix of discussion in each group. Students who have no idea, the teacher will walk over
to help them.

o Questions: What is a fable? What is in a fable? Who was the main character in this book?
What is similar about these two fables? What is different about these two fables?

o Classroom Management: Students who need to refocus and distracting others, will go
back to their desks until they are ready to learn. The teacher will say 3..2..1.. Students
will respond with talking is done. The teacher will ask the students Who can show me
what a second grader is supposed to look like while we are listening to the teacher? If
students start getting out of control, the teacher will stop and have them do ma.. zinga.

o Transitions: Teacher will use the chime to get the students attention. The teacher will
have the students sit in their read aloud spots.
Closure- Stand up, high five a friend and hold their hands. Talk together and name one thing you
learned about fables. The teacher will have the students go around the room and name what they
learned about fables. (5 minutes)

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