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1Kings 12

. And Rehoboam went to
uilk rchbom shkm ki shkm ba kl - ishral lemlik Shechem: for all Israel were
andhe-is-going Rehoboam Shechem that Shechem he-came all-of Israel toto-cmake-king-of come to Shechem to make
him king.
athu :


And it came to pass, when
uiei kshmo irbom bn - nbt ueua oudnu bmtzrim ashr Jeroboam the son of Nebat,
andhe-is-becoming asto-hear-of Jeroboam son-of Nebat andhe stillhim inEgypt which who was yet in Egypt, heard
[of it], (for he was fled from
 ( : the presence of king
Solomon, and Jeroboam
brch mphni emlk shlme uishb irbom bmtzrim :
dwelt in Egypt;)
he-ran-away fromfaces-of theking Solomon andhe-is-dwelling Jeroboam inEgypt

That they sent and called
uishlchu uiqrau - lu uibau uiba him. And Jeroboam and all
andthey-are-sending andthey-are-calling forhim andthey-are-coming andhe-is-coming the congregation of Israel
came, and spake unto
: Rehoboam, saying,
irbom ukl - qel ishral uidbru al - rchbom lamr :
Jeroboam andall-of assembly-of Israel andthey-are-mspeaking to Rehoboam toto-say-of

12:4 *

Thy father made our yoke
abik eqshe ath - olnu uathe othe eql mobdth grievous: now therefore
father-ofyou he-cmade-hard yoke-ofus andyou now clighten-you ! fromservice-of make thou the grievous
service of thy father, and
his heavy yoke which he put
upon us, lighter, and we will
abik eqshe umolu ekbd ashr - nthn olinu
serve thee.
father-ofyou thehard andfromyoke-ofhim theheavy which he-gave onus

unobdk :


And he said unto them,
uiamr aliem lku od shlshe imim ushubu ali Depart yet [for] three days,
andhe-is-saying tothem go-you(p) ! until three days andreturn-you(p) ! tome then come again to me. And
the people departed.
uilku eom :
andthey-are-going thepeople

And king Rehoboam
uiuotz emlk rchbom ath - ezqnim ashr - eiu omdim consulted with the old men,
andhe-is-nconsulting theking Rehoboam with theold-ones who they-werebc ones-standing that stood before Solomon
his father while he yet lived,
(   and said, How do ye advise
that I may answer this
ath - phni shlme abiu beithu chi lamr aik athm
with faces-of Solomon father-ofhim into-bebc-ofhim one-alive toto-say-of how ? you(p)

nuotzim leshib ath - eom - eze dbr :
ones-ncounseling toto-creturn-of thepeople thethis word

12:7 And they spake unto him,
uidbr uidbru aliu lamr am - eium saying, If thou wilt be a
andhe-is-mspeaking andthey-are-mspeaking tohim toto-say-of if theday servant unto this people this
day, and wilt serve them,

and answer them, and speak
good words to them, then
theie - obd lom eze uobdthm uonithm
they will be thy servants for
you-are-becoming servant tothepeople thethis andyou-servethem andyou-answerthem

udbrth aliem dbrim tubim ueiu lk obdim kl - eimim :
andyou-mspeak tothem words good-ones andthey-become toyou servants all-of thedays


But he forsook the
uiozb ath - otzth ezqnim ashr iotzeu counsel of the old men,
andhe-is-forsaking counsel-of theold-ones which they-counseledhim which they had given him,
and consulted with the
 young men that were grown
up with him, [and] which
uiuotz ath - eildim ashr gdlu athu ashr eomdim
stood before him:
andhe-is-nconsulting with theboys who they-grew-up withhim who theones-standing

lphniu :

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1Kings 12


And he said unto them,
uiamr aliem me athm nuotzim unshib dbr ath - What counsel give ye that
andhe-is-saying tothem what ? you(p) ones-ncounseling andwe-shall-creply word we may answer this people,
who have spoken to me,
saying, Make the yoke
which thy father did put
eom eze ashr dbru ali lamr eql mn - eol ashr -
upon us lighter?
thepeople thethis who they-mspoke tome toto-say-of clighten-you ! from theyoke which

* :
nthn abik olinu :
he-gave father-ofyou onus

And the young men that
uidbru aliu eildim ashr gdlu athu lamr ke - were grown up with him
andthey-are-mspeaking tohim theboys who they-grew-up withhim toto-say-of thus spake unto him, saying,
Thus shalt thou speak unto

* * this people that spake unto

thee, saying, Thy father
thamr lom eze ashr dbru alik lamr abik
made our yoke heavy, but
you-shall-say tothepeople thethis who they-mspoke toyou toto-say-of father-ofyou
make thou [it] lighter unto
us; thus shalt thou say unto

them, My little [finger] shall
ekbid ath - olnu uathe eql molinu ke thdbr aliem be thicker than my father's
he-cmade-heavy yoke-ofus andyou clighten-you ! fromonus thus you-shall-mspeak tothem loins.
qtni obe mmthni abi :
small-one-ofme he-is-thick fromwaists-of father-ofme


And now whereas my
uothe abi eomis olikm ol kbd uani ausiph ol - olkm father did lade you with a
andnow father-ofme he-claded onyou(p) yoke heavy andI I-shall-cadd on yoke-ofyou(p) heavy yoke, I will add to
your yoke: my father hath

chastised you with whips,
but I will chastise you with
abi isr athkm bshutim uani aisr athkm
father-ofme he-mdisciplined you(p) inthewhips andI I-shall-mdiscipline you(p)

boqrbim :
12:12 So Jeroboam and all the
uibu uibua irbom ukl - eom al - rchbom people came to Rehoboam
andhe-is-coming andhe-is-coming Jeroboam andall-of thepeople to Rehoboam the third day, as the king
had appointed, saying,

  Come to me again the third
bium eshlishi kashr dbr emlk lamr shubu ali bium
intheday thethird aswhich he-mspoke theking toto-say-of return-you(p) ! tome intheday

eshlishi :


And the king answered
uion emlk ath - eom qshe uiozb ath - the people roughly, and
andhe-is-answering theking thepeople obstinately andhe-is-forsaking forsook the old men's
counsel that they gave him;
otzth ezqnim ashr iotzeu :
counsel-of theold-ones which they-counseledhim


And spake to them after
uidbr aliem kotzth eildim lamr abi ekbid the counsel of the young
andhe-is-mspeaking tothem ascounsel-of theboys toto-say-of father-ofme he-cmade-heavy men, saying, My father
made your yoke heavy, and
I will add to your yoke: my
father [also] chastised you
ath - olkm uani asiph ol - olkm abi isr athkm
with whips, but I will
yoke-ofyou(p) andI I-shall-cadd on yoke-ofyou(p) father-ofme he-mdisciplined you(p)
chastise you with scorpions.

bshutim uani aisr athkm boqrbim :
inthewhips andI I-shall-mdiscipline you(p) inthescorpions

Wherefore the king
ula - shmo emlk al - eom ki - eithe sbe mom hearkened not unto the
andnot he-listened theking to thepeople that she-wasbc circumstance fromwith people; for the cause was
from the LORD, that he
 might perform his saying,
which the LORD spake by
ieue lmon eqim ath - dbru ashr dbr ieue bid achie
Ahijah the Shilonite unto
Yahweh so-that to-ccarry-out-of word-ofhim which he-mspoke Yahweh inhand-of Ahijah

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1Kings 12
Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
( :
eshilni al - irbom bn - nbt :
theShilonite to Jeroboam son-of Nebat


. So when all Israel saw
uira kl - ishral ki la - shmo emlk aliem that the king hearkened not
andhe-is-seeing all-of Israel that not he-listened theking tothem unto them, the people
answered the king, saying,

 What portion have we in

David? neither [have we]
uishbu eom ath - emlk dbr lamr me - lnu chlq
inheritance in the son of
andthey-are-creturning thepeople theking word toto-say-of what ? tous portion
Jesse: to your tents, O
Israel: now see to thine own
house, David. So Israel
bdud ula - nchle bbn - ishi laelik ishral othe rae bithk departed unto their tents.
inDavid andnot allotment inson-of Jesse totents-ofyou Israel now see-you ! house-ofyou

dud uilk ishral laeliu :
David andhe-is-going Israel totents-ofhim



But [as for] the children
ubni ishral eishbim bori ieude uimlk oliem of Israel which dwelt in the
andsons-of Israel theones-dwelling incities-of Judah andhe-is-reigning overthem cities of Judah, Rehoboam
reigned over them.
rchbom : p


Then king Rehoboam
uishlch emlk rchbom ath - adrm ashr ol - ems sent Adoram, who [was]
andhe-is-sending theking Rehoboam Adoram who over thetributary-service over the tribute; and all
Israel stoned him with
  stones, that he died.
Therefore king Rehoboam
uirgmu kl - ishral bu abn uimth uemlk rchbom
made speed to get him up to
andthey-are-pelting all-of Israel inhim stone andhe-is-dying andtheking Rehoboam
his chariot, to flee to
ethamtz loluth bmrkbe lnus irushlm :
he-swas-resolute toto-get-up-of inthechariot toto-flee-of Jerusalem

So Israel rebelled against
uiphshou ishral bbith dud od eium eze : s the house of David unto this
andthey-are-transgressing Israel inhouse-of David until theday thethis day.

And it came to pass,
uiei kshmo kl - ishral ki - shb irbom when all Israel heard that
andhe-is-becoming asto-hear-of all-of Israel that he-returned Jeroboam Jeroboam was come again,
that they sent and called
 him unto the congregation,
and made him king over all
uishlchu uiqrau athu al - eode uimliku
Israel: there was none that
andthey-are-sending andthey-are-calling him to thecongregation andthey-are-cmaking-king
followed the house of
David, but the tribe of

Judah only.
athu ol - kl - ishral la eie achri bith - dud zulthi shbt - ieude
him over all-of Israel not he-became after house-of David except tribe-of Judah

lbdu :

12:21 And when Rehoboam
uibau uiba rchbom irushlm uiqel ath - was come to Jerusalem, he
andthey-are-coming andhe-is-coming Rehoboam Jerusalem andhe-is-cassembling assembled all the house of
Judah, with the tribe of

Benjamin, an hundred and
fourscore thousand chosen
kl - bith ieude uath - shbt bnimn mae ushmnim alph bchur
men, which were warriors,
all-of house-of Judah and tribe-of Benjamin hundred andeighty thousand being-chosen
to fight against the house of
Israel, to bring the kingdom
again to Rehoboam the son
oshe mlchme lelchm om - bith ishral leshib ath - emluke of Solomon.
doing-of battle toto-nfight-of with house-of Israel toto-crestore-of thekingdom

( :
lrchbom bn - shlme : p
toRehoboam son-of Solomon

12:22 (
But the word of God
uiei dbr ealeim al - shmoie aish - ealeim lamr : came unto Shemaiah the
andhe-is-becoming word-of theElohim to Shemaiah man-of theElohim toto-say-of man of God, saying,

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1Kings 12


Speak unto Rehoboam,
amr al - rchbom bn - shlme mlk ieude ual - kl - bith ieude the son of Solomon, king of
say-you ! to Rehoboam son-of Solomon king-of Judah andto all-of house-of Judah Judah, and unto all the
house of Judah and

: Benjamin, and to the
remnant of the people,
ubnimin uithr eom lamr :
andBenjamin andrest-of thepeople toto-say-of


Thus saith the LORD,
ke amr ieue la - tholu ula - thlchmun om - Ye shall not go up, nor fight
thus he-says Yahweh not you(p)-shall-go-up andnot you(p)-shall-nfight with against your brethren the
children of Israel: return

 every man to his house; for
this thing is from me. They
achikm bni - ishral shubu aish lbithu ki mathi
hearkened therefore to the
brothers-ofyou(p) sons-of Israel return-you(p) ! man tohouse-ofhim that fromwithme
word of the LORD, and
returned to depart,
according to the word of the
neie edbr eze uishmou ath - dbr ieue uishbu LORD.
he-nbecame thething thethis andthey-are-listening word-of Yahweh andthey-are-returning

llkth kdbr ieue : s
toto-go-of asword-of Yahweh


. Then Jeroboam built
uibn irbom ath - shkm ber aphrim uishb be Shechem in mount Ephraim,
andhe-is-building Jeroboam Shechem inmountain-of Ephraim andhe-is-dwelling inher and dwelt therein; and went
out from thence, and built
: Penuel.
uitza mshm uibn ath - phnual :
andhe-is-going-forth fromthere andhe-is-building Penuel


And Jeroboam said in his
uiamr irbom blbu othe thshub emmlke lbith heart, Now shall the
andhe-is-saying Jeroboam inheart-ofhim now she-shall-return thekingdom tohouse-of kingdom return to the house
of David:
dud :

If this people go up to do
am - iole eom eze loshuth zbchim bbith - ieue sacrifice in the house of the
if he-is-going-up thepeople thethis toto-do-of sacrifices inhouse-of Yahweh LORD at Jerusalem, then
shall the heart of this people

turn again unto their lord,
[even] unto Rehoboam king
birushlm ushb lb eom eze al - adniem al - rchbom
of Judah, and they shall kill
inJerusalem andhe-returns heart-of thepeople thethis to lords-ofthem to Rehoboam
me, and go again to
Rehoboam king of Judah.

mlk ieude uergni ushbu al - rchbom mlk - ieude :
king-of Judah andthey-killme andthey-return to Rehoboam king-of Judah


Whereupon the king took
uiuotz emlk uiosh shni ogli zeb uiamr counsel, and made two
andhe-is-nconsulting theking andhe-is-makingdo two-of calves-of gold andhe-is-saying calves [of] gold, and said
unto them, It is too much
for you to go up to
Jerusalem: behold thy gods,
alem rb - lkm moluth irushlm ene aleik ishral ashr
O Israel, which brought thee
tothem much foryou(p) fromto-go-up-of Jerusalem behold ! Elohim-ofyou Israel who
up out of the land of Egypt.
* :
eoluk martz mtzrim :
they-cbrought-upyou fromland-of Egypt

12:29 :
And he set the one in
uishm ath - eachd bbith-al uath - eachd nthn bdn : Bethel, and the other put he
andhe-is-placing theone inBeth-El and theone he-gave inDan in Dan.

And this thing became a
uiei edbr eze lchtath uilku eom lphni sin: for the people went [to
andhe-is-becoming thematter thethis tosin andthey-are-going thepeople tofaces-of worship] before the one,
[even] unto Dan.
eachd od - dn :
theone as-far-as Dan


And he made an house of
uiosh ath - bith bmuth uiosh kenim mqtzuth high places, and made
andhe-is-makingdo house-of high-places andhe-is-makingdo priests fromends-of priests of the lowest of the

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1Kings 12 - 1Kings 13
people, which were not of
: the sons of Levi.
eom ashr la - eiu mbni lui :
thepeople who not they-werebc fromsons-of Levi


And Jeroboam ordained
uiosh irbom chg bchdsh eshmini bchmshe - oshr ium a feast in the eighth month,
andhe-is-makingdo Jeroboam celebration inthemonth theeighth inthefive ten day on the fifteenth day of the
month, like unto the feast

that [is] in Judah, and he
offered upon the altar. So
lchdsh kchg ashr bieude uiol ol - emzbch kn oshe
did he in Bethel, sacrificing
tothemonth asthecelebration which inJudah andhe-is-coffering-up on thealtar so he-did
unto the calves that he had
made: and he placed in

~ Bethel the priests of the
bbith-al lzbch loglim ashr - oshe ueomid bbith~al ath - high places which he had
inBeth-El toto-msacrifice-of tothecalves which he-madedo andhe-cinstalled inBeth~El made.

keni ebmuth ashr oshe :
priests-of thehigh-places which he-madedo


So he offered upon the
uiol ol - emzbch ashr - oshe bbith-al bchmshe oshr ium altar which he had made in
andhe-is-coffering-up on thealtar which he-madedo inBeth-El inthefive ten day Bethel the fifteenth day of
the eighth month, [even] in
 the month which he had
devised of his own heart;
bchdsh eshmini bchdsh ashr - bda mlbd mlbu
and ordained a feast unto
inthemonth theeighth inthemonth which he-invented fromtoalone fromheart-ofhim
the children of Israel: and
he offered upon the altar,
and burnt incense.
uiosh chg lbni ishral uiol ol - emzbch
andhe-is-makingdo celebration forsons-of Israel andhe-is-cgoing-up on thealtar

leqtir : p

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