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Thien Binh Nguyen 1,2 , Bongsoo Jang 2


An accurate and ecient new class of predictor-corrector schemes are

proposed for solving nonlinear dierential equations of fractional order. By
introducing a new prediction method which is explicit and of the same
accuracy order as that of the correction stage, the new schemes achieve a
uniform accuracy order regardless of the values of fractional order . In
cases of 0 < 1, the new schemes signicantly improve the numerical
accuracy comparing with other predictor-corrector methods whose accuracy
depends on . Furthermore, by computing the memory term just once for
both the prediction and correction stages, the new schemes reduce the
computational cost of the so-called memory eect, which make numerical
schemes for fractional dierential equations expensive in general. Both
2nd-order scheme with linear interpolation and the high-order 3rd-order
one with quadratic interpolation are developed and show their advantages
over other comparing schemes via various numerical tests.
MSC 2010 : Primary 26A33; Secondary 34A08, 34K28, 34K37, 35R11
Key Words and Phrases: Caputo fractional derivative, fractional dier-
ential equations, predictor-corrector methods, explicit schemes, linear and
quadratic interpolation

c 2017 Diogenes Co., Soa
pp. 447476 , DOI: 10.1515/fca-2017-0023

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1. Introduction
Recently, fractional dierential equations have drawn much attention to
researchers, thanks to their various applications in physics and engineering.
For example, fractional dierential equations can be used as mathematical
models for problems in anomalous diusion transport ([14]), viscoelastic
materials [20]), porous media ([1]) to name but a few. Other applications
in chemistry, chaos, nance, signal processing, etc. are discussed in the
books, e.g., [18], [20], [21], or [22], and the references therein.
In this work, we consider the following ordinary dierential equation
(ODE) with fractional order R+ ,

D0 y(t) = f (t, y(t)), t [0, T ],
y (k) (0) = yk , k = 0, 1, . . . , m 1,
where m 1 < m Z+ , and the fractional derivative is dened in the
Caputo sense ([2]), i.e.,
D0 y(t) = (t )m1 y (m) ( )d. (1.2)
(m ) 0
Here, () is the conventional Gamma-function.
We note here that other than the Caputo denition (1.2), there ex-
ist dierent approaches to dene fractional derivatives, for example, the
Riemann-Liouville approach, the Grunwald-Letnikov denition. It is well-
known that these approaches, under appropriate assumptions, are all re-
lated one another. We refer to [8], [21], or [18] for detailed analysis and
discussions. In this work, we have chosen the Caputo derivative because it
allows us to readily impose the initial problem (1.1) with inhomogeneous
It is well-known that a continuous function y(t) is the solution of Eq.
(1.1) if and only it is the solution of the Volterra integral equation ([8], [21])
y(t) = g(t) + (t )1 f (, y( ))d, (1.3)
() 0
where g(t) = m k=0 yk k! is related to the initial condition data. Theoretical
analysis and numerical approaches for the Volterra integral equations can
be found in [4], and [5], etc.
In terms of numerical approaches, the main diculty one has to tackle
is the non-locality property of the solution y(t) due to the kernel (t )1
under the integral sign on the right-hand side of Eq. (1.3). In order to
illustrate this, let us rst discretize the grid to be
N := {tj : 0 = t0 < t1 < . . . < tj < . . . < tn < tn+1 < . . . < tN = T }.

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For simplicity, we assume that the grid is uniform, i.e., h = tj+1 tj ,

j = 0, . . . , N 1. Eq. (1.3) can be rewritten at time tn+1 as follows ([5]),
y(tn+1 ) = g(tn+1 ) + y (tn+1 ) + Y (tn+1 ), (1.5)
y (tn+1 ) = (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d, (1.6)
() 0
is called the lag term which takes y(t) from the initial time up to t = tn into
consideration in the computation of y(tn+1 ). This is the so-called memory
eect of the solution (1.3). It is noted that this memory eect is unique
for the dierential equations with fractional order, and is preferable for
engineering applications since it indicates the dependence of y(tn+1 ) on the
solution at all prior time points.
The increment term
Y (tn+1 ) = (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d (1.7)
() tn
determines the advancing of the solution from tn to tn+1 .
For numerical approximations of y(t), a typical approach is to inter-
polate the right-hand side f (t, y(t)), given sucient continuity, over each
interval Ij = [tj , tj+1 ], j = 0, ..., N 1, by some types of interpolating
polynomials. For this purpose, the Lagrange polynomials are often taken
into consideration. For example, the celebrated Adams-Bashforth-Moulton
(ABM) by Diethelm et al. ([9], [10]) uses linear interpolation of the right-
hand side f (t, y(t)), or the recently developed high-order schemes ([19],
[25]) in which f (t) is interpolated by a quadratic interpolating polynomial.
For all these schemes, a predicted value yn+1 P of y(tn+1 ) has to be sought
for the approximation of the increment term Y (tn+1 ). For this purpose,
a lower-order interpolation of f (t) is facilitated in order to obtain yn+1 P .

Then the approximation yn+1 y(tn+1 ), which is called a correction, can

be carried out. We observe here that since yn+1 P and yn+1 are obtained at
dierent accuracy, more precisely, the former is of lower order than the lat-
ter, the lag term (1.6) has to be approximated separately in each stage. In
other words, the memory takes eects in both the prediction and correction
stages. This makes the schemes expensive. It is even more costly for high-
order schemes in which more accurate predicted yn+1 P or the approximation
of the solution at half-points tj+ 1 s are required ([19]).
It is worth mentioning here other numerical approaches to the dieren-
tial equation with fractional order (1.1). These include the implicit block-
by-block schemes by Kumar and Agrawal ([17]) and later improved by Cao
and Xu ([6]), the L1 2 scheme ([15]) in which the discretization is carried
out on Eq. (1.1) directly instead of on the Volterra integral solution (1.3),

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or the Grunwald-based method ([16]). Fractional numerical methods de-

signed for specically PDE-modeled applications can be found in [12], [24].
Finite element, spectral or collocation methods are developed in the works,
e.g., [3], [11], [13] and the references therein.
Another issue one faces when developing a prediction-correction scheme
for the dierential equations with fractional order is the degeneration of the
accuracy order in comparison with that of a scheme for classical ODEs, that
is, when Z+ . We take the ABM method for instance. It is shown in [10]
that this scheme is of p-order where p = min(1 + , 2). Thus the scheme is
less accurate than the two-step Adams-Bashforth method which is of order
2, in case of 0 < < 1. It is indicated in the below section that this loss of
accuracy is due to the usage of a low-order prediction for the interpolation
of the increment term.
In this work, we aim to develop a new class of predictor-corrector
schemes which overcomes the drawbacks aforementioned. The novelty of
our proposed schemes are two-fold. Firstly, the new schemes achieve a uni-
form accuracy of order regardless of the values of . This can be achieved
by a new prediction method which is explicit and of the same accuracy
with that of the correction stage. Secondly, the new designed schemes are
more ecient than other corresponding prediction-correction ones in terms
of computational costs. By a reduction in the approximation of the lag
term y (tn+1 ) by applying this for both prediction and correction, we will
show that the new scheme with linear interpolation is only about half the
cost of that of the ABM. We also discuss schemes of higher order with a
quadratic interpolation rule.
We organize our paper as follows. In Section 2, we propose a new
ecient scheme with linear interpolation. An error analysis then follows
to prove that our new scheme has a uniform order 2 for both cases of
0 < < 1 and 1. A detailed check of computational costs show that
our new scheme is about of half of the cost of that of the corresponding
ABM method. In Section 3, we further improve the scheme to uniformly 3rd
order by employing a quadratic interpolation of f (t, y(t)) over each interval
Ij . Case by case numerical tests are presented in Section 4 to illustrate for
our analysis in the previous sections. Finally, we draw our conclusions in
the last Section 5.

2. Second-order Predictor-Corrector Scheme

with Linear Interpolation
2.1. Description of the Second-order Predictor-Corrector Scheme
with Linear Interpolation. Before proceeding, we rst dene some no-
tations. We denote yj = y(tj ) the restriction of the exact solution at time

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P , y
tj , j = 0, . . . , N . Let yn+1 n+1 yn+1 be the predicted and corrected, re-
spectively, approximations of yn+1 . Similarly, we also denote fj = f (tj , yj ),
fj = f (tj , yj ), and fjP = f (tj , yjP ). The lag and increment terms y (tn+1 ),
Y (tn+1 ) are approximated by yn+1 and Yn+1 , respectively.
For clarication, we re-derive the ABM ([9]) as follows. The exact
solution (1.3) is written as
1  tj+1
y(tn+1 ) = g(tn+1 ) + (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d (2.1)
j=0 tj
+ (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d.
() tn
On each interval Ij = [tj , tj+1 ], we interpolate f (t) by a linear Lagrange
f (t) fj Lj (t) + fj+1 Lj+1 (t), t Ij , (2.2)
t tl
Lk (t) = , (k, l) = (j, j + 1), (j + 1, j).
tk tl
Substituting the approximation (2.2) into Eq. (2.1) with taking into
accounts the approximated values yj and that the grid is uniform, we obtain
1  0,j 1,j 1
yn+1 = gn+1 + [Bn+1 fj + Bn+1 fj+1 ] + [B 0,n fn + Bn+1
1,n P
fn+1 ],
() () n+1
where the coecients are
 tj+1  tj+1
0,j 1,j
Bn+1 = (tn+1 )1 Lj ( )d, Bn+1 = (tn+1 )1 Lj+1 ( )d,
tj tj
which can be evaluated explicitly.
Comparing Eq. (2.3) with Eq. (1.5), we notice that the second term on
the right-hand side of (2.3) is the approximation of the lag term y (tn+1 ),
and the last term approximates the increment Y (tn+1 ). Expanding the
summation, and collecting fj , one can easily obtain the formula for aj,n+1
given in [9].
P , we invoke a lower-order ap-
In order to compute the predicted yn+1
proximation of f (t), that is, a constant interpolation over each interval
t Ij ,
f (t) f (tj )Ij (t),
where the indicator function

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1, if t Ij ,
Ij (t) =
0, otherwise,
and substituting into Eq. (2.1), we obtain that
P 1  j
yn+1 = gn+1 + Cn+1 fj , (2.5)
j h
Cn+1 = (tn+1 )1 d = [(n + 1 j) (n j) ],
which is the coecient bj,n+1 in [9] multiplying with .

Remark 2.1.
For the ABM method, the lag term y (tn+1 ) needs re-computing 
P , i.e., the
twice for the corrected yn+1 and the predicted yn+1
terms in Eqs. (2.3) and (2.5), which is costly. Indeed, one can

reduce the cost by reducing the computation of yn+1 just once for
both prediction and correction steps (see the below section).
It is shown in [9], [10] that the order of the ABM scheme is
max |yn+1 yn+1 | = O(hp ),
0jN 1
where p = min(1 + , 2).
One can check that the order reduction for cases of 0 < < 1
P .
comes from the implementation of the low-order prediction yn+1
In the below section, we propose a new scheme which overcomes
this shortage, and obtain a uniform order O(h2 ) for any .
We now proceed to develop our new scheme. For this purpose, we need
the following lemma.

Lemma 2.1. Assume that (t) P1 [0, T ] where P1 is the space of all
polynomials of degree less than or equal to one. Let n , n = 0, . . . , N be
the restricted value of (t) on grid N dened in Eq. (1.4). Then, there
exist coecients b0n+1 and b1n+1 such that the following equality
(tn+1 )1 ( )d = (b0 n1 + b1n+1 n ), (2.6)
tn ( + 1) n+1
is exact. More precisely,
b0n+1 = 1, b1n+1 = + 2. (2.7)

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P r o o f. Since P1 [0, T ], there exist 0 , 1 R such that

(t) = 0 + 1 t. (2.8)
Substituting Eq. (2.8) into Eq. (2.6) and evaluating the integral on the
left-hand side, we obtain that
h 1  0
0 + 1 + tn = bn+1 (0 + 1 tn1 ) + b1n+1 (0 + 1 tn ) .
+1 ( + 1)
Equating the above terms by terms with respect to k , k = 0, 1, one
obtains a non-singular linear system with unknowns b0n+1 and b1n+1 whose
values are given in Eq. (2.7). This proves the lemma. 2

We then propose our new scheme with linear interpolation as follows.

We write our prediction and correction stages of the new scheme in terms
of the lag and increment term (1.6), (1.7) as below:

yn+1 = gn+1 + yn+1 + Yn+1 , (2.9)
1  0,j 1,j
yn+1 = [Bn+1 fj + Bn+1 fj+1 ],
Yn+1 = [B 0,n fn + Bn+1
1,n P
fn+1 ],
() n+1
where the prediction is as follows,
P h
yn+1 = gn+1 + yn+1 + [b0 fn1 + b1n+1 fn ], (2.10)
( + 2) n+1
with b0n+1 and b1n+1 given in Eq. (2.7).
Remark 2.2. We notice that the prediction and correction of yn+1
are dierent from each other only by the approximations of the increment
Y (tn+1 ), whereas the lag term y (tn+1 ) is computed only one time which
is similar to [7]. This thus reduces the overall cost of the new scheme.
(Comparing Eqs. (2.9), (2.10) with Eqs. (2.3), (2.5) of the ABM scheme.)
We now show that the new scheme achieves a uniform accuracy order
regardless of .
2.2. Error Analysis.

2.2.1. Truncation and Global Error Analysis for Predictor. From

herein, we denote by C a generic constant which is independent of all grid
parameters and may change case by case.
We need the following lemmas.

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Lemma 2.2. (Interpolation Errors) Let f C n+1 [a, b] and pn Pn [a, b]

interpolate the function f at the grid n in (1.4) with a = t0 and b = tn ,
then there exists (a, b) such that, for any t [a, b],
f (n+1) ()

f (t) pn (t) = (t tj ).
(n + 1)!

Lemma 2.3. For R+ ,

(tn+1 )1 d .

P r o o f.
n1 n 
(tn+1 ) d (tn+1 )1 d
j=0 tj j=0 tj
 tn+1 tn+1 T
= (tn+1 )1 d = .

Lemma 2.4. (Discrete Gronwalls Inequality, [6]) Let {an }N N

n=0 , {bn }n=0
be non-negative sequences with bn s monotonic increasing, and satisfy that

an bn + M h (n j)1 aj , 0 n N,
where M > 0 is bounded and independent of h, and 0 < 1. Then,
an bn E (M ()(nh) ).

In the above, E () denotes the (one-parameter) Mittag-Leer function,

which for = 1 becomes the exponential one, for details see e.g. [8], [18],
[20], [21].
Theorem 2.1. (Truncation Error) Suppose that f (, u()) C 2 [0, T ].
Let the truncation error at time step tn+1 be
rn+1 = (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d (2.11)
() 0

1  0,j
h  0
Bn+1 fj + Bn+1 fj+1 bn+1 fn1 + b1n+1 fn .
() ( + 2)
Then, there exists a constant C independent of all grid parameters such

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rn+1 Ch2 . (2.12)

P r o o f. In view of the interpolation (2.2), Eq. (2.11) is written as



1  tj+1

(tn+1 )1 {f (, y( )) [fj Lj ( ) + fj+1 Lj+1 ( )]} d
() tj
1 h  0
+ (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d bn+1 fn1 + b1n+1 fn
() tn ( + 2)
= I + II.
Since f (, u()) C 2 [0, T ], by Lemma 2.2,

f (t, y(t)) [fj Lj (t) + fj+1 Lj+1 (t)] 1 |f  (j )|h2 ,
for some j (tj , tj+1 ). Let M := max0jN |f  (j )|, by Lemma 2.3, we
have that
M h2  tj+1 MT
I (tn+1 )1 d h2 .
2() tj 2( + 1)

By the Taylor expansion of f (, u()) around tn , we have that

f (t) = p1 (t) + f  (n )(t tn )2 , n (tn , t),
p1 (t) = fn + f  (tn )(t tn ), thus p1 (t) P1 [0, T ],
then by Lemma 2.1, with a note that p1 (tn )fn = 0 and |p1 (tn1 )fn1 |
(M/2)h2 ,
1 1 

II = (tn+1 ) 1 2
p1 ( ) + f (n )( tn ) d
() tn 2

b0 fn1 + b1n+1 fn
( + 2) n+1

1 tn+1
(tn+1 ) f (n )( tn ) d
1  2
2() tn
h 0 M M
+ bn+1 |p1 (tn1 ) fn1 | h2+ + h2+ .
( + 2) 2( + 1) 2( + 1)
Combining I and II, we conclude that

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rn+1 h2 + h2+ Ch2 . (2.13)
2( + 1) ( + 1)

Lemma 2.5. For k = 0, 1 and j = 0, 1, , n 1,

k,j (n j)1 h , 0 < < 1,
|Bn+1 |
T 1 h, 1.
P r o o f.
0,j 1 tj+1 1

|Bn+1 | (tn+1 ) ( tj+1 )d (tn+1 )1 d.
h tj tj

(tn+1 )1 d (tn+1 tj )1 h T 1 h.

0 < < 1:
(tn+1 )1 d (tn+1 tj+1 )1 h = (n j)1 h .
We then deduce the result. The proof for Bn+1 follows similarly. 2

For 1, we have
= (tn+1 )1 d T 1 h,
which gives the following lemma.

Lemma 2.6. For 1,

T 1 h.

Theorem 2.2. (Global Error)Suppose that f (, u()) C 2 [0, T ], and

furthermore is Lipschitz continuous in the second argument, i.e.,

|f (t, u1 ) f (t, u2 )| L|u1 u2 |, u1 , u2 R, (2.14)

then the global error En+1 P | is
= |yn+1 yn+1

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P LT 1 h 

rn+1 +C Ej , 1,
P j=0
En+1 n


rn+1 + C (n + 1 j)1 Ej , 0 < < 1.
P r o o f.

1 tn+1
En+1 = (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d
() 0

1  0,j
n1 h
Bn+1 fj + Bn+1 fj+1 b0
fn1 + bn+1 fn
() ( + 1)() n+1

1  0,j
P 1,j
rn+1 + |Bn+1 ||fj fj | + |Bn+1 ||fj+1 fj+1 |
+ |b0n+1 ||fn1 fn1 | + |b1n+1 ||fn fn | .
( + 1)()
1: By Lemmas 2.4 and 2.6, and that f (t) is Lipschitz, we deduce
P P LT 1 h  Lh
En+1 rn+1 + [Ej + Ej+1 ] + (En1 + ( + 2)En )
() ( + 2)
P LT 1 h
rn+1 +C Ej .
0 < < 1: Similarly, we have that
1  0,j
P P 1,j
En+1 rn+1 + |Bn+1 ||fj fj | + |Bn+1 ||fj+1 fj+1 |
+ |b0n+1 ||fn1 fn1 | + |b1n+1 ||fn fn | rn+1
+ Lh Rn ,
( + 2)
1  1 ( + 2)
Rn = (n j)1 (Ej + Ej+1 ) + En1 + En .
() ( + 2) ( + 2)
Since 1 (n + 1 k)/(n k) 2 for k = 1, , n 1, (n k)1
21 (n + 1 k)1 ,
(n + 1 k)1 + (n k)1 (1 + 21 )(n + 1 k)1 3(n + 1 k)1 .
Then we have

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3  1
Rn n E1 + (n 1)1 E2 + + (n (n 1))1 En1
1 1 +2
+ En1 + + En
( + 2) () ( + 2)
3  1 +2
(n + 1 j)1 Ej + En1 + En
() ( + 2) ( + 2)
(n + 1 j)1 Ej .
This completes the proof. 2

2.2.2. Truncation and Global Error Analysis for Corrector. Carry-

ing a similar procedure, we obtain the following results.

Theorem 2.3. (Truncation Error)With the same assumptions as those

of Theorem 2.1, we have that

C Lh En+1
rn+1 Ch2 + .
( + 1)

P r o o f. The proof follows that of Theorem 2.1:

1  tj+1

rn+1 (tn+1 ) f (, y( )) [fj Lj ( ) + fj+1 Lj+1 ( )] d
j=0 tj

(tn+1 ) P
() tn f (, y( )) fn Ln ( ) + fn+1 Ln+1 ( ) d
1  tj+1 1

(tn+1 ) f (, y( )) [fj Lj ( ) + fj+1 Lj+1 ( )] d
() tj
+ |B 1,n ||f P fn+1 |
() n+1 n+1
M h2  tj+1 Lh En+1
(tn+1 )1 d +
2() tj ( + 1)

MT Lh En+1
h2 + .
2( + 1) ( + 1)

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For the global error of the corrector it can be easily checked by the
Lemma 2.4 and Theorems 2.2, 2.3.

Theorem 2.4. (Global Error) With the same assumptions as those of

Theorem 2.2, we have

En+1 = |yn+1 yn+1 | Ch2 ,

given that the starting error E1 Ch2 .

P r o o f.

1  0,j
C 1,j
En+1 rn+1
+ |Bn+1 ||fj fj | + |Bn+1 ||fj+1 fj+1 |
1 0,n 1,n P P

+ |Bn+1 ||fn fn | + |Bn+1 ||fn+1 fn+1 | .
Let us note that |Bn+1 | h /, j = 0, 1 by the denition on (2.4).
1: By Theorem 2.2, Lemma 2.5, and that f (t) is Lipschitz, we
deduce that

C LT 1 h  Lh P
En+1 rn+1 + (Ej + Ej+1 ) + (En + En+1 )
() ( + 1)

n n

MT h 2 2Lh
P LT 1 h LT 1 h 
+ rn+1 + C Ej + C Ej
2( + 1) ( + 1) () ()
j=0 j=0
M T h2 2Lh P LT 1 h 2Lh
+ rn+1 + C 1+ Ej .
2( + 1) ( + 1) () ( + 1)

By the Discrete Gronwalls Inequality in Lemma 2.4 we have

M T h2 2Lh P LT 2Lh
En+1 + rn+1 exp C 1+ .
2( + 1) ( + 1) () ( + 1)

0 < < 1: Carrying similar procedure for Rn in (2.16) combined

with the Theorem 2.2, Lemma 2.5 we have

C Lh  Lh
En+1 rn+1 + (n j)1 (Ej + Ej+1 ) + P
(En + En+1 )
() ( + 1)

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2 n
MT h 2Lh rn+1 Lh
+ P
+C (n + 1 j)1 Ej
2( + 1) ( + 1) ()

+C (n + 1 j)1 Ej
M T h2 2Lh P Lh 2Lh
+ rn+1 + C 1+ (n+1j)1 Ej
2(+1) (+1) () (+1)
By the Discrete Gronwalls Inequality we have
M T h2 2Lh P 2Lh
En+1 + r E CLT 1+ .
2( + 1) ( + 1) n+1 ( + 1)

3. Third-order Predictor-Corrector Scheme

with with Quadratic Interpolation
3.1. Description of Third-order Predictor-Corrector Scheme with
Quadratic Interpolation. In this section, we further improve our scheme
by employing a quadratic interpolation of the right-hand side f (t, y(t)) over
each interval Ij . For this, we observe the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1. Assume that (t) P2 [0, T ] where P2 is the space of all
polynomials of degree less than or equal to two. Let n , n = 0, . . . , N be
the restricted value of (t) on grid N dened in Eq. (1.4). Then, there
exist coecients a0n+1 , a1n+1 , and a2n+1 such that the following equality
(tn+1 )1 ( )d = A(a0n+1 n2 + a1n+1 n1 + a2n+1 n ),
h +4 1
is exact, where A = , a0n+1 = , an+1 = 2( + 3) and
( + 1)( + 2) 2
22 + 9 + 12
a2n+1 = .

The proof follows that of Lemma 2.1, hence omitted. Over [tj1 , tj+1 ],
j 1, we interpolate f (t) by a quadratic Lagrange polynomial

f (t) fk Qjk (t), (3.1)

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t tm
Qjk (t) = ,
tk tm

On [t0 , t1 ], f (t) can be interpolated by f (t) f0 Q00 (t) + f1/2 Q01/2 (t) +
(t t1/2 )(t t1 ) (t t0 )(t t1 )
f1 Q01 (t), where Q00 (t) = , Q0 (t) =
(t0 t1/2 )(t0 t1 ) 1/2 (t1/2 t1 )(t1/2 t1 )
(t t0 )(t t1/2 )
and Q01 (t) = . Substituting Eq. (3.1) into Eq. (2.1), tak-
(t1 t0 )(t1 t1/2 )
ing the uniform property of the grid, we obtain that

yn+1 = gn+1 + yn+1 + Yn+1 . (3.2)
Here, the lag term is approximated as follows,
1 0,0

yn+1 = An+1 f0 + A1,0
1/2 + A2,0 f1
f n+1
1  0,j
+ An+1 fj1 + A1,j 2,j
n+1 fj + An+1 fj+1 ,

where for j = 0, i = i/2 and for 1 j n, i = i + j 1,

n+1 = (tn+1 )1 Qji ( )d, i = 0, 1, 2.

The increment term is

1 0,n
Yn+1 = An+1 fn1 + A1,n
n + A2,n fP
f n+1 n+1 ,
where the predicted yn+1 is approximated as follows,
P h
yn+1 = gn+1 + yn+1 + akn+1 fn+k2 , (3.3)
( + 3)

where a0n+1 , a1n+1 , a2n+1 can be computed by Lemma 3.1.

3.2. Error Analysis.

3.2.1. Truncation and Global Error Analysis for Predictor. By a

similar procedure, we can obtain the analysis for the accuracy order of the
new scheme using a quadratic interpolation. Let rn+1 P be the truncation
error of prediction at tn+1 dened by

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1  k,0
rn+1 = (tn+1 )1 f (, y( ))d An+1 fk/2
() 0 ()
 2  2
1   h 
n+1 fj+k1 akn+1 fn+k2 .
() ( + 3)
j=1 k=0 k=0

Theorem 3.1. Suppose that f (, u()) C 3 [0, T ]. Then, there exists a

constant C independent of all grid parameters such that
rn+1 Ch3 .

P r o o f. From the quadratic interpolation of f (t) in (3.1), we have

P 1
rn+1 (tn+1 )1 f (, y( )) fk/2 Q0k/2 ( ) d
() t0

1  tj+1 2
1 j
+ (tn+1 ) f (, y( )) fj+k1 Qj+k1 ( )] d
j=1 tj k=0

1  tn+1 h  2
1 k
+ (tn+1 ) f (, y( ))d an+1 fn+k2
() tn ( + 3)
= I + II + III.
Since f (, u()) C 3 [0, T ], by Lemma 2.2, we can easily check that
I, II Ch3 .
The Taylor expansion f around tn gives
f (t) = p2 (t) + f  (n )(t tn )3 , n (tn , t), (3.4)
p2 (t) = fn + f  (tn )(t tn ) + f  (tn )(t tn )2 /2, thus p2 (t) P2 [0, T ].
Then by Lemma 3.1 with (3.4), we have
III (|a0 |p2 (tn2 ) fn2 | + |a1n+1 ||p2 (tn1 ) fn1 |
( + 3) n+1
+ h3+ Ch3+ .
6( + 1)
Combining I, II and III, the proof is complete. 2

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Lemma 3.2. For k = 0, 1, 2 and j = 0, 1, , n 1,

k,j (n j)1 h , 0 < < 1,
|An+1 |
T 1 h, 1.

Theorem 3.2. (Global Predictor Error) Suppose that f (, u())

C 3 [0, T ], and is Lipschitz continuous in the second argument in (2.14), then
the global predictor error is

P LT 1 h LT 1 h 

r + E1/2 + C Ej , 1,
n+1 () ()
P j=0
En+1 = n

Lh Lh 

r P
+ E + C (n + 1 j)1 Ej , 0 < < 1.
n+1 () 1/2 ()
P r o o f.
P P 1  k,0
En+1 rn+1 + |An+1 ||fk/2 fk/2 |
1   k,j
+ |A ||fj+k1 fj+k1 |
j=1 k=0

+ |akn+1 ||fn+k2 fn+k2 |.
( + 3)

1: By Lemmas 2.6, 3.2, and that f (t) is Lipschitz, we have

P P LT 1 h LT 1 h 
En+1 rn+1 + E1/2 + C Ej .
() ()

0 < < 1: Similarly, we have that

n1 2
P P Lh 1 Lh  
En+1 rn+1 + {n (E1/2 + E1 )} + (n j)1 Ej+k1
() ()
j=1 k=0
Lh  k
+ |an+1 |En+k2 .
( + 3)

Carrying a similar step in (2.15) we have for k = 1, 2, , n 2,

(n + 1 k)1 + (n k)1 + (n k 1)1 6(n + 1 k)1 . (3.5)
We have thus

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P P Lh Lh 
En+1 rn+1 + E1/2 + C (n + 1 j)1 Ej .
() ()
3.2.2. Truncation and Global Error Analysis for Corrector. Now
we have the following truncation error of the corrector with quadratic in-
terpolation in the similar manner.

Theorem 3.3. (Truncation Error) With the same assumptions as

those of Theorem 3.2, we have
C Lh
rn+1 Ch3 + EP .
( + 1) n+1
P r o o f.
C 1 1 0
rn+1 (tn+1 ) f (, y( )) fk/2 Qk/2 ( ) d
() t0

1  tj+1 2

+ (tn+1 )1 f (, y( )) fj+k1 Qjj+k1 ( ) d
j=1 tj k=0
+ (tn+1 )1 f (, y( )) fn1 Qnn1 ( ) + fn Qnn ( )
() tn
+fn+1 Qnn+1 ( ) d h3 + EP .
6( + 1) ( + 1) n+1

Theorem 3.4. (Global Error) With the same assumptions as those of

Theorem 3.2, we have
En+1 Ch3 ,
given E1 , E2 Ch3 and E1/2 Ch3 (0 < < 1), Ch2 ( > 1).
P r o o f.
2 n1
1  k,0 1   k,j
En+1 rn+1 + |An+1 ||fk/2 fk/2 | + |An+1 ||fk fk |
() ()
k=0 j=1 k=0
+ |A0,n
n+1 |f n2 fn2 | + |A1,n ||fn1 fn1 | + |A2,n ||fP f P | .
n+1 n+1 n n
MT CLT 1 h
1: Let D1 = h3 + E1/2 . Theorems 3.2, 3.3 give
6( + 1) ()

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2Lh P CLT 1 h 2Lh
En+1 D1 + rn+1 + 1+ Ej .
( + 1) () ( + 1)

By the Discrete Gronwalls Inequality we have

2Lh P LT 2Lh
En+1 D1 + r exp C 1+ .
( + 1) n+1 () ( + 1)
0 < < 1: Let D2 = h3 + E . Theorems 3.2, 3.3 yield
6( + 1) () 1/2
C Lh Lh P Lh 
En+1 rn+1 + E1/2 + En+1 +C (n + 1 j)1 Ej
() ( + 1) ()
2Lh P CLh 2Lh
D2 + r + 1+ (n + 1 j)1 Ej .
( + 1) n+1 () ( + 1)
The Discrete Gronwalls Inequality yields
2Lh P 2Lh
En+1 D2 + r E CLT 1+ .
( + 1) n+1 ( + 1)
Remark 3.1. As indicated in Theorem 2.2 and 3.2, the global error of
the scheme depends on that of the start-up, which is a common diculty for
multi-step methods. For a classical ODE where Z+ , one could instead
use a multi-stage method with corresponding accuracy, e.g., Runge-Kutta,
for the rst few steps then switch back to the multi-step one, when appro-
priate. For fractional ODEs, in order to preserve the order of accuracy,
one could invoke an iteration, say Newtons method, for approximating the
solution at the rst few time steps. Here, since we would use just explicit
schemes, we obtain approximate solutions with ner step size at the rst
several steps. We propose the start-up for our new scheme with quadratic
interpolation in the Appendix.

4. Numerical Results
In this section, we illustrate the accuracy and eciency of our new
schemes, both with linear and quadratic interpolation. For all below tests,
we use the following error estimates.
Pointwise error at nal time tN = T :

Ept (T ) = |yN yN |.
L2 error over [0, T ]:

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EL2 = h |yj yj |2 .

We choose the following examples for our numerical experiments. For

schemes with linear interpolation, we compare the results obtained from our
new scheme Eqs. (2.9) and (2.10) with those from the ABM method Eqs.
(2.3) and (2.5). For high-order schemes with quadratic interpolation, we
compare the results of our scheme Eqs. (3.2) and (3.3) with the Improved
Algorithm II scheme developed by Li et al. ([19]). We denote MF-PCL
and MF-PCQ by our new schemes with linear and quadratic interpolation,
respectively. Similarly, the ABM scheme is denoted as ABM, and Alg II
for the improved algorithm II scheme.
Example 1.

D0 = f (t, y(t)),
y(0) = 0, y  (0) = 0,
whose exact solution is
y(t) = t8 3t4+ 2 + t .
and f (t, y(t)) is given by
40320 8 (5+ 2 ) 4 9 3 4 3 3
f (t, y(t)) = t 3 t 2 + (+1) + t t
2 y(t) 2 .
(9) (5 2 ) 4 2
Example 2.

(4 + ) 3
D0 y(t) = t + t3+ y(t),
y(0) = 0, y  (0) = 0,
whose exact solution is
y(t) = t3+ .
Example 3.

(5 + ) 4
D0 y(t) = t + t8+2 y 2 (t),
y(0) = 0, y  (0) = 0,
whose exact solution is
y(t) = t4+ .
For all these examples, we choose the nal time T = 1.

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1.8 1
Exact 0.9 Exact








0.2 0.1

0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
t t

Figure 1. Numerical solutions with grid N=20 in Example

1(Left: = 0.25; Right: = 1.25.).

4.1. Linear Interpolation. Numerical errors and orders of accuracy for

Example 1 obtained from schemes with linear interpolation are listed in
Table 1 for = 0.25, = 0.5 and = 1.25. For both cases < 1 and
> 1, we observe that our MF-PCL scheme achieves a 2nd order, which
well agrees with our error analysis in the above section. We also note the
dependence of the accuracy order on of the ABM scheme. It shows much
better results of the MF-PCL over the ABM in case = 0.25, in both error
magnitudes and orders. For the case where > 1, both schemes behave
similarly and achieve 2nd order. Numerical solutions with grid N = 20 for
Example 1 are plotted in Fig. 1 for both values of .
We remark that in case of < 1, as shown in Table 1 (see also Tables
2 and 3), the accuracy of the MF-PCL is even better than 2nd-order. We
explain this behavior by the competence between the errors in the lag and
increment term of the truncation errors (see Eq. (2.13)) when is small.
Numerical errors, and accuracy orders obtained from the ABM and
MF-PCL for Example 2 with dierent values of are listed in Table. It
is shown that the MF-PCL outperforms the ABM in terms of both error
magnitudes and orders for < 1.
Similarly, for Example 3, we list and plot the errors in Table 3. Again,
we observe signicantly better results of the MF-PCL over those of the
ABM scheme.

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= 0.25
N Ept roc EL2 roc Ept roc EL2 roc
10 2.50E-1 - 3.14E-1 - 1.74E-1 - 2.10E-1 -
20 1.81E-2 3.79 8.69E-2 1.85 1.46E-2 3.58 1.44E-2 3.87
40 3.61E-3 2.33 2.48E-2 1.81 2.64E-3 2.46 1.64E-3 3.14
80 1.45E-3 1.31 8.05E-3 1.63 5.07E-4 2.38 2.47E-4 2.73
160 6.58E-4 1.14 2.82E-3 1.52 9.95E-5 2.35 4.13E-5 2.58
320 2.97E-4 1.15 1.03E-3 1.45 2.02E-5 2.30 7.46E-6 2.47
= 0.5
10 1.79E-2 - 4.94E-2 - 2.66E-2 - 1.41E-2 -
20 1.81E-3 3.30 1.38E-2 1.84 5.30E-3 2.33 2.09E-3 2.75
40 4.17E-4 2.12 4.15E-3 1.73 1.07E-3 2.30 3.60E-4 2.54
80 1.76E-4 1.24 1.32E-3 1.65 2.31E-4 2.22 7.10E-5 2.35
160 7.98E-5 1.15 4.33E-4 1.61 5.31E-5 2.12 1.56E-5 2.19
320 3.39E-5 1.24 1.46E-4 1.57 1.27E-5 2.06 3.65E-6 2.10
= 1.25
10 5.53E-3 - 8.14E-3 - 1.02E-2 - 6.04E-3 -
20 1.59E-3 1.80 1.88E-3 2.11 2.34E-3 2.12 1.38E-3 2.13
40 4.33E-4 1.88 4.43E-4 2.09 5.70E-4 2.04 3.34E-4 2.04
80 1.14E-4 1.92 1.06E-4 2.07 1.41E-4 2.01 8.26E-5 2.02
160 2.97E-5 1.94 2.54E-5 2.06 3.52E-5 2.00 2.05E-5 2.01
320 7.66E-6 1.96 6.13E-6 2.05 8.80E-6 2.00 5.12E-6 2.00
Table 1. Numerical comparisons by linear interpolation in
Ex. 1.

4.2. Quadratic Interpolation. We now turn to check the cases with our
new high-order scheme with quadratic interpolation. We denote our new
scheme MF-PCQ.
In Tables 4 and 5, we show the numerical errors and orders obtained
from the MF-PCQ for Example 2 and Example 3 with various values of
, respectively. We also present the results obtained from the Improved
Algorithm II (abbreviated by Alg. II) by Li et al. ([19]) for comparison
purpose. For all these cases, the MF-PCQ scheme achieves the designed
3rd order for both cases of < 1 and 1, and are much better than the
comparing results of the Alg. II scheme. In case of = 1.5, we notice that
although the errors of the MF-PCQ are less than those of the Alg. II, the
former remains 3rd-order whereas the latter order is around 2.5.

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= 0.25
N Ept roc EL2 roc Ept roc EL2 roc
10 1.20E-1 - 5.84E-2 - 2.17E-2 - 1.32E-2 -
20 4.46E-2 1.43 2.07E-2 1.49 3.71E-3 2.54 2.22E-3 2.57
40 1.65E-2 1.43 7.48E-3 1.47 6.64E-4 2.48 3.92E-4 2.50
80 6.20E-3 1.41 2.77E-3 1.44 1.25E-4 2.41 7.26E-5 2.43
160 2.36E-3 1.39 1.05E-3 1.40 2.46E-5 2.34 1.42E-5 2.36
320 9.15E-4 1.37 4.03E-4 1.38 5.09E-6 2.27 2.91E-6 2.29
= 0.5
10 4.39E-2 - 2.14E-2 - 8.33E-3 - 4.98E-3 -
20 1.38E-2 1.67 6.32E-3 1.76 1.53E-3 2.44 8.76E-4 2.51
40 4.41E-3 1.64 1.96E-3 1.69 3.20E-4 2.26 1.76E-4 2.31
80 1.44E-3 1.61 6.28E-4 1.64 7.28E-5 2.14 3.92E-5 2.17
160 4.82E-4 1.58 2.07E-4 1.60 1.74E-5 2.07 9.24E-6 2.08
320 1.63E-4 1.56 6.97E-5 1.57 4.25E-6 2.03 2.25E-6 2.04
= 1.25
10 1.33E-2 - 6.41E-3 - 9.46E-3 - 4.75E-3 -
20 3.17E-3 2.07 1.44E-3 2.16 2.34E-3 2.02 1.10E-3 2.10
40 7.60E-4 2.06 3.35E-4 2.10 5.83E-4 2.00 2.67E-4 2.05
80 1.83E-4 2.05 7.97E-5 2.07 1.46E-4 2.00 6.56E-5 2.02
160 4.43E-5 2.05 1.92E-5 2.05 3.64E-5 2.00 1.63E-5 2.01
320 1.08E-5 2.04 4.66E-6 2.04 9.10E-6 2.00 4.05E-6 2.01
Table 2. Numerical comparisons by linear interpolation in
Ex. 2.

We next compare the performance of our MF-PCQ and the Alg. II in

case the right-hand side is just C 0 continuous. For this case, we choose the
following test as suggested in [19].
Example 4.
2 1

t2 t1 y(t) + t2 t, 1,

D0 y(t) = (3 ) (2 )

t2 y(t) + t2 t, 1 < < 2.
(3 )
The exact solution is available as follows,
y(t) = t2 t.
Hence, the initial conditions are
y(0) = 0, y  (0) = 1.

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= 0.25
N Ept roc EL2 roc Ept roc EL2 roc
10 2.85E-1 - 9.86E-2 - 1.10E-1 - 3.80E-2 -
20 1.41E-1 1.02 4.00E-2 1.30 2.49E-2 2.15 6.99E-3 2.44
40 5.87E-2 1.26 1.49E-2 1.43 4.10E-3 2.60 1.07E-3 2.70
80 2.17E-2 1.43 5.32E-3 1.48 6.10E-4 2.75 1.68E-4 2.67
160 7.75E-3 1.49 1.91E-3 1.48 9.58E-5 2.67 2.92E-5 2.52
320 2.79E-3 1.47 7.03E-4 1.44 1.63E-5 2.56 5.56E-6 2.40
= 0.5
10 1.10E-1 - 3.92E-2 - 3.05E-2 - 1.18E-2 -
20 3.79E-2 1.54 1.15E-2 1.77 4.73E-3 2.69 1.80E-3 2.70
40 1.23E-2 1.62 3.47E-3 1.73 7.84E-4 2.59 3.29E-4 2.45
80 3.97E-3 1.63 1.08E-3 1.68 1.50E-4 2.38 6.97E-5 2.24
160 1.30E-3 1.61 3.51E-4 1.63 3.24E-5 2.21 1.61E-5 2.11
320 4.34E-4 1.58 1.16E-4 1.59 7.52E-6 2.11 3.89E-6 2.05
Table 3. Numerical comparisons by linear interpolation in
Ex. 3.

In Table 6, we list the numerical errors and orders for Example 4 with
= 0.3, 0.5 and 1.25. We note that our obtained results from the Alg.
II here are dierent in terms of error magnitudes comparing with those
given in Table 13 and 14 in [19]. Due to the violation of the conditions
given in Theorem 3.2, it is shown that both schemes cannot obtained the
designed convergence order. Nevertheless, we conclude that our new scheme
outperforms the Alg. II, especially for cases of < 1.
4.3. Computational issues. The proposed scheme does not repeat the
memory eect in approximating the predicted value y P which gives a benet
to reduce computational cost. Comparing with the ABM scheme it reduces
a half of computational cost roughly. For the quadratic interpolation we
do not analyze the computational cost because Alg II scheme uses the
intermediate grids. In Table 7, we show the computational time (in seconds)
for both linear and quadratic interpolation schemes for Example 2. We
observe a much cheaper cost of the proposed schemes comparing with those
of the ABM or Alg. II ones.

5. Conclusion
In this work, we have proposed a new class of accurate, ecient, and
explicit schemes using linear and quadratic interpolation. By implementing

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= 0.2
N Ept roc EL2 roc Ept roc EL2 roc
10 1.13E-1 - 5.47E-2 - 3.25E-3 - 2.93E-3 -
20 4.62E-2 1.29 2.14E-2 1.35 2.13E-4 3.93 2.32E-4 3.66
40 1.84E-2 1.33 8.33E-3 1.36 1.89E-5 3.49 2.02E-5 3.52
80 7.27E-3 1.34 3.25E-3 1.36 1.72E-6 3.46 1.83E-6 3.46
160 2.89E-3 1.33 1.28E-3 1.34 1.63E-7 3.40 1.71E-7 3.42
320 1.15E-3 1.32 5.12E-4 1.33 1.59E-8 3.36 1.65E-8 3.38
= 0.5
10 2.12E-2 - 1.02E-2 - 5.81E-4 - 5.63E-4 -
20 6.89E-3 1.62 3.14E-3 1.70 5.09E-5 3.51 4.69E-5 3.58
40 2.26E-3 1.61 9.96E-4 1.66 5.24E-6 3.28 4.56E-6 3.36
80 7.48E-4 1.59 3.25E-4 1.61 5.93E-7 3.14 4.96E-7 3.20
160 2.52E-4 1.57 1.08E-4 1.58 7.06E-8 3.07 5.77E-8 3.10
320 8.59E-5 1.55 3.68E-5 1.56 8.63E-9 3.03 6.97E-9 3.05
= 1.5
10 2.17E-4 - 9.28E-5 - 1.16E-3 - 6.37E-4 -
20 4.05E-5 2.42 1.61E-5 2.53 1.55E-4 2.91 8.35E-5 2.93
40 7.34E-6 2.46 2.81E-6 2.52 1.99E-5 2.95 1.07E-5 2.97
80 1.31E-6 2.48 4.94E-7 2.51 2.53E-6 2.98 1.35E-6 2.98
160 2.34E-7 2.49 8.69E-8 2.51 3.19E-7 2.99 1.70E-7 2.99
320 4.15E-8 2.50 1.53E-8 2.50 4.00E-8 2.99 2.13E-8 3.00
Table 4. Numerical comparisons by quad interpolation in
Ex. 2.

the same discretization method for the lag term in both the prediction and
correction stages, we have greatly reduced the overall computational costs.
This is a main diculty issue for the development of numerical schemes for
fractional dierential equations due to the so-called memory eect. Our
new schemes also improve the accuracy to achieve uniform orders for both
cases of 0 < < 1 and > 1, especially for the former case where, to
our knowledge, other schemes accuracy depends on this . This property
is obtained by a new prediction method, in which we did not employ a
low-order interpolation of the right-hand side f (t) for the prediction step.
Instead, we have introduced a new explicit method, which is of the same
order with that of the correction stage.
A variety of numerical tests show that our schemes are better than
other comparing ones, especially for cases with < 1 in which our new
schemes signicantly improve both error magnitudes and orders.

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472 T.B. Nguyen, B. Jang

= 0.2
N Ept roc EL2 roc Ept roc EL2 roc
10 2.36E-1 - 8.26E-2 - 3.88E-2 - 1.31E-2 -
20 1.27E-1 0.90 3.68E-2 1.17 4.80E-3 3.01 1.26E-3 3.37
40 5.93E-2 1.10 1.53E-2 1.27 3.97E-4 3.60 9.26E-5 3.77
80 2.45E-2 1.28 6.01E-3 1.35 2.74E-5 3.86 6.68E-6 3.79
160 9.45E-3 1.37 2.31E-3 1.38 1.99E-6 3.78 5.41E-7 3.63
320 3.58E-3 1.40 8.88E-4 1.38 1.59E-7 3.65 4.79E-8 3.50
= 0.5
10 5.20E-2 - 1.84E-2 - 4.92E-3 - 1.98E-3 -
20 1.82E-2 1.51 5.58E-3 1.72 3.45E-4 3.84 1.45E-4 3.77
40 6.08E-3 1.58 1.74E-3 1.68 2.69E-5 3.68 1.32E-5 3.46
80 2.01E-3 1.60 5.59E-4 1.64 2.46E-6 3.45 1.41E-6 3.23
160 6.69E-4 1.59 1.84E-4 1.60 2.56E-7 3.27 1.63E-7 3.11
320 2.26E-4 1.57 6.20E-5 1.57 2.90E-8 3.14 1.96E-8 3.05
= 1.5
10 5.25E-4 - 1.75E-4 - 3.06E-3 - 1.45E-3 -
20 1.07E-4 2.30 2.96E-5 2.57 4.00E-4 2.93 1.80E-4 3.01
40 2.03E-5 2.40 5.06E-6 2.55 5.12E-5 2.97 2.24E-5 3.01
80 3.72E-6 2.45 8.76E-7 2.53 6.48E-6 2.98 2.79E-6 3.00
160 6.69E-7 2.47 1.53E-7 2.52 8.15E-7 2.99 3.49E-7 3.00
320 1.19E-7 2.49 2.69E-8 2.51 1.02E-7 3.00 4.36E-8 3.00
Table 5. Numerical comparisons by quad interpolation in
Ex. 3.

The low cost and high accuracy of our new schemes promise various ap-
plications, especially in dynamical problems or time derivative discretiza-
tion for PDE-based problems.

Appendix A. Start-up of the Scheme

To nd a desired accuracy for y1 , y2 we approximate the predicted values
at t1/4 , t1/2 by using the constant, linear and quadratic interpolation as
seen in Fig. 2. Let L0 (fa ) be the constant interpolation f at t = a.
That is L0 (fa ) = f (a). Let L1 (fa , fb ) and L2 (fa , fb , fc ) be the linear and
quadratic interpolation of f with grids (a, b) and (a, b, c), respectively. In
the algorithm below we describe the lag term with a detail interpolation
and the last intervals of predictor and corrector with detail interpolations.

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= 0.3
N Ept roc EL2 roc Ept roc EL2 roc
10 2.04E-2 - 1.41E-2 - 8.44E-4 - 4.77E-3 -
20 7.45E-3 1.45 5.05E-3 1.48 4.34E-6 7.60 1.21E-3 1.97
40 2.72E-3 1.46 1.81E-3 1.48 4.71E-7 3.20 3.23E-4 1.91
80 1.00E-3 1.44 6.55E-4 1.46 6.40E-8 2.88 8.88E-5 1.87
160 3.73E-4 1.42 2.41E-4 1.44 7.05E-8 0.14 2.51E-5 1.82
320 1.41E-4 1.41 9.00E-5 1.42 3.38E-8 1.06 7.30E-6 1.78
= 0.5
10 6.98E-3 - 5.38E-3 - 1.03E-4 - 3.25E-3 -
20 2.22E-3 1.65 1.62E-3 1.73 5.78E-6 4.15 8.29E-4 1.97
40 7.23E-4 1.62 4.93E-4 1.72 3.05E-6 0.92 2.30E-4 1.85
80 2.40E-4 1.59 1.53E-4 1.69 1.88E-6 0.70 6.84E-5 1.75
160 8.09E-5 1.57 4.90E-5 1.65 8.12E-7 1.21 2.16E-5 1.67
320 2.76E-5 1.55 1.61E-5 1.61 3.16E-7 1.36 7.10E-6 1.60
= 1.25
10 5.88E-5 - 7.93E-5 - 3.02E-4 - 2.81E-4 -
20 4.40E-6 3.74 3.04E-5 1.39 8.62E-5 1.81 8.72E-5 1.69
40 5.64E-6 0.36 1.15E-5 1.40 2.48E-5 1.80 2.68E-5 1.70
80 2.56E-6 1.14 4.01E-6 1.53 7.21E-6 1.78 8.11E-6 1.72
160 9.43E-7 1.44 1.32E-6 1.61 2.12E-6 1.77 2.44E-6 1.74
320 3.18E-7 1.57 4.18E-7 1.65 6.25E-7 1.76 7.28E-7 1.74

Table 6. Numerical comparisons by quad interpolation in

Ex. 4.

Figure 2. Grid for the start-up of the new quadratic scheme.

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474 T.B. Nguyen, B. Jang

= 0.25
N 100 200 400 600 800 1000
ABM 0.002 0.010 0.040 0.090 0.160 0.262
MF-PCL 0.001 0.007 0.025 0.050 0.096 0.150
= 0.5
N 100 200 400 600 800 1000
Alg. II 0.210 0.491 1.102 2.127 2.643 3.224
MF-PCQ 0.123 0.231 0.622 0.981 1.490 1.471
Table 7. Computing time with linear and quadratic inter-
polations in Ex. 2.

Algorithm 1. (Start-up Procedure): y1/4 y1/2 y1 y2 .

(1) L0 (f0 ) y1/4
P L1 (f , fP ) y
0 1/4 1/4
1 0 P1 P1 P2

(2) L (f0 , f1/4 ) y1/2 ; L (f1/4 ) y1/2 L1 (f1/4 , f1/2 ) y1/2
2 P
L (f0 , f1/4 , f ) y1/2
(3) L (f0 , f1/2 ) y1 ; L0 (f1/2 ) y1P1 L1 (f1/2 , f1P1 )
1 y1P2
L2 (f0 , f1/2 , f1P2 ) y1
(4) L2 (f0 , f1/2 , f1 ) y2 ; L0 (f1 ) y2P1 L1 (f1 , f2P1 ) y2P2
L2 (f0 , f1 , f2P2 ) y2

This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through
the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry
of Education (NRF-2014R1A1A2A16051147). We would like to address our
thanks to professor Changpin Li for the correction of the typos of the Alg
II scheme in [19].

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1 School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University
9 Rainforest Walk, Clayton, Melbourne, VIC 3800, AUSTRALIA
2Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
Ulsan 44919, Republic of KOREA Received: May 23, 2016
e-mail: Revised: January 9,

Please cite to this paper as published in:

Fract. Calc. Appl. Anal., Vol. 20, No 2 (2017), pp. 447476,
DOI: 10.1515/fca-2017-0023

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