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prima ediie 2006

corectur: prof Cristiana Oan

ISBN - 10

ISBN - 13

Copert, tehnoredactare i tipar - PapyrusPrint


This book is meant to help students to prepare for the

Baccalaureate exam.
I have decided to use my experience as a high school teacher to
guide students to prepare a discourse, to tackle a literary text or to
write an essay according to the requirements of the NATIONAL
This book is a precious instrument for students and a useful
guide for teachers.
Good luck!
Liliana Huzdup, teacher.

Aceast carte este conceput pentru a veni n ajutorul elevilor

care se pregtesc pentru examenul de Bacalaureat.
M-am hotrt s-mi folosesc experiena de profesor la liceu
pentru a-i ghida pe elevi s pregteasc un discurs, s abordeze un
text literar sau s scrie un eseu n concordan cu cerinele
Aceast carte este un instrument preios pentru elevi i un ghid
util pentru profesori.
Profesor, Liliana Huzdup.

FOREWORD ................................................................................ 3
PREFA ............................................................................................. 4


A) Discourses/1-2 classes/week ................................ 7
A) Discourses/3-4 classes/week ............................ 20
B) Literary texts: ....................................................................... 30


A. The narrative essay .......................................................... 38
B. The descriptive essay ...................................................... 42
C. The argumentative essay ............................................. 46
D. The reflective essay ........................................................ 50

III. Possible titles of essays: .................................................... 55

Bibliography: ................................................................................ 57

1-2 classes/week

1. The last school week

 Refer to the idea that people value most what they are about to
lose (the impact of the word the last.)
 Why is this week different from the others?
 Are you sorry to leave school or are you looking forward to it?
 Refer to your feelings towards: your mates (the favourites and
the ones you dont like) and your teachers.
 What will you miss most and why?

2. Travelling - a special place to visit

 Reasons for travelling : (relaxing, being away from the city and
its busy life, a time to think) .
 The location of that special place.
 Reasons for choosing it and not another place.
 Description of the place: geographical features, special attractions.
 Convince the audience to go there.
8 Bac la Englez

3. Practicing sports keeps you active and healthy. What else

should we do to keep healthy and fit?

 The importance of practising sports.

 What sports do you practice? /How do they help you to keep fit
and healthy?
Sports should be associated with:
 a healthy diet.
 a positive approach to life (positive thoughts, optimism, no
anger, fear or other negative feelings).
 Eight hours of sleep every night.
 food supplements and vitamins (prevent diseases).
 walking for half an hour daily.

4. Life a century ago

 A picture of the society a century ago (customs, manners /position

of men and women in society)
 Underline the advantages and disadvantages of this life style.
 Compare it with life nowadays and express your preference for
one of them (Motivate your choice three reasons)

5. An object (a legend or a recipe) that has been in the family

for generations

 Name it and describe it.

 Mention its significance for the former generations.
 What does it mean to you?
 Will you make sure it will continue to be in the family for the
future generations?
Liliana Huzdup 9

 What will you do to make sure it will happen?

6. A humorous/ tragic character in a book / film

 The name, age, nationality (mention the book or film where

you encountered him/her.)
 Physical portrait.
 Moral portrait (examples of situations/ qualities and flaws)
 Hobbies/ free time activities.
 Something special about this character.
 Why have you chosen this character? (Give some reasons).

7. A wonderful trip with your class

 Time, place and characters.

 Report a series of events that happened there (happy or sad).
 Which were the situations that helped you and your mates to
get closer?
 Why was it a wonderful trip?

8. The plot of a film that can be considered a work of art

 The title, the cast, the director

 The plot (a summary of the main events)
 Special prizes or awards.
 Why can it be considered a work of art?

9. A speech about your country

A general presentation of the beauties of our country.

10 Bac la Englez

 Zones of touristic interest (Maramure, the monasteries of

Moldova, Transylvania, the Danubes Delta, the seaside resorts)
 Romanian ambassadors abroad: Nadia Comneci, Gheorghe
Hagi, Sabin Blaa.
 Specific items (folklore, traditions, costumes, food, music).
 Your arguments to convince the audience to visit Romania.

10. Romania will become a member of the EU. Express your

view on the matter

 The importance of this event.

 Its impact on our society (good side / weak points) at different
levels (economic, political, cultural).
 How would it change our lives? (for the better or for the worse)
 How will this change affect you?
 European citizenship a dream that will finally become true.

11. Childhood and adolescence

About childhood in general (universe of idealism)

 the happiest period of life (innocence, sincerity, openness, no
worries, creativity)

 Your childhood:
 How was your life then? (memories, incidents).
 Passage to adolescence. (rites of passage)
 What changed into your life? (arguments, examples)
 What do you prefer: childhood or adolescence? Why? (at least
three reasons)
 Can we keep childhood in our hearts forever? How?
Liliana Huzdup 11

12. The most representative personality of the 20th century

 Name / nationality / field of activity.

 Reasons for choosing him / her.
 His / her contribution (Prizes / awards).
 What made him / her famous?
 His / her influence on your life.

13. Free time (importance, ways of spending it)

 Freetime and its importance in our lives

 Americans speak of quality time Its not quantity (how
much you have) but quality (how you spend it) that really
matters .
 Ways of spending it: - with family, travelling, going out,

{ doing housework;
- with friends, having fun
- by yourself, resting, reading, watching TV
 Which way is the most pleasant? Why?
 Would life be possible without free time?
 What would it be like?

14. Famous actor / actress

 Name / age / nationality.

 Phsysical / moral portrait.
 Films in which he / she played.
 Prizes / awards.
 The moment when he / she became famous.
 Reasons for being famous.
12 Bac la Englez

 Is he / she a model for you? Justify your answer.

15. Television

 Television is a very popular source of entertainment among

the young and the old.)
 The importance of television (it provides information) and its
huge responsibility (it educates, it improves peoples lives)
 Television: - good side (news, films, entertainment)
- bad side (violence, negative news, pornography)
 Its impact on peoples lives (especially on children and teenagers):
They take for granted what they see and they try to imitate it.
 The role of television in your life. Are you influenced by it? In
what way? (negative or positive ?)
 A conclusion: TV or not TV?

16. A friend in need is a friend indeed (refer to a literary text

or to your own experience)

 Friends are very important in our lives.

 Reasons : they offer support, affection, trust.
 Friends are for good and for bad times .
 In difficult times we come to appreciate the value of a
friendship (reasons, examples).
 When we feel lonely, we need affection, support, we need
somebody to talk to, we need to trust the person.(example: a
literary text, a film or your own experience).
Liliana Huzdup 13

17. Christmas & Easter

 The significance of Christmas: the birth of the Holy Child.

Symbols: fir tree, Santa, presents, carols
 Preparations for Christmas.
 Christmas Eve: carols, Santa
 Christmas Days: - going to church
- a meal with the family
Traditional food: pork, sponge cake

Easter its significance Christs Resurrection

Symbols: red eggs (which became red because drops of Christs
blood fell on them, the Easter Bunny)
 Easter Eve: - going to church.
{- the Resurrection Light into your house.
 Easter Day: - going to church

{ - a meal with the family (the tradition of breaking eggs)

- the tradition of wearing new clothes (purification
of the soul)
Traditional food: lamb steak, sponge cake, red eggs.

18. Your best friend

 Name / age / grade.

 Physical and moral portrait.
 How long have you known him / her?
Reasons for admiring him / her.
14 Bac la Englez

19. If you won the national lottery, what would you do with
the money?

 Are you usually lucky with the lottery?

 Do you play often?
 If you won, would it be a surprise for you?
 What would you do with the money?
a) Spend it: buy a house, a car, clothes?
b) Save it in the bank?
c) Invest it: start a business or invest in stock shares?

20. Junk food

 Fast food restaurants are crowded! Why?

 An old saying: You are what you eat.
 Junk food:
 Advantages: it is tasty, it contains many calories; it is easy to
find; it is easy to eat. (even walking or at work)
 Disadvantages: it is not healthy; you can get fat and ill (it
contains many chemical additives).
 Fast food restaurants are crowded. Reasons:
 They are cheap (compared to a restaurant that offers healthy food)
 You dont wait a lot for the food to be prepared.
 The food is tasty and attractively presented (a lot of publicity
is made for these places)
Liliana Huzdup 15

21. Top models and football players make money easily.

Advantages Disadvantages

Their careers are glamorous - They have no personal life

and well paid - No freedom (imposed diet,
(much money) almost no free time)
- Every step they take is
decided by somebody else.

 Can we say the money is made easily ? Reasons :

(Try comparing them with other categories of jobs: teachers, doctors)

Advantages Disadvantages
 Eight hours of work.
 Partial power of decision. Less money.
 A personal life after work.

22. The role of the press

 Which form of media has the greatest impact? Why?

 Press:  advantages: - it keeps you informed

- it is relatively cheap
- it is accessible to everyone
 disadvantages: subjectivity / manipulation

The role:  to inform, to help people have their own opinion.

 to mirror reality

The importance of the press in our society.

16 Bac la Englez

23. Advertisements (Do they lie to us? Are they stupid?)

 Advertisements: - an industry that has conquered the world

 They are found everywhere: on TV, in newspapers, on the
Internet, in the street,
 Aim: to convince people to consume.
 Advantages: they inform you about new products
 Disadvantages: they could become annoying.

 Too much publicity induces the feeling of annoyance, boredom, refusal.)

 A selection should be made there are many categories of
advertisements: sometimes they may be stupid, they dont
advertise a product, they sell an image)
 They could also exaggerate the qualities of a product, they could
go as far as masking the truth which is the equivalent of a lie.

24. The 20th century (3 major things which are crucial for

 The 20 century a crucial point in the development of mankind:
 discoveries in medicine (cures for many diseases, examples)
 the advanced technique : computers, Internet (details)
 the advanced military equipment (USA, Russia)

 The idea: To use this discoveries for good purposes not to

destroy the world (examples)

25. Fewer people go to the cinema

 Nowadays we have less free time (working late hours)

Liliana Huzdup 17

 Modern devices: computers, home cinemas (advantage: people

stay at home and watch films ; disadvantage : no socializing)

Cinemas  places to meet friends

 opportunity to discuss a film.

In our century there is a tendency to search entertainment in

solitude that leads to alienation .

26. Supermarkets / markets / shops

Where would you go shopping? Why?

 What would you choose ? Reasons

Advantages Disadvantages

Supermarkets - all the products in the - canned or packed

same place products
- certificate of quality

Market - fresh products - no quality guarantee

- small prices - sometimes no health
Shops - close to the house - few products
- more intimate - more expensive
 Weekdays : shops for everyday needs
 In the weekend (once a week) : the supermarkets : to buy
everything you need for the following week.
18 Bac la Englez

27. A personality you admire

 Name / age / nationality

 Physical and moral portrait
 Behaviour (examples of situations)
 Profession / job.
 Achievements (prizes, awards)
 Hobbies, interests.
 The reason why you admire him / her.

28. Characterize the beginning of this century

 Predictions said this century would bring a break from last century.
 The beginning seems to be the prolongation of some tendencies
from the 20th century: materialism, sexual decadence, violence.

 But in the same time there is a desire for changing, an awareness

that evil has to come to an end, that purity, love, sincerity, have
to come out
 The fight between the two tendencies: Light &Dark
Good & Evil

 The dawn of a New Era: of peace, understanding and spiritual love.

29. Pop singers, sportsmen and film stars must be inspiring for
the young

 Young people have always looked for models (in their parents,
teachers and later in pop singers, sportsman, film stars)
 It is not good to imitate but to adapt.
Liliana Huzdup 19

Pop singers, sportsmen and film stars can offer the image of
successful, famous, rich people.

 Young people can be inspired by their determination to

succeed, strong will to continue even if sometimes they face
 Would you be inspired by any some of these people? By whom? In
what way?

30. You are a mayor: three things you are going to do as soon
as possible.

 The function honors you and proves you that citizens trust you ;
that means you have a huge responsibility: to try to make them
 A mayor should ask the citizens for suggestions and take into
account the citizens wishes.


 to create new parking places

 renovate old buildings (with historical and cultural importance)
 to rent buildings and grounds that belong to the Town Hall
and use the money to improve the public transport, build
shelters for vagrant dogs.
 to build shelter for homeless people.
 to raise funds with the help of sponsorship and to support the
education system, the health system in your city.
20 Bac la Englez

3-4 classes/week

1. Modern means of communication versus traditional way of life

 Modern means of communication: telephone, mobile phone,

Internet, fax

Advantages:  a lot of time is saved

 the information travels quickly
Disadvantages:  encourage alienation (people dont meat, they
dont talk, they just phone or send an email.)
 People dont have personal contact (eye/body contact)

In modern times: There is no real communication, people are in

a hurry, they dont pay attention to relationships anymore.
Time in a stress factor.

The traditional way of life: They paid attention to real communication,

the aim and the time didnt matter so much.

2. Generation gap

Causes:  different levels of understanding the issues.

 lack of tolerance
 desire to impose ones point of view (no real communication
which has the aim of detecting everybodys needs and
Liliana Huzdup 21

Solutions:  more openness

 real communication : more time spent together
 desire to know the opposite side and to respect a
different view, to accept it
 wish to share each others experience
 children can learn from parents, but parents can
also learn from children

3. The countrys national character (influenced by climate,

geographical position)

 The countrys national character is influenced by: - climate

(temperate continental - four seasons which means balance:
everything that happens follows a cyclical order)
 Any change creates a lack of poise
 Now we have two seasons: winter and summer (spring almost
doesnt exist) Our national character suffers a transformation)
 The geographical position: our borders and our neighbors
influence us.
 There is a fight to change Romanias borders (with Hungary,
with Ukraine and Moldova)
 Any change generates a modification in the national character.

4. The role of family and home environment in the formation

of the character

 Family and home environment: the first stage of the school

called life
 The beginning is always very important.
 Family gives you security, unconditional love, support.
22 Bac la Englez

 They also help you to correct your mistakes in a mild way.

The home environment is warm.
Home is where you come to heal your heart wounds.
Without them(family and home) man finds it difficult to keep

5. The great potential of tourism

 Tourism: a source of income.

Some countries have tourism as a major / main source of income
(Spain, Greece)
The tourism in Romania is not exploited but has a great potential.
Touristic sights: Monasteries in Moldova

{ Maramure
The Danubes Delta
The mountain resorts
The seaside resorts
Solution: Modernization of roads, means of transport, hotels, restaurants

6. One of your dreams and what you do to make it come true

Dreams : 1. to have a brilliant career

2. to travel all over the world
3. to meet your soul mate

What you do : 1. Study, hard work, dedication, sacrifices

2. Save money, get informed, establish a strategy.
3. Open your heart, try to know as many people
as you can.
Liliana Huzdup 23

7. Scientists, artists and Olympic medallists have been

Romanias ambassadors abroad
During the - our connections with the rest of the world

communist were broken
regime - Romania was isolated
- The only ambassadors scientists, artists,
sportsmen as science, art and sport have no
Since Romania isolated itself from the world,
other countries ignored it so people knew
nothing about us (about our history,
geography ......)
The only image they had about Romania
was Nadia Comneci, or Hagi or Ana Aslan,
Victor Babe.

8. My town - a better place to live in

 A cleaner place.
 Safer (no burglars, thieves).
 Less crowded.
 No vagrant dogs.
 Less polluted.
 With renovated buildings and historical monuments.
 Peace and harmony between all the ethnic groups.

9. A century ago: walking on the Moon unthinkable. Now -

people buy lots on the Moon
24 Bac la Englez

 A century ago science and knowledge were limited.

 People were afraid of exploring,
 There were afraid of the unknown.
 Now, mankind has surpassed its limits and its fears.
 The journey towards other planets coincides with an expansion
of conscience, an openness towards other civilizations and their
 Earth has become a stage where Good and Evil fight.
 People are in a desperate search of balance, of peace with the
 They hope to find an answer on the Moon.

10. Superstitions. Do we still believe in them? Why ?

 Superstitions - how did they appear? From peoples need to

explain some things that couldnt be explained scientifically.
 Men were afraid of Nature.
 Fear thats what made them believe in superstitions.
 Superstitions are a kind of manipulation.
 Today, we still believe in them.
 Causes: lack of information, refusal to explain things logically.
 Ignorant people indulge in this situation.
 Solution: We should seek the real cause of things (There is
always one) in our behaviour. Changing it and our thought
could make the whole situation change.

11. The moving picture: the most popular art

Reasons - people are very busy

They dont spend quality time (no reading, no art
Liliana Huzdup 25

exhibitions, no concerts, theatre plays)

They choose cinemas or even more comfortable, home
cinemas or TV.
This leads to alienation; no socializing, no real
communication, just you and the screen.

Advantages Disadvantages
- You save some time - A limited perspective
- No difficulty of choice - No socializing

12. Can money buy anything?

 Money can buy objects: houses, cars, luxury objects.holidays, clothes

 It cant buy : peace of heart, feelings, tranquility, love
 What is most valuable in your life? Why?
 Can it be bought with money?

13. Your portrait

 Name / age
 Physical and moral portrait (qualities and flaws.)
 Behaviour (examples of situations either negative or positive)
 Your evolution in time.
 Hobbies, activities.
 Self appreciation (boast and critics).

14. Characterize your generation

 (Clothes, behaviour, interest, beliefs, ideals)

 Point the differences from the previous generation
26 Bac la Englez

 Generation of rebels - inclined to search for the extremes.

 Clothes mirror this attitude: either short or long, too tight or too large.
 Behaviour : not obeying any rules.
 They find their interests in material life (clothes, luxury, cars,
 Estrangement from spirituality.
 Ideal: material (not spiritual).
 The previous generation: more submissive, sensitive to influences,
a balanced attitude.
 Material ideals (spiritual support).

15. Three dangers mankind faces (solutions)

 Alienation (cause; no real communication)

 It can lead to violence, drugs.
 Lack of religion (cause: interest in material things)
 It can lead to depression, madness

 Solution: church, religious books, spiritual life.

 Breaking up of families (cause : seeking pleasure, not real love,

Solution : a turn to a traditional way of life.
 Diseases (causes: stress, bad habits of nutrition)
Solution : a return to the traditional way of life, healthy life,
healthy food
Liliana Huzdup 27

16. Uses and abuses of advertising

 Advertisement - the soul of commerce

 Our society: - materialistic.

- based on consume and consumers.

 Good side: - it makes the products known to the consumers.

- if used correctly its the art of presenting a new product.
- it contributes to the producers profit.

 B a d s i d e : - it doesnt promote the quality of the product, it

{ sells an image.
- theres too much use of sexuality and sexual messages.
- sometimes it is annoying because it almost obliges
the client to buy something

17. The plot of a love story. Reasons for choosing it.

 Name, author
 Characters/main events.
 Reasons for choosing it.
Romeo and Juliet / by W. Shakespeare
They come from two enemy families/
They marry secretly / Romeo is banned from the city.
Juliet takes a sleeping potion / Romeo thinks her dead / He
commits suicide.
She understands his gesture / She commits suicide too.
Reason : the power of love triumphant over mundane things.
Love is even stronger than death.
28 Bac la Englez

18. Romanias system of education

A. Good side
 Our pupils are very well prepared./They get international prizes
and awards./ Modern methods of teaching are used.
B. Bad side
 It is centralized and rigid
 Theres too much information
 There are too many classes a week for each pupil.
 The stress is on general knowledge with little or no specialization
 The staff is badly paid.
 Little money for auxiliary materials and teaching aids is given.

 Comparison with Western Europe

 There is much freedom of expression, personalized work;

There are less details (only main facts)
 There are modern teaching aids.
 There is not such a busy schedule.

19. Real life is more astonishing than movies / books.

 Movies / books contain extraordinary facts, stories of

adventures, but they lack the sense of reality.
 You cant really taste them, they are offered to you by
someone else who did.
 Trying to get into the atmosphere is like living someone elses
life, imitating.
 Your own life is original, you enjoy every moment of it with
joys and sorrows.
Liliana Huzdup 29

Its spicy, astonishing unique.

You cant compare it with movies and books.
Real life has nothing to do with fictional life life.

20. Volunteering

 Its an interesting activity

 You get to know people / make friends / gain experience
 You have the opportunity to get involved in projects
 Romanian young people are eager to volunteer (reasons)
 Have you ever volunteered?
 How was your experience?
 If not, would you volunteer?

How to tackle a text:

1. Read the text for a general idea. (Reading for gist)

2. Underline the key words.
3. Read the text more attentively. (Reading for details)
4. Summarize the text(50-75 words)
5. Comment upon the text (Express your opinions about the text
Give examples / quotations from the text and sustainable arguments.
6. Make a comparison between this text and another text / a film
/ a book or your life experience.

Text 1
Elaine. Oh, I wont think of Elaine ! Indeed I cant, because
when I try to, a terrible weight settles on my chest, as if Id
swallowed something impossible to digest, a lump of undercooked
potato or a half-boiled egg. Actually, Elaine is rather like both
those things. Her skin is white and floury and sort of pulpy, like a
fruit thats been sitting in the bowl too long and ought to be
thrown away. Im sure that inside she must be going soft and
nasty.... But on the surface theres lots of red lipstick and nail
polish and blue eye shadow. She thinks these things make her look
young Ive heard her say so - Of course always having looked
young for my age... I dont know why she thinks she needs to look
young. She isnt, and shes probably going to marry Daddy (yes,
yes, I do know that, though Im not supposed to) and hes not
young either. So why should she need to pretend?
Liliana Huzdup 31

I dont wear lipstick or nail polish - I mean, who does these

days? and Elaine seems to resent that. Shes always going on
about my clothes and my hair and what a sight I look, as if I were
about ten, as if she had the right to. I wish someone would tell
her that its rude to go on like that, with anybody. I wish I
could...... I cant .......
(Different written by Gillian Tindall)

The analysis of the text:

Its a fragment from the novel Different written by Gillian Tindall.

Its a first person narrative (The narrator is a character Ok, I wont
think of Elaine .... which implies subjectivity.

I. Key words

Impossible to digest soft, nasty, red lipstick, eye shadow, to look young

II. The idea of the text:

The author describes her step mother to be, Elaine.

III. Summary:

Gillian dislikes Elaine completely. She hates her look, the fact
the she wears make-up, her attempts to look younger than she is
and her rude way of intruding in the girls life But Elaine is going
to marry her father and Gillian is aware of the fact that they
should have a good relationship. In Gillians opinion this means
no intrusion in her life.
32 Bac la Englez

IV. Comments :

Gillian cant stand Elaine: a terrible weight on my chest as if

Id swallowed something impossible to digest, a lump of
undercooked potato or a half-boiled egg.
She begins with a physical description criticizing her skin: her
skin is white and floury and sort of pulpy, like a fruit thats being
sitting in the bowl too long Naturally the girl doesnt approve
Elaine. She thinks she is trying to be false by hiding her real age
under the mask of make-up. Why does she need to look young?
She isnt Gillian hates Elaine because she is too intruding. Gillian
doesnt like wearing make-up and her style of dressing seems too
different from Elaines and she doesnt like to be bothered about it.
She considers this rude.
Maybe she is too tough and judges Elaine because she believes
this woman wants to take her mothers place. Elaine doesnt seem
to be the kind of woman Gillian would like for a step-mother or
maybe she is not prepared to accept any woman beside her father.
Elaines attempts to advise Gillian might prove her real wish to
get closer and to get on well with her step daughter but she hasnt
found the proper means to do that.

V. Comparison

In real life this situation is often met : teenage girl/boy doesnt

like step mother/step father to be .
Lucas mother was divorced and she was dating another man.
She introduced John, her fianc to her teenage boy, Luca. From
the first moment Luca saw John, he couldnt stand him, He didnt
like his polite way of speaking, his ellegance, his fake smile. John
Liliana Huzdup 33

was not al all like his father but obviously he was trying to get close
to Luca. The boy was annoyed and everything he wished was to be
left alone, not to be forced to accept another man taking his
fathers place.

Wh - questions:

Build the questions to which the underlined words are the answers:

Elaine Oh, I wont think of Elaine! Indeed I cant, because

when I try to, a terrible weight settles on my chest, as if Id swallowed
something impossible to digest, a lump of undercooked potato or a
half-boiled egg Actually, Elaine is rather like both those things.
Her skin is white and floury and sort of pulpy, like a fruit thats
been sitting in the bowl too long and ought to be thrown away. Im
sure that inside she must be going soft and nasty...But on the
surface theres lots of red lipstick and nail polish and blue eye
shadow. She thinks these things make her look young: Ive heard
her say so - Of course always having looked young for my age... I
dont know why she thinks she needs to look young. She isnt, and
shes probably going to marry Daddy (yes, yes, I do know that,
though Im not supposed to) and hes not young either. So why
should she need to pretend?
I dont wear lipstick or nail polish - I mean, who does these days?
-and Elaine seems to resent that. Shes always going on about my
clothes and my hair and what a sight I look, as if I were about ten,
as if she had the right to. I wish someone would tell her that its rude
to go on like that, with anybody. I wish I could ..... I cant .......
34 Bac la Englez

Solution :

Where has the fruit been sitting too long? In the bowl.
What does she need? To look young.
Whom is she going to marry? Daddy.
Who seems to resent that? Elaine.

Text 2
June and Malcolm Harding spent their life savings on their first
home and thought they were set for life. But just over a year later,
June handed the keys back to the estate agent. Since then theyve
also sold most of their furniture. All to give their daughter Kelly
the chance to become a world champion ice-skater.
What started as a way to stop Kelly being bored in the summer
holiday has become the focus of all their lives. She won her first
competition after 10 weeks of skating lessons. Soon after, Kellys
coach left Britain for Canada and her parting words changed the
Hardings lives forever. Find the money to keep Kelly on ice, she
urged. Shell go all the way to the top. From then on, there was no
question - whatever it cost to make Kelly a winner, theyd find a way.
June has her own reasons for wanting Kelly, her daughter, to
become a skating star. I started skating when I was ten , June
said. I saved all the money I could for lessons by doing errands for
neighbours. But Mum and Dad were poor and when Mum saved to
buy me boots, Dad said that was it. I never skated again. I wasnt
going to let that happen to Kelly.
Kelly, now seventeen, was placed first in the last years junior
championship and has won nearly thirty competitions so far. I know
Im very lucky, she admits. Mum and Dad have given up their own
lives just for me and Im determined not to let them down.
Liliana Huzdup 35

Key words

Main idea


36 Bac la Englez


Wh - questions

Build questions to which the underlined words are the answers:

June and Malcolm Harding spent their life savings on their first
home and thought they were set for life. But just over a year later,
June handed the keys back to the estate agent. Since then theyve
also sold most of their furniture. All to give their daughter Kelly
the chance to become a world champion ice-skater.
What started as a way to stop Kelly being bored in the summer
holiday has become the focus of all their lives. She won her first
competition after 10 weeks of skating lessons. Soon after, Kellys
coach left Britain for Canada and her parting words changed the
Hardings lives forever. Find the money to keep Kelly on ice, she
urged. Shell go all that way to the top. From then on, there was
Liliana Huzdup 37

no question - whatever it cost to make Kelly a winner, theyd find

a way.
June has her own reasons for wanting Kelly, her daughter, to
become a skating star. I started skating when I was ten , June
said. I saved all the money I could for lessons by doing errands for
neighbours But Mum and Dad were poor and when Mum saved to
buy me boots, Dad said that was it. I never skated again. I wasnt
going to let that happen to Kelly.
Kelly, now seventeen, was placed first in the last years junior
championship and has won nearly thirty competitions so far. I know
Im very lucky, she admits. Mum and Dad have given up their own
lives just for me and Im determined not to let them down.


It presents a series of events in a chronological order, connected

between them and based on the writers experience or imagination.


Introduction (place, time, characters, atmosphere)

Main body - the events narrated in a clear and logical way
- the end of the story
- references to peoples reactions, feelings


 Vivid descriptions of the scenes, spicy incidents are needed

to keep the readers interest to make the story catchy
 The flashback method. The story must begin with an
awkward situation, then we must sprinkle it with flashbacks
which help us understand how we get into it and finally a return
to present where we should draw a conclusion (P.S Morell)


 The most interesting part of the story should come at the end!
In this way the reader will feel the suspense.
Liliana Huzdup 39

 Make out a plan (or a draft) . While writing, you could alter it
or even cut some parts of it.
 Try to have a logical link between paragraphs.
 Avoid the unimportant details and keep a balance between the
length of the paragraph and its content.
 Avoid personal statements such as: I dont like this subject ...
or In my opinion this is a stupid thing ...
 Use Past Continuous, Past Simple and Past Perfect to narrate
the events.
 Use linking words such as before, after, then, later, until,
 You could write the essay using either the first person singular
(I) or the third person singular (he / she)
 Try to read your essay again to correct the grammar or word
order mistakes or to avoid repetitions.

Title: The woman on the rail

Main event: At midday a deaf woman picks flowers near some

rails in a desert place

The woman on the rail


Before the event

1. Midday: rails hot - silence - nobody around

2. Woman on the rails. The train approaching from behind.
She is not disturbed.
40 Bac la Englez

3. Someone far away sees her. He shouts - No answer.

4. Woman seems to stop. Man running towards her.

The event

1. The train is close to the woman. The mechanic slows down

but he cant stop. He sounds the horn .The man waves. He
throws a ball. The woman goes to catch it. She walks away
from the rails. She is saved. The train passes.

After the event

The man tries to speak to the woman. She is deaf. They communicate
through signs. The woman thanks him.

It was a hot summer day. The place seemed to be deserted: no

houses, no people around just a field with colored flowers and rails.
A young woman was walking around picking flowers. She was
caught by her activity so deeply that she didnt notice she had
approached the rails. She found her favourite flowers, poppies, there.
She sat down and picked them up gathering them in a huge bunch.
At a certain moment a whistling was heard, sign that a train was
coming but the woman didnt move. Far away you could see the
silhouette of a man approaching.
The woman went on picking flowers without suspecting that the
train was coming from the opposite direction and that she was in
danger. The man noticed it and started running towards her. He
tried to draw her attention shouting. But she could not see him as
he was approaching from behind. He was desperate. The train was
Liliana Huzdup 41

almost near her, the mechanic sounded the horn, he slowed down
but he couldnt stop the engine, it was a question of a few
moments....and suddenly the man had an idea! He threw he ball
he had in his hands as far as he could. The woman saw the ball and
crawled to catch it and ... at that very moment the trains wheels
touched the rails where the woman had sat. She was saved!
She turned round, holding the ball. She saw a man behind her,
and the train going slowly away and her flowers smashed on the
rail and at that moment she understood everything. She looked up
with her eyes full of tears and gratitude. She bowed her head and
joined her hand just like in a prayer. It was her way of thanking
the man for having saved her life as she could not speak or hear.
The man was astonished. He hugged her. Now he understood
why she couldnt hear either the whistling, the sound of the horn
or his shouts. Blessed be the moment when he thought of throwing
the ball!
Finally he took the womans hand and they walked to the
nearest village together.

Introduction place, time, main characters

Main body description of main elements

Conclusion the writers opinions / feelings

Describing Describing Describing
persons places events
Introduction - who the -the name and -the name and
person is location of the the type of the
- where and place. event
when you met - the reasons for -time and place
her / him choosing it. -the reasons for
-the reason for choosing it
choosing her /
Main body -physical and -general -the
moral portrait impression of preparations for
-behaviour the place. the
(examples of -particular event.(before)
situations) views. - the event
-hobbies, itself (during)
Liliana Huzdup 43

Conclusion -your opinions/ -your opinions/ Peoples

feelings feelings opinions (after)


 The roving report: It consists of a constant shift of interest from

general to particular from the whole scene to details . You should
use sounds, views, colors, smells, movements to achieve this effect.
 The contrast: You should use as many contrasting words as possible:
new / old, night / day, actual / ideal, to create variation.
 The unusual or fantastic:
You should seek beauty in common places or things, you should
notice strange persons or objects, a weird atmosphere. All these
create mystery, surprise.


 It is necessary to make out a plan, writing down a few ideas

under each heading.
 When planning the essay, you should think of a central idea
and everything you describe will be related to it.
 Each aspect of the description should be presented in a
separate paragraph.
 In the first paragraph you should deal with the subject in
general and in the rest of the paragraphs you will bring details.

Title: A night out in a foreign city

Central idea: A night out in an unknown city can become a
pleasant adventure.
44 Bac la Englez

A night out in a foreign city

Introduction An autumn day in S..,
Decision to spend the evening out.
Main body Arrival at the Square: people / stage / singers /
actors / artists / craftsmen
Incident : the potter wrote Angelas name on the mug.
Leave square - Different atmosphere, park,
silence, roman
The return:
Conclusion After midnight: Arrival at the hotel.
Surprise that getting lost in a foreign city can be a
pleasant adventure.

It was a beautiful autumn day. Richard and Angela were visiting

S.., a town in Transylvania. They decided to have a walk in the
town to admire the beauties and to take part in The September Fest.
They arrived at the Central Square and they stopped in the
middle of the crowd, gathered around the stage. There were young
people, teenagers and children, clapping their hands holding lights
and balloons and waiting for their favourite pop band to perform.
There was even a boy disguised in one of the pop stars, wearing
identical clothes and shouting his name. Backstage there was a
dumb show performed by some art students. They were also
warmly applauded by the audience. Richard and Angela found all
this fascinating. A little further from the stage they could see a
flames show : some amateur artists created special effects which
looked like real flames ; if you were brave you could take part in
Liliana Huzdup 45

the show. Richard volunteered. He had the sensation of being

surrounded by fire from all sides, first by calm, friendly flames then
little by little they turned into strong violent, consuming flames.
In the end he saw some romantic flames in a fireplace. It was a
unique experience.
Later they went to visit the Craftsmen exhibition. There they
could admire hand made pottery, clay statues, icons and crystal
jewellery. The craftsmen invited them to see how they created
these objects. Angela saw a woman sitting down around a potters
wheel, her hands dipped in clay, shaping a mug .She wrote
Angelas name on it and said :for you Angela was speechless with
emotion. She thanked the woman with tears in her eyes.
After that, they left the crowded and noisy square for a quiet
place : the park. It was a deep silence and they could hear the
purling of the water spring. They held each other s hand losing
track of time.
Later, after midnight, they went back to the hotel In the
morning, sitting in their room near a cup of Turkish coffee,
Richard and Angela agreed that it was a pleasant adventure to get
lost in a Romanian city.

It is an essay concerned with ideas and the writer is required

to deal with a certain topic expressing opposing points of
view (in favour / against)

Types of argumentative essays

 for and against : both sides are discussed with proper reasons
 argumentative opinion : different points of view are expressed,
each of them being supported by
reasons / examples

The opinion essay:

Introduction The topic is clearly stated, the main sides are
Main body Each side presents its points of view and
arguments / examples (no personal commitment
of the author)
Conclusion A balanced consideration of the writer.
(the writers opinion may be included here)


 Illustration, examples : They are needed so that the abstract

idea could become clear.
Liliana Huzdup 47

 Contrast: It is necessary to underline the differences between

the sides.
 Humour: It is welcome to show the writers detachment.


 Achieving the task successfully depends on how well you use

your knowledge.
 When referring to fact, you need accuracy. Dont invent facts
to prove an idea.
 Its better to begin by considering the opposite side in order to
avoid possible objections.
 Avoid taking sides. However if you want to make your point of
view known you may express it in the conclusion indirectly.

Every man is the architect of his own future


Ideas Plan
- free will(choice between good Introduction:
and evil) destiny (karma)- Mans role in building his
fatalists: whats meant to future is decisive.
happen will happen
- architect: imagination, Main body:
creativity, freedom of choice / Philosophy and free will.
the future can be shaped Theology has the same view.
- without an architect a building
cant be achieved(oneness)
48 Bac la Englez

Ideas Plan
(There is a destiny but every
person has a free choice to
change it).
Fatalists believe that nothing
could be changed.

Every thought and every action
is a brick used to build our future.

Mans role in building his future has been a matter of debate for
philosophers and theologians. A multitude of hypothesis have
been put forward such as the blind fate or the free will , but
all of them led to the same conclusion: it is man who takes the
final decision, otherwise said future lies in his hands.
The idea of free will is supported by some philosophers.
Throughout his life man faces different situations and is offered
the possibility to choose. Making his choices conscientiously, he
becomes responsible for his deeds. Romeo and Juliet from
Shakespeares tragedy are the best illustration of free will.
Theologians have the same view regarding this matter. God
created man and gave him the liberty to choose between Good
and Evil. There is a destiny for each person, which means that
everyone has a special mission here on Earth and we are allowed
to choose the way to achieve it. So destiny implies free will and
must not be mistaken with fate.
In contrast, fatalists believe everything is set up and man has no
power to oppose the events. According to this view, Tess of the
Liliana Huzdup 49

DUrbervilles, Thomas Hardys character is considered a victim of

her fate; she is not responsible for her gesture, she is believed to
have followed her instinct. The flaw of this theory consists in the
fact that they neglect mans potential. If man couldnt influence
his future, his abilities to think and feel would be useless.
Using his creativity the man-architect builds his future out of
thoughts and actions.

It is an exercise in contemplation on any given subject

(G. Alexander)

The reflexive essays are of two types :

1. Descriptive - reflective - It contains a description and your

conclusions, personal views and feelings on the topic
ex. Cruelty to animals
2. Abstract - reflective - It contains a metaphorical
interpretation of the topic . It is important to reason rather
than to describe your feelings.
ex. On biting off more than you can chew.


Introduction - All the aspects of the subject in a

concentrated form.
- A reference to a quotation, saying, rhetorical
Main body - Each idea stated in the introduction should
bedevelopped in one paragraph.
- A diversity of perspectives should be included
(for each argument)
- The ideas should evolve from general ones to
individual ones.
Liliana Huzdup 51

Conclusion - The writers opinion and a balanced

consideration on the topic.
- All the ideas from the introduction

 Description (especially in descriptive reflective essays). Your

comments should be based on what you describe.
 Illustration / examples (especially in abstract reflective essays).
Try to prove your ideas by giving examples.
 Contrast It gives variety to the essay and it makes it more
 Humor Irony, satire and parody should be part of a reflective
essay in order to amuse the reader and to offer him a different
perspective on things.


 Build a two columns plan : in the left column (Ideas) write

down the ideas in the order in which they come to your mind
and in the right column write the actual plan : Introduction,
Main Body, Conclusion.

Tips :

1. It is absolutely necessary to make up a plan.While writing you

can change it.
2. .When you interpret the subject, stick to one approach ; either
descriptive or abstract. Dont mix them. Pay attention to the task!
3. Avoid the so called pseudo-historical approach (This means
52 Bac la Englez

writing about the history of the subject from the earliest times
to the present.
4. Your essay must have unity, so that if you take a part of it, it would
spoil the effect on the whole.
5. Each paragraph is a unit of thought and it deals with an aspect
of the topic
6. A reflective essay should be written in the third person singular.

The reflexive abstract essay

Lost opportunities

Ideas Plan
- Opportunity = chance to do Introduction:
something, situation in which Lost opportunities a phrase
it is easy for you to do we all are familiar with.
- Lost / missed opportunity - a Main body:
chance you didnt use Perspectives:
- Opportunities suppose a risk. - Financial : occasions to make
- Fear hinders you to take money; they suppose a risk.
advantage of them. Lost opportunities mean fear of
- Regret has no place. risk, lack of information.
(Dont cry over spilt milk) - Emotional: possibilities to
- Lost opportunities stimulate build a relationship; they
progress(They can help you to suppose openness, sincerity,
use a better opportunity in the unconditional love.
future) Causes of failure: selfishness, fear.
Liliana Huzdup 53

Ideas Plan
- Spiritual: opportunities appear
when you are ready.
- The impact of the lost
opportunities on your soul.
- Regret has no point. Any failure
can be turned into a success.

No matter how many
opportunities you have missed,
what really matters is to be
willing to learn and move on,
be open in the future.

Lost opportunities is a phrase we all are familiar with, may they

refer to money, relationships or evolution.
As far as financial opportunities are concerned, they come out in
everyones life. The only thing you should do is to take advantage
of the chance to make money. If you are not ready to risk then you
miss them. The loyal employer, often met in Dickenss novels, is
the best illustration of the person who missed all financial
opportunities and remained poor all his life.
But still the emotional opportunities are the most common.
They imply the possibility to build a suitable relationship. But if
you are not ready to give unconditional love and in the same time
open to receive it you can miss the opportunities. Scarlet OHara,
a well known American fictional character is famous for her lost
opportunities regarding Rhett Butler.
54 Bac la Englez

From the psychological point of view, every missed opportunity

leaves a trace of regret behind. However people finally understand
that regrets are useless and they hinder evolution. The English
have a proverb: Dont cry over spilt milk.. Lost opportunities
must not break our wings but on condition that we should assume
them and try to learn to be open and take the risk.
Therefore lost opportunities should teach us valuable lessons
and help us to turn failure into success in the future.


Holiday adventure
Pages from a diary
A story called The Terrible Twins
An imaginary journey in a balloon
Your most embarrassing experience
If I were Prime Minister
The time I was ill
A trip by boat / ship


A snowy landscape
My best friend
Busy market place
The season I like best
A day by the sea
The house of the future
Myself in twenty years time
An ideal schoolteacher
A fashion show
A thunderstorm
My parents
56 Bac la Englez


Youth and old age

Lost opportunities
Television and education
Modern art
Witches and witchcraft
New Years Eve
Peace of mind
On living to be a hundred
On being lazy


You can never have enough money.(Argue in favour or against)

Should we enjoy having more leisure?
Every man is the architect of his own future. (Argue in favour of
this statement)
Good fences make good neighbours (Robert Frost)
Prevention is better than cure.
Should books, plays, films be subjected to censorship?
You cannot bully Nature.( Argue in favour of this statement.)
Is it a truly successful marriage an attainable ideal?
Do we ever learn from our mistakes?
Liliana Huzdup 57

Alexander, G Essay and letter writing, Longman 1993.

Morell, P. S. Secondary Certificate English, Thomas

Nelson Ltd, 1983

Bantas, A; Clontea, V Manual de literature engleza si

Americana, Editura Teora, 1996.

Bell, J; Gower, R. Upper Intermediate Matters, Students

Book, Longman, 1996.

Parlog, Hortensia Sinteze i exerciii de limba i literatura

englez pentru examenele de bacalaureat
i admitere, Amarcord,1996.

Maisonnave, J Prparation au baccalaureat crit et oral,

Hatier, Paris,1991

Swan, Michael Practical English Usage, International

Students Edition, Oxford University

Hornby, A S Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary

of Current English,
Oxford University Press, 1995.
pentru comenzi:
ISBN - 10

ISBN - 13

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