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Interpretation of the Correlation

Coefficient: A Basic Review


A basic consideration in the evaluation of professional understanding of the statistical concepts are
medical literature is being able to understand the frequently reported in the abstract summary. For
statistical analysis presented. One of the more
example, in a journal article about the echocardi-
frequently reported statistical methods involves ographic analysis of prosthetic valve replacements,
correlation analysis where a correlation coefficient is
it was noted in the abstract that valvular gradients
reported representing the degree of linear association
between two variables. This article discusses the basic correlated with prosthetic size (r 0.57) and were

aspects of correlation analysis with examples given from higher (P < 0.001) across small (19 to 23 mm) versus
professional journals and focuses on the interpretations large (25 to 31 mm) valves. To fully understand
and limitations of the correlation coefficient. No
the clinical significance of this research finding
attention was given to the actual calculation of this
statistical value. would require some knowledge of what the
statistical symbols represented and an interpreta-
Key words: correlation coefficient, r coefficient, tion of the given statistical values.
regression equation, coefficient of determination.
Ideally, good course in basic statistics would

The review of any medical or scientific journal be helpful for all sonographers. This is particularly
articles cannot be undertaken without being relevant to those who are consumers of the
constantly subjected to the statistical analysis and published literature and research in the various
interpretation of research data. Often the trauma specialties. However, this is not always possible;
of these mysterious numbers and symbols can be publications like the recent JDMS article by Khamis2
avoided by simply reading the abstract containing give some valuable help and insight into the
the summary and conclusions. Even then, statistical statistical puzzle. This article only touched on one
terms and symbols that require at least a minimal piece of the puzzle as the author masterfully
explained the meaning of the P value and its
relationship to the test hypothesis. It is my hope
that another part of the puzzle can be added to
From the
Department of Cardiology, Logan General Hospital, help understand more fully the statistical presen-
Logan, Virginia. tations often encountered in our professional
Correspondence: Richard Taylor, EdD, RDCS, Cardiac Laboratory,
Logan General Hospital, Logan, WV 25601. journals.


Correlation analysis is one of the most widely

used and reported statistical methods in summar-
izing medical and scientific research data. In this
article the basic aspects of correlation analysis will
be reviewed with emphasis placed upon the
interpretations and limitations of the correlation
coefficient. No focus will be given to the actual
calculation of this statistical value.
It is often useful to determine if a relationship
exists between two different variables. If so, how
significant or how strong is this association
between the two variables? For example, is there
a relationship between the years of service as a

sonographer and scores achieved on the registry

examination? The correlation coefficient or r
coefficient is a statistic used to measure the degree
or strength of this type of relationship. As

previously mentioned, this important statistic is

reported extensively in the health science journals.
The following examples serve to illustrate this
point: " ID="I2.21.2">"A correlation coefficient of 0.94 was noted
between the Doppler-derived transaortic gradient
and the catheterization-derived transaortic FIG. 1A through F. Examples of various values of r. Each
gradient in the evaluation of 30 adult patients with graph illustrates the correlation indicated by the specific
r-value equation shown.
aortic " ID="I2.25.2">stenosis."3 The reported correlation (r 0.92)

between the echocardiographically and hemody-

namically derived mitral valve areas was two variables. The strength of the correlation is
statistically significant.4 In these examples, not dependent on the direction or the sign. Thus,
statistical correlation analysis was used to r =
0.90 and r =
-0.90 are equal in the degree
determine the strength of the association between of association of the measured variables. A positive
clinical data which was derived noninvasively correlation coefficient indicates that an increase in
(Doppler echocardiography) compared with the first variable would correspond to an increase
invasively derived data (catheterization) to evaluate in the second variable, thus implying a direct
valvular stenosis. The clinical feasibility of a strong relationship between the variables. A negative
correlation between these two sets of data or correlation indicates an inverse relationship
variables should be obvious. Intuition and empirical whereas one variable increases, the second variable
observation may indicate that certain variables are decreases.
linearly related, but in its most basic sense the A graph can be useful to illustrate the concept
coefficient of correlation measures the degree to of correlation and to visualize the relationship
which the two variables are related. 5 which exists between the variables. For illustration
The correlation coefficient is often referred to purposes, two variables are labeled as variable x
as Pearsons product-moment r or r coefficient.6 and variable y and plotted on a graph. Figure 1
The correlation r value requires both a magnitude illustrates some different sets of data and how they
and a direction of either positive or negative. It are summarized by a correlation coefficient value

may take on a range of values from -1 to 0 to or r coefficient. Note that in real-world situations,
+1, where the values are absolute and nondi- x and y would represent the two variables
mensional with no units involved. A correlation statistically analyzed such as high school GPA
coefficient of zero indicates that no association versus SAT scores, or the level of blood serum
exists between the measured variables. The closer cholesterol versus heart disease risk to determine
the r coefficient approaches 1, regardless of the the degree of the relationship.
direction, the stronger is the existing association Figure la illustrates a perfect positive correlation
indicating a more linear relationship between the of r = 1.0. It can be noted that all data observations

fall on a line, thereby the term perfect linear correlation significance vary as to the sample size used and
becomes appropriate. The correlation is positive in the level of significance. If it could be assumed that
direction because as variable x increases, variable the observed correlation of r =
0.55 mentioned
y varies in the same direction. The relationship of previously came from 35 interval-scaled paired
the variables in Figure 1d is also a perfect observations which were obtained randomly, and
correlation, but negative in direction (r -1.0). =
that both x and y variables are normally distributed,
All the data observations still lie on a single line, then it could be concluded that variables x and y
but as variable x increases, variable y decreases. represent a correlation coefficient (r 0.55) which

An example of a negative correlation might involve is significantly (P < .01) different from zero. In
the number of pull-ups performed relative to the other words, the relationship existing between
percentage of body fat whereas with body fat these variables is statistically significant. However,
percentage increases, a decrease in the number of to add to the difficulty of correlation
pull-ups is observed. " ID="I3.13.4">"In real life, there are always interpretations, a statistically significant
random variations in our observations; hence, a correlation coefficient is not necessarily an
perfect linear relationship is extremely " ID="I3.15.6">rare."6 important one. A statistically significant r
Although the r coefficient value is no longer perfect, coefficient merely indicates that the observed
the correlation remains higher as the data sample data provides ample evidence to reject the
observations fall closer to a straight line (Fig. 1c) null hypothesis that the population correlation
and the coefficient value decreases as the data coefficient parameter (rho) is zero thereby
points deviate more from the straight line (Fig.1e). concluding that the population correlation
If there is no linear relationship between the coefficient is not equal to zero. For example, given
variables, r will be virtually zero and the data points a large sample size (n > 100), a correlation

on the corresponding graph will be randomly coefficient as small as r 0.20 can be significantly

scattered and approximate a circle (Fig. ib). It is different from zero at a =

0.05. This degree of
important to understand that it is possible to obtain linear correlation would have little practical
a nonzero value for r even when no correlation importance as we shall see later.
actually exists.5 Also, good to high correlations exist It can be seen that the correlation coefficient is
even though they are less than a perfect 1.0. Now an abstract measure and not given to a direct precise

what about the statistical significance of those interpretation. It can be said that the higher the
correlation coefficients other than zero and r =
absolute value of the correlation coefficient, the
1.0? stronger the relationship. Although the correlation
Like any statistical value, the correlation coefficient is the best known and subject to
coefficient is of little importance unless it can be statistical testing, perhaps the coefficient of
properly interpreted. Like all scale values, the determination is more meaningful.8 The coefficient
correlation coefficient is difficult to interpret. of determination can be used to more fully interpret
Labeling systems exist to roughly categorize r r and is obtained by simply squaring the correlation

values where correlation coefficients (in absolute coefficient r. The coefficient of determination (r2)
value) which are <_ 0.35 are generally considered is defined as the percent of the variation in the
to represent low or weak correlations, 0.36 to 0.67 values of the dependent variable (y) that can be
modest or moderate correlations, and 0.68 to 1.0 "explained" by variations in the value of the
strong or high correlations with r coefficients > independent variable (X).5,7,8
0.90 very high correlations. 5,7 However, merely This technique results in a percent value which
describing a correlation coefficient of r 0.55 as =
makes it easier to interpret more precisely. Thus,
a moderate correlation is not meaningful. if a correlation coefficient of r 0.20 was observed

A basic question which needs to be answered between variable x and variable y, then the
relates to the statistical significance of the coefficient of determination is r2 0.04. This means

correlation coefficient and the random chance of that only 4% of the total variation in variable y
observing a given value of r when, in fact, no real can be explained or accounted for by variation in

correlation exists. Statistical tables exist which variable x. Therefore, even though the r =
define what r coefficients must be observed before was statistically significant at a 0.05
with a large
the correlation is said to be statistically significant.5 sample in the example noted above, it can be seen
The critical values for correlation statistical that only 4% of the total variation of variable y

can be explained by variation in x. The coefficient regression analysis. A mathematical equation is

of determination technique is a more conservative developed for the line of best fit representing the
measure of the relationship between the two data. From this regression equation, prediction
variables and is preferred by many statisticians, but becomes possible where either variable can be
is seldom reported in research data statistical predicted based on a value of the other variable.
analyses. Predicting unknown values (dependent variable)
As is true of all statistical methods and proce- from given values (independent variable) is
dures, correlation analysis is subject to limitations common and widely used in medical science as well
and misinterpretations that can be serious. In as business forecasting, economics, and education.

addition to the limitations previously noted, it must For example, a research study abstract reported
be understood that although it measures how that the correlation between Doppler pressure half-
closely the variable points approximate a straight time measurements for mitral valve area relative
line, it does not validly measure the strength of to catheterization measurements was good (r =

a nonlinear relationship.6 Spurious or accidental 0.85, y =

84x + 0.17).10 Upon interpreting this
associations between variables may also exist. correlation analysis, we see a statistically significant
Browner and Newman9 wrote that, " ID="I4.16.6">"It is a mistake linear relationship (r 0.85, P <.001) which exists

to believe a research hypothesis just because the between the Doppler evaluation of mitral valve area
P value is statistically " ID="I4.18.5">significant." This is partic- and catheter-derived mitral valve areas. The r
ularly true when low prior probability makes a coefficient would fall into a general category label
particular association unrealistic or "unsuspected." of "high" and would yield a coefficient of deter-
They noted that the finding of a significant P value mination (r2) or 0.72 or 72%, meaning that 72%
dealing with a correlation between coffee drinking of the variability noted in catheterization-derived
and pancreatic cancer (P < .05) did not establish mitral valve area measurements could be accounted
the truth of the research hypothesis; subsequent for by Doppler pressure half-time method.
studies failed to confirm the association. Research Therefore, it appears we have a good association
problems such as data contamination, lab error, here of clinical usefulness. Finally, the pattern of
sample bias, or poor research design could also the linear relationships between Doppler compared
cause problems with reliable conclusions. with catheter measurements for mitral area
One of the most frequent and serious misuses assessment is defined by the regression equation
of correlation analysis is to interpret a high y =
0.84x + 0.17 where x = Doppler pressure half-
correlation between variables as a cause-and-effect time mitral valve area and y catheterization-derived

relationship.6,8 Correlation analysis measures a mitral valve area. Therefore, if we determine the value
relationship or association; it does not define the for Doppler pressure half-time mitral area to be 1.2
explanation or its basis. For instance, there is a cm2, then the catheterization-derived area (y) could
significant association between a childs foot size be predicted to be 1.18 cm2 [0.84 (1.2) + 0.17].
and handwriting ability, but it might be presump- Correlation is important here also because the
tuous to claim a large foot causes better handw- closer the data "fits" the line, that is the higher
riting.6 Statistics do not lie, but they sometimes the correlation coefficient, the better the predic-
lead us to reaching false conclusions. Caution must tions become as to reducing the potential errors.
be exercised to avoid this pitfall. Statistical data It should be noted that although correlation
might indicate that 99.9% of all people who died analysis often routinely includes regression
of cancer drank some water within the previous analysis in the "package," it is possible to focus
month. The data speaks for itself, but it would be on either correlation coefficients or
easy to be deceived into believing that a cause-and- equations independently.
effect relationship, however ridiculous, exists here. Although beyond the scope of this article,
In correlation analysis, the purpose is to measure different formulas exist to calculate the coefficient
the closeness of the linear relationship between the of correlation depending upon the nature of the
defined variables. The correlation coefficient variables and samples. Computer programs are
indicates how closely the data fit a linear pattern. available to routinely perform this task. Regardless
Generally, correlation analysis also includes further of the technique or formula used, the interpretation
investigation into defining the pattern of the of the correlation coefficient is basically the same
existing relationship. This procedure is known as and is generally left to the research consumer.

The ability to interpret research reports and 1. Goldrath N, Zimes R, Vered Z: Analysis of Doppler-
obtained velocity curves in functional evaluation of
professional literature becomes hampered without mechanical prosthetic valves in the mitral and aortic
a basic understanding of statistics. This article
positions. J Am Soc Echo, 1988;1:211-225.
should shed some light onto a widely used statistical 2. Khamis JF: Statistics referesher II: Choice of sample
size. JDMS 1989;4:176-183.
procedure known as correlation analysis. The purpose 3. Stamm BR, Martin RP: Quantification of pressure
of this statistical method is to give us a statistic
known as the correlation coefficient which is a summary gradients across stenotic valves by Doppler ultra-
J Am Coll Cardiol 1983;2:707-718.
value of a large set of data representing the degree 4. Martin RP, Rakowski H, Kleiman JH, et al: Reliability
of linear association between two measured and reproducibility of two-dimensional echo-
variables. This statistic serves to reduce the large cardiographic measurement of the stenotic mitral
valve orifice area. Am J Cardiol 1979;43:560-568.
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sonographers to review. For this goal to be realized, Education. St. Louis: CV Mosby Co, 1970, pp 59-64, 222.
sonographers must understand what the statistical 6. Kuma JW: Basic Statistics for the Health Sciences. Palo Alto:
correlation coefficient represents and what it Mayfield Publishing Co., 1984, pp 158-169.
7. Mason RO, Lind DA, Marchal WG: Statistics: An
Introduction. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc,
1983, pp 368-383.
8. Congelosi VE, Taylor PE, Rice PF: Basic Statistics: A Real
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9. Browner WS, Newman TB: Are all significant P values
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and clinical research. JAMA 1987;257:2459-2463.
10. Smith MD, Handshoe R, Handshoe S, et al: Comparative
The author wishes to thank Alisa Bentley, Susan accuracy of two-dimensional echocardiography and
Chafin, Betty Ellis, Anna Marshall, RN, and Brady Doppler pressure half-time methods in assessing
Toler for their gracious assistance in the preparation severity in mitral stenosis in patients with and without
of this manuscript. prior commissurotomy. Circulation 1986;73:100-107.

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