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Environmental Health Perspectives

Vol. 83, pp. 97-115, 1989

Applications of Numerical Methods to

Simulate the Movement of Contaminants in
G roundwater
by Ne-Zheng Sun*
This paper reviews mathematical models and numerical methods that have been extensively used to
simulate the movement of contaminants through the subsurface. The major emphasis is placed on the
numerical methods of advection-dominated transport problems and inverse problems. Several mathemat-
ical models that are commonly used in field problems are listed. A variety of numerical solutions for three-
dimensional models are introduced, including the multiple cell balance method that can be considered a
variation of the finite element method. The multiple cell balance method is easy to understand and
convenient for solving field problems. When the advection transport dominates the dispersion transport,
two kinds of numerical difficulties, overshoot and numerical dispersion, are always involved in solving
standard, finite difference methods and finite element methods. To overcome these numerical difficulties,
various numerical techniques are developed, such as upstream weighting methods and moving point meth-
ods. A complete review of these methods is given and we also mention the problems of parameter iden-
tification, reliability analysis, and optimal-experiment design that are absolutely necessary for construct-
ing a practical model.

Introduction mands both on human and machine resources need to

be developed.
* When using the regular numerical methods men-
In recent years, mathematical models and numerical tioned above to solve advection-dominated transport
methods have been used extensively to simulate the problems, two types of numerical errors always occur:
movement of contaminants to groundwater. Many the oscillation around the computed profile (overshoot)
books and review papers have contributed to this topic and the smearing of the concentration front (numerical
(1-8). The distributed parameter model describing sol- dispersion). To decrease these numerical errors, many
ute transport in porous media generally includes an ad- special techniques have been presented. Each has its
vection-dispersion equation, a groundwater flow equa- own advantages and disadvantages in comparison with
tion, and state equations (1). Analytical solutions can the others. Therefore, further work in this area is re-
be derived only for a few classical models that are not quired.
suitable for complex situations normally encountered in * Another difficulty in using mathematical models to
the field. Consequently, the development of numerical simulate mass transport in porous media is the deter-
solutions is required. mination of model parameters. Because it is impossible
During the last two decades, a variety of numerical to measure directly the pore velocity and dispersivities
approaches were presented, such as the finite difference in the whole flow region, one has to use an indirect
methods (FDM), the finite element methods (FEM), and method to determine these input parameters according
other alternative methods (2-14). However, at least to observation data of heads and concentrations, i.e., to
three important problems have not been solved per- solve the inverse problem of the simulation of ground-
fectly: water quality. The inverse problem of groundwater flow
* The movement of contaminants in groundwater is
simulation has been extensively studied (15-24). A re-
an inherently three-dimensional (3-D) process. Unfor-
view paper on this topic was presented recently by Yeh
tunately, most simulations of field problems are now in (25). In comparison, the body of published research for
2-D because of the high expense of 3-D models. There- parameter estimation for mass transport problems is
still small (26-34). In the solution of inverse problems,
fore, 3-D numerical models that can decrease the de- the primary obstacle is their ill-posed nature, i.e., the
existence, uniqueness, and stability of the solution may
*Environmental Science Center, Shandong University, The Peo-
not be satisfied. However, if the observation data are
ple's Republic of China. collected through a reasonable experiment design, the
Present address: Civil Engineering Department, UCLA, Los An- ill-posedness may be controlled under certain restricted
geles, CA 90024. conditions.
98 N-Z. SUN

In this paper, we focus our attention on the numerical The distribution of average velocities can be com-
methods with respect to the previously mentioned three puted according to Darcy's law. For instance, in the
problems. The distributed parameter models of mass saturated zone we have
transport in porous media are given in the second sec-
tion. This paper does not deal with stochastic models Vji = - !i4
(35-38). 0 axj
The third section is devoted to 3-D numerical models
developed in recent years and mentions the mixed finite where Ku = components of hydraulic conductivity ten-
difference-finite element method (FD-FE), the multiple sor (L/T); h = head (L); 0 = porosity (dimensionless).
cell balance method (MCBM), and the alternating di- The distribution of head in Eq. (3) can be obtained by
rection Galerkin method (ADG). The MCBM (13,39-41) solving the groundwater flow problem. The advection-
combines the idea of local mass balance coming from dispersion equation [Eq. (1)] must be completed by
the integral FDM (42), and the idea of basic functions boundary and initial conditions depending on the con-
coming from FEM (43,44). It is very suitable for the sidered problem. The initial condition is the concentra-
solution of field problems. tion distribution at t = 0:
In the fourth section, various numerical methods are C(x,O) = Co(x) (4)
reviewed. These have been developed to deal with the
advection-dominated transport problems. We mention where CO (x) is a known function, point x belongs to
the upstream weighting FEM, the upstream weighting the flow region. The boundary conditions are generally
MCBM, and the method of characteristics (MOC) and divided into three types:
its modified forms. A new method, the advection-control a) Prescribed concentration boundary conditions
MCBM, recently presented by Sun and Liang (45), will C(x,t) = g1 (x,t), x E rI
be also introduced. It displays the ability of eliminating (5)
the overshoot and decreasing the numerical dispersion b) Prescribed flux boundary conditions
In the last section of the paper, the concepts and afclnj
Dij axi = 92(x,t), x e r2 (6)
numerical methods of inverse problems are introduced.
Here we discuss extended identifiability and its appli- c) Prescribed conditions and its normal derivative on
cations to experimental design and reliability estima- the boundary
ViC - Dij a - ni = g3(x,t), x E r3 (7)
Mathematical Models
It is well known that mass transport in porous media In Eqs. (5)-(7), gl, g2, and g3 are known functions and
is governed by the following advection-dispersion equa- F = F1 + F2 + F3 is the boundary of the flow region
tion (1,2): (Q).
a(Oc) a Dj ac - a (ViC) M
at ax1 axj -a (Ox
(1) Classical Models
Analytical solutions can be derived only for a few
i,j = 1,2,3 classical models that are often used to simulate con-
where C = concentration of contaminants (M/L); Du = trolled experiments in the laboratory or in the field to
components of hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient ten- obtain dispersion parameters. Another application of
sor (L2/T); Vi = components of average velocity vector analytical solutions is testing and contrasting numerical
of fluid in porous medium (L/T); M = source or sink (M/ solutions. For this reason, two solutions are quoted
L2T); 0 = volumetric fraction of the fluid phase, in sat- here.
urated zone; 0 = porosity; in unsaturated zone, 0 = Consider the movement of a tracer in a semi-infinite
water content; xi = space variables (L); t = time (T). column. The mathematical statement of the problem is
The repeated subscripts indicate summation.
For an isotropic porous medium, Dii may be ex- ac 2C ac
pressed as: D
at ax2 ax
Dij = aTSijV + (aL - aT) v + 6ijD (2) (8)
C(x,O) = 0
where aL, aT = longitudinal and transverse dispersiv- C(O,t) = CO
ities of the isotropic medium, respectively (L); V = C(00,t) = 0
magnitude of the velocity (L/T); D* = molecular dif-
fusivity of porous media (L/T); and bu = Kronecker The analytical solution of the classical model was given
delta, b& = O, when i + j; u = 1, when i = j. by Fried and Combernous (46):

C(X,t) =2 {erfc[ t] + exp [ ]D erfc[ } (9) a(mc) = a [mDij ax - a (mvic) M2


Another example is the dispersion in radial flow when where Sy = specific yield (dimensionless); m = satu-
a fully penetrating recharge well is located at the origin
rated thickness of the aquifer (L); W2 (L/T) and M2 (M/
with a constant rate Q (the molecular diffusion is ne- L2 T) = sink or source; i,j = 1,2.
glected). The mathematical statement of the problem is The model of 2-D dispersion in a vertical saturated-
unsaturated zone inclues a GFE
ac a2c ac
at ar2 ar
( ISs)
a [K1J+ "[Ky+ 1 - W3 (15)

C(r,O) = 0, r > rw
(10) and an ADE
C(rw,t) = CO, t >O
C(oo,t) = 0, t >O aXL
at at -I= 8Dij aXJJ] aXia (OViC) - M3

where r, = radius of the injection well; the radial ve- where,

locity V = Q/2-rBOr, where B = thickness of the aqui- (16)
fer; and CO = concentration of the recharge water. The e = water content; v = pressure head (L);
analytical solution of problem (10) is given by Tang and av ; in the saturated zone, I = 1;
Babu (47). A new formula that is simpler than the for- -=a
mer was presented recently by Hsieh (48). in the unsaturated zone f3 = 0; i,j = 1,3
More analytical solutions can be found in Li (49), Bear The more complex field models are also presented
(2) and Sun (8). Some new results are given by Van (63-73). Recently, the study of modeling the mass
Genuchten (50), Mironenko and Pachepsky (51), Lind- transport in fractured aquifers has become a hot topic
strom and Boersma (52), and Mornch (53) for 1-D dis- (74-78).
persion; by Al-Niami and Ruston (54) and Batu (55) for The GEF and ADE of a field model are coupled
the dispersion of stratified porous media; by Goltz and through Darcy's law. In tracer cases (the density p and
Roberts (56) for a 3-D model; and by Tang et al. (57), viscosity ,u of the fluid are constant); the two equations
Sudicky and Frind (58), Chen (59,60), Lowell (61), and can be solved individually. Otherwise (p and ,u depend
Dillon (62) for transport in fractured porous media. upon the solute concentration) they must be solved si-
multaneously with the state equations (1,79).
Field Models The effects of ion exchange, chemical reactions, radio-
For a field model, the groundwater flow equation active decay, and adsorption, as well as pumping and
(GFE) and the advection-dispersion equation (ADE) recharging of wastewater, are all included in the source
must be solved individually or simultaneously. Several or sink term of the ADE (2). For equilibrium transport,
combinations of GFE and ADE are given below. These the linear adsorption isotherm F = kC is often used,
are often seen in practical problems. where F is the solute concentration on the solid phase
The model of 3-D dispersion in a confined flow includes and k is the slope of the isotherm. The ADE [Eq. (1)]
a GFE then can be rewritten as
a(8c) a FD ac1 a Fovj c1
at ax axh (11) at -axi [ Pd ax1J axi [Rd
and an ADE
where, (17)
a(oC) a [Dij ac 1 a (ViC) M3 (12)
at ax, D, ax~J axi Rd = 1 +k is called the retardation factor;
where S. = specific storage coefficient (1/L); W3 (1/T) Os is the volumetric fraction of the solid phase.
and M3 (M/L3T) = sink or source; 0 = porosity; i, j = For nonequilibrium transport, the ADE should be
1,2,3. replaced by the coupled system.
The model of 2-D dispersion in a horizontal 2-D un-
confined aquifer includes a GFE a(OtF) at aI al (aViC)
=a [Dij
at axi axjJ x
SYa a = nKim W2 (13) (18)
and an ADE = k(C -aF)
100 N-Z. SUN

The two above equations represent the mass transport second derivatives in Eq. (20) by Green's theorem, one
and exchange in fluid phase and solid phase, respec- can translate Eq. (20) into a system of ordinary differ-
tively, where k and a are constants. [For review of ential equations.
adsorption models, see (7,80-86).]
[A] C } ( { dt = (F) (21)
Numerical Methods
The previously mentioned field models are generally where the components of the matrices [A] and [B] are
intractable analytically because of irregular geometry
and a nonhomogeneous structure of the flow region. A~J = f{ajvivi + aXi8Va)
Numerical methods are always required. In the past,
the practical application of numerical solutions was al- ('i)
most limited in 1-D and 2-D cases to avoid high expenses ad
of 3-D models on both human and machine resources. Aij~ I

= +
However, dispersion of contaminants in groundwater is
an inherently 3-D process. It is now recognized that
even a low-order transverse dispersion acting over a Bij Oijd
long distance can substantially affect the configuration

of a contaminant plume (14,87,88). Burnett and Frind
(89) further examined the effects of dimension through when the boundary condition [Eq. (6)] is given on a part
a field-scale system that is simulated with a 3-D model, of boundary r2 then
a 2-D vertical section model, and a 2-D vertically in- Fi= JM30 dQ + 1g2.i dr
tegrated, horizontal plane model. In fact, there are (Q) (r2) (24)
many instances of field problems where 2-D approxi-
mations of contaminant plumes are not adequate. There- The time derivative in Eq. (21) is usually replaced by
fore, numerous researchers have turned their attention simple finite differencing, the equation then reduces to
to 3-D numerical solutions in recent years (40,41,63,90- the following finite element equations for each time step
92). The major problem in investigating 3-D numerical At
models is knowing how to decrease the required input
data, storage space, and computation time. ([A] +
) (C}t+At = L{Ch
+ (Fh+At (25)

Galerkin Finite Element Method (FEM) Matrices [A] and [B] depend upon the division of the
flow region and the selection of basis functions. Gupta
In standard FEM, the unknown function C(x1,x2,x3,t) (93) used the 3-D isoparameter elements and the 3-D
of Eq. (1) is represented approximately by a trial func- Galerkin basis functions to obtain matrices A and B
tion where numerical integrations are needed.
In Sun et al. (40), the flow region is first divided into
C(x1 ,x2,x3, t) a number of horizontal layers; these layers are then
Ci(t)*,(x1 ,X2,X3) subdivided into a number of triangular prisms so that
where, (19) the corresponding nodes in each layer are located along
a single vertical line. The six vertices of each element
v i = 1,2, ... N is a set of basis functions are taken as nodes (Fig. 1). They are
the repeated subscripts indicate summation. N is the P1 (x1,y1,zo) P2(xj,yj,zo) P3(xk,Yk,zo) (26)
number of all nodes where the concentrations are un- P4(xi,Yi,zl) P 5(xj;.yj,z 1) P6(xk,Yk,z,)
known. The equations of weighted residuals of ADE In each element, the basis functions of the element's six
[Eq. (1)] are nodes are
A Al- Oi(X,y,Z) = Z-j(x,y) X4(X,y,Z) = Z+Oi(X,y)
J atjjC - aX [ e a W2(X,y,Z) = Z'+j(x,y)
*3(x,y,Z) = Z-k(X,Y)
*5(x,y,z) = z+Oj(x,y) (27)
*6(X4,yZ) = Z+Wk(X,y)
(20) where
(OVaC) + M3 } widV= O

z- z -z Z z . z0
(i (a,p 1,2,3)
= 1, 2, ...,N); = AZ
z+ =
AZZA AZ = Z1 - Zo (28)

where {wi, i = 1, 2,... N} is a set of weighting functions.

In the Galerkin FEM, let {j} = {wi}. In eliminating the In this case, the input geometry information is almost


P4 P5


FIGURE 1. Three-dimensional triangular prism element.

equal to that of the 2-D models. The matrices [A] and

[B] can be computed directly without any numerical
Mixed Finite Difference-Finite Element
Method (FD-FE)
To decrease the high expenses of 3-D models both on
human and machine resources, Sun (17) presented a
mixed FD-FE method for 3-D GFE that can be easily AZm
extended to solving the 3-D ADE. A similar method (
was given by Babu and Pinder (90,94). The flow region
is divided into triangular prism elements as mentioned (i,m)
above. All 3-D nodes can be numbered by a 2-D array
(i,m) where m is the number of a layer that the node
locates (m = 1,2, .. ,M) and i is the number of the node
in the layer (i = 1,2, . .. J,). Then a double division is (b)
introduced to form an exclusive subdomain for each node
that is a multiangular prism surrounding the node as
shown in Figure 2. The local mass balance over the FIGURE 2. Exclusive subdomain of a node (i,m): (a) cross section; (b)
exclusive subdomain (di,m) of node (i,m) can be ex- profile.
pressed as the integral of ADE [Eq. (1)]. Applying
Green's theorem, it can be rewritten as where Pi is the area of the bottom or top of (di,m); AZm
is its thickness. Let (Si,m) = (Si,m)i + (Si,m)2 + (Si,m)3,
I {9_C + M3} dQ= f{Dap aC - VC nOdS where (Si,m)i is the side of (di,m), (Si,m)2 and (Si,m)3 are
the top and bottom of (di,m), respectively. The integral
(di,m) (Si,m) (29) over (Si,m) on the right-hand side of Eq. (29) then can
be computed in three parts. We have
where (Si,m) is the boundary of (di,m) and n is the normal
vector of (Si,m). For the left-hand side of Eq. (29), one
uses the approximation. [ ] dS = [ [ ] dLJ] *Zm = [A(i,i)C(i,m)
(Si,m)l (Li) (31)
{ {at + M3} dflJOim dt + Mi] i
i-z + , A( ,j)C (j,m) ] *AZm
(di,m) (30) where E represents the sum of all nodes that are neigh-
.j- i
102 N-Z. SUN

boring nodes of node i on the same layer m. Aj,j and A Multiple Cell Balance Method (MCBM)
can be computed directly and will be given later in Eq.
(42). Using finite difference approximation, we have The 2-D MCBM (13) is a variant of the linear FEM.
It combines finite-element approximation with the con-
cept of the local mass balance used in the integral finite
11 dS = [ODZ ac
- evzc I(
(i,m+ -)
Pi (32) difference method (IFDM), presented by Narasimhan
(Sim)2 (12), Narasimhan and Witherspoon (42), and Rasmuson
and et al. (66). In IFDM, the flow region is divided into
c~~~~ polygon elements. The local mass balance of each ele-
ment is represented by an integral form over the ele-
dS =

(i,m- i)

Pi(33) ment and the derivatives arising in these integrals are

replaced by simple finite differencing. Consequently,
the balance equation of each element becomes an al-
where gebraic equation that includes the unknown concentra-
tions of the element and its neighboring elements.
=2r C(i.m+1) C(im) -
IFDM is easy to understand, but it is difficult to deal
1lz (i, +1)
m AZm + AZm+1 with the tensor nature of dispersion coefficients and
arbitrary orientation of flow velocities.
C(i m) - C(i.m-1) In MCBM, the flow region is divided into triangle
2 elements, a twice division is then used to form the ex-
k 1(i,m-1 AZm + AZm-1 clusive subdomain for each node as shown in Figure 3.
The local mass balance of a node i can be represented
by the integral of Eq. (14) over its exclusive subdomain
C l(i,m+-)12 =
2 (C(i,m+1) + (m) (di):
D[co4-- VCc]ncdL = [ + M2] dD
i-)2 = '22
C l(i,M (C(i,m) + C(i,m- )) (Li) (di)

Let Assume that in each element (Aijk) the unknown func-

(Cim {C(1,m), C(2,m) .....C(l,m)l
= tion C can be represented as
| dCl JdC(1.m) dC(2.mj dC(l.m) C(x,y,z,t) = Ci(t) *g(x,y) + Cj(t) *j(x,y)
tdtf m l dt ' dt

' dt | (38)
+ Ck(t) Xk(x,Y)
Substituting Eq. (30)-(33) into Eq. (29), we obtain fol-
lowing equations for all layers: where Ci, Cj and Ck are nodal values of unknown func-
tion; Xi, (4j, and Xk are 2-D linear basis functions. Sub-
[A1lm{Clm + [A2]{Clm+1 + CA3]m{Cm-1 stituting Eq. (38) into the mass balance Eq. (37) and
dC (35) completing integral calculations included in the equa-
+ CBJm Xdtf m = (Fim (m = 1,2,..., M) tion, it can be translated into an algebraic equation
where [AiIm, [A2]m, [A3]m and [B]m are all e e e
X(AiiCi + AijCj + AiA")
diagonal matrices (ei)
edcj e dC (39)
Eq. (35) can be solved by a layer-by-layer iteration pro- + (Bii dt + B; dtS + Bike dCk
cess. (ei)
In Babu and Pinder (90), assume that
C(x,y,z,t) = Ci(z,t) *i(x,y) where Eei represents the sum of all elements that have
where Vi(x,y) are 2-D basis functions common node i. The general formulae of AF, B e (s =
Using the Galerkin process in the x-y space and the i, j, k) are given by Sun and Liang (13). If m = constant
finite difference approximation in the z space, they ob- and div V = 0, they reduce to
tained Eq. (35) with nondiagonal matrices [Al]m, [A2]m,
[A3]m and [B]m. In order to decrease the computational Ais =
4A [Dxxbibs + Dxy(bics + qbs) + Dyycics
expense, these matrices are lump-diagonalized by sum- (40)
mation. An alternating direction algorithm is then used V
to solve the equations.
+ 6 (Vxbs Vycs)

e A 22
Bis=3 6
if i = s
3 36
Fi = MziPi
where b8, cs are coefficients of basis functions; A is the
area of the element.
Aii =
Aii Aij = O Aij FIGURE 3. Elements of one-dimensional solute transport problem.
,. .

(42) Table 1. Comparison between analytical and numerical

solutions of the 1-D classical model.
Bii= L Bii Bij= XB Concentrations
el eij 5 Days 40 Days
where E represents the sum of all elements that have Distance Analytical MCBM Analytical MCBM
ei 0.0 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000 10.0000
common nodes i and j. Listing Eq. (39) for all nodes 2.5 8.8970 8.8950 9.9290 9.9288
where concentrations are unknown and considering 5.0 7.6157 7.6154 9.8405 9.8399
7.5 6.2495 6.2556 9.7326 9.7316
given boundary conditions, the obtained equations can 10.0 4.9014 4.9180 9.6037 9.6023
be written as: 12.5 3.6645 3.6935 9.4524 9.4506
15.0 2.6061 2.6461 9.2776 9.2753
17.5 1.7600 1.8067 9.0785 9.0757
[A] (C) + [B] {d-} = (F) (43) 20.0
25.0 0.3920 0.4292 8.3336 8.3298
It is easy to verify that the matrix [A] in Eq. (43) is 27.5 0.2125 0.2411 8.0378 8.0338
the same as that of FEM, but in FEM 30.0 0.1088 0.1290 7.7202 7.7162
32.5 0.0526 0.0658 7.3827 7.3790
e A 1 e A 1 35.0 0.0240 0.0320 7.0278 7.0246
Bis=3- if i = s (44) 37.5 0.0103 0.0148 6.6582 6.6557
is3 4, 40.0 0.0042 0.0066 6.2770 6.2753
42.5 0.0016 0.0028 5.8874 5.8868
The MCBM has been extended to 3-D models (40,41). 45.0 0.0006 0.0011 5.4930 5.4937
The division of the 3-D flow region is the same as that 47.5 0.0002 0.0004 5.0972 5.0994
50.0 0.0001 0.0002 4.7038 4.7075
mentioned before. Assume that in each triangular prism
element (Fig. 1) we have
t 40. Numerical results of MCBM and analytical so-

lutions are listed in Table 1.

C (x,y,z,t) = , Cj(t)4I(x,y,z) (45) The MCBM has been used to simulate field problems
1=1 in China. For instance, a simulation model of ground-
are basis functions given in Eq. (27). Substituting Eq. water quality at Xian city, Shaanxi province, was cre-
(45) into the 3-D mass balance equation Eq. (29) all ated in 1985. The MCBM almost keeps the advantages
integrals in the equation can be calculated explicitly. of the mixed FD-FE method on decreasing input data
Consequently, we obtain a set of equations in as the 2- and computational effort. In addition, it is easy to mod-
D case. A layer-by-layer iteration process can be used ify in order to deal with field problems that have sharp
to solve the algebraic system. fronts. A man-machine talking software package based
The 1-D classical model [Eq.(8)], the radial dispersion on 2-D and 3-D MCBM was presented by Wang et al.
model [Eq. (10)], the advection-dispersion in a single (95).
fracture with diffusion in a rock matrix (57) and the Huyakorn et al. (96) gave a 3-D FEM for simulating
advection-dispersion in a two-layered porous medium solute transport in multilayer systems. The division of
(54) were used to verify the proposed method (13,39,41). flow regions is the same as that of the FD-FE method.
The results are satisfactory in comparison with analyt- The trial function [Eq. (36)] is used in x-y space and the
ical solutions. For the classical model [Eq. (8)], the mesh trial function
V -Ax A
Peclet number is defined as Pe = . Let CO = 10, Ci,m(t) om(Z)
Cj(z,t) = (46)
V = 1, Ax = 0.25, D = 10, then Pe = 0.25. A total of is used in z space, where repeated subscripts indicate
93 nodes and 30 triangular prism elements are used to summation as before. This method takes full advantage
simulate this problem. Figure 3 adequately represents of the nature of flow and mass transport in multilayer
the semi-infinite region in the given time interval 0 S systems of several aquifers and aquitards. Huyakorn et
104 N-Z. SUN

al. (73) presented a 3-D FEM for simulating saltwater

intrusion into aquifers. Recently, Burnett and Frind
(92) designed a 3-D numerical model, the alternating - ~ANALYTICAL SOLUTION
-0-- LMFEM
direction Galerkin technique (ADG), that combines Gal- 10 -- FEM
erkin finite elements with the alternating direction finite -0O- MCB (A = 0)
difference technique. The 2-D pattern of the technique t = 50
8 Pe = 100
was given by Daus and Frind (97) and Frind and Ger-
main (98). In the 3-D ADG, the advection-dispersion
equation is split into three symmetric steps correspond- 6
ing to directions x, y, and z, respectively; the final ma-
trix equations can be solved in each direction by means 4
of the Thomas algorithm for tri-diagonal matrices. How-
ever, the division of the flow region in the ADG method
must be limited in a special way. 2

Advection-Dominated Transport 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Problems FIGURE 5. Comparison between analytical and numerical solutions:
The numerical methods mentioned previously are all Pe = 100, t = 50.
successful for dispersion-dominated transport prob-
lems. For instance, when the Peclet number Pe = 0.5 model [Eq. (8)]. When advection dominates dispersion,
in the classical model [Eq. (8)], the Galerkin FEM, the the solutions generated from both FEM and FDM are
lumped mass FEM, and the MCBM all gave numerical characterized by overshoot, although the oscillations
solutions that nearly coincide with the analytical solu- are less pronounced for the finite element solution. Gray
tion of the model (Fig. 4). However, for advection-dom- and Pinder (99) also pointed out that overshoot and
inated problems, they suffer from two kinds of numer- numerical dispersion are closely related in FD and FE
ical difficulties: overshoot and numerical dispersion. The schemes. Generally, one can select a numerical scheme
former is characterized by oscillations around the com- that decreases the magnitude of one problem at the
puted concentration profile, the latter, by the smearing expense of increasing the effect of the other.
of the concentration front (Fig. 5, where Pe = 100). Various improved numerical methods have been pre-
Gray and Pinder (99) assumed that the spatial dis- sented in recent years to overcome these numerical dif-
tribution of concentration can be expressed as a Fourier ficulties, such as upstream weighting methods (UWM)
series with components of different wavelengths. The (100-103), moving point methods (MPM) (104 -108), and
behavior of a numerical scheme is then evaluated in other alternative methods (109-111). Perhaps, the most
terms of its ability to propagate each component of the simple and efficient approach is the mesh refinement
series with the correct speed and amplitude. They dis- technique that improves numerical solutions by decreas-
cussed several FD and FE schemes for the classical ing the local Peclet number. Some adaptive forms of
this technique were given by Shepherd and Gallagher
(111) and Yeh (112). However, when Peclet number
tends to infinity, the mesh refinement technique may
not be economically feasible. A perfect numerical
method for advection-dominated transport should elim-
10 - ANALYTICAL SOLUTION inate overshoot and simultaneously improve the accu-
-*- NUMERICAL SOLUTION racy of numerical solutions with only a little increase of
8 t = 40 computational effort. Beside that, it should deal with
Pe = 0.5 complex 3-D field problems.
Upstream Weighting Method (UWM)
If one uses the FDM to solve 1-D advection-dispersion
equations, the first and second derivatives, with respect
to the space variable x at a grid i, are usually replaced
by central difference approximations as follows:
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
ac I Ci+1 - Ci-i (47)
ax ji 2Ax

FIGURE 4. Comparison between analytical and numerical solutions: a2C Ci+1 - 2Ci + Ci-1
Pe = 0.5, t = 40. ax2 (Ax)2 (48)

For the classical model [Eq. (8)], serious oscillation of are used as basis functions in the isoparametric element,
the FD solution is observed when the Peclet number is - 1 e 1, then the weighting functions are given
- -

large. If Eq. (47) is replaced by upstream differencing by

ac Ci- Ci-1i wi (t) = +j (4) - aF(k) W2(V) = +2(t - aF(t) (53)
ax j if V > 0
AX (49a)
where a is a parameter to be determined and
ac Ci+1 - Ci if V < 0 F (E) =
O1- 00( + t) (54)
ax j AX (49b)
then the oscillation of the numerical solution is elimi- has been called the modifying function.
nated at the expense of increasing the numerical dis- It is interesting to note that for 1-D ADE with con-
persion significantly as shown by Gray and Pinder (99). stant coefficients, the discretization equations of
In order to obtain an optimal compromise solution, the UWFEM using Eqs. (52) and (53) are exactly the same
weighting average of Eq. (47) and Eq. (49) is used: as that of the first-order UWFDM. The parameter a in
Eq. (54) corresponds to the upstream weighting factor
ac C-C 01+1 -C1 a in Eq. (50). Because the weighting functions [(Eq.
ax Aa + (1- a) 2lx (53)] are quadratic functions, the UWFEM needs more
computational effort then that of the linear FEM. Some
authors suggested that the upstream weighting func-
if V > 0 tions should only be used for the advection term of Eq.
(20). For the other terms of the equation, the basis
ac =
Ci+1 - Cj Ci+1 - Cj functions are still used as weighting functions (114).
ax +(1AX 2&x Extensions of UWFEM with linear basis and quad-
ratic weighting functions to 2-D or 3-D cases are
if V < 0 straightforward (115). The UWFEM using triangular
elements was presented by Huyakorn (116). The
where 0.5 < a. < 1 is the upstream weighting factor. weighting functions are
Substituting Eqs. (48) and (50) into Eq. (8), we obtain
a numerical scheme that is called the first-order wl(x,y) = Oi(x,y) + F(x,y)
UWFDM. However, it is possible to present high-order (55)
upstream FDM, for example, Leonard (113) presented = i,j,k
a third-order scheme. Its accuracy is higher then that where 4l are the linear basis functions of the triangular
of first order UWFDM, but at the expense of increased element; F1 are the modifying functions given by
computational effort, because the coefficient matrix of
finite difference equations in this scheme is no longer F = -3akOiOj + 3ajOiOk
In 2-D models, an upstream weighting factor a is Fj = -3aiVjik + 3akjOi (56)
introduced into FD equations by changing Ci = 1/2 (C1
+ Cj) to Fk = -3ajOkOi + 3aiOkWj
Cij = aCj + (1- a)Cj (51) where ai, aj, Ok are upstream weighting factors (Fig.
where CU is the concentration of water flowing between 6). In Eq. (56) the upstream weights are introduced
nodes i and j; Ci and Cj are the concentrations at the k
nodes. If fluid is moving from node i to node j, then 0.5
< a < 1. Generally, let a = 0.75. Eq. (51) is also used
in IFDM [Rasmuson et al. (66)] to damp the oscillations
of numerical solutions with a = 0.65.
Note that the tensor nature of the dispersion coeffi-
cient is not considered in the UWFDM. Therefore, it is
difficult to deal with field problems. In the late 1970s,
the idea of upstream weighting was extended to FEM.
The terms "upwind FEM," "asymmetric weighting
function FEM" and "Petrov-Galerkin FEM" are often
used in the literature. In Petrov-Galerkin FEM, the set
of weighting functions {wi} included in Eq. (20) differs
from the set of basis functions. For 1-D ADE, if the i i
piecewise linear functions:
O 4) .2(0 1 (1- t)
O (t) -

2 FIGURE 6. Triangular element with upstream weighting coefficients.
106 N-Z. SUN

along the sides of elements that are not the flow diirec- C(x,y,t) = OkiCi + 4kjCj + fkmCm
tions. Consequently, the effect of so-called "crossvwind (58)
dispersion" may decrease the accuracy of numericaLI so- (x,y) E Aijk
lutions. In order to lessen the crosswind dispersio)n, a
modified form named the streamline upwind/Pet;rov- where 4qd, Rj, and k4)km are linear functions of the sub-
Galerkin (SU/PG) method was presented (102,117,1f18). element. Substituting Eq. (57) into Eq. (58), we obtain
Generally, the accuracy of SU/PG method is higher tthan C(x,y,t) = * kiCi +
the PG method. *kjCj + 0 WCk
If the set of weighting functions is required t(o be
orthogonal to the set of basis functions, the corresp ond- (x,y) e Aijk
ing method is named as the orthogonal upstr eam where
weighting (OUW) finite element scheme. Yeh ('103) * ki = Oki + WiOkm
noted that the OUW scheme provides an alternativ4 e for
large-scale problems because it gives a convergent p)oint
successive overrelaxation (SOR) computation for allIPe- *kj = Okj + WjOkm (60)
clet numbers.
Although UWFEMs have been extended to 2-D and kk = Xkk + WkO+
even 3-D cases, it is necessary to remark that t neir are new basis functions with upstream weighting coef-
practical applications are limited because of comp'uta- ficients. The mass balance equation can then be derived
tional complexity. for each original node as before, except the unknown
Sun and Yeh (39) presented a new upstream weiLght- function has different representations in different sub-
ing method for 2-D models based on the MCBM nnen- elements.
tioned above. In this method, the center of each tri- Sun and Yeh (39) tested the proposed UWMCBM by
angular element is divided into three subtriangrular several numerical examples including a field problem of
elements by linking the center and vertices of the ele- contaminant transport in a stream-aquifer system. Be-
ment. In Figure 7, m is an invented node. The conicen- cause upstream weighting coefficients in the method are
tration at the invented node is defined as the weiglhted introduced into basis functions directly, the representa-
average of the three vertices of the element: tion of unknown functions in each element remains lin-
ear. The coefficient matrix of discretization equations
Cm = wiCi + wjCj + WkCk can be computed without numerical quadrature. Addi-
(57) tionally, the method is specially available for the solu-
Wi + Wj + Wk = 1 tion of field problems. In fact, the method has been used
to predict groundwater pollution at several aquifers in
where concentration values at points i,j,k and m ae China.
noted by Ci,Cj,Ck and Cm, respectively; wi,wj,wk are The 3-D form of UWMCBM was given by Sun et al.
upstream weighting coefficients corresponding to n(Odes (40). Several numerical examples were given by Wang
i,j,k in the element. They are dependent on the ] local et al. (41). A multilayer transport problem explains that
Peclet number of the element. In each subelement, the the elimination of oscillations of numerical solutions is
unknown function can be represented by Eq. (38). For also important for field problems.
example, in the subelement Aijm, we have However, all UWMs previously mentioned have two
disadvantages: overshoot is controlled, but at the ex-
k pense of increasing numerical dispersion, and the up-
stream weighting coefficients arising in each UWM have
to be designated artificially.

Moving Point Methods (MPM)

All UWMs can be seen as Eulerian methods. The
advantage of Eulerian methods is the use of a fixed grid,
but they are generally not well suited for the handling
of sharp concentration fronts. In contrast, Lagrangian
methods use either a deforming grid or a fixed grid in
deforming coordinates. For example, O'Neill (123) pro-
posed a moving, deforming coordinate system that deals
with steep concentration fronts with no additional nodes
\ and time steps. However, for lack of a fixed grid, it is
difficult at handling fixed sources, fixed boundary con-
ditions, and nonhomogeneous structures of media. In
FIGURE 7. Triangular element and its three subelements. addition, it requires more computational effort in gen-

erating coordinate systems, especially for 3-D field concentration of the node can be obtained by the solution
problems. Mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian methods at- of Eq. (64) with FEM. For second-order and third-order
tempt to eliminate such difficulties by combining the versions of the method, see Farmer (124).
simplicity of a fixed Eulerian grid with the computa- Neuman (106) presented an adaptive Eulerian-La-
tional power of the Lagrangian approach (106). A com- grangian FEM where the forward moving particle
plete review of these methods was given by Farmer tracking technique is used around each sharp front to
(124). improve the accuracy of numerical solutions. Away from
The method of characteristics combining with FDM such fronts the single-step reverse particle tracking
(MOC/FDM) was presented and successfully applied to technique is used to save the computational effort. The
field problems by several researchers (125-127). Con- number of moving particles is adaptive. When the front
sidering the 2-D ADE [Eq. (14)] that can be combined sharpens, moving particles are inserted; when the front
with the GFE [Eq. (13)] to give flattens, they are eliminated. The adaptive scheme max-
imizes computational efficiency.
A similar method that is named the hybrid moving-
at =
1 a
mDijac -Viaac+F (61) point method (HMPM) was presented by Farmer and
Norman (107). Farmer (124) noted that the finite ele-
where ment version of the modified MOC is a good method for
smooth problems (fronts spread over three or more
[W2 + SYat at (62) mesh lengths), and the HMPM a good method for prob-
lems with sharp fronts.
A variation of MPM is the random-walk method
Eq. (61) possesses a characteristic defined by (RWM). It is based on the concept that dispersion in
porous media is a random process. In this method, ad-
dt = Vi, (i = 1,2) (63) vection transport is simulated by a large number of
moving particles like the MRM but the particle move-
Along this characteristic, Eq. (61) reduces to ment takes place in continuous space. Dispersion trans-
port is simulated by adding a random-walk process to
dC 1 a ] each particle in each time-step, instead of the solution
= mDj +F (64) of the dispersion equation. Consequently, it is not nec-
dt = maag a +F essary to calculate the mesh concentration and update
The unknown concentration is then divided into two the particle concentration in every time-step. The con-
parts: the advection concentration and the dispersion centration distribution needs to be calculated only when
concentration. The former is determined by Eq. (63), it is of interest. The main drawback of the RWM is that
which can be solved numerically by tracking the move- the computed concentrations are strongly dependent on
ment of a set of moving points or particles (Lagrangian). sample size. If the number of moving particles is not
The latter is determined by Eq. (64), which can be adequate, a coarse solution may be observed. However,
solved by FDM. Note that there is no advection term the RWM is conceptually simple and relatively easy to
in Eq. (64) and the problem of numerical dispersion can program. It has been used to solve 2-D field problems
be avoided. with many thousands of moving particles. A complete
In MOC, an interpolation process is always required report with a computer program was given by Prickett
to generate mesh concentrations from the concentra- et al. (108).
tions of moving points and vice versa. Generally, the
interpolation process decreases the accuracy of numer- Other Alternative Methods
ical solutions significantly. Another disadvantage of
MOC is that the sources (or sink) and boundary con- There are some alternative methods for the solution
ditions must be specially treated to generate or elimi- of advection-dominated transport problems. The finite
nate moving points that make the MOC cumbersome to analytic method (FAM) was presented by Chen and Li
program and execute. The reports on field applications (130) and Hwang et al. (109). The basic idea of the FAM
of the MOC are still limited in 2-D problems. is to invoke the local analytic solution of the governing
Several modified forms of the MOC have been pre- equation in the numerical solution of the problem. In
sented. One of them is the single-step reverse particle this method, the flow region is divided into small rec-
tracking technique that is used to replace the forward tangular elements. For each element, the boundary con-
moving particle tracking procedure of the MOC ditions prescribed on the four sides are approximated
(105,128,129). A single-step reverse point of a node is by either a second-degree polynomial or by combining
the point where a particle leaving it at the time tk will a linear and an exponential function. The local analytic
reach the node location exactly at the time tk+, . In the solution is then expressed in an algebraic form relating
finite element version of the modified MOC, the con- an interior nodal value to its neighboring nodal values.
centration of a reverse point at tk is determined by the The system of algebraic equations derived from local
finite element interpolation, and it is used as the ad- solutions is then solved to provide the solution of the
vection concentration ofthe node at tk+ 1. The dispersion total problem. Because the discretization equation as-
108 N-Z. SUN

sociated with each node is derived from the analytic 7). The concentration Cm of the invented node m is
solution technique, the numerical difficulties caused by decomposed into two parts: the regular part Cm,r and
the truncation error can be avoided. Hwang et al. (109) the advection control part Cm,a. Let
noted that the coefficients in interior nodal expression
have upstream shift that make the behavior of numerical Cm = WCm,r + (1- W)Cm,a (68)
solutions of the FAM be like that of UWMs. For the
case of a high Peclet number, the FAM also cannot where 0 < w < 1 is an advection contr9l coefficient that
produce sharp fronts as predicted by analytical solu- can be determined by an adaptive procedure. Cm,r
tions. An advantage of the FAM is that it does not (Ci + Cj + Ck)13, Ci, Cj, and Ck are the unknown con-
require artificially designated upstream parameters as centrations of real nodes i,j, and k, respectively; Cm,.
in UWMs. However, the FAM has not met much ap- is the pure advection concentration of the invented node
proval as yet. m that can be obtained by a modified single-step reverse
When the boundary element method (BEM) is used particle tracking technique. By constructing the MCB
to solve the contaminant transport problem, the gov- equations for all nodes and eliminating the unknown
erning equation, e.g., 2-D ADE [Eq. (14)] must first be concentrations of invented nodes with Eq. (68) one ob-
translated into the following form: tains a set of discretization equations that include all
unknown concentrations of real nodes on its left-hand
a2C a2C F side and all pure advection concentrations of invented
nodes on its right-hand side. The character of the nu-
ax2 + aY2F merical solution ofthe equation is controlled by w. When
where w = 1, the method reduces to the general MCB method
that is accurate enough for dispersion-dominated cases.
F = aC a (VxC) + aa (VYC) + M2 (66) When w = 0, the numerical solution is usually deter-
at ax mined by pure advection. Several classical problems and
The translation can be done by assuming that the co- a field problem are solved in order to verify and dem-
ordinate system is defined in the principal axes of the onstrate the usefulness of the proposed method. The
dispersion tensor. Molecular diffusion can be ignored, method is very simple both in concept and computation.
and dimensionless variables are used in Eqs. (65) and Also, it is easy to extend to 3-D cases.
(66). Using Green's second identity, we have A finite-volume method with high-resolution upwind
schemes is introduced by Putti et al. (131) for the so-
lution of the ADE. Due to an efficient interpolation tech-
XC(rit) = { aG- Gac dF + GFd (67) nique that is employed, the results of this method show
good agreement with analytical solutions for a full range
of cell Peclet numbers.
in which: (F) is the boundary of the flow region (Qi);
function G = In (r-ri) where r-ri is the distance from any Inverse Problems
field point r = (x,y) in (fQ) to a base point ri = (x,,yi);
X = 2ni, -Fr, 0, if (xi,yi) in (fQ), on a smooth part of (F), At the initial stage of constructing a model for a field
or a kink of (F), respectively, where 0 is the internal problem, often the average velocity and dispersion coef-
angle at the kink. The integrals on the right-hand side ficient included in the ADE are unknown. These param-
of Eq. (67) can be calculated approximately by linear eters are difficult to measure directly from the physical
interpolation along (F) and the finite element interpo- point of view and have to be determined from historical
lation in (fQ), respectively, then discretization equations observations. The inverse problem of advection-disper-
are obtained. Unfortunately, the coefficient matrix of sion simulation (ADIP) is determining unknown param-
the system of linear equations is fully populated. For eters imbedded in the simulation model by using a set
details of the method, see Taigbenu and Liggett (110). of observations of concentration and head distributions
Numerical examples show that numerical solutions of in time and space. Sometimes, the unknown parameters
the BEM display small oscillations and large numerical also include the strength of sink (or source) and bound-
dispersion when the Peclet number is large. ary conditions.
Recently, Sun and Liang (45) presented a new nu- Literature published in this area is limited because
merical method that is named as advection control most concepts and methods used in the inverse problem
MCBM for the solution of 2-D ADEs. The fundamental of groundwater flow (GFIP) can also be used in the
idea of the method differs from general UWMs and the ADIP. Another reason is that the ADIP is more difficult
MOC in such a way that a given concentration term to solve than the GFIP and new results are hard to find.
depending upon advection is added to the right-hand In the ADIP, we have to deal with two problems: the
side of multiple cell balance equations to control the nonlinear problem arising from the dispersion coeffi-
character of numerical solutions. The flow region is di- cient (depending on the velocity of groundwater flow)
vided into triangular elements. The vertices i,j,k and and the problem of differentiating the effects of advec-
the center m of each triangular element Aijk are con- tion transport and dispersion transport. These problems
sidered as real and invented nodes, respectively (Fig. increase the uncertainty of the ADIP. Therefore, in-

vestigating the ADIP should include two fields: ex- where Pr, Pr + 1 are values of the unknown parameter
tending methods used in GFIP to the ADIP, and de- vector at the rth and (r + 1) th iterations, respectively,
veloping new methods for the ADIP. and
Note that the ADIP is generally coupled with the
GFIP (32,132-135). The observed concentrations de- [Jr] = [ apU] P=Pr (73)
pend on the porous velocity and the latter depends on
the unknown porosity and hydraulic conductivity that
have to be identified by solving the GFIP. is the Jacobian called sensitivity matrix. Its elements
are called sensitivity coefficients. Eq. (71) can be solved
by any nonlinear programming method as well. For ex-
Parameter Identification ample, Umari et al. (26) used a quasi-linearization tech-
In order to solve the ADIP numerically, the unknown nique, Strecker and Chu (137) used the quadratic pro-
parameter must be first replaced by a vettor with finite gramming method, and Wagner and Gorelick (29) used
dimension N. This can be done by either using the zon- a quasi-Newtonian algorithm. In fact, all methods men-
ation method or the finite element interpolation method tioned in Yeh (25) for the GFIP can be extended to the
(22, 136). As the GFIP, the ADIP also can be translated ADIP directly. A variety of statistical methods can be
into an optimization problem, depending upon what kind done in the same way (16,18,138).
of performance criterion is used. The identification of the sink or source term is a little
When the equation error criterion is used, the dis- easier than that of dispersion parameters. For example,
cretization equations derived from any numerical Gorelick (139) used the linear programming method to
method are rewritten as identify sources of groundwater pollution.
However, the difficulty of inverse problems cannot
[A] {p) = (b) + (F) (69) be moved by the application of numerical methods. It
in which: [A]LXN = coefficient matrix and b = L-di- asserts itself either by the ill-condition of the coefficient
mensional column vector with [A] and b dependent on matrix or by the existence of many local minimizers in
the observed concentration distribution; p = N-dimen- the optimization problem.
sional unknown parameter vector; E = residual column The identifiability of unknown parameters is defined
vector with components ei, (i = 1,2, ... ,L); and L is
initially as the one-to-one property of mapping from the
space of system outputs to the space of parameters
the number of observations. Numerical methods based (140). However, the uniqueness of such mapping is ex-
on minimizing the residual E are classified as direct tremely difficult to establish and often nonexistent. An-
methods (15). If minE lEil is taken as the minimization other definition of identifiability was given by Chavent
i= 1 (141). The parameter is said to be output least square
criterion, then the ADIP is translated into a linear pro- identifiable if and only if a unique solution of the optim-
gramming problem. If min TE iS taken as the minimi- ization problem Eq. (71) exists and the solution depends
zation criterion, then the unknown parameter vector continuously on observations. It is also very difficult to
can be estimated as achieve in field problems.
Yeh and Sun (21) presented a concept of the extended
(p) = ([A]T[A])-1 [A]T{b) (70) identifiability. The parameter p is said to be 8-identi-
fiable if the solutions of Eq. (71) must be equivalent
Direct methods require an interpolation process to ob- when they are used in the prediction model (a small,
tain the observed concentration at all nodes; the obser- prescribed error is allowed). For field problems, the 8-
vation noise and the interpolation error cannot be identifiability generally can be achieved by only point
avoided. Unfortunately, direct methods are generally measurements.
unstable in the presence of noise. Chavent (142) reviewed the concepts of identifiability
Another approach is the use of output least square of distributed parameters systems. He summarized and
error criterion. The objective function of minimization compared five definitions of identifiability.
is the weighted sum of squared differences between Recently, Sun and Yeh (135) presented a new concept
simulated and observed concentrations: of identifiability for coupled inverse problems that is
named management equivalence identifiability (MEI).
min E = (C* - C(p))T [W (C* - C(p)) (71) An identified parameter is said to be management equiv-
alence indentifiable, if it can satisfy the accuracy re-
in which: C* = observed concentration vector with quirement of a given management model. Using MEI,
noise; C(p) = nodal output, when p is used as the nodal the whole procedure of groundwater modeling, from the
parameter; [W] = diagonal matrix of weights, its ele- experimental design, parameter identification to man-
ment wii may be taken as 1/Ci2 (p) (29) where Ci (p) is agement decision can be considered systemically.
the nodal output corresponding to the ith observation.
The problem [Eq. (71)] can be solved by the Gauss- Sensitivity Analysis
Newton method (30):
In order to solve the optimization problem [Eq. (71)],
{Pr+1) = (Prl + ([Jr]T[W][Jr])-1[Jr]T[W]{C -C(Pr) (72) we have to calculate sensitivity coefficients aCi(p)/apj in
110 N-Z. SUN

Eq. (73) or gradient components aE(p)/hpj, j = 1,2, ..., In Sun and Yeh (134), the adjoint problem is derived
N. There are three approaches that can be selected: the for general coupled problems through introducing a set
influence coefficient method (differencing method), the of adjoint operation rules. An example of parameter
sensitivity equation method, and the variational method identification for coupled groundwater flow and mass
(25). If the number of components of the parameter to transport is given.
be identified is greater than the number of observations
(N > L) the variational method would be advantageous. Experiment Design
The adjoint sensitivity method presented by Carter
(143) and Chavent (144) is easy to extend to advection- An experiment design X is a decision that includes
dispersion equations. If the unknown parameter p is the the following components: a) locations of observation
longitudinal dispersivity aL, we have wells (space distribution of observations; b) observation
times (time distribution of observations); c) locations of
injection and pumping wells (locations of stimulation);
OA= J fVq(x,y,t-) DLVC(X,Y,) dtdQ (74) and d) pumping or recharge rate and the concentration
of injection water (strength of stimulation).
where (fi) is the exclusive subdomain of node i; V is the The method of sensitivity analysis can help engineers
gradient operator; and C(x,y,t) is the solution of the to design field tracer experiments. Mercer and Faust
2-D ADE with additional conditions. q' is the time de- (149) presented an example where a two-well tracer test
rivative of q(x,y,t) which is the solution of the following was designed to determine the well spacing, the injec-
tion flow rate, and the injection period.
adjoint problem: The reliability of parameter estimate depends upon
the quantity and quality of observations. If the esti-
mated parameter p is located in a neighborhood near
x[Dap -] + a (Vaq) + i= (75) the true parameter p* in the parameter space, then we
with final and boundary conditions: have the theoretical covariance matrix:
q(x,y,T) = 0; (x,y) e (Q); T is the final time (76a) COV(p) - a2([JJT[W][JJ)1 (80)
where a2 is the common variance of the random error
q(x,y,t) I, = 0 (76b) in observations. Obviously, the maximization of the de-
termination of ([J]T[J]) will both improve the condition
number of Eq. (72) and decrease the uncertainty of the
Dap axc .n
r2 = 0 (76c) estimated parameter. Therefore, the objective
In Eq. (75), Gi = 1/Pi, if (x,y) E (fi); otherwise Gi = max A = det ([J]T[J]) (81)
0, where Pi is the area of the subdomain (Qi), is often used as a criterion of the optimal experiment
F 2 design (30). The senstivity coefficients that are elements
vX vxvy of [J] in Eq. (81) depend upon the unknown true pa-
rameter; Eq. (80) is correct only if p is a good approx-
DL = 2 (77) imation of p*. It is very difficult to make an optimal
VXVY Vy experiment design by using Eq. (81) for a field problem.
If the unknown parameter p is the transverse dis- Yeh and Sun (21) presented a new concept named the
persivity alT it is only required to change DL in Eq. sufficiency of observations. The observations of an ex-
(77) to perimental design are said to be sufficient if any two
estimations Pi and P2 that are non-equivalent for the
- 2 1 objective of model prediction are 5-identifiable when
vx -vXvy these observations are used in the identification pro-
DT=[ 2 (78) cedure. In other words, these observations are ade-
L-VXVY VyJ quate for determining a weak, unique solution of the
inverse problem. The sufficiency of design X can be
However, a general form of adjoint sensitivity analysis judged by solving a nonlinear programming problem.
was given (145-147). In Schmidtke et al. (148), a general Obviously, this method is very useful for practically
performance designing a field experiment.
t Recently, this concept has been extended to deal with
E = J Jf(p,C)da dt (79) management problems (135). The question of whether
(a) 0 the observations are sufficient for the MEI can be an-
swered by solving a constrained optimization problem.
was considered. If f(p,C) = W[C* - C(p)],2 it reduces Hsu and Yeh (150) presented a design criterion that
to the least square error criterion. The continuum as minimizes experimental cost while meeting the relia-
well as finite element discretization representations of bility of model prediction. They formulated the optimal
aElapj can be found in (148). experimental design in terms of a nonlinear mixed-in-

teger programming problem and solved it through a the model output are obtained by the Monte Carlo sim-
heuristic approach. ulation.
Note that the reliability of a model prediction is al-
Reliability Estimation ready included in the 8-identifiability (21,135). Provided
observations are sufficient for the 8-identifiability; the
After getting a parameter from an identification pro- identified parameter must be equivalent with the true
cess, we should estimate the reliability of the identified one in the sense of satisfying prediction and manage-
parameter. The covariance estimation [Eq. (80)] may ment requirements.
not be available because the true parameter is unknown. To obtain the uncertainty of using an estimated pa-
In general cases, Monte Carlo simulation can be used rameter, another approach is the use of stochastic
to evaluate the reliability without any additional as- models (20,154-156), where the covariance of the esti-
sumption. In the Monte Carlo method, each trial is a mated parameters can be obtained directly by the use
different realization of observations used to solve the of conditioning or unconditioning geostatistical meth-
inverse problem. The output set of Monte Carlo runs is ods.
then used to estimate the statistical properties of the
identified parameter. Several hundreds or thousands of
realizations may be necessary to arrive at a stable es- Summary
timate of statistical results. If the kth realization of In this paper, we focus our attention on numerical
parameter estimate is Pk, then the expected value and methods for solving 3-D problems, advection-dominated
variance of the parameter are problems, and inverse problems. The solution of these
problems is very important, not only in theoretical in-
1K Pk (82) vestigations, but also in practical applications.
k=1 In order to describe the shape of contaminant plumes
and correctly, we need 3-D and multilayer models. The main
problem in applying 3-D models is decreasing the com-
K putational expenses both on human and machine re-
Var (p) = [Pk - E(p)]2 (83) sources. Thus the Galerkin FEM with special elements
k=1 and basis functions, the mixed FD-FE method, and the
MCBM are introduced. The MCBM keeps the local mass
respectively, where K is the number of realizations. conservative. It is simple in concept and easy to use for
Once the expected value and the variance of the.un- field problems. A layer-by-layer iteration process is ef-
known parameter are obtained, it is necessary to further ficient for solving the discretization equations. A soft-
estimate the uncertainty of the output (concentration) ware package with the functions of figure input and
of the constructed model. For this reason, we need to figure output was also presented.
estimate the uncertainty of the solution of an ADE from The UWM, modified MOC, BEM, FAM, and ACM
the uncertainty of its coefficients. Tang and Pinder (151,
were introduced and compared for solving advection-
152), introduced a numerical scheme based on a per- dominated transport problems. The advantages and dis-
turbation expansion technique and its extension to solve advantages of each method were shown. The adaptive
the problem. From numerical examples, they concluded Eulerian-Lagrangian method seems to be a good ap-
that the greatest uncertainty of the solution occurs at proach for getting a high-quality solution. For field
the concentration front, and the transport equation ap- problems, a kind of modified MCBM or ACM is a simple,
pears to dampen the uncertainty associated with the
physical parameters: velocity and dispersivity. efficient method to obtain a satisfactory solution without
In fact, the ADE governing the contaminant trans- oscillations.
port in groundwater should be seen as a stochastic par- Most methods used for ADIP are those that directly
tial differential equation because the uncertainty is in- extend the one for GFIP. Several optimization tech-
cluded in its coefficients, initial and boundary niques based on different criteria were introduced. In
conditions, and sink or source terms. If the model is the solution of ADIP, the main difficulty was its ill-
used in a prediction or a decision-making process, quan- posedness. We do not know how many observations are
tifying the uncertainty of the model may play an im- adequate for getting a unique solution of the inverse
portant role. For a complex problem, it is convenient problem. However, a weak identifiability, i.e., the 8-
to use the Monte Carlo method to evaluate the uncer- identifiability, can be determined with limited obser-
tainty. Nelson et al. (153) presented an analysis se- vations. The calculation of sensitivity coefficients was
quence that begins with field data and results in the necessary, both in the numerical methods of the ADIP
confidence limits of the model output. A field model is and in the experimental design. The adjoint sensitivity
used to explain the technique. When the covariance ma- analysis was discussed for the ADE and general coupled
trix of parameter estimation error is provided as a part probems. In order to construct a practical model, a sys-
of the model calibration, then the velocity field and fluid tematic procedure from the data collection to the un-
flow paths with the associated travel times are gener- certainty estimates of the built model is required, in
ated for each realization. Also, the confidence limits of which the Monte Carlo method plays an important role.
112 N-Z. SUN

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