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Content Rules and Mechanics:1.The contestant must be a student ofcially represen ng the
program. .The song entry must be a lo!e song.".The lyrics o# the song must be in $ilipino
composi on.%.The group must ha!e &!e '() as the ma*imum number o# the par cipants in this
category.(.+ll entries must be submi,ed -ith three '") type-ri,en copies o# the lyrics to the NTR+M/R+0
MusicalCommi,ee other-ise three '") points -ill be deducted #rom the total points o#
the contestant.2.The song must be -ithin three '") to &!e '() minutes. There -ill be a one '1) point
deduc on #rom the a!eragepoints #or e!ery one '1) minute under me or o!er me.3. ntroduc ons
and e*plana ons4 -hich are not part o# the song4 are not allo-ed.5.The song must be interpreted by one
!ocalist only.6.+n entry must not ha!e entered the &nals o# any song compe on 'including Metro 7op
8ong $es !al).19.+n entry must not ha!e been commercially published4 recorded or released and
distributed in the 7hilippines orabroad.11.+ll contestant must be at the !enue one '1) hour be#ore the
contest proper. 0ate entries -ill be dis uali&ed #romthe compe on.1 .;ra-ing o# lots must be done "9
minutes be#ore the contest proper.1".<udging shall be made through =Ran>ing 8ystem?.1%. n case o#
a e4 the @oard o# <udges shall con!ene and brea> the ed through point system.1(.The Chairperson
o# the board o# Audges or Emcee shall proclaim or announce the -inner.12.The decision o# the @oard
o# <udges is &nal and irre!ocable.CR TER + $BR </; N :


Style and Crea !ty



M$ !&al!tyMELO' 30%

A eal and Re&all

Stren"t*L RICS30%
Rele an&e t+ t*e T*e#e (L+ e S+n" )

Wr! n" Style and V+&a,$laryINTERPRETATION-0%TOTAL-00%


Contest Rules and Mechanics:1.The contestants must be students ofcially represen ng the
program. .The group must ha!e &Deen '1() as the ma*imum and ten '19) as the minimum number o#
par cipantsin this category.".8ong re uirements:

+ #ree choice piece. This piece -ill be sung &rst.

+n ofcial contest piece4 care#ully selected by the commi,ee.%.+ minus one C; may accompany the choir
-ith no bac> up singers included. The use o# mul ple* is notallo-ed.(.Each group is allo,ed a minimum
o# eight '5) minutes and a ma*imum o# ten '19) minutes to per#orminclusi!e o# the entrance and e*its.
There -ill be a one '1) point deduc on #rom the a!erage points #ore!ery one '1) minute under me or
o!er me.2.+ll songs must be per#ormed #rom memory.3. n order to minimiFe the e*penses4
par cipants may -ear costumes during the compe on but the useo# props is
strictly prohibited.5.7yro techni ue4 &recrac>ers and con#eG are not allo-ed during the
presenta on.6.+ll contestants must be at the !enue one hour be#ore the contest proper. 0ate entries -ill
be dis uali&ed#rom the compe on.19.;ra-ing o# lots must be done "9 minutes be#ore the contest
proper.11.<udging shall be made through =Ran>ing 8ystem?.1 . n case o# a e4 the @oard o# <udges
shall con!ene and brea> the e through point system.1".The Chairperson o# the board o# Audges or
Emcee shall proclaim or announce the -inner.1%.The decision o# the @oard o# <udges is &nal
and irre!ocable.CR TER + $BR </; N :


Int+na +n1%


'!& +n1%

C*+ral 2lend!n"-0%

2alan&e-0%MUSICALIT 0%

Inter reta +n-0%

E re !+n-0%


L+yalty t+ t*e &+re-0%OVER4ALL ARTISTIC IMPRESSION50%TOTAL-00%



Contest Rules and Mechanics:1.The constant must be a student ofcially represen ng the program. .The
compe on is open to indi!idual or group -ith a ma*imum o# &!e '() members and -hose composi on
arestudents coming #rom the same school. Regular or pro#essional Aingle composers or those paid #or
their ser!icesare not allo-ed in the compe on.".The Aingle entry may be -ri,en in a popular or ne- song
genre4 or a #usion thereo#4 in any #orm or structure -iththeme that re!ol!e around / C ntramural
'ins tu onHs in#orma on including its Vision4 Mission4 oals andBbAec !es).%.The entry must not
e*ceed &!e '() minutes and must ha!e a minimum o# t-o ' ) minutes. There -ill be a one '1)point
deduc on #rom the a!erage points #or e!ery one '1) minute under me or o!er me.(.The lyrics can be -
ri,en in English or $ilipino 'local language) or a combina on.2.The entry must be en rely original4 and
should not in#ringe on any e*is ng copyright or any other intellectualproperty rights.3.The entry must
be submi,ed -ith three '") type-ri,en copies o# the lyrics to the NTR+M/R+0 MusicalCommi,ee other-
ise three '") points -ill be deducted #rom the total points o# the contestant.5. ntroduc ons and
e*plana ons4 -hich are not part o# the Aingle4 are not allo-ed.6.The Aingle can be per#ormed on stage
by the composers or any assigned interpreters.19.+n entry must not ha!e entered the &nals o# any
Aingle -ri ng compe on.11.+n entry must not ha!e been commercially published4 recorded or released
and distributed in the 7hilippines orabroad.1 .+ll contestants must be at the !enue one hour be#ore the
contest proper. 0ate entries -ill be dis uali&ed #romthe compe on.1".;ra-ing o# lots must be done "9
minutes be#ore the contest proper.1%.<udging shall be made through =Ran>ing 8ystem?.1(. n case o#
a e4 the @oard o# <udges shall con!ene and brea> the e through point system.12.The Chairperson o#
the board o# Audges or Emcee shall proclaim or announce the -inner.13.The decision o# the @oard o#
<udges is &nal and irre!ocable.CR TER + $BR </; N :


/re * +$nd

Un!7$e a r+a&*MUSICALIT CONTENT31%



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