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George Adamski, Howard

Menger, Daniel Fry, Buck

Nelson, and the W56: The
Galactic Federation Are Our

How Anyone Can Contact the

Real Galactic Federation (Plus
9 Lessons) 2nd Print Edition
By Lucus Louize
This book is dedicated to the brave contactees George
Adamski, Howard Menger, Buck Nelson, Daniel Fry, Stefano
Breccia, Bruno Sammaciccia, and the rest of the Italian
Friendship Group (Amicizia). Even in the face of all odds,
they bravely stood fast to their beliefs in order to help their
brothers and sisters of Earth. Without them this book could
not have been written.

This book is also dedicated to the Friendly Space People

who’s infinite kindness, wisdom, and patience continues to
guide us. May we listen to their words of wisdom so we can
learn to live together in peace so they may come and visit us
openly and we may join them in the exploration of the stars.

This book is especially dedicated to the space people who

live anonymously among us teaching through good examples
of how to live and helping in small ways. They may be our
neighbors, co-workers, students ect. May their good
examples and good energy inspire us to live better lives.

This book is Dedicated to the original W56 (another name for

their Galactic Confederation) who started their
Confederation operation ‘Friendship’ in hopes that Earth
people would one day see them as they truly are: Our
Friends. May this book contribute in some small way to their
ongoing operations here on Earth. This book is also
dedicated to the Confederation nurse and the Confederation
grandma who used to live across from my grandmother’s

I also wish to dedicate this book to the Alliance friends and
brother Bob Renaud (their only Earth contactee) for their
good works on this planet.

(2018) ISBN# 9781980959533


2nd Print Edition

Table of Contents:

Forward: Join The Most Powerful Network On The

Planet of the Space Friends of Adamski, Menger, Fry,
Nelson and the W56!......................................................................7
Introduction: Who Exactly Are the Space Friends of
Adamski, Menger, Fry, Nelson, ect.?...................................10
Chapter 2: George Adamski UFO 8 mm Footage
Proven Real......................................................................................19
Chapter 3: The Space Brothers Do Not Live On Venus
Chapter 4: Brief Galactic Federation List of Colonized
Planets or star systems.............................................................26
Chapter 5: The Galactic Federation Economic System
How It Works: Prior Choice Economics by Gabriel
Green 4th of July Review..........................................................32
Chapter 6: The Alliance and the Future of Earth.........35
Chapter 7: The Soul Transfer Machine...............................40
Chapter 8: Introducing the Galactic Federation
Contact For Anyone Series (Lessons 1-9)........................42
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 1: Service.......................................................................46
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 2: Sharing.......................................................................48

Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 3: Rely on God.............................................................51
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 4: Live in the Present Moment..........................54
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 5: Work Ethic................................................................57
Galactic Federation Contact For Anyone Lesson 6:
Prayer, Visualization to Create A Better World, and
Creating Good Karma...............................................................59
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 7: Being Your Eternal Soul and Not the Body
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 8: Advice From God/Eliminating the Ego.......67
Galactic Federation Contact Series For Everyone
Lesson 9: Contacting the Real Galactic
Lesson 9: “Contacting the Real Galactic
Confederation: Part 2”: How To Live the 9 Lessons
Without Thinking About It......................................................79
Chapter 9: How To Receive Hope If You Are Sincere
From A Galactic Federation Master: The Federation
Are Always There For Us...........................................................82
Chapter 10: People Are More Capable Than They

Chapter 11: Galactic Federation and Jesus....................89
Chapter 12: The Daniel Fry Series Part 2: Preventing
Nuclear War......................................................................................94
Chapter 13: The 12 Laws of God: Buck Nelson.............99
Chapter 14: Howard Menger Clears His Name............101
Chapter 15: Follow the 4 Christian Gospels.................108
1: The Space Brothers NOT From Venus, There are
NOT 12 Planets in Every Star System and Other
2: ‘Free Energy’ is Fake, ‘Lightbeings’ are Fake, the
Integratron is Fake, and Other Accurate Information
3: Galactic Federation: Overcoming Gang stalking
Electronic Harassment/Evil Groups 2018......................118

Forward: Join The Most Powerful
Network On The Planet of the
Space Friends of Adamski, Menger,
Fry, Nelson and the W56!

Just like how governments have their own agencies

operating secretly in society with their own networks,
undercover agents and advanced technologies so too do the
advanced evil and positive ET’s have their own networks,
undercover agents and far more advanced technologies than
any government agency. However unlike government
agencies that require much training before someone can
join, ANYONE can join the Confederation network. And the
Confederation network has undercover agents in all areas of
society including within governments and the Confederation
have technology far more advanced than any Earth
organization. The Evil ETs do not come openly to Earth
because of the presence of the Confederation and other
positive ET’s. The Confederation does not come openly to
Earth because of the Non-Interference Directive.
However the Confederation does help out all those who see
them as friends and teachers and have a genuine attitude of
service towards the Confederation. They help out in small
ways mostly behind the scenes because the Confederation
cannot come openly give high level information to any Earth

person because we are not part of their group yet. The only
exception to coming openly was in the 1950’s during the hey
day of the cold war because an exception to the Non-
Interference Directive is when Earth civilization as a whole
is threatened.
If you wish to be a part of the Confederation network here is
what to do:
-Read the book ‘Inside the Spaceships’ by Adamski. The
space friends do NOT come from Venus. That was memory
manipulation from opposing groups as alluded too by Bruno
in Mass Contacts by Breccia and stated by the Alliance on
their website. Read and follow the 4 gospels in the Christian
bible as recommended by the W56. Jesus is God as stated by
the Alliance. The Christian faith and the teachings of Jesus
are universal and closest to the views of the Confederation
and all positive ET civilizations in the galaxy.
-The Confederation (the space brothers) have registering
discs to read thoughts that orbit the Earth. The opposing
groups have the same technology. Send a thought to the
Confederation that you support them. Your thoughts will be
logged and if you are sincere they will assist you in small
ways by either influencing your subconscious from a
distance with their technology or they may send an
undercover agent to help out in small ways. The REAL
Confederation agents radiate a feeling of Universal Love. We
can feel energy from everything including movies, pictures
ect because everything is connected by God’s energy. So
feel the good energy from this picture of Real Confederation
undercover agents:

Never talk about UFO’s with the Undercover Confederation
Agents because they are undercover. Have an attitude of
service to the Confederation, God (God is the Invisible
Intelligence that is all people and all things) and follow the
advice in Adamski’s book Inside the Spaceships and the 4
Christian Gospels and you will be a welcome addition to the
Confederation Network. Remember the Confederation will
never use ‘channeling’ or give high level information to ay
Earth people because we are not members of their group
yet. Be careful of imposters as there are opposing groups
who have also infiltrated all areas of Earth society just like
the Confederation except the opposing groups infiltrate
governments and religions for social control as stated in
Menger’s From Outer Space To You. Never challenge oppose
groups because you will die as stated in Breccias Mass
Contacts and Menger’s From Outer Space To You.
Additional perks to joining the Confederation network is
protection from opposing groups and corrupt governments.
Remember let the Confederation and other positive groups
take care of the opposing groups physically. All we can do is
pray that the positive ET’s win the planet and feel it is
actually happening than give the thought to God and it will
really have a positive effect on the planet and it will help the
positive Et’s.
If you become a ‘Pledged One’ by sending a thought that you
support the Confederation for life and if you actually live a
life of genuine service towards the Confederation, at the
time of your death they may use a soul transfer machine
from a distance (mentioned in Menger’s Threads of Light To
You) and transfer your soul into a Confederation body within
their worlds in the next life and you may have the option to
join in on their operations on Earth.

Introduction: Who Exactly Are the
Space Friends of Adamski, Menger,
Fry, Nelson, ect.?
In the 1950’s several people claimed to have contacts with
friendly Extra-Terrestrials. The most famous person was
George Adamski. He relayed their message of friendship and
peace and they warned of the dangers of nuclear war. But
they gave much more then this. They taught how to live a
better life in tune with the universe and God through the
attitude of service without expecting anything back. Of
course the claims of Adamski and others caused much
controversy, but for those who believe Adamski, Menger and
others, this short book will go into more detail of those
aspects of their advice that have to do with living their
messages. However first off, who exactly are they? I believe
they are called the Galactic Confederation.

In the book To Men of Earth Part 1 by Daniel Fry, there is

mention of the space friends organization which is referred
to as the Federation, Confederation, Galactic Confederation
or Galactic Federation. (Not to be confused with the fake
‘channelers’ and New Age nonsense by misinformed groups
claiming to be a part of the ‘Galactic Federation’. Contactees
that claim they have insider information about the federation
are fake because the real federation would never give highly
sensitive information to earth people as we are not part of
their organization yet.) In the book 50 Years of Amacizia and
Mass Contacts by Stefano Breccia the space friends also
call their organization the Confederation. In the book 50
Years of Amacizia, Howard Menger's space friends are
believed to the same group from the same confederation due
to the similarity of the ships and the way they taught. Connie
Menger (Howard's wife) also wrote a chapter specifically in
support of the Friendship Group. While in Merlin, Oregon,
Daniel Fry's wife took pictures of the same kind of bell
shaped craft as Adamski photographed. Further evidence
that leads to the belief that the space friends of Adamski,
Menger, Fry, Nelson, and the Italian Friendship Group are all
part of the same Confederation is the similarity of the their
teachings, including the belief that they cannot directly
interfere in other worlds not part of their group.
The Confederation are physical people just like us but they
have bases on planets within our solar and they actually live
on other planets in other parts of the universe or galaxy.
They Do Not live on Venus or Saturn ect. As will be
discussed in the next chapter.

Chapter 1: The Galactic Federation
Assistance School Youtube
Channel Newest Version
This channel is an attempt to continue to support the work
of the Galactic Confederation (the real Galactic Federation
has nothing to do with ‘channelers’ or fake contactees that
claim to have insider knowledge about the federation. The
federation would never give insider knowledge to any Earth
person because we are not part of their group yet. The
Galactic Federation are physical people just like us.) This
channel is specifically continuing to support the work of the
W56 group that had their main base in Italy in the 1950’-
1970’s. At that time the plan was to create a teaching
centers where people could learn the ways of the Galactic
Federation and also meet actual friendly ET’s of the Galactic
Federation. The goal was to teach people how to think and
live the Confederation way and be in contact with friendly
ET’s so Earth culture would become Morally and Spiritually
compatible with the Galactic Federation so they could come
openly to our planet and offer Earth to join their federation.

Unfortunately this wonderful goal was never fully attained.

However this channel is an attempt at a revitalization of that
goal, but this time in a decentralized manner through use of
the world wide web. Rather than have a centralized area to
learn from and meet ET’s, people who use this website can
receive teachings of ways to act along Confederation values
directly in their subconscious via the federation technology

from the distance used by the Galactic Federation. People
who use this channel may also meet ET’s who live
undercover within Earth society if they follow the
information in all the video correctly. The W56 is also
involved in some public events such as the Urzi case by
purposely showing their UFO’s in the skies so people get
more used to the ideas of ET’s. If enough people on Earth
learn Morals, accept positive ET’s and have a belief in God
(God is the invisible intelligent energy everywhere that is all
people and all things) the Federation would come openly and
offer Earth to join them and possibly apply a version of
Universal Economics as stated by the Alliance TerraKor

The Non-Interference Directive of the Galactic Federation

prevents them from direct intervention within our society.
The only exceptions are when Earth civilization is directly
threatened as noted by Buck Nelson in his booklet My Trip to
Mars, the Moon, and Venus. (They do Not come from Venus.
Nelson’s memory was manipulated by opposing groups just
like Adamski as we will soon see.) This is why the Galactic
Federation only openly came to Earth during the hey day of
potential nuclear War (the 1950’s real contactee’s like
Adamski, Menger, ect) and during the 1950’-1970’s during a
time when evil ET groups were a threat to Earth civilization
as a whole (the Italian Friendship Group). (They will also
rescue people who see them as friends if the Earth were
ever destroyed, so send a sincere thought that you support
them and they will receive it with their registering discs.)
The Non-Interference Directive prevents them from clearing
the misinformation about them because the manipulation

their contactee memories is not a direct threat to Earth
civilization as a whole so they cannot intervene to clear the
misinformation about them. How to counter the memory
manipulation will be given later in this video. Despite those
setbacks, the rest of the time the galactic federation
operates secretly within our society patiently waiting until
the Earth people decide to learn morals and peace and

Evil ET’s are also bound by the laws of the Galactic

Federation on Earth so they must work within society
without becoming a direct threat to Earth civilization so the
Federation cannot act with direct intervention. The evil ET’s
also have technology to influence the thoughts, emotions, or
even memories of people and can alter documents ect. In
the book Mass Contacts by Breccia. As stated in Mass
Contacts by Breccia stated:

Bruno Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups would use

their technology to do things to the Confederation contacts
like: “…altering documents, changing memories, even
wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings,
as easily as if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”

The Alliance have stated similar things on-line. The way to

combat these methods are through the use of will power,
morals, forgiveness and common sense. When you forgive
others your sins are also forgiven by God as stated in
Mathew 6:14-15. Those who are persecuted for following the

4 gospels, the kingdom of heaven (re-incarnation into higher
planets) is yours as stated in Mathew 5:11-12.
Let the Confederation and the Alliance handle the actual
fighting with the opposing groups. (This is also why the
1950’s contactees sometimes said things that did not make
sense. They had their memories manipulated by opposing
groups that are here on the planet to discredit the
Confederation and that want to enslave us) The Alliance
have stated online the same thing that opposing groups
manipulated the Confederation and their own contactee
memories. So where does the Confederation actually come
from? In an article titled ‘Things That Just Ain’t So’ real
Confederation star systems include Altair and Arcturus.
However the planet Arcturus is an actual Federation planet
that is also the planet of the Alliance because the planet
Arcturus is a dual membership planet. If you wish to
incarnate into Altair or Arcturus in your next life have an
attitude of service and ask God what you need to do in this
life, then let go of thinking and an answer will just
come. Also if you live according to the Confederation
teachings and sincerely support them your whole life the
Confederation may also use a soul transfer machine to take
your awareness (your soul) and transfer your soul into a new
Confederation body somewhere in their worlds or ships and
you will keep all your memories and personality of your past
life but your past life will be secondary as you will have a
new higher understanding of life. The soul transfer machine
is mentioned in Mengers book Threads of Light To You.

Never challenge evil ET’s or the governments because they

will kill anyone who opposes them. The evil ET’s have

undercover officers in government that urge immorality,
corruption and tyrannical authoritarianism. The positive
undercover ET undercover officers urge Morals, Justice, and

The best tools we have are to practice Morals, Empathy,

Service, Forgiveness and a belief in God. Pray to God and
ask God to assist the Federation and the Alliance so they
have success in all their missions.

The focus of this channel is designed to teach anyone how

to have assistance and make contact with the real galactic
federation only (the Alliance are not open to contact with
any Earth people other than their one contact from the
1960’s) Here is a brief way to make contact with the real
galactic federation:

1: Send a thought that you support the Galactic Federation.

They have registering discs to read thoughts. Their
registering discs will pick up your thoughts and they will
become aware of you and know if you are sincere or not. We
are here on Earth to prove our Moral worth to God and the
space friends. Know and feel God is the Invisible
Intelligence Everywhere and that our ‘soul’ is our sense of
feeling which is our eternal awareness.
Ask God for forgiveness if you have done anything evil in the
past. God never forsakes those who are sincere.

2: Practice Morals, Empathy, Forgiveness and Service and

pray to God that they are successful here on Earth. (this
next part is influenced by Adamski’s Science of Life book):

Live by the guidance of God by asking God a question, then
let go of thinking and an answer will come in the form of a
thought or idea of only moral positive things to improve your
life in small ways. Listen to the song ‘Song of Saturn’ by
Howard Menger. A link to the song will be given at the end of
this chapter.

3: Thank God or the presence of the Galactic Federation

agents here on Earth and for all positive ET’s here on Earth.
Practice having an attitude if service towards the
Confederation and towards God. Ask the Federation for
assistance with your thoughts and they will either influence
your subconscious in a positive moral way with their
technology from a distance or they will send an undercover
agent to help out in small ways. Never talk about UFO’s with
the undercover agents because they are here undercover.
The real undercover agents radiate powerful wisdom and
friendship energy. Everything is connected by energy so you
can even feel energy from books, pictures, movies ect. So
feel the good energy from this picture:

The corrupt governments like to pretend they are superior
and untouchable. A good example of this is from the
television episode titled Brain Invaders in the Show
Conspiracy Theory With Jessie Ventura. In the episode, Mr.
Robert Duncan who has worked with the CIA and who claims
there is nothing anyone can do against the corrupt
governments due to their more advanced technology. Of
course that is not true. The Confederation and the Alliance
are far more technologically superior and far more morally
superior than the corrupt government; and the corrupt
governments are touchable because everything is connected
by God’s energy. So pray to God and visualize everyone even
evil people have friendship and universal love and really feel
this is happening, then send the thought to God and let God
take care of it. This will really have an impact and will assist
the operations of the Confederation and the Alliance in small
ways because we Earth people can only assist them in small
ways. The more people act with Morals, the easier it is for
the Confederation and the Alliance to carry out their
operations. People who live a life of immoral evil will have to
incarnate in their next life into similar situations of evil they
did to others in this life as a way for God to teach them not
to do evil to others. However everyone can be forgiven if
they are sincere to God that they will change for the better
so they too can evolve to higher planets. This information
was stated in the book Flying Saucers Farewell by Adamski.
Ask the Federation for protection from evil groups with your
thoughts and place your trust in them. IF you live according
to the steps you may have the opportunity to incarnate into
Confederation worlds either by God itself or by the
Confederation using the soul transfer machine to transfer
your awareness into a new body. If you incarnate into their
worlds you can if you wish, work in the Confederation Sector
Command operations on Earth and help other Earth people
who are oppressed or exploited or non-oppressed people
simply interested in living a better life and influence them to
live a good life so they can join the Confederation in the next
life so eventually Earth can be a free world as a member of
the Confederation.

The W56 (A certain group within the Galactic Federation)

have influenced my subconscious to let me know that it is
an honor for them that I am giving their teachings on this
channel and it is an honor for me to present their wonderful
teachings to you.

I am definitely not perfect, but if I can do it, anyone can and

do it better than me!

To find the channel please go to

The Confederation Contactee with the assistance of
wonderful Confederation agents developed a song that
influences the brain of anyone who listens to the song in a
positive way. The song is designed to help evolve the brain
of the listener. If you are interested here is a link to listen to
the song:

Chapter 2: George Adamski UFO 8
mm Footage Proven Real

George Adamski was a contacteee of friendly space aliens. Their

message can be found in Adamski’s book Inside the Spaceships.
To summarize their teachings in an extremely short manner they
taught that God is the Supreme Invisible Intelligence Everywhere
including within you, the attitude of service is the nature of the
universe, we are not our body but our awareness (our sense of
feeling) within our body which is our eternal soul, it is good live in
the present moment, and our thoughts sent to others really affect
other people. They also have registering discs to read thoughts in
order to help out sincere people behind the scenes in small ways
they can. Send them thoughts of support if you wish and they will
receive them. If the majority of people on the Earth worked
together with service and morals with a belief in God the friendly
space people would come openly to the planet and perhaps they
may offer us technology and admission into their organization.
They have undercover aliens living among us anonymously in order
to be a good example through their attitudes of friendliness and
patience. Their bodies also radiate good Universal Love energy. Be
careful of imposters who pretend to be them but radiate no energy.
It should be noted that the Adamski incorrectly claimed that the
space people come from Venus. The reason for this is because
enemies of the friendly space people manipulated the memories of
the contactees such as Adamski, Howard Menger, Buck Nelson,
ect. In order to discredit them and the friendly space person
message by having them falsely believe the friendly aliens come
from Venus which they Do Not. As Breccia notes in the book
Mass Contacts Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups
would use their technology to do things to the Confederation
contacts like: “…altering documents, changing memories,
even wiping out somebody’s memories, injecting wrong
feelings, as easily as if they were showing a movie. Our
friends (the Confederation- ed) had often stressed that
against all that the only possible defense should consist in a
firm will…” (In addition to Will Power I would add Common
Sense, prayer and Especially Universal Love) The Alliance
has said similar things about the opposing group
manipulation of the Confederation contactees on their
website. (Their contactee also had their memory
manipulated by the same opposing groups).

In the 1960’s Mr. Adamski went to Madeleine Rodeffer’s house at

the insistence of undercover space people in order to film their
UFO with an 8mm film camera. Ms. Rodeffer filmed the UFO.
The 8 mm Rodeffer film footage was proven real by experts such as
William Sherwood a pioneering an optical physicist from Eastman
Kodak, Col. Coleman Vorkeveizky of the United Nations Audio
Visual Department (retired), and Bob Oechsler a physicist and
NASA Mission Specialist in the documentary UFO
Secret: Alien Contacts: The Best Evidence Documentary by
Michael Hesemann.
William Sherwood stated: “I analyzed the film frame by frame there
were 182 frames we made enlargements of the frames, we looked
for things as double exposure all the tell-tale things that you find
when there is trick photography, we found out all we could about
the circumstance about which the pictures were made the
distance from the camera to the object, the size of the, well the
size of the image, we didn’t know the size of the object, but we
derived the size of the object form the knowledge of the size of the
image from the focal length of the camera from the distance at
which it was photographed. I could tell by the branch of the tree
just were the object hovered just were it was photographed. I went
to Madeleine’s house. I paced off the distance I knew exactly what
the parameters were I derived a value of 27 feet were the size of
the object. I remember just how well this formula worked out. It is
a triangular formula the focal length o the camera was 9
millimeters the distance was 90 feet the size of the image was 2.7
millimeters therefore the size of the object had to be 27
feet….there were other factors we brought them all to bare there
were instruments we used which we had available in the
laboratories at Eastman Kodak company, these included
densitometer, photometer, projection device s of all sorts
electronic devices everything that you can name that you can use
telephotometer and so on. The electron microscope I believe was
used by a man….everything pointed to the conclusion that the
objects in the film were true objects, unknown objects, not model
Col. Coleman Vorkeveizky stated “Madeleine Rodeffer showed 8mm
sequence film of a flying object… are genuine I went personally to
the location and I verified additionals where the UFOs were flying
and all the necessary environmental circumstances which
excluded any kind of faking this movie film sequence…”
Bob Oechsler stated: The images had “…an actual radiation
effect… suggesting several things One: You were actually looking
at a three dimensional object as something that was super
imposed on to the film that again suggested credibility with regard
to the film and Secondly It suggested tat there was Technology
was associated with it this was not you know a trash can lid or
something that was casually thrown up into the air while filming
was going on …’’
What about debunkers of George Adamski’s photos and footage
and UFO reports in general?
The government purposely ignored or downplayed UFO reports
regardless of evidence. This was stated in the Letters Exchanged
Between CUFON and Dr. Thorton Page
( In a letter dated Oct. 3, 1992
from Dr. Thorton Page to Mr. Klotz it states regarding the Robertson
Panel and the Condon report: “By contrast, H.P. Robertson told us in
the first private (no outsiders) session that our job was to reduce
public concern, and show that UFO reports could be explained by
conventional reasoning.”
If you want more information about the friendly space
people, how to actually contact them, how to assist their
mission on Earth so Earth may one day become a part of
their organization, how to possibly incarnate into their
worlds and possibly help out their operations on Earth in
your next life, please see the youtube channel and/or see books by Lucus
Louize which can be found at

Chapter 3: The Space Brothers Do
Not Live On Venus

Most people assume that the space friends of George

Adamski, Howard Menger, Buck Nelson, and other 1950's
contacts came from the planet Venus. But obviously science
has shown this is not true. So why did they claim the space
friends came from Venus?
There are opposing groups that manipulated the memories
and emotions of the 1950's contactees in order to make
them have memories that make no sense. As stated in Mass
Contacts by Breccia stated:
Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups would use their
technology to do things to the Confederation contacts like:
“…altering documents, changing memories, even wiping out
somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”
The Alliance have stated similar things on-line.
Will power, morals, prayer and common sense are our only
As stated in Mass Contacts Earth people are like bugs to the
opposing groups so never challenge evil groups and let the
Confederation (the space friends of Adamski, Menger, Nelson
ect) and the Alliance deal with the evil groups. Any Earth
person who attempts to challenge the evil groups will die.
The Non-Interference Directive of the Galactic Federation
prevents them from direct intervention within our society so
they cannot change the misinformation that was given to the
contacts because the misinformation does not directly
threaten Earth civilization as a whole so the Non-
Interference Directive prevents there interference. The only
exceptions are when Earth civilization is directly threatened
as noted by Buck Nelson in his booklet My Trip to Mars, the
Moon, and Venus. (They have bases on Venus, the Moon, and
Mars ect) This is why the Galactic Federation only openly
came to Earth during the hey day (heyday) of potential
nuclear War (the 1950’s real contactee’s like Adamski,
Menger, ect (etc.)) and during the 1950’-1970’s during a time
when evil ET groups were a threat to Earth civilization as a
whole (the Italian Friendship Group). (They will also rescue
people who see them as friends if the Earth were ever
destroyed, so send a sincere thought that you support them
and they will receive it with their registering discs.) The rest
of the time the galactic federation operates secretly within
our society patiently waiting until the Earth people decide to
learn morals and peace.
Where does the Confederation actually come from? The
Confederation territory actually includes planets from the
Altair and Arcturus star systems among others as stated by
the Alliance online.
As stated in the book Inside the Spaceships the space
friends said they are not perfect and make mistakes just like
us. This is a blessing to us Earth people because we can
acknowledge that they are not Gods, they are people like us
who are not perfect. Because they are people like us, it is
proof that what they have done for their civilizations is also
possible for us. They are not Gods like the channelers and
fake contactees try to make them out to be. The ones I refer
to are physical people like us. Ofcourse the space friends
have lived a life of morals and belief in God so God rewarded
them by having them incarnate into more evolved worlds. So
they are our teachers, and we can acknowledge they are not
perfect and by having an understanding they make mistakes
just like us, so we can better identify with them and see
them as friends and teachers with the understanding that
their civilization has had for more experience with God and
technology and if we as a planet can practice learning
morals and a belief in God, they could come openly as
friends and possibly welcome us into their group and teach
us their knowledge in a more direct manner as friends. All
positive ET’s that visited Earth in the 1950’s-60’s had this
problem of misinformation with their contacts so it was not
unique to the Confederation. If they all are not perfect, yet
they can practice morals and a belief in God as the basis of
their civilization, then so can we!
God, Morals, and karma are at the center of all advanced
civilizations in the universe. Here is a short 5 step exercise
to improve your soul:

Step 1: Know that God is not a man or a crucifix but God is

the intelligent love energy everywhere that is all people and
all things. As alluded too by Jesus in the Christian bible the
energy of God is a feeling of Peace, Universal Love and

Step 2: Practice doing good for God and not for any approval
of any person or persons. God rewards those who do good

for God. (In other words people who sincerely do good for
God will have good karma come back to them) People who
do good to get attention from other people do not get

Step 3: Practice feeling the energy of God everywhere. You

can stay connected to God with a feeling of service towards

Step 4: Prayer: Pray to God and ask God that the

Confederation and Alliance win this planet and really Feel
that it is happening. When you ask God for something and
when you actually feel it it does has some affect.

Step 5: Thank God or for the presence of the Galactic

Federation agents here on Earth and for all positive ET’s
here on Earth. Ask the Federation for assistance with your
thoughts and they will pick up your thoughts with their
registering discs and either will either influence your
subconscious in a positive moral way with their technology
from a distance or they will send an undercover agent to
help out in small moral ways. Never talk about UFO’s with
the undercover agents because they are here undercover.
The real undercover agents radiate powerful wisdom and
friendship energy. Everything is connected by energy so you
can even feel energy from books, pictures, movies ect. (etc.)
So feel the good energy from this picture of real
confederation agents (careful there are fake negative ones
that pretend to be them) Here is a picture of REAL ONES feel
the good energy from the picture:
Chapter 4: Brief Galactic
Federation List of Colonized
Planets or star systems

In all the 1950’s contactees books, they mentioned that the

space friends came from Venus ect. The Alliance have stated
the memories of the contactees were manipulated. Breccia
also mentioned this in the book Mass Contacts in Bruno
Sammaciccia’s account.

So for this reason, as stated by another friendly group here

on Earth besides the Confederation, some of the things the
federation contactees claim (especially the 1950’s
contactees) does not make sense. The altering of thoughts
or memories by opposing groups is a reason why.

To counter their tactics practice Morals, Forgiveness,

Gratitude, Will Power, and Common Sense and Trust in the
Federation. The only things we can do against the evil
groups and secret governments is practice Morals,
Forgiveness (but forgive for yourself not for them.
Forgiveness is a good tool to use against the evil secret
governments because they rely on creating the emotions of
fear and hate in order to more easily control someone. When
someone uses forgiveness, they do not hang on to the past,
so they are freer from the influence of the evil secret
governments and they can more easily focus on creating a
better world by continuing to encourage morals in others to
weaken the corrupt government influence. When you forgive
you feel empowered.), we can create good energy called
Uredda as noted in Mass Contacts by Breccia (we can create
good Uredda energy by having positive thoughts and attitude
with the intention the Uredda energy will help shield your
body from evil energy) and we can also use prayer because
everything is connected by God‘s energy as stated in
Menger‘s book Threads of Light To You. The Uredda is an
invisible living entity energy is also used by the
Confederation for their technology and bases as noted in the
documentary The Friendship Case: The Extraordinary Story
of Mass Alien Contact by Luca Trovellesi Cesana. So
focusing on positive thoughts and attitude and being with
positive people, music, movies, ect. Will strengthen the
Uredda energy around you and will offer some protection
from the evil energy from evil groups or secret governments.
Never directly physically challenge evil groups because we
Earth people stand no chance and you will die. We are like
bugs to them as stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia.

The Non-Interference Directive of the Galactic Federation

prevents them from directly intervening in our society in
large scale except when Earth civilization as a whole is
threatened such as the hey day of potential nuclear war in
the 1950’s (the contactees like Adamski, Menger, Fry,
Nelson, ect) and during the 1950’s-1970’s when evil ET’s
were threatening Earth civilization to enough of an extent
that the Federation was allowed to intervene. The 1950’s
contactees having wrong information about where the
Galactic Federation come from is not a direct threat to Earth

civilization as a whole so the Non-Interference Directive
prevents them from intervening to clear up the

So what planets do the Galactic Federation really come from

so we can potentially incarnate on those planets?

The only contact of the Alliance was involved in the creation

of a book titled Flying Saucers Close Up that published a
Master List of Planets. In time it was found that the first
Master List had been manipulated so the Alliance had
updated the list in 2008 titled The Master List of Planets
Volume 2.0

Here is a short list of some of the planets the Galactic

Federation is from so we can better appreciate the presence
of the Federation and the Alliance on this planet:




There are 5 planets in the system. The 2 mentioned before

are colonized by the Galactic Federation. The other 3 have
outposts but no permanent colonies.


This system has 5 planets. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th planets
have Galactic Federation colonies. The 2nd and 4th planets
are scientific research facilities. This is a blue star system.


There are no natural planets in this system however the

Galactic Federation has an artificial planet in orbit. (Daniel
Fry’s Confederation contacts lived in a giant artificial
planetoid ship)



Arcturia is a dual membership planet of both the Galactic

Federation and the Alliance as stated by the Alliance in the
article online titled ‘Things that just ain’t so’.

Star System: KORENA, Korena,

The Alliance come from the star system KORENA.

Their planet is Korendor. They are one of the founding
members of the Alliance which is a separate group from the

Take a moment and appreciate these planets and the people

on them in the night sky. Then send thanks to God for the
Federation and the Alliance for being here on Earth and ask
God to help them with to be successful with their missions
on Earth.

Re-Incarnating on the planets:

If we know we are not our body, but our awareness within

our body (our awareness is the sensation of feeling within
the body. Feeling in the sense of awareness is what gives
our body life. Our awareness is our mind energy) When we
feel we can still think and the mind is clear. When we are
feeling and thinking at the same time we are being our
awareness (soul). When we die we have an out of body
experience because our awareness (mind energy or soul)
leaves the body and we can still think and incarnate onto
planets of our choice as long as we lived a life of service,
morals, and a belief in God on the previous planet. If you
have lived a life of evil you must ask for forgiveness from
God first then begin to live a better moral life and you will be
forgiven by God. You can stay as your soul by asking ‘Who am
I’? and let go of thinking and feel as your awareness within
your body in the present moment. With regards to
incarnating onto another planet here is advice from a
Confederation Master:

“…those who have attained much knowledge on one planet

may, if they choose, seek rebirth on another. Toward this end
they have two choices. They may make this change through
the channel of birth, or be taken direct by a ship, still in the
same body. This has happened many times, even on Earth.
The vast majority have advanced from the Earth toward
another planet through rebirth. Others, though few, have
been taken direct as your Bible tells you.

Death takes place upon other planets the same as on Earth.
But we do not call it death, and we do not mourn for those
who have left, as you on Earth do. We know this leaving
means only a change from one condition or place to another.
We realize that it is no more than a moving out of one house
and into another.

We cannot take our houses with us when we go from one

place to another. Neither can we take a body, which is the
house, from one world to another in death. The material of
your Earthly bodies belongs to Earth, and must remain there
to maintain your world. But when you move from Earth to
another planet, that world will lend you of its materials to
build a house according to the needs and conditions that
exist there.

Earth man’s concept of the Universe is very small. He cannot

conceive of a Universe without limits. Yet he uses the word
eternity. Eternity, according to man’s own definition, denotes
no beginning and no ending. Then how vast is the Universe?
As vast as eternity.

So man is not a temporary manifestation. He is an eternal

manifestation. And those of us who have learned this truth
are living in a constant present, for it is always the present.”

So practice the advice in this article in order to incarnate

into a planet of your choice. The previous quote was from a
master from the book Inside the Spaceships by Adamski. Ask
God with your thoughts what you need to do in order to
incarnate on the planet you want, then let go of thinking and
an answer will come in the form of a thought or idea to
improve your life in small common sense ways that are
prerequisites to incarnate on the specific planet.

Here is a prayer to support the Alliance and the Galactic

Federation: (Gabriel Green had indirect contact with the
Alliance. Daniel Fry had contact with the Galactic
Federation. Both Green and Fry worked together in a political
campaign in 1972 with Green for president and Fry for vice

“Dear God thank you for the presence of the positive ET’s on
Earth. Thank you for this planet Earth. May all Earth people
learn to live as friends with morals and believe in you God
which is the invisible intelligent love energy that is all
people and all things.

May your love reach all Earth people so Earth may become a
nicer friendlier place so the job of the positive ET’s may
become a little easier and may all positive ET‘s be
successful in whatever missions they are doing on Earth.”

Now visualize and feel that this prayer is really happening on

the planet Earth then send this thought to God and let God
take care of it and it really will have some impact on Earth.
Never challenge evil ET’s because you will die. We are like
bugs to them. Let the positive ET’s deal with them because
they have the technology to do so we Earth people do not.
If you live a life of service towards the Confederation and
express the wish to incarnate into Confederation worlds the
Confederation may use a soul transfer machine from a
distance to transfer your soul into a new body within the

Confederation worlds. The soul transfer machine was noted
in Menger’s book Threads of Light to You.

Chapter 5: The Galactic Federation
Economic System How It Works:
Prior Choice Economics by Gabriel
Green 4th of July Review

A little book by Gabriel Green titled Prior Choice Economics

was published in July 27, 1955 describing the economics of
Addison Brown called Prior Choice Economics which is
similar to the economics used by the Confederation and the

Green describes the Prior Choice system in an easy to read

way that gets right to the point.

Here is how would a Prior Choice Economic System work:

A: Physical money is abolished and people would purchase

things according to how many points (“money”) they have
which is printed on a prior choice card they receive in the
mail every paycheck.

B: The points (money) they receive is never subtracted.

Those who have higher points get first choice on luxury

C: The more someone works the more points they

accumulate and the more things they can buy.

D: The wages for a certain job are decided by something like
a Labor Bureau.

E: Education is free as well as free public transportation and

there is universal medical and dental care for everyone.

F: Prior Choice economics is a type of competitive free

market system.

There is much more in the book but that was a very basic
overview. Green is very clear in what he says, and this book
is very helpful for anyone learning about Prior Choice

Also it can be noted that before Brown, Adam Smith who

was one of the economists of the creation of America raised
the question of how to have a market system by rewarding
only those who worked. Josiah Warren and Benjamin Tucker
in America found the answer through the labor theory of
value or cost the limit of price on a competitive free market
which is a form of economic system of mutualism as
opposed to capitalism which uses marginal utility and does
not place emphasis on labor as the basis for wages which is
why there is such a huge gap of rich and poor. Those who
worked more received more, however the money or points
would be subtracted in economic models like Warren, Tucker,
Proudhon ect. unlike Prior Choice Economics so Prior Choice
Economics coincidently improves on the Smith, Warren, and
Tucker (and Proudhon) economic models.

It is my opinion that Prior Choice Economics is the best

system for the world not only because of what it can offer us
but because it is currently used and proven by very
advanced civilizations of many planets such as the Alliance
(which have 700,000 plus member planets) and the Galactic
Federation (though they do not call it Universal Economics)

The 4th of July celebrates the Independence of America.

The American way is also the way of the friendly space
people. In fact Galactic Federation members (the W56) had a
role in the creation of America, as stated in Breccias Mass
Contacts. Hence the American free competitive market
system and American constitution guaranteeing freedoms
for the citizens just like the freedoms afforded to the friendly
space people on their worlds. As Green put on his
Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America page “What is
the True American Way?”

America as it is now is not what its founders and the

Federation intended. Morals, a belief in God, Freedom, and a
system like Prior Choice Economics is central to any
advanced civilization in the universe. American culture is
one of the closest to that of the friendly space people so
have the best chance to create a culture that is compatible
with the space people in order to be a good example for the
world. So focus on Morals, live a good life and ask God to
support the Federation and the Alliance who are here on this
Earth to help us. Do not challenge evil ET’s because you will
be killed as stated by Breccia in Mass Contacts and alluded
too by Menger in From Outer Space To You. Let the
Federation and Alliance deal with them they have the
technology to do so we do not. As Menger stated in the
documentary Alien Contacts the Best Evidence by Hessman,
the Federation have bases on planets in the solar system
they do not live on the planets. The real Federation has
nothing to do with channelers and fake contacts who claim
to have high level insider knowledge about their group.

Chapter 6: The Alliance and the
Future of Earth

*This article is Only for people who believe in aliens and are
part of the UFO movement and is Not intended for the public
at large. This video is purposely kept in low circulation*
There are other groups on Earth besides the Galactic
Federation. The Alliance are another group. They are our
friends too. But they do not read thoughts and they have only
one contactee and they will NOT contact any others.
In an article on questions and answers by a gentleman from
the Alliance dated Oct. 2013 it was stated that the major
operation for the presence of an opposing group has been
stopped by the Alliance.
This clearly makes them heroes for Earth and the
Confederation who as also threatened by the same opposing
It is an honor such brave and moral men and woman of the
Alliance have spent so much resources and man power on
this little immoral planet called Earth.
The Alliance and the Confederation are our friends. Both
groups see us as family. We should see them as family and
heroes. Especially the Alliance.
I find especially when in the presence of undercover
Confederation agents that is can sometimes be intimidating
even though of course it is silly. The universal love they

radiate does put me more at ease however I find it is good to
actually feel that they are family and that puts me at ease as
well. They are our friends and we should have nothing to
Also to know that they naturally sort of read thoughts but it
is not that accurate as stated in Adamski's Flying Saucer
Farewell. Their registering discs accurately read thoughts
which they collect for data purposes but they naturally can
sort of read thoughts in the form of thought images but it is
not as accurate.
So as stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia they used implants
to better communicate telepathically. The same goes for the
Alliance. The Alliance do not use registering discs to read
Now that it appears from the Alliance article that the main
opposing groups objective is no longer a serious threat
which is the main reason the Alliance are here on this planet
and I will discuss two possible scenarios for Earth's future
with the Alliance from what I have learned. It should be
known what follows is simply my own estimation of future
possible scenarios and what we Earth people can do about it
(only ever in small ways.)
Of course what the Alliance do in the future regarding Earth
is entirely up to them and not up to us.
Scenario 1:
In the 1970's-1980's the Alliance thought they removed a
main opposing group from this planet so left Earth and only
observed Earth. They came back once they realized the
opposing groups had not been removed from the planet.

So one scenario could be that they will do the same and
observe Earth to see if we could ever lean to live with Morals
and a belief in God on a mass scale.
Scenario 2:
This second scenario I believe may be more likely as it had
been stated in the October 2013 article by the gentlemen of
the Alliance group that they still had interest in Earth along
with the Confederation.
Looking at Earth's history we Earth people are at constant
war. However we also have it in us to live in relative peace.
The University of Alabama at Birmingham department of
Anthroplogy website titled ' Peaceful Societies:
Alternatives to Violence and War' lists many different
peaceful contemporary peaceful cultures. In the book Men
Against the State by Martin, Martin describes a community
called Utopia that successfully lived according to Warren's
Mututalist Economic system which is a form of Universal
Economics. (The more famous New Harmony experiment did
not work however it is my hunch the failure was likely due to
purposeful discrediting within the community like a sort of
early Cointelpro)
But what all this shows is that we Earth people have it
within us to live peacefully and with Universal Economics
and also have the capacity to be warlike tacticians and
generals. If such dual attitudes are directed appropriately to
live in peace with ourselves and the space friends but also
able to become tacticians and generals if need be, our
planet may be significant enough to the Alliance to spend
their time and resources here to work with our Earth society
to become a potential candidate one day to join their group.
This future scenario may be more likely due to the fact that
there are other opposing groups that have a military of a
similar size to the Alliance who also want to take over and
direct Earth especially as it wants so move out into space. In
addition the Alliance are locked in a battle literally to save
the galaxy from opposing groups and with such a high risk
situation they may consider it worth their time to pursue
Earth and Earth people's instinctive ability to survive in
threatening situations.
If they are interested in pursuing Earth what is one way they
could go about it?
1: A collection of case studies from USA Today at the
website titled 'Medias Influence
on Pop Culture’ have stated that media really does play a
large part at influencing culture. It could be possible that
the Alliance may covertly influence the media to encourage
Morals, Justice, and Freedom in order to influence our
culture over many generations to be aligned more towards
the values needed to join their group. It will not be impinging
on the freedoms of people because people always have a
choice to watch the media or not though most people tend to
listen to the media by choice.
2: In the 1960's in one of Gabriel Green's UFO magazines the
Alliance stated would not control the government but we
Earth people would not be able to run the government
without them. This way Earth people's freedom would still be
maintained but the influence by the Alliance would be
impactful enough to change government views to values
aligned with one day becoming potential contenders with
the Alliance's group.

3: They could begin to use the rest of the original tactics
they used in the 1960's (updated of course to the current
technologies and situations on Earth) in order to gradually
change Earth society to one that meets the standards to
become a member of their group.
What can we Earth people do?

The Alliance have only one contactee and will have No

others. The Confederation is here and also wants Earth.
They hope Earth people will live in peace so we can join
them. They also offer support indirectly. You can send a
thought that you support them and their goals and give them
permission to influence your life they will influence your
subconscious from the distance or by sending an undercover
agent to help out in small ways. Do not talk about UFO's
because they are here undercover. The real agents radiate a
feeling of Universal Love.
So no matter what happens it is always good to practice
Morals with a belief in God.
Practicing Morals with a belief in God will assist the Alliance
indirectly if they choose scenario 2, and if scenario 1 is
chosen, when we try to practice Morals with a belief in God
(God is the invisible intelligence that is all people and all
things and is a feeling of peace) we will prove our worth to
God that we are worthy of incarnating into higher places in
the next life. If you live your life in service of the
Confederation you can prove your worth to them and
possibly incarnate into their worlds. Never challenge evil
groups because anyone who does so will die.

There are evil groups on par with the Confederation. Let the
Alliance and the Confederation take care of evil groups.
I believe both groups are important. The Confederation helps
us with evolving our soul while the Alliance help in removing
opposing groups from Earth. This is why I think Arcturus
which is a dual membership planet is good place for us to
incarnate for karmic reasons as our world has been
influenced by both groups. Ask God how to incarnate into
Arcturus in your next life then let go of thinking and an
answer will come. The real confederation has nothing to do
with 'channelers' or fake contactees that claim to have high
level intelligence from the Confederation.
The real Confederation would never do that because we are
not part of their group yet.
No matter what happens, practicing Morals (to the best of
your ability no one is perfect) with belief in God is the most
important thing we can do. This will have an impact in all
scenarios and prove your worth to the Space Friends and
If you wish to support the Confederation more, send them a
thought and sincerely try to learn their teachings while
remembering they do not come from Venus. The contactees
(Adamsiki, Menger, Neson ect) had their memories
manipulated by evil opposing groups to discredit them. You
can share the teachings of the Confederation within the UFO
movement and the public at large and you can indirectly
mention the Alliance to the UFO movement but do Not
mention them to the public at large. They will introduce
themselves to the public at large when they want too.

Chapter 7: The Soul Transfer

The Galactic Federation are so far ahead of us their

technology seems like magic. We too can one day be like
them if we learned to live in peace with each other o Earth
the Galactic Federation would come openly to our Earth and
share their wonderful technologies with us. In the book Mass
Contacts and in the book Inside the Spaceships by Adamski
they speak of undercover space people living anonymously
among us in all different occupations on Earth. The
Federation has a soul transfer machine (as noted in
Menger’s Threads of Light To you) and their machines can
make clone bodies of all types of races and shapes and
sizes. They can transfer their soul into any type of clone
body they wish. If they have an accident or die in their
undercover clone body they simply use the soul transfer
machine from a distance to transfer their soul back into
their original body. If their original body dies they can
transfer their soul into a younger fresher clone body of their
original body type and retain all memory and personality as
stated in Menger’s Threads of Light To You. This
technological miracle is the result of 1,000s of years of
respect and working together to the service of all within
their society. (and also to serve all others) The Alliance and
the opposing group also have this technology.
In Threads of Light To You Menger noted he saw no children
and assumed the Confederation mostly used the Soul
Transfer Machine to transfer people’s souls into clone adult
bodies when they were ready to die. Bruno noted in Mass
Contacts that the Space Friends did reproduce normally like
Earth people do but it was rare.
As noted in Breccia’s Mass Contacts, the Confederation sees
the Earth as a redemption planet. The Confederation can
also use the Soul Transfer Machine n Earth people who prove
their Moral worth through the applying the attitude of
service towards others, the Confederation and towards God
in this life and by knowing and feeling they are not the body
but the eternal awareness within the body and they are
sincere in their support towards the Confederation. If they
are sincere they can join the Confederation in the next life
by having the soul transfer machine used on them when they
are about to die in order to transfer their soul into a new
Confederation body and therefore have the potential to
assist the Confederation in their Sector Command
operations on Earth.

Chapter 8: Introducing the Galactic
Federation Contact For Anyone
Series (Lessons 1-9)

The Earth is in Galactic Federation territory. The Galactic

Federation are here living among us anonymously helping
out in small ways. Those of us who are aware of their
presence may come across undercover Confederation
agents in our daily life in order to encourage us to continue
to support the Confederation and to encourage us to live
according to their Universal Laws which are also our laws.
The Non-Interference Directive prevents them from directly
interfering in our society unless Earth civilization as a whole
is in danger which is why they came openly in the 1950’s-
1970’s during the nuclear Cold War and during the danger of
the opposing group influence on Earth civilization as a
whole. (W56). The Confederation has always had an impact
on Earth civilization throughout history also had contact in
some way with all real spiritual teachers throughout Earth
As stated in Mass Contacts and 50 Years of Amicizia by
Breccia, and Flying Saucers Farewell by Adamski, the space
friends are still around, still helping in small ways living
among us undercover in society in all occupations in civilian
and governmental jobs.

This series will share my experiences with undercover
Confederation agents in society so other people know what
to expect when they assist us in small ways. They assist us
by influencing our subconscious from a distance with their
technology in a moral way, or they may send an undercover
human agent or confederation autanoman (biological robots
that look human) to help out in small ways, or they may
place a registering disc permanently near you, or they may
visit you in your dreams using their technology form a
However it is up to us to act Moral and Civilized or not. They
can show us the way, but we must actually act and live
according to their universal laws because that is the only
way to evolve and live in a truly free and advanced society.
Their Universal Laws are simple. The main ones are to know
that God s the Invisible Intelligence Everywhere, know we
are our eternal soul which is the sense of feeling (our
awareness)and to practice having an attitude of morals and
service towards God, the Space Friends and towards all
others who accept such an attitude.
The ultimate goal is to eventually have the majority of the
people on the planet see the Confederation as friends and to
have everyone choose to live with Morals and a belief in God.
If this happened the Confederation would openly come to
Earth and offer Earth to join their organization.
If meeting real undercover agents of the Confederation
agent or being influenced by them with their technology
sounds good to you here is what you can do to increase your
chances of one day coming across a real Confederation
agent or to be influenced by them with their technology:

Step 1: Be relaxed and breathe in and out and know and Feel
that God is the Invisible Intelligence Everywhere that is all
people and all things and feel God’s Calmness and Peace
within you as you breathe.
Step 2: Focus on the stomach and just relax. When you focus
on the stomach and relax and breathe the body is more
relaxed because it creates the ‘Relax Response’ which was
coined by Benson M.D. The Relax Response is the opposite
of the ‘Fight or Flight Response’.
Step 3: Send a thought to the Confederation that you support
them and wish to serve them living a life of Morals and
Service the best you can. Your thoughts will be logged by
their registering discs that read thoughts. IF you are sincere
and with patience, they may influence your subconscious
from a distance with tehri technology, they may place a
registering disc near you, they may visit you in your dreams
using their technology from a distance, or one day you may
come across an undercover agent that may help in small
ways. Do not talk about UFO’s with the undercover agents
because they are here undercover. There are different
groups within the Confederation Sector Commands that
operate on Earth. The different groups have different energy
presences when you are around them. Everything is
connected by God’s energy so we can feel God’s energy from
everything including books, pictures, ect. So feel the good
fine matter energy from the following picture:
The Confederation are physical people just like us. They will
neve give any Earth person any high level secret information
because we are not part of their organization yet. The

Confederation comes from star systems like Altair and
Arcturus. Arcturus is a duel membership planet of both the
Confederation and the Alliance. The Confederation Does Not
come from Venus. There are opposing groups that
manipulated the memories and emotions of the 1950's
contactees in order to make them have memories that make
no sense to discredit them. As stated in Mass Contacts by
Breccia stated:

Sammaciccia writes: The opposing groups would use their

technology to do things to the Confederation contacts like:
“…altering documents, changing memories, even wiping out
somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”

The Alliance have stated similar things on-line. The Alliance

are a different group than the Confederation and do not act
with a non-interference directive on Earth. They have only
one Earth contact since the 1960’s and will Not contact any
others. They do not come from Alpha Centauri. That was
memory manipulation against Gabriel Green from opposing
As they stated by the Alliance on-line the Confederation
does not have bases on Venus but they do have bases on the
Moon and Mars.
Be Careful of Opposing groups and corrupt governments that
pretend to be Confederation agents but do immoral things.
The Real Confederation agents radiate good energy the fake
ones do not.
Never challenge opposing groups because we are like bugs
to them as stated by Breccia in Mass Contacts. Let the
Confederation and the Alliance deal with them. This website
is a Confederation support project mainly in supporting the
Confederation and especially W56 style goals. If you are
interested in what you have read, I hope it inspires you to
have contact with the Confederation in your own ways and
may the examples given in this series assist you in
understanding their laws. Feel what you want have and it
will affect the outside life as mentioned in Menger's Threads
of Light To You. The more people have an attitude of service,
the more the energy will affect others to do the same and
the more the planet can become a better place and the more
it helps the positive groups in small ways because we can
only assist in small ways. Thank You.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 1: Service

Before all these contacts I believe the Confederation

influenced my subconscious with their technology from a
distance in order to get more sensitive and familiar with
their energy so I can be more aware of them when I come
across their agents. I went into a restaurant with my family
and was waiting in line to get seated. I had the same
anticipation like Christmas as I had come across an
undercover agent that was there before. While waiting in line
I noticed a man that looked like an old friend of mine. Then I
sensed he had the W56 type of good energy radiating from

I thanked the Confederation and God for the presence of this

wonderful agent and I let them know with my thoughts that
as long as they are around I will not give up my service
towards them and I know their registering discs received my
thought message. When my family and I got seated I got
excited because I saw another confederation agent that
works there in addition to another confederation agent that
works at the restaurant!

This is the first time I have seen 3 undercover agents in the

same area. I thought it was a good time to try and practice
the attitude of service and I noticed the more I practiced the
attitude if service, the nicer the energy felt as the positive
energy the W56 call Uredda (as mentioned in Mass Contacts
by Breccia) was increased.

After I ate with my family I had the thought to wish to thank

them for being there and for their service on this planet and
the registering discs must have picked up my thoughts
because right before we were leaving the two confederation
undercover agents went to the same table to clean it right
near me so I had the chance to talk with them. I thanked
them and told the gentlemen to have a good afternoon. They
wished the same to me. It was awesome! Then I left knowing
the Confederation really does read our thoughts with their
discs and they listen and respond to our wishes as long as
we continue to see them as friends and serve them. It is also
my belief the Confederation agent that looked like an old
friend of mine was there to make me feel more comfortable
around them.
Practice the attitude of service and send a thought that you
support them and if you are sincere one day you can have
contact with them in ways like this and learn lessons from
them too in order to evolve! Of course be careful of
imposters who pretend to be them but who do immoral
things and do not radiate any energy.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 2: Sharing

I was at a world famous amusement park with my family and

after going on some rides and becoming hungry we decided
to go eat lunch. It was my birthday which is the reason we
all went to the amusement park. I am a vegetarian so there
were some places that had good vegetarian food. However
most people in my family are meat eaters. In deciding where
to eat (they were thinking they should eat were I want as it
was my birthday) suddenly I remembered Adamski’s book
Inside the Spaceships, especially the Chapter 14 The
Banquet and a Farewell. In that Chapter Adamski got what
he wanted because he got to see the other side of the moon
however unfortunately his memory was manipulated by
opposing groups so what he really saw was likely more
Confederation mobile bases. (There are opposing groups
that manipulated the memories and emotions of the 1950's
contactees in order to make them have memories that make
no sense. As stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia.

However when the Confederation showed Adamski what he

wanted at the time, they also celebrated the completed
missions of his Confederation agent friends. This got me to
thinking, I already got what I wanted, which was a trip to the
Amusement park with my family, so I will let people choose
where they want to eat in service to them even if I had only
a few things to eat at the restaurant they were eating at.

So I let the family decide. But I was happy to do so because
it was true service. When we get what we want, we must
also share and allow other to have what they want as well.
It’s a balance of service towards yourself and service
towards others. Service is the way to evolve with God and
evolve into Confederation worlds in the next life.
When they went to go eat at the meat restaurant, a family
member was unnaturally insistent and took me to pick up
some vegetarian food to go at another restaurant across the
way with the plan to meet back at the meat eaters
restaurant. While at the cashier ordering food I had a
surprise! The lady as the cashier said a familiar word I
recognize that undercover Confederation agents used with
me in the past. Then I scanned and felt the lady had the
same W56 energy as the W56 pictures.
IT is my belief the family member that was insistent was
being influenced by the Confederation to bring me to the
undercover Confederation agent to demonstrate they knew
of and supported my thoughts on sharing. I am happy they
did so. I know my family are in good hands when the
Confederation influences them. Some of my family is
religious so they have already given permission to be
influenced when an ‘angel’ (Confederation agent) intervenes.
I also know the opposing groups also influence people in a
similar way, but for purposes of evil. This is why the attitude
of Will Power, Morals Prayer, and Common Sense are so
important as it is our only defense against evil influence of
opposing groups. Let the Confederation and the Alliance do
the actual fighting with the opposing groups. Also I believe
the Confederation influences a person’s subconscious so
they can be more receptive to their Confederation energy
presence. (Be careful of imposter groups who pretend to be
the Confederation. The real Confederation radiates good
energy.) I felt honored to be in the presence of such an
agent and I know I am supported by the real truly happiest
place and people not only on this Earth but in the galaxy.
I knew the Confederation either placed the thought into my
mind with their technology to share where to eat or they
were monitoring my thoughts with their technology and saw
I was sincere in trying to have an attitude of service based
off the examples in Adamksi’s book.
So I figure the lesson to learn is that service in all areas of
life is important. And now whenever I am with someone I will
try to practice to try to make a situation where both of us
can benefit so I have an attitude of service towards myself
and service towards the other person/s as well so we are
both getting what we want.
ANYONE can have contact with the Confederation like this
too. There are only 2 steps:
Step 1: Simply practice having the attitude of service, know
that we are all One as a part of God. Know God is the
Invisible Intelligence that is all people and all things and
God is happy when we send gratitude to it because it knows
everything going on all the time.
Step 2: Send a thought that you support the Confederation.
Their registering discs will pick up your thoughts and your
support will be logged in their files for later use. IF you
continue to be sincere in your support and service towards
them, they may influence your subconscious from a distance
with their technology or you may come across one of their
undercover confederation agents who will help out in small
ways. The real Confederation agents radiate good energy
and do only moral things. Be careful of imposters (Corrupt
government agents or opposing groups) who try to influence
your thoughts to do immoral things or pretend to be
undercover confederation agents but radiate no energy.
The goal is to create a global moral culture with a belief in
God that is friendly with the Confederation so our Earth
civilization can be compatible with their inter-galactic
organization and meet the requirements to join their
Federation and the Confederation can come openly to Earth.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 3: Rely on

In the books Mass Contacts and 50 Years of Amicizia by

Breccia the Confederation agents often talk of God. In one of
the books a Confederation agent talks of a civilization that
forgot their connection to God and only focused on science.
They almost got destroyed but they turned back God and
their civilization improved. The Alliance have said similar
things. All civilizations that turn to God eventually are
successful. People who turn to God and actually live by
God’s teachings are also successful. Morals are important.
An example of why morals are so important is because as
mentioned by Menger in his book From Outer Space To You,
there are opposing groups who pretend to be space people
or they infiltrate organized religions and governments and
encourage immoral operations. This is particularly evil
because corrupt governments and opposing groups have
infiltrated organized religions and use the religious people
for operations in government to do very immoral things or for
experimentation purposes.
To truly live by God’s teachings, simply know that God is the
Invisible Intelligence Everywhere that is all people and all
things that is unfathomable to the mind, practice being
relaxed, have an attitude of service, and focus on what you
want and not what you don’t want.

In my own life, I was having a very stressful time. (More
stressful than usual anyway) then I suddenly had a thought. I
remembered a possible undercover agent mention that we
should always give our problems to God and let God take
care of it.
It was not me who remembered the thought at that moment.
I find that when I am thinking something, sometimes my
thoughts change and go in a different direction towards
something that would be helpful in a particular situation.
This is from the thought influence form the Confederation
using their technology at a distance. They usually help out in
small ways like this by influencing thoughts and I am aware
of it.
The thought influence from a distance with the technology
by the friendly space people is also what Adamski
mentioned in his book: Flying Saucers Farewell.
So now I am trying to remember to practice giving all my
problems to God and letting God take care of it.
Also beware that there are opposing groups that also
influence people’s thought as mentioned in Mass Contacts
by Breccia and be aware the corrupt government also
influences thoughts from a distance with their technology.
The only defense against the evil by opposing groups or
corrupt government manipulation from a distance with their
technology is a strong will, common sense, focus on what
you want and not what you don’t want, and give all stress to
God. Let the Confederation take care of the rest.
Giving all your stress to God shows God that you trust it, and
are sincere in your belief in it, and God will grant you good
karma in this life or the next life.
You can do this too in 3 steps:
Step 1: Simply know that God is the Invisible Intelligence
Everywhere that is all people and all things and
unfathomable to the mind, practice common sense, have an
attitude of service, and focus on what you want and not
what you don’t want and use prayer.
Step 2: Give all your stress to God. Rely on God to fix
everything in your life but also try and be sincere to God by
proving your worth to God by trying to live a moral life, and
having an attitude of service, and by focusing on what you
want and not what you don’t want. Love your body because
your body is God’s. It shows you respect God’s creations.
Step 3: Send a thought to the Confederation that you support
them and their registering discs will record your thoughts.
The Confederation may influence your thoughts or
subconscious from a distance or they may send an
undercover Confederation agent to help out in small ways.
Be careful of imposters who encourage immoral attitudes.
To incarnate into Confederation worlds in the next life, ask
God how to incarnate with them, let go of thinking, and a
moral answer will come in order to know how to improve
your life in small ways that meet the requirements to
reincarnate with them.
The Confederation does not come from Venus. That was
memory manipulation by opposing groups as alluded too by
Breccia in Mass Contacts and by the Alliance. They really
come from star systems like Altair as stated by the Alliance.
The Confederation are physical people like us and they come
from other star systems in the Galaxy however Earth is
within Confederation territory but they do not directly
interfere because they believe each planet should decide its
own fate.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 4: Live in the
Present Moment

The Galactic Federation are so far ahead of us their

technology seems like magic. We too can one day be like
them if we learned live in peace with each other on Earth
the Galactic Federation would come openly to our Earth and
share their wonderful technologies with us. In the book Mass
Contacts and in the book Inside the Spaceships by Adamski
they speak of undercover space people living anonymously
among us in all different occupations on Earth. The
Federation has a soul transfer machine (as noted in
Menger’s Threads of Light To you) and their machines can
make clone bodies of all types of races and shapes and
sizes. They can transfer their soul in any type of clone body
they wish. If they have an accident or die in their undercover
clone body they simply use the soul transfer machine from a
distance to transfer their soul back into their original body. If
their original body dies they can transfer their soul into a
younger fresher clone body of their original body type and
retain all memory and personality as stated in Menger’s
Threads of Light To You. This technological miracle is the
result of 1,000s of years of respect and working together for
the service of all within their society towards God. God has
granted them the ideas to create these machines to allow
them to continue to serve as long as they wish as long as
the technology exists. The Alliance are also our friends and
also have this technology. The opposing groups also have
this technology but they use it for evil purposes.
I was in a medical center and I was seated next to a
gentlemen receiving some treatment. He was a middle aged
gentlemen. He was very fit and as we talked I learned he
often biked and he rode his bike and motorbike many places
and very far distances. And he knew everywhere! He had
even biked extremely far distances even to my city where I
live. I had also noticed the gentlemen radiated the
confederation energy. So I knew he was a confederation
agent! (Do not talk about UFOs with them because they are
undercover.) We had an hour of friendly chat and I was very
comfortable in his presence. There are two things he
brought up which I will always remember. This wise
gentlemen told me and this advice can be for anyone:
1: Keep moving on in life. (Live in the present) Do not focus
on personal problems because focusing on personal
problems will only make someone crazy.
2: God knew what was going to happen in our lives before we
were born here. So God has given herbs (and situations) so
we can heal from mistakes or problems from the past.
I am truly grateful to this wise gentlemen for his advice. The
Confederation reads our thoughts with their registering
discs and they can influence our thinking at a distance by
giving us thoughts (as mentioned in Adamski's Flying
Saucers Farewell) with their technology that can show us
how to act or live that are common sense thoughts or ideas
to improve life in small ways. But then after they show us
what to do it is up to us to practice it! One thing they have
shown me in order to live in the present moment is the

following: I was laying in my bed at my grandmas house and
the confederation influenced my thinking with their
technology at the distance and I saw in my mind an image of
an older gentlemen signing books at a book fair. In this
vision I felt his good confederation energy and he knew I
knew he was a confederation agent and he told me to let
God take care of the past and the future and just live in the
present and have the feeling the future will be taken care of.
This way it will be easier to live in the present moment.
With this knowledge here are 4 tips to live in the present
1: Keep moving on in life. (Live in the present) Do not focus
on personal problems because focusing on personal
problems will only make someone crazy.
2: God knew what was going to happen in our lives before we
were born here. So God has given herbs (and situations) so
we can heal from mistakes or problems from the past.
3: Be relaxed and breathe and Let God take care of the past
and the future. Live in the present moment and just know
the future will be alright because God will help take care of
it as long as you also try your best. We can still have goals
for the future but focus on the present. Forgive others who
have done evil to you and you will be forgiven for any past
evil you may have done as stated in the bible. You can also
ask God for forgiveness in life and you will be forgiven as
long as you are sincere. Faith is all you need as also stated
in the bible. The W56 mentioned in Mass Contacts by Breccia
that the Gospels are all anyone needs to lean about God and
Gods laws. The Alliance have said similar things on their
website. When you live in the present you live in tune with

the universe as stated by a great master from Adamski's
Inside the Spaceships. This is shy studies show people who
live in the present are happier. (See for instance: 'A
Wandering Mind is an Unhappy Mind' by Killingsworth MA,
Gilbert DT from Science 2010 Nov 12 from the pubmed
website.) So be in tune with God and the universe by living in
the present moment and one way of dong it is to practice the
4 tips mentioned in this video.
4: Having goals while living in the present moment. Have the
attitude that anything can happen (good or bad) when trying
to achieve your goal but do the best you can so hopefully
you can achieve your goal.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 5: Work Ethic

At one time I had the thought that if I was surrounded by the

good energy of the Confederation people (ie be living on
Confederation worlds) I would be very happy and contribute
much to their society. One day at work I noticed a young
woman and man with painted faces walk by me. I did not
think much of it, but later in the day I felt the confederation
energy! Then I noticed it came from the area of where the
young man and woman went. Later the young man came out
and he radiated the Confederation energy. He was an agent!
I sent a thought of thanks to him and went about my work.
They have registering discs to read thoughts. About 10
minutes later I saw an old woman sweeping. She too
radiated the Confederation energy! I also sent thanks to her
with my thoughts as well.
As I was working I felt extremely happy and had a strong
willingness to serve. The Confederation read thoughts so
they knew I liked what the great master said in Adamksi’s
Inside the Spaceships. The wise master said that people in
their world wake up each day and do their work with joy for
the service of others and for God. They were assisting me
with this so I knew more like how they felt! It feels like
Christmas! Like Noel and good will towards all with a feeling
of warmth inside. It was fantastic!
So I worked with more joy and happiness in service for the
customers and for the company I work for, and to show my
good work to the Confederation (the best I can) and to God.
God is the invisible intelligence that is all people and all
The undercover agent also assisted me by sending
telepathic thought of feelings of being able to feel more like
my soul which is a feeling of not being my body but being the
eternal invisible energy within my body which can only be
felt and there is a feeling of eternalness. I am eternally
grateful for their assistance.
Here are 3 Steps to have a good work ethic just like the
Confederation (and the Alliance as noted on their site have):
Step 1: Practice having an attitude of service towards
yourself, towards others, and towards God as you work at
your job.
Step 2: As you serve feel that you are not your body, but the
invisible energy within your body which is your eternal soul
and feel the energy of the Invisible Intelligence of God
Step 3: As you work feel you are doing good work to God and
for the Confederation to prove your moral worth.
I dedicate this video to the young gentlemen and the old
lady both of whom were confederation agents that radiated
powerful good energy.
Send a thought to the Confederation that you support them
and their registering discs that orbit the Earth will read your
thoughts. Have an attitude of universal love and friendship
towards them. They will either send an undercover agent to
help out in small ways or they may influence your

subconscious from the distance with their technology in
positive ways.
I will now leave with a quote of advice they influenced my
subconscious to note in this video. This is taken from Buck
Nelson’s Twelve Laws of God: (They do not come from Venus.
The Federation contactees had their memory manipulated by
opposing groups as alluded too in Breccia’s Mass Contacts
and stated on the website of the Alliance.)
“Let your light shine before men, and all will see your good
works, and it will be an honor to you and your Maker…God.”

Galactic Federation Contact For
Anyone Lesson 6: Prayer,
Visualization to Create A Better
World, and Creating Good Karma

God is the key. God is the Invisible Intelligence Everywhere

that is All People and All Things. All advanced civilizations
rely on Gods guidance or else they get destroyed by their
own egos. This has been stated in 50 Years of Amicizia by
Breccia and in the Alliance website. But we can use our
thoughts to influence others with the aid of God as long as it
is positive. This was stated in Menger’s Threads of Light To
“…we quote from a statement that was made to Howard by
his ‘friends’: ‘Everything you see (and experience) out there
is your own consciousness. Everything that happens to us
we cause ourselves. Remember: thoughts, motivation,
desires, acts- all return to the sender. But also remember:
SAVING GRACE IN ALL CREATIONS’.” It was also stated in
Menger’s From Outer Space To You that people can feel what
other people feel.
I was shopping at a health food store and was waiting in line
when I noticed a very powerful energy of universal wisdom
and friendship. It was another confederation agent! Their
energy was particularly strong. The agent was an older

gentlemen and as I was a bit over excited I felt he was
sending me thoughts that everything would be alright. My
conscious mind could not make it out but I could feel their
If most people knew that their thoughts influence others,
and that what we think and feel comes back to us the world
would be a very different place. As noted in Breccia’s book
Mass Contacts, the Confederation sees Earth as a
redemption planet. We incarnated here because we have old
negative karma to eliminate and God is giving us an
opportunity in this lifetime to eliminate our past negative
karma so we can make it into higher planets in the next life
and for those who choose to do so, help out the
Confederation so Earth may one day become a member of
their organization.
What we think really has an affect on others. There is a
study from Heart Math Institute that proved to a degree that
our thoughts affect the DNA of other people even at a
Atkinson, and Dana Tomasino, B.A)
Those who think and do evil will have evil come back. Those
who think positive and do good will have good come back
either in this life or the next. God knows all and sees all. The
Confederation is also monitoring because they have
registering discs monitoring the planet that read thoughts
and they have undercover agents in society to help in small
ways all people who are sincere in doing good. In the bible
they are the angels.

While I was at work and doing the steps I am about to tell
you I suddenly had a thought. It was to influence people to
be understanding. And I could do this by simply visualizing
everyone is having the attitude of understanding then
sending the image to God and letting God take care of it. I
knew the thought was from Daniel Fry's groups who
encourage the attitude of Understanding to help to prevent
nuclear war.

If you wish to create better karma for yourself, help the

Confederation win the planet, and possibly incarnate into
higher planets here is how:
As Jesus states:
“And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying,
‘Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus said
‘What is written in the law? How do you read?’ And he
answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and
with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ And he
said to him, ‘You have answered right; do this, and you will
live.’ Luke 10: 25-28
In Menger’s From Outer Space T You an undercover
federation agent states that people can feel what other
people feel.
Step 1: As stated by the Confederation master God is the
energy of Universal love. Embrace all tension so your body is
more relaxed.
Step 2: Focus on the Heart and visualize that everyone on
Earth is working together with Morals and all evil people are

phased out of power and good people are taking their place.
Then feel this is happening and let God take care of it and it
will really have an effect. This will help out the
Confederation and indirectly help out the Alliance. The more
you do this the more it is helpful to the positive ET’s in small
ways. Focus on the attitudes of Service, Understanding and
Universal Love.
Step 3: Focus what you want in life then let God take care of
it. Give all your stress to God. The opposing groups or
corrupt governments may try t send you thoughts feelings or
sensations you do not want s it is important to focus on
what you want then let God take care of it. Remember
opposing groups can influence the thoughts feelings and
emotions of people as stated by Bruno in Mass Contacts by
NEVER physically challenge evil ET’s because we are like
bugs to them as stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia and
stated by the Alliance on their website.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 7: Being Your
Eternal Soul and Not the Body

I was working outside as I often do and I suddenly had a

thought about dying and what I could do about making it into
Confederation worlds. At that moment I felt I was not my
body but the invisible energy that fills my body. This invisible
energy that fills m body and everyone's body is our eternal
awareness which is the sense of feeling. The sense of
feeling is being our soul and our soul gives us the ability to
feel with the body. It is not our nervous system sense of
feeling, but feeling in the sense of being aware and feeling
that you are alive and operating your body. I knew that the
Confederation were helping me to feel as my awareness
because they read thoughts with their registering discs and
they can influence feelings of people from a distance with
their technology. There is a feeling of eternalness of being
your awareness and not your temporary body.
Regarding being our eternal soul our awareness the great
wise Confederation master said it best in Adamski’s Inside
the Spacships:
“’You claim that you are a being made up of five senses, and
list others to be added—the sixth, seventh, and so on. You
seek to develop these arbitrarily conceived senses instead
of understanding and developing those which do exist. In
professing that there are powers of clairvoyance,

clairaudience, mental telepathy, or extra-sensory
perceptions, you thereby divide one total phase of ex-
pression into at least four separate classifications. And, as a
result, your true identities have become muddled and lost.’
‘Let me elucidate this a little. In the first place, you are a
product by mineral and elements of what you call nature. In
the second place, as an intelligent expression of that form,
you are a product of your Divine Creator. The mineral and
elemental part of your being has been endowed with four
avenues, or senses, through which it expresses in what you
call a physical manifestation. Intelligence or divinity
expresses through every cell of the entire form which you
have labeled physical.’
‘The four senses to which I have just referred are sight,
hearing, taste and smell. Observe that I did not mention the
sense you on Earth speak of as ‘touch.’ Because touch is the
intelligence that precedes all others.’
‘Let me explain it this way. No one in any world can build a
form like yours, or cause it to live as do you. This can be
done only by the Creator of the Universe. Therefore, you
must admit that when conception of a form takes place
within a form, that mother-to-be knows not what is to be
done for the perfect construction of another body. Yet the
conception grows toward a complete manifestation, until
finally it is born into what you call the physical world.’
‘When it is born, this form complete has eyes, ears, mouth
and nose. The eyes see, and the ears hear sounds for the
first time; the nose smells and the palate tastes for the first
time. These were all created as parts of the body. As the
body witnesses the physical world for the first time, so do

these four avenues of expression, for they are of the body.
Yet the mother of this form knew not how it was built.’
‘But the sense of touch, which I omitted from the group of
senses, did know. For remember, while the little one was still
in the building process within the mother’s body, if a
pressure was put onto the mother’s body, the body within
was also alerted to that pressure. And notice the separation
between the two, for when the body to be born was ready to
make a change within the mother, the mother neither
controlled nor instructed this action, which does separate, in
this case, the sensation into two distinct reactions—the
mother’s and the child’s. This proves that each operates in
the field of sensation or feeling independent of the other. Yet
they arc a body within a body. Also proving that this thing
called ‘touch’ or ‘feeling’ is acting in the field of intelligence,
knowing what to do and when to do it. It seems to be the
‘When we take this into consideration for the purpose of
analyzing, the sense of touch is recognized as a cardinal
one, or in reality the soul of the body—part of the all-
inclusive intelligence. For it is a feeling—and feeling, as you
know it, is a state of alertness, or conscious consciousness
as we know it.’
‘Now, when this consciousness leaves the body of minerals
and earth known as man, the eyes, the ears, the taste and
the smell no longer function. For when the body becomes
unconscious it does not recognize anything like a touch. In
other words, you could beat that body and it would not have
the sensation which is called feeling or of being touched.’

‘On the other hand, if one loses the eyes, loses the hearing,
the taste and the smell, but retains the sense of touch,
which is consciousness, one is more or less alive and
intelligently operating. And when the body is then struck
with something, it feels that touch or hurt, where it did not
in the previous state.’
‘Thus it is easy to see that the real intelligence of the body
called ‘man’ is that which has been so misused and
mislabeled, the sense known to you as touch, which is the
soul or the life of that body. The human body—and the same
is true of all other forms—is actually constructed for
services that its minerals and elements will render through
the four major physical avenues of expression. While the
fifth, touch, is a universal one which gives sensation to the
other four. Once this touch sense leaves the other four have
no power of sensation or operation.’
‘When man realizes this fact, he then finds himself as the
real behind the mask. And when this is done, the limited
prison in which he has lived for so long dissolves, and he
becomes a dweller of the Universe. As such, he sees the law
in operation in every form, regardless of what that form may
be, and including the planet itself upon which he is living.
Then does man know himself! And by so doing, he knows all
things. Also he knows his. Creator as he has never known
Him before, which is the Universal or Divine Intelligence.’
‘It is through this recognition or understanding that mineral
man rises to a condition of unity with the Father, wherein the
Father and the Son become one. Once the man of Earth
learns this and realizes it, not knowing it with his mind

alone, but by living it as we have done, he shall have the
same joy in life as we have on other planets.’
‘As your Bible says, the prodigal son has thus returned home
by giving up his physical mineral vanities and making these
serve him for the service of his Father, rather than he
serving them.’
‘Of course, my son, you know this law and have been trying
to live as well as teach it for years. It is neither new to you
nor is it any original teaching of yours. It is a universal law
which all men must know and live if they hope to enjoy their
Divine birthright as sons of the Father. “You must impress, as
best you can, understanding in the minds of your brothers on
Earth that knowledge of themselves is the first requisite.
And the first questions:’
‘Who am I? Through what avenues can I express in order to
return to the oneness from which I have fallen?’
‘Remind them that Man has nothing to add. He has only to
express that which already is his. But he must learn to
understand what it is he has, and live this understanding. For
it is the living that is important. Once this is accomplished,
the Earthly man’s woes will soon vanish. For then these
elements which are used in making up the four senses of
sight, hearing, taste and smell will begin to evolve to where
they will become more sensitive instruments, not only to
serve in what you call the physical world, but also in service
of the universal.’
‘Another fact which Earth men must realize is that
‘universal’ includes the physical within itself, not outside it.
For everything which takes place within the Universe is also
within the Divine or Supreme Intelligence— not outside it.’”
1: Be relaxed and feel you are not your temporary body but
your awareness which is an invisible energy within your
body which is the sense of feeling within in the present
moment. When you identify with your awareness within your
body and not your body you have a feeling of eternalness.
2: Ask God what you need to do to incarnate into
confederation worlds than let go of thinking and Moral
Common Sense thoughts or ideas will come to improve your
life in small ways. The Confederation may use a soul transfer
machine (as mentioned in Menger’s Threads of Light To You)
to transfer your soul (your awareness) into a new
Confederation body in their ships.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 8: Advice
From God/Eliminating the Ego

God is the Invisible Intelligence that is all people and all

things that is unfathomable to the mind. Confederation
agents once told Menger: God is not a man, but all men and
woman. All things, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent.” As
stated previously all advanced civilizations rely on God to
survive. Both the Federation (in either Mass Contacts or 50
Years of Amizicia by Breccia and the Alliance on their
website have stated that advanced civilizations that do not
rely on God are eventually destroyed by their own hands. As
Adamski stated in his book The Science of Life the ego is
not listening to the gentle advice of God. Listening to your
ego instead of God will only get you hurt. However you must
also have common sense. There are opposing groups who
pretend to be God giving fake guidance through sending
thoughts or ideas that make no sense or are immoral. As
Bruno stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia there are evil
groups who influence the thoughts and emotions of
Confederation contactees with technology from a distance.
The Confederation cannot directly intervene because the
Confederation Non-Interference Directive only allows direct
Confederation intervention if the contactees life is in
immediate danger. Harassment of contactees by opposing
groups is not enough of a threat to allow the Confederation
to directly intervene. Therefore as Bruno notes in Mass
Contacts the only defense against the opposing group
harassment is strong willpower.
So it is important to know that God only send thoughts or
ideas that are common sense and moral that are only
intended to improve your life in small ways.
In my own life I have seen many undercover space people
who are our friends. Each time I come across any friend I am
eternally grateful and my soul will never forget such an
awesome privilege to come across such a wonderfully
evolved beings.
When I do come across such friends sometimes I am at a
loss of what to say so I ask God what to say, then let go of
thinking and an answer comes. For instance:
I was in the presence of an undercover confederation with
very powerful energy and the energy made me feel at home.
I asked God with my thoughts what I should say and an
answer comes in the form of a moral common sense thought
that says "You are doing well" or "Remember to be relaxed".
With this advice we had a good conversation. Careful of
opposing groups who also send thoughts that are immoral or
belittling in nature.
However the guidance from God can be helpful in any
situation. Sometimes I have questions of what would be
moral or not then I ask God and an answer comes that says
"Let go of trying to control so much" then after I let go of
trying to control the situation and let God take care of it and
things get better. Morals essentially come down to
respecting someone else and respecting God.
As mentioned in Adamski’s ‘Science of Life’ moderation is
very important. The more someone lives with moderation in
life, the happier their life becomes because it is more
As I wrote the script for this article something happened to
get my attention and a W56 undercover agent posing as a
catholic priest made their presence known to me. They
radiated good energy and I knew that this was a sign that
they approved of the information in this article.
Here are 4 steps to get rid of your ego and listen to the
advice of God: (Influenced from Adamski’s book the Science
of Life)
Step 1: Know God is the Invisible Intelligence that is all
people and all things that is unfathomable to the mind.
Step 2: The ego is not listening to the advice of God. Ask
God a question then let go of thinking and a moral common
sense thought or idea will come to improve your life in small
ways. Practice increasing you will power to defend yourself
from emotional and thought influence from opposing group
technology. One way to do this is to visualize erasing away
thoughts you do not want and focusing on thoughts you do
want. (see: How to Boost Your Willpower. Willpower is like a
muscle—in more ways than one. June 2013 Cummins PhD
from Psychology Today)
Step 3: Practice moderation in all areas of life.
Step 4: The W56 group of the Confederation stated in Mass
Contacts by Breccia that everything everyone needs is in the
4 gospels. I believe that knowing first that the ‘Angels’ in the
bible are the Confederation agents and understanding that
Earth is in Confederation territory (as stated in Adamski’s
Inside the Spaceships) is why they have interest in us is
useful in understanding more about the bible especially the
4 gospels. The advice of Jesus has a special meaning to
both the Confederation and the Alliance. The Alliance believe
Jesus is the son of God just as it is stated in the bible. The
Non-Interference Directive prevents the Confederation from
directly interfering with Earth society but they do endorse
and work with the Christian religion because the teachings
of Jesus are universal. People who practice the teachings of
Jesus can have their soul possibly transferred by the
Confederation at the time of death to a new body in
Confederation worlds (ie. Heaven) So if you wish, invite God
and Jesus Christ into your life and accept them as your
savior of your soul. The Confederation registering discs will
pick up your thoughts and take note. You can also ask God
what you need to do to make it into Confederation worlds,
then let go of thinking and an answer will come of only Moral
Common Sense thoughts or ideas to improve your life to
meet the requirements to make it into Confederation worlds
in the next life and the Confederation may also use the soul
transfer machine a time of death as well. Study the 4
gospels as there is always something to learn from them.
God itself can also have people incarnate into Confederation
Send thoughts of support to the Confederation and have an
attitude of service to them and their registering discs will
pick up your thoughts and they may influence your
subconscious from a distance or they ,ay send an
undercover agent to help out in small ways. The real
Confederation agents radiate a feeling of powerful universal
friendship and wisdom energy from their bodies. We can feel
energy from everything even movies, music, pictures ect.,
because everything is connected by God’s energy. So feel

the good energy from the picture of the real confederation
agents here:
The real Confederation agents would never give high level
information to any contactees because we are not part of
their group yet. They do not do ‘channeling’. They are unable
to discuss who they are ofcourse due to their being
undercover however if you talk with them and they wear
anything that symbolizes Christianity you can talk about
religion with them especially the 4 gospels and being the
‘Angels’ mentioned in the bible you can receive very good
and accurate biblical advice from them if they are real
agents and not imposters or opposing groups who use
religion for evil purposes of social control as mentioned in
Menger’s From Outer Space To You. It is truly an honor they
are here and a blessing they are so patient with us.

Galactic Federation Contact Series
For Everyone Lesson 9: Contacting
the Real Galactic Confederation:
The Lesson: “Contacting the Galactic Confederation”

Part 1: There are many false and fake groups that pretend to
be a part of the real galactic federation or confederation.
The real confederation agents radiate very powerful
universal friendship, love, and happiness energy with no
sorrow. They have undercover agents in all aspects of
society. They are here undercover living anonymously among
us in order to lead as good examples to those around them
by the way they live their lives with their energy they
radiate. They are also here to carry out missions including
protecting the planet from evil extra-terrestrials and
preventing nuclear war by shutting down military bases with
their technology in times of potential nuclear war that would
destroy the whole planet. The real Federation does not do
‘channeling’ and they have nothing to do with fake
contactees who claim to have high level information about
their federation because they would never give any high
level information to any Earth person because we are not
members of their group yet.

The Confederation exists as a free organization of worlds.

Everyone lives free because everyone lives according to a
code of morals and doing evil is unthinkable to them. The

wisest and most compassionate people are chosen to
govern the federation as masters, and the masters also take
the advice of the etheric masters from realms unfathomable
by the mind as noted by the Alliance website. The federation
believes in God as the invisible intelligence that is all people
and all things that is unfathomable to the mind but they do
not have any organized religion. They are well aware that
organized religion is often used by evil groups to manipulate
and control others however they do support the Christian
organized religion and Christian church and they do
encourage belief in the Christian organized religion because
the Confederation agents are the ‘Angels’ mentioned in the
Christian bible. The W56 said in the book Mass Contacts by
Breccia that the 4 Christian gospels are all everyone needs.
As the gospels state, Jesus is indeed God. What Jesus
teaches is how the Confederation, the Alliance, and other
advanced positive civilizations live. The space friends of
Adamski, Menger Fry, Nelson and Breccia came here for
different missions by the confederation. The Confederation
does Not come from Venus but from other places in the
galaxy. The contactees had their memories manipulated by
evil groups as alluded too by Bruno in Mass Contacts by
Breccia and as stated by the Alliance website. The
Confederation are physical people just like us and live on
other physical planets in our 3rd dimension. (Fry’s space
friends live in giant ships that act like artificial planets) The
people who see the federation as their galactic family would
be rescued if the event of a global disaster that would
destroy earth civilization where ever to happen as stated by
Buck Nelson in his booklet My Trip To Mars, The Moon, And

The Confederation has registering discs to read thoughts. So
send a thought to the Confederation that you wish to support
them by encouraging morals, sharing information about the
confederation to others in the way you like best, and by
doing the previous lessons by helping in other small ways.
(Never challenge evil groups as you would die as alluded to
by a federation agent to Menger in the book From Outer
Space To You) The Confederation has technology to deal with
advanced evil groups and secret governments. Earth people
do not. The registering discs will log your thoughts and the
Confederation now knows you support them. Treat them with
honor and respect with your thoughts. Apologize to them if
you had an evil thoughts about them in the past. They are
our friends and they would never harm an Earth person.

Part 2: Give the Confederation permission to influence your

subconscious from the distance with their technology by
sending them a thought that you give them permission to do
so. Over time you may find you may act more moral, and
more peaceful and evolved.

Part 3: Ask the Confederation for advice in how to evolve

your soul, then let go of thinking and the confederation will
send a thought or idea to you with their technology from a
distance. They only give moral, common sense advice to
help evolve your soul in positive small ways.

Part 4: You can ask for assistance from the federation and
they will help by either influencing your subconscious or
other people’s subconscious from a distance or they may
send an undercover confederation agent to assist you in
small ways. If you come across an undercover agent Do Not
talk about UFO’s because they are here undercover and their
being undercover should be respected. You can feel energy
from everything including pictures, movies ect because
everything is interconnected by energy. You can tell if they
are real confederation agents or not because the real ones
radiate powerful love and joy energy like in the following
picture taken by Howard Menger of the confederation agents
at this internet web address:

You can feel energy from everything including pictures,

movies ect because everything is interconnected by God’s
energy so feel the good energy of the REAL undercover
Confederation agents in the following picture:

Part 5: Have an attitude of service. Daily thank the

Confederation for their presence here on Earth. Over time as
you send thoughts to them and ask them for advice
regarding the evolvement of your soul, (only about evolving
your soul and nothing else) you will gain a strong cable like
connection with them. And a part of your consciousness will
be with them and their wonderful worlds and within your
body. The wonderful feeling of them will never leave you as
long as you maintain an attitude of service and morals to the
best of your ability. With this feeling you know there is a
chance that you can have the soul transfer machine used on
you at death to have your soul transferred into a new
Confederation body after you die. The federation does this
for anyone who is sincere because the law of the universe is
service. The original W56 contactees were considered
‘sworn ones’. Anyone who reads this book can become a
‘pledged one’ and pledge their life in service towards the
Confederation. Those who are sincere will have a higher
chance to make it into Confederation worlds in the next life.
Those who make it could also have the opportunity to work
with Confederation operations regarding Earth in their next
life. In this case the highly evolved people are serving the
lower evolved people in order to raise us lower evolved
people up to their level as long as the lower evolved people
continue to have the attitude of service in their own way.

Part 6: Take a few minutes to God for advice for how to

evolve the soul, then let go of thinking and an answer will
just come in the form of a thought or idea. They only send
positive common sense things to improve your life in small
ways. They only answer questions about evolving the soul
because we are not evolved enough yet to receive other
information. The information in this step is influenced from
the book Science of Life by George Adamski.

Part 7: Practice seeing positive people as your brothers and

sisters and seeing evil people, evil secret governments, evil
ET’s as enemy brothers and sisters. Focus on being with
positive people and avoid evil people. Any Earth person who
challenges any advanced evil groups will die as alluded to
Menger in the book From Outer Space To You. The
Confederation has technology to deal with evil groups. We do
not. Let them take care of it.
Part 8: Friendship increases trust. So ask God how you can
increase trust with the Confederation, then let go of thinking
and a moral common sense thought or idea will come to

improve the situation in small ways that involve adjusting
your thinking more towards one of trust.
Step 9: The W56 group of the Confederation stated in Mass
Contacts by Breccia that everything everyone needs is in the
4 gospels. I believe that knowing first that the ‘Angels’ in the
bible are the Confederation agents and understanding that
Earth is in Confederation territory (as stated in Adamski’s
Inside the Spaceships) is why they have interest in us is
useful in understanding more about the bible especially the
4 gospels. The advice of Jesus has a special meaning to
both the Confederation and the Alliance. The Alliance believe
Jesus is the son of God just as it is stated in the bible. The
Non-Interference Directive prevents the Confederation from
directly interfering with Earth society but they do endorse
and work with the Christian religion because the teachings
of Jesus are universal. People who practice the teachings of
Jesus can have their soul possibly transferred by the
Confederation at the time of death to a new body in
Confederation worlds (ie. Heaven) So if you wish, invite God
and Jesus Christ into your life and accept them as your
savior of your soul. The Confederation registering discs will
pick up your thoughts and take note. You can also ask God
what you need to do to make it into Confederation worlds,
then let go of thinking and an answer will come of only Moral
Common Sense thoughts or ideas to improve your life to
meet the requirements to make it into Confederation worlds
in the next life and the Confederation may also use the soul
transfer machine a time of death as well. Study the 4
gospels as there is always something to learn from them.
God itself can also have people incarnate into Confederation
worlds. The Non-Interference Directive prevents the

undercover Confederation agents from openly revealing who
they are except in very rare cases as in the 1950’s due to the
introduction of the Nuclear weapons. In our time they are
operating undercover however, since they are the real
“Angles’ in the bible they are more than happy to talk about
God and the Christian bible because the teachings of Jesus
are universal to the advanced positive ET civilizations. So if
you come across an undercover Confederation agent and
they wear items or clothing that has Christian symbols or if
they talk about God or the bible you can ask them about
questions you have about the bible and you can get a more
accurate understanding from their answers about the bible
because they are the real angels. One strategy is that if the
vast majority of people on the planet believed in God and the
bible and lived by the teachings of Jesus it would be one
way the Confederation could come openly to the planet. Be
careful of corrupt government imposters or opposing groups
who pretend to be religious but they use religion only as a
tool for social control.

You can ask for assistance from the federation and they will
help by either influencing your subconscious or other
people’s subconscious from a distance or they may send an
undercover confederation agent to assist you in small ways.
If you come across an undercover agent Do Not talk about
UFO’s because they are here undercover and their being
undercover should be respected. You can tell if they are real
confederation agents or not because the real ones radiate
powerful universal friendship and joy energy like in this
picture: You can feel energy from everything including
pictures, movies ect because everything is interconnected

by energy. Feel the energy from the following picture by
going online and typing this internet web address:

Here is a W56 UFO:

Have an attitude of service. Take a few minutes and thank

the Confederation for their presence here on Earth. Practice
doing it daily and also give thanks to God for everything.
Over time as you send thoughts to them and ask them for
advice regarding the evolvement of your soul, (only about
evolving your soul and nothing else) you will gain a strong
cable like connection with them. And a part of your
consciousness will be with them and their wonderful worlds
and within your body. The wonderful feeling of them will
never leave you as long as you maintain an attitude of
service and morals to the best of your ability. The federation
does this for anyone who is sincere because the law of the
universe is service. In this case the highly evolved people
are serving the lower evolved people in order to raise us
lower evolved people up to their level as long as the lower
evolved people continue to have the attitude of service in
their own way.

We are here on Earth to prove ourselves to the

Confederation, their Etheric masters in realms unfathomable
by the mind, and to God. We can prove ourselves to them by
being moral, following the teachings of the 4 gospels and
Jesus, believing in God and creating good karma and service
to all. Ask God how to incarnate into planets within their
federation, then let go of thinking and an answer will just

Lesson 9: “Contacting the Real
Galactic Confederation: Part 2”:
How To Live the 9 Lessons Without
Thinking About It
The Lesson: “Contacting the Galactic Confederation”

Part 1: In the book From Outer Space To You by Howard

Menger, Menger came across three confederation agents.

The confederation has very advanced technology to

influence a person’s mind so they did a data transfer into his
subconscious so he would know how to play the piano
automatically. The Song he played was titled ‘The Song of
Saturn’. This is a song by the federation designed to unlock
universal love feelings within the subconscious of the person
listening to the song.

Universal Love is the feeling of being in tune with God. When

we use and feel universal love with our hearts we
automatically follow the 9 lessons without having to think
about because the 9 lessons are describing different
aspects of Universal Love. The 9 lessons are here to guide
us in using universal love. Of course we still have to practice
the lessons daily and train in them, but when we are at
school, or at work ect we may not have the time to think
about the 9 steps, so by focusing on feeling universal love
and asking God for assistance we will just do the steps
automatically because the 9 steps are different aspects of
Universal Love.

Take a few minutes and practice feeling universal love with

the heart and knowing that we are not the body but the mind
energy. When we feel universal love we automatically do the
9 lessons without thinking about it. Practice letting go of
any resistance or tension to feeling universal love. Keep
letting go of any resistance or tension until you are
comfortable and relaxed feeling universal love and
automatically feel you know and live your daily life
according to the 9 lessons without having to think about it.
Of course we still have to practice the lessons daily and
train in them, but when we are at school, or at work ect we
may not have the time to think about the 9 lessons, so by
focusing on feeling universal love and asking God for
assistance we will just do the steps automatically because
the 9 lessons are different aspects of Universal Love.

If you cannot find the song online that is Ok because you

already have all you need, however you can find the song by
going online and typing the web address:

If the link is not working you can also search online by using search and entering the key words ‘Song of
Saturn Menger’. The real song is about 17 minutes long.

Simply listen to the following 'Song of Saturn' by Howard

Menger and let the music sink deep into your subconscious

and unlock feelings of universal love. Let go of any tension
or resistance to the music and keep letting go of tension or
resistance until you are completely relaxed and totally
accepting that the song will influence your subconscious
and release universal love feelings.
Practice worshipping God and following the Christian values
given by Jesus in the 4 Christian gospels. The teachings of
Jesus are universal throughout the galaxy in all advanced
positive ET Civilizations like the Confederation and the
Ask God how to incarnate into the Confederation then let go
of thinking and an answer will come in the form of a thought
or idea to improve life in small ways that meet the
requirements to re-incarnate into the Confederation. They
Confederation may also use the soul transfer machine to
transfer your soul with their group into a new body at time of
death. Also accept God and Jesus as the savior of your soul
and accept that no one is perfect accept God and Jesus and
then your sins will be forgiven. The Confederation are the
‘Angels’ in the bible (they cannot come openly to Earth due
to the Non-Interference Directive) and those who accept God
and Jesus in their life will have their thoughts recorded by
the registering discs of the Confederation. Those who try to
live by the teachings of the 4 gospels the best they can also
make it into Confederation worlds.

Thank You. This was the final lesson. May you live a life of
true universal love and in contact with the federation and
God in some way.

Chapter 9: How To Receive Hope If
You Are Sincere From A Galactic
Federation Master: The Federation
Are Always There For Us

is part of the Galactic Federation Contact for Anyone Series

(Before I begin it should be clear that when I mention the
Galactic Federation it is the space organization that
contacted George Adamski, Howard Menger, Buck Nelson,
and Daniel Fry. The Galactic Federation Does Not come from
Venus. Their memories were manipulated in order to
discredit their information. As stated by Bruno Sammaciccia
writes: The opposing groups would use their technology to
do things to the Confederation contacts like: “…altering
documents, changing memories, even wiping out
somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”.
The only defense for the contactees against the mind
manipulation is a strong will and in my opinion common
sense, prayer, and universal love because God is love as
stated in the bible. Let the Confederation and the Alliance
deal with the opposing groups physically. The Confederation
does not openly contact Earth due to their Non-Interference
Directive. The only exceptions are during times such as
when Earth culture as a whole is threatened such as the
Cold War in the 1950’s.)
I was at home feeling somewhat defeated by life. I did not
sleep much and for some reason decided at 4 am to go play
some vintage video games I’ve recently collected. Being half
awake while playing the game suddenly I felt the presence
of great Wisdom and Knowledge far beyond my own. It was
simply a feeling. Later I stopped playing games and went to
rest in bed. I felt the energy and knew it was the energy from
the great Master in Adamksi’s book Inside the Spaceships. I
was having similar feelings to how Adamski felt in his book.
The feeling was very strong and it was giving me telepathic
feelings of support to not give up. After about 10 minutes I
felt amazing like I could take on anything. Also my fear of
death had disappeared at that time and I knew anything was
possible. I sent a thought to the great master that I (and my
soul) was eternally grateful for their assistance and it was
an absolute honor to be contacted in this way by such an
evolved being. I felt like superman with their telepathic
feeling they sent! The Federation and the Master were
telepathically sending me these feelings just like they did to
Adamksi. That is why they are here. They are here to support
all those who are sincere in service towards them. If you are
sincere in your support you will not be forgotten by them. As
in Adamksi’s Inside the Spaceships, they wish it to be known
to those who are sincere in their support to their cause that
they are only a thought away. They have registering discs to
read thoughts and they will either influence people’s
subconscious from a distance with their technology or they
may send an under cover agent to help out in small ways.
The cause of the Sector Command of Adamksi’s group is to

encourage their supporters to teach people how to live by
the advice of the federation and to see the federation as
Friends. The tactic is education. The more people learn and
put into practice Morals, Belief in God, and see the positive
ET’s as friends the sooner a Moral Cultural Shift can take
place on Earth and Earth can be ready for possible
membership with the Galactic Federation with a form of
Prior Choice Economics (On Earth it is similar to what is
called Economic Mutualism).
Those who are sincere in the support of the Federation
cause will be supported by the Federation and by the
wonderful wise masters who’s knowledge and compassion is
beyond our comprehension.
Respect for yourself and others, Service, and Loyalty are
important to the Confederation. In the 1950’s-1970’s there
was a group here from the Confederation called the W56
named by Bruno Sammaciccia. According to the article
“Clarifying the ‘Friendship’ Italian Contact Case” by Nikola
Duper an anonymous contactee of the original W56 stated
those who were chosen by the W56 (Confederation) to work
with them on their missions were the ‘sworn ones.’ (It is my
opinion there was some memory manipulation from opposing
groups on the contactee during the mention in the
“Clarifying the ‘Friendship’ Italian Contact Case’ article when
it is talking about ‘dimensions.’ I say this because the
Alliance had their contactee write about dimensions when
they were given disinformation from an under cover
opposing group member as noted on their website. Later
they discovered the information about different ‘dimensions’
was nonsense and designed to discredit. The positive ET’s
are physical just like us.)
If anyone is interested they can become something similar
to a ‘sworn one’. You can become a ‘pledged one’. The point
of the Libertad450 youtube channel videos, books by Lucus
Louize, ect is to continue the work of the W56 but in a way
that anyone can do. Anyone can become a ‘pledged one.’
Simply send a thought that you pledge your life in support of
the Confederation and you will be supported and if you are
sincere the great master will also telepathically support you
to continue your mission of spreading their message when
the time is needed.
If you wish to support the Confederation and become a
‘pledged one’ this is all you need to do in 5 steps: Most of the
following information is within Adamski’s books Inside the
Spaceships and Science of Life and Breccia’s Mass Contacts
and Menger’s Threads of Light To You.
Step 1: Know God is the Invisible Intelligence Everywhere
that is unfathomable to the mind and our souls are a part of
God. Practice living in the present moment and let God take
care of the past and the future.
Step 2: Embrace all tension so you can be relaxed and
breathe. Pray by focusing on your heart and send thoughts of
service and respect to the planet. Then let God take care of
it. It will affect the hearts and minds of many people in a
positive way. The Confederation agents did a version of this
as mentioned in Adamski’s Inside the Spaceships. Pray to
God that the Confederation wins the planet and everyone is
moral. (This will also indirectly help out the Alliance in their
missions if everyone acts more moral)
Step 3: Feel God’s energy within you. This is your eternal
soul which can only be felt. Do not identify with your body.

Only identify as your eternal soul which is the invisible
intelligence energy that is filled within your body and is a
feeling of eternalness. Ask God for guidance then let go of
thinking and an answer will come in the form of a moral
common sense thought or idea to improve your life in small
ways. The more you ask questions to God the more you feel
as your eternal soul and not as your body.
Step 4: Share the teachings of George Adamski, Howard
Menger, Buck Nelson, and Daniel Fry with anyone who will
listen (do it either anonymously or not depending on your
preference) Always make sure to mention the space friends
of Adamski, Menger, Fry, and Nelson Do Not come from
Venus. That was memory manipulation by opposing groups
as stated by the Alliance website (and who are also our
brothers and sisters but who do not contact any Earth
person except for their one contactee) and as alluded too in
Breccia’s book Mass Contacts by Bruno. As Sammaciccia
writes: The opposing groups would use their technology to
do things to the Confederation contacts like: “…altering
documents, changing memories, even wiping out
somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”.
The only defense for the contactees against the mind
manipulation is a strong will and in my opinion common
sense, prayer, and universal love because God is love as
stated in the bible.
Remember to tell people to NEVER physically challenge evil
ET’s. Anyone who does so will die as mentioned by the
Alliance and in Breccias Mass Contacts.
Step 5: Send a thought of a pledging your life to the
Confederation. Their registering discs will receive your
thoughts. If you are sincere they will either influence your
subconscious from the distance in a positive way with their
technology or send an undercover agent to help out in small
ways. DO NOT talk about UFO’s with them because they are
undercover. Be careful of imposters! The real Galactic
Federation agents radiate energy like in the following
picture. Everything is connected by energy so we can feel
energy even from pictures, movies, books ect so feel the real
confederation energy from this picture:
At certain times even the great masters themselves may
influence your subconscious at which times it is a true
blessing beyond words. You will feel like anything is possible
and the fear of death will disappear. It is a true honor to
have such telepathic contact with such evolved masters. Tell
them that when it happens. An attitude of Service, Respect,
and Loyalty is all they ask. If this sounds good to you, then
these steps are for you. You won’t be disappointed. But be
patient. Things will happen slowly overtime as you gain their
trust. We have a world to win! Ask God how you can
incarnate into Confederation worlds in your next life, then let
go of thinking and God will send a thought or idea to improve
your life in small common sense ways. The Confederation, if
you live a life of service towards them, may also use the soul
transfer machine (mentioned in Menger’s Threads of Light To
You) that could transfer your soul awareness feeling at time
of death and put it into a new body in their worlds. If you
serve them in this life you and make it into their worlds in

the next life you can take part in their operations on Earth if
you wish.
The corrupt governments like to pretend they are superior
and untouchable. A good example of this is from the
television episode titled Brain Invaders in the Show
Conspiracy Theory With Jessie Ventura. In the episode, Mr.
Robert Duncan who has worked with the CIA and who claims
there is nothing anyone can do against the corrupt
governments due to their more advanced technology.
Ofcourse that is Not true. The Confederation and the
Alliance are far more technologically superior and far more
morally superior than the corrupt government; and the
corrupt governments are touchable because everything is
connected by God’s energy.
The space friends of Menger, Adamski, Fry, and Nelson are
physical people like us. They have nothing to do with
'channelers' and they would never give high level sensitive
information about their group to any Earth person because
we are not part of their group yet. They come from other
places in the galaxy like the Altair star system as stated in
the Master List of Planets Vol. 2 from the Alliance site.
Adamki’s space ship 8mm film was proven real by experts
such as William Sherwood an optical physicist from Eastman
Kodak, Col. Coleman Vorkeveizky of the United Nations Audio
Visual Department(retired), and Bob Wechsler a physicist
and NASA Mission Specialist in the documentary UFO
Secret: Alien Contacts: The Best Evidence Documentary by
Michael Hesemann.

What about debunkers of George Adamski’s photos and footage
and UFO reports in general?
The government purposely ignored or downplayed UFO reports
regardless of evidence. This was stated in the ‘Letters Exchanged
Between CUFON and Dr. Thorton Page’
( In a letter dated Oct. 3, 1992
from Dr. Thorton Page to Mr. Klotz it states regarding the Robertson
Panel and the Condon report: “By contrast, H.P. Robertson told us in
the first private (no outsiders) session that our job was to reduce
public concern, and show that UFO reports could be explained by
conventional reasoning.”

Chapter 10: People Are More
Capable Than They Think

People are much more capable then we usually think. Here

is a following example. When I was at the medical clinic
someone sat next to me receiving vitamin C iv. She was a
nice old lady. She was a regular Earth person because she
normal Earth person energy. However her story is
extraordinary. Many years ago she was serving in the
military when she got run over by a vehicle. Many of her
organs were damaged and her skull severely damaged.
However seeing here that day you could not tell! At first I
thought she had a mild form of rickets. But only appearing to
have a form of rickets when in reality she was run over and
severely maimed in battle is incredible. Her doctors told her
she would not be able to do the many things she was doing
right in front of me. Most important was her attitude. In
addition to the natural herbs and vitamins she was taking
she had a strong will and determination and a belief in God.
The same attitude can be applied to our lives for anything.
The more we have a strong will determination and a belief in
God we can achieve much more than we thought possible.

Chapter 11: Galactic Federation
and Jesus

When I mention the Galactic Federation it is the space

organization that contacted George Adamski, Howard
Menger, Buck Nelson, and Daniel Fry. The Galactic
Federation Does Not come from Venus. Their memories were
manipulated in order to discredit their information as stated
by Bruno Sammaciccia in Mass Contacts by Breccia. The
only defense for the contactees against the mind
manipulation is a strong will and in my opinion common
sense, prayer, and universal love because God is love as
stated in the bible. Let the Confederation and the Alliance
deal with the opposing groups physically.
Jesus is important to both the Galactic Federation (who are
our friends) and who George Adamski, Howard Menger, Buck
Nelson, and others had contact with and the Alliance who
are also our friends and who do not contact anyone openly
on Earth except for their one contact from the 1960’s.
The Galactic Federation stated that Jesus was a member of
their group as mentioned by Adamski in Inside the
Spaceships and from Howard Mengers book Threads of Light
To You.
The Alliance believe Jesus was God in the form of a man.
Whatever one you believe what is most important in my
opinion is what Jesus said. The Confederation sees the

Earth as a planet of Redemption as mentioned in Mass
Contacts by Breccia.
First off we need to understand what God actually is that
Jesus spoke of which is also what the Confederation and
what the Alliance spoke of.
Here is a quote by a Confederation agent about what God
actually is according to Menger’s Threads of Light To You:
“God is not a man, but all men and woman. All things,
omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent…In all our travels
through space, we have not seen God, but live in the Infinite
Intelligence, which is God.”
In Menger’s book From Outer Space To You the
Confederation master states that God is Love.The same is
said in the bible in John 4:8 “Whoever does not love does not
Know God, because God is love.” So God is the Invisible
Intelligence that is all people and all things and is the
energy of Love.
What about the soul?
The bible states the soul is eternal: “And do not fear those
who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.” Mathew 10:28.
What is the soul?
According to the wise Confederation master in Adamski’s
book Inside the Spaceships the soul is the sense of feeling.
The other four senses taste, smell, hearing, and sight are
powered by the sense of feeling. When the sense of feeling
leaves the body, the other four senses no longer operate. But
if the sense of taste, hearing, sight, and smell are lost but
not the sense of feeling, the body can still function because
the sense of feeling or awareness is still within the body.

(the soul) And the soul the sense of feeling or awareness is
Here is how to get into higher worlds, specifically
Confederation worlds as the Confederation and God is
monitoring people to see who is proving their moral worth by
sincerely living with morals and love and not simply talking
of it. If you wish to incarnate into Confederation worlds here
is all you need according to Jesus. The most important
quote by Jesus in my opinion is as follows:
“And behold, a lawyer stood up to put him to the test, saying,
‘Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus said
‘What is written in the law? How do you read?’ And he
answered, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and
with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.’ And he
said to him, ‘You have answered right; do this, and you will
live.’ Luke 10: 25-28
That advice is all you need! But you must actually live it!
That is how to prove your worth. There are evil enemy
groups to the Confederation and the Alliance who have
infiltrated religion and governments in order to control and
manipulate people. This was stated in Menger’s From Outer
Space To You. The Confederation agent states that Earth is a
battleground for the hearts and minds of people. The only
thing we Earth people can do about the evil groups is
practice caution, Prayer, and Moral thoughts. God’s Love is
more powerful than evil. Earth is a battleground for people’s
hearts and minds. The bible states about prayer in Mathew
5:44-45 “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for

those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your
Father who is in heaven.”
Here is how to help out to create a planet that can be a
potential contender for the Confederation. This will also
indirectly help out the Alliance and their missions on this
Step 1: Know that God is the Invisible Intelligence that is
Love energy and is all people and all things and is
unfathomable to the mind. God is Love so practice feeling
Love for God and Love for all.
Step 2: Feel that you are your sense of feeling which is your
eternal soul and your other 4 senses of sight, sound, taste
and hearing are only to operate your body. If you forget you
are your soul, ask yourself Who am I? and let go of
identifying with the four senses and only identify with the
sense of feeling.
Step 3: Prayer: In Menger’s book From Outer Space From
You, an agent states that people can feel what other people
feel even at a distance. In Menger’s book Threads of Light To
You it states what we hold in mind affects the outside life.
Practice breathing and being relaxed and embracing all
tension and then letting the tension go. Then visualize
everyone on the planet working together with Morals and
visualize especially evil people feeling universal love and
compassion and all evil on the planet is cleansed. Then feel
this is really happening and send it to God and let God take
care of it. This will really affect people especially evil people
and it will affect their hearts and minds and make the job of
the Confederation and other positive ET’s jobs easier.

Step 4: Send a thought that you support the Confederation.
(the Angels) In the bible it spoke of angels that looked like
men. They are the Confederation. Ask the Confederation for
protection from evil groups. Thank God or the presence of
the Galactic Federation agents and Alliance agents here on
Earth. Practice having an attitude if service towards the
Confederation and towards God. Ask the Federation for
assistance with your thoughts and they will either influence
your subconscious in a positive moral way with their
technology from a distance or they will send an undercover
agent to help out in small ways. Never talk about UFO’s with
the undercover agents because they are here undercover.
The real undercover agents radiate powerful wisdom and
friendship energy. Everything is connected by energy so you
can even feel energy from books, pictures, movies ect. So
feel the good energy from this picture:
As mentioned by Bruno in Mass Contacts by Breccia have
the attitude of Friendship, Service, Morals and Loyalty
towards the Confederation and the undercover agents. Live
by these steps in this video and you can make it into
Confederation worlds. Ask God how you can improve your
life with these steps in this video, then let go of thinking and
God will send a thought or idea to improve your life in small
common sense ways. (This information was influenced by
Adamski’s Science of Life) The Confederation, if you live a
life of service towards them, may also use the soul transfer
machine (mentioned in Menger’s Threads of Light To You)
that could transfer your soul awareness feeling at time of
death and put it into a new body in their worlds. The corrupt
governments like to pretend they are superior and
untouchable. A good example of this is from the television
episode titled Brain Invaders in the Show Conspiracy Theory
With Jessie Ventura. In the episode, Mr. Robert Duncan who
has worked with the CIA and who claims there is nothing
anyone can do against the corrupt governments due to their
more advanced technology. Ofcourse that is Not true. The
Confederation and the Alliance are far more technologically
superior and far more morally superior than the corrupt
government; and the corrupt governments are touchable
because everything is connected by God’s energy.
The space friends of Menger Adamski are physical people
like us. They have nothing to do with 'channelers' and they
would never give high level sensitive information about their
group to any Earth person because we are not part of their
group yet. They come from other places in the galaxy like
the Altair star system as stated in the Master List of Planets
Vol. 2 from the Alliance site. Adamki’s space ship photos
were proven real by experts such as William Sherwood an
optical physicist from Eastman Kodak, Col. Coleman
Vorkeveizky of the United Nations Audio Visual
Department(retired), and Bob Wechsler a physicist and NASA
Mission Specialist in the documentary UFO
Secret: Alien Contacts: The Best Evidence Documentary by
Michael Hesemann.
What about debunkers of George Adamski’s photos and footage
and UFO reports in general?
The government purposely ignored or downplayed UFO reports
regardless of evidence. This was stated in the ‘Letters Exchanged
Between CUFON and Dr. Thorton Page’
( In a letter dated Oct. 3, 1992

from Dr. Thorton Page to Mr. Klotz it states regarding the Robertson
Panel and the Condon report: “By contrast, H.P. Robertson told us in
the first private (no outsiders) session that our job was to reduce
public concern, and show that UFO reports could be explained by
conventional reasoning. Menger wrote with the assistance of
the space people titled 'The Song of Saturn'. The song is
designed to help the listener evolve their consciousness by
simply listening to the song and by focusing on Universal
Love (Which is Universal Friendship for all). The song is
excellent and can be found at the youtube channel:

Chapter 12: The Daniel Fry Series
Part 2: Preventing Nuclear War

Regarding UFOs, Earth will only be a safe place once people

begin to behave with morals and act civilized. Some people
worry about the possibility of WW3 and eventual nuclear war
destroying earth ect ect We as a planet have to change how
we act. On a somewhat different subject by the way 50% of
Americans believe in ETs according to a Huffington Post
article called "Alien Poll Finds Half Of Americans Think
Extraterrestrial Life Exists" by Swanson in 2013. Not all
aliens are bad. Some are nice see us as friends. Buck Nelson
claimed to be a contacted by friendly aliens and stated that
the people who see the friendly space people as friends
would be rescued in the event of a global disaster like a
nuclear war. (In the book Mass Contacts by Breccia the
friendly space people mentioned that opposing groups used
memory manipulation on the contactees so the 1950's
contactees as noted by Bruno Sammaciccia so the
contactees falsely believed the friendly space people lived
on Venus and other planets in the solar system to discredit
them. This includes contactees like Howard Menger, George
Adamski ect. The friendly space people Do Not live on Venus
but in other parts of the galaxy.) So if you are one of the 50
percent that believe and are interested you may like to
check out the information below.

The good aliens mentioned above do believe in God but they
don't call it God they see God as the invisible intelligence
energy that is everywhere and all things and they send
thanks to this infinite intelligence (aka God) daily. According
to their teachings, (ie Adamski's Science of Life book) you
can ask infinite invisible intelligence (God) a question, then
let go of thinking and a moral common sense thought or idea
will come to improve your life in small ways. You can also
pray to the invisible intelligence energy everywhere (God)
and visualize world peace and Feel that it is really
happening through Understanding (as recommended by
Daniel Fry's contacts) in order to prevent war and it will have
some positive affect on Earth and it will help the friendly
aliens because everything is connected by energy so
everything is affected even the corrupt governments. The
positive aliens have helped in the past by shutting down
nuclear silos in Russia and America. Look up for instance
the witness reports of Captain Robert Salas as stated in the
UFO documentary the Friendship Case which can be found
on youtube.

In particular are Daniel Fry's friendly space people contacts

who live in an artificial planetoid ship. They are concerned
about the potential for nuclear war on Earth and would like
our assistance in aiding them in supporting their cause. We
can assist them by living a more moral life and asking them
for guidance with our thoughts. They have registering discs
to read thoughts. By asking them for guidance they will
influence our thoughts in a more moral way and increase our
understanding which is the only true way for peace on Earth.
They are good guys and respect free will so it is up to us to

give them our permission to be influenced by them.
According to their records as mentioned in To Men Of Earth
Part 1 by Fry that God created Earth in a unique way with
much diversity. With so much diversity there can be the
potential for much division and misunderstanding which can
lead to hate. So the only way to have a truly free and
peaceful society without war is to fully increase our
understanding so therefore war, conflict, racism and all
other wrongs in society that have for so long plagued
mankind can be eliminated. The more people want peace the
less they achieve it through warfare. Peace must come
through cultural change and understanding through each
person practicing it in their own lives. The Confederation
particularly of Daniel Fry's group will aid us in becoming
more moral by influencing our subconscious from a distance
with their technology. They also have an agent on Earth
who's sole function is to influence the subconscious in
positive ways of important people who have access to
nuclear arms so they will have a higher chance not to start
any nuclear war.

If you are sincere the space friends may influence your

subconscious in a positive way with their technology from
the distance or they may send an undercover agent to help
out in small ways. The real space friends radiate universal
love and wisdom from their bodies as stated in the
Friendship Case documentary. If you come across them do
Not talk about UFOs because they are here undercover. You
can also listen to the 'Song of Saturn' by Howard Menger
which is about 17 minutes and can be found on youtube as it
is designed to influence the subconscious in order to

become more moral) It is mentioned at the end of this video.

As noted by Breccia in the book Mass Contacts some of the

space friends live secretly among us and try to be good
examples for us through their attitudes of friendliness,
peacefulness, patience, and kindness. As mentioned in
Mengers From Outer Space To You let the positive space
friends deal with the opposing groups we technologically
inferior simple Earth people stand no chance against
technologically superior opposing groups. We can only use
morals, prayer to support space friends, share their info.
with others and live a good life the best we can. If someone
learns and sincerely feels that they are not the body but
their sense of feeling which is their awareness or soul within
the body, and they know that God is the invisible intelligence
everywhere and feel it everywhere and if they try to live a
life of morals and friendliness especially towards the space
friends, and if they are sincere in these things they have the
chance to incarnate into the worlds of the advanced friendly
space people in the next life and possibly even help Earth to
become a member of their group and help other space
friends with similar goals.

Here are 3 steps you can use using the information we have
just gone through:

Step 1: Know God is the invisible intelligence everywhere.

Feel God's intelligence everywhere and live by God's
guidance by asking God a question then, let go of thinking
and an answer will come in the form of a thought or idea to
improve your life in small ways.

Step 2: Pray to God by visualizing the planet Earth is a
peaceful and moral place and everywhere lives in harmony
and understanding with God and with one another. Then
send the visualization to God and then let God take care of it
and it will really have some impact and will help make the
missions of Daniel Fry's space contacts a little easier.

Step 3: Send a thought to Daniel Fry's contact group (the

Galactic Confederation) that you support them and give
them permission to influence your subconscious from a
distance their technology so you can become more moral
over time. If you are sincere they may also send undercover
operatives to help out in small ways behind the scenes. The
real confederation operatives radiate calmness and peace
energy. Everything is connected by energy so we can feel
energy from everything including books, pictures ect so feel
the good energy from the following which is similar to the
energy the confederation operatives radiate:
If you wish to join the Galactic Federation in the next life ask
God what you need to do in this life, let go of thinking and an
answer will come of only moral commons sense thoughts or
ideas to improve your life in small ways that meet the
requirements in order to incarnate into their worlds. If you
prove your moral worth in this life, the Confederation may
also use a soul transfer machine to transfer your awareness
into a new confederation body to ‘incarnate’ with them in the
next life to continue to serve their organization and help
other Earth people to evolve like they are doing. If they
choose to do so, they would transfer your soul (your
awareness) at the time when your soul leaves the body in
this life. The real Galactic Federation has nothing to do with

fake ‘channeler’s’ or fake contactees that give wrong
information as the opposing groups use them to spread
disinformation including having used Rolph Teleno
unwittingly to discredit Daniel Fry. The Galactic Federation
would also never give any contactee any sensitive high level
information because we are not part of their group yet. They
are physical people just like us ad come from other places in
the galaxy like Altair or Arcturus star systems as stated by
the Alliance. Never challenge opposing groups. They will kill
anyone who violently opposes them. Let the Confederation
and the Alliance deal with them. Regarding corrupt
governments, they like to think they are superior and
invincible. But in reality, they are touchable and inferior.
They are touchable because anyone can affect them through
prayer and feeling what they pray for because everything is
connected by energy so pray and visualize that there are no
more corrupt governments on Earth and feel it is actually
happening and let God take care of it and it will have some
affect, and the corrupt governments are inferior because the
Confederation is 100,000’s or more years more morally and
technologically advanced then the corrupt governments so it
is wise to listen to the advice of the Confederation.

Chapter 13: The 12 Laws of God:
Buck Nelson

Buck Nelson had contact with Confederation agents on his

farm. The Confederation agents gave him the 12 Laws of God
so he could share them with everyone. The Non-Interference
Directive dictates that the Confederation must enlist
inhabitants of the planets they are operating on to share
their information openly. The Confederation agents did NOT
come from Venus. As stated elsewhere Confederation
contactees like Nelson’s memory was manipulated by
opposing groups as alluded in Mass Contacts by Breccia and
the Alliance website.

THE TWELVE LAWS OF GOD (The parts about Venus have

been edited out-ed)

(These twelve laws were given to Buck Nelson, at his farm at

Mountain View, Missouri, on April 24, 1955, by men from
other places in the galaxy. These laws are followed faithfully
and are not just something to mention occasionally.)
LOVE: Love your Maker, your parents, your neighbors, all
birds and animals of the earth. and everything in the sea and
HONOR: Honor your God and parents. Obey God's law which
is also man's law.

OBEY: Obey God's law, your parents and the rights of others.
1. Love your Maker...God.
2. Thou shalt not kill...includes accidents and war.
3. Love your neighbor.
4. Let your light shine before men, and all will see your good
works, and it will be an honor to you and your Maker…God.
5. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
6. Thou shalt not steal.
7. Thou must do as thou wish to be done by.
8. No other god shall be before thee.
9. Do not take the name of God in vain.
10. Honor your father and mother.
11. Your body is God's. Do not misuse it in any way. Do not
drink or eat anything that is not food. Use nothing to harm
the body, either inside or out. Wear nothing on the body that
harms it or is of no use.
12. God made the heaven and the earth and we must give
Him thanks for what he gives us.

Also as stated by the Confederation and the Alliance and as

stated in the bible no one is perfect only God is perfect so
ask God for forgiveness for any mistakes you have made and
God will understand and forgive as long as you are sincere.
Faith not repentance is what is most important. Ask God
how you can make it into higher advanced civilizations in the
next life then let go of thinking and common sense thoughts
or ideas will come to improve your life in small ways that
meet the requirements to re-incarnate into the groups you
wish too.

Chapter 14: Howard Menger Clears
His Name

This Chapter wishes to clear Howard Menger's name of the

mistakes he made in his earlier book From Outer Space To
You. In that book he mistakenly claimed the space people
came from 'Venus' and 'Mars' and 'Saturn' and other local
planets in the solar system.

In a documentary titled Farewell Good Brothers by Robert

Stone, (the attitude of the director towards the contactees is
questionable by the way) Menger stated he believed he had
made a mistake in his earlier books and misunderstood the
aliens about where they come from and wrongly stated they
live on Venus when in fact he later believed they did not live
on Venus but they were simply traveling by or exploring the
planets but did not live on Venus or Mars. Menger later
mentioned in another documentary by Michael Hessemann,
titled UFO's The Contacts: The Pioneers of Space that the
space people he been contacted by had bases on Venus and
other planets in the Solar System but he believed they lived
somewhere else in the universe. Menger also wrote about
this newer position about where the space people actually
come from in one of his later books.

In his book The Highbridge Incident Menger states: "'Years

ago, on a T.V. program, when I first voiced my opinion that
the people I met and talked with from the craft might not be
extraterrestrial, it was thought that I had recanted. However,
they (the aliens) said they had just come from the planet we
call Venus (or Mars). It is my opinion that these space
travelers may have by-passed or visited other planets (as we
are planning) but were not native to those planets any more
than our astronauts are native to the moon.'"

So the space people according to Menger are not natives to

Venus, Mars, Sarturn ect ect but were passing by, exploring,
or had bases on those planets.

The Highbridge Incident is a most wonderful book and is the

most accurate book regarding the information of the space
people coming from the original 1950's contactees. The book
is highly recommended. It is rare so at some point in the
future the book will be available on-line for all to access and
learn in a more accurate manner the teachings of the
friendly space people as intended at that time.

The Galactic Federation contacted people like George

Adamski, Howard Menger, Daniel Fry, Buck Nelson and
others in order to give their message of Service,
Understanding, and freedom. Earth is in Galactic Federation
territory but the Galactic Federation does not intervene due
to their Non-Interference Directive. If you look at photos
Adamski, Menger, Fry’s (Merlin Oregon photos) and others
took they are the same or similar ships because they were
contacted by the same group. The Real Galactic Federation
has nothing to do with ‘channelers’ and will not give any high
level information to any Earth person despite what fake
contactees claim because we are not part of their group yet.

With Menger's name now cleared, my own view is that the
memory of Menger and other real contactees like Adamski,
Nelson ect had their memories manipulated to falsely think
they came from Venus by enemy groups to the friendly space
people in order to discredit the contactee message. As
Breccia notes in the book Mass Contacts Sammaciccia
writes: The opposing groups would use their technology to
do things to the Confederation contacts like: “…altering
documents, changing memories, even wiping out
somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…” (In
addition to Will Power I would add Common Sense, prayer
and Especially Universal Love) The Alliance has said similar
things about the opposing group manipulation of the
Galactic Federation contactees on their website. (Their
contactee also had their memory manipulated by the same
opposing groups).

The space friends of Howard Menger and George Adamski

are still here to help. They are on Earth living undercover
helping in small ways all those Earth people who have a
sincere desire to help humanity to evolve through service.
Their Non-Interference Directive prevents them clearing the
memory misinformation because they are only allowed to
interfere if Earth civilization as a whole is threatened and
the memory manipulation of their contactees does not
threaten civilization as a whole. This is why they are
undercover in society. They came openly in the 1950's
because Earth civilization was threatened as a whole with
the beginning of the nuclear cold war.
If you wish to have their presence and protection in your life
this is what you can do:

Step 1: It is simply to use Universal Love in the Heart. The

scientific reason is because True Love is service and service
without thought of one’s self increases will power incredibly
see the study: Risking Your Life without a Second Thought:
Intuitive Decision Making and Extreme Altruism by Rand et
all. From the Journal PLOS (2014). And service leads to
happiness see: Do Nice Guys finish Happiest?: Why
increasing your kindess/alrtuism can increase happiness by
Salmansohn from Psychology Today 2011. Universal Love is
the energy of God as stated by the Confederation master in
Menger’s book From Outer Space To You. In the Christian
bible it states in John 4:8 “Whoever does not love does not
know God, because God is love.”. With Universal Love also
practice visualization and prayer by picturing everyone on
the planet acting Moral and the Confederation and the
Alliance are winning the planet then feel it is really
happening then send the image to God. The visualization has
some impact because as stated in Menger’s book Threads of
Light To You there is nothing out their but our consciousness
and God’s consciousness. In Menger’s book From Outer
Space To You a Federation agent states people can feel what
other people feel. Scientifically there is a study by
Heartmath institute called Modulation of DNA Conformation
by Heart-Focused Intention by McCraty et all. that states
that people are influenced by other people’s thoughts to
some degree but actually the whole planet can be affected
by prayer when the prayer is given to God. If you are having

a bad day or if you are harassed by the corrupt government
harassment or electronic harassment technology or
opposing groups and their psychological manipulation
technology then increase your Universal Love even more and
practice the attitude of ‘Newness’ as mentioned in
Adamski’s Science of Life. ‘Newness’ is the attitude that
every second is a new opportunity to create something
positive. Visualize erasing negative thoughts and focus on
positive thoughts because our thoughts affect the outside
Step 2: Practice this modified version of the relax response
from Dr. Benson of University of Massachusetts by breathing
in for 5 seconds, hold the breath for 5 seconds then breathe
out for 5 seconds. Simply practice feeling the energy of the
Invisible Intelligence of God everywhere that is
unfathomable by the mind and feel you are your eternal
awareness (your soul) which is your sense of feeling know
you are not the body as mentioned in Adamski’s Inside the
Spaceships, then feel your body is filled with God’s
intelligence and become an objective witness to your body
from within the body and practice living in the preset
moment. Then as mentioned in Adamski’s Science of Life,
you can live according to the guidance of God as God’s
intelligence is filled within your body and is always within
you and you can ask God a question with my thoughts, then
let go of thinking and an answer will come in the form of a
thought or idea to improve life in small ways. If you
unintentionally cut off my connection feeling to God I ask
myself “Who am I?” (as recommended from the great master
in Adamski’s Inside the Spaceships) then remember you are
not the body but the objective witness within the body and

feel God’s intelligence energy fill my body. Focus on the
Heart because the mind becomes clear.
Step 3: The final step is to simply rely on God and the
Galactic Federation. Put God first in life. Send a thought to
God and the Galactic Federation that you support God and
the Galactic Federation and the Galactic Federation
registering discs that are orbiting the planet will read your
thoughts and your thoughts will be logged in their system.
One way to support the Galactic Federation is to share their
teachings to anyone interested and to make sure that people
know they Do Not come from Venus. (They actually come
from star systems like Altair as mentioned on the Alliance
website section ‘Master List of Planets Version 2.0’) If you
are sincere in your support towards them in ways that you
can the Galactic Federation will either influences your
subconscious in a positive way or they send an undercover
confederation agent to help out in small ways. Be careful of
imposters who pretend to be Galactic Federation undercover
agents but they do not radiate any energy or they radiate
evil energy. The Real undercover Confederation agents
radiate a feeling of Universal Love and Wisdom.
Never physically challenge the Opposing groups because
you will be killed as stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia and
from the Alliance website.
If you wish to incarnate into Galactic Federation worlds in
the next life ask God what you need to do in this life to meet
the requirements to make it into the Galactic Federation
worlds in the next life, then let go of thinking and an answer
will come in the form of a thought or idea to improve your
life in small ways that meet the requirements. The Galactic

Federation also has a soul transfer machine (as mentioned in
Menger’s book Threads of Light To You) they can use if they
choose to transfer someone’s soul (your soul is your
awareness which was discussed in Step 2) who they believe
has lived a life with more much knowledge about God and
the Universal Laws which are taught by the Galactic
Federation. If you make it into Confederation worlds in the
next life you can volunteer to work with the Confederation
operations on Earth and support Alliance operations through
ways like economic support.
Due to the presence of the Galactic Federation and the
Alliance on Earth the opposing groups are limited in what
they can do to us and rely mostly on psychological influence
by using their technology from a distance to try to influence
people to act immoral or to try to wipe out or inject new
memories or emotions as stated in Breccia’s book Mass
Contacts. The Galactic Federation said in the book Mass
Contacts that our Will Power, Universal Love, and also I
believe Common Sense and Prayer are the 4 most important
defenses. You can defeat the opposing group psychological
manipulation tactics by simply practicing Universal Love,
Common Sense, Will Power, and Prayer and doing the 3 steps
in this video. Also know God owns everything including your
body and your emotions so let go of old emotions do not
hang onto them because God owns the emotions not you.
God also owns time so live in the present moment. But Never
physically challenge them. Let the Confederation and
Alliance take care of the opposing groups physically.
Corrupt governments like to think they are invincible and
untouchable. They are actually influenced behind the scenes
by the opposing groups. Mr. Duncan a former CIA agent said
there is nothing anyone can do about the government
corruption in Ventura’s TV show Conspiracy Theory in the
episode Brain Invaders. But that is not true. The corrupt
governments are inferior to God and the Galactic Federation
and the Alliance. The corrupt governments are touchable
through prayer because everything is connected by energy
and God’s energy of Love is the strongest energy to use for
us Earth people. So there IS hope. Also it is only logical that
the corrupt government agents who have their own welfare
in mind should ask the Galactic Federation and God for
support in their life with their thoughts because that is their
only protection against the evil opposing groups who also
read their thoughts with their technology. The opposing
groups have no morals and would torture or kill anyone if
they think it justifiable. The opposing groups are thousands
of years or more ahead of corrupt governments when it
comes to technology and only the Confederation who is
equally advanced can offer any protection. So it would be
wise and logical for the corrupt agents or anyone else for
that matter to ask for protection or assistance in life from
the Galactic Federation and their registering discs will pick
up the thoughts and they will help all those who are sincere
including the corrupt agents as long as those corrupt agents
change for the better and practice Morals and service. They
also would then have the opportunity to prove their worth to
Galactic Federation and God to possibly make it into higher
planets in the next life.

The space friends of Menger Adamski are physical people

like us. They have nothing to do with 'channelers' and they
would never give high level sensitive information about their

group to any Earth person because we are not part of their
group yet. They come from other places in the galaxy like
the Altair star system as stated in the Master List of Planets
Vol. 2 from the Alliance website.
Menger wrote with the assistance of the space people titled
'The Song of Saturn'. The song is designed to help the
listener evolve their consciousness by simply listening to the
song and by focusing on Universal Love (Which is Universal
Friendship for all). The song is excellent and can be found at
the youtube channel:

If you are interested in more information please see the

youtube channel

Thank you.

Chapter 15: Follow the 4 Christian

As stated earlier… “The W56 group of the Confederation

stated in Mass Contacts by Breccia that everything everyone
needs is in the 4 gospels. I believe that knowing first that
the ‘Angels’ in the bible are the Confederation agents and
understanding that Earth is in Confederation territory (as
stated in Adamski’s Inside the Spaceships) is why they have
interest in us is useful in understanding more about the bible
especially the 4 gospels. The advice of Jesus has a special
meaning to both the Confederation and the Alliance. The
Alliance believe Jesus is the son of God just as it is stated in
the bible. The Non-Interference Directive prevents the
Confederation from directly interfering with Earth society
but they do endorse and work with the Christian religion
because the teachings of Jesus are universal. People who
practice the teachings of Jesus can have their soul possibly
transferred by the Confederation at the time of death to a
new body in Confederation worlds (ie. Heaven) So if you
wish, invite God and Jesus Christ into your life and accept
them as your savior of your soul. The Confederation
registering discs will pick up your thoughts and take note.
You can also ask God what you need to do to make it into
Confederation worlds, then let go of thinking and an answer
will come of only Moral Common Sense thoughts or ideas to
improve your life to meet the requirements to make it into
Confederation worlds in the next life and the Confederation
may also use the soul transfer machine a time of death as
well. Study the 4 gospels as there is always something to
learn from them. God itself can also have people incarnate
into Confederation worlds. The Non-Interference Directive
prevents the undercover Confederation agents from openly
revealing who they are except in very rare cases as in the
1950’s due to the introduction of the Nuclear weapons. In our
time they are operating undercover however, since they are
the real “Angles’ in the bible they are more than happy to
talk about God and the Christian bible because the
teachings of Jesus are universal to the advanced positive ET
civilizations. So if you come across an undercover
Confederation agent and they wear items or clothing that
has Christian symbols or if they talk about God or the bible
you can ask them about questions you have about the bible
and you can get a more accurate understanding from their
answers about the bible because they are the real angels.
One strategy is that if the vast majority of people on the
planet believed in God and the bible and lived by the
teachings of Jesus it would be one way the Confederation
could come openly to the planet. Be careful of corrupt
government imposters or opposing groups who pretend to be
religious but they use religion only as a tool for social


Send a thought to them that you wish to come across an

undercover Confederation agent in order to speak about
religion and the Christian bible. Their registering discs will
pick up your thoughts and if you are sincere at some point
you will come across a real undercover Confederation agent
to discuss God, Jesus, and the gospels. They may create a
‘co-incidence’ so you know it is really them.
Here is an example of a thought you can send to them with
your thoughts which their registering discs will pick up so
one day you can come across a real Confederation agent
and speak about religion with them:
“Hello Friends, it is an honor to be at your service. Thank you
for being here. If you are interested and if you have the time
would it be possible to come across an agent of yours in
which I could discuss the bible with and have any questions
I have answered by your agent? Thank you for your service
in this planet.”
The supportive thoughts you send them are logged in their
system. If you come across an undercover agent Do Not talk
about UFO’s because they are here undercover and their
being undercover should be respected. You can tell if they
are real confederation agents or not because the real ones
radiate powerful universal friendship and joy energy like in
this picture: You can feel energy from everything including
pictures, movies ect because everything is interconnected
by energy. Feel the energy from the following picture by
going online and typing this internet web address:

We are here on Earth to prove ourselves to the

Confederation, their Etheric masters in realms unfathomable
by the mind, and to God. We can prove ourselves to them by
being moral, following the teachings of the 4 gospels and
Jesus, believing in God and Jesus as perfect and the savior
of your soul and forgiver of your sins, it is also good to
create good karma and have service to all. Ask God how to
incarnate into planets within their federation, then let go of
thinking and an answer will just come.


George Adamski:

Adamski, George. Flying Saucers Have Landed. The George

Adamski Foundation. Vista CA, USA. Fourth printing 2001.
(The entire book is actually contained within another book
titled Inside the Spaceships. Fourth Edition by The George
Adamski Foundation.)

Adamski, George. Inside the Spaceships. The George

Adamski Foundation. Fourth printing 2001. Vista CA, USA.

Adamski, George. Cosmic Philosophy. The George Adamski

Foundation. (originally published in 1961)

George Adamski. Science of Life. The George Adamski

Foundation. (originally published in 1964)

Adamski, George. Flying Saucers Farewell. Abelard-Schuman

USA. 1961.

Howard Menger:

Menger, Howard. From Outer Space To You. Originally

published by Saucerian Books: Clarksburg, W. VA. 1955.

Menger, Connie and Howard. The High Bridge Incident: The
Story Behind the Story. Published by Howard and Connie
Menger. USA. 1991.

Menger, Connie and Howard. Threads of Light To You.

Howard and Connie Menger. Published by Howard and Connie
Menger. USA. June, 1995.

Buck Nelson:

Nelson, Buck. My Trip To Mars, The Moon and Venus.

Originally published by the Grand Rapids Flying Saucer Club.

Daniel Fry:

Fry, Daniel. The White Sands Incident. Horus House Press,

INC. Madison, Wisconsin. 1992

The Italian Friendship Group:

Breccia, Stefano. 50 Years of Amicizia. Warren P Aston

General Editor. 2013

Breccia, Stefano. Mass Contacts. Author House. United

Kingdom. (2009)

Sites in support of this Galactic Confederation:


UFO’s The Contacts: The Pioneers of Space. Dir. Michael

Hesemann. UFOTV. 2006.

UFO Secret: The Friendship Case: The Extraordinary Story of

Mass Alien Contact. Dir Luca Trovellesi Casana By UFOTV
The Urzi Case. Dir Pier Georgio Caria. Total Content Digitial.
Discovery Channel. Farewell Good Brothers. Dir. Robert
Stone. 1998
CUFON. ‘Letters Exchanged Between CUFON and Dr. Thorton Page’
( In a letter dated Oct. 3, 1992
from Dr. Thorton Page to Mr. Klotz it states regarding the Robertson
Panel and the Condon report. Retrieved 2017.
Killingswrth et all. 'A Wandering Mind is an Unhappy Mind'
Science. 2010 Nov 12
Ph.D. Mike Atkinson, and Dana Tomasino, B.A
Cummins PhD. ‘How to Boost Your Willpower. Willpower is
like a muscle—in more ways than one.’ Psychology Today.
June 2013.
Brother Bob’s official Alliance online website at their
TerraKor Site. (links printed with permission from Bob
Renaud through communication on his TerraKor website
guestbook on 4-21-2018):


1: The Space Brothers NOT From Venus,

There are NOT 12 Planets in Every Star
System and Other Information

The space brothers of George Adamski, Howard Menger,

Buck Nelson among others DO NOT come from Venus. The
contactees claimed they did because their memory was
manipulated by technology from a distance by the Omegans.
The Alliance has stated this in the 'Spurious Contacts Files'
of brother Bob's Alliance Terran Communications website.
The Confederation alluded to it in the book Mass Contacts
by Breccia. In the book Bruno Sammaciccia writes: The
opposing groups would use their technology to do things to
the Confederation contacts like: “…altering documents,
changing memories, even wiping out somebody’s memories,
injecting wrong feelings, as easily as if they were showing a
movie. Our friends (the Confederation- ed) had often
stressed that against all that the only possible defense
should consist in a firm will…”
As also stated in the title, there are NOT 12 planets in each
star system. This was falsely stated in Adamski's book
Inside the Spaceships which was also due to Omegan
memory manipulation against Adamski to further discredit
the Confederation message in addition to the false claims

they are natives from Venus or any other planet in our solar
system. In reality many star systems have different numbers
of planets orbiting their stars. For a real description of
Confederation and Alliance planetary star systems and their
number of orbiting planets please see the Masters List of
Planets Version 2.0 on the Alliance-Terran Communication
Center website.

As for other misinformation to be corrected, the CTR's

mentioned in the W56 Friendship Case documentary and the
books 50 Years of Amicizia and Mass Contacts by Breccia
are NOT robots. The CTR's are Omegans and other groups
who do not have the Earth's best interests in mind. The
Omegans were originally rebels from the Confederation and
can be labeled as the Anti-Christ as Menger stated in From
Outer Space to You.

Other bits of memory manipulation to discredit the

Confederation message include brief claims of 'fairies',
'sasquatch like creatures' and other nonsense.

Rolf Telano who shared a part in Daniel Fry's book the White
Sands Incident and the 'etheric' information mentioned in his
‘The Coming of the Guardians The Rolf Telano
Communications’ is also nonsense as any mention of etheric
beings on other planes of existence on Earth is also memory
manipulation as also stated in 'The Spurious Contacts Files'.
The Alliance brothers and sisters are physical people and
the Confederation friends are physical people as well as
stated on the Alliance website and by Adamski regarding the
Confederation. And while the higher realms do exist however

the higher realms can mostly only be contacted through
their masters of their groups as the Alliance site states.

For more real information about the Omegans and the

Alliance please see brother Bob's Alliance Terran
Communications website at:

(Permission for links granted by brother Bob in April 2018 on

the Alliance website guestbook)

For information about how anyone can contact the real

Confederation and their undercover agents in indirect ways,
how to incarnate into their worlds with your memory of your
past life on Earth, and how to meet them in order to possibly
create friendships with them so a more moral Christian
centered culture could one day be created (Adamski met
the pope and gave him something the Confederation wanted
the pope to have. The Confederation are considered the
'Angels'. The Alliance also recommends the Christian
religion as stated in brother Arkay's Arkay Files.) so the
Confederation could come openly to Earth one day please
see books by Lucus Louize on or the website
libertad450 at

2: ‘Free Energy’ is Fake, ‘Lightbeings’ are
Fake, the Integratron is Fake, and Other
Accurate Information
On Oct. 1st. 2018 an excellent article by brother Arkay titled:
‘Arkay Questions and Answers 1018 1001’ goes into some
detail on the subject of ‘free energy’ and other junk science
brought up by brother Bob.

I like the article because it helps to clear up the

misinformation regarding so called free energy within the
UFO movement. Although not specifically referenced in
brother Arkay’s article, the Integratron by VanTassel can
apply here.

Brother Arkay writes regarding ‘free energy’ and junk

science “If the ads are loaded with scientific-looking buzz-
words or irrelevant math equations...” they are scams.

This can readily apply to the Integratron. On the

Integratron .com website it states:

“The purpose of the Integratron is the rejuvenation of the

human body, similar to recharging a battery, and basic
research in time travel. According to VanTassel, the
Integratron is located on an intersection of powerful
geomagnetic forces that, when focused by the unique
geometry of the building, will concentrate and amplify the
energy required for cell rejuvenation…”

In other words it’s a scam. I should also point out that I am
in agreeance with Mr. Adamski that the Confederation
agents are fully physical and not etheric. The etheric and
junk science nonsense tended to appear with VanTassel and
others which influenced Howard Menger later in his life.
VanTessel helped to set up Connie with Howard co-incidently
as stated in his From Outer Space To You. Connie Menger
also spread misinformation about ‘etheric beings’ or the fake
so called ‘light beings’ as can be seen later in Menger’s life.
The etheric beings (‘light beings’) talked about by VanTassel,
Connie Menger, Rolf Telano and others are disinformation
and distractions from the reality of life in the universe and
the reality of the Confederation and the Alliance. As stated
earlier I am in agreeance with Mr. Adamski and brother Bob,
brother Arkay and the rest of the brothers and sisters of the
Alliance when they say the true Confederation and Alliance
agents are mostly physical not etheric and I am glad the
Alliance is bringing to attention the junk science that
pervades so much of the internet and UFO movement. Also
Adamksi, Menger, and others spoke of life on Venus, 12
planets on every star systems ect. but this was because
their memory was manipulated by the enemies of the
Confederation and the Alliance who are designated as the
Omegans. (Or CTR’s but they are not robots they originally
began as rebels from the Confederation) For more
information please see the Spurious Contacts Files on
brother Bob’s Alliance Terran Communication Center Website
as well as the article ‘Arkay Questions and Answers 1018
1001’ and ‘20100613 — Ashtar & Company’ The Alliance uses
nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Earth people can too.

KORENDOR Date of reception: 12 October 1988’.

3: Galactic Federation: Overcoming Gang
stalking Electronic Harassment/Evil
Groups 2018

The people behind the gang stalking and electronic

harassment are called the Omegans. They originally began
as disaffected activists from the Confederation and evolved
into a large criminal organization as stated on brother Bob
Renaud’s Alliance-Terran Communication Center Terrakor
website. They are physical evil extra-terrestrials that live
undercover in society.

Earth is in Confederation territory. The Confederation are the

'Angels' in the bible and are physical positive extra-
terrestrials that live under cover in society. Their undercover
agents are here on Earth to be good examples for Earth
people to follow and they also protect people from the
Omegans. The undercover Confederation agents are open to
contacting anyone who sincere in support to them. The
claims of Adamski, Menger, and Nelson that the
Confederation agents live on Venus was memory
manipulation from the Omegans in order to discredit their
message. This is stated on the Alliance-Terran
Communication Center website under the section the
'Spurious Contacts Files'. The Confederation really come
from other parts of the galaxy or universe.

The Alliance are another friendly group on Earth that also
live undercover in Earth society however they do not contact
anyone except brother Bob.

The Omegans lack a military force to attack the

Confederation. The goal of the Omegans was to gradually
shape Earth people into becoming a global culture of
uncaring immoral people focused on constant warfare and to
eventually direct the warfare against the Confederation by
staging an attack against the Earth that would cause a
significant loss of life then blame the Confederation as the
attackers while presenting themselves as the 'heroes'. As
stated on the Alliance-Terran website the evil goal of the
Omegans has largely been stopped by the Alliance in the
article by brother Arkay titled ‘Arkay Questions and Answers
20131016’ from the Alliance-Terran Communications Center
Terrakor Website. God punishes those who do evil as the
biblical Psalms state. God sent the Alliance to Earth to
punish the Omegans and the Alliance have so far stopped
centuries worth of Omegan work in around only 7-8 decades.

However the Omegan presence continues on Earth and they

and carry out psychological warfare against Earth people in
general by indirectly controlling the media or by subtly
manipulating politicians and other important people as
stated on the Alliance website. I know personally they also
carrying out gang stalking and electronic harassment
against targeted individuals for various reasons. As the
scope of gang stalking is world wide and the sheer numbers
it takes to harass each individual it is my belief that there
are many undercover Omegan agents on Earth. In Mass

Contacts Breccia states the CTR’s (the Omegans who are
not robots that false belief was from memory manipulation
they are actual people just like the Confederation though
both groups do have autanoman which are biological robots)
the Omegans carried psychological warfare and electronic
harassment such as:

“…altering documents, changing memories, even wiping out

somebody’s memories, injecting wrong feelings, as easily as
if they were showing a movie. Our friends (the
Confederation- ed) had often stressed that against all that
the only possible defense should consist in a firm will…”
Also follow the Sermon on the Mount as we will soon see.

The Omegans are limited on how they can treat Earth people
because of the presence of the Alliance and Confederation
on Earth and because another criminal group called the
Syndicate has limited what actions the Omegans can take.

Any Earth people that physically challenge the Omegans will

die. They are far more advanced than any Earth society and
Earth people are nothing but bugs to them.

So what can Earth people do?

The Omegans are losing to the Alliance and they are

intimidated by the Confederation. (I have seen undercover
Omegans gang stalking me become intimidated by a single
undercover Confederation heroic agent) The optimal
situation would be for the Omegans to have to deal with
losing to the Alliance, have to deal with being intimidated by

the Confederation, and be rendered powerless against
psychologically influencing Earth people with their psyops

How can this be done?

The Omegans have been called the Anti-Christ by the

Confederation. Logically therefore people only need to
practice the teachings of Christ. Read and follow the Sermon
on the Mount the best you can. If the undercover Omegans
carry out psychological warfare or electronic harassment
against you simply forgive them. When you forgive them you
automatically earn the right into heaven (ie. Incarnation into
higher planets) and your sins are forgiven as stated in the
Sermon on the Mount. Also after you forgive them pray to
God that the Confederation and the Alliance continue to win
the planet because Jesus said when you pray first forgive
others than your sins are forgiven by God then pray for what
you want. In this way the Omegan psyops against you
becomes perpetually self defeating for them (the military
will also witness their evil as it makes the Omegans look
bad if you follow the sermon on the mount teachings and
they continue to harass you) however you will have perpetual
self gain for yourself because the more you forgive the more
you prove your worth to God and the Confederation and you
can pray for whatever you want and also you can incarnate
into higher Confederation worlds while the Omegan pysops
have little effect as long as you keep your willpower. The
W56 said willpower is the only defense against evil psyops
by the CTRs (Omegans) as stated in Breccia’s book Mass
Contacts. The more you are harassed and the more you
forgive the more you will be rewarded in your next life as
long as you continue to follow the Sermon on the Mount
(Mathew 5-7) and your rewards will continue to increase. (1
Corinthians 3:8). There is a covert war going on Earth and
other planets with the Alliance and Confederation on one
side and the Omegans and their backers the Syndicate on
the other. The reasons they do not come openly to Earth is
because the majority of Earth people are not ready for open
contact and because of the ground rules laid by the
Syndicate and the Moderators regarding the conflict. (see:
‘An Overview of The Omegan Situation 20070101’ from the
Alliance-Terran Communications Center Terrakor Website) It
also should be noted that while the Confederation and
Alliance co-operate in the other parts of the galaxy, on Earth
they operate mostly independently except for basic data
sharing due to differences in their beliefs regarding the Non-
Interference Directives regarding Earth.

When you pray ask God for assistance from the

Confederation and the Confederation registering discs will
pick up your thoughts and they will either influence your
subconscious from a distance in moral ways with their
technology or they may send an undercover agent to be good
examples to you or to protect you from Omegans or other
evil. (The Omegans also have technology to read thoughts.
The military also has technology to read thoughts in a
cruder fashion.) The real undercover Confederation agents
never channel or give high level intel to any Earth person
because they are undercover and we are not members of
their group yet. The real undercover agents radiate powerful
joy and friendship energy. We can feel energy from books,
pictures, ect. ect. So feel the real Confederation energy from
real undercover Confederation agents here:
The Omegans radiate no energy or hate or other negative
energy like the undercover Omegan agent here. It is the man
in the suit that is kneeling in the center of the picture:

The Omegan’s have blocked the energy of God through their

evil and non-belief in God. For this reason God’s energy
intelligence will come through and punish their evil in
unexpected ways. An analogy could be like an old weak
blocked pipe. The longer the old weak pipe is blocked the
more backed up the water becomes and the water either
bursts forth or seeps through other ways or goes through
other channels or goes in unexpected ways. So too will God’
intelligence come through in unexpected ways to punish the
evil. As noted earlier there is a war in the galaxy between
the Alliance, Omegans, (the Syndicate which is a group
backing but limiting the Omegans) and the Confederation.
God is using the Alliance to make examples of the Omegans
for the evil they have done. This can be seen in the Psalms
34 “Calamity will surely destroy the wicked, and those who
hate the righteous will be punished. But the Lord will
redeem those who serve him. No one who takes refuge in
him will be condemned.”

This article is dedicated to the Earth people, to the heroic

Alliance especially my heroes brother Bob and brother Arkay
and their good teachings on their Alliance-Terran
Communications TerraKor site, and most important to me
the heroic W56, the heroic Buck Nelson's group, and the
heroic Confederation as a whole because I have witnessed
them stopping undercover Omegan gang stalking and
harassment and more and without them I would likely be
dead. It is my hope that by encouraging people to come into
indirect contact with the Confederation undercover friends
we Earth people can evolve through service and friendship
and by following the Sermon on the Mount perhaps the evil
forces on Earth will be hard pressed to deal with the
Alliance (who can be compared to the Lord of Heavens Army
in the Christian bible), the Confederation (who can be
compared to as the Angels in the Christian bible) and Earth
people (who follow the teachings of Jesus) whom they

cannot control and unintentionally help to evolve. This triple
system is a system of God’s Mercy (Confederation), God’s
Justice (Alliance), and God’s Kindness (Jesus). Anyone can
incarnate within Confederation worlds in the next life with
their Earth memory intact by simply knowing they are not
the body but their eternal awareness within their body, know
that God is the invisible intelligence that is all people and all
things, by following the Sermon on the Mount which an
undercover Confederation friend said was the whole sermon
on the mount was the essence of service, and to see the
Confederation as friends.

Summary of Events On Earth:

As noted before the group behind the gangstalking and
electronic harassment is an evil extra-terrestrial group
called the Omegans (aka Opposing groups). They are
enemies to both the Galactic Confederation and the Alliance.
They are here on Earth in very large numbers in order
manipulate and eventually murder Earth people and blame
the attack on the Confederation while presenting
themselves to Earth people as 'heroes'. Their whole plan
depends on lies and deceit as well as torture (electronic
harassment) and discrediting good people. Much more
information about the Omegans in general can be found at
brother Bob Renaud's Terrakor-Alliance Communication
The Omegans are what the Confederation deemed as the
Anti-Christ. They have infiltrated government, religion, and
media en mass in order to manipulate and control the
opinions of Earth people to their ends. For this reason the

corrupt governments are also victims of Omegan deception.
They also have technology to read thoughts given to them
unknowingly by the Omegans but the governments thought
they were helping. The Omegans were using their good
intentions to discredit and torture other good people and
further their plans of keeping the trust of Earth people to
continue to use them for their own ends. For this reason this
book is also dedicated to the good people in corrupt
government who were deceived by the Omegans and their
plans of using them.
So the corrupt governments involved in the electronic
harassment and gangstalking are NOT to blame. Most of
them are good people. In fact the situation is helpful for the
human race in general and for future generations of Earth
people because if the government knows who the Omegans
are it will be on record for future generations to know about.
If you are a victim of Omegan gangstalking and electronic
harassment the corrupt governments are now aware of the
Omegan evil behind not only the electronic harassment and
gangstalking but of the Omegan plan to manipulate and
murder Earth people in general due in part to the life of this
author and the government witnessing the reality of both
undercover Confederation and Omegan agents.
This is infact helpful so the governments are aware who the
good guys really are (the Confederation and the Alliance)
and who the bad guys are (the Omegans) and the Omegan
intention to use and eventually murder a number of us. So
the Earth people in the government who are aware of the
situation are extremely important. What can we as Earth
people do? We have no way of physically challenging them
and anyone who does will die. However we can use the
Sermon on the Mount teachings. If the Omegans are the Anti-
Christ just do what Christ said. The more evil the Omegans
do, and the more people forgive their evil the more the
Omegans unintentionally help out Earth people because the
more people forgive the Omegans the more the people's sins
are forgiven and they can re-incarnate into higher
Confederation or Alliance worlds.
When people forgive their sins are also forgiven as Jesus
says and also as Jesus says when your sins are forgiven it is
the opportunity to pray for what you want. In this way the
Omegan evil is very useful to us by our using their evil to
pray for what we want and create an opportunity to re-
incarnate into Confederation or Alliance worlds who are
more advanced than the Omegans. In this way the Omegan
evil harassment and manipulation is rendered powerless.
God sent the Alliance to Earth to make an example of the
Omegans. This can be seen in the article by brother Arkay
titled ‘Arkay Questions and Answers 2013-10-16’

where the Alliance stopped the main Omegan plan that took
centuries in the making in only a few decades. God makes
examples of those who try to do evil against God and good
people as stated in the psalms. God also gave us his
teachings of the Sermon on the Mount in order to show even
primitive Earth people who use God's teachings can render
any evil group including the advanced evil Omegan's
powerless and give an opportunity of Earth people to join the
Confederation or Alliance in the next life through following
the teachings of the Sermon on the Mount and therefore be
in a position of authority over the Omegans who are inferior

to both groups. With that said Never physically challenge the
Omegans because any Earth person who does so will die.
Let the Confederation and Alliance deal with them they are
winning. The more people pray and ask for protection from
the evil Omegans and ask for assistance by the
Confederation the Confederation registering discs will pick
up their thoughts and the Confederation will send an
undercover agent (the real Confederation agents radiate
powerful wisdom and friendship energy) or use their
technology from a distance to help out anyone who is
sincere in service to them and sincere in following the
teachings of Jesus in the bible. In this way the Omegans will
be hard pressed to deal with the Alliance, the Confederation,
and the Earth people who are using the Sermon on the
Mount teachings to render the Omegan electronic
harassment and manipulation powerless through
unintentionally helping Earth people to incarnate into
Confederation and Alliance planets to become authorities
over the Omegans.


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