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America In Prophecy

By Ashley Cunningham

America In Prophecy 1
America in Prophecy
that by enacting religious laws they could protect
the Law of God and this in turn would protect
Jewish society and their religion. They also hoped
Part 1 this would bring them into favor with God and
restore the former glory of Israel.
However, this was not the case. Instead of
We Have No King But Caesar fostering religious devotion and worship to God,
it had the opposite effect. The Jewish religion be-
By Ashley Cunningham came a system of rites and traditions. True piety
and godliness were supplanted with man made
We have no king but Caesar, cried the angry
laws, which superceded the Ten Commandments.
Jewish leaders in response to Pilates question,
Love, the key principle of the law was lost sight
...shall I crucify your king? Yet no amount of
of, and selfishness, greed, and bigotry controlled
reasoning would persuade the religious leaders to
the hard hearted people.
spare the Son of God. What led the Jewish leader-
The various sacrifices and services that the
ship to so fully reject the Son of God? What
Lord had instituted at Sinai, to point to the Mes-
would lead them to accept Caesar as their king
siah, became a corrupt system of salvation by
when they passionately hated the Romans who
works. As the Jews lost their spiritual hold on
occupied Israel.
God, they clung to the ceremonial rites for their
In our study of this second part of our series
merit of Gods favor and blessings. They meas-
we will take a brief look into the mindset of the
ured their holiness by how many religious rites
Jewish leaders and why they rejected Christ and
they preformed, by following the multitude of
ultimately crucified Him. History has a strange
rabbicable requirements, and by their own social
way of repeating itself. Can we learn the impor-
standing in Jewish society. A prime example of
tant lessons from the past as we face the future?
this is found in the gospel of Luke, in the parable
of the prayer of the Pharisee and the Publican.
The Jewish Religion In 27AD The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,
When Herod first came to power in 37 BC, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are,
one of his first acts as king was to separate the extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this
office of the High Priest from civil government. publican. I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of
He did so by appointing a man of his own choos- all that I possess. Luke 18:11,12.
ing to the office of High Priest. This practice was This is the terrible condition that Christ had to
continued, after his death, by the Roman gover- deal with when He began His public ministry in
nors. The control of this sacred office by the civil the fall of 27 AD. Most of the Jewish leaders and
authorities was a curse to the priesthood, for now people were so devoid of the principles of God
men vied for the office who had only political and and His spirit, that in many ways they were in a
financial gain in mind, while ignoring the claims worse condition than the heathen Romans whom
of God! they hated and despised!
Herod gained still another foot hold over the As a nation they wanted the former glory and
spiritual life of the people, when in 19 BC he made power of Israel, without the repentance and obedi-
plans to rebuild the temple at Jerusalem. The old ence that had brought ancient Israel Gods bless-
temple was dismantled and the new one was built. ings. Yet in His great mercy, the Father sent
It was a massive task involving tens of thousands Christ to the Jewish people to reveal, through His
of workmen over a 46 year period. When it was life and teachings, the truth and love of God. This
finished, the temple mount was 1000 cubits long cut against the errors and superstitions of the rab-
(1500 feet) by 670 cubits wide (1000 feet), the bis and priests. It was a challenge to their author-
size of 20 football fields. The ancient historian, ity. They could not allow this young Galilean up-
Josephus, was so impressed that he wrote, the start to come among the people and upset their
temple "...caused an amazement to the spectators, system of religion. They could not endure the
by reason of the grandeur of the whole." 1 popular support that His teachings and miraculous
After the Babylonian captivity, the Jewish acts of mercy had with the people. The Jewish
leaders thought to safeguard the nation from fal- leadership came to the conclusion that in order to
ling into idol worship and apostasy. They believed save their positions, their religion, and their nation
2 America In Prophecy
they had to rid themselves of Christ. The one who Law of God.
was the only reason for their existence! The Pilgrims did not understand the great prin-
It is very interesting that they turned to the ciples of religious liberty as espoused by the Bible
very authority whom they hated in order to they claimed to follow. They still carried the old
achieve their goals the Roman government. world doctrine of the divine right of the church to
They had strayed so far from God that they had control conscience, and the Puritan church used
become like their enemy, the Romans. On that civil magistrates to enforce the punishment of her-
fateful day, in the spring of AD 31, when the Jew- esy. For many decades after the founding of the
ish leadership cried for the blood of Christ, they Bay Colony, it was only church members that
were rejecting the Lord of Israel, and in doing so had any voice in the affairs of civil government.
they sacrificed their own national existence by This position was soon challenged by Roger
swearing allegiance to Caesar! Williams, who emigrated to the Massachusetts
Bay Colony in 1631. Soon after landing in Bos-
Religion And The Founding Of America ton, he received a warm welcome by Massachu-
setts governor, John Winthrop. In a few years he
Be watchful, and strengthen the things which received a position as an assistant pastor in the
remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found town of Salem. However, he held very radical re-
thy works perfect before God. Remember there- ligious beliefs on the separation of church and
fore how thou hast received and heard, and hold state (a radical view for his time). He denied the
fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, validity of the Massachusetts charter and chal-
I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not lenged the Puritans to acknowledge that they had
know what hour I will come upon thee. Revela- separated from the Church of England. He be-
tion 3:2,3. lieved that religious freedom should extend to all
For my part, I cannot sufficiently bewail the people regardless of their religious beliefs and
condition of the reformed churches, who are come practices.
to a period in religion, and will go at present no He claimed that, "The public or the magistrates
farther than the instruments of their reformation. may decide, what is due from man to man; but
The Lutherans cannot be drawn to go beyond when they attempt to prescribe a man's duties to
what Luther saw; . . . and the Calvinists, you see, God, they are out of place, and there can be no
stick fast where they were left by that great man safety; for it is clear that if the magistrates has the
of God, who yet saw not all things. This is a mis- power, he may decree one set of opinions or be-
ery much to be lamented; for though they were liefs today and another tomorrow; as has been
burning and shining lights in their time, yet they done in England by different kings and queens,
penetrated not into the whole counsel of God, but and by different popes and councils in the Roman
were they now living, would be as willing to em- Church; so that belief would become a heap of
brace further light as that which they first re- confusion." 3
ceived. 2 He was banished from the Massachusetts Bay
The role of religion in the affairs of the Ameri- Colony in the winter of 1635. While he suffered
can government go back to the days of the first from hunger and cold, God preserved this faithful
pilgrim settlers in New England. After years of preacher and he founded the colony of Rhode
religious persecution in England these faithful Island the following year. In 1664 Williams se-
souls took a perilous voyage to the shores of cured a charter for Providence Plantation, which
America and established the Massachusetts Bay became a haven for peoples of all faiths seeking
Colony. Here they purposed to establish a type of religious freedom. His concepts of religious lib-
theocracy that was to be controlled by the Puritan erty bore fruit, for they became the cornerstone of
Church. In their pursuit to keep the communities American freedom, found in the Declaration of
free from sin and the vices of the old world, they Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
incorporated their religious beliefs into the laws As the decades passed, the American colonies
of their civil government. They had very strict prospered. Tens of thousands came to the Ameri-
laws which governed the keeping of Sunday. can shores seeking freedom from despotic kings,
These laws were rigidly enforced by civil offi- the ecclesiastical oppression of the church, or eco-
cials. In Massachusetts these laws were called the nomic want. It was the land of new beginnings
Blue Laws after the color that represented the and opportunities. The soil was rich, the virgin
America In Prophecy 3
forests were ripe with massive timber and wild The Great Awakening And
game, the rivers, lakes and coastal waters, were The American Revolution
teeming with fish. The land was a haven for all
classes of people. From Maine to the Carolinas The Great Awakening had a profound effect
the early colonies grew as villages, towns, and upon colonial America and the founding of the
cities flourished with trade and commerce. United States. Several factors came into play in
The hand of God was upon America, yet the the 1700s that attributed to the founding of this
colonists had forgotten the warning by John Rob- country. First, is the great vastness of its land and
inson in his farewell address to their Pilgrim fa- resources. This enabled the common man to own
thers years before. The churches of America had his own farm which gave him a lot of control over
lost their religious zeal. Worldly gain and afflu- his own life. Unlike Europe and Britain where the
ence brought selfishness, coldness, and formalism land was in the control of the wealthy aristocracy.
into the churches, as it had in Europe and Britain. Secondly, by owning land a man could have eco-
The Calvinistic doctrine of predestination had nomic freedom. This gave the common man a
eaten the spirituality out of the established sense of self-worth and self-reliance, which pro-
churches of America and Britain. Many who em- moted the concept that all men were created equal
braced this doctrine believed that the elect under God. The American colonists were ripe for
could not fall from grace no matter what they did, the truths presented in the Great Awakening re-
and the lost could not come into divine favor, vival that swept across this land. As tens of thou-
even if they wanted to. This led to a decline in the sands of souls embraced the gospel message, hun-
morals of society, for the responsibility of ones dreds of Methodist churches sprang up in Amer-
salvation lay solely in the hands of an arbitrary ica and Britain. In colonial America, reform and
God. revival also took place in the Baptist, Presbyte-
This state of spiritual decline continued into rian, and Congregational churches. This resulted
the 1730s, until the Lord raised up men on both in tens of thousands embracing the hope of a per-
sides of the Atlantic to lead in a revival known as sonal Saviour who loved them and gave them
the First Great Awakening. Among the Presby- grace for daily living.
terians in the states of Pennsylvania and New Jer- Another important concept that helped in the
sey, this revival was lead out by William Tennent founding of this country was a Puritan belief that
and his four sons, all ministers. In New England America was the New Israel, the promised land.
this revival quickly spread among the Baptist and The Puritans believed that they had a divine des-
Congregationalist (or Puritan) churches. Jonathan tiny in America and this idea is still alive in
Edwards, the fiery Puritan pastor from Northamp- America today, nearly four centuries later. These
ton, Massachusetts was one of the many preachers religious views helped to shape the minds of the
that led out in New England. colonial patriots in the 1770s, when King George
On the other side of the Atlantic in Britain, III tried to add more taxes and suppress freedom
the two Wesley brothers, John and Charles, along in the American colonies. He was accused by the
with George Whitefield, were moved to reform American press of trying to impose Anglican
and bring revival to the Church of England. bishops on the colonies. To the Congregationalist/
These godly men preached the gospel of Christ in Puritan mind this was a serious breach of freedom
its purity. They revived the doctrine of justifica- by the British King. This aroused the fears that
tion through faith in Christ alone. Thousands were Americans would be persecuted for their religious
drawn to the truth and took their stand for Christ. convictions. This further poisoned relations be-
They traveled to America on several occasions tween Britain and the colonies. The colonists soon
and large audiences flocked to hear them. Within saw these injustices on the part of the British King
the colonial mainstream churches there came a as a righteous cause, and with great religious fer-
split, many rejoiced as they found a personal Sav- vor and zeal they rose up to expel the last rem-
iour and Lord. Others who were content with their nants of old world feudalism. For the New Eng-
cold formal condition rejected the revival move- land Puritan it was not hard to throw off the yoke
ment that swept across Europe and America. of the British monarchy, for their ancestors had
Those who followed the teachings of the Wesleys led England in a civil war in the 1640s and had
and Whitefield started the Methodist church, deposed and executed King Charles I. When the
named after their method of bible study. Puritans lost power in 1660s, thousands of them

4 America In Prophecy
fled England and came to America seeking asy- America In Prophecy
lum from both the Church of England and the
Crown. What have you given us? a woman asked
At the outset of the American Revolution many Ben Franklin toward the close of the Constitu-
ministers served the American cause in various tional Convention.
capacities: as military chaplains, as penmen for A Republic, he said, if you can keep it!
committees of correspondence, as members of The rise of this nation in history is no coinci-
state legislatures, constitutional conventions and dence. In the book of Revelation, the Lord fore-
the national Congress. Some even took up arms, told, through the prophet John, of the rise of our
leading Continental troops in battle. One such ex- great nation.
ample of a "fighting parson" was Peter Muhlen- To understand what Christ revealed to John
berg. At the conclusion of a sermon in January about America in prophecy we need to begin with
1776 to his congregation in Woodstock, Virginia, the great controversy outlined in Revelation
he threw off his clerical robes to reveal the uni- chapter 12, between Christ and Satan. This chap-
form of a Virginia militia officer. He served with ter gives us the order of historical events of Bible
distinction throughout the war, and even com- prophecy. The chapter opens up with the dragon
manded a brigade that successfully stormed the attempting to destroy the Child, which is Christ, at
British lines at Yorktown. 4 His birth. The prophetic symbols are self explana-
During the Revolutionary War, many of the tory in the chapter. The dragon, in the primary
clergy preached that the war against Britain was sense, is Satan. He is the one that went to war in
approved by God. As early as 1750, Jonathan the heavenly courts before the world was created
Mayhew preached an important sermon which and led over a third of the angels into rebellion
was very influential in American colonies. against their Creator. (See vs. 4-9) In a secondary
Mayhew taught that resistance to a tyrant was a sense the dragon also represents the pagan Roman
"glorious" Christian duty and Christians were not Empire. It was through Rome and her subordinate
obliged to suffer under an oppressive ruler, as leaders that Satan inspired to destroy the Christ
some Anglicans argued. One pastor, Abraham child and finally carried out the crucifixion of the
Keteltas of Newburyport taught the American ef- Son of God in the spring of AD 31. It was through
fort as "the cause of truth, against error and false- pagan Rome that tens of thousands of faithful
hood . . .the cause of pure and undefiled religion, Christians were destroyed in the following three
against bigotry, superstition, and human inven- centuries.
tion . . .in short, it is the cause of heaven against In Revelation 13, John starts out in the begin-
hellof the kind Parent of the Universe against ning of the chapter describing the rise of a beast
the prince of darkness, and the destroyer of the out of the sea. This is the same little horn
human race. 5 power as seen by Daniel centuries earlier in vi-
The Revolution split some denominations, no- sion. (See Daniel 7:7) In Johns vision the
tably the Church of England, whose ministers leopard beast rises up out of the sea like the
were bound by oath to support the four beasts in the beginning of Daniel 7. This
King, and the Quakers, who were traditionally shows that the leopard beast of Revelation 13
pacifists. Many, both ministers and colonists re- has risen out of the existing ...peoples, and mul-
mained loyal to Britain and fled to Canada and titudes, and nations, and tongues.., (Revelation
England for refuge. Those loyal to England 17:15) of Bible prophecy.
claimed that the Revolution was, to a considerable Then John writes ...and the dragon (Satan;
extent, a religious quarrel, caused by Presbyteri- see Revelation 12:9), gave him his power, and his
ans and Congregationalists whose principles of seat, and great authority. Revelation 13:2. What
religion and polity were equally averse to those of power did the dragon/Satan control to destroy
the established Church and Government. 6 Gods people in chapter 12? It was the Roman
The American struggle for freedom resulted in Empire, the seat of its authority was in the city of
the grand old documents in which the American Rome, its power and authority was through the
patriots put forth their concepts of freedoms in the Caesar, who was both head of civil government
Declaration of Independence and the US Constitu- and the pagan religion. It was the Papacy that
tion. came into both political and religious power in the
city of Rome among the newly formed nations

America In Prophecy 5
that made up Western Europe in 538 AD. government, representation by elected officials
The prophet witnesses this great papal power and No religious test shall ever be required as a
for he sees that ...there was given unto him a qualification to any office of public trust under the
mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; United States. America emerged as the cradle of
and power was given unto him to continue forty civil and religious freedom.
and two months.( v. 5) These 42 months are
1260 symbolic day\years as also found in Daniel The Second Great Wakening
7:25, beginning in 538 AD and ending in 1798
when Pope Pius VI was taken captive by the In its early years America was greatly blessed
French. John writes of this event saying, And I by God. Within the first seventy five years our
saw one of his heads as it were wounded to young nation expanded westward, gaining triple
death. (v.3) Yet as John is watching this pro- the territory that it started with after the Revolu-
phetic drama he sees that ...his deadly wound tionary War. The country was blessed with pros-
was healed: and all the world wondered after the perity as farming, mining, commerce, and indus-
beast. And they worshipped the dragon which try expanded. Americans were blessed with wis-
gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped dom and skill as they invented and developed
the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who steamboats and railroads and a host of machines
is able to make war with him? vs. 3,4. and equipment to help on the farm, the home or in
And I beheld another beast coming up out of business. But all this expansion and prosperity led
the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb. v. the American people to forget the God that had
11. This new beast comes into power in a land blessed them so abundantly. By the 1830s the
that was not part of Biblical history as the Protestant churches were again adrift in worldli-
leopard beast or the beast of Daniel seven. ness and carnal slumber as they had been a 100
Therefore, it could not arise out of Europe, but in years before.
a new land, a relatively peaceful land, a new con- This time the Lord raised up William Miller, a
tinent. This new nation will begin as a lamb man in the new world, to give a startling message
like beast, not attempting to conquer other nations that would shake the Protestant churches to their
as all the other beast/kingdoms before it. It must very foundations. In the early 1830s the Lord
come into power during the existence of the pa- called Miller to give the second advent message to
pacy, before the deadly wound was healed. the world. Like many men that the Lord has cho-
What nation did the prophet see rising in power sen, Miller was a humble man, a farmer in the
while at the same time the Papacy was declining eastern part of New York state.
in power and authority in 1798? The United States He spent years studying the books of Daniel
of America. and Revelation. With intense interest he found
This land has been the haven and symbol of that many of the prophecies had been literally ful-
religious and political freedom for millions of filled in the history of past ages. The great chain
people from all over the world. The two founding of truth opened before his mind and he was able
principles, Protestantism and Republicanism has to trace down the great lines of prophetic history
made this nation a source of prosperity and free- to his time.
dom. The founding fathers established their gov- As he came to the 2300 prophetic day proph-
ernment upon the foundation of civil and religious ecy of Daniel 8:14, he applied the day for a year
liberty. These great men expressed their views in principle and discovered that it would extend far
the Declaration of Independence, which states the beyond the close of the Jewish dispensation,
great truth that all men are created equal, that therefore it could not refer to the Jewish temple.
they are endowed by their Creator with certain The Sanctuary doctrine, which unfolds the high
inalienable Rights, among which are: Life, Lib- priestly ministration of Christ in the Heavenly
erty, and the pursuit of Happiness. Sanctuary, had been lost for centuries. It was
The Constitution is the great protector of the generally accepted in the Christian age that the
people, it guarantees in the most explicit language church on earth is the sanctuary. This was the
freedom of conscience: Congress shall make no view that Miller held also. He thus concluded that
law respecting an establishment of religion, or the cleansing of the sanctuary, foretold in Daniel
prohibiting the free exercise thereof. The Consti- 8:14, was symbolic of the purification of the earth
tution insures the rights of its citizens of self- by fire at the second coming of Christ. He then

6 America In Prophecy
reasoned from this prophecy that the time of open their understanding of the great change in
Christs second advent could be established. the ministry of Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary.
Miller now continued the examination of the The Lord showed them that they had arrived at
prophecies with deeper earnestness. He would the right date, but they had come to the wrong
spend whole days deep in study and sometimes conclusion as to what would happen on that day.
far into the night, in search of these stupendous It was Gods purpose to bring to the worlds at-
truths that had become his all-absorbing interest. tention the important closing work of judgement
As he searched for a beginning date for the 2300 and atonement that Christ was now doing in the
days, he came to the ninth chapter of Daniel and Heavenly Sanctuary. Those who accepted the Ad-
discovered from his study of verses 22-27 and vent message and the work of Christ in the Most
Ezra chapter seven that the beginning date of 457 Holy Place, received even greater light from
BC for the seventy weeks, was also the same
for the 2300 days. He also found that the present
The fallen Protestant churches lost the favor
condition of the world fit the prophetic descrip-
tions of the last days. Thus he came to the solemn and spiritual light that God would have sent them,
conclusion that the world had about reached the had they welcomed Christs soon return and re-
limits of probation, and the Lord was about to re- pented of their sins. Instead they went into apos-
turn a second time before the mid 1840s. tasy and spiritual darkness. It is interesting to
Miller obeyed his call to the ministry and trav- note, that the Protestant churches which had come
eled throughout the towns and cities of New Eng- out of Rome, hundreds of years before, still kept
land and New York. By 1840 the Second Advent some of the same false doctrines of Rome, such as
message was causing a real revival among the Sunday sacredness and the belief in immortality
churches, and many ministers from various de- of the soul.
nominations were also working with Miller. Over Those who rejected Christ and held onto their
the course of time, the preaching of Miller and his false doctrines, were left in darkness and they be-
associates led thousands of souls to Christ, and came the fallen daughters of "Babylon" as repre-
they eagerly looked forward to His soon return. sented by the Papal church in Revelation 17. The
The Advent message was also taking hold in name Babylon means confusion. These churches,
many countries around the world. Reports were who rejected Christ and His messages, are con-
coming in from the British Isles, Europe, Asia, fused about Biblical truth. They teach that the
and South America, of tens of thousands of peo- Law of God, the Ten Commandants, have been
ple anxiously looking forward to Christs soon done away with at the cross. That the death of
return. Christ has not only paid the penalty of our sins,
Unfortunately, the majority of the Protestant but also abolished the law that He had to die for in
ministers and people rejected the message from order to redeem us. In abolishing the law of God,
heaven that Miller and his associates were faith-
the Protestant churches have taken one step fur-
fully preaching. They ridiculed and denounced the
ther than the Papacy. For Rome only attempted to
advent message as fanatical and delusional.
Within the Protestant churches many faithful change parts of Gods law, not abolish it as the
souls, who embraced the Advent hope, were dis- Protestants did.
fellowshipped from their churches. The Protestant By rejecting the Law of God, it is impossible
churches that rejected the Advent message and to advance in the light in regards to sanctification,
persecuted faithful believers within their com- therefore one has to believe in justification alone
munion, fell into apostasy like the papacy had for salvation. By rejecting the law of God, the
hundreds of years before. sanctifying power of Gods grace is flustered,
The appointed day, October 22, 1844, that which results in Christians who have no power
Miller and his fellow ministers had proclaimed over sin or temptation. The power of the gospel is
that Christ would come, came and nothing hap- completely derailed and the name of Christ is dis-
pened. The world and the fallen churches rejoiced honored by professed believers. Without the sanc-
and ridiculed the Advent believers for their appar- tifying work of Christ in the soul, a person is not
ent false hope. Yet God did not leave His faithful fit for the heavenly courts.
children to wallow in uncertainly and despair. In- This rejection of light also opened the door to
stead, He sent them glorious heavenly light to formalism and a social religion that took over the
America In Prophecy 7
main line churches in America and Europe after following material as a warning to all who
the 1840s. In lamenting the spiritual decline read it.
among the Protestant churches during the winter The Protestant churches are in great dark-
of 1844, Charles G Finney, a Professor at Oberlin ness, or they would discern the signs of the
College said; We have had the fact before our times. The Roman Church is far-reaching in
minds, that, in general, the Protestant churches of her plans and modes of operation. She is
our country, as such, were either apathetic or hos- employing every device to extend her influ-
tile to nearly all the moral reforms of the age. ence and increase her power in preparation
There are partial exceptions, yet not enough to for a fierce and determined conflict to re-
render the fact otherwise than general. We have gain control of the world, to re-establish
also another corroborated fact: the almost univer- persecution, and to undo all that Protestant-
sal absence of revival influence in the churches. ism has done. Catholicism is gaining ground
The spiritual apathy is almost all-pervading, and in our country upon every side. Look at the
is fearfully deep; so the religious press of the number of her churches and chapels. Look
whole land testifies. . . . Very extensively, church at her colleges and seminaries, so widely
members are becoming devotees of fashion, join- patronized by Protestants. These things
ing hands with the ungodly in parties of pleasure, should awaken the anxiety of all who prize
in dancing, in festivities, etc. . . . But we need not the pure principles of the gospel.8
expand this painful subject. Suffice it that the evi- This above quote was penned in the mid
dence thickens and rolls heavily upon us, to show 1800s by a prominent Christian writer. This
that the churches generally are becoming sadly statement reveals deep insights into the aims of
degenerate. They have gone very far from the the Papacy to regain her lost power over the reli-
Lord, and He has withdrawn Himself from them. gious and political systems of the world.
In order to understand the mind set of the Pa-
It was formalism, apathy, and hypocrisy that pacy one must look at its doctrine stated in the
destroyed the spiritual life of the Jewish religion Catechism of the Catholic Church and papal de-
prior to the first advent of Christ. This has been an crees. The Roman Church states that apostolic
effective tool of Satan throughout all ages, and session from Apostle Peter has been given to the
has proved highly effective in benumbing the Roman Catholic Church through the Bishop
spiritual perceptions of the Protestant churches. (Pope) of Rome. The Papacy claims that its
Other doctrinal errors gained influence in Prot- power and authority originates from God.
estantism such as: the secret rapture and the tem- The Lord made Simon alone, whom he named
poral millennium, which replaced the literal bibli- Peter, the "rock" of his Church. He gave him the
cal doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ. keys of his Church and instituted him shepherd of
Spiritualism began to make inroads into the the whole flock. "The office of binding and loos-
churches, and by 1900 Pentecostalism emerged ing which was given to Peter was also assigned to
with its deceptive claims of having the baptism of the college of apostles united to its head." This
the Holy Spirit, by speaking in tongues, and heal- pastoral office of Peter and the other apostles
ing the sick. We will study this subject further in belongs to the Church's very foundation and is
part three of this series. continued by the bishops under the primacy of
the Pope. 9 Emphasis supplied.
The Aims Of The Papacy Apostolic session is not Gods way of leading
His faithful people, we must worship God in
Authors note: It is important to understand ...spirit and in truth. John 4:24. The Papacy
that in writing this article I have no preju- claims to trace a line of apostolic session back to
dice against the individual people of the Ro- the Apostle Peter, but do they teach and practice
man Catholic Church. It is the papal system the pure doctrine that the apostles taught and prac-
with its hierarchical control and false doc- ticed? No, they dont! The Papacy teaches a false
trines that presents a danger to Protestant- gospel. The Roman Church believes that salvation
ism, this country, and its people. This con- was purchased by Christ and then given to the Pa-
cern has led me to write and document the pacy to be administered by its priests in its many
8 America In Prophecy
sacraments. trine "for belief as being divinely revealed," and
[The Church] has received the keys of the as the teaching of Christ, the definitions "must be
Kingdom of heaven so that, in her, sins may be adhered to with the obedience of faith." This in-
forgiven through Christ's blood and the Holy fallibility extends as far as the deposit of divine
Spirit's action. In this Church, the soul dead Revelation itself.12
through sin comes back to life in order to live 1. From God has the duty been assigned to
with Christ, whose grace has saved us. 10 Empha- the Church not only to interpose resistance,
sis supplied. if at any time the State rule should run
Much more could be said about the Mass, counter to religion, but, further, to make a
the praying to dead Saints and a dead Mary, strong endeavor that the power of the Gos-
the mother of Jesus for mediation between them pel may pervade the law and institutions of
and God, Sunday sacredness, the immortality of the nations. And inasmuch as the destiny of
the soul and a host of other false doctrines that the the State depends mainly on the disposition
Roman Church teaches the world. Please study of those who are at the head of affairs, it
these things out for yourself. follows that the Church cannot give coun-
We also need to understand that the Papacy is a tenance or favor to those whom she knows
dictatorship and the church is a totalitarian sys- to be imbued with a spirit of hostility to
tem. her; who refuse openly to respect her
The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's suc- rights; who make it their aim and purpose
cessor, "is the perpetual and visible source and to tear asunder the alliance that should, by
foundation of the unity both of the bishops and of the very nature of things, connect the inter-
the whole company of the faithful." "For the Ro- ests of religion with those of the State. On
man Pontiff, by reason of his office as Vicar of the contrary, she is (as she is bound to be)
Christ, and as pastor of the entire Church has the upholder of those who are themselves
full, supreme, and universal power over the imbued with the right way of thinking as to
whole Church, a power which he can always the relations between Church and State,
exercise unhindered.11 Emphasis supplied. and who strive to make them work in per-
The next point we need to understand is that fect accord for the common good. These
the Papacy has invented itself with infallibility, a precepts contain the abiding principle by
quality that we can only ascribe to God! Thus the which every Catholic should shape his con-
Papacy views itself as the highest moral and duct in regard to public life. In short, where
spiritual representative of God upon earth. The the Church does not forbid taking part in
Papacy also believes that it has power over civil public affairs, it is fit and proper to give
issues that it deems as moral principles. There- support to men of acknowledged worth,
fore, the Papacy claims the prerogative as Vicar and who pledge themselves to deserve well
of Christ that it has the right to involve itself in in the Catholic cause, and on no account
the moral/political issues of civil governments. may it be allowed to prefer to them any
This puts the Papacy at odds with Governments such individuals as are hostile to religion.
that do not favor or agree with the Churchs doc-
trine or its political agendas. Finally, we need to understand that the Papacy
"The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of is at odds with the American concept of Freedom
bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his of Religion, except when it benefits the Catholic
office, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all Church. The Papacy takes issue with the Ameri-
the faithfulwho confirms his brethren in the can concept of the separation of church and
faithhe proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine state, or in the Papal eyes, the separation of the
pertaining to faith or morals. . . . The infallibility Catholic Church from the American state.
promised to the Church is also present in the body Over one hundred and fifty years ago Pope
of bishops when, together with Peter's successor, Pius IX stated in his Encyclical Letter of August
they exercise the supreme Magisterium," above 15, 1854: The absurd and erroneous doctrines or
all in an Ecumenical Council. When the Church ravings in defense of liberty of conscience are a
through its supreme Magisterium proposes a doc- most pestilential error a pest, of all others, most
America In Prophecy 9
to be dreaded in a state. The same pope, in his declared that Protestantism has failed, and the
Encyclical Letter of December 8, 1864, anathema- world will turn to the Papacy for moral, social,
tized those who assert the liberty of conscience and political leadership in order to achieve world
and of religious worship,' also 'all such as main- peace and bring about needed reforms in the mor-
tain that the church may not employ force.' 14 als of society.
In the book, Keys Of This Blood, Malachi Mar- God's word has given warning of the impend-
tin reveals the same reasoning from Pope John II. ing danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protes-
Religious groups that have ...sprang up within tant world will learn what the purposes of Rome
Western democracies; and the vast majority of really are, only when it is too late to escape the
them are homegrown products of the United snare. She is silently growing into power. Her
States. They have been formed in the very womb doctrines are exerting their influence in legislative
of Western democratic principles about the rights halls, in the churches, and in the hearts of men.
of man and the dignity of the individual, And with She is piling up her lofty and massive structures
few exceptions, they accept the latter-day Ameri- in the secret recesses of which her former perse-
can interpretation of the "wall" that separates cutions will be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspect-
church and state. edly she is strengthening her forces to further her
It sets them apart from the Holy Father, be- own ends when the time shall come for her to
cause democratic principles cannot take prece- strike. All that she desires is vantage ground, and
dence over divine revelation. No one can be this is already being given her. We shall soon see
forced to believe in Heaven or Hell, or to choose and shall feel what the purpose of the Roman ele-
the one over the other. Nevertheless, it is axio- ment is. Whoever shall believe and obey the word
matic for John Paul that no one has the right of God will thereby incur reproach and persecu-
democratic or otherwise to a moral wrong; and no tion.16
religion based on divine revelation has a moral
right to teach such a moral wrong or abide by Rise Of Catholicism In America
it.15 It must be understood that, in the mind of
the Papacy, anything that falls outside the As a result of the apostasy of the Protestant
Traditions and Dogmas are considered error Churches, the Papacy was able to make deep in-
or sin. The above statement is not only dealing roads into America. Until the 1830s America had
with common issues, such as abortion, which is been predominately a Protestant country, one of
morally wrong, but anything that conflicts with the few in the world. At the time of the American
the Pope's political, social, or religious views. Revolution less than one percent of the population
The aim of the Papacy is to regain its control in the 13 colonies were Roman Catholic. This
over the moral, religious, social, and political life started to change with the many waves of immi-
of the world. The Catholic Church sees herself as grants from the 1830s up to the present time. No-
being the only true church, the only one that has tice that in, ...1820, 8000 immigrants arrived
all the truth, power, and authority from God. In from Europe, 23,000 came in 1830. 84,000 in
the end, the departure of Protestants from the 1840 and 370,000 in 1850, until in 1854 the num-
word of God and the moral failure of American ber reached 425,000. In the decade 1850-1860,
society will be the Papacys greatest argument 2,700,000 immigrants, mostly Irish, Germans, and
that only the Catholic Church will stand the moral English, entered the United States. 17
and spiritual test of time. She will argue that the As these immigrants left their countries for so-
moral downfall of Western society is due to the cial and economic reasons, they saw great oppor-
excessive and uncontrolled freedoms of liberty tunities in America. The Irish Catholics moved
and conscience, that have given rise to abortion, primarily into the cities of the northern states
gay rights, and the evil influence of the entertain- while the Germans moved to the vast plains of the
ment industry. Midwest.18 It is interesting that in the states
As we continue to look at the fall of Protestant- where the Protestant Churches had rejected the
ism and the rise of Catholicism in America, we Advent message a great influx of Catholicism
will see a gradual shift in the trends of Western took place.
politics, religion, and society. In the end, it will be This great immigration of Catholics into

10 America In Prophecy
American society was a cause of alarm for many North and the South. The many revivals of the
Protestant Americans. As they witnessed Catho- 1830s and 1840s had resulted in the formation
lic churches, convents, and parochial schools mul- of antislavery societies in the North. Many north-
tiplying, Protestants at times reacted in very vio- ern preachers were very vocal in their opposition
lent ways. In fact by 1845 a secret society (The to the sin of the southern slave holders. Some
Supreme Order Of The Star-Spangled Banner), preachers and lay people were very active as
made up of old stock Protestant Americans was abolitionists or even assisted runaway slaves in
formed to keep Catholics out of public office.19 their escape for freedom from the South. During
Many of the Irish Catholics that settled in the debate over the Kansas-Nebraska bill, which al-
large cities joined the Democratic party, which lowed the extension of slavery into new territo-
was pro-slavery and known as the working mans ries, Congress was presented with a petition from
party. This of course embittered the Protestant 3,000 New England ministers who opposed the
Republicans of the North and drove a deeper bill.22 Their southern evangelical counterparts
wedge between them. This Anti-Catholic senti- wrestled portions of scriptures out of context to
ment was so powerful that by the mid 1850s the justify their position on slavery. When the war
Star-Spangled Banner secret society became a po- broke, ministers in both the North and South were
litical movement called the Know Nothings. Its very vocal in their pulpits, calling upon God to
many politically activate secret society members bless their righteous cause.
were able to influence the elections in many of the It is interesting to note that the Roman Catholic
Northern and Mid-Atlantic states. In Massachu- Church in America survived the civil war in tact
setts they were able to elect the entire state gov- and united. One reason is that it looked to the Pa-
ernment and legislature.20 By the end of the dec- pacy for its guidance. Another reason is that
ade the antislavery debate had somewhat over Catholics saw the civil war as being a Protestant
shadowed the Catholic concerns of Protestants war. Many Catholics believed that it was insti-
and the issue was put on the back burner to sim- gated by northern abolitionists, who were anti-
mer for awhile. Catholic as well. They feared that to strengthen
During this time the public school systems abolitionists would only lead to their own demise.
were under the control of Protestant teachers. The Papacy favored the break up of the United
They taught American children principles based States, for this would weaken Americas power in
upon the Bible, liberty, equality, and Protestant- both South and North America. The Monroe Doc-
ism. This atmosphere was not conducive for the trine, which forbade the intervention of European
Catholic parents to rear their children as Catho- powers in both North and South America, was a
lics. Along with the animosity that existed be- thorn in the flesh for the Papacy who had been
tween the Protestants and the Catholics, the latter able to control Latin America through the Catho-
elected to set up a large parochial school system lic governments of Spain and Portugal. The Pa-
in America. After the civil war, the Catholics lob- pacy acted cautiously in its support of the South
bied the government for state support for their in the civil war. In fact Pope Pius IX sent a letter
schools this was blocked by the Republicans in to Jefferson Davis president of the Confederate
Congress, who were Protestant. Senator James States which states:
Blaine, a Republican from Maine, introduced a
bill to amend the US Constitution to prohibit the ILLUSTRIOUS AND HONORABLE PRESIDENT.
use of state funding for religious schools. (The Salutations:
Senator often referred to the Democrats as a party We have just received with all suitable welcome the
of Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion.) The pro- persons sent by you to place in our hands your letter,
posed constitutional amendment passed in the dated the 23rd of September last. Not slight was the
House of Representatives, but failed to gain the pleasure we experienced when we learned, from those
full two-thirds vote to pass in the Senate.21 persons and the letter, with what feelings of joy and
The civil war was another turning point for this gratitude, you were animated, illustrious and honorable
nations religious denominations. Many of the President, as soon as you were informed of our letters
large Protestant denominations split over the slav- to our venerable brother, John, Archbishop of New
ery issue along the Mason Dixon line between the York, and John Archbishop of New Orleans, dated the
America In Prophecy 11
18th of October of last year, and in which we have with The hopes of the South came to an end with
all our strength exerted and exhorted those venerable the surrender of General Robert Lee to General
brothers that in their episcopal piety and solicitude, they Grant on April 9, 1865. The Northern cause had
should endeavor, with the most ardent zeal, and in our been victorious, but at such a high cost. Between
name to bring about the end of that fatal civil war which the two sides, America lost over 610,000 fathers,
has broken out in those countries in order that the brothers, and friends in this terrible war. Saddest
American people may obtain peace and concord and of all, less than a week after the fall of the South,
dwell charitably together. It is particularly agreeable to President Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth
us that you illustrious and honorable President, and in a conspiracy of Southern rebels and *American
your people, were animated with the same desires of Catholics to take down the Federal government.
peace and tranquillity which we have in our letters in-
culcated upon our venerable brothers. May it please Protestants & Social Religion
God at the same time to make the other peoples of 1850-1960
America and their rulers, reflecting seriously how terri- After the mid 1840s until present, the Protes-
ble is civil war, and what calamities it engenders, listen tant churches of America and Europe have slipped
to inspirations of a calmer spirit and adopt resolutely into formalism. The have become social relig-
the part of peace. ions, Having a form of godliness, but denying
As to us, we shall never cease to address the most the power there of. 2 Timothy 3:5.
fervent prayers to Almighty God, requesting him to in- As a result the Protestant religions became
spire in the whole people a spirit of peace and charity more involved in moral/political issues of the day
and to free them from the great evils which now afflict in order to bring about good changes in the lives
them. We pray at the same time to merciful God to be- of people. As the spiritual connection of the
stow upon you the light of his grace, and cause you to churches grow weak, ministers and people will
be attached to us by a perfect union. turn to the government in order to bring about
Given at St. Peter, Rome, December 1. 1861. change in the laws of the land.
(Signed) Pius IXth. 23 We have already briefly discussed the involve-
ment of the churches in the civil war, how the
The Southern cause made serious overtures to the northern Protestant churches pushed hard for the
Papacy and other European nations for interven- South to free the slaves. It must be pointed out
tion in America in favor of the South. The French that the institution of slavery is very evil. Yet it is
intervention of Mexico in 1861 and the setting up the gospel of Christ that will transform lives to
of Archduke conform to the principles of the Law of God and
bring about permanent change in society. This is
Maximilian as Emperor of Mexico was as
the power that Protestant America had lost, and
close as Europe came in assisting the South. The
ever since the Protestant churches have had to
US Congress vigorously protested the French set- seek the aid of the government in order to make
ting up a monarchy in Mexico, which could have moral reforms in America. In many ways the
aided the South in the civil war conflict. In the Protestant churches fell into the same trap as did
mind of Congress, this was a breach of the Mon- the Pharisees in the time of Christ. They also re-
roe Doctrine which the war torn Federal govern- lied upon man made laws to control the morals of
ment had to tolerate until after the civil war. Jewish society. It was their way of dealing with

* Note: The plot to assassinate Abraham Lincoln, Vice President- Andrew Johnston, Secretary of State- William Seward,
and General Ulysses S. Grant was planned at the boarding-home of Mrs. Surratt. This is where John W. Booth met along
with co-conspirators John Surratt, Lewis Powell (also called Lewis Paine or Payne), George Atzerodt, David Herold, Samuel
Arnold, and Michael O'Laughlen. There were also Roman Catholic priests and Jesuits involved in the plot. Most of the con-
spirators were Roman Catholic with strong sympathetic ties to the Confederate South. Catholic priests from St. Joesph Min-
nesota, knew of the assassination plot to kill Lincoln many hours, if not a day, before the event happened. John Surratt was
helped to escape by American and Canadian Catholic priests and he ended up in the Vatican guard.
Charles Chiniquy, 50 Years In The Church Of Rome, pages 303-317
Brigadier-General T. M. Harris A History of the Great Conspiracy (

12 America In Prophecy
the overwhelming evils that were coming in lation granting a local option to ban the saloon.
amongst them from both Roman and Greek influ- Oberlin, which admitted African Americans and
ences. women in the 1840s, had been a reform center for
During the religious revivals that took place antislavery agitation and women's suffrage. It
during the first and second religious awakenings, soon became a nerve center for a growing national
entire towns were being reformed. This concept is movement against the saloon. After a vigorous
completely foreign to us today, yet it happened lobbying campaign, local option legislation
often before the 1850s. If we could measure the passed in Ohio and local governments throughout
morality of this country in comparison to two the state began closing down saloons.
hundred years ago, we would see a huge slide In 1895, inspired by this success, Rev. Howard
downward! Hyde Russell founded the Anti-Saloon League.
The causes that Protestant churches embraced Because of its close ties to Protestant churches,
were necessary and good reforms for society. The which served as the precinct bases for local or-
rights and freedoms of women, children and ganization, the League became a formidable na-
workers, are all important, as well as the civil tional force, able to field 20,000 speakers nation-
rights of minority groups in America, like the wide for the cause.""
civil rights movement of the African Americans What made the Anti-Saloon League successful
in the 1960s. The churches and ministers who was its relentless pressure and clear strategic cal-
embraced these causes did so in the face of over- culations. Knowing that state legislatures would
whelming odds, against deep seated prejudice, resist, league leaders realized they would win only
violence, and the financial power of big business. through ceaseless education, lobbying, and elec-
We can see the shift in the way Protestant tioneering. The organization overcame the multi-
churches dealt with social/moral issues by looking tude of divisions within Protestantism with a sim-
at the temperance movement of the 1800s. Prot- ple message of democratic appeal: Fight for the
estant churches began crusades against alcohol right of local communities to regulate or close
drinking in the early 1800s. Led by Protestant down saloons. League organizers compromised
ministers and laity they formed thousands of local when necessary, formed alliances, flooded waver-
temperance organizations all over the country. ing legislators with mail, and played hardball with
The ...abstinence pledge had been introduced by opponents. Where they could expand on Protes-
churches as early as 1800. The earliest temper- tant fears of Catholic immigrants, they would.
ance organizations seem to have been those Where they could form alliances with Catholics,
founded at Saratoga, New York, in 1808 and in they would. State after state fell into line.
Massachusetts in 1813. The movement spread The strategy of beginning a political effort in
rapidly under the influence of the churches; by states before acting nationally worked beautifully.
1833 there were 6,000 local societies in several of In 1900, five states were dry and four held down
the states. 24 the amount of drinking by enacting high license
The temperance movement struck a blow at the fees from sellers. The others had local option, but
beer and liquor drinking people of America along wet areas still predominated in many of them. The
with the new Irish and German immigrates. The Anti-Saloon League increasingly began to avoid
emphasis of the churches at first were of encour- state legislatures, which were often responsive to
aging individuals to refrain from drinking alcohol, beer and alcohol interests. They moved instead to
but after the 1850s a change in strategy took get voters to decide about alcohol policy directly
place among the churches, now they turned to the through state referenda. State after state enacted
state to enforce their moral causes. prohibition in this manner. Swept by a mood of
The idea of banning alcohol altogether had optimism, the League finally turned to the federal
simmered for decades before it took root nation- government, where Congress passed the Eight-
ally. Neal Dow achieved the first breakthrough by eenth Amendment to the Constitution banning the
securing the famous Maine Law of 1851, which production and sale of intoxicating beverages.
made the making and selling of alcohol illegal in Only the heavily Catholic states of Connecticut
that state. and Rhode Island refused to ratify the amend-
The roots of the movement can be traced to ment. Prohibition became the law of the land. 25
Ohio in 1887, when faculty at Oberlin College Unfortunately, prohibition was a short lived
joined with local ministers to fight for state legis- reform from 1920 until 1933 when it was re-
America In Prophecy 13
pealed. The climate of morality and spirituality teaches that the human race can better itself
was changing in America, and not for the better! through education. This one belief has so perme-
During this time America was involved in two ated the liberal churches of today that it has de-
World Wars, a major depression and many other stroyed the faith of millions of Protestants. It fur-
events that helped to shape the spiritual, political, ther divided the Protestant world in different fac-
and social climate of this country. tions in the twentieth century. Before long liberal
By the mid 1800s, the social/political concepts theories permeated the old main line churches of
of communism and socialism were starting to re- America. By the 1950s the Protestant churches
shape the thinking of liberal Americans. In 1859, had divided into three groups:
biologist, Charles Darwin, shocked the religious 1. Modernists the liberal main line Protes-
world with his book The Origin of Species, which tant churches that do not take the Bible literally
put forth the theory of evolution. Darwins theory any more. They do not believe in the Genesis
of evolution helped to advance the concepts of account of the creation of Adam and Eve.
atheism and secular humanism. It may be said that 2. Evangelicals Protestants who are actively
evolution is the religion of atheists. seeking to proselytize people of other beliefs or
Darwins theory has done more to destroy the non- Christians. They can be modernists or fun-
fabric of American society than was first realized. damentalists in their beliefs.
Evolution took a very serious toll on the public 3. Fundamentalists claim they take a literal
schools and in the colleges and universities across interpretation of Scriptures. They are conserva-
America after the famous Scopes trials in Dayton, tive in their lifestyles and are concerned with the
Tennessee in the summer of 1925. moral state of people and society.
The concepts of atheism and secular hu-
manism war against such Biblical truths as the
origin of humanity, that God is our Creator, and
of our fallen natures that as sinners we are in need
of salvation through Jesus Christ. Humanism

Footnotes Mountain View, California.

15 Malachi Martin, Keys Of This Blood, New York, Simon And
1 Flavius Josephus Antiquities of the Jews, Book XV, p 11)
2 D. Neal, History of the Puritans, vol. 1, p. 269. Schuster p. 286, 287.
3 Ellen G White, Great Controversy, p. 294, Pacific Press, Moun- 16 Ellen G White, Great Controversy, p. 581, Pacific Press, Moun-

tain View, California. tain View, California.

4 17 Emerson David Fite, History of the United States p. 338, (New

5 Ibid. York. Henry Holt and Company).

6 Ibid. 18 Homer C. Hockett, Political and Social Growth of the American

7 Ellen G White, Great Controversy, p. 377, Pacific Press, Moun- People, p. 673, (New York. The Macmillan Company).
19 Ibid. p. 690.
tain View, California.
8 Ellen G White, The Spirit of Prophecy Volume 4, p. 381, Review 20 Ibid. p. 673-674
21 Robert Booth Fowler, Allen D. Hertzke, Laura R. Olson, Religion
and Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown MD.
9 Catechism of the Catholic Church, United States Conference of and Politics in America Faith, Culture, & Strategic Choices, p.14,
Catholic Bishops, Catechism 881 (Boulder Colorado, Westview Press).
10 ibid. Catechism 882 22 Ibid. p. 19.

11 ibid. Catechism 981 23 Confederate Veteran, Vol. VII, No. 8 Nashville, Tenn., August,
12 ibid. Catechism 891 1899. ( Also see: Charles Chiniquy, 50 Years In The Church Of
13 Pope Leo XIII Encyclical on Christians as Citixens (Sapientiae Rome, pages 303-317)
Christianae) (Source: 24

encyclicals/documents/hf_l-xiii_enc_10011890_sapientiae - 25 Robert Booth Fowler, Allen D. Hertzke, Laura R. Olson, Religion

christianae_en.html) and Politics in America Faith, Culture, & Strategic Choices, p.21,
14 Ellen G White, Great Controversy, p. 564-5, Pacific Press, (Boulder Colorado, Westview Press).

14 America In Prophecy
ing of His divine nature. The apostle Paul wrote
America in Prophecy that the glory of God is: Christ in you, the hope
of glory. Colossians 1:27.
Part 2 Even though the everlasting gospel has been
preached since the fall of Adam, each generation
has had a distinctive message. The proclamation
of the hour of His judgement is come which
began in the 1830s was an announcement that the
Selling Out The judgement in heaven was about to begin in the
Protestant Reformation mid 1840s. A careful study of the prophecies of
Daniel reveal a major change in the work and
By Ashley Cunningham ministry of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary was
about to begin. This final phase of Christs work
And unto the angel of the church in Sardis must precede His second coming, for when He
write... I know thy works, that thou hast a name comes He will reward the faithful with eternal
that thou livest, and art dead. Be watchful, and life, and a home with God forever. The call to
strengthen the things which remain, that are worship Him, is a call to worship the Creator on
ready to die: for I have not found thy works per- His holy Sabbath day, the seventh day (Saturday).
The fall of the Roman church in the third century
fect before God. Revelation 3:1,2.
covered the light of the Sabbath for centuries.
In the previous issue we studied the history of
Now God was calling His true people back to the
how America became a haven for religious lib-
worship of God on the memorial to creation the
erty. God richly blessed this nation for its will-
ingness to uphold these grand principles. The
As a result of the popular Protestant churches
Lord especially gave America great light concern-
rejecting this heaven sent message they lost the
ing the three angels messages found in Revela-
wonderful light that Christ longed to give them
tion 14:6-12, to warn its people of the deceptions
and they fell, entering into spiritual darkness.
of Satan, to teach them the principles of right-
During the summer of 1844 the second angels
eousness, and to prepare them for Christs second
message applied to these churches. Babylon is
fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made
This special light started to shine in the 1830s
all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her
upon the Protestant churches in America to see if
fornication. Revelation 14:8. Babylon is a symbol
they would awake from their carnal slumber and
for confusion. (See Genesis 11:9) In rejecting the
backslidden ways and return to the Lord. The ma-
precious light from heaven, the Protestant
jority of Protestant churches rejected the first an-
churches became confused. When these churches
gels message, a warning so important that this
fell from favor with God, they became the fallen
message is represented by an angel flying
daughters of Babylon the Great, which is the Ro-
the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel
man Church. As we continue our study of history,
to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and
we will see very clearly that this is exactly what
to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
took place with Protestantism as we enter the
people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and
twentieth century.
give glory to him: for the hour of his judgment is
As a result of rejecting the first two messages
come: and worship him that made heaven, and
they have also rejected the proclamation of the
earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.
third angels message as well. (We will discuss
Revelation 14:6,7. This multi-part message went
the third angels message in detail at the conclu-
forth with great power in the mid 1840s.
sion of this series of articles.) Since the mid 1800s
From the fall of Adam until today, the ever-
the Protestant churches have embraced many
lasting gospel is the gospel of Christ which is
more doctrinal errors which has plunged them
..the power of God unto salvation to every one
into greater darkness and apostasy, where they
that believeth. Romans 1:16. To fear God
remain today. This has opened the door for Satan
means to ...keep his commandments: for this is
to attack them through the inroads of Catholicism,
the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13. We
spiritualism, humanism and atheism. They re-
give glory to Him when the character of Christ
jected the light and power from heaven that would
is revealed in our lives, by faith, through partak-
have saved them from this fall. They made the
America In Prophecy 15
same mistake as the Jewish leaders in the time of hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in
Christ, they trusted in their own wisdom instead the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A con-
of the word of God. They valued the praise of federacy, to all them to whom this people shall
men rather than the glory of Christ. say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor
be afraid. Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself;
From Protestant to Evangelical and let him be your fear, and let him be your
dread. Isaiah 8:11-13.
On December 5, 1912, the Second Quadrennial A letter written on February 2, 1912, by a
Meeting of the Federal Council of Churches in Catholic leader in The Catholic Missionary Un-
America met in Chicago, Illinois. This assembly ion, reveals the intent and purposes of the Catho-
of three hundred and nineteen ministers from lic Church in America.
thirty-one Protestant denominations met at the How near at hand do you think is the time when
Hotel La Salle. The denominations represented in America will be dominantly Catholic? Things move on
the Federal Council of Churches had a total mem- with rapid strides these days, and recent creation of
bership of more than seventeen million. three American Cardinals had brought the Church once
Part of their agenda was to drop the word more to the forefront. The dominant note in the address
Protestant from their executive committee re- of the Holy Father as well as in the replies of the Cardi-
port, for they feared that this would make it more nals in the hope of wonderful progress among English
difficult for them to work with other Christian speaking peoples. They have all spoken of the era of
groups. They also stated at the beginning of their convert making. All this indicates a marvelous advance
meetings that: "United Protestantism is not to be along the lines whereon the Missionaries of the Apos-
construed as a demonstration against the Roman tolic Mission House have been working these twenty
Catholic Church." 1 years.
What a shift in the thinking of Protestant We must labor to gain the confidence, love and
America from the days of Luther, Calvin, and respect of the American people. This once gained, the
Knox, just to name a few of the great leaders in Catholic church in her way to claim American hearts,
the Reformation nearly four hundred years before. may carry a thousand dogmas on her back. 2
They would have been appalled if they could have Around the turn of the twentieth century the
witnessed the hard fought Reformation renounced winds of ecumenicalism were starting to blow.
by professing Protestant ministers who now saw There was a change of strategy, which was seen
that battle stained title as a hindrance to the gos- in the tone and language of the papacy. As early
pel. But this was just the beginning of many com- as 1894, Pope Leo XIII encouraged an attitude of
promises and rejections of the principles of Prot- friendship and respect of the Eastern Orthodox
estantism that has spiritually shipwrecked so Churches. He graciously stated in his encyclical,
many denominations over the past 150 years. Praeclara Gratulationis; We cast an affectionate
In its place the professed churches of Christ look upon the east . . . the Eastern Churches, so
have replaced the honored title of Protestant with illustrious in the ancient faith and glorious past . .
the term Evangelical. For the most part the only . the distance separating us is not so great . . ..
time we hear the word Protestant today is in refer- These expressions had rarely been seen in any
ence to the conflict in Northern Ireland. previous papal documents. 3
No longer does one bring up their children to Pope Pius XI (1922-1939) in his encyclical,
abhor popery and the false doctrines and practices Nostis Qua, continued to advance the same ecu-
of Rome. Now when the Pope comes to Evangeli- menical spirit as he confesses that the barriers to
cal America, he comes receiving the highest hon- reunion and unity have not always been the fault
ors from the President, elected government offi- of the Eastern Orthodox Christians. For the first
cials, and the clergy from the Evangelical time in official church documents, Pius wrote,
churches of the United States. How did this all Catholics also have sometimes failed in justly
change? And where is it heading? evaluating the truth or, on account of insufficient
knowledge, in showing a fraternal spirit. Do we
know all that is valuable, good, and Christian in
Hands Across The Gulf the fragments of ancient Catholic truth? Detached
The Papacy & Ecumenicalism fragments of a gold-bearing rock also contain the
For the LORD spake thus to me with a strong precious ore. . ..
Pope Leo XIII also addressed many letters to
16 America In Prophecy
Protestant Christians in which he avoided the in- mental role in world politics.
sulting vocabulary of the past. He never referred Vatican II
to them as heretics . . .of the Scottish Christians
he says, Many of these separated Christians love
Reaching The Minds And Hearts Of Men
the name of Christ from their heart, endeavor to The ecumenical spirit that began at the turn of the
obey his rule of life, and by imitation seek to fol- century came into prominence at the beginning of
low his holy example . . . .Leo XIII's desire for the reign of Pope John XXIII. In January of 1959,
unity included Protestants. He was a key player in he announced his intention to the world wide
several movements of prayer for unity, and he Catholic leadership of a Second Vatican Council.
sought formulas of unity which would be agree-
Vatican II opened on October 11th, 1962, with
able to both Catholics and Protestants.
In official Church documents, the development more than twenty-five hundred church leaders at
of the "modern" ecumenical outlook in regard to the opening mass. It was the largest gathering of
Protestants is notable in the thought of Pope Pius the Church leadership in the history of the Roman
XII. In his first encyclical, Summi Pontificatus Church. As the Vatican Council began, Pope
(1939) a new motif is emphasized: John entreated the Fathers, to show a spirit of
We cannot pass over in silence the profound mercy and understanding as they went about
impression of heartfelt gratitude made on us by their work, so that the Church can present itself
the good wishes of those who, though not belong- to the world of today, and can reach into the
ing to the visible body of the Catholic Church, minds and hearts of men.4 (Emphasis Sup-
have given noble and sincere expression to their plied).
appreciation of all that unites them to us, in love Vatican II dealt with many church issues, but
for the person of Christ or in belief in God. the Catholic church never made any doctrinal
change. What the council did accomplish was to
The Deadly Wound Healed reach out to the other religions with a deceptive
And I saw one of his heads as it were olive branch, with kind words and a spirit of com-
wounded to death; and his deadly wound was promise to entice them to come back to mother.
healed: and all the world wondered after the In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, it
beast. Revelation 13:3. teaches that in order to achieve unity with other
In our last article we discussed how in 1798, churches they must have ...a conversion of heart
soon after the French Revolution, the papacy was as the faithful try to live holier lives according to
dealt a deadly blow or wound. Napoleon sent the Gospel, and pray for spiritual ecumenism.
General Berthier to take Pope Pius VI captive and They are to have a fraternal knowledge of
strip the papacy of her power and authority. For each other, and ecumenical formation of the
1260 years the papacy had exercised her control faithful and especially of priests. They are to
over the nations of the earth. It is interesting to dialogue among theologians and meetings
note that the French, who many centuries before among Christians of the different churches and
had helped the papacy in its rise to power, was the communities and collaboration among Chris-
one who inflicted the deadly wound! tians in various areas of service to mankind.
This was not to remain for long, the prophet Human service is the idiomatic phrase.
John saw that the deadly wound was healed. Concern for achieving unity "involves the
The first steps toward the healing of the papacy whole Church, faithful and clergy alike." But we
happened on February 11, 1929 when the Italian must realize "that this holy objectivethe recon-
government recognized the sovereign status of the ciliation of all Christians in the unity of the one
Vatican through a concordant with the Italian dic- and only Church of Christ. 5 (Emphasis
tator, Mussolini. This act gave full civil authority Supplied).
and nation status to the papacy. Thus the heal- While the papacy was holding out the right
ing of the deadly wound was well on its way. One hand of friendship to professed Protestants, it still
by one the nations of the world sent and received retained the shackles of Roman error and tradition
ambassadors from the Vatican. In the next article behind its back with the left hand. Ecumenical
we will see how the Vatican has played an instru- drunken Evangelicals and other religions were

America In Prophecy 17
falling for the Catholic line, as they had in the World War II was coming to an end and Evan-
past. Rome never changes, her strategies will, but gelical Christianity was starting to come out of the
in the end all churches will bow in homage to her. closet after years of internal direction. It was a
The papacy has no problem with ecumenicalism, time of national adjustment, tens of thousands of
for it is the other religions that make the compro- men were returning home after the war to pick up
mises. The Church demands that its Catholic peo- their lives again. Many young people were hurting
from the devastation of the war and were looking
ple stay true to its teachings; In the cause of ecu-
for healing and direction for their lives, and Billy
menicalism, the Catholic must always remain true
Graham had a message for them. He was the
to the faith that he has received. 6 leading evangelist for the ministry, Youth For
While the ecumenical spirit was being encour- Christ, between the years of 1946-49. He was
aged at the Vatican, Fulton J. Sheen, a priest, edu- highly successful in attracting thousands of youth
cator, and Catholic evangelist here in America, to his crusades. His formula was simple, he under-
was foremost in breaking down the wall of preju- stood the inner hunger of the human heart for the
dice between Catholics and Protestants. In 1930 answers to life's many and perplexing problems.
Sheen became the feature speaker on the NBC Secondly, he could articulate the solution from the
radio broadcast, The Catholic Hour (1930- Bible which would touch the heart of the listener.
1952). He spoke at the first religious service that The meeting with Fulton Sheen, left a deep im-
was televised on Easter Sunday in 1940. Later on pression upon Graham, for he had caught the
he went on to host Life is Worth Living, on the spirit of ecumenicalism. Six years later in 1950,
ABC-TV Network. By the 1950s, Fulton Sheen Boston's Archbishop Richard Cushing again ex-
was the best known Catholic priest in America, tended the hand of ecumenical friendship. In an
interview in 1991, Graham spoke of this experi-
helping to move the Catholic Church into main-
ence during his 1950 crusade in New England.
stream American society. His work as an evangel-
Another significant thing happened in the
ist for the church was very successful, for he was
early 1950s in Boston. Cardinal Cushing, in his
a very articulate speaker and knew how to reach
magazine, The Pilot, put BRAVO BILL on the
out to both Catholic and Protestant audiences. In
front cover. That made news all over the country.
Washington and New York City his courses drew
He and I became close, wonderful friends. That
people from all walks of life and notably Henry
was my first real coming to grips with the whole
Ford II, congressman Clarie Booth Luce and pro-
Protestant/Catholic situation. I began to realize
communist journalist Louis Budenz. 7
that there were Christians everywhere. They
In the mid 1940s, Fulton Sheen was traveling
might be called modernists, Catholics, or what-
on a train from Washington to New York. Aboard
ever, but they were Christians10
the train that night was a young preacher Billy
Graham later wrote of this experience in New
Graham. Graham describes his first meeting with
England in 1950, stating; At that time Protestant-
Sheen in his autobiography, Just As I Am. Graham
ism in New England was weak, due in part to the
was just drifting off to sleep when Sheen
theological differences within some denomina-
knocked on the sleeping compartment and asked
tions, the influence of Unitarian ideas in other de-
to come in for a chat and a prayer. We talked
nominations, and the strength of the Roman
about our ministries and our common commit-
Catholic Church. In spite of all that, a number of
ment to evangelism, and I told him how grateful I
Roman Catholic priests and Unitarian clergy, to-
was for his ministry and his focus on Christ.... We
gether with some of their parishioners, came to
talked further and we prayed; and by the time he
the meetings along with those from Evangelical
left, I felt as if I had known him all my life. 8
churches. With my limited Evangelical back-
Billy Graham was befriended by one of the
ground, this was a further expansion of my own
most influential Catholic leaders in America, Ful-
ecumenical outlook. I now began to make friends
ton Sheen. When Sheen died in December 1979,
among people from many different backgrounds
Graham testified that he had "known him as a
and to develop a spiritual love for their clergy. 11
friend for over 35 years." 9
Billy Graham was ahead of his time in his ecu-
About the time of his meeting with Fulton
Sheen, Graham was just beginning his ministry. menical outreach to modernist, Catholics, and
Jews. By 1952 he was working with most of the
18 America In Prophecy
major religious denominations in his crusades. Catholics and Protestants together in a healthy
Graham was interviewed by reporter William ecumenical spirit.
McElwain, of the Pittsburgh SunTelegraph, he I was the first Catholic to invite Billy Graham;
wrote; Graham stressed that his crusade in Pitts- I know he will speak at three other Catholic uni-
burgh would be interdenominational. Graham versities next month; I believe he will be invited
said, Many of the people who have reached a to more Catholic colleges in the future than Prot-
decision on Christ at our meetings have joined estant colleges. So I am well pleased, then, to an-
the Catholic Church and, have received com- swer your question: Billy Graham is preaching a
mendations from Catholic publications for the moral and evangelical theology most accept-
revived interest in their church following one of able to Catholics.14 (Emphasis Supplied).
our campaigns. This happened both in Boston and Graham continued throughout the 1960s and
Washington. After all, one of our prime purposes into the next three decades building bridges be-
is to help the churches in a community.12 tween Protestants and Catholics. He has made a
(Emphasis Supplied). very large impact in the Evangelical world, he
In 1957 in an interview with a reporter of the was the most influential preacher in America in
San Francisco News, Graham was asked if any of this past century. He has been the foremost Evan-
the converts at his crusades were sent to a Catho- gelical leader, in the spirit of ecumenicalism, to
lic church, he replied ...anyone who makes a de- stretch his hand of friendship across the gulf and
cision at our meetings is seen later and referred to grasp the hand of Catholicism.
a local clergyman, Protestant, Catholic, or Jew- When Pope John Paul II came to America in
ish.13 (Emphasis Supplied). 1979 Graham stated, The visit of Pope John Paul
By the 1960s Graham was openly working II to the United States is an event of great signifi-
with Catholic priests and bishops in his crusades cance not only for Roman Catholics, but for all
around the world. In 1962 Grahams Evangelistic Americans as well as the world. In the short time
Association edited thirty pages from the Halley he has been the Pope, John Paul II has become
Bible Commentary dealing with the long centuries the moral leader of the world. My prayers and
of Papal Inquisitions. the prayers of countless other Protestants will be
Graham was also the first Protestant minister to with him as he makes his journey."15 (Emphasis
speak at a Catholic institution. In 1963 he spoke at Supplied).
Belmont Abby College in North Carolina, and In an interview with The Saturday Evening
four years later he was awarded an honorary de- Post, Graham said; "Since his election, Pope John
gree from Belmont. Grahams preaching was so Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious
well received at Belmont, that Father Cuthbert leader of the modern world, and one of the great-
Allen wrote the following words of praise; I am est moral and spiritual leaders of this century...
the one who, being acquainted with Billy Graham, The Pope came [to America] as a statesman and a
invited him to speak to the Fathers, the Nuns, stu- pastor, but I believe he also sees himself coming
dents, and invited guests, and I am pleased to re- as an evangelist, forthrightly urging those who
ply to your inquiries. have perhaps given little thought to spiritual mat-
Billy Graham gave an inspiring and a theologi- ters to realize the truth of the Christian message
cally sound address that may have been given by and commit their lives to Christ... The Pope
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen or any other Catholic sought to speak to the spiritual hunger of our age
preacher. I have followed Billy Graham's career in the same way Christians throughout the centu-
and I must emphasize that he has been more ries have spoken to the spiritual yearnings of
Catholic than other wise, and I say this not in a every age by pointing people to Christ... Also,
partisan manner but as a matter of fact. in countless ways many evangelical Protestants
Knowing the tremendous influence of Billy and Roman Catholics are discovering they share a
Graham among Protestants and now the realiza- common bond through their mutual commitment
tion and acknowledgment among Catholics of his to the Christian faith. "16 (Emphasis Supplied).
devout and sincere appeal to the teachings of The question needs to be raised, why did cer-
Christ ... I would state that he could bring tain Catholic leaders in America reach out to Gra-

America In Prophecy 19
ham when he was still a young, u n n o t i c e d tives and the Liberals of today is that Conserva-
preacher? Why did two powerful Catholic pub- tives take account of the whole man, while the
lishers, William Randolph Hearst, of the vast Liberals tend to look only at the material side of
Hearst newspaper empire and Henry Luce, head man's nature. The Conservative believes that man
of Time magazine, promote Graham extensively is, in part, an economic, an animal creature; but
in the beginning of his ministry?17 that he is also a spiritual creature with spiritual
Could it be that the Catholic hierarchy had needs and spiritual desires. What is more, these
plans for Graham from the time he was in col-
needs and desires reflect the superior side of
lege? Some of these questions may remain unan-
swered until the Lord comes. man's nature, and thus take precedence over his
Billy Graham was also the leader in establish- economic wants. Conservatism therefore looks
ing a ministry outside any particular church or- upon the enhancement of man's spiritual na-
ganization. Many preachers were to follow in his ture as the primary concern of political phi-
steps as hundreds of para-church ministries sprang losophy. Liberals, on the other hand,in the
up in the next fifty years. name of a concern for "human beings" regard
the satisfaction of economic wants as the domi-
The Rise Of The Christian Right nant mission of society. They are, moreover, in a
hurry. So that their characteristic approach is to
Grahams influence was also felt in the youth harness the society's political and economic forces
ministry of Bill Bright. He was one of the found- into a collective effort to compel "progress." In
ing members and on Brights board of trustees. In this approach, I believe they fight against Nature.
1951 Bill Bright, a former food salesman, formed 18
(Emphasis Supplied)
the Campus Crusade for Christ at the campus of Conservatism therefore looks upon the en-
UCLA in Berkley, California. He believed that hancement of man's spiritual nature as the pri-
anything could be marketed, even religion, if it mary concern of political philosophy. This state-
were packaged in the right way. Bright developed ment, by Senator Barry Goldwater, best sums up
the concept of the Christian cell based upon the the goal of the political and religious right in
concept of the triangle and spiritual multiplica- America today. As we look at the history of the
tion. last 40 years we will see the direction that this po-
In 1967 Bill Bright launched Revolution Now, litical/religious power is headed in the future.
another campus program aimed at thwarting the The 1960s was a very turbulent time in Ameri-
anti-war movement against the Vietnam war and can society. It was a decade of many important
political unrest on the colleges campus. Bright historical events, a decade that forever changed
was entering a very gray area as a Christian America! It was a time I well remember as a boy
evangelist. We will see later how this opened the growing up. I began grade school in 1960 and was
door for the political right and the Christian right in high school by the close of the decade.
to merge in the 1970s. John F. Kennedy was the young Democratic
In the 1960s while Billy Graham and Bill President, he was enthusiastic, energetic, and ide-
Bright were reaching hundreds of thousands of alistic. He was full of ideas and wanted to take the
Protestants and Catholics in their evangelistic nation to its highest potential. In many social,
campaigns, Pat Robertson, was setting up a televi- technical, and political areas Kennedy started to
sion station in Tidewater, Virginia. This was the make changes that would have far reaching results
beginning of The Christian Broadcasting Network for years to come. The space race to land an
or CBN. In 1963 after struggling for two years, American on the moon, the civil rights movement,
Robertson came up with the idea of the 700 Club more Federal aid for social programs and the war
as a way to finance his struggling TV station. In in Vietnam, were all part of the Kennedy legacy.
the next two decades, especially into the 1980s, It was a decade of massive social changes and
Robertsons CBN was to play a major role in the violent upheavals. This nation witnessed the as-
rise of the Christian right in America. sassination of both John and Robert Kennedy
along with civil rights leader, Martin Luther King.
The Rise Of Conservative We saw civil rights marches and race riots that
Politics in America 1960 left large sections of Americas cities in ruin. The
war in Vietnam was a result of Americans fear of
The root difference between the Conserva-
20 America In Prophecy
the spread of communism throughout the world. childhood in France and England, attended a pri-
This war sparked a fierce debate among Ameri- vate boarding school in upstate New York and
cans over the necessity of involving the country in graduated from Yale in 1950. In 1955 he founded
senseless war. A large anti-war movement re- National Review to provide a forum for conserva-
sulted in peace rallies, marches, college campus tive thought. Firing Line followed in 1966,
sit-ins, and, at times, riots. proving that conservatives can be witty, too.20
There were other social changes that shaped In September of 1960, William F. Buckley, Jr.
the minds of Americans as well as people in many gathered about 90 young people at his country
other developed nations. Television had a very estate in Sharon, Connecticut. Here under Buck-
large cultural affect upon Americans. For the first leys guidance they laid the groundwork for a new
time in history they could view the war in Viet- national conservative youth organization, they
nam on the six o'clock news, or watch astronauts named it Young Americans for Free-
walk on the moon. TV also provided an avenue dom, (YAF). During the three day conference
for the movie studios in Hollywood to unleash a they drafted the Sharon Statement, which is their
barrage of entertainment that had a demoralizing organizations statement of principles. They also
affect upon children, youth and adults. Rock and started the conservative magazine New Guard, as
roll music, along with drugs, alcohol and tobacco the official paper to propagate their message to
also led to the downfall of America's health and the American public. Many political conservative
morality. By the end of the decade the divorce leaders within the Republican party today, started
rate was up, drug and alcohol consumption rose as members in YAF.
and sexual promiscuity increased, leading to bro- In 1963, YAF spearheads the campaign of
ken homes and the overall destruction of the Barry Goldwater for president. Goldwater's run
moral fabric of society! for the White House catalyzed YAF more than
any other event in its history. A highlight of
The Rise Of the Political Right YAFs movement to make Goldwater the Repub-
In the 1950s, conservatives were concerned as lican nominee is an astonishing rally in New
they saw the beginning of these social evils and a York's Madison Square Garden where 18,500
result of the agenda of secular humanism conservatives gather to show their support for
movement of past decades. Conservatives from Senator Goldwater. Lee Edwards, former New
business, industry, academics, law, politics and Guard editor, said Barry Goldwater made YAF,
religion were alarmed by the direction which soci- but YAF also made Barry Goldwater. 21
ety was headed in. In the 1950s, one of the first The 1964 Republican presidential campaign of
political/religious organizations to gain any na- Barry Goldwater was a turning point for the con-
tional attention was the Christian Anti-Communist servative movement. After the defeat of Senator
Crusade (CACC). The conservative religious val- Goldwater, three young men; Paul Weyrich, How-
ues of its members drove them to political in- ard Phillips, and Richard Viguerie who had
volvement. They were particularly determined worked for his election campaign became key
to defeat what they perceived to be atheistic and leaders in the New Right. What they lacked in
socialistic communism at home and abroad. In the 1960s was a popular base of political support
the 1950s, media, intellectual, and political elites that they needed to carry out their conservative
routinely treated the CACC as a radical fringe agenda. They turned to various small regional
group. But in hindsight we can see that it was an groups during the remainder of the decade, but
early sign of the widespread, angry, conservative were not real successful.
religious politics that came into prominence in the In the mid-sixties, Richard Viguerie started a
1990s.19 They never achieved the prominence or political direct-mail fundraising business. He
support of the political/Christian right of the started with 12,000 names from Goldwater's cam-
1980s and 90s. paign donor list, which he hand-copied. He be-
During the 1950s, American conservatives came a master at using conservative political is-
found a champion in William F. Buckley, a Ro- sues to stir-up support, and by the 1970s he had a
man Catholic and a member of the Knights of highly successful business.
In 1968, the Nixon Administration acknowl-
Malta. He was the son of a Catholic oilman who
edged the merging New Right with the political
championed conservative causes and raised his appointment of Howard Phillips, as Director of
family to do likewise, Buckley spent his early
America In Prophecy 21
the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity. Presi- The Catholic church was the first institution
dent Nixon had promised Phillips that he would to tackle the problem. It has always been the
support him in downsizing or eliminating many of policy of the Catholic church to get involved in
the Great Society programs of the Kennedy and politics for it has never believed in the separa-
Johnson administrations. He resigned his office in tion of church and state. In May 1973, the US
1973 in protest, after years of watching President Catholic Bishops formed the National Right to
Nixon renege on his commitments. In 1974, Phil- Life Committee to counter the immoral prob-
lips went on to establish a conservative think- lem of abortion. Two years later, on November
tank, which we will discuss in another article. 20, 1975, the National Conference of Catholic
Bishops in America, released the Bishops Pas-
The Merger of The Political and toral Plan to deal with the abortion issue. This
Religious Right 1970 plan states that all Catholics, both clergy and
laity, attack the abortion issue in the following
During the early 1970s, the leaders of the ways:
New Right had to distance themselves from a) Passage of a constitutional amendment
the problematic right wing conservative issues providing protection for the unborn child to the
of the past. Those who advocated anti-Jewish maximum degree possible.
bias, overt white supremacy, or the conspirato- b) Passage of federal and state laws and
rial isolationist ideas of the John Birch Society, adoption of administrative policies that will
were swept aside by the merging leaders of the restrict the practice of abortion as much as pos-
New Right, as they labored to transform the sible.
conservative right in America. They had wit- c) Continual research into and refinement
nessed the Republican party distancing itself and precise interpretation of Roe v. Wade and
from these old right wing conservatives, and in subsequent court decisions.
order to gain popular support they realized they d) Support for legislation that provides al-
had to deal with issues that would attract Ameri- ternatives to abortion.
cans from both parties. One issue that had been Accomplishment of this aspect of the
around for decades and had been a hobby-horse Bishops Pastoral Plan will undoubtedly require
for the political right, especially in the 1950s, well planned and coordinated political action by
was communism. Socialism, communism, and citizens at the national, state, and local levels. 22
humanism were all perceived as real threats to It was soon after the release of the Bishops
American values and freedom. The cold war Pastoral Plan that Catholic lay people got in-
against communism was the result of its rapid volved in the pro-life movement. Men like Paul
spread around the world. This resulted in a mas- Weyrich, Howard Phillips, and Richard
Viguerie, who we have already mentioned as
sive arms race, which was very costly not only
leaders in the New Right from the mid 60s;
to America and our pro-western allies, but to the were joined by Paul and Judy Brown who
Soviet Union as well. formed the American Life Lobby, and others that
Another area in which things were changing were against abortion.
in America was in the public schools. In the About a year after the Supreme Court deci-
1960s, the Supreme Court declared that both sion on Roe v. Wade, Bill Bright got into the
prayer and Bible reading were unconstitutional fight. In 1974, alarmed by what was happening
in public schools. The liberal humanistic estab- to the moral landscape of America, Bill Bright
lishment had gained control of Americas and Congressman John Conlan (R-AZ) held a
courts, schools, colleges and government. Con- special board meeting of the Third Century
servative thinkers were at their wits end as they Press. This was the publishing ministry for the
saw the moral fabric of society tore to shreds. Campus Crusade for Christ (CCFC) organiza-
On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Courts tion. Bright discussed launching a new cam-
decision in Roe v. Wade, made the abortion de- paign to help elect the right kind of Chris-
cision the new hot button issue for the politi- tians to political office. Present at the meeting
cal and Christian right. The abortion decision were over twenty evangelical businessmen and
has done more to bring together conservative political right conservatives such as; Richard
groups than any other issue of our day. DeVos (Amway Corp), Art De Moss, Arlis
22 America In Prophecy
Priest, S. Elliott Belcher, Allan Morris, and syn- The Wizards of the New Right
dicated columnist, Rus Walton. During the
meeting they discussed strategy for electing con- The union of the Evangelicals and Catholics
servative evangelical leadership to political of- in America since the 1960s opened the door for
fice for the saving of America. Bright was con- the religious conservatives to join forces and
cerned that America would lose its freedom wage war against the moral ill of American soci-
within two years if the nation did not turn ety. By the late 1970s, conservative religious
around spiritually.23 and political leaders were headed in the same
He launched Here's Life, America as a CCFC direction.
campaign along with Christian Embassy a multi- Contrary to common perception, Jerry Fal-
denominational ministry established in Wash- well did not originate the idea of the "Moral Ma-
ington DC in 1975 to reach out and give spiri- jority." Falwell's New Right biographer Dinesh
tual council to government leaders.24 D'Souza tells the official story: in May 1979,
Evangelicals heavily supported the 1976 elec- Robert Billings of the National Christian Action
tion of Jimmy Carter to the White House. They Coalition invited Falwell to a meeting with Phil-
thought because he was a born-again Christian lips, Viguerie, Weyrich and Ed McAteer who by
he would be their man. But Carter was a grave then had set up the Religious Roundtable. The
disappointment to the political and Christian four told Falwell of their shared opposition to
right. Though he professed to be a born-again legalized abortion and pornography, and their
Christian he was to willing to compromise on intention to influence the 1980 GOP platform.
abortion and other issues of importance. The Weyrich proposed that if the Republican Party
New Right was also highly critical of Carters could be persuaded to take a firm stance against
failure to appoint conservative Christians to high abortion, that would split the strong Catholic
ranking positions in his administration.25 voting block within the Democratic Party. The
The New Right spent the rest of Carters New Right leaders wanted Falwell to spearhead
term organizing discontent among conservative a visibly Christian organization that would apply
voters. Paul Weyrich, Howard Phillips, Richard pressure to the GOP. Weyrich proposed that the
Viguerie and Terry Dolan, became the most name have something to do with a "moral ma-
widely recognized movers and shakers within jority." Within days, the New Right leaders held
the New Right. Richard Viguerie said their Falwell's hand while he put together a board of
mission was to revamp the conservative move- directors which included Charles Stanley of First
ment to do battle with liberals who had been Baptist Church of Atlanta, Greg Dixon of Indi-
strengthened by the gains made in the 1960s. anapolis' Baptist Temple, Rev. Tim LaHaye
In a sense, what happened, people like Paul from San Diego, California and James Kennedy
Weyrich, Howard Phillips, Terry Dolan, and of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida.
others in a sense one day we kind of stood Ronald Godwin was hired as vice president and
shoulder to shoulder to get our courage up and Robert Billings became executive director. 27
walked to the front of the airplane, and we were America stood at a crossroads as conservative
going to ask to have some input in the way the Evangelicals started to flex their political/
plane was being run and so we opened up the religious muscles. Within a year the political
door and, lo and behold, what did we find? No landscape of America was starting to change. In
one flying the conservative plane so to speak. So our next article we will discover that the path the
we all sat down, put our coffee cups down and Evangelicals were walking down in 1979 would
our legal pads and began to have some input, I have far reaching results, not only in America,
think, into the political direction of the country. but around the world.
By the late 1970s, a powerful anti-abortion
movement had emerged, largely through the ef- Religious Crossroads
forts of the Catholic church, with a boost from In the year 312 AD, the Roman Empire was
Paul Weyrich who helped Paul and Judy Brown in chaos, racked by years of civil war. The
organize the American Life Lobby. In 1978, young general Flavius Valerius Constantinus,
evangelical activists helped to remove two lib- (the future emperor Constantine) had seized his
eral senators from office, Dick Clark of Iowa fathers position and office upon his death. His
and Thomas McIntyre of New Hampshire. 26 legions were in control of Britain and Gaul

America In Prophecy 23
(France). One of his first acts in office was to end causing the Roman society to weaken and decay.
the ongoing persecution of the Christians in his There are many parallels between the Roman
territory which had been revived during the dia- Empire and what has taken place in America in
bolical reign of Diocletian. the past forty years. In our previous article we
At this time Constantine was in a life and discussed the rise of America in Bible prophecy.
death contest with three other rivals to take con- The prophet John saw the United States come on
trol of the powerful and coveted position of Em- the stage of history, for in vision he beheld
peror. He was the weakest of the three contend-
...another beast coming up out of the earth; and
ers, but after forging an alliance with the Chris-
tian church that all changed. he had two horns like a lamb. Revelation
Early on Constantine was sharp enough to re- 13:11. This new beast/nation comes into power
alize that he wasnt going to destroy the Christian in a land that was not part of Biblical history, as
church. He could see from the history of the past the many kingdoms in the past had been. There-
three centuries the resiliency of the church. He fore, it could not arise out of Europe or Asia, but
came to have a healthy respect for the moral in a new land, a relatively peaceful land, a new
Christian values as a stabilizing element in Ro- continent. This new nation would begin as a
man society. He also recognized the highly or- lamb like beast, not attempting to conquer
ganized church structure as an excellent political other nations as all the other beast/nations had in
ally, if he could win them to his cause, for he be- prophecy.
lieved that it would help him hold the Empire Notice the rest of the verse, this lamb-like
together. beast ...spake as a dragon. In our past study
His goals were soon realized, for within ten we discovered that the Dragon was the Devil or
years the entire Roman Empire was under his Satan. How could America speak like the Devil?
control. He had became the champion for the
Notice what John said next. And he exerciseth
Christian church, but what a terrible cost to both
the professed church of Christ and the Empire. all the power of the first beast before him, and
Soon after taking control of the Empire, Constan- causeth the earth and them which dwell therein
tine appointed a number of Christian bishops to to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound
the office of governor in their perspective re- was healed. v. 12. What was the first beast be-
gions. He also had Christians on his imperial fore him? From our previous study it was the
staff as advisors and administrators. The mixing papacy that came to power after the fall of the
of church and state under the reign of Constan- Western Roman Empire. Notice that the prophet
tine had many serious negative consequences. John saw that America would follow in the steps
For the Christian church the alliance was of the papacy, and in the end it would cause or
spiritually disastrous. Soon after this relationship enact laws to worship the papacy. Could this
began Constantine started to meddle into church really happen in free America?
affairs and doctrine. Before the century finished, We have already studied the healing of the
the professed Christian church had become the deadly wound received in 1798. We have dis-
state church. The popularity of the state church cussed the change of attitude in America between
soon brought millions of pagans into its fellow- the Evangelicals and the Catholics, even to the
ship who were not converted to Christ. As a re- point of cooperation in moral and political issues
sult they brought their pagan beliefs and gods by the 1970s. What will it take for America to
with them. This corrupted the Christian church exerciseth all the power of the first beast? The
and destroyed the moral and spiritual life of the religious and political leaders of America will
people. The Church/state relationship prepared have to form a union in order to institute laws
the way for the papacy to be setup. A religious/ which will bring about the moral changes they
political power that persecuted Gods people for believe are necessary. This is only the beginning
obeying the Scriptures instead of the Pope. of Americas role in exercising all the power of
The Roman Empire alliance with the church the first beast. In the end, American religious
destroyed the purity of the Christian church caus- and political leaders will follow in the steps of
ing the light of the gospel to be hid. Thus de- Constantine and the Roman church as was done
stroying the only moral force in the Empire and centuries before. It will be this state/church union

24 America In Prophecy
that will bring about oppressive laws that will
honor the papacy by Sunday legislation.

1 A.T. Jones, Lessons From The Reformation p.1.
2A private letter written in February 2, 1912, by A.P. Doyle, secretary/treasure of The Catholic Missionary Union, Washingtom D.C.
5 Catechism of the Catholic Church, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catechism 821 & 822.
8 Billy Graham, Just As I Am, p. 692 San Francisco, Harper Collins.
9 Religious News Service, Dec. 11, 1979.
10 Bookstore Journal, Nov. 1991.
11 Billy Graham, Just As I Am, p.167.
12 Pittsburgh Sun Telegraph, Sept. 6, 1952.
13 Nov. 11, 1957, San Francisco News.
14 Letter of May 19, 1965, from Cuthbert E. Alien to Mr. Julius C. Taylor, reprinted in The Christian News, October 1, 1984.
15 Religious New Service, Nov, 27 1979; quoted in New Neutralism II, p. 40.
16 The Saturday Evening Post, Jan.-Feb. 1980.
17 Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare p.10; Boston Ma. South End Press.
18 Barry Goldwater, The Conscience Of A Conservative;
19 Robert Booth Fowler, Allen D. Hertzke, Laura R. Olson, Religion and Politics in America Faith, Culture, & Strategic Choices, p.141;

Boulder Colorado, Westview Press.

22 Gregory Baum, The Catholic quest for Catholic Unity, Glen Rock, NJ: Deus Books / Paulist Press, 1962, 41-42.
23 Jim Wallis and Wes Michaelson, "The Plan to Save America: A Disclosure of an Alarming Political Initiative by the Evangelical Far

Right," Sojourners, Apr 1976.

25 Robert Booth Fowler, Allen D. Hertzke, Laura R. Olson, Religion and Politics in America Faith, Culture, & Strategic Choices, p.142;

Boulder Colorado, Westview Press.

26 Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare p.56; Boston Ma. South End Press.
27 Ibid. p. 60.

America In Prophecy 25
America In Prophecy
nominations, they are all propagating the wonders
of the dark power from beneath.
Spiritualism is a religion, it is a counterfeit
Part 3 to the worship of God. A very simple definition
for Spiritualism is; life without God, and worship
without God. In reality this is impossible, but mil-
lions are taken in by the Devils cheap deceptions.
The Third Force Spiritualism So they have developed a complete world where
the presence of God is not only unwelcome, but
By Ashley Cunningham His law and Word are set aside. The power of
God is replaced with the power of magic, witches,
It was a sunny summer afternoon, as I walked
demons, and cosmic force.
into a South Portland bookstore. I had been there
In many of our articles, over the past few
many times before and this afternoon I was there
years, we have discussed the fall of Satan and his
to do some research on the article that you are
rebellion against God, his Creator. (See Isaiah
now reading. I noticed, as I entered the store, that
14:12-24; Ezekiel 28:12-19; Revelation 12:3-17).
many things had changed in the past few months.
It is very important to understand the issues that
I had to ask at the front desk where the religious
are involved in this great controversy between
section was now located and a friendly sales per-
Satan and the government of God. There are two
son took me to the back of the store to its new lo-
key points that we will discuss briefly, for they
cation. While on my way there I noticed a large
play a major role in the fall of Protestantism and
group of parents standing behind their children
last day events.
who were seated on the floor in the childrens sec-
First of all, Lucifer/Satan indulged in the desire
tion. They were listening intently to a story that
for self-exaltation. He coveted the power and po-
was being read by a young employee of the book-
sition that belonged only to God. When the error
of his ways was pointed out to him, he rejected
Soon I was involved in my research, trying to
the counsel and will of God. In doing so the Spirit
block out most of the noise around me, including
of God could not abide in his heart. He finally
the story. About ten to fifteen minutes later I
came to a point where he would not submit to the
heard the excited voices of children wanting to
will of God. Scripture records, Thine heart was
answer the various questions put to them by the
lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast cor-
young reader. A few more minutes went by and
rupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness.
still the young voices vied with each other to an-
Ezekiel 28:17. Lucifer had stood in the presence
swer her questions. By this time my curiosity had
of the Eternal Father, where the bright beams of
gotten the best of me, so I meandered over to the
Gods glory had shined upon him. He was given
childrens section to see what all the excitement
great power and responsibility within the govern-
was about. I didnt need much time to size up
ment of God, and his influence was felt through-
what was going on. Apparently, the story had
out the entire universe. The scriptures record,
come from a chapter in the latest Harry Potter
Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the
book. I stood there for a few minutes, watching in
sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. v 12.
amazement, as the group of 6 to 10 year-olds rap-
Though he was honored by God, and blessed with
idly answered every question about the story. I
great wisdom and privilege, Lucifer was still a
was surprised to find out how much these young
created being. Therefore, it was imperative that he
children knew about witchcraft and magic.
submit to the will, the word, and the law of God.
Today, our world is awashed in spiritual-
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend
ism. Most of us come in contact with some form
into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars
of spiritualism every day. The entertainment
of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the con-
world has subtly interwoven its deceptive beliefs
gregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend
into movies, TV shows, books, and songs. Even in
above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the
the medical, and especially in the natural healing
most High. Isaiah 14:13,14.
field, the use of spiritualistic power is rampant.
The second great issue was over the law of
From the occult, to the spiritualist, to the New
God. In order to justify his own thinking, Lucifer
Age movement, and even in major religious de-
reasoned that the law of God was not necessary
26 America In Prophecy
for the heavenly angels and himself to obey. He with a lie: Ye shall not surely die. For God doth
claimed that the angels could live a holy life apart know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes
from God and be guided by their own wisdom in shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods knowing
their relationships with each other. He further good and evil. Genesis 3:4-5. Today, he carries
maintained that service to God's government re- on his warfare against God with his two great lies:
stricted their freedoms and angels should be able The immortality of the soul, Ye shall not surely
to do as they pleased. He reasoned that it was not die, and ye shall be as gods knowing good and
necessary for intelligent beings like themselves to evil. Thus setting up the wisdom of man over the
live by these restrictive laws. By the multitude of Word of God. For nearly six thousand years these
thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee basic beliefs have become the foundation upon
with violence, and thou hast sinned. Ezekiel which all spiritualists, new-agers, occultists, and
28:16. every form of false religion are based upon.
As the spirit of discontent continued to ripen in
the heart of Lucifer, he started to spread his nox- Modern Spiritualism
ious ideas with those whom he could influence.
With these spiritualistic teachings, Lucifer de- Modern spiritualism began in the spring of
ceived countless angels that trusted in him and in 1848 in Hydesville, New York with the Fox sis-
his exalted position as the anointed cherub. ters. It all began as a childish prank, by 15 year-
Instead of seeking to promote the best interest of old Margaret and 12 year-old Katie Fox. On the
the heavenly government before the other angels, evening of March 31, the two girls told their
he worked to secure their affections and loyalty mother of the loud rappings in their room. Their
for his own selfish end. Taking advantage of their mother entered their darkened room to investi-
trust, Lucifer artfully instilled his own distrust gate, the youngest sister Katie called out, Mr.
and discontentment into the minds of the heav- Splitfoot (Satan), do as I do, as she clapped her
enly angels under his command. Thou hast de- hands several times. Immediately the same num-
filed thy sanctuaries by the multitude of thine in- ber of rappings would be heard. Their frightened
iquities, by the inquities of thy traffick. v 18. mother fell for the gag, she then asked for the
Lucifer was attempting to bring corruption into ages of her six children. Methodically the rap-
the administration of God. This is the highest pings began as the age of each child was counted
form of treason one can commit against God! Self off correctly. Within days the news got out that
-seeking while in sacred office is an offense to the spirits of the dead were communicating with
God, for it is contrary to the principles of love the girls. People flocked to their cabin in deep in-
that His government is founded upon. terest and they came away believing that the spir-
Thus a war broke out in Heaven between the its of their dead relatives were trying to reach
forces of Christ and Satan. The Scriptures teach them.1
that ...there was war in heaven: Michael and his These strange rappings that were, at first,
angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon faked by the young Fox sisters opened wide the
fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither doors of the bottomless pit. It unleashed the
was their place found any more in heaven. And power of demons to deceive and destroy the souls
the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, of tens of thousands. Soon people all over the
called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the country were experiencing contact with the spir-
whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and its, and this time, in many cases, it was real. By
his angels were cast out with him. Revelation the early 1850s over a million people in America
12:7-9. and Europe had embraced Spiritualism and its
After losing the war in Heaven, the Devil took deceptive concepts.
his rebellion to planet Earth. Here he has been Today, only a few thousand people claim to be
much more successful then he was in Heaven. His spiritualists, but in reality there are millions who
deceptive power has grown with each passing have embraced their beliefs. These spiritualistic
generation. His clever sophistries outwitting the beliefs permeate our secular and religious society,
wisdom of men. After Adams fall, the only way spreading the lies of Satan into every corner of
the human race could overcome the artful tempta- the world. Spiritualism has opened the door to the
tions of the evil one, was by the power of God. modern day clairvoyants, psychics, astrologers,
In the Garden of Eden, Satan deceived Eve palm readers, new agers and the list goes on.

America In Prophecy 27
And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto rection of this conversation. I felt that this young
them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards lady was sincere in her desire to help those who
that peep, and that mutter: should not a people were sick and diseased, but she didnt realize the
seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? danger that she was in. She explained briefly that
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not this method worked by channeling energy
according to this word, it is because there is no through her body and out of her hands into an-
light in them. Isaiah 8:19. other persons body to repair the broken energy
fields. This is referred to as hands of light. She
The New Age Movement & The Occult explained that at times she had felt an intense
burst of energy pass through her, which would at
The New Age movement is a more sophisti- times give her the ability to speak in an unknown
cated and modern form of Spiritualism. Their be- language! You can imagine the sinking feeling
liefs are based upon the books of Alice Bailey, that was going on inside my heart as I listened to
who was once a Christian and the wife of an Epis- her.
copal priest. She came under the influence of her As I listened, I was silently praying, Lord
friends who belonged to the Theosophical Soci- what do you want me to say to this dear soul?
ety, which believes in the far eastern theories of Should I say anything now? There are times that
pantheism, reincarnation, and spirit-mediums. Be- instant in prayer is so helpful, especially when we
ginning in 1919 until 1949, Alice Bailey wrote need the help and guidance from Christ to direct
twenty-five books on metaphysical knowledge us in difficult situations. I wasnt impressed to say
which has provided much of the spiritualistic doc- anything that night. I realized that I knew so little
trine and practices used by the New Age move- about the New Age methods of healing that it
ment. Mrs. Bailey claimed to have received all of would probably be wise to say nothing for the
this knowledge through many telepathic commu- time being. I knew that sooner or later I would be
nications with a Tibetan abbot, Djwhal Khul, who confronted with this issue again. For weeks I
claims to have lived over 360 years ago. prayed for help and guidance to help this young
This spirit of demons claims to have reached woman. Each week she faithfully came to our
immortality by the means of a ceremony in the seminar, taking notes, listening intently and join-
cosmos called the fifth initiation. This higher ing in the class discussion.
realm of existence he called the ascension, or Nothing more was said about her use of heal-
mastership and he claimed that it allows one to ing through hands of light, until the seventh
become a christ. He asserts that through the night. At the end of that nights seminar she again
process of meditation and strict spiritual practices, approached me on the subject of her healing
and through the assistance of heavenly beings, he methods. She handed me a book, Hands of Light
has so evolved his consciousness as to have by Barbara Ann Brennan. I had just finished ex-
reached a state of immortality in his current plaining the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden of
physical body. Hence his claimed ability to have Eden, and how the entrance of sin had affected
lived for almost four centuries.2 the course of history for the world. As I looked at
A number of years ago while I was conduct- this book I felt that this book was fruit from the
ing a Lifestyle Seminar in southern Maine I ran forbidden tree.
into some of these New Age teachings. In one of The next morning I had the same concern
our first meetings, a young woman approached about reading this book, knowing that I was on
me after class. She was a home health care nurse, forbidden ground. I went to the Lord in prayer,
and she believed in using natural methods of heal- seeking for wisdom and guidance to understand
ing. At first this was very encouraging to me. We how to approach the young nurse in my class.
discussed the methods that God approved of, then While I was studying that morning, the Lord di-
she told me that she was helping people to heal by rected me to some material that I was researching
using human energy fields. She continued to on Spiritualism. All at once, I felt impressed to
explain that we all have electrical\magnetic en- pick up the book, and look for the information
ergy fields that surround us and that sickness and that would help me understand their theory of
disease are caused by these energy fields being healing, and the cause of disease. As I looked
messed up. down through the table of contents I came across
By now I was very uncomfortable with the di- a chapter entitled The Cause of Illness. I thought
28 America In Prophecy
that this chapter could help me understand the eign to them, things they have never heard or
philosophy of what this method of healing was learned before. When a New Ager becomes a me-
based on. I was not disappointed. In the second dium for an ascended master (evil angels) it is
paragraph, I found a statement that explained it called channeling. They claim that channeling is
very clearly. To sum it all up, this method is how one can harness the cosmic power in the uni-
based upon the false concept that we have a meta- verse and that it is necessary in order to receive
physical soul. That we exist beyond the dimen- immortality or the fifth initiation.
sions of time and space. On the next page I The word of God calls this devil possession!
found that this healing method also believes that During Christs ministry He came in contact with
God not only dwells in us, but that each cell in demon possession many times. At one point He
our body is God! This is pantheism. She taught was interrupted while teaching in a synagogue by
that the hands of light, harness the cosmic en- an evil spirit. And there was in their synagogue
ergy from the spirits around us. I felt very re- a man with an unclean spirit; and he cried out,
lieved and thankful that the Lord had shown me Saying, Let us alone; what have we to do with
so easily and clearly the deceptive errors of this thee, thou Jesus of Nazareth? art thou come to
new age practice. There are thousands of profes- destroy us? I know thee who thou art, the Holy
sional health care and natural practitioners that One of God. And Jesus rebuked him, saying, Hold
are using this science of Spiritualism. thy peace, and come out of him. And when the un-
At the next class, I returned the book to the clean spirit had torn him, and cried with a loud
young nurse, and asked her if my wife, Karen, voice, he came out of him. Mark 1:23-26. In this
and I could get together with her and her husband. experience with Christ, the evil spirit spoke
That never happened, they never seemed to have through the possessed man, controlling his speech
the time to get together with us. and his actions. It was only through the power of
Since then I have done further research on the God that this poor wretched man could be re-
New Age movement and its teachings. One area leased from the grip of the devil.
that I need to inform and warn our readers about, The next area we will briefly look at is the
especially the youth, is their practice of medita- world of the occult. Most Christians recognize
tion and channeling. It is very dangerous to play this as straight devil worship, but millions are fas-
with the various ways that Satan delights to work cinated with this power from beneath. They are
in. One of the mysticisms that they teach is the like children trying to touch a hot wood stove,
concept of getting in touch with your higher self almost daring it not to burn them.
through meditation and channeling. Meditation I began this article by sharing my experience
can be done in one of two ways. As a Christian I of watching children enthralled with the Harry
spend time in prayerful, thoughtful meditation on Potter craze at a book store in South Portland. The
the word of God. This is good and necessary for popularity of Harry Potter is part of the resur-
any Christian growing in the grace of God. David gence of medieval witchcraft and magic in the
said; O how I love thy law! it is my meditation western world in the last fifty years. In the 1960s,
all the day. Psalms 119:97. TV programs and movies like Dark Shadows, Be-
The second form of meditation works by al- witched, and I Dream of Jeanie, opened the door
lowing the mind to come under the control of an- for the occult world to enter mainstream society.
other mind. This is used by New Agers and other By the 1970s hardcore occult movies were on the
Spiritualistic mediums. This kind of meditation is big screen and on TV networks. Stars Wars and
an invitation for an evil spirit to take control of other science fiction movies were blending far
the mind. This type of meditation uses various eastern and occult concepts with their fictional
ways to open a channel of communication with stories. Millions were caught up with these Holly-
the spirit or cosmic world which is all part of wood sagas, and within a short time they had cult
Spiritualism. After an evil spirit takes control of a followings. Today, millions believe in the super-
person they can experience physical phenomena natural and they have a strong desire to live in
within their body. Some will experience an inner such a world. The Devil is preparing the vast ma-
light in their head while they sit in a darkened jority of mankind to receive him in any way they
room. They will feel that someone else is in con- can so that he can deceive them. When the stage
trol of their thoughts and speech. They may ex- is finally set, he will not disappoint his deluded
press ideas and concepts that are completely for- followers.
America In Prophecy 29
Angel of Light ence that John Wesley had taught. The call for
complete sanctification and to separate from all
For such are false apostles, deceitful work- sin through the power of Christ, is the center
ers, transforming themselves into the apostles of theme of the three angels messages. We enter
Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is trans- into this experience when we repent of all sin and
formed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no renounce our opposition to the law of God and
great thing if his ministers also be transformed as receive power from Christ to live a victorious life.
the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be When Jesus rules in our hearts the power of God
according to their works. 2 Corinthians 11:13- will be seen through the fruits of the Spirit being
15. manifested in our lives.
Satan loves to cloak his deceptions in a dis- Charles Parkham recognized that the power of
guise. He comes to the ignorant and unsuspecting God was lacking in the churches of Protestantism.
Christian as an angel of light to deceive them. He He was not satisfied with his own spiritual experi-
deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden with a talking ence in these churches. In 1900 he had established
serpent. He came to Christ as an angel of light in a Bible school in an abandoned mansion in
the wilderness of temptation. Those who place Topeka, Kansas as a spiritual discovery center.
supernatural experiences above the word of God Here Parkham along with 40 students spent hours
are an easy prey for him. studying the scriptures looking for the evidences
Now we will take an in-depth look at one of and a connection that resulted in the early Chris-
the greatest movements in Christianity in the past tian church receiving the spiritual gifts from the
century that is used by the evil one to misrepre- Spirit of God.
sent the work and power of the Holy Spirit. This By late December, Parkham who was sched-
movement is called Pentecostalism. uled to embark on a three-day trip, admonished
One of the key figures of Pentecostalism is his students before leaving to Study every ac-
Charles F. Parkham, a former Methodist preacher. count in Acts where the baptism of the Spirit was
For years, he had been searching for the key that received, and find out whether there was a com-
would unlock the power of the Holy Spirit as in mon denominator. He returned three days later
the time of the days of the apostles. He along with and found his students full of excitement. They
many other Methodist and Baptist ministers were told Parkham that they had discovered on five
part of the Holiness movement during the latter occasions where the Holy Ghost was received, it
part of the nineteenth century. They had inherited was followed by the phenomena of speaking in
the idea from John Wesley that a Christian could tongues. Could this perhaps be what we're looking
receive entire sanctification, or Christian perfec- for? they asked. They showed him the references
tion through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. in the book of Acts where the Spirit blessed the
Wesley had written a tract in 1766, called A Plain early church with the gift of tongues. At daybreak
Account of Christian Perfection, that outlined the on New Years Eve, 1900 they started a day of
roll of sanctification in the believers life. special prayer for the outpouring of the Spirits
Unfortunately, the Protestant churches had re- gift of tongues. All day long they prayed, but in
jected the ministry of Christ when He entered the vain. Around seven oclock Agnes Ozman re-
final phase of His work in 1844. This was a work called some important facts from her prior study.
of judgement, cleansing, and the final atonement She went to pastor Parkham and explained to him,
for sinners in the second compartment of the that prayer along with the laying on of hands had
heavenly sanctuary. The command given to the resulted in the baptism of the Holy Spirit in differ-
entire world in the first angels message of Reve- ent events in the book of Acts.
lation 14:7, is to Fear God, and give glory to Would you pray for me this way? asked the
him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and excited Agnes.
worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the Parkham hesitated just long enough to utter a
sea, and the fountains of waters. short prayer about the rightness of what they were
This message was rejected by the Protestant doing. Then, gently he placed his two hands on
churches in the 1840s, and as a result they also Miss Ozman's head. Immediately, quietly, there
rejected the second and third angels messages as came from her lips a flow of syllables which nei-
well. If they had received these messages in their ther of them could understand.3
fullness, they would have entered into the experi- This power swept through the school and be-
30 America In Prophecy
fore the first week of January 1901 was over, September of 1906, the mission claimed to have
about half of Parkhams students had spoken in 13,000 people that had received the baptism of the
tongues as well as himself. This is a very impor- Spirit.
tant date in Pentecostal history. Within the next Seymour and his mission workers started a pa-
ten years, this movement was to spread around the per entitled: The Apostolic Faith, that they sent
world. In the years following the Topeka, Kansas free of charge. By 1907 they had a world wide
event, Parkham taught that the gift of tongues was circulation of over 50,000 subscribers. The paper
the critical evidence of "the baptism of the Spirit." went far to bring tens of thousands through the
He proclaimed that only those who had received doors of the Azusa Street Mission. They came
the gift of tongues had the full gospel, which from all over the world seeking the tongues ex-
was needed for salvation. perience. This in turn pushed the spread of Pente-
At first he met with skepticism and fierce pub- costalism rapidly throughout the world. Many of
lic opposition to his teachings. Both ministers and the early leaders of the various Pentecostal de-
laity mocked him and his message. Towards the nominations of today made their way to the Azusa
end of 1903, Parkham held a revival at Galena, Street Mission. Within ten years Pentecostalism
Kansas. It was here that his message finally took had become a major force in the religious world.
hold and within a few years he had more than Today, Pentecostalism is the fastest growing
25,000 followers in his new movement. sector of Christianity. It is growing at a rate of
In 1905, Parkham moved his Bible school to 13 million a year, or 35,000 a day. With nearly a
Texas and also began publishing a paper called half billion adherents, it is, after Roman Catholi-
The Apostolic Faith. Here another important cism, the largest Christian tradition.4
chapter in Pentecostalism began. Parkham had The Pentecostal movement, that began over a
great influence on a southern black Holiness century ago, was started on an erroneous founda-
preacher, William J. Seymour. In April 1906, tion. Charles Parkham, and all those who fol-
Seymour took a position at a small church in Los lowed him, believed that true baptism of the Spirit
Angeles, which after once hearing him preach on depended on receiving the gifts of tongues and
speaking in tongues, they barred him from their healing. Repentance, receiving the divine nature
church. of Christ, and overcoming sin, were either put on
A few days later Seymour, and a few of his the back burner or ignored altogether. The law of
new friends were having a home meeting when God, which is the transcript of His holy character,
they started to speak in tongues. The noise and is the standard by which we are judged and this
commotion brought neighbors from all over and was set aside or done away with. In its place the
Seymour had to preach to a large audience who Devil has substituted the spirit of babel and ex-
had gathered in the street. This gained a lot of citement to the deceived, the unwary. Many peo-
public notoriety for they made the Wednesday, ple have been taken in by the excitement and hype
April 18, 1906, edition of the Los Angeles Daily of this type of religion. When pastor Parkham
Times. The following is the headline title and sub- prayed and laid his hands upon Agnes Ozman, she
title that was published on the front page. received the same power that spiritualists and
. . . WEIRD BABEL OF TONGUES . . . New Agers had been experiencing for years.
NEW SECT OF FANATICS IS BREAK- In his book, Deceived by the New Age, Will
ING LOOSE. WILD SCENE LAST Baron tells of his Pentecostal experience at Peace
NIGHT ON AZUSA STREET. GURGLE Apostolic church in the 1980s. Will Baron was in
OF WORDLESS TALK BY A SISTER. the New Age movement for many years before he
One LA Times reporter claimed that experienced speaking in tongues. For many years
"colored people and a sprinkling of whites he had practiced spiritualistic meditation and
practice the most fanatical rites, preach the channeling. He was used by various ascended
wildest theories, and work themselves into a masters (evil angels) to promote the New Age de-
state of mad excitement in their peculiar ceptions that he had fallen into. At one point, His
zeal." spirit guide had led him into Christianity, where
Before long Seymour started a church on he was to infiltrate their churches with New Age
Azusa Street called the Apostolic Faith Mission. concepts and practices. In order to play this role,
For the next three years, the Mission conducted he was baptized at the Peace Apostolic church one
services seven days a week, three times a day. By Sunday morning. The following is an abbreviated
America In Prophecy 31
account of his Pentecostal experience that day. The other candidate and I continued to repeat
The church elder began to speak. the phrases we were instructed to shout.
"The Bible tells us that if we repent and are The young assistants began to act like cheer-
baptized, we will receive the gift of the Holy leaders, shouting encouragement and exhorting us
Ghost. This is promised in Acts chapter two, to keep repeating "Thank you, Jesus."
verses thirty-eight and thirty-nine." After what seemed like ages, my voice became
She looked up at the young woman and me. hoarse with fatigue. How can this be a "gift" from
'The Bible promises the gift of the Holy Ghost to God if I must work so hard for it? I wondered.
those who repent and have been baptized. You Immediately I countered this negative thought
have repented and are baptized. Shortly you will with a positive one: While I am here, I should do
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Everyone at everything I can to obey the instructions; I should
Peace Apostolic who has been baptized and who give it everything I've got.
wants the gift of the Holy Ghost has received it. "Thank you, Jesus," I immediately shouted in
We have never had anyone who has not received earnest, repeating it several times.
the gift." I recalled the statement made by the church
The church elder quoted a couple more texts elder that every candidate at Peace Apostolic had
related to the Holy Ghost and the speaking of received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I clung to
tongues before asking us whether we believed the belief that if I kept doing as I was told, I
what we had just read. When we replied Yes, she would eventually receive the gift.
stood up and asked us to follow her into the sanc- After several more minutes of chanting, I had
tuary. It was deserted except for a small group of difficulty speaking, as if my jaw were ready to go
young women standing near the front, who were into some kind of spasm.
identified as assisting ministers. The elder and assistants became excited and
The two of us were asked to kneel at the altar implored, "Let the words come. Don't resist; just
rail. The young women surrounded us. let them out."
"In order to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost," I tried to speak, "Thank you, Jesus," but could-
the elder instructed, "you have to thank Jesus for n't. My lips were quivering in an involuntary
saving you. Say out loud, Thank you, Jesus.' Keep spasm.
saying it until the Holy Ghost comes upon you." The candidate next to me emitted a shrieking,
Closing my eyes, I folded my hands and qui- babbling sound, a bit like Swiss yodeling.
etly said, "Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. "Keep going. Don't stop," an assistant blurted
"Louder. And keep saying it," the elder encour- as I momentarily lost concentration listening to
aged. the other candidate.
"Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. Thank you, Disciplining myself to continue until I received
Jesus, for saving me," I repeated. the gift, I noticed that the quivering of my throat
"Don't stop," interjected one of the young as- soon changed into an utterance in a language I
sisting ministers. "Keep repeating, Thank you, couldn't identify. Soon it became easy for me to
Jesus. Thank you, Jesus." speak out in this peculiar tongue. I felt as if I were
"Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus," I cried channeling, just the way I used to do in the
out. Lighted Way channeling groups but this time I
"Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus." was channeling in an unknown language. I did not
"Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus." know what the words meant; the tongue sounded
"Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus." I stalled something like I imagined Russian to sound. 5
to catch my breath. I included this story not for its entertainment
"Don't stop!" another minister shouted. "Keep value, but to show the dangers of Pentecostalism.
saying it. Aren't you glad Jesus has saved you? This power to speak in other tongues is of Satan.
Keep thanking him for it." He has used this type of deception since the fall of
I continued to repeat "Thank you, Jesus" sev- man in Eden, when he spoke through a common
eral times over. snake to deceive Eve.
"Louder!" bellowed another assistant. "Shout
at the top of your voice. Tell Jesus how thankful The Baptism of The Holy Spirit
you are. Come on, keep saying it, Thank you, Je-
sus.' Thank you, Jesus." Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be

32 America In Prophecy
baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus the fruits of the Spirit in our lives. This is how we
Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall re- become partakers of the divine nature. As a result
ceive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 2:37. our old nature dies, and instead of being critical,
It is important to understand the difference be- we become gracious, the impatient and overbear-
tween the true and false spirit. Beloved, believe ing become patient and gentle, every bad habit,
not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they every besetting sin can be overcome through the
are of God: because many false prophets are gone power of God. Instead of spiritual failure, we re-
out into the world. 1 John 4:1. ceive victory in Christ. ...Your faith should not
The baptism of the Spirit is a gift from God. stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of
This gift cannot not be bought with money, or God. 2 Corinthians 2:5.
good works, for we have no righteousness to com- The second phase of the baptism of the Spirit is
mend ourselves to God. We do not receive the receiving the gifts of the Spirit. As believers ex-
Spirit because of our church membership, nor can perience the divine nature and the fruits of the
we command God to give us His Spirit. But we Spirit are manifested in their lives, the Spirit of
can quietly and humbly ask for power from on God then gives them the gifts of the Spirit to help
high because of our great need and because He them witness to others of the power of God in
has promised to honor the prayer of faith. The their lives. It comes as the Spirit of God sees that
promise and gift of the Holy Spirit is conditional it is necessary in order to advance the work of
upon true repentance and receiving Christ into the God. The gifts of prophecy, teaching, healing,
life. When sinners come to Christ and accept Him knowledge, discernment and tongues are tools
as their personal Saviour they also receive His that God gives to His faithful people to help and
life. In receiving His life they renounce all sin and bless those who need the grace of God in their
everything that would separate them from Jesus. lives.
The sinner has a sense of the sacredness of the Follow after charity, and desire spiritual
law of God, and in contrition and deep repentance gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy. 1 Corin-
they humbly confess and forsake their sins. It is thians 14:1. Many are deceived by thinking that
then that they are anointed with the Holy Spirit the gifts of the Spirit can be received before the
that they may be one with Christ. The same Spirit fruits of the Spirit, but the Scriptures teach that;
that dwelled in Christ while He lived on earth, For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself; first
now lives within them, bringing the Spirit of the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in
Christ into their lives. And because ye are sons, the ear. Mark 4:28. The fruits of the Spirit are
God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your first fruits of the work of the Holy Spirit in our
hearts, crying, Abba, Father. Galatians 4:6, also lives. They are essential for our salvation. Then
see Luke 11:13. the gifts of the Spirit follow as believers experi-
The baptism of the Spirit comes in two phases. ence the power of the gospel in their lives.
First, the Spirit gives us the fruits of the Spirit Professed Christians show that they do not
( joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, have the fruits of the Spirit in their lives if they
goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against are committing known sin, or if they show by
such there is no law. Galatians 5:22,23.) their thoughts, words, and actions they are not like
through claiming the promises of the Word of Christ. This is the reason that the Holy Spirit can-
God. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great not give the gifts of the Spirit to those who behave
and precious promises: that by these ye might be this way. We cannot witness to the power of God,
partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the and the truthfulness of His word, if it has not first
corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 changed us from sinners into the children of God.
Peter 1:4. It is through these great and precious We would have nothing to testify or witness of.
promises of the Word of God, that the Spirit Does the Holy Spirit give the gift of tongues
gives us power to overcome ALL temptation and today? The answer is yes, but only when someone
sin. He gives us power to overcome ALL inher- is edified in hearing the gospel in their own lan-
ited and cultivated habits and tendencies in our guage. (See 1 Corinthians 14:3-33,40). I have
flesh to sin. The Godhead guaranties that if we heard of two or more occasions in the past 10
receive Christ, and surrender our wills to Him, we years when this has happened. God is not in the
will be overcomers as He was. As we experience business of entertainment, He does not sanction a
growth in the Christian life, then we will manifest salvation show. When the gifts of the Spirit are
America In Prophecy 33
given to a believer it is because a necessity has had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
arisen in their ministry for others. Pentecostalism number of his name. Revelation 13:13-17.
teaches that they can work the Spirit of God by
demanding the Spirits power to come upon them
by chanting, or through loud prayers. But in real-
ity it is the Spirit that decides when and how the
gifts are given.
We have been given the promise of the Holy
Spirit on the condition that we accept Christ into
our lives, repenting and forsaking our sins. (See
Acts 2:38,39; 5:31,32) This is the FULL GOS-
PEL! The most important aspect of receiving the
baptism of the Spirit is in receiving power to over-
come all sin in our lives. If we fail to co-operate
with God in this salvational matter then we are
In the next issue we will see the threefold un-
ion of Spiritualism, Protestantism, and Catholi-
cism form a dangerous political alliance with the
secular power of governments. In the book of
Revelation the prophet John sees in vision this
threefold union under the control of the power
from beneath going forward in these last days to
war against God and His saints. And he doeth
great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down
from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And
deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the
means of those miracles which he had power to
do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that
dwell on the earth, that they should make an im-
age to the beast, which had the wound by a sword,
and did live. And he had power to give life unto
the image of the beast, that the image of the beast
should both speak, and cause that as many as
would not worship the image of the beast should
be killed. And he causeth all, both small and
great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that

1 Vance Ferrell Prophet of The End, pages 16,17, Pilgrims Books, Altamont TN.
2 Will Baron, Deceived By The New Age, page 67, Pacific Press Pub. Association, Bosie Idaho.
3 John Sherrill, They Speak With Other Tongues, page 38, (A Spire Book).
4 Christian History, "The Rise of Pentecostalism," issue no. 58, vol. XVII no. 2, page 3.
5 Will Baron, Deceived By The New Age, pages 164-167, Pacific Press Pub. Association, Bosie Idaho.

34 America In Prophecy
America In Prophecy
held in Zurich, Switzerland. At this conference
David was brought into prominence and he went
on to organize three other World Conferences.
Part 4 This was the same year that Smith Wigglesworth
passed away.
The following year, while on a ministry visit
to the U.S., David and a colleague had a serious
car accident while in Virginia early one foggy
Hands Across the Gulf morning. He spent months in the hospital recuper-
ating, during this time he reflected on the words
By Ashley Cunningham of Smith Wigglesworth and the direction of his
ministry. When he finally left the hospital his di-
For the LORD spake thus to me with a strong rection and attitude had changed. In 1949 David
hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in immigrated to America with his family after the
the way of this people, saying, Say ye not, A con- Church of God offered him a teaching position at
federacy, to all them to whom this people shall Lee College in Cleveland, Tennessee.
say, A confederacy; neither fear ye their fear, nor Three years later he decided it was time to take
be afraid. Sanctify the LORD of hosts himself; the Pentecostal experience to the mainline Protes-
and let Him be your fear, and let Him be your tant and Catholic churches. He left Lee College
dread. Isaiah 8:11-13. and moved to Stamford, Connecticut where he
It was December 1936 just before 7:00 AM. developed a friendship with Dr. John A. Mackay,
Thirty-one year old David du Plessis was sitting at the president of Princeton Theological Seminary.
his office desk preparing for his work at the Ap- At the invitation of Mackay, David attended the
ostolic Faith Mission in Johannesburg, South Af- World Conference of the International Missionary
rica. All of a sudden Smith Wigglesworth, an Council in Germany (1952) where he addressed
evangelist from England, burst into his office. the 210 delegates. While there he met Dr. Willem
Come out here, he boomed. Pushing David Visser't Hooft the secretary of the World Council
firmly against the wall he prophesied that a re- of Churches (WCC) and dialoged with over half
vival would come through the old-line denomina- of the delegates. He came away from the Council
tions eclipsing anything previously known with the title of Mr. Pentecost.
throughout history. Many of the leaders would His meeting with Dr. Hooft proved to be very
change from strong opposition to accept the mes- helpful to his cause for he was invited to address
sage and the blessing of the Pentecostal experi- the second assembly of the WCC in Evanston,
ence. David too would have a very prominent part Illinois in 1954. As a strict Pentecostal he had al-
in this movement providing he remained humble ways looked at the WCC, as the Scarlet Woman
and faithful. Smith bowed his head, asked God to on the beast of Revelation 17. Now Davids atti-
prepare David and to keep him in good health, tude was changing towards the mainline evangeli-
and he left his office. cals. People were listening and asking questions
Later Smith told David, "It will not begin dur- about the Pentecostal experience. He soon discov-
ing my lifetime. When I pass away, then you can ered their attitudes were changing towards Pente-
begin to think about it." Smith also told David costalism and he was delighted with their accep-
that he would travel more than most men.1 tance of his message. The walls of prejudice from
The Pentecostal movement had grown rapidly the past which had separated Pentecostals from
from its early beginnings in 1900. By 1945 the the evangelical churches were collapsing.
various Pentecostal denominations had swelled to He said that from 1900-1908, the historic
over 16 million members and within twenty more Protestant churches fought the Pentecostal revival
years this number had tripled to over 50 million. and denounced it as from the devil. But by 1950-
David du Plessis was to play an important role in 1958, the climate had changed and the Protes-
the Pentecostal movement from the 1940s until tants attitude had reversed. Du Plessis said that
his death in 1987, but most of his work would be by 1961, I beheld the results of the change and
outside the circles of Pentecostalism. can declare the Pentecostal revival within the
In 1947 David du Plessis assisted a Swiss pas- churches is gathering force and speed. 2
tor named, Leonard Steiner, in organizing the David du Plessis went on to participate in five
First World Pentecostal Conference which was more assemblies of the World Council of
Churches. These councils were very ecumenical
America In Prophecy 35
in nature and they came up with the following family has been involved in direct revelation, vi-
three points upon which the churches agreed and sion, speaking in tongues, and miraculous heal-
shared a common belief. ings for over 100 years, predating their arrival in
1. ...concluded that men have an obligation to America by many years. 6
recognize the brotherhood amongst denomina- In 1951 Demos Shakarian, with help from
tions and to recognize all churches alike. Oral Roberts, founded the FGBMFI as a non-
2. ...introduced the idea of worldwide unity to denominational ministry to take the Pentecostal
"claim for Christ the whole world and all aspects experience to other businessmen in the commu-
of life," nity. Dissatisfied with the spiritual condition of
3... and to bring to light the idea that the humanity in general, the FGBMFI has taken it
Kingdom of God was being established upon the upon itself to implant within the narrow bounda-
earth. 3 ries of the traditional churches the manifestations
By pen and voice he promoted the WCC's of Pentecostalism; and in order to accomplish this,
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, whose the organization sponsors banquets, conventions,
theme was The Unity of the Local Congregation breakfasts and informal gatherings throughout the
in the Unity of the Universal Church. world on a local, national, and international level.
The exhortation for the eighth day of prayer Being astute businessmen and full gospel Pente-
went like this: As you pray remember that you costalists, the Shakarians do not leave a stone un-
are a member of the whole Body of Christ and in
turned to attain their goal. 7 The most polished
particular reflect on the need FOR MANIFESTA-
of public relations techniques have been enrolled
TIONS OF UNITY through Church organizations
denominational boards, church synods, confes- to advance the movement. 8
sional alliances, local and national councils of By the mid-1960s, there were 300 chapters
churches, and especially for the World Council of with a total membership of 100,000, and by 1988,
Churches. 4 there were more than three thousand chapters in
87 countries. 9
About the same time that David du Plessis
was taking the Pentecostal experience and mes-
Charismatic Movement 1960 1980
sage to the WCC, other Pentecostal leaders were Through the work of David du Plessis, Oral
starting to reach out to the Protestant churches. Roberts, Demos Shakarian, and thousands of
Oral Roberts, an evangelist of the Pentecostal Ho- other Pentecostal disciples, doors were opened for
liness Church, became a popular Pentecostal this experience to enter into the evangelical
preacher in America during the 1950s and 1960s churches. In October 1959, Denis Bennett, a pas-
through his public meetings and television pro- tor of St. Marks Episcopal Church in Van Nuys,
grams. He reached out to mainstream evangelicals California received the Pentecostal experience
and even included non-Pentecostals in his minis- when he began to speak in tongues. For months he
try which helped him rise to prominence in the kept this to himself. Then on Sunday morning
Charismatic movement. In 1965 Roberts founded April 3, 1960 he announced to his 2500 member
the Oral Roberts University, a Charismatic, but congregation that he had received the baptism of
nondenominational school. He went even further the Holy Spirit the previous year. This caused a
in his ecumenical and charismatic endeavors by real rift in His church, and as a result Pastor Ben-
joining the United Methodist Church in 1968. 5 nett resigned his position at St. Marks, and trans-
Oral Roberts was also very instrumental in en- ferred to St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Seattle,
couraging and helping Demos Shakarian, a suc- Washington where he actively lead out and be-
cessful California farmer and businessman, to came a leader in the Charismatic movement.
start the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship This was the beginning of the Charismatic
International (FGBMFI). The Shakarian family movement, the second wave of Pentecostalism,
is no newcomer to the Pentecostal experience. for now this experience had crossed over into the
They proudly point out that one of the first Pente- old main line Protestant churches. In a matter of a
costal churches in North America was established few years thousands of evangelicals were embrac-
in their California home as a direct result of their ing the Charismatic movement. Instead of leav-
interest in the Azusa Street Mission. Their experi- ing their Episcopal, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Meth-
ence, however, with the supernatural was evident odist, or Baptist denomination, they used the char-
long before this, for The Shakarian Story, by Tho- ismatic experiences as a means of renewal for
mas Nickel, (FGBMFI, 1964), reveals that the themselves personally, their local church, and

36 America In Prophecy
their denominational groups.10 new Pentecost. He didnt have to wait long.
The popularity of this movement in the early In 1967 the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
1960s had made a powerful impact on the Chris- movement started among students and faculty of
tian world of such a magnitude that it did not go DuQuesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
unnoticed in the media. The Charismatic move- This event became known as the Duquesne
ment was even recognized by leading publications Weekend. This occurred in February, 1967,
such as Time and Life. about a year after four DuQuesne University the-
Time magazine reported, It is the fastest ology professors in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
growing church in the Hemisphere. 11 Life started praying together to stir up fervor within
claimed that the Charismatic movement was their Catholic faith. A small group of individuals
...the Third Force a development as important met with these faculty members for a weekend.
as was the birth of Catholicism and Protestant- One engaged couple had heard of the baptism of
ism.12 the Holy Spirit, and they desired it, so they asked
Vatican II opened the door for Catholics to the professors to pray with them so that the Spirit
embrace the Charismatic movement. It is interest- would more fully enter their lives. The party qui-
ing to note that David du Plessis was the only etly went to an upstairs bedroom, where they
Pentecostal invited as an official observer to Vati- prayed. Soon all felt the Spirit of Christ as the
can II. In part three of this series we looked at one Spirit was manifested in the gift of tongues in
of the main adjectives of Vatican II which was which the young man and woman praised God.16
Reaching The Minds And Hearts Of Men. This While this was going on upstairs, unbeknown
was done through ecumenicalism, ...the recon- to them, Patti Gallagher, a student at the Univer-
ciliation of all Christians in the unity of the one sity went into the second floor chapel. She re-
and only Church of Christ. 13 There was an- members, I wasn't going to pray, but just to tell
other important step in this direction. The discus- any students there to come down to the party. But
sion and acceptance of the renewal of the gifts as I entered into the presence of Jesus in the
(charisms) of the Holy Spirit as had formally been Blessed Sacrament, I was filled with a sense of
bestowed upon the Apostles and others in the aweAs I knelt there, my body literally trem-
early Christian Church at Pentecost. During these bledI felt really scared and said to myself, Get
discussions Leo Joseph Cardinal Suenens, out of here quick, because something is going to
Archbishop of Malines-Brussels, of Belgium, de- happen if you stay in the presence of God In
fended the position for the renewal of the gifts the next few moments, Patti found herself pros-
within the church. It was his personal interven- trate, flat on her face, before the tabernacle. No
tion on the floor of Vatican II that helped sway one had touched her, but her shoes had come
council opinion to the view that the gifts of the
offWithin half an hour, 24 students were in the
Holy Spirit are not exclusively experiences of an-
chapelThey stayed singing and praying from 10
cient Christianity but a continuing force in the
modern church as well. 14 Emphasis supplied. p.m. to 5 a.m. the following morningSome felt
Before Vatican II was over, the papacy claimed God's love so deeply that they couldn't do any-
the gifts of the Spirit for the Catholic church and thing but weep.Somefelt a tremendous burn-
her people. It is not only through the sacraments ing in their hands, or going through their arms like
and Church ministries that the Holy Spirit sancti- fire. Others experienced a clicking in their
fies and leads the people of God. He distributes throats, or a tingling in their tongues. You have to
special graces among the faithful of every rank remember, we didn't know about the gifts of the
The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every- Holy Spirit, said Patti. 17
one for profit (1Corinthians 12:7). These charis- This occurrence at Duquesne University in
matic gifts, whether they be the most outstanding 1967 is thought to be the beginning of the Catho-
or the more simple and widely diffused, are to be lic Charismatic Movement and the answer to the
received with thanksgiving and consolation, for prayer of Pope John XXIII who ushered in the
they are exceedingly suitable and useful for the Second Vatican Council, in 1964, with the hope
needs of the Church 15 that the Holy Spirit would create a "New Pente-
During these meetings Pope John XXIII prayed cost" and a transformation in the Church. The
for the Vatican Council in the following words: event was also seen as giving emphasis to Pope
O Holy Spirit pour forth the fullness of your Paul VI's encouragement to exercise the charisms
gifts Renew your wonders in this day as by a as he continually proclaimed the necessity of the

America In Prophecy 37
Holy Spirit to manifest Christ's presence in the many non-Catholics that attended this conference
Church.18 as well. Following a talk by Ruth Stapleton, John
One month later the Charismatic renewal Bertolucci, a priest, led in prayers for the healing
movement spread to Notre Dame University in of church divisions. Then the following scene
South Bend, Indiana. Ray Bullard a deacon in the took place. Protestants were asked to stand and
Assemblies of God, and president of the South Catholics who were next to them were asked to
Bend, Indiana, chapter of the FGBMFI lead nine seek forgiveness from their Protestant brothers
Roman Catholics into the Pentecostal experience. and sisters for all the pain and hurt caused by their
They were connected with the University, and church's office over the past 400 years. We Prot-
they asked him and some of his Charismatic estants did the same ... This night became, for all
friends to lay hands on them. Ray Bullard became of us, the time when the Lord chose to heal 400
known as the ...godfather of the Charismatic years of hurt, pain and division between the
Catholics. 19 Catholic and Protestant churches. ... On this night
By 1990, only 23 years since that weekend in the Lord forgave the sins of our fathers. We were
1967, the Catholic Charismatic renewal move- made into one family by the gift of the Spirit. The
ment has grown to include over 70,000,000 next day the procession for the Mass was glori-
Catholics in over 120 nations of the ous. Three hundred priests entered to 'The King of
world. (Reported by Fr. Thomas Foster, S.J., the Glory' and the celebration became joyous. The
United States Bishop's Liaison to the Charismatic cross bearer entered with an empty wooden cross
Renewal, Diocese of San Jose, Calif.)20 In 1972 a resurrection cross as if to say, 'We love
the Catholic Charismatic renewal movement got a you, our Pentecostal brothers and sisters; we
new champion in Leo Joseph Cardinal Suenens, thank you for recognizing our obedience to the
who had helped pave the way for the movement authority of our church in the Eucharistic celebra-
during Vatican II. During a visit to the United tion."23
States he personally encountered the Charismatic July 1977 was a very important milestone in
Renewal. This experience was very appealing to the Charismatic movement, when 50,000 people
the conservative Cardinal, for he saw it as way for gathered at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City
the Church to flourish in the new Pentecost from all three areas of the Pentecostal movement.
area. He became a powerful spokesman and the (Old Pentecostals, Protestant Charismatics, and
sponsor within the Roman hierarchy, which re- Catholic Charismatics.) This was the largest gath-
sulted in breaking down many barriers within the ering of Charismatics up to that time who claimed
Catholic church. to be baptized in the Spirit believers. For five
In October 1974, Demos Shakarian was in- days this conference drew participants from vari-
ous denominations including Roman Catholics,
vited to the Vatican (an invitation which he ac-
Episcopalians, Pentecostal Holiness, Lutherans,
cepted), in order to receive the official thanks of
Four Square Gospel, Presbyterians, Mennonites,
the Vatican for FGBMFI having reached out to Assemblies of God, United Methodists, Southern
millions of Roman Catholic laymen. 21 Baptists and others from various Charismatic re-
By 1975 the Charismatic renewal movement newal ministries. They came together in a spirit of
had gained a real foothold in Catholicism. At the ecumenism and Pentecostalism under the banner
urging of some of its key supporters, Pope Paul of Unity in the Lordship of Jesus. David Du
VI invited the Charismatic renewal movement to Plessis' presentation, All Together: Charismatic
hold its World Congress at Rome on Pentecost and Ecumenical, captured the essence of the
Sunday during the Holy Year. Pope Paul VI spoke Conference. 24
to a group of 10,000 enthusiastic Charismatics: About half of the participants were Roman
Nothing is more necessary to this more and more Catholics. The opening address was given by
secularized world than the witness of the 'spiritual
Kevin Ranaghan, a charismatic Catholic. He said,
renewal' that we see the Holy Spirit evoking in the
God has dug some canals between the streams.
most diverse regions How then could this
spiritual renewal not be a chance for the Tonight they are coming together and will flow
Church and for the world? And how, in this case, forth from this stadium and this conference and
could one not take all the means to insure that it will burst upon the nation as we go forth a newly-
remains so?22 united people. Other Catholic speakers included
That same year a Roman Catholic charismatic Bishop Charles Helmsing, Ralph Martin, Cardinal
meeting was held in Atlantic City. There were Joseph Suenens, and Fathers Michael Scanlan,

38 America In Prophecy
James Bertalucci and Francis McNutt. Charis- ciety, it is possible that a great religious awaking
matic leaders in attendance included Vinson Sy- will take place, one potentially powerful enough
nan, Bob Mumford, Larry Christenson, J.O. Pat- to incite a second Protestant reformation. . . .
terson (Church of God in Christ), and Thomas emerging between now and the year A.D. 2000.26
Zimmerman (General Superintendent of the As- In studying the goals of the ecumenical and
semblies of God). One speaker proudly hailed this Pentecostal movement it is well to look at another
conference as the largest and most inclusive ecu- statement written by a prominent Christian writer
menical assembly in the history of American over a hundred years ago. Through the two great
Christianity.25 errors, the immortality of the soul, and Sunday
sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his
Hands Across the Gulf deceptions. While the former lays the foundation
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs of Spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympa-
come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of thy with Rome. The Protestants of the United
the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the States will be foremost in stretching their hands
false prophet. Revelation 16:13. across the gulf to grasp the hand of Spiritualism;
It is important to stop and take a look at the they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with
Charismatic movement and the union of the three the Roman power; and under the influence of this
branches of modern Christianity: Pentecostals, threefold union, this country will follow in the
Charismatic Protestants, and Charismatic Catho- steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of con-
lics. Throughout the history of the Charismatic science.27
movement we have seen that the Pentecostal ex- In our text from Revelation 16:13 we find these
perience and ecumenicalism was the goal of this three great powers coming together in the last
movement at the expense of Biblical truth. This days just before Christs Second Coming. The
was accomplished through contemporary music, dragon represents the power of Satan which he
group prayers, dialog and compromise, seeking a uses through his spiritualistic experiences. In Part
supernatural experience, etc. 4 we discussed the history of the Pentecostal
In Part 3 of this series and in this current article movement and discovered that it is based upon
we have looked at the history of the ecumenical spiritualistic signs and wonders that are apart from
movement which started in the 1950s by key men the plain word of God. As we discussed in Part 4
such as Fulton Sheen, Billy Graham, Bill Bright, when the fruits of the Spirit (see Galatians
David Du Plessis, Oral Roberts, and many others. 5:22,23) are seen in the life of the true Christian,
While some of these men were planting the seeds then it is a sign that we are connected to Christ
of ecumenicalism, others were planting the seeds and are a child of God. The gifts of the Spirit
of both ecumenicalism and Pentecostalism in the are to help build the Church of Christ and to edify
1950s. These seeds took root and sprang up in the His people. Jesus warned us to beware of signs
1960s, but it was not until the 1970s that it started and wonder in the last days, for He said, For
to bare fruit. Barriers were broken down in the false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and
1950s and 60s, but in the 1970s walls of separa- shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if it
tion, isolation, and denomination exclusiveness were possible, even the elect. Mark 13:22. Em-
came crashing down as thousands of churches phasis supplied.
across the world started to worship together. During the ministry of Christ, the Pharisees
In 1979, Jeremy Rifkin, wrote the following often harassed Him. On one such occasion the
statement about the merging of these religious Lord and His disciples just landed their boat on
powers in his book; The Emerging Order. We are the western shore of the sea of Galilee and a group
in the early morning hours of a second Protestant of ...Pharisees came forth, and began to question
Reformation. . . . While Charismatics are generat- with him, seeking of him a sign from heaven,
ing a potential liberating impulse, the more tempting him. And he sighed deeply in his spirit,
mainline evangelical movement is beginning to and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a
provide the necessary reformulation of theological sign? verily I say unto you, There shall no sign be
doctrine that is essential for the creation of a new given unto this generation. ...An evil and adul-
covenant vision and worldview. . . . If the charis- terous generation seeketh after a sign; and there
matic and evangelical strains of the new Christian shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the
renewal movement come together and unite a lib- prophet Jonas. Mark 8:11-13; Matthew 12:38.
erating energy with a new covenant vision for so- These words apply to us today. Charismatic

America In Prophecy 39
believers view tongues, signs and wonders as the over the world. This country was founded upon
ultimate gifts from of the Spirit of God. They be- the two great principles of Protestantism and Re-
lieve that if they have this experience then they publicanism which has made this nation a source
are accepted of God. In reality what we really of prosperity and freedom for millions. But notice
need is spiritual renovation from the Holy Spirit a change in the attitude that begins to develop in
to become the sons and daughters of God. It is America. and he spake like a dragon. And he
important to add that when we come to Jesus exerciseth all the power of the first beast before
Christ and ask Him for forgiveness of sin, His him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell
blood covers us and we are accepted by our heav- therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly
enly Father in Christ. But this is only part of wound was healed. vs. 11,12.
grace. The power to overcome all our inherited This terrible change takes place sometime after
and cultivated sinful natures is the greatest work the papacys deadly wound was healed. This is
that the Holy Spirit performs in our lives. To re- an extremely important point to understand. The
new the human heart is nothing short of a divine first steps in this event happened on February 11,
miracle in the soul. The Lord could work signs 1929, when the Italian government through its
and wonders for us all day long, but His hardest dictator, Mussolini, recognized the sovereign
miracles, the ones that take the most time and pa- status of the Vatican through a concordant with
tience, is the miracle of a converted child of God. the papacy. This act gave full civil authority and
A new character shaped after the divine Model, nation status to the papacy. Thus the healing of
Jesus Christ, is the greatest testimony to the the deadly wound was well on its way. One by
power and grace of God. one the nations of the world has sent and received
While the Charismatic world looks at tongues, ambassadors to the Vatican. Yet the greatest heal-
signs, and wonders as the greatest gifts that Christ ing of the deadly wound since 1929 has been
could bestow upon the Church, Jesus showed by during the current reign of Pope John Paul II. Of
His life of ministry and teachings that service for all the popes who has assumed the papal office in
others was the ultimate gift that the Holy Spirit this past century, John Paul has been honored and
could bestow upon us. It is this that we need to extolled by the great political and religious lead-
seek. This is why Jesus warned us to beware of ers of the world. Regaining the prestige, influ-
false Christs and false prophets that will show ence, and power for the papal office that once
signs and wonders. As He looked down marked its former glory. The time has come when
through the centuries of time into our future, He the words of the apostle John are being fulfilled
recognized these dangers of the last days. right before our very eyes, ...and all the world
In Part 1 of this series, we discussed America wondered after the beast
in Prophecy as we studied Revelation 13. We dis- How could America speak like a dragon?
covered in verses 1-8 that, the beast power The United States government will come to a
represents the Papal power of the Roman Catholic point when it ...exerciseth all the power of the
Church. We also found that there are 1260 sym- first beast before him, and causeth the earth and
bolic days/years (see Daniel 7:25 also), beginning them which dwell therein to worship the first
in 538 AD and ending in 1798 when Pope Pius VI beast, whose deadly wound was healed. vs. 11,12.
was taken captive by the French. The apostle John The religious freedoms that we have taken for
writes of this event saying, And I saw one of his granted for so many years will become subject to
heads as it were wounded to death. v.3. Yet as federal and state law. Those who will not go along
John is watching this prophetic drama unfold he with these laws will suffer the loss of their rights
sees that ...his deadly wound was healed: and all and be regarded as criminals.
the world wondered after the beast. And they wor- What group of people could influence the civil
shipped the dragon which gave power unto the powers in America to act this way? To understand
beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, this question we return to our text in Revelation
Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make 16:13. We find a third power coming into the
war with him? vs. 3,4. prophetic picture along with dragon and the
In that same chapter we also discovered beast, the false prophet.
...another beast coming up out of the earth; and The first two powers are religious in nature,
he had two horns like a lamb. v. 11. Here the therefore the third power must be religious also.
prophet John pictures the rise of America in This apostate religious power will influence the
prophecy, as it becomes a symbol of religious and American government to exercise all the power
political freedom for millions of people from all of the first beast (Papal Rome) before him. The
40 America In Prophecy
only religious power that can fulfil this prophecy CBN coordinated their networks to provide live
in America is apostate Protestantism. While and taped coverage of the rally. Christian leaders
professing to hold the Bible and the Bible only as saw the rally as a huge success, it marked the first
their only creed, they have compromised with time that previously feuding factions of Catholic
Rome and the Charismatic movement, thus up- Charismatics and Evangelicals came together in
holding the doctrine of devils. While it is Roman public to show their ecumenical unity to change
Catholicism that comprises Babylon, the fallen America. About six months later Ronald Reagan
daughters of Babylon are the apostate Protestant was elected president.
churches (see Revelation 17:5) who have rejected
the plain truths found in Gods word and refuse to Ronald Reagan & The Moral Majority
keep His commandants. From our study thus far 1980
and as we continue to look at history and proph- This idea that government was beholden to the
ecy we will discover that apostate Protestantism people, that it had no other source of power is still
has been working for over 30 years to influence the newest, most unique idea in all the long his-
and control the United States government to legis- tory of man's relation to man. This is the issue of
late their laws upon the citizens of America. this election: Whether we believe in our capacity
for self-government or whether we abandon the
Political and Religious Alliances American Revolution and confess that a little in-
tellectual elite in a far-distant capital can plan our
If we didn't know the Pope agrees with us, we lives for us better than we can plan them our-
Catholics in the New Right would have serious selves. So we have come to a time for choos-
conscience problems. I would never work counter ing. You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.
to the Church's official position. We will preserve for our children this, the last best
-Paul Weyrich, founder Moral Majority, hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them
Christian Voice, Religious Roundtable. to take the first step into a thousand years of
darkness.29 Emphasis supplied.
In Part 2 we discussed the rise of the Political In 1970, five FGBMFI members, including
and Christian Right in American politics. As the Pat and Shirley Boone, Harold Bredesen, and
moral and social ills were eating out the moral George Otis, prayed with then-California Gover-
heart of America, conservatives from the Evan- nor Reagan at his home in Sacramento. Otis, a for-
gelical, Catholic, and Charismatic camps joined
mer Lear executive, was overcome with the Spirit
forces to battle with the moral and political issues
and began to speak in the voice of God. He com-
of the 1970s. They organized together to elect
conservative candidates for local, state, and fed- pared Reagan to a king, and prophesied that
eral office. Reagan would "reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave-
By 1979 men like Paul Weyrich, Howard Phil- nue" if he continued to walk in God's way. Appar-
lips, Richard Viguerie, Ed McAteer, and Robert ently Reagan took the prophesy very seriously. 30
Billings of the National Christian Action Coalition I remember the 1980 presidential election of
encouraged and supported Jerry Falwell in the es- Ronald Reagan very clearly. It was the first time
tablishment of the Moral Majority. that I recall hearing about a new organization
called, The Moral Majority, and how it had played
Washington For Jesus a significant part in electing Reagan as president.
To strengthen their ecumenical and political At the time I had no interest in politics, and I had
hold on American politics, Bill Bright, Pat Robert- no idea of what The Moral Majority was about. I
son, and many other Christian Right leaders or- recall the major TV networks commenting on how
ganized a massive rally in the nations capital. We the Christian Right helped put Reagan in the
White House. Little did I realize at the time the
remember it as Washington for Jesus. On April
major role that this election would have on world
29, 1980 more than 200,000 charismatic and fun- events!
damentalist Christians held a day-long prayer rally The work of the religious and political right
in Washington, D.C. They chose April 29th, for it paid off. In the 1980 election they had made a sig-
was on that day in 1607 when Puritan settlers nificant show in the Republican party. Through
dedicated their future nation to God after erecting the efforts of The Moral Majority and Christian
a cross on the shores of America.28 Voice they issued a first series of moral report
Christian right broadcasters PTL, TEN, and cards on the candidates and their voting records.
America In Prophecy 41
They organized thousands of grass root supporters 1. Abortion a strategy for passage of a Hu-
to encourage and influence over two million new man Life statute and/or a Human Life Amend-
evangelical voters to register and vote that year. ment to the Constitution.
Through TV, radio, magazines, and in the pulpit, 2. To work with Phyllis Schlafly and Eagle Fo-
evangelicals rallied around The Moral Majority. rum to defeat ERA, and mount an effort to push
Over 60% of white evangelicals, along with 50% for the Family Protection Act.
Catholic voted for Ronald Reagan over Jimmy 3. A strategy of defeating homosexual influence
Carter. The political/Christian Right had become in local, state, and federal government.
a force that the Republican party had to come to 4. A conference on the evils of pornography for
grips with. They also singled out incumbent De- government officials.32
mocrats for defeat, including Senators Frank
Church (D-ID), George McGovern (D-SD), Birch The Power of Religious Politics
Bayh (D-IN), and John Culver (D-IA). These men The Unholy Alliance Reagan and the Vatican
were defeated by the Christian Rights power
politics. In an April 1982 speech before the National
Right wing conservatives had high hopes for Catholic Education Association, Reagan made the
Reagan during his first term. They were rewarded incredible statement, I am grateful for your help
with the appointments of several Christian Right in shaping American policy to reflect God's
leaders in the Reagan administration. will....And I will look forward to further guidance
1. Morton Blackwell, an aide to Richard from His Holiness Pope John Paul II during an
Viguerie, was made the President's religious af- audience I will have with him in June.33
fairs advisor. Two months later on June 7, 1982 this meeting
2. C. Everett Koop an anti-abortion activist took place between President Reagan and Pope
was named deputy assistant secretary of the De- John Paul II at the Vatican Library. Little did the
partment of Health and Human Services (later world realize the importance of this one meeting,
promoted to Surgeon General). and the powerful forces set in motion to change
3. James Watt, of the Assemblies of God, be- the political landscape of Eastern Europe and the
came one of the Reagan administration's biggest Soviet Union!
embarrassments. Watt saw his appointment as In the meeting, Reagan and the Pope agreed
Secretary of the Interior as a license to enforce his to undertake a clandestine campaign to hasten the
bizarre theological views about human dissolution of the Communist Empire. Declares
"stewardship" over the rest of nature. Richard Allen, Reagans first National Security
4. Rev. Robert Billings, former executive di- Adviser: This was one of the great secret alli-
rector of the Moral Majority, was named a top ances of all time.34
official of the Department of Education. Billings It was their hope that this secret alliance
used his bully pulpit to lead the fight against the would undermine the political action and power
IRS proposal to tax religious schools which dis- of the Communist Polish government against the
criminate on the basis of race. The primary of- trade union, Solidarity. Their goal was not only to
fender in this area was Billings' alma mater, Bob free the homeland of the Pope from the tyranny of
Jones University.31 Communism, but to bring pressure on all the east-
The high profile of political/Christian Right ern bloc countries under the control of the Soviet
appointees in the Reagan administration was only Union.
a token commitment to the New Rights moral Years of covert operations followed their meet-
agenda. The Reagan administration made no seri- ing, in which the Papacy and America used their
ous efforts to outlaw abortion or work on other combined resources to bring about the collapse of
domestic moral issues. By the end of Reagans communism in Poland, which only took eight
first year in office the New Right leaders were years. But this was just the beginning, for to their
voicing their disappointment in his lack of com- surprise and delight, soon every Eastern European
mitment to there moral values. The only area that communist bloc country fell, including the Soviet
Reagan followed through from his campaign Union itself !
promises, was to fight godless Communism all In 1935 Josef Stalin, absolute ruler of the So-
over the world. viet Union, was given some unsolicited advice.
In Battle Plan for 1982 The Moral Majority Make a propitiatory gesture to the Vatican, he was
laid out a campaign against; told. Pushed too far, his country's Catholics might

42 America In Prophecy
become counter-revolutionary. Stalin's great mus- The Formation of the image to the beast.
tache amplified his sneer. The Pope. And how Many years ago the FGBMFI hosted a World
many divisions has he? The answer then was that Convention of Pentecostals in Orlando, Florida.
he has none. The answer now is that he needs During the convention, Father James Bertalucci,
none. The structures of Communism are crum- the Catholic keynote speaker, made the following
bling to the touch.35 statement: I want to tell you something, brothers
We all remember the events of 1989 under and sisters. When the sleeping giant of Rome
Perestroika, as the walls of the Communist Bloc comes alive, watch out world. . . . especially in a
countries began to crumble and fall. It happened day and age where we can cooperate and collabo-
so quickly that many of us were stunned at the rate in winning the world for Jesus Christ."39
speed with which it all happened. Some news James Bertaluccis prediction is coming true
commentators even used the words of Daniel to and we are seeing it unfold before our eyes. The
describe the speed of the collapse. Like a whirl- events from the 1960s through the 1980s were
wind While Gorbachev's hands-off policy was only the beginning of the three worldwide reli-
the immediate cause of the chain reaction of lib- gious powers coming together to cooperate and
erty that has swept through Eastern Europe in the collaborate in winning the world but not for Jesus
past few months, John Paul deserves much of the Christ as they claim!
longer-range credit."36 The prophet John saw that not only would Prot-
While the Reagan Administration and the Vati- estant America and the Vatican work together to
can were working together on foreign policy to achieve their political and religious goals among
bring down communism, they were also exploring the nations, but apostate Protestantism would ex-
the possibly of exchanging ambassadors. ercise all the cruel persecuting power that the pa-
Early in 1983, Ronald Reagan, who had been a pacy had in past ages. The United States would
long time friend of Billy Graham since his early also cause the people to worship the first beast
years as a movie actor, approached him for advice the Papacy! How could this happen?
with establishing diplomatic relations with the And he doeth great wonders, so that he
Vatican. Before he made that appointment, he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth
asked my view. I told him I thought it would in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell
probably be a good thing-in spite of a number of on the earth by the means of those miracles
potential problems concerning the separation of which he had power to do in the sight of the
church and state-and wrote an extended confiden- beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that
tial letter outlining my reasons. Among other they should make an image to the beast, which
things, I told him I did not think it necessarily vio- had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he
lated the separation of church and state.37 had power to give life unto the image of the
Graham had spoken highly of Pope John beast, that the image of the beast should both
Paul II as the greatest moral leader of the world. speak, and cause that as many as would not wor-
His many ties with Catholicism now helped to in- ship the image of the beast should be killed.
fluence President Reagan's decision to appoint an Revelation 13:13-15. Emphasis supplied.
ambassador to the Vatican. It is through the rejection of truth and the me-
The President asked Graham if he would as- dium of spiritualism that the Evangelical Churches
sist his national security adviser, William Clark, to are deceived and in turn lose their spiritual dis-
cernment to tell the difference between the mira-
make private informal inquiries to discover the
cles of God and the deceptions of Satan. This has
attitude of evangelical leaders on establishing for-
been happening for well over a hundred years.
mal diplomatic relations with the Vatican. Graham Nominal Christianity is the order of the day. True
then contacted the following Evangelical leaders; godliness is rarely seen among professed Chris-
Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Gilbert Beers (then tians, and in this state the American Evangelical
editor of Christianity Today) David Hubbard (then Churches have compromised with Rome and
president of Fuller Seminary) and Billy Marvin Spiritualism.
(Executive Secretary of the NAE). Graham sent a This has paved the way for the formation of the
seven-page letter to Mr. Clark which was obtained image to the beast. This occurs when the lead-
by the Chicago Sun-Times, and quoted Graham as ing churches of America work in connection with
saying, "If anyone can do it and get away with it, the government, as did the papacy, to support their
it is Mr. Reagan."38 institutions and enforce their laws. In the past the

America In Prophecy 43
Protestant churches have made inroads into the America will soon speak like a dragon.
politics of the nation, but in 1980 during the presi- We have come to the time when the feared pre-
dential campaign of Ronald Reagan, the Moral diction of Ronald Regan will come true, for the
Majority was one of the deciding factors in his entire world is taking the first step into a thou-
election. Today, the Christian Coalition and sand years of darkness. Emphasis supplied.
many other religious/political organizations that
make up the Religious Right, exert a very
strong and powerful influence on our nations elec-
tions and policies. The Lord has shown us through
His prophet that the day will soon come when the
leading churches of America will control the civil
government to the extent that it will enforce their
religious beliefs upon the people. This is how

2 Ed Tarkowski, Foundations For Apostasy: 1950-1985,
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
6 Rene Noorbergen, Charisma of the Spirit, page 36, Pacific Press Publishing Association, Mountain View Calf.
7 Ibid.
8 Russel T. Hitt, The New Pentecostalism: An Appraisal, Eternity, July, 1963, page 16.
10 The Second Wave: The Charismatic Movement/ Neo-Pentecostalism,
11 Time, Nov 2, 1962, page 56.
12 The Third Force of Christendom. Life, June 9, 1958, page 113.
13 Catechism of the Catholic Church, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Catechism 821 & 822.
14 Rene Noorbergen, Charisma of the Spirit, page 23, Pacific Press Publishing Assocation, Mountian View Calf.)
19 Christian News, June 26, 1988.
21 David Cloud, Evangelicals & Rome, p. 260.
23 Thomas Twitchell, That They May Be One, pp. 137-138, Logos, 1978.
24 Ed Tarkowski, Foundations For Apostasy: 1950-1985,
26 Jeremy Rifkin & Ted Howard, The Emerging Order, God in the Age of Scarcity, pgs. IX,XXI,XII, GP Putnams Sons, New York.
27 Ellen White, The Great Controversy (1888) pg. 588, Pacific Press, Mountain View, California.
28 Washington For Jesus: Revival Fervor and Political Disclaimers, Christianity Today, May 23, 1980 p 46.
29 Ronald Reagan, A Time for Choosing, 1964 speech at Barry Goldwaters Republican Notation.
30 Larry Kickham, "The Theology of Nuclear War," inset on The Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, Covert Action In-
formation Bulletin, No. 27, Spring 1987.
31 Sara Diamond, Spiritual Warfare, page 64, Boston Ma. South End Press.
32 John Saloma III, Ominous Politics: The New Conservative Labyrinth, (New York, NY: Hill and Wang, 1984 ).
33 Stephen Mumford, American Democracy and the Vatican: Population Growth & National Security, p. 42, Humanist Press, Amherst
34 Time February 24, 1992, The Holy Alliance, pg. 28.
35 Life, December 1989.
36 Time, December 4, 1989.
37 Billy Graham, Just As I Am, p. 535, San Francisco, Harper Collins
38 "Grahams Help on Vatican Ties," Associated Press, Lake County News Herald, Feb. 9, 1984
39 Ed Tarkowski, Foundations For Apostasy: 1950-1985,

44 America In Prophecy 03-Oct-1989
US Ambassador to the Thomas Patrick Melady

Vatican 02-Sep-1993
Raymond L. Flynn
19-Aug-184826-Aug-1848 Lindy Boggs
Jacob L. Martin Died at post
19-Nov-1849 31-Jan-2005
27-Nov-1858 Jim Nicholson
Lewis Cass, Jr.
27-Nov-1858 15-Jan-2008
23-May-1861 Francis Rooney
John P. Stockton
06-Jun-1862 present
04-Aug-1862 Mary Ann Glendon
Alexander W. Randall

Richard Milford Blatchford

Rufus King

Myron C. TaylorPersonal Representative
of the President

Harold H. Tittmann, Jr.Charg d'Affaires

Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.Personal Represen-
tative of the President

David Walters Personal Representative of
the President

Robert F. Wagner, Jr.Personal Represen-
tative of the President

William A. Wilson Diplomatic relations
established 10-Jan-1984; Wilson became
Ambassador 9-Apr-1984

Frank Shakespeare

America In Prophecy 45

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