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Accident / Sweeping Generalization Composition

- Apply a general statement too broadly - Quality Applied to a unit (whole) when
(not universal statements, you treat it as it should be taken individually (parts)
universal) conclusion specific parts -> whole

Consequent / affirming the consequent

- Affirm the consequent then affirm the
Amphiboly / Amphibology If it is raining , then the ground is wet
- Syntactical ambiguity due to But the ground is wet
grammatical construction Therefore, it is raining

- Taking separately what should be taken
together as a unit. Whole -> Parts

The 2nd grade at my elementary school buys

the most popsicles at lunch. Your brother is
in 2nd grade at my school, so he must like to
eat a lot of popsicles.

- A term is used in two or more different
senses within a single argument.

Complex Question / Loaded Question

- Two questions, One Answer

Didnt your computer blow up because of

your own inexperience?

Have you stopped cheating during exams?

False Cause Since the opposite of immobile is mobile,
- Confusion of causal with non-causal then the opposite of inflammable is
relationships flammable.

Gamblers Fallacy
- Assuming that short-term deviations
from probability will be corrected in the
short term.

I have flipped heads five times in a row. As a

result, the next flip will probably be tails.

Explanation: The odds for each and every

flip are calculated independently from other
flips. The chance for each flip is 50/50, no
matter how many times heads came up

Hasty Generalization
False Dilemma / Black and White / Either OR - Drawing a general rule from a single case
Fallacy (conclusion -> general) specific ->
- Options are reduced to two alternatives general
only. My father smoked four packs of cigarettes a
day since age fourteen and lived until age
sixty-nine. Therefore, smoking really cant
be that bad for you.

Four out of five dentists recommend Happy

Glossy Smiley toothpaste brand. Therefore,
it must be great.

Red Herring / Changing the Subject

- Fallacy of distraction , diversion using a
different topic.

Figures of Speech
- False analogy, wrongly inferring
similarity of meaning from similarity of
word structure.

Since the opposite of illiterate is literate,

then the opposite of liquid is illiquid.
Argumentum Ad Antiquitatem Argumentum Ad Ignorantiam
- Appeal to tradition, its better because its - Appeal to ignorance , failure to prove
old. something

Marriage has traditionally been between a Although we have proven that the moon is
man and a woman; therefore, gay marriage not made of spare ribs, we have not proven
should not be allowed. that its core cannot be filled with them;
therefore, the moons core is filled with
Argumentum Ad Baculum
spare ribs.
- Appeal to the stick / appeal to the force,
blackmail, violence To this very day (at the time of this writing),
science has been unable to create life from
non-life; therefore, life must be a result of
divine intervention.

Argumentum Ad Misericordiam
- Appeal to Pity / emotions

Argumentum Ad Hominem
- Attacking the person / against the man Argumentum Ad Novitatem
- Appeal to novelty Younger is better
Argumentum Ad Populum (To say it is legitimate and appropriate
- Appeal to popularity / bandwagon means it is justifiable. Also, to put someone
to death is the very definition of capital

Slippery Slope / Camels Nose

- Asserting that some event must
inevitably follow from another without
any argument for the inevitably of the
event in question.

Argumentum Ad Verecundiam
- Misplaced authority

My 5th-grade teacher once told me that girls

would go crazy for boys if they learn how to
dance. Therefore, if you want to make the
ladies go crazy for you, learn to dance.

The Pope told me that priests could turn

bread and wine into Jesus body and blood.
The Pope is not a liar. Therefore, priests
really can do this. Suppression of Facts / Suppressed evidence
- Selecting only the facts that favor an
Petitio Principle / Begging the Question opinion and suppressing or ignoring all
- Circular reasoning
that are against it.
We should ban marijuana because it is an My political candidate gives 10% of his
illegal substance. income to the needy, goes to church every
(The conclusion, which is to ban marijuana, Sunday, and volunteers one day a week at a
is simply a restatement of the assertion that homeless shelter. Therefore, he is honest
marijuana is an illegal substance. Something and morally straight.
that is illegal is already presumed to be Explanation: What information was left out
banned.) of the example is that this same candidate
Capital punishment is justifiable for the gives 10% of his income to needy prostitutes
crimes of murder and kidnapping because it in exchange for services, goes to the bar
is quite legitimate and appropriate that every Sunday after church (and sometimes
someone be put to death for such heinous before), and only works at the homeless
crime. shelter to get clients for his drug dealing

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