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5 Thick Slab

Geometry Data
Item Value Unit
Length along shorter direction 11.33 ft
Length along longer direction 11.83 ft
Panel Type One short edge discontinuous
User Defined Depth 5 in

Material Data
Item Value Unit
Grade of Concrete M20
Grade of Steel Fe500
Unit weight of concrete 2500 kg/m3

Item Value Unit
Include self-weight? Yes
Superimposed dead load 2.5 kN/m2
Live load 3 kN/m2

Loads Combinations
Load Combination # 1
Factor for Superimposed Dead load and Self Wt(if Considered) 1.5
Factor for Live load 1.5

Reinforcement Data
Item Value Unit
Barsize along shorter dirn.(mm) 8
Barsize along longer dirn.(mm) 8
Clear Cover 15 mm

Calculation Sheet Report

Design Data
Clear Length of shorter span of the slab , Lx= 3453.384 mm

Clear Length of longer span of the slab , Ly= 3605.784 mm

Panel Type is One short Edge Discontinuous

Uniformly Distibuted Live Load , Wl= 0.00300 N/sq. mm

Characteristic Strength of concrete , Fck= 20.000 N/sq. mm

Characteristic Strength of steel , Fy= 500.000 N/sq. mm

Unit Weight Of Concrete, c= 0.0000245 N/cubic mm

Bar size for reinf. in shorter Dir. , x= 8.000 mm

Bar size for reinf. in longer Dir. , y= 8.000 mm

Clr. Cover to the outermost Reinf. Bar of the slab , d' = 15.000 mm

Calculation Of Reinforcement
Overall Depth of the Slab, D = 127.000 mm

Dead Load Of Slab , Wd= D * c= 0.00311 N/sq. mm

Effective Depth Of The Slab , d = D - d' - x/2 = 108.000 mm

Effective Thickness Of the Slab along X-Dir ,dx= d = 108.000 mm

Effective Thickness Of the Slab along Y-Dir ,dy= d - x/2 - y/2 = 100.000 mm

Effective Length of shorter span of the slab , Lex= Lx + d = 3561.384 mm

Effective Length of longer span of the slab , Ley= Ly + dy= 3705.784 mm

Ratio of longer to shorter span , r = Ly/Lx= 1.041

Max. Factored Load among all comb. ,W = 0.01291 N/sq. mm

Moment Co-efficient in shorter dir. at span , x= 0.02962

Moment Co-efficient in shorter dir. at edge , 'x= 0.03943

Moment Co-efficient in longer dir. at span , y= 0.02800

Moment Co-efficient in longer dir. at edge , 'y= 0.03700

Factored Moment at ,

Span in shorter direction , Mux= x * W * Lx = 4850.61560 Nmm


Span in longer direction , Muy= y * W * Lx = 4585.03693 Nmm


Support in shorter direction , M'ux= ' x* W * Lx = 6457.16680 Nmm


Support in longer direction , M'uy= ' y* W * Lx = 6058.79880 Nmm


Width of the Slab , b = 1 mm

Limiting Moment of resistance of section

Along X-Direction , Mu,lim-x= 31167.62677 Nmm

Along Y-Direction , Mu,lim-y= 26721.21637 Nmm

Area Of steel reinf. in X-Dir. at span bottom , Astx= 0.15240 sq. mm

Area Of steel reinf. in Y-Dir. at span bottom , Asty= 0.15240 sq. mm

Area Of steel reinf. in X-Dir. at support top , A'stx= 0.15240 sq. mm

Area Of steel reinf. in Y-Dir. at support top , A'sty= 0.15240 sq. mm

Minimum Area Of steel reinf. in X-Dir. , Astx-min= 0.15240 sq. mm

Minimum Area Of steel reinf. in Y-Dir. , Asty-min= 0.15240 sq. mm

Cross-sectional Area Of steel in X-Dir. , Ax= * x /4 = 50.26544 sq. mm


Cross-sectional Area Of steel in Y-Dir. , Ay= * y /4 = 50.26544 sq. mm


Spacing in shorter Dir. at span , Sx= 320.000 mm

Spacing in longer Dir. at span , Sy= 300.000 mm

Maximum Spacing in shorter Dir. , Sx-max= 320.000 mm

Maximum Spacing in longer Dir. , Sy-max= 300.000 mm

Spacing in shorter direction at edge , S'x= 320.000 mm

Spacing in longer direction at edge , S'y= 300.000 mm

Calculation Of Shear
Factored shear force in shorter direction , Vux= 15.73533 N

Factored shear force in longer direction , Vuy= 15.32656 N

Shear stress developed at shorter span , cx,dev= Vux/ (b + dx) = 0.14570 MPa

Shear stress developed at longer span , cy,dev= Vuy/ (b + dy) = 0.15327 MPa

Percentage of steel reinf. in shorter dir. at top , P'tx= 0.14111

Permissble shear stress at the section along Y-axis ,cx= 0.27981 MPa

Percentage of steel reinf. in longer dir. at top , P'ty= 0.15240

Permissble shear stress at the section along X-axis ,cy= 0.28954 MPa

Deflection Check at mid Span


mm ft Bars, main
Short Span 3454.74 11.33 dia 8
Long Span 3607.2 11.83 spacing 300
Thickness, D 127 Ast required 167.552 mm2
Thickness, d 104
Fy 500
Bars, main f= 145
dia 8
dia Modification factor 2
spacing 150
L/d basic 23
Ast provided 335.1 mm2 L/d permissible 46
% 0.264% L/d Provided 33.2
Required modification
factor 1.44

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