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Working with DNA Sequences

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Storing DNA in a variable, and printing it out
# First we store the DNA in a variable called $DNA


# Next, we print the DNA onto the screen

print $DNA;

# Finally, we'll specifically tell the program to exit.


Concatenating the DNA sequences

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Concatenating DNA
# Store two DNA fragments into variables called $DNA1
#and $DNA2


# Print the DNA onto the screen

print "Here are the original two DNA fragments:\n\n";

print $DNA1, "\n";
print $DNA2, "\n\n";

# Concatenate the DNA fragments into a third variable and

#print them Using "string interpolation"
$DNA3 = "$DNA1$DNA2";
print "Here is the new DNA of the two fragments

version 1):\n\n";
print "$DNA3\n\n";

# An alternative way using the "dot operator":

# Concatenate the DNA fragments into a third variable and
# print them

$DNA3 = $DNA1 . $DNA2;

print "Here is the concatenation of the first two fragments
(version 2):\n\n";
print "$DNA3\n\n";

# Print the same thing without using the variable $DNA3

print "Here is the concatenation of the first two fragments

(version 3):\n\n";
print $DNA1, $DNA2, "\n";


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Transcribing DNA into RNA

# The DNA


# Print the DNA onto the screen

print "Here is the starting DNA:\n\n";
print "$DNA\n\n";

# Transcribe the DNA to RNA by substituting all T's with U's.

$RNA = $DNA;
$RNA =~ s/T/U/g;
# Print the RNA onto the screen
print "Here is the result of transcribing the DNA to
print "$RNA\n";

# Exit the program.


Reverse Complement

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Calculating the reverse complement of a strand of DNA

# The DNA

# Print the DNA onto the screen

print "Here is the starting DNA:\n\n";
print "$DNA\n\n";

# Calculate the reverse complement

# First, copy the DNA into new variable $revcom

# (short for REVerse COMplement)
# It doesn't matter if we first reverse the string and then
# do the complementation; or if we first do the
# and then reverse the string. Same result each time.
# So when we make the copy we'll do the reverse in the same

$revcom = reverse $DNA;

The DNA is now reversed.. we neeed to complement the bases
in revcom - substitute all bases by their complements.
# A->T, T->A, G->C, C->G
####Attempt 1:

$revcom =~ s/A/T/g;
$revcom =~ s/T/A/g;
$revcom =~ s/G/C/g;
$revcom =~ s/C/G/g;
# Print the reverse complement DNA onto the screen
print "Here is the reverse complement DNA:\n\n";
print "$revcom\n";


Does this work?? Why?

# See the text for a discussion of tr///
$revcom =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/;

# Print the reverse complement DNA onto the screen

print "Here is the reverse complement DNA:\n\n";
print "$revcom\n";
print "\nThis time it worked!\n\n";

Reading Proteins in files

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Reading protein sequence data from a file
# The filename of the file containing the protein sequence

$proteinfilename = 'Name_Of_your_sequence_file.txt';

# First we have to "open" the file, and associate

# a "filehandle" with it. We choose the filehandle
# PROTEINFILE for readability.
open(PROTEINFILE, $proteinfilename) || Die ("cannot open

# Now we do the actual reading of the protein sequence data

from the file, by using the angle brackets < and > to get
the input from the filehandle. We store the data into our
variable $protein.

@protein = <PROTEINFILE>;

# Now that we've got our data, we can close the file.


# Print the protein onto the screen

print "Here is the protein:\n\n";
print @protein;

Pattern matching: Motifs and Loops

Proceed ONLY if condition is true...

code layout..
if (condition)

do something

Finding Motifs
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# if-elsif-else

$word = 'MNIDDKL';

# if-elsif-else conditionals

if($word eq 'QSTVSGE') {
print "QSTVSGE\n";
} elsif($word eq 'MRQQDMISHDEL') {


In PCR experiments, the GC-content of primers are used to predict their annealing temperature
to the template DNA. A higher GC-content level indicates a higher melting temperature.

GC % = G + C x100



for each base in the DNA

if base is A
count_of_A = count_of_A + 1

if base is C
count_of_C = count_of_C + 1
if base is G
count_of_G = count_of_G + 1

if base is T
count_of_T = count_of_T + 1


print count_of_A, count_of_C, count_of_G, count_of_T

the script

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Determining frequency of nucleotides
# Get the name of the file with the DNA sequence data

$dna_filename = File_name.txt;

# Remove the newline from the DNA filename

chomp $dna_filename;

# open the file, or exit

open(DNAFILE, $dna_filename) || die ("Cannot open file


# Read the DNA sequence data from the file, and store it
# into the array variable @DNA
# Close the file
close DNAFILE;

# From the lines of the DNA file,

# put the DNA sequence data into a single string.
$DNA = join( '', @DNA);
# Remove whitespace
$DNA =~ s/\s//g;

# Now explode the DNA into an array where each letter of

# the original string is now an element in the array.
# This will make it easy to look at each position.
# Notice that we're reusing the variable @DNA for this
@DNA = split( '', $DNA );

# Initialize the counts.

# Notice that we can use scalar variables to hold numbers.
$count_of_A = 0;
$count_of_C = 0;
$count_of_G = 0;
$count_of_T = 0;
$errors = 0;

# In a loop, look at each base in turn, determine which of

# the four types of nucleotides it is, and increment the
# appropriate count.

foreach $base (@DNA)

if ( $base eq 'A' ) {
elsif ( $base eq 'C' ) {
elsif ( $base eq 'G' ) {
elsif ( $base eq 'T' ) {
else {
print "!!!!!!!! Error - I don\'t recognize this
base: $base\n";

# print the results

print "A = $count_of_A\n";
print "C = $count_of_C\n";
print "G = $count_of_G\n";
print "T = $count_of_T\n";
print "errors = $errors\n";
# exit the program

---using regex ---

while($DNA =~ /a/ig){$a++}
while($DNA =~ /c/ig){$c++}
while($DNA =~ /g/ig){$g++}
while($DNA =~ /t/ig){$t++}
while($DNA =~ /[^acgt]/ig){$e++}
print "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n";


Next is a new kind of loop, the foreach loop. This loop works over the elements
of an
array. The line:
foreach $base (@DNA)

Wrtiting to files

# Also write the results to a file called "countbase"

$outputfile = "countbase";
open(COUNTBASE, ">$outputfile") || die ("Cannot open file
\"$outputfile\" to write to!!\n\n");

print COUNTBASE "A=$a C=$c G=$g T=$t errors=$e\n";


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