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Ecological Applications, 00(0), 0000, pp.

0000 by the Ecological Society of America

Unprecedented carbon accumulation in mined soils:

the synergistic effect of resource input and
plant species invasion
Department of Land, Air, and Water Resources, University of California, Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycling Laboratory,
One Shields Avenue, Davis, California 95616-8627 USA
Department of Ecology, University of Braslia, Campus Darcy Ribeiro, Caixa Postal 04.401, 70.910-970 Brasilia, DF, Brazil

Abstract. Opencast mining causes severe impacts on natural environments, often resulting
in permanent damage to soils and vegetation. In the present study we use a 14-year restoration
chronosequence to investigate how resource input and spontaneous plant colonization
promote the revegetation and reconstruction of mined soils in central Brazil. Using a multi-
proxy approach, combining vegetation surveys with the analysis of plant and soil isotopic
abundances (d13C and d15N) and chemical and physical fractionation of organic matter in soil
proles, we show that (1) after several decades without vegetation cover, resource input
(nutrient-rich biosolids) into exposed regoliths prompted the establishment of a diverse plant
community (.30 species); (2) the synergistic effect of resource input and plant colonization
yielded unprecedented increases in soil carbon, accumulating as chemically stable compounds
in occluded physical fractions and reaching much higher levels than observed in undisturbed
ecosystems; (3) invasive grasses progressively excluded native species, limiting nutrient
availability, but contributing more than 65% of the total accumulated soil organic carbon.
These results show that soilplant feedbacks regulate the amount of available resources,
determining successional trajectories and alternative stable equilibria in degraded areas
undergoing restoration. External inputs promote plant colonization, soil formation and
carbon sequestration, at the cost of excluding native species. The introduction of native woody
species would suppress invasive grasses and increase nutrient availability, bringing the system
closer to its original state. However, it is difcult to predict whether soil carbon levels could be
maintained without the exotic grass cover. We discuss theoretical and practical implications of
these ndings, describing how the combination of resource manipulation and management of
invasive species could be used to optimize restoration strategies, counteracting soil
degradation while maintaining species diversity.
Key words: alternative equilibria; carbon sequestration; central Brazil; land restoration; mines;
resource-ratio theory; soilplant feedback; stable isotope; succession.

INTRODUCTION from the inuence of soils on vegetation patterns (e.g.,

Vitousek 2004) are rare in natural ecosystems. For this
Mining activities represent one the most severe types
reason, fundamental theories such as those that link
of human impacts on natural environments often
succession and the use of resources by plants (e.g., the
resulting in permanent damage to soils and vegetation.
resource-ratio theory; Tilman 1985), though extensively
Mined sites offer, however, a unique setting to test and tested in laboratory or microcosms studies, still lack
advance ecological theories and their applications. empirical validation from eld experiments (Miller et al.
Associations between soil properties and vegetation 2005). Here we contribute to the understanding of how
structure/composition have been shown to modulate multiple processes converge to create stable complex
the distribution and performance of ecosystems across ecosystems, providing an analysis of soilplant feed-
biomes (Leithead et al. 2010, 2012, Silva et al. 2010b, backs following the abrupt reset of interactions
Silva and Anand 2011, 2012, Ladd et al. 2012, Rossatto caused by mining disturbance.
et al. 2012). However, conditions under which the effect Regardless of type or conservation status of an
of plants on soils can be unambiguously distinguished ecosystem prior to disturbance, topsoil removal exposes
residual substrates, characterized by unconsolidated
non-weathered rocky materials (regoliths) with poor or
Manuscript received 8 November 2012; revised 16 January
2013; accepted 23 January 2012. Corresponding Editor: R. L.
no secondary mineral development, that are unsuitable
Sinsabaugh. for plant establishment. Due to depleted soil resources,
3 E-mail: vegetation cover remains incipient for decades or

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Ecological Applications
Vol. 00, No. 0

centuries following this type of degradation and, in such investigate the effect of restoration treatments and
circumstances, it is necessary to restore edaphic condi- spontaneous plant colonization on mined sites of central
tions and soil productivity to promote spontaneous Brazil. Based on succession and resource-use theories,
revegetation (Martins et al. 2004, Ehrenfeld et al. 2005, which underlie the fundamental aspects of invasion and
Reiners et al. 2005, Silva and Correa 2010). Restoration restoration ecology, we hypothesize that: (1) resource
activities typically involve physical amelioration and input in severely degraded (mined) sites prompts the
nutrient input in the form of organic matter, which establishment of native and invasive plants originating
along with propagule pressure from the regional species from the regional species pool; (2) resource input and
pool are generally expected to trigger autogenic recov- plant establishment have a synergistic effect on soil
ery. restoration; and (3) invasive species, favored by new
As succession progresses the degraded system should edaphic thresholds, dominate sites undergoing restora-
move towards its original state or analogous equilibri- tion, regulating soil development, nutrient availability
um, but driven by new edaphic thresholds and plant and ecosystem productivity. To test these hypotheses,
community assemblages distinct from those found in the we link temporal change in plant communities and soil
local ora, alternative stable states may be formed. development through the use of a restoration chronose-
Observations of species invasion provide examples of quence, where we quantify the inuence of resource
fast-growing species establishing and dominating areas input and species establishment on soil development and
where resource cascades appear suddenly and, over time, ecological restoration. Previous studies have used
consolidate unexpected stable states (Zavaleta et al. chronosequences to investigate plant succession (Baer
2001, Simard et al. 2007). In the tropics, where light and et al. 2002, Simard et al. 2007) and soil carbon
water are typically not limiting but soils tend to have low sequestration (Schlesinger 1990, Richter and Markewitz
nutrient capital, the potential effects of invasive species 2001). This approach has proven particularly useful to
in determining alternative stable states through the study low-diversity systems of converging successional
competitive exclusion of native species is maximized. trajectories (Walker et al. 2010), such as degraded sites.
Therefore, understanding the transience of invasive Here we build upon this framework, presenting and
species and their role in altering soil processes and interpreting results as a function of time since restora-
resource availability is crucial to promote effective tion.
restoration of disturbed tropical ecosystems.
To date, the theoretical question of how to measure
restoration effectiveness and the practical relevance of Study sites
anticipating the direction of recovery trajectories have In central Brazil, mining affects relatively small areas
not been sufciently explored in an integrated manner. compared to vegetation clearance for agriculture and
Holistic views, which combine the evaluation of cattle grazing (Klink and Moreira 2002). Nevertheless,
vegetation-driven impacts on soils, linking nutrient the environmental damage caused by mining activities is
cycling and productivity, have been proposed to explain much more severe and longer lasting than the impact
the recovery of degraded ecosystems (Richter and created by agriculture and ruminants. At our study sites
Markewitz 2001, Anand and Desrochers 2004). How- opencast mining activities took place between the late
ever, analytical frameworks that would allow the joint 1960s and early 1970s. All areas were originally covered
interpretation of ecological invasion and restoration are by woody savanna vegetation established on Cambisols.
scarce (Shaw et al. 2010, Gaertner et al. 2012). This is Excavations for gravel extraction left a at surface 46
particularly true for tropical systems, where little m below the original soil level, but at all sites the
information exists about the effect of plant establish- surrounding areas still have the original vegetation
ment on soil development. In South America, opencast cover. To stimulate natural revegetation mature indi-
mining has resulted in the loss of thousands of hectares vidual trees were left standing after mining activities, but
of tropical forest and savanna vegetation (Moran 1993, despite the continuous propagule pressure no sign of
Parrotta and Knowles 1999), but restoration efforts natural regeneration was observed at the study sites. All
have been limited and long-term evaluations of species sites are located within the limits of the Brazilian Federal
invasion are rare. In Brazilian savannas, despite District (Brasilia-DF; Fig. 1) under homogeneous
empirical support for substrate restoration as an climatic and topographic conditions. The local climate
effective method to increase soil carbon and nutrient is tropical with well-dened wet and dry seasons, Aw by
accumulation and promote spontaneous revegetation Koppens classication. The mean temperature is 22.58C
(Martins et al. 2004, Silva and Correa 2010, Correa et al. with annual rainfall ranging from 1200 to 1600 mm and
2012), quantitative approaches for assessing the role of mostly distributed from November to March (weather
plant establishment in general, and invasive species in station records of the Instituto Brasiliero de Geograca
particular, are yet to be formalized. e Estatistica [IGBE] reserve, Brasilia-DF). Restoration
In the present study we use analyses of soil carbon activities started several decades after exploitation, but
levels, chemically and physically protected pools, and took place during a different year at each site, providing
stable isotope composition of plants and soils, to a chronosequence of time since restoration.

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FIG. 1. Location of mined sites in the Brazilian Federal District. The ve dark gray circles and ovals show mined areas selected
for the present study. Years associated with sites represent the year when restoration activities took place at that site. Substrate
restoration was identical at all sites, with a single intervention composed of decompaction and incorporation of nutrient-rich
biosolids. At all sites, samples were taken ;6 months after soil treatment at site 2011. Along with untreated exposed regoliths (time
zero), the study sites represent a 14-year restoration chronosequence.

Substrate treatment and restoration chronosequence and 2011 (Fig. 1). Our site selection was such that each
Mined substrates are typically compacted and deplet- of these years corresponds to a given study site. Since
ed in organic matter, nutrients, and microorganisms. It our nal measurements (performed simultaneously
has been previously shown that substrate decompaction across sites) took place approximately six months after
alone is not sufcient to promote colonization of plant soil restoration in the 2011 site, we were able to
species (Martins et al. 2004, Silva and Correa 2008). For establish a chronosequence as follows: 0.5, 3, 6, 9, and
this reason, along with mechanical subsoiling (loos- 14 years since restoration. For control purposes, we
ening of compacted subsoils) to 20 cm depth, restoration also characterized untreated substrates, adding a time 0
activities included the incorporation of biosolids (tertia- (average of all sites) since restoration to the chronose-
ry-treatment domestic sewage sludge; 100 dry Mg/ha) as quence. Undisturbed soils and vegetation in the vicinity
a common source of organic matter (;50% carbon) and of each site served as reference for pre-disturbance
nutrients (N, 5.5%; P, 2%; K, 0.2%; Ca, 2.5%; Mg, 0.5%; conditions.
S, 0.5%). The biosolids were added before the mechan-
Sampling design
ical subsoiling, which then resulted in a homogeneous
incorporation and distribution of the applied material Our sampling design was determined using an a priori
through the 020 cm layer. The biosolids originated test of statistical power, anticipating three potential
from the same local treatment plants (Companhia de predictors: time since restoration, soil depth, and
Saneamento Ambiental do Distrito Federal, Brasilia- vegetation cover. We expected an intermediate effect
DF) following identical treatment and stabilization of time (site), measurable with moderate statistical
protocols. Detailed description of treatment/stabiliza- power of 0.8 (Park 2010). To meet these conditions
tion and chemical composition can be found in Correa our design consisted of 15 randomly distributed
et al. (2012). sampling points within 1 ha at each site. at all sites we
Biosolid incorporation into exposed regoliths took conducted a vegetation census of the woody and
place in different years, namely 1997, 2002, 2005, 2008, herbaceous layer and collected soil samples at 5-cm

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Ecological Applications
Vol. 00, No. 0

increments to a depth of 20 cm, spanning the depth of C4 grasses from the combined effect of the applied
disturbed regolith. Samples were acquired by vertically organic matter and carbon derived from C3 plants:
pressing 100-cm3 tubes into each 5-cm layer of
sequentially dug pits. Tubes were inserted so that C4 Ct dt  d3 =d4  d3 1
pressure was only exerted in the tube walls, thereby where Ct C3 C4 and represents the total amount of
preventing compaction. carbon in the soil, C3 is the amount of carbon derived
from C3 plants, C4 is the amount of carbon derived
Determining SOC levels
from C4 plants, dt is the d13C value of the Ct carbon, d3
After collection, soil samples were sieved (2 mm) and is the d13C value of the C3 plant carbon, and d4 is the
air-dried. Soil organic carbon (SOC) content was d13C value of the C4 soil carbon. Results of C4
determined by dry combustion gas chromatography contribution were expressed as the relative (percent-
(GC). Soil density was used in the calculation of total age) portion of total SOC. The SOC content of the
SOC, which was then expressed as a fraction of soil exposed regoliths, before treatment, was considered
volume at each depth. Accumulation of SOC over time negligible. Other sources of variation, such as changes
is shown as average values of all replicates collected at in plant d13C in response to elevated atmospheric CO2
the different study sites. or across altitudinal ranges (Silva and Horwath 2013),
are not relevant at the scale studied here. These effects
Multi-proxy analysis
would be much smaller than differences between C3
Further analyses were performed to quantify changes and C4 species (Silva et al. 2010b, 2011, Silva and
associated with the effects of restoration activities, Anand 2011) and, therefore, were not considered in our
natural regeneration, and invasive species on SOC analysis.
pools. We used three independent approaches. First, Chemical fractions.To distinguish between stable
we characterized the isotopic composition of SOC as a organic compounds and transient soil carbon pools, we
proxy for the determination of the relative contribution applied classic chemical fractionation for isolation of
of C3 and C4 plants to soil carbon pools. Second, we humin, humic acid, and fulvic acid fractions. These
determined the chemical composition of SOC as a proxy measurements are based on differences in solubility in
for recalcitrance and dynamics of organic compounds. alkaline and acid solutions and closely followed
Third, we measured SOC in distinct soil physical International Humic Substance Society (IHSS) recom-
fractions to determine the fate of organic matter applied mended extraction procedure. A preliminary rinse with
during substrate restoration and materials derived from 0.1 mol/L HCl was used to remove any carbonates, as
plant establishment. Though rarely used in combination, well as light material and debris, such as pieces of
similar approaches have been employed to investigate undecomposed plant material and rootlets (Doane and
ecotone (Silva et al. 2008, 2010a), patch dynamics (Silva Horwath 2003). This material was decanted following
et al. 2010b, Silva and Anand 2011), and SOC centrifugation for 10 min at 9 G (;88.3 m/s). After this
stabilization and accumulation (Doane et al. 2003, pretreatment, soils were shaken with 0.4 mol/L NaOH
Luo et al. 2006) in tropical and temperate ecosystems. under N2 overnight, centrifuged, and the extract ltered
These approaches offer an integrated picture of the through glass wool to ensure removal of any remaining
effect of plant and soil associations, critical to test the debris. The humic acid fraction was precipitated by
hypotheses described in the Introduction. Details of each acidifying to pH , 2, while the fulvic acid fraction
method are described as follows. remained in solution. Extractions were repeated and
Isotopic composition.The isotopic composition combined until no more organic matter was present in
(d13C) of organic matter applied during substrate the extractant. The fulvic and humic acid fractions were
treatment, colonizing plants, and resulting SOC was then separated by centrifugation, the dissolved organic
determined by dry-combustion gas chromatography carbon determined by UV/persulfate oxidation (Phoenix
coupled with continuous-ow isotopic-ratio mass spec- 8000; Teledyner-Tekmar, Mamson, Ohio, USA), and
trometry (GC-IRMS 20-20/ANCA-NT; Europa, Crewe, results expressed as mass of each fraction in relation to
UK). The average d13C value of the applied biosolids soil mass. The remaining organic matter not directly
was determined to be 27.1% 6 0.3% (mean 6 SE), extractable with alkali is referred to as humin (Doane
which falls within the range typical of carbon from C3 et al. 2003).
plants. The biomass of the invasive grasses was 12.2% Physical fractions.Soil samples were separated in
6 0.2%, which is a typical value for C4 species. These four aggregate size fractions by wet sieving according to
signatures represent average values of ve homogenized a modied method of Elliott (1986). Two sieves were
composite samples. Based on these distinct isotopic used to separate soil into light fraction (oating residue),
values a two-end member mixing model (Lloyd et al. macroaggregates (.250 lm), microaggregates (53250
2008) was used to quantify the effect of applied biosolids lm), and mineral particles (silt and clay; ,53 lm). A 70-
(combined with C3-originated biomass) and invasive C4 g subsample of soil was evenly spread over the 250-lm
grasses, as distinct sources of SOC. We used the sieve and submerged in 1 cm of deionized water at room
following equation to partition carbon derived from temperature for 5 min. The soil was subsequently sieved

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FIG. 2. Study sites and total number of C3 and C4 species that spontaneously colonized mined areas after incorporation of
organic matter (OM; biosolids as tertiary-treatment domestic sewage sludge). As part of the management plan, mature trees were
left standing after mining activities took place, to stimulate natural revegetation via seed dispersal. However, vegetation cover was
absent in all sites for several decades after abandonment and natural colonization only happened after substrate treatment. The
restoration chronosequence matches the year of substrate treatment as described in Fig. 1. A complete list of species at each site is
presented in Appendix A. Photo credit: Rodrigo S. Correa.

for 2 min by moving the sieve up and down with 50 Statistical analysis
repetitions. Macroaggregates remaining on the sieve Analyses of variance, followed by post hoc Tukeys
were backwashed into a pre-weighed pan and oating honestly signicant difference (HSD) tests, were per-
residue was aspirated off and transferred to a pre- formed to compare differences across sites, soil depth,
weighed tin for isolation of the light fraction. Soil and and/or chemical and physical fractions. When appro-
water that passed through the sieve was transferred to priate, least-squares regression analysis was used to
the 53-lm sieve and the sieving procedure was repeated. investigate the effect of resource input or species
All water and mineral particles passing through the 53- colonization as a function of time since restoration.
lm sieve were transferred to a nal pan. The residue and All statistical analyses were performed using the SAS-
aggregate fractions were oven-dried at 608C and created JMP statistical software (SAS Institute 2012).
weighed. Total C in the soil fractions was determined
on 1020 mg subsamples by dry-combustion gas RESULTS
chromatography. Species colonization and accumulation of SOC

Soil nutrients and leaf d15N After decades of absent vegetation cover, substrate
restoration activities prompted the colonization of
For the same soil samples described above we native and invasive plant species. However, despite
characterized total nitrogen (N), using the Kjeldahl the establishment of several woody species, herbaceous
method, and extractable phosphorus (P), using Melich vegetation dominated all sites. Several native C4 grasses
extractions (Rashid and Memon 1996). Using the same can be found in this region, but at the study sites only
methods described for carbon isotopic analysis (GC- exotic (C4 ) grasses of the genera Brachiaria and Melinis
IRMS 20-20/ANCA-NT, Europa, Crewe, UK), we were found. In Fig. 2 we show images of each study
determined leaf d15N in three composite samples of site, including the number of species (C3 herbs, C3
Brachiaria sp. (dominant invasive species) at each study woody, and C4 invasive) found at each site after
site. restoration. The oristic census shows that invasive C4

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Ecological Applications
Vol. 00, No. 0

FIG. 3. (A) Average values of total soil organic carbon, expressed as percentage of soil volume, at different soil depths across a
chronosequence of mined sites undergoing restoration. Although the incorporation of biosolids into exposed regoliths took placed
in different years (Fig. 1), our nal measurements all took place about six months after soil restoration at the 2011 site, so we were
able to establish the restoration chronosequence in (a), and added a time 0 (control) for untreated substrates. The light-gray arrow
shows maximum (05 cm depth) carbon levels found in local savannas (original ecosystem at all sites) prior to disturbance. The
dark-gray arrow represents maximum carbon levels found in neighboring evergreen forests established on well-drained Cambisols
(Silva et al. 2008, 2010a). The black arrow shows maximum carbon levels found in riparian forests on seasonally ooded
(hydromorphic) soils also in the same region (Silva et al. 2008). (B) Actual soil organic C values across sites and depths. The
uppercase letters show signicant differences between sites/years (comparison of each studied depth across all sites), as determined
by ANOVA and Tukeys HSD post hoc test (P , 0.05).

grasses represent more than 95% of the total herba- Invasive species as the main source of SOC
ceous cover 14 years after treatment, whereas the cover A two-end member mixing model, based on d13C
of herbaceous dicots, small trees, and shrubs remained values of the incorporated residue and the more 13C-
inexpressive. A complete list of species is presented in enriched C4-originated biomass, allowed us to quantify
Appendix A. the relative contribution of C3- and C4-derived biomass
The combination of organic matter application and to total SOC. In Fig. 4 we show the average outcome of
plant colonization led to a substantial change in soil these calculations at each site. Prior to restoration
organic carbon (SOC) from time 0 to 0.5 year after activities less than 5% of the soil carbon content
restoration, increasing SOC from 0.3% to pre-distur- originated from C4 plants. After restoration a mono-
bance levels (.2%). However, the greatest increase in tonic increase in C4 contribution was observed (R 2
SOC occurred gradually following vegetation establish- 0.96; P , 0.01) with no signicant differences (P 0.31)
between soil depths. At years 6 and 9, over 40% of total
ment (Fig. 3A). The highest SOC values (.9% in the 0
soil carbon was originated from exotic C4 plants. By
5cm depth), measured between years 3 and 9 after
year 14, C4-derived carbon constituted more than 65%
restoration (Fig. 3B), are comparable to levels found in
of the total SOC, and only about 35% of the
hydromorphic soils and about twice as high as measured accumulated carbon could have originated from bio-
in undisturbed primary forests established on Cambisols solids and native C3 plants together.
in the same region. The highest values of SOC
correspond to the period of greatest species diversity SOC chemical and physical fractions
(Fig. 2) and, in spite of a decrease by year 14 when exotic The results of chemical (Fig. 5A) and physical (Fig.
grasses became dominant, levels of SOC remained much 5B) fractions show that as SOC levels increased both the
higher than pre-disturbance levels. stability and fate of soil carbon were subject to

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carbon source (Fig. 4), changes in chemical fractions

reect a fast turnover of the applied biosolids and
stabilization of plant-derived compounds. A propor-
tional decrease in the humin fraction (;10%) resulted
from new inputs from plant residues. However, when
total increases in SOC are taken into account (Fig.
3A, B) the absolute content of humin also increased.
The analysis of physical fractions shows a continuous
accumulation of carbon in stable microaggregates. The
relative accumulation of SOC as macroaggregates
decreased between years 3 and 6 after restoration, as a
result of microaggregate formation and increases in light
fraction. Coinciding with changes in chemical fractions,
physical fractions reect fast turnover of biosolids and
fresh residues, which stabilized and accumulated as
occluded SOC. A decrease in the relative accumulation
of carbon in the silt and clay size fraction is also
observed as a result of new carbon inputs. When total
FIG. 4. The relative contribution of C4 grasses to total soil SOC is taken into account, however, absolute values of
carbon across a chronosequence of mined sites undergoing
restoration. Floristic surveys show that invasive grasses of the
SOC in this fraction increase. These results were
genera Brachiaria and Melinis dominate the herbaceous layer of consistent across depths, with no signicant interactions
all sites. Native C4 grasses occurred in surrounding areas, but in between the proportion of either chemical or physical
mined sites they were rare or absent. The line represents a fraction and soil layer (P 0.26). For simplicity, only
signicant relationship between time since restoration and
contribution of C4-derived carbon to total soil pools (P , 0.01).
average values are presented.
No signicant differences in the source of carbon were found
across soil depths (P 0.31). Error bars represent SDs of mean Soil nutrient and leaf d15N
values (15 proles) at each site. Soil C to N ratios increased in all physical fractions
from the application of biosolids onward (Appendix B),
signicant variation. A monotonic increase in the humic indicating increasing nutrient constraint associated with
(recalcitrant) fraction is observed over time, while fulvic the dominance of invasive species. Average soil C to P
acid content peaked by year 3, decreasing progressively ratios showed a similar increasing trend (Appendix C),
in the following years. Combined with SOC accumula- matching the growing contribution of invasive grasses to
tion (Fig. 3) and change in the relative contribution of SOC (Fig. 4). Leaf d15N measured in invasive grasses

FIG. 5. (A) Chemical and (B) physical fractions of soil organic carbon averaged at each site across all soil depths. Stacked bars
represent the relative contribution of each fraction to total carbon pools. No signicant interactions were found between the
fraction and soil layer (P 0.26). Uppercase letters show signicant differences between sites/years (comparison of each fraction
across sites) as determined by ANOVA and Tukeys HSD post hoc test (P , 0.05).

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Ecological Applications
Vol. 00, No. 0

also points to increasing efciency and progressive found. Soil development has been driven by species
nutrient limitation. Time 0.5 had the most enriched colonization, but stabilization mechanisms may also be
values (5.7%) indicating that most of the N used by important to explain SOC accumulation.
plants at that stage came from enriched biosolid sources
(8.1% 6 0.7%). The establishment of a diverse plant Potential mechanisms
community (including N-xers) between years 3 and 6 Primary producers affect SOC stabilization, through
led to lower leaf d15N (,4%), which became progres- changes in predominant traits (e.g., C to N ratio, lignin
sively more enriched as invasive excluded native species to N ratio, and so forth) (De Deyn et al. 2008, Dumig et
(Appendix D). al. 2009, Berthrong et al. 2012). Therefore, changes in
community composition could affect patterns of SOC
accumulation (Reiners et al. 2005, Silva and Anand
Unprecedented accumulation of SOC 2011). Indeed high productivity and slow decomposi-
Conrming hypothesis (1), our results show that tion, typical of grasses, can increase SOC. However, in
substrate restoration prompted the natural establish- areas where the same invasive grass species are
ment of vegetation cover for the rst time since mining cultivated for pasture under ideal edaphic conditions
activities took place in the 1960s (Fig. 2). Organic matter and similar climates, levels of SOC are typically much
application enhanced soil organic carbon (SOC) to pre- lower than what we measured here (e.g., ,2%; Tarre et
disturbance levels, but the synergistic effect of resource al. 2001).
input (organic matter and nutrients) and plant coloni- True accumulation of organic matter (as opposed to
zation further promoted soil development and SOC the temporary presence of organic material) combines
accumulation (Fig. 3), conrming hypothesis (2). After the decomposition of inputs, assimilation by microbes,
14 years, neither vegetation structure nor composition and accumulation of microbial and plant residues as
resembled those of the original woody savanna that stable compounds (Collins et al. 1997). At our sites
dominates the surrounding landscape in the Federal much of the increase in SOC occurred in the humic acid
District of central Brazil. Instead, exotic grasses fraction, showing continuous transformation of organic
established a oristically and structurally simpler matter and accumulation in a form distinct from the
physiognomy. This was characterized by vegetation inputs. Since chemical fractions, depending on the
surveys and shifts in SOC isotopic composition (Figs. environment, are all dynamic and heterogeneous to
2 and 4), which show that invasive grasses progressively some degree, it may be simplistic to state that one
dominated recovering sites, representing the most fraction is more stable than another. However, many
important source of SOC. This conrms hypothesis studies have shown that different fractions do in fact
(3), as it shows that new edaphic thresholds determined have different roles in carbon accumulation, with the
by enhanced resource availability favored invasive humic fraction representing compounds with greater
species, which now control the systems productivity. stability (e.g., Doane et al. 2003).
Restoration techniques that rely solely on subsoiling The balance between carbon input and turnover also
are typically not sufcient to promote plant colonization depends on the interplay of stochastic processes and
(Martins et al. 2004, Silva and Correa 2008), but here biochemical kinetics determined by the variability of
the incorporation of nutrient-rich biosolids (tertiary- decomposers (Forney and Rothman 2012). In degraded
treatment domestic sewage sludge) immediately prompt- soils decomposition may be limited by the absence of
ed revegetation and soil formation. Soil carbon has been decomposers, or nutrients, rather than by the carbon
recognized as the most useful index to assess restoration source itself (Hassink 1995). Here, fast mineralization of
success and the inuence of colonizing species in the applied biosolids was likely promoted by their own
repairing ecosystem function (Baer et al. 2002, Banning heterotrophic decomposers (Correa et al. 2012). How-
et al. 2008, De Deyn et al. 2008, Berthrong et al. 2012). ever, the development of a new microbial community
Surprisingly, only a few years after treatment, SOC in probably triggered further transformation of primary
mined areas was higher than what had accumulated over minerals and coating of organic compounds.
thousands of years in primary forests of the same region The effects of microbes on composition and recalci-
(Silva et al. 2008, 2010a). Soil carbon pools represent the trance of SOC, have been shown to be as important as
balance between input via primary productivity, and climatic and edaphic factors (Throckmorton et al. 2012).
output via decomposition, charring or burning, volatil- Although the processes that lead to formation of soils
ization, and leaching of compounds (Amundson 2001). are fundamentally the same in all climate zones, the
The maximal potential of soils to sequester carbon is intensities of biological transformations are consider-
determined by intrinsic abiotic variables, but carbon ably greater in the tropics, where cambisols can form in
dynamics can also be driven by biotic factors (De Deyn a few years (Rashid and Memon 1996). As with
et al. 2008). In our present study no differences in chemical fractionation, our observations of physical
topography, mineralogy, soil texture, or pH, which fractions provide evidence for this process, with
could perhaps explain accumulation by adsorption occluded SOC representing the most important repos-
processes (Hassink 1997, Rasmussen et al. 2007), were itory of plant-derived carbon as soil develops. After the

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incorporation of fresh residue, microorganisms produce Castelli 2007) and, as such, their importance in
mucilages that result in the formation of macroaggre- (re)structuring plant communities cannot be judged in
gates, which after further decomposition form the stable isolation from each other.
core of microaggregates (Six et al. 2004). Microaggre- In the context of succession, resource-ratio theory
gates take longer than macroaggregates to decompose (Tilman 1985) predicts that resource supply determines
(Forney and Rothman 2012) and, therefore, they persist whether competing species can coexist and, if not, which
and accumulate over time despite the relatively faster species will exclude others. It also predicts that the
formation of the latter (Fig. 5). highest diversity of competing species should occur at
In summary, simultaneous shifts in chemical and intermediate resource availability. Well over a thousand
physical fractions that we observed show that increases research articles have cited this theory since its
in SOC are due to the accumulation of stable carbon and publication, but only a few tested its predictions (until
do not simply represent a transient effect of dynamic 2005 only six tested the rst and none the second
pools. Furthermore, these shifts indicate that post- prediction mentioned above; Miller et al. 2005). The
depositional processes exert long-lasting effects on conrmation of the hypotheses posed here provides
SOC. Associations of organic compounds with short critical support to both these predictions. As we have
range order minerals, such as aluminosilicates (allo- shown, a pulse of resource availability allowed plant
phane and imogolite) and iron oxyhydroxides (ferrihy- colonization, but favored exotic grasses at the expense of
drite), stabilize carbon in deep soils (Rasmussen et al. native species. Moreover, maximum diversity was
2007) and exposed parent materials (Baldock and reached (year 6) at an intermediate ratio of resource
Skjemstad 2000). Short range order mineralsones that availability, after the peak of biosolid mineralization
lack well-dened arrangement of atoms in their crystals, (year 3), but before nutrient sequestration in the
commonly described as amorphous material, with high biomass of invasive species reached critical levels (year
surface area and high adsorption and ion-exchange 9) (Appendices B and C). These ndings advance our
capacities decrease carbon bioavailability (Negre et al. understanding of how soilplant feedbacks regulate the
2002), and primary clays, more abundant in regoliths stability of ecosystems, but also have important
than in topsoils, protect organic particles from decom- practical implications.
position resulting in SOC accumulation (Hassink 1997).
Accumulation of SOC could thus be more related with Implications for conservation and management
organo-mineral associations than with the source of Through impacts associated with differential re-
organic matter. Molecular analyses could be used in source-use strategies, exotic species alter community
future studies to characterize these associations and conguration and function in various ecosystems
reveal specic mechanisms at play in SOC stabilization (Knops et al. 2002, DAntonio and Meyerson 2002,
in developing soils. Gurvich et al. 2005, Gaertner et al. 2012). In Brazilian
savannas, exotic grasses affect early growth and survival
Theoretical implications of native trees, hindering seedling development due to
In the hierarchical analysis of ecosystem resilience, shading and competition for nutrients (Hoffmann and
soil formation is considered a slow process, as opposed Haridasan 2008). Native savanna trees demand more
to the relatively faster establishment of stable plant nutrients than invasive grasses to establish, thus,
communities (Gunderson and Holling 2002). However, nutrient sequestration in the biomass of grasses can
fast and slow processes interact across various scales of limit the success of seedlings in invaded plots. The
space and time, determining recovery trajectories. Here combination of disturbance regime and resource avail-
we show that resource input moves degraded systems ability shape the distribution of grasslands, savannas,
from a low-energy (bare soil) stable state to a dynamic and forests in central Brazil (Hoffmann et al. 2012).
condition where successional forces can actuate. Steep However, the stability of these ecosystems over the
SOC accumulation (0 to 6 years) followed by a slight geological past (Silva et al. 2008, 2010a) suggest that
decline (9 to 14 years) match changes in species diversity, more complex vegetation forms will eventually develop
where the shape of SOC curves resembles those in recovering areas.
predicted for diversity-dependent productivity in natural At our sites, soil C to N and C to P ratios (Appendices
forests and grasslands (Reich et al. 2012, Tilman et al. B and C) and d15N in the leaves of invasive grasses
2012). This suggests that community-level feedbacks (Appendix D) increased consistently over time. This
play a key role in driving soil formation, not only in reects increasing connectedness and efciency, as
natural ecosystems (Ehrenfeld et al. 2005) but also in nutrient cycling between soils and plant biomass become
degraded areas. Interestingly, soil restoration appears to tightly linked, with invasive grasses controlling resource
be occurring at faster rates than community reorgani- availability. Changes in litter quality and additional
zation in our sites, reecting the effect of resource input resource input from colonizing trees could promote the
and exotic species invasion. These ndings reinforce the establishment of other species and sustain more diverse
notion that soil development and competition for and productive plant communities (Silva and Anand
resources are interdependent processes (Casper and 2011). Indeed additional inputs from native N-xers led

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Ecological Applications
Vol. 00, No. 0

nisms of SOC stabilization in exposed regoliths could be

used in combination with species introduction, adding to
the benets of resource-based restoration the mainte-
nance of species diversity.

Final considerations
Based on our observations we conclude that the
synergistic effects of resource input and species invasion
can be benecial, restoring soil productivity and
vegetation cover in severely disturbed areas, or delete-
rious, resulting in resilient low-diversity systems. Sum-
marizing our results, we have elaborated a conceptual
scheme that illustrates the effect of disturbance and
resource input in driving the development of alternative
stable equilibria at degraded sites. The various states of
stability presented in this scheme correspond to several
ecosystems that coexist in the study region and one
unvegetated state caused by mining impacts (Fig. 6A).
Each state corresponds to a stable conguration, but
negative or positive perturbations could cause transi-
tions to a different stable state. Using SOC values
typically found in each of these regional ecosystems, we
represented the expected trajectory of soil restoration,
measured as SOC accumulation (Fig. 6B). As with
vegetation, directional responses in SOC from low to
high energy levels are expected under disturbance
suppression or increased resource availability, but
unexpected responses may also occur. Here this was
FIG. 6. Conceptual scheme of alternate stable states
expected as a result of disturbance and resource inputs. evidenced by an unprecedented SOC accumulation.
Directional responses from low (open) to high (dense) energy These ndings show that ecosystems undergoing resto-
stable states are expected under disturbance suppression and/or ration are moving targets, with multiple possible futures
increased resource availability. The gray circles show vegetation dened by converging soil and vegetation processes.
and soil carbon conditions after four decades of abandonment
after mining activities. The white circles show the expected
Management strategies must be exible, adaptive, and
trajectory. The black circles show observed outcomes, which prepared to deal with unexpected outcomes. Soilplant
match expectations in (A) vegetation cover, but not in (B) soil feedbacks determine tipping points beyond which
carbon accumulation. The expected levels of carbon accumu- stability is gained or lost. Thus, integrative analysis of
lation at each of these co-existing ecosystems are based on
soils and vegetation are essential to assess and mitigate
values found in undisturbed ecosystems in the same region
(Silva et al. 2008, 2010a, b). All broken lines represent adverse impacts, while keeping the benets of species
disturbance effects of various intensities, the most severe being invasion on soil formation and restoration of degraded
mining activities that would lead to stable bare soils. lands.
to lower leaf d15N (,4%) in invasive grasses, which until
then relied mostly on N from the applied biosolids We thank Mark Leithead from the Laboratory of
Quantitative Ecology UFRGS (Brazil), Madhur Anand from
(.8%). Atmospheric d15N is dened as 0 and for this the Global Ecological Change Laboratory and Paul Voroney
reason plants that rely on symbiotic N uptake have from the School of Environmental Sciences University of
depleted signatures (Michener and Lajtha 2007). Here, Guelph (Canada), and other participants and organizers of the
Kinross CanadaBrazil Research Network Symposium (2012,
low d15N values reect the highest contribution of
Sao Paulo, Brazil) for valuable discussion. We also thank the
nutrients from N-xers between years 3 and 6 after landowners for allowing research activities and collection of
restoration, but further d15N enrichment was observed material in their properties and the Catholic University of
as exotic species excluded native species. The arrival of Brasilia for logistic support during eld activities, sample
storage and preparation. Support for this study was provided
native woody species in some of our sites is far from by J. G. Boswell Endowed Chair in Soil Science.
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Appendix A
Vegetation census at all study sites (Ecological Archives XXXXX).

Appendix B
Soil C to N ratios at each physical fraction in surface and deep layers (Ecological Archives XXXXX).

Appendix C
Average C to P ratios in soil proles (Ecological Archives XXXXX).

Appendix D
Average d15N in invasive grass leaves across sites (Ecological Archives XXXXX).

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