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& © SOS 7002-10071 OS! “oro'p tee YT 8002:1006 OSI ‘o-o'p liege YT Enorgosh | signal kabel za napone do 1 KY SADRZAJ / CONTENTS Buvop 3 PRIMJENJENE NORME, KONSTRUKCISKI ELEMENT! KABELA OZNAKE KABELA | ZNAK PROIZVODACA, 1 PRIMJENA KABELA ITIPOVI KABELA 6.1. NYY, NAYY ergetsk i signalnikabelisizolaciom plastem od PVC 62. NYCY Enorgetsk! | signalni kabollsizolacijom plastem od PVC, s koncentriénim natin ‘anos0 zaétinim vodiéem 6.2. PP 41, PP ATA getsk! i signalni kabel sizolacijom plastem od PVC, armivan's dvje éeléne 6.4. PP 44, PP 4A Energetsk' i signalni kabelisizolacjom plastem od PVC, armiran’s oxrugim {eléaim cama 8.5. N2XY, NA2XY Enorgolsk! kabel s XLPE izolacjom | PVC plastem 6.6. N2X2Y, NAZX2Y Energetski abel s XLPE izolagiiom | PE piasiem 67. XP 41, XP 41-8. ergetsh kabel s XLPE izolaciiom | PVC plaster, armirans dil Seliéne take XP 44, XP 44-8 Enorgotski kabel s XLPE izolacjom | PC plastem, armiran sokrugim éeliéaim Zicama 6.9. NOxH Energetski tetko gariv kabel tesko ‘gotivom XLPE izolacjom i teSko gorivim Boiefinskim plaster, bezhalogeni 6.10, FR-N1XD4-AR, FR-NIXDS-AR, FR-NFA2X ‘Samonosiv kabe'sk’ snap $ izelaciom og XLPE Komercijaina ozraka: ELKALEXA | STRUJNO OPTERECENJE KABELA WFAKTORIZA PRERAGUNAVANJE DOZVOLJENE STRUJE KRATKOG SPOJA HISPITIVANJA KABELA, HPAKIRANJE KABELA IEA POLAGANJE | SPAJANJE KABELA 1 16 19 22 4 25 2 29 aeeeseele Power and control cables for voltages up fo 1 kV INTRODUCTION 4 APPLIED STANDARDS ] CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS OF THE CABLE J CABLE DESIGNATION AND TRADEMARK ] APPLICATION OF CABLES |CABLETYPES 6.1. NYY, NAY Power and control cables with PVC insulation and sheath 6.2. NYCY Powor and control cables with PVC insulation and sheath, with concentric. neutral conductor, Le protective conductor 6.3. PP4t, PPAtA Power and control cables with PVC insulation and sheath, armoured with two steel tapes 6.4. PP 44, PP 44, Power and control cables with PVC insulation and sheath, armoured wlth round steel wis 6.5. NEXY, NAZXY Power cables with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath 6.6. NOX2Y, NAZX2Y Power cabies with XLPE insulation and PE sheath 6.7. XP 41, xP 41-A Power cables with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath, armoured with two steel pes 6.8. XP 44, XP 44-8 Power cabies with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath, armoured with round steel wires 6.9. NOXH Flame-retardant power cables with flame- retardant XLPE insulation and fame- retardant polaletin sheath, haloger 6.10, FR-NIXD4-AR, FR-NIXDS-AR, FR-NFA2X Selsupporiing cable buncle with XLPE insulation Commercial ode: ELKALEX-4 CURRENT RATINGS OF CABLES ] CONVERSION FACTORS PERMISSIBILE SHORT-CIRCUIT CURRENTS GELKA page: 13 16 19 4 a 34 36 gees uvop ELKA je osnovana 1927. godine i danas je u Republici Hrvaiskoj najvesi proizvodaé energetskih distribuciskih kabela napona 1kV do 110 kV. Elka je | proizvodaé XLPE i elastomemnih izolacijskih smjesa za izolacije niskonapon. skih i srednjenaponskih energetskih kabela s vise od 20 godina iskustva na razligtim proizvodima i komercijalnom plasmanu, Elka posjeduje viastti razvojni centar i ispitne laboratoriie za materiale | Kabele sa suvremenom opremom | visoko strugnim osobliem Sto garantira visoku kvalitetu finalnih proigvoda, materjala ikabela ‘Sustav upravijanja kvalitetom (Quality Management Sys- em) poturden je Certiikatom ISO 9001 od 1997. godine, a Sustav upravijanja okoligem (Environmental Management System) Certfikatom IS0 14001 od 2002. godine izdanim ‘od Ivitke S@S International Certification Services AG, Svi- carska, Katalogom ‘Energetskii signalni kabeli za napone do 1 KV" ‘obuhvaéeni su + kabelis izolacijom iplastem od PVC + kabeli sizolacijom plastem od te’ko gorivog PVC = kabelis XLPE izolacljom PVC plastem = kabelis XLPE izolacijom iPE platem + kabeli s XLPE izolacijom ite8ko gorivim poliolefinskim plastem, bezhalogeni + samonosivi kabelski snop s izolacijom od XLPE PRIMJENJENE NORME. Svi material, konstrukcije kabela i ispitivanja na energet- skim signalnim kabelima proizvodnje ELKA u skladu su sa silede¢im medunarodnim inacionalnimnormama: + HRN HD 603 $1/94: Distribution cables of nominal vol- tages UJUO6/1kV + HRN HD 626 1/96: Overhead distriaution cables of rated, voltage UJU(U,):0,6/1 (1,2) kV + HRN HD 383 $2/86: Conductors of insulated cab) + HRN N.CO.006/83: Oznaéavanje izoliranih vodova i ka- bela + IEC 60 502-1197: Power cables with extruded insulation ‘and their accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (U,=1,2k¥) up to30kV (U,=36kV) Part 1: Cables for rated voltages of 1 kV(U,=1.2kV) and kV (U,=3,6kV) + IEC 60 287/82: Calculation of the continuous current ra- ting of cables (100% load factor) + IEC 60 332-1/93: Tests on electric cables under fire cond tions Part: Test ona single vertical insulated wire or ca- ble Power and control cables for voltages up fo 1 kV INTRODUCTION ELKA was founded in 1927 andiis currently the biggest pro- ducer af distribution power cables of 1KV to 110 KV voltage in the Republic of Croatia, Elka produces also XLPE and elastomer insulation compounds for insulation of low vol tage and medium voltage power cables, with more than 20 years of experience in different products and commer- cial sale. Highly competent staff in charge of Eika’s own develop ment centre and top-equipped laboratories for materials and cable testing, guarantee a high quality of final pro- ducts, materials and cables. The Quality Management (insurance) System is confirmed by ISO 9001 Certificate, in 1997 and The Environmental Management System is confirmed by ISO 14001 Cert cate, in 2002, both issued by the fim SGS Intemational Contiication Services AG, Switzerland, The catalogue ‘Power and control cables for voltages up to 1 kV'includes: cables with PVC insulation and sheath cables with flame-retardant PVC insulation and sheath cables with XLPE insulation and PVC sheath cables with XLPE insulation and PE sheath cables withXLPE insulation and flame-retardant polyo- lefin halogen-free sheath ‘self-supporting cable bundle with XLPE insulation APPLIED STANDARDS All materials, cable construction and tests on power an contro! cables of ELKA's production, comply with the folio- wing international and national standards ‘+ HRN HD 603 $1/94: Distribution cables of nominal vol- fages U/U0,6/1kV + HRN HD 626 81/96: Overhead distribution cables of rated voltage UU (U.):0.6/1 (1,2) kV + HRN HD 383 $2/86: Conductors ofinsulated cables + HRN N.CO.006/83: Designation of insulated conductors and cables ‘IEC 60 502-1197: Power cables with extruded insulation ‘and theit accessories for rated voltages from 1 kV (U, = 1.2 KV) up (0 30 kV (U,, = 36 KV) Part: Cables forrated vollagesof 1kV(U, =1,2kV) and3kV(U,=3,6KV) +1EC 60 287/82: Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables (100 % load factor) + IEC 60.332-1/93: Tests on electric cables under fre conal- tions Part: Teston a single vertical insulated wire or ¢ bie GELKA EEnergets | signalni kabel za napone do 1 KV + IEC 60.932-9/93: Tests on electric cables under fire condi tions Part3: Test on bunched wires orcabies + IEC 60754-2/91: Determination of degree of acidity of ga- ses evolved during the combustion of materials ta- ken from electric cables by measuring pH and con- ductivity + DIN VDE 0276 T 603/95: Enerajevertellungskabel mitNen- Nspannungen UJU 0.6/1 kV ‘DIN VDE 0266: Kabel mit verbessertom Verhalten im Brandiall Nennspanrungen UUO./1 kV += DIN 46 391: Spulen far die Lieferung von Kabel, Leitun- ‘gen und Seilen + BS 8467: Cables with thermosetting insulation for electri- city supply for rated voltages of up to and including 600/100 V and up to and including 1900/3300 V + BS 6346: PVC - insulated cables for electricity supply + BS 6724/90: Armoured cables for electricity supply hav- ing thermosetting insulation with low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fre + ELKAISE-A-009/97: Energotskikabelizanazivne napone ‘od 1 KV do 36 kV KONSTRUKCIJSKIELEMENTIKABELA vopié! Vodiéi se izraduju od bara il aluminija u konstrukeiiikva- Iteti prema HD 383. Jedno?iéni (ica), izradulu se do 10 mm, akao vigezitni (uze), izraduju se Kompaktirani, okrug- log obika od 16mm’ na vie ili sektorskog oblika od 35 mm" na vige. U tablici 1. dane su osnovne znaéajke Cu, Al AINgt i Ay (AIMgSi -aidre}) vodica ‘Tablica 1. Osnovne znatajke Cu, Al, AIMg1 i Ay (AIMgSI aldre)) Power and control cables for voltages up fo 1 kV + IEC 60 392-9/98: Tosts on electric cables under fire conal- tions Part: Teston bunched wires or cablos IEC 60 754.2191: Determination of degree of acialty of ‘gases evolved during the combustion of materials, taken from electric cables by measuring pH and ‘conductivity + DIN VDE 0276 T 603/95: Energievertellugnskabel mitNen- nspannungen U/U 0.6/1 kV *DIN VDE 0266: Kabel mit vorbessoriem Verhalten im Brandfail Nennspannungen UU 0.6/5 kV + DIN 46 391: Spulen far die Lieferung von Kabein, Leitun- ‘gen und Seiten + BS 5467: Cables with thermosetting insulation for electt = city supply for rated voltages of up fo and including 600/100 V and up to and including 1900/3300 V + BS 6346: PVC - insulated cables for electricity supply + BS 6724/90: Armoured cables for electricity supply hav- ing thermosetting insulation with low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire + ELKA ISE-A-003/97: Power cables for nominal voltages from 1 KV up to 36 kV CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS OF THE CABLE conpucToRS The conductors are made of copper or aluminium in the construction and quality complying with HD 383. As sofid (wire) they are made up to 10 mnt, while as stranded (rope) they are made as compacted, round-shaped from 16 mm (on, or soctor-shaped fram 35 mn¥ on. The basic features of Cu, Al, AlMgt and Ay (AIMgSI - aidrey) conductors aro given in Table 1. Table. Basic features of Cu. Al, AIMG? and Ay (AlMgSi - aicroy) vosiga eanductor Zhadsje / Features ‘eainiea/ Unk | 6u al ‘Ast ay Gusiota Density aint 30 27 BT at Smale arorerh aero crarcteo Mpa 200280 | 127-206, 282 206 Linear berm tareton ef ogeian nt stot | 2a-sot | 2a-to¢ | 23-10" Mosul elasinost/ Elasticity module GPa 135 e 52 9 Tontranee concen of otal esounce iS o/c SO hilinal testo srongnot insted reveal conductor | *S 5s 205 GELKA EEnergets | signalni kabel za napone do 1 KV Tablica 2. Osnovne konstrukcjsko znataike vodiéa Power and control cables for voltages up fo 1 kV Table 2, Basie construction features ofthe conductors Nazivnipresjek/ Oblik voaicay Nazivne dimenzile vodiéa/ | Otpor vodiéa na 20°C (nsivse)/ Nominal Cross-Section ‘Shape of Conductor Nominal Conductor Sizes | Conductor Resistance at 20° C(max.) Promjer / Diameter, Axh cu al mm mm mm ‘km ‘uk 18. Yea | Wire 1.38 2 aA 181 25 Zea! Wire 175. : 71 124 4 Zea Wire 223 461 Tat 6 Zea s Wire 268 3.08) 461 10 Zeal Wire 3.48 183 3.08 16 Uze, okrugio | Rope, round shaped 46 15: 191 25 Uze, okrugio / Rope, round shaped 58. : ore? 1.20 35, Ute, okruglo / Rope, round shaped 68 : 0.524 0.858 50 Uze, sektarsko / Rope, sector-shaped 30" 18x82) 0.387 ‘o.s4t 70 LU2e, seklarsko / Rope, sector-shaped 28 132x100, 0.268 0433 9 ze, sektarsko / Rope, sector-shaped Tg" [15.2115] 0.183 0.320 120 Ue, sektarsko / Rope, sector shaped war |176x125) 0.183 0253 150 ze, sektorsko / Rope, sector shaped 14% [198x140] 0.128 (0206 185 Ute, sektorsko / Rope, sector-shaped 157° |a2.3x155| 0.0991 0,164 240 ze, sektorsko / Rope, sector-shaped 180° (254x175) O07se 0,125 300 ze, sektarsko / Rope, sector-shaped poo" |285x19.2| 0.0601 0,100 “Naveen! podaci ednose se samo na jednadine kabele ‘Sika 1. Obi sektorskog vodisa “Tho statod data refer to singlo-coro cables only Pleture 1. Shape of sector conductor SEKTORSK! VODIC! Visina sektora Sinna seltora ‘polumjer zaobljonia deblinaizolacie kur sekcora polumier sektora SaaS IZOLACWA leolacija se sastoji od sloja PVC ill XLPE mase, u stan-

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