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anuc Mirzaian Dragoman condiii mai bune pentru turci. Salveaz boierii
i Bei al Sublimei Pori, romni osnditi la moarte pentru c au ajutat la
Cmra, Paharnic i Bei n aprovizionarea armatei ruse. i tot aa, tot
rile Romne, Cavaler n timpul, pentru toata lumea.
Rusia, Prinul armenilor la n 1806, dupa devastarea Moldovei de ctre
Congresul din Viena, a fost, dup descrierea armata turc n retragere, Manuc grbete i
unuia din contemporanii si, ...un armean deviaz retragerea turcilor prin Valahia, salvnd
detept i peste fire de bogat. astfel Bucuretii de la distrugere sigur. Motiv
Cunoscut, rspltit i urmrit de toate pentru care mai trziu va fi lsat s cumpere
imperiile care-i disputau n epoc influena terenul din preajma fostei Curi Domneti pe
asupra rilor Romne, Manuc Bei a fost n egal care va ridica Hanul lui Manuc. n 1810 este n
msur negustor, bancher, antreprenor, mod oficial rspltit pentru spionaj Manuc
aventurier i agent secret. este decorat cu crucea Sf. Vladimir, pentru
Nscut n 1769, la Rusciuc (astzi Ruse, n ajutorul dat ruilor n rzboi.
Bulgaria) Manuc a nvat limbile i practica
vieii de la un negustor armean din Iai. Energic, ...PERSOANA SA, CASA SA,
ager i amabil, Manuc avea ...darul vorbirii i al FAMILIA SA, POSESIILE I
prevederii, descurca pe toi din nenorocire. PROPRIETILE S FIE SCUTITE
Scurttura lui ctre bogie s-a numit DE CRTIRUIRE, IMPUNERE
Tersenicli Oglu, guvernatorul-bandit al I AGRAVAMENTE...
Rusciucului, cruia Manuc i-a dat bani cu o Generalul rus Miloradovici
singur condiie s se mprumute numai de la
el. Cum Tersenicli era extrem de solvabil, Manuc mproprietrit n regiunea Bucuretilor i n
ajunge rapid prim-negustor i vistier al muni, n regiunea Predeal-ului, Manuc ncepe
Rusciucului, Serdar & Paharnic. s practice agricultura modern, organizat pe
latifundii mari i avnd grij s ocroteasc
TREBUIE S AFLM rnimea de pe moiile sale.
CE-O S ZIC MANUC ns curnd are o alt ide, mai grandioas.
Tersenicli Oglu, i schimb moiile din Valahia pe una din
Paa de Rusciuc Basarabia Hnceti. Care ar trebui s fie baza
de pe care s nceap proiectul vieii:
Dup asasinarea lui Tersenicli Oglu, Manuc Alexandropol.
mizeaz din nou corect noul lui protector la Oraul lui Alexandru (arul rus din acea
nivel nalt este Mustafa Bairactar, haznadarul vreme) este numele pe care Manuc vrea s-l dea
aianului. Care va urca spectaculos n ierharhia unui ora pe care vrea s-l ridice de la zero, la
otoman, ajungnd chiar Mare Vizir. vrsarea Prutului n Dunre. Acesta ar trebui s
i chiar i dup uciderea lui Bairactar, Manuc aib parte de privilegii ca Odessa i s
Bei iese tot n ctig legenda zice c a fugit cu beneficieze de scutiri extraordinare de impozite
aurul marelui vizir ascuns n butoaie cu pete, n pentru populaie, de libertatea negustorilor, de
ajunul asasinrii acestuia la Constantinopole. libertate confesional i de libertatea colonizrii.
Dup aceste aventuri, Manuc Bei se n 1815 arul Alexandru se arat extrem de
refugiaz la nord de Dunre i ncepe s opereze favorabil oraului lui Manuc. Se deseneaz
din Bucureti, fcnd ce tie el mai bine s fac: planurile orasului, se taie lemnul necesar pentru
ajut pe toat lumea. primele construcii dar totul se termin doi ani
i informeaz pe rui despre micrile mai trziu. Manuc moare pe 21 iunie 1817, ntr-un
armatei otomane. Devine diplomat al ambelor accident. Tocmai demonstra unor generali rui
tabere i negociaz n numele fiecreia. Obine cteva trucuri de clrie din Orient.
Terin de Foie Gras 100g 40.5
Pregtit cu cognac i jeleu de grenadine, servit cu dulcea de ceap
roie i baghet crocant

Oase de viel cu mduv 450g 23.0

Pregtite la cuptor cu hrean proaspt i baghet crocant

Tipsie cu brnzeturi pentru 2 persoane 900g 48.9

Brnz de burduf n membran de oaie, branz telemea de vac, ca
proaspt, msline, roii, ceap roie, castravei, ardei gras

Platou Giugiuc pentru 2 persoane REET NOU 600g 45.0

Tob tradiional, unculi rneasc, piept de purcel, pastram de purcel,
crnai din topor, caltabo, oric, ceap roie, castravei murai, mutar

Salat de boeuf fcut n cas 250g 16.5

Platoul lui Manuc pentru 2 persoane 650g 51.0

Crochete de cacaval, chiftelue de miel, rulad de pui (cu unc, cacaval
i ment), brnz de burduf rumenit, acompaniate de legume la jar

Cacaval mpnat 180g 19.5

Cu ou i fulgi de ovz, rumenit la foc iute

Chiftelue de miel 140g 20.0

Servite cu baghet rustic i sos picant

Platoul Transhumanei pentru 2 persoane 580g 51.0

Brnz telemea, brnz de burduf n membran de oaie, babic, pastram de
oaie, crnai tradiionali de Plecoi, msline, roii, castravei proaspei,
ceap roie spart

Platoul Gospodinei pentru 2 persoane (produs vegetarian) 620g 34.5

Salat de vinete proaspete coapte la grtar, zacusc gtit la foc cu lemne
i icre de fasole btut

Zacusc gtit la foc cu lemne (produs vegetarian) 200g 14.7

Salat` de vinete proaspete coapte pe gr`tar 280g 16.9
servit` cu ro[ii proaspete [i ceap` ro[ie (produs vegetarian)
Icre de fasole b`tut` (produs vegetarian) 250g 11.3
Servite cu inele de ceap` aurite \n tigaie

Bulz ciobnesc 600g 31.0

Bacon, crnai de oaie, ou i brnz de burduf ncinse n untur i
nvelite n mmlig

Noi aici-a
hpim la harbuji,
pre cnd ia crap-n ei
terine franozti!

Salat umflat n pene 310g 36.5
Mix de salat, piept de curcan, ardei rou, roii cherry, mix de semine
crude, germeni i dressing picant, toate puse ntr-un aluat fcut n cas

Salat nstrit 260g 40.5

Mix de salat, muchi de viel la grtar, castravei, roii cherry, parmezan,
baghet rumenit cu mirodenii alese

Salat de la Soare Apune 310g 36.0

Salat verde, porumb, ardei capia, ou fiert, buci de ton marinat
n ulei de msline presat la rece, miez de nuc, msline Kalamata,
baghet rumenit cu mirodenii alese

Salat Greceasc cu brnz Feta gras 400g 29.5

i parfum de maghiran
Mix de salat, roii, castravei verzi, msline Kalamata, brnz Feta,
ardei gras, ceap roie, baghet rumenit cu mirodenii alese

Salat Caesar 270g 32.0

Salat eisberg, piept de pui la grtar, dressing Caesar, parmezan, capere,
anchois, baghet crocant

Salat cu legume coapte la jar (produs vegetarian) 390g 28.5

Salat verde, dressing i legume pregtite la grtar: ardei gras, dovlecei,
vinete, ardei capia, roii, ceap roie, usturoi, baghet rumenit cu
mirodenii alese
upele noastre
Ciorb de miel (recomandarea buctarului) 350g 15.9
Aromat cu tarhon i smntn proaspt

Ciorb rneasc de fasole cu afumtur 350g 13.9

Sup crem de linte roie cu ment 300g 13.9

servit cu crutoane fcute n cas Ciorbele
sunt servite
Ciorb tradiional de burt cu ardei 350g 14.9
Bor de curcan fanariot 350g 12.9
Ciorb de vcu cu leutean 350g 14.9

`rnuri fripte
afiat pentru
la grtar
este brut.

Platoul gurmandului Manuc 1000g finit 74.5

Antricot de viel, piept de pui, ceaf de porc, mititei, cartofi copi,
castravei i varz murat

Antricot de viel fript 300g 71.5

Muchi de viel Olandez 210g 79.5

Black Angus steak burger 440g finit 42.5
Servit cu cartofi prjii i salat verde

Frigrui de berbecu 220g 39.9

Acompaniate de legume la jar

Frigrui asortate 300g 28.9

Piept de pui i ceaf de porc cu legume proaspete i mirodenii

Pastram fraged de berbecu 480g finit 42.5

Asortat cu mmligu i brnz de burduf n membran de oaie
Cotlet de porc haiducesc 450g 35.9
Piept de pui la jar 200g 22.5
Ceaf de porc la jar 240g 25.9
Crnai din topor 200g 21.5
Din carne de porc

Plecoi tradiionali de Buzu n fum 130g 27.5

Mititei Manuc 350g finit 24.0
3 mititei servii cu cartofi prjii romneti, mutar i ardei iute

e spigola,
nu-i baboi

Foaie verde
din zvoi

fript sau
rumenit la jar
Pstrv prjit / la grtar 100g 12.5
Tvlit prin mlai i rumenit n tigaie, servit cu mmligu i mujdei

Dorad 100g 13.6

Crap romnesc prjit 480g 36.0
Servit cu mmlig i mujdei

Somon la cuptor 270g 49.9

Medalion de somon pregtit la cuptor cu ulei de msline i lmie
Ciolan de miel caramelizat pentru 2 persoane - 1400g mndria
pregtit la cuptor cu mirodenii i vin rou, asortat
cu cartofi copi i sot de fasole verde cu usturoi
Ce are zahrul cu mielul? Pi, ciolanul dafin i - evident - zahr, catalizatorul acestui
caramelizat nseamn ciocnirea civilizaiilor: festin. Vine mpreun cu un escadron de
Orient i Occident, obtea i palatul, ntr-o cartofi copi i un sot de fasole verde cu
singur farfurie. Aceast fuziune usturoi.
culinar-cultural se realizeaz vreme de 3 ore Ciolanul caramelizat nu are sens dect
ntr-un cuptor n care punem o pulp de miel gtit n porii mari, care urmeaz s fie
(care la sfrit trebuie s rmn grea fix ct o mprtie ntre meseni ca Balcanii ntre
oca* pentru fiecare mesean), cimbru, foi de Imperii.
* Unitate de masur a greutii i capacitii
(egal, aproximativ, cu un kilogram sau cu un litru i jumtate).

Escalop de Foie Gras 300g 70.9

Ficat de ra pregtit cu mere i cognac

Srmlue de gsc nvelite n foi de vi 300g 44.9

Pregtite la cuptor cu roii proaspete i vin

Cotlete fragede de berbecu caramelizate 300g 57.5

Pregtite la cuptor cu vin rou i ierburi de Provence

Piept de ra confiat 300g 48.5

Servit cu sos de piper rou, cognac i mere caramelizate

Mai rpede
c s frete
Gula bavarez de viel pregtit cu bere i chimen 300g 34.9
Rumenit i clit 450g 48.0
Pulpe de ra rumenite la cuptor, pe varz clit

Ciubota curcanului 590g 34.0

Copnel de curcan rumenit la cuptor cu vin rou i mirodenii,
servit cu cartofi copi i sos de hrean

Tochitur dobrogean 580g 41.9

Ceaf de porc, piept de pui, ficat de viel i crnai, trase n sos rou
fcut n vin, mujdei de usturoi i piper, servit cu mmligu, ou ochi
i brnz telemea ras

Srmlue tradiionale n foi de varz 700g 32.5

Asortate cu mmligu ardei iute i crispy bacon

niel din piept de pui 200g 23.5

Pregtit cu ou i fulgi de cereale

Scricic de porc 530g 53.5

Coaste de porc rumenite bine, pregtite cu vin i mirodenii servite cu
cartofi i ardei copi

Carne la garni 780g 48.9

Carne la garni, crnai afumai, toate servite cu mmlig
i varz murat

Pastram de berbecu la ceaun 520g 44.5

Pastram frgezit n vin alb i servit cu mmlig i mujdei
Legume coapte 150g 12.9

Cartofi rneti 220g 11.9

Pregtii cu bacon, ceap, usturoi i verdea

Cartofi prjii romneti 170g 9.3

Sot de fasole verde 200g 10.9

Piure de cartofi 200g 9.6
Cartofi copi 200g 10.2
Varz acr clit 250g 9.9

Salat verde 100g 10.8

Salat asortat de sezon 160g 9.9

Salat de sfecl cu hrean 150g 11.0

Salat de varz alb i roie 150g 9.2

Salat de ardei copi 210g 11.5

ine de cas`
Pentru 1 persoan` .................................................................................... 200g 4.6
Pentru 2 persoane.................................................................................... 400g 7.9
Baghet` rustic` ......................................................................................... 200g 4.6
Sau, dac nu
poate papanai?

preg`tite n cas
Tort de ciocolat neagr cu viine alcoolizate 220g 18.9

Cataif 200g 25.5

Mousse de ciocolat` alb` [i neagr` 150g 18.5

Desertul casei solicitai informaii osptarului 150g 15.0
Papanai 330g 19.9
Servii cu smntn cremoas i dulcea

nghe]at` fcut-n cas 150g 18.5

Pavlova 160g 23.5

Crem mascarpone cu bezea i fructe
Manolache, De lup,
de lup sau de miel? Biv Vel Vornice,
de lup.

mic dejun
Foame de lup (cu carne) 360g 14.9
Ou ochiuri sau omlet, unc de Praga, cacaval, unt, msline, roii, baghet

Foame de miel (fr carne) 300g 14.9

Ou ochiuri sau omlet, cacaval, brnz telemea, unt, msline, roii, baghet

Foame de rechin (cu pete) 360g 15.5

Baghet, crem de brnz, somon afumat, ceap roie, msline, roii

O butur la alegere:
Espresso, ceai cald romnesc, lapte dulce

Oferta este valabil zilnic

ntre orele 07:00 12:00
eniuri 23.5

de prnz
Zacusc gtit la foc cu lemne (produs vegetarian).......................... 150g
Mmlig cu brnz i smntn .................................................. 350g
Bor de curcan fanariot ...................................................................350g
Ciorb tradiional de burt cu ardei iute .....................................350g

Frigrui asortate la grtar ............................................................. 300g
Mititei la grtar - 3 buci ............................................................... 350g
File de cod crocant........................................................................... 200g
tvlit prin fulgi de porumb i tras la tigaie
Pulp de purcel la cuptor ................................................................ 250g

Cartofi romneti prjii................................................................. 150g
Piure de cartofi................................................................................ 200g

Salat de varz alb ......................................................................... 150g
Salat de castravei murai............................................................. 150g

Oferta este valabil

de luni pn vineri
ntre orele 11.00 16.00
Produsele noastre conin alergeni sau urme ale acestora. Dac avei alergenilor i prezena acestora n produsele noastre. Produsele
ntrebri sau tii c suntei alergic la anumite substane, v rugm noastre pot conine: gluten, crustacee, molute, pete, alune, lupin,
consultai personalul restaurantului i vei fi informat referitor la tipul alune de copac, soia, ou, lapte, elin, mutar, susan, dioxid de sulf.

la Manuc
S tot fie mai bine de dou
veacuri de cnd ntre zidurile
btrnului nostru Han se tot
strng neamuri de toate Logofete Ghinea,
felurile pentru a se bucura are fata dumitale
ntr-un prilej sau altul. zestre?
C au fost nuni, botezuri, cununii, sfini ori
pomeniri, toate au fost rnduite cu grij i cu E chivernisit
atenie la toate marafeturile i poftele boier Andronache,
muteriilor. Numai Dumenzeu tie ci viei da de ce ntrebi?
s-au nvrtit pe proap, cte gini ngrate au
fiert n oal, ct pastram s-a rstogolit pe jar
i ctor butii de vin curat li s-a dat cep cu
fiecare serbare d-aici de la noi. s-mi nsor biatu
la Manuc.
Aadar, n buna tradiie, te poftim i azi s
srbatoreti la noi tot ceea ce pofteti chiar
dac s-au mai schimbat obiceiurile i
rnduielile, cci vorba lu Manuc l btrn
Iuchiuzarlcul la orice bucurie e petrecerea
pe msur.

da cu muzica
Nu tim cum facem i cum
dregem dar la noi la Han voia
bun nsoete mncarea
bun. De vei veni la prnz ori
la cina, negreit vei fi ncntat
cu cte-o muzchie ori vre-un
dans mai actri care s
ntovreasc bucatele de
soi i s fac butura s intre
mai sprinar.

0730 188 653
Finally, Andronache! I apologise!
let's order then. My carriage broke
right after
Manuc Mirzaian also Ottoman Army movements.
known as Dragoman and Bey He became a diplomat of both parties and
of the Sublime Porte, Royal negotiated for both. He got better terms of
Quartermaster, Royal peace for the Ottomans. He saved the Romanian
Cupbearer and Bey in the noblemen, who were sentenced to death for
Romanian Principalities, Knight of Russia, helping the Russian army with supplies. And so
Prince of the Armenians at the Vienna on, all the time, for everybody.
Congress was, according to the description of In 1806, after the Turkish army ransacked
one of his contemporaries a smart Armenian Moldova while retreating, Manuc deflected and
and overwhelmingly rich. hurried the retreat of the Turkish army through
Recognized, rewarded and pursued by all Wallachia and, thus, he saved Bucharest from
the empires fighting for influence over the certain destruction. Therefore, he was later
Romanian Principalities at that time, Manuc Bey allowed to buy the land around the former Royal
was, all at once, merchant, banker, Palace where he would build The Inn of Manuc
entrepreneur, adventurer and secret agent. Hanu lui Manuc. In 1810, he was officially
Born in 1768 in Rusciuc (todays Ruse, rewarded for espionage Manuc was awarded
Bulgaria), Manuc learnt the languages and with the St. Vladimir Cross for the help given to
practices of life from a merchant in Jassy. the Russians in war.
Energetic, astute and considerate, Manuc had
the gift of speaking, foresight and helped
everyone out of trouble. ...HIS PERSON, HIS HOUSE,
His shortcut to wealth was Tersenicli Oglu, HIS FAMILY, HIS POSSESSIONS
the bandit-governor of Rusciuc, to whom Manuc AND HIS ESTATES ARE ABOUT
lent money on only one condition that TO BE EXEMPTED FROM ANY
Tersenicli Oglu borrows only from him. Since FORM OF TAXATION AND ARMY
Tersenicli was always solvent, Manuc made it QUARTERING...
fast to prime-merchant and treasurer of Rusciuc, the Russian general
Serdar and Cupbearer. Miloradovici
With estates in Bucharest and in the mountains,
WE HAVE TO FIND OUT WHAT near Predeal, Manuc started to practice modern
MANUC THINKS ABOUT THIS agriculture, organized in large plots, protecting
Tersenicli Oglu, the peasants on his lands.
the Rusciuc Pasha Soon, he had an even greater idea. He swapped
all of his properties in Wallachia for a single one
After the assassination of Tersenicli Oglu, Manuc in Basarabia Hancesti. This should be the base
bet and won again his new protector at high for his lifes project: Alexandropol.
level was Mustafa Bairactar, the Ayan The City of Alexander (the Russian Tsar at
Haznadar, who would climb spectacularly the that time) is the name Manuc wanted for a city
Ottoman hierarchy to become the Great Vizier of built from scratch, located where the Prut flows
the empire. into the Danube. It should enjoy the same
Manuc Bey didnt lose his luck even when privileges as Odessa and special tax exemptions
Bairactar was eventually assassinated. Legend for its population, freedom for the merchants,
has it that he fled with the Great Viziers gold, religious freedom and the freedom to settle.
hidden in fish barrels, right before the In 1815 Tsar Alexander was very pleased with
assassination in Constantinople. Manucs city. The city plans were drawn, the
Following these adventures, Manuc Bey took wood for the first buildings was cut, but
refuge north of the Danube and started everything ends abruptly two years later. Manuc
operating from Bucharest, doing what he knew died on June 21, 1817 in an accident. He was
best: helping everybody out of trouble, of course. demonstrating to a party of Russian generals
He informed the Russians about the some horse riding tricks he learned in the Orient.
Foie Gras terrine 100g 40.5
Prepared with cognac and grenadine jelly, served with red onion relish
and a crusty baguette
Veal marrows bone 450g 23.0
Oven-baked and served with fresh horseradish and a crusty baguette

Cheese platter for 2 people 900g 48.9

Mature soft burduf cheese in natural lamb casing, white cheese, fresh
curd, olives, tomato, red onion, cucumber and bell pepper

Meat and Spice and Everything Nice for 2 people 600g 45.0
Pork brawn, peasant pork ham, pork breast, pork pastrami, pork sausages,
liverwurst, pork scratching, red onion, pickled cucumber, mustard NEW RECIPE

Homemade romanian Boeuf salad 250g 16.5

Manuc's platter for 2 people 650g 51.0
Cheese croquettes, lamb meatballs, chicken roulade (stuffed with bacon,
hard cheese and mint), pan-grilled burduf mature cheese, char-grilled

Coated hard cheese 180g 19.5

In egg and oat flakes, cooked on a hot flame

Lamb meatballs 140g 20.0

With rustic baguette and hot sauce

Pastoral platter for 2 people 580g 51.0

White cheese, mature soft burduf cheese in natural lamb casing,
cured spicy lamb salami, lamb pastrami, traditional Plecoi sausages,
olives, tomatoes, fresh cucumbers, red onion

Landlady's platter for 2 people (suitable for vegetarians) 620g 34.5

Grilled eggplant spread, Zacusc eggplant and tomato cooked salad
prepared on a wood fire and bean puree

Zacusc eggplant and tomato cooked salad 200g 14.7

prepared on a wood fire (suitable for vegetarians)

Grilled eggplant spread (suitable for vegetarians) 280g 16.9

Served with fresh tomato and red onion

*All prices are in LEI

Bean puree (suitable for vegetarians) 250g 11.3
Served with pan-grilled onion rings

Romanian traditional ,,bulz ciobnesc 600g 31.0

Bacon, mutton sausages, egg and ,,Burduf cheese fried in lard, all
wrapped in polenta

Us, riff-raffs,
we gobble up melons
while they feast upon
French terrines!

Praised salad 310g 36.5
Mixed salad leaves, turkey breast, red pepper, cherry tomatoes, mix of raw
seeds, germ sprout and a spicy dressing, all in a homemade dough
Rich salad 310g 40.5
Mixed salad leaves, grilled veal fillet, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes,
parmesan, toasted baguette with selected herbs
Sunset salad 310g 36.0
Lettuce, corn, capsicum pepper, boiled egg, tuna chunks marinated
in cold-pressed olive oil, walnuts, Kalamata olives and a baguette
toasted with selected herbs
Greek salad with Feta cheese and marjoram flavor 400g 29.5
Tomato, cucumber, kalamata olives, Feta cheese, bell pepper, red onion,
mixed salad leaves, baguette toasted with selected herbs
Caesar salad 270g 32.0
Eisberg lettuce, grilled chicken breast, Caesar dressing, parmesan, capers,
anchovies, crusty baguette

Salad with char-grilled vegetables (suitable for vegetarians) 390g 28.5

Lettuce, dressing and vegetables char-grilled over embers: bell pepper,
zucchini, eggplant, capsicum pepper, tomato, red onion, garlic, toasted
baguette with selected herbs

*All prices are in LEI

ur soups Soups
are served
with hot chilies

Lamb soup (chef 's recommendation) 350g 15.9

Flavored with tarragon and fresh cream

Bean soup with smoked pork 350g 13.9

Cream of red lentil soup with mint 300g 13.9

Served with homemade croutons

Traditional tripe soup 350g 14.9

Phanariot turkey sour soup 350g 12.9
Beef soup with lovage 350g 14.9

rilled meat
The weight
of the grilled
is gross.

Manuc Gourmand's platter 1000g total dish weight 74.5

Veal rib-eye, chicken breast,pork collar neck, skinless sausages, baked
potato, gherkins and saurekraut

Pan-seared veal rib-eye steak 300g 71.5

Hollandaise veal fillet 210g 79.5

Black Angus steak burger 440g total dish weight 42.5
Served with fried potatoes and lettuce
Lamb skewers 220g 39.9
With char-grilled vegetables on the side
Assorted skewers 300g 28.9
Chicken breast and pork neck with fresh vegetables and spices
Tender pastrami of ram 480g total dish weight 42.5
Served with polenta and burduf cheese in a natural casing
Outlaw pork chop 450g 35.9

*All prices are in LEI

Char-grilled chicken breast 200g 22.5
Char-grilled pork collar steak 240g 25.9
Hatchet pork sausages 200g 21.5
Smoked traditional Plecoi sausages 130g 27.5
Manuc mici skinless sausages 350g total dish weight 24.0
3 mici served with Romanian fried potatoes and mustard

Thats a sea bass,

not a wrasse!
Barley grass in
brandy glass

resh fish
or pan-fried
Fried / grilled trout 100g 12.5
Seabream 100g 13.6
Fried Romanian carp 480g 36.0
Polenta and garlic sauce on the side

Salmon baked in the oven 270g 49.0

Salmon medallion baked in the oven with olive oil and lemon

*All prices are in LEI

Caramelized lamb knuckle for 2 people - 1400g the specialty
of the house 114.0
Prepared in the oven with herbs and red wine, served
with baked potato and a saut of green beans and garlic
What's sugar got to do with lamb? Well, feast - mingle together for 3 hours. A
caramelized knuckle signifies the clash of squadron of baked potatoes and green beans
civilisations: the Orient and the West, the sauted with garlic serves as company.
village and the palace, in a single dish. This Caramelized Knuckle only makes sense
cultural and culinary fusion takes place in an when cooked in large portions, which will
oven, where lamb knuckle, thyme, bay leaf then be shared between diners like the
and of course, sugar - the catalyst of this Balkans between Empires.

Escalope of Foie Gras 300g 70.9

Duck liver with apples and cognac

Vine leaves stuffed with goose 300g 44.9

Baked in the oven with fresh tomatoes and wine

Tender ram cutlets caramelized 300g 57.5

Prepared in the oven with red wine and provencal herbs

Confit duck breast 300g 48.5

Served with red pepper and cognac sauce and caramelized apples

you scoundrel!
The cabbage rolls
will be finished
before I get

*All prices are in LEI

he han's
Bavarian veal goulash cooked with beer and cumin 300g 34.9

Roast and braised 450g 48.0

Duck legs roasted in the oven and served with braised cabbage

Turkey's Boots 590g 34.0

Turkey leg baked in the oven with red wine and spices, horseradish
and baked potatoes on the side

Dobrogea stew 580g 41.9

Pork collar steak, chicken breast, veal liver and sausages stewed in a red
sauce made of wine, garlic paste and pepper, served with polenta, fried egg
and grated white cheese

Traditional pork-stuffed cabbage leaves 700g 32.5

Served with polenta, hot chili peppers and crispy bacon

Chicken breast schnitzel 200g 23.5

Prepared with egg and cereal flakes

Pork ribs 530g 53.5

Roasted pork ribs with wine and spices, potatoes
and baked peppers on the side

Confit pork 780g 48.9

like in the old days and smoked sausages
with polenta and sour cabbage

Cauldron cooked lamb pastrami 520g 44.5

Tender pastrami in white wine, polenta and
garlic sauce on the side

*All prices are in LEI

ide dishes
Roasted vegetables 150g 12.9
Rustic potatoes 220g 11.9
With bacon, onion, garlic and greens
Romanian fried potatoes 170g 9.3
Green beans saute 200g 10.9
Mashed potatoes 200g 9.6
Baked potatoes 200g 10.2

Braised sour cabbage 250g 9.9

ide salads
Green salad 100g 10.8

Assorted seasonal salad 160g 9.9

Beetroot and horseradish salad 150g 11.0

White and red cabbage salad 150g 9.2

Roasted capsicum pepper salad 210g 11.5

omemade bread
For 1 person ................................................................................................. 200g 4.6
For 2 people ................................................................................................. 400g 7.9
Rustic baguette ......................................................................................... 200g 4.6

*All prices are in LEI

And when it comes
to dainties,
cheese pancakes

Dark chocolate cake with drunken cherries 220g 18.9
Cataif 200g 25.5
Dark and white chocolate mousse 150g 18.5
Dessert of the house ask the waiter more information 150g 15.0
Romanian doughnuts 330g 19.9
With sour cream and jam
Homemade ice-cream 150g 18.5
Pavlova 160g 23.5
Mascarpone cream with meringue and fruits

*All prices are in LEI

Manolache, Lord Chancellor,
feeling wolf or lamb? definitely wolf.

Hungry like a wolf (with meat) 360g 14.9
Fried eggs or omelet, Prague ham, hard cheese, butter, olives, tomato,

Hungry like a lamb (without meat) 300g 14.9

Fried eggs or omelet, hard cheese, white cheese, butter, olives, tomato, baguette

Hungry like a shark (with fish) 360g 15.5

Baguette, cream cheese, smoked salmon, red onion, olives, tomato

A drink of your choice:

Espresso, Romanian hot tea, or sweet milk

This offer is valid daily

between 07:00 12:00

*All prices are in LEI

unch menu 23.5


Zacusca eggplant and tomato cooked salad
prepared on a wood fire (Suitable for vegetarians) ........................... 150g
Polenta with cheese and cream ..................................................... 350g
Phanariot turkey sour soup ........................................................... 350g
Soured tripe soup with hot pepper ............................................... 350g

Assorted grilled skewers................................................................ 300g
Mici skinless sausages - 3 pieces.............................................. 350g
Crispy cod fillet................................................................................ 200g
Pan grilled with cornflakes
Pork leg in the oven ......................................................................... 250g

Romanian potato fries.................................................................... 150g
Mashed potatoes ............................................................................ 200g

White cabbage salad ....................................................................... 150g
Pickled cucumbers salad ................................................................ 150g

This offer is valid

from Monday to Friday
between 11:00 16:00
Our products may contain allergens or traces of them. If you in our product. Our products may contain: gluten,
have any questions or you know that you are allergic to any crustaceans for example prawns, crabs, lobster, crayfish,
substance, please speak with the restaurant staff and youll mollusks, fish, peanuts, lupin, nuts, soybeans, eggs, milk,
be informed regarding the allergens type and its presence celery, mustard and sesame.

*All prices are in LEI

Hanul lui Manuc restaurant
is part of the
Be an angel
for the elder
this initiative enables you to donate
a 23,5 lei priced meal
to one of the lonely or abandoned
elders cared for by the Principesa
Margareta Foundation.
at Manucs
For more than two centuries
the old walls of our Inn have
gathered kin of all kinds so
they can enjoy joyous Chancellor Ghinea,
occasions of all kinds. does your daughter
have a dowery?
Whether it was a wedding, christening or
saints, all was carefully arranged with regard She does
to the guests desires. God only knows how Boyar Andronache,
many calves have been spiked, how many fat why are you asking
hens boiled, sheep smoked and fried on
embers and how many barrels of wine have
been opened for every feast here.
I want
to wed her to my son
So according to our trdition we invite you to
at Manucs
celebrate on whatever occasion you may
please even if some habits and customs have
changed, as old Manuc used to put it: for every
joy we celebrate with the same measure.

with music and

We don't know how we
manage, but, at our Inn the
food and beverage are
accompanied by fabulous
mood. If you join us for
dinner you will definitely find
music and dancing here.

0730 188 653

dect bonul fiscal.

serviciul TelV

r. 28/1999 privind

marcat electronice.
0730 188 653 Str. Francez`, Nr. 62

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