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Adapted from

The D/Learning Teachers


A short story is a brief work of prose fiction. A
story describes the life of real or imaginary people.
The elements of a short story are:
Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, Theme, and Point
of View
1. Setting: the time and location in which a story
takes place
2. Characters: the person and his or her
characteristics in a work of fiction

3. Plot: the sequence of events in a story or play
4. Conflict: the struggle or problems faced by the
5. Theme: the central idea or belief
6. Point of View: the angle from which the story is

The time and location in which a story takes place
is called the setting. For some stories the setting is
very important, while for others it is not.

Describe the setting in these two pictures. (Place, time, season)

Place Where is the story taking place?

Time When is the story taking place?

Weather conditions Is it rainy, sunny?

Social conditions What is the daily life of the characters

like? Does the story deal with local surroundings?

Mood or atmosphere What feeling is created at the

beginning of the story?

The plot is how the author arranges events to
develop his basic idea; it is the sequence of events.

Usually, the plot is a series of events having a

beginning, middle and end. But it can also in a
different order.

See how the events or actions are in

order. This is what we call the plot.
Exposition the beginning of the story where
the characters and the setting is revealed.

Complication This is where the characters

face problems. They face external or internal
conflict or both.

Climax This is the turning point of the

Resolution: This is when the problems
are solved.
Coda: The story comes to an end.

It is the struggle or the problems faced
by the characters.
Within a short story there may be only
one central struggle, or one dominant
struggle with many minor ones.
Two Types of General Conflict

1. External a struggle with a force outside
ones self.
2. Internal a struggle within ones self;
a person must make some decision,
overcome pain, quiet their temper, resist un
urge, etc.
Four Types of Conflict

1. man vs man (physical)

2. man vs circumstances (classical)

3. man vs society (social)

4. man vs him/herself (psychological)

Four kinds of Conflicts

1. Man Versus Man/Woman (physical)
Four kinds of Conflicts

2. Man Versus Circumstances (classical)
Four kinds of Conflicts

3. Man Versus Society (social: fighting against injustice in society)
Four kinds of Conflicts

4. Man/Woman Versus Himself/Herself (psychological)

He may get My friend was

angry. After all, rude to his
its his personal children. I
matter. should tell him
to be gentler.

Should I
Should I
keep quiet?

This includes the person in a work of fiction and
his/her qualities. In a work of fiction, one finds the
protagonist and the antagonist. The protagonist is
the central character (hero or heroine) with all
major events having some importance to him/her.
The opposer of the main character is the antagonist
The characteristics of a

Characterization is the information the author gives the
reader about the characters themselves. These include:
a. His/her physical appearance
b. What he/she says, thinks, feels and dreams
c. What he/she does or does not do
d. What others say about him/her and how others react to

Characters are generally divided into two types:

1. Flat Characters: These characters do not change at

all. From the beginning to the end, they remain the

2. Round Characters: These characters change in the

middle or at the end of the story.
Point of View

This is defined as the angle from which the story is
Common Types of Point of View:
1. First Person Point of View
Here the narrator is one of the characters. The
narrator uses the personal pronoun I in the story.
2. Third Person Point of View
Here the narrator is not one of the characters. He/she
is just a third person telling us the story of someone.

I woke up early in the morning. I was waiting for the letter.
My mother laughed. I have never seen you up so early. Ria
was getting ready for office. Hey, cool. Im sure you will
selected for the job. I smiled. How could one be cool in such
a situation ?

Bunny rabbit lived in the forest. He had many friends. He was

proud of his friends. One day Bunny rabbit heard the loud
barking of wild dogs. He was very scared. He decided to ask for
help. He quickly went to his friend deer. He said, Dear friend,
some wild dogs are chasing me. Can you chase them away with
your sharp antlers?

The theme is the main idea. It tells us what the author wishes
to tell the readers or society through the story. It may be the
authors thoughts about a topic or view of human nature.
Thank you !

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