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Attention to Detail

2. Logical Reasoning

Logic studies the principles of good reasoning. Being the science of correct and
sound judgment, it intertwined and is indispensable in the field of law. It is important to
the legal system since this form of reasoning provides a grounded foundation for estab-
lishing conclusions. The efficiency of practicing law depends on the quality of legal rea-
soning which is what lawyers use when they apply laws, rules, regulations to particular
facts and cases. The ability to assess the logic contained in written information is a key
skill for many lawyers.

The lawyer we interviewed shares that, as head of the legal department of PNCC,
one important aspect of his work is making sure that they will not lose due to mere tech-
nicalities and he entailed that attention to detail is necessary. He stated that lawyers must
be able to judge a situation well and decide on the best course of action, often in a very
short amount of time, thus logical reasoning is necessary. Thinking critically involves con-
sidering a range of information from a variety of sources, processing that information
logically but creativelyanalysing it, challenging assumptions, and finally coming to a set
of conclusions backed up by written information, which comes in handy when the corpo-
ration develop road projects and enters into a contract.

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