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Goal 2

I would like to use differentiated of positive reinforcement for classroom management

during year 3 semester 2. Aiming that, the positive reinforcement will helps to improve

students behavior and learning process.


Misbehavior in most of time in class affect the process of the lessons and also most of

time causes destructions in the class. One of the thing that I would like to improve it is

classroom management for that I specialize it to positive reinforcement. Positive

reinforcement is anything that occurs after a behavior that increases the likelihood that

the behavior will reoccur (The University of Kansas Lawrence, N.D). Many teachers do

not believe in positive reinforcement because they do not want to reward students for just

doing what is expected. However I believe that rewarding students for doing what is

expected it allow students to do outstanding works. In this goal I tend to concentrate in

positive reinforcement to improve the behavior level in the class and learning process.

Competency area

Professionalism and Understanding

It shows proof of knowledge of reinforcement
Implementation strategies
Teaching the lesson smoothly.
Encouraging children to work harder.

These three pictures shows one of my positive reinforcement strategy which is

giving labels.

This picture shows that I used stamp to reflect students works.

Description and justification

These are some types that I used for positive reinforcement. The first type was giving

labels for the students at the end of the lesson labels. I had different type of labels such

as , Im good listener , Im hard worker , Im excellent learner, Im grate helper , Im

respectful, Im a kind friend, Im good questioner and Im responsible. These labels

encourage students to work, help and ask questions. I found some students were asking

question in each point. Also they become more motivate to get it three times to get a

gift. About using stamp I found it encourage students to work because they believe this

stamp shows they are smart students. Overall I found positive reinforcement have a lot

of benefits on the classroom tasks and students behavior. Advantages of positive

reinforcements and reward are Promote Appropriate Behavior, Completed Homework

and Projects, Motivation for Full Effort on Classroom Tasks and Happy Students (Ministry

of Education, Guyana, 2016).


1. The University of Kansas Lawrence.( N.D). Positive Reinforcement. Retrieved



2. Ministry of Education, Guyana. (2016). The Advantages of Rewards in the

Classroom. Retrieved from,


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