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Access 2007
Access 2007 is the database application in the Microsoft Office 2007 suite. Get Access help designing an
Access database and sorting and filtering records, among other tasks.

Understanding Database Concepts

1 Why Do I Need a Database?

2 Exploring an Access Database

3 Thinking about Database Design

Building the Database

4 Setting up Tables and Fields

5 Building Table Relationships

6 Entering and Editing Data in Tables

7 Creating and Using Forms

8 Making Forms More Usable with Controls


9 Making Forms Attractive

Analyzing and Reporting Data

10 Sorting Records

11 Filtering Records

12 Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful - Part 1

13 Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful - Part 2

14 Using Reports to Make Data Meaningful to Others




Access 2007:
Why Do I Need a Database?
What is a database?
Why not use Excel?
Sorting and filtering to locate data in Excel
Data entry in Excel
Entering data in Access


Access 2007 is a program that allows you to create and manage databases.
A database is a place where you can store information related to a specific
topic. How you intend to use the information will determine whether you need
an Access database or a different program to create and manage your data.


In this lesson, we will discuss what a database does and how to decide
whether you need a database to manage your information.

Why do I need a database?

Watch the video! (6:03min)

What is a database?
A database allows you to store information related to a specific topic in an
organized way. In addition to storing data, you can sort, extract,
and summarize information related to the data. One of the software programs
that allows you to do this is Microsoft Office Access 2007, which is a database
creation and management program.

Why not use Excel?

There are many types of data you may need to store and managetext and
numbers, for example. Depending on what you want your data to do for you,
you may or may not need to use a database. You might be able to use a

spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel. How do you know which data can
be adequately managed with Excel and which data requires Access to manage
it more efficiently? It depends on how much data you have to manage and
what you want your data to do for you. Let's try to answer this by looking at a
bookstore scenario.

If you work for a bookstore business, you might have to keep track of your
customers and their orders. You could use Microsoft Excel to store and
manage this type of data; however, Excel is a spreadsheet software program
that is traditionally used to manage numerical information, like totaling up all
purchases by one customer. While it can do an adequate job of storing some
types of text-based datalike a customer's name and contact information
it's not really what Excel was designed to do.

The examples on the following pages will show you why an Access database
may be a better choice for the bookstore business.

Excel example: Customer list and order


Sorting and filtering to locate data in Excel

In Excel, you can store your data in a worksheet so you can mail promotional
information to an entire list or sort to find specific customers to target mail.
You can even filter customer information to display all of the customers who
live in a particular state, like in the following image. Additionally, you can sort
data to order it in a particular way.


However, if you want to see very specific results in your datalike how many
orders a single customer placed in a yearExcel is not as efficient as Access at
providing you with that data.

Data entry in Excel

If you use an Excel spreadsheet to track your orders, each time a customer
places an order you would have to enter a new row of information in the
spreadsheet. This would likely include the customer's name and address. If
that customer orders from your company more than once, information would
have to be entered each time. Your spreadsheet would
contain redundant information.

As you can see in the image above, customers Tonya Bullock and McKenzie
Grant each placed several orders on different days and for different books.
Their customer contact information was entered every time they placed an
order. This is the limitation of spreadsheet software such as Excel because it
is a single, flat file.

Access example: Customers and orders


Entering data in Access

Microsoft Access is designed to manage information. Access allows you to
enter a client's name, address, and phone number the first time a customer
places an order.

This information is entered into an Access table, which is designed to hold

basic customer information on clients. A table is a list of related information in
columns and rows. In a table, each row is called a record, and each column is
called a field. An Access table in Datasheet view looks similar to an Excel
spreadsheet, as you can see below.

In addition to the table with customer information, you would probably also
want a table with information about the products you sell and another table to

hold data related to specific customer orders. These tables would be linked
together to help you make the most of your data.

Access is called a relational database management program because the

tables are linkedor relatedas you can see in the image below.

In this example, the Customer Info and Orders tables are linked by Customer
ID and Book ID.

Now, let's assume that you want to identify the book that was most popular in
the state of North Carolina. With Access, this is possible because you can
search and retrieve information from multiple tables at the same time.

The Customer Info table contains information about each state, while
the Order Info table includes information about which books were ordered.
You will need information from both tables to identify the book that was most
popular in a specific state.

You could look at the information in these tables separately to answer your
question of which book was most popular in North Carolina. In the Customer
Info table, you could see all of the customers from a specific state: NC. And in
the Books table, you can see all of the books you have in stock. The real power
of Access comes in being able to link and extract information from multiple
tables to answer specific questions.

As you can see below, the results of your specific questionor queryare
displayed for you.


Try to answer these questions:

What is a database?
What type of software program is Microsoft Excel?
What type of software program is Microsoft Access?
What are at least two differences between Access and Excel?


Access 2007:
Exploring an Access Database

Databases in our lives
Think about it
To view templates included with Access
To open an existing database
The Ribbon
The Quick Access toolbar
The Microsoft Office button
The navigation pane
To open and close the navigation pane
To change how objects are ordered in the navigation pane



Once you have determined that an Access database will help you store and
manage your data, you will need to learn the parts of a database, how to start
using Access, and how to navigate the Access window. In this lesson, we will
provide a basic overview of Access, including the parts of a database and
common tasks you can complete using a database.

Exploring databases
Watch the video! (Part 1) (5:16min) (Part 2) (3:26min)

Databases in our lives

Think about all of the information we encounter on a typical day that might
be organized by a database. For example, if you go shopping at a department
store for a toaster, the store inventory of products is information that must be
stored somewhere, along with the price of each product.

When you make a purchase, the store needs to be able to store the sales
information to determine the daily sales total and how to track the decrease in
inventory. A database could store this information, and it could also allow the

store to quickly determine how many Brand X toasters are in inventory
without needing to count inventory on the shelves.

While this information could be managed without a database, it would be

easier and more efficient to use one. Databases have an enormous impact in
almost every area of our lives.

Think about it
Think about what is going on around you in everyday situations and whether
there might be a database at work.

Grocery store: The grocery store is stocked with items. Items must be
ordered, shipped, and stocked in the store. The store must pay for the
items. When a customer buys items, the cash register retrieves prices
and the customer pays for products. Where might databases be
involved in this situation?

Restaurant: Where does the food come from? How does management
know when to reorder a product? How are bills paid?
Traffic lights: Who or what controls when the lights turn red or green?

A database maintains order and structure in our lives. Databases are created
using programs such as Microsoft Access 2007, which is a relational database

Getting started with Access

When you start Access 2007, you will see the Getting Started window.

In the left pane, the template categoriesincluding the featured local

templatesare listed, as well as the categories on Office Online. Templates
are prebuilt databases focused on a specific task that you can download and
use immediately.

In the example below, the featured templates are selected, and the template
options are displayed in the center area of the screen. Featured templates

include database template options that are available online, as well as
templates that are available as part of the local version of Access.

Opening a database
You have three main options on the Getting Started page. You can open a
template database stored locally or online, an existing database, or a blank

To view templates included with Access:

Click Local Templates in the left pane. The center of the screen will
change to display icons for the templates.
Select an icon in the center of the screen. Details about the database
template will appear on the right.


In the left pane of the Getting Started window, you will see a list of categories
for the templates available on Office Online. You must have an Internet
connection to download these database templates.

The Blank Database command allows you to create a database from scratch.

To open an existing database:

In the Open Recent Database section, double-click the file name of the
database you want to open. It will appear in the window.

Click the More link. A dialog box will appear.


Select the database you want to open.

Click Open. The database will appear.

The Access window

Before you can begin to use a database, you need to become familiar with the
Access window.


The Ribbon
Like other software in the Microsoft Office 2007 suite, Access 2007 has
a tabbed Ribbon system you use to navigate the database. The Ribbon is
organized into tabs. Each tab contains groups of commands you use to
perform tasks in Access.

For example, on the Home tab you'll see that there is a Font group that
contains font formatting commands such as font type, size, color, and
alignment. Unless you use keyboard shortcuts for everything, the Ribbon is
how you get work done in Access.

The Quick Access toolbar

Once you are familiar with Access, you may find that there are commands you
use more often than others. To make it easier to use these commands, you can

add them to the Quick Access toolbar. By default, the toolbar appears above
the Ribbon on the left side of the Access window and includes the Save, Undo,
and Redo commands.

The Microsoft Office button

The Microsoft Office button is located in the upper-left corner of the Access
window and includes key menu options such as New, Save, and Print. From
this menu, you can also change your Access Options.


The navigation pane

The main control center of each Access database is the navigation pane. It
shows you what is in the database and makes the information accessible to
you. You can choose to close the navigation pane if you need more of the
Access window to complete specific tasks.


To open and close the navigation pane:

Click the Shutter Bar button on the right side of the navigation pane.

The navigation pane appears as a single column when it is collapsed.


Parts of a database
A Microsoft Access database is made up of several components,
including tables, forms, queries, and reports. These components are
called database objects. One or more of these objects is formed when a
database is created, and all of the objects appear in the navigation pane. To
make the database easier to navigate, beginner Access users may want to
reorder objects in the navigation pane.

To change how objects are ordered in the navigation pane:

Click the drop-down arrow at the top of the navigation pane to see
ordering options.


Select a menu option. The navigation pane will appear reordered based
on your selection.
If you are new to databases, arranging the objects by type in the navigation
pane is usually a good idea. This will group tables, forms, queries, and reports
into individual groups in the pane.

To expand or collapse a group:

Click any downward-pointing double arrow to expand a group so all
objects are displayed.
Click any upward-pointing double arrow to collapse a group and hide
all objects.


Parts of a database
A database is made up of several components, or objects. These objects




We'll look at each of these objects in more detail in later lessons, but you can
access them from the navigation pane like you can with tables.

A table is the database object that contains the basic information you want to
store. A blue and white icon represents the table in the navigation pane.

In the Customer Info table below, there are columnsor fieldsof

information, including title and author. Each row is a record containing the
information specific to the fields listed.


Another database object is called a query. A query allows you to retrieve
information from one or more tables based on a set of search conditions you
define using the table fields.

For example, if you want to know the name of the books that have sold in
Colorado and Kansas, you could create a query that would retrieve information
from multiple tables to determine the answer. In this example, you would
retrieve information from the Order Info table and Books table. Queries are
covered in more detail in later lessons.

A third database object is the form. Forms are an Access tool you can create to
make data entry in database tables easier.

Entering data directly into a table can be difficult if there's a lot of information
to enter. Similar to an Excel spreadsheet, an Access table is essentially a screen
filled with blank rows where you enter records. Forms, however, give you an

easy-to-read interface where you can enter table data. Forms are especially
useful for Access users who aren't comfortable working with databases.

The final database object is the report. A report is an effective way to analyze
and present data using a specific layout. The text can be formatted in an
Access report, just like it can be in Word documents.

To close an object:
Select the tab for the object you want to close. (The highlighted tab is
the active tab).
Right-click the tab, and select Close from the menu.

See if you can answer these questions:

Where is the Ribbon in the Access window?

Where is the navigation pane located?
What is the purpose of each of the four objects in an Access database?


Access 2007:
Thinking about Database Design
The Ready-2-Read bookstore scenario
Determine the purpose of the database
Plan database tables
Plan table fields


The first step in creating a database is to think about why you need itwhat is
its purpose? Once you know the answer, you can begin designing your own
database. Ask yourself questions like What kinds of information will it
store? How will I have to break down this information so it can be stored in
my database? How will I use the data once it's in there?

In this lesson, we'll walk you through the steps of database design using a
bookstore scenario. You will determine the purpose of the database and plan
the tables and fields you will need for a simple bookstore database.

Designing a database

Watch the video! (4:22min)

The Ready-2-Read bookstore scenario

The best way to learn about designing a database is to jump right in to the
process. Let's pretend we work for the Ready-2-Read bookstore, and we need
to build a database for the store to use. Let's think about what we might need
the database to do for us.

The following diagram shows that we have customers and

sell books via orders, both in the store and online.

The store needs a way to keep track of these things.

Determine the purpose of the database

The first step of designing a database is to determine the purpose of the
database. What do we need it to do?

At Ready-2-Read, our customers will place orders for books. At the very least,
we will want our database to track the books we sell, the customers we sell
them to, and the date of each of the orders.

The database will also be able to tell us where our customers live when we
need to send them books or coupons. Additionally, we can use it to track our
sales or to make a bestseller list to post in the store.

Plan database tables

Once we've established its purpose, we can begin brainstorming about how to
break up the information into the tables the database will need to store data.
Recall that a table is a collection of records, and each record is broken up into
the smallest pieces of needed information, called fields.

Because we're planning a database to track our customers, the books we

have, and the orders our customers place, we will need a table for each one of

TIP: Keep your database usable to others by giving your tables simple,
easy-to-understand names.

Plan table fields

Once you know what tables you need, the next step is deciding
what fields belong in each table. Remember that fields are the smallest chunk
of information in any record.

Let's look at our Ready-2-Read bookstore example again. There will be several
fields in our Customers table. We'll obviously want each customer's first

name and last name. We'll also need an address if we need to send a
customer his order. Email will be necessary if we need to contact the customer
if there is an issue with the order.

We will also need several fields in the Books table. Title and Author make
sense for books. We'll need a Price for each book. Category will help us know
what type of books sell the best so we can order more books that fit into this

The Orders table will have fewer fields. We'll need this table to track
the Customer who is placing the order, the Book the customer is ordering, and
the Date the order is placed.


Don't worry if your plan doesn't include every possible field you may need.
Access lets you add fields to tables whenever you need another one!

Let's imagine that you want to use a database at your new coffee shop. Plan
your database by answering the following questions:

What would you want to track with your database?

What database tables would you need?
What fields will be in each database table?

Previous: Exploring an Access Database
Next: Setting up Tables and Fields


Access 2007:
Setting up Tables and Fields
To rename a table
To close a table
To open a table
To switch views
Adding fields in Datasheet view
Adding fields in Design view
Moving fields
Deleting fields
To change data type from the Ribbon


Now that we have a handle on what the database should look like, we need to
work on setting up our tables and the fields within these tables.

In this lesson, we'll walk you through the steps of setting up a database in
Access 2007. You'll be setting up tables according to the plan for our
bookstore scenario. You'll also be setting up the fields for each table, including
establishing what data types can be entered in a given field.


Setting up tables and fields

Watch the video! (9:23min)

Creating a new database with Access

When you launch Access 2007, you will see the Getting Started window.

In the left pane, the template categoriesincluding the featured local

templatesare listed, as well as the categories on Office Online. Templates
are prebuilt databases focused on a specific task that you can download and
use immediately.

You will also see the New Blank Database option, which allows you to build
your own database from scratch.

When you choose the New Blank Database option at the top of the window,
you will be prompted to rename the database from the default name, which
is Database1.accdb. Rename the database whatever you want. In the example

below, we named the database Ready2Read because it's the name of the
store in our scenario.

Click Create to finish naming the database.

Setting up tables
The new database opens with one table showing as a default. It also defaults
to naming this table Table1 in both the navigation pane and the Table
tab itself. You will want to name your tables based on your database design


Naming a table
To give the table a unique name, you must first click on the Microsoft Office
button in the upper-left corner of the application.

Next, select Save from the menu. The Save As dialog box will appear to let you
save the table whatever name you want.


The new table names appear in both the navigation pane and the Table
tab itself, as you can see in the picture below.

TIP: Give your tables logical, easy-to-understand names.

To rename a table:
With the table closed, right-click the Table you want to rename in
the navigation pane. Select the Rename option that appears in the menu.

The table name will be highlighted and a cursor will appear, which means you
can now type the new name right there. Left-click anywhere outside of the
table name to make the change.

To close a table:
There are several ways to close an active table. You can right-click the Table
tab and choose Close from the menu.

A more common method is to click the X that appears in the top-right corner
of the active database object window.

To open a table:
To open a table, right-click the Table name of the table you want to open in
the navigation pane, then choose Open from the menu.


A more common method is to double-click the table name in the navigation

pane. The selected table will open in the active database object window.

Adding more tables to the database

By default, Access 2007 starts out with one table. To add more tables to the
database, click the Create tab on the Ribbon.

Next, select Table from the Tables command group. A new table will open in
the active database object window. You must name your table using
the Save command from Microsoft Office menu.

TIP: You can tell which table you are currently in by seeing which table tab
is highlighted.

Adding fields to a table

Access 2007 allows you to add fields to tables when you are:

Working in Datasheet view, which looks like a spreadsheet

Working in Design view, where you are able to set more controls for
your fields
Either way, you need to know how to switch between the two views.

To switch views:
Select the Views command group from either the Home tab (seen below) or
the Datasheet tab on the Ribbon. Select the view option you want from the

Adding fields in Datasheet view

By default, Access 2007 creates one field in each new table: the ID field. This
field auto-numbers to give each record in the table a unique number identifier.
Recall that records are the rows in a table.

TIP: You may want to rename the ID field with a unique name because the
ID field appears automatically in every table you create. While this is not
necessary, it may help avoid confusion when setting up table relationships.

To add more fields to a table in Datasheet view, double-click the Add New
Field header.

The Add New Field text will disappear from the header. Name the field by
typing the name directly into the header. Press the Tab key on your keyboard
to move to the next field.

Adding fields in Design view

In Design view, the field names are along the lefthand column instead of
across the top like in Datasheet view, as seen below.


To add a new field to a table in Design view, click in the cell where you want
the new field and type the field name. When you switch back to Datasheet
view, your new field appears as its own column, as seen below.

In Design view, you have several field property options you can set to
ensure data can only be entered in certain formats. Setting these options is
a good idea if you want to make sure the data you have in your database is
good, strong data.

Moving fields
If you want to rearrange the order in which your fields appear in a table,
Access 2007 lets you easily move them around. To move a field in Datasheet
view, drag and drop the field to the location you want. To do this:

Click the field header for the field you want to move.

Move the mouse in the area of the header.
When the cross with arrows appears, hold down your left mouse
With the left mouse button still held down, move the cursor to where
you want the field to appear.
Release the mouse button, and the field appears in its new location.

Deleting fields
To delete a field in Datasheet view, click the field header, then
select Delete from the Field & Column command group. This is found on
the Datasheet tab on the Ribbon.

WARNING: You should not delete any field in a table without first knowing
what impact the deletion may have on the rest of the database!

Setting the data type for a field

Access 2007 lets you control how data can be entered in each table field within
your database. This is done using Data Type. The default data type is text for
every field after the ID field, which was set to auto-number. You can change
the Data Type setting in two ways:

From the Data Type & Formatting command group on the Ribbon
From the Data Type column in Design view

To change data type from the Ribbon:

Click the field header, then select the data type you want from the drop-down
menu next to the Date Type command.


To change data type in Design view:

Click the field name, then press the Tab key on your keyboard. From the drop-
down menu under the Data Type column, select the format you want.

The data type is more noticeable when the database is being populated with
records. It will cause data to be formatted for currency, text, number, and date
and time just like it does in Microsoft Excel.

Open Access 2007 and build your own database. Then do the following:

Give Table1 a new name.

Add a new table.
Add fields to a table.
Set the data type for a field in a table.
Open and close the tables.
Move a field in a table.
Delete a field in a table.

Previous: Thinking about Database Design

Next: Building Table Relationships


Access 2007:
Building Table Relationships
To establish a relationship between tables
To move a table that appears in the relationship map
Primary and foreign keys
To relate tables with the drag-and-drop method
Understanding types of relationships
Enforcing referential integrity
Editing existing relationships


By now, you've set up the tables you need for your database and have created
fields for the different tables. Relationships provide Access 2007 with the
means to bring this information together for you when you need it.

This lesson explains how to establish relationships between the tables in an

Access 2007 database. You will learn how to read and manipulate the
relationship map. You will also learn about primary and foreign
keys, relationship types, and referential integrity.


Building table relationships

Watch the video! (6:10min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

To establish a relationship between tables:

Click the Relationships command in the Show/Hide group on
the Database Tools tab in the Ribbon.

NOTE: Tables must be closed in order to establish


When the Show Table dialog box appears:

o Select each table name, then click Add for the tables you want to
o When you're done, close the Show Table dialog box.

You should now see a relationship map that contains all of the tables
that were selected.


To move a table that appears in the relationship map:

Place your mouse over the table you want to move.
Hold down the left mouse button, then drag the table to a new location.
Release the mouse button to drop the table in its new place.

Understanding the relationship map

The relationship map lists all of the tables that were selected to relate, as well
as all of the fields that were previously set up for that table. Notice that the
first field has a key icon next to it. This is the primary key for the table.

Primary and foreign keys

A primary key is the first field in each table of the database. You may recall
that this field auto-numbers by default, so every record in the table has its own
unique number to identify it. Access uses this number to quickly pull
information together when you run queries or reports, which are covered

In the example above, the primary key for the Customers table is Customer ID,
the primary key for the Orders table is Order ID, and the primary key for the
Books table is Book ID.

A foreign key is a field that is the primary field in its own table but that shows
up in another table. If you look closely at the Orders table, the fields Customer
ID and Book ID appear there, as well as in their own respective tables. These
fields are the primary key in their own tables, but in the Orders table, they are
considered foreign keys.

Relating tables
There are a few ways to establish relationships between tables:

Using the Edit Relationships command located on the Design tab of

the Ribbon
Using the drag-and-drop method

Both methods give you the same end result, but the drag-and-drop method is
much easier and saves you several steps.

To relate tables with the drag-and-drop method:

Select a field name from one table by holding down the left mouse

Drag the field name from one table to the other table in the desired
Drop the first field name onto the field name you want to relate by
releasing the left mouse button.
In the example above, we selected the Book ID field from
the Books table and dragged and dropped it on the Book ID field in
the Orders table.
The Edit Relationships dialog box appears.


Select the Enforce Referential Integrity option. This option is explained

in detail below.
Click Create.

Understanding types of relationships

Access 2007 allows for several different types of relationships. These include:



The relationship type you will come across most frequentlyand the one
created in our bookstore scenariois the One-to-Many relationship.

The One-to-Many relationship means data for that field will show up a single
time in one table but many times in the related table.

For example, let's look at one of the book titles in our bookstore. The Book ID
for the book should appear only once in the Books table because this table lists
every title stocked in the store. But it will probably appear many times in the
Orders table because we hope it gets ordered by many people many times.

The symbols for the One-to-Many relationship look like this:

Enforcing referential integrity

In the Edit Relationships dialog box, an option to Enforce Referential
Integrity appears.

You should click Enforce Referential Integrity to make sure you never have an
order for a book that doesn't appear in the Books table. Selecting this option
tells Access to check for these things when someone is working with your data

Editing existing relationships

Access 2007 allows you to edit relationships that already exist. This can be
done using the Edit Relationships command on the Ribbon. However, a much
simpler way is to simply double-click the link that appears in the relationship
map. Either method brings up the Edit Relationships dialog box, where you
can change your settings.

If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your

Open the database, and establish a relationship between the Books
table and the Orders table using the drag-and-drop method.
Establish a relationship between the Customers table and the Orders
table using the Edit Relationships command on the Ribbon.
Edit an established relationship by double-clicking the link.
Explore the options and settings in the Edit Relationships dialog box.
Move the tables around in the relationship map.

Previous: Setting up Tables and Fields

Next: Entering and Editing Data in Tables


Access 2007:
Entering and Editing Data in Tables
Adding records to tables
To add records in the new record row
To add records with the New Record navigation button
To add records with the New Record command
To edit a record directly
To edit a record using Find and Replace
To copy and paste a pecord
To delete a record
Data types and validation rules
To set data validation rules
Validation text
Using field properties to ensure data integrity


Access 2007 databases hold the actual data

records inside tables. You can add, edit, and delete records directly from these
tables. This lesson will show you how to work in the tables to add new
records, as well as how to edit existing records using commands like copy and
paste and find and replace. It will also discuss the dangers involved in deleting

records from a table, as well as the importance of setting validation rules and
other field properties to ensure data is valid.

Adding and editing data in tables

Watch the video! (10:10min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

Adding records to tables

When you enter records into your table, you are populating the database. In
Access 2007, you can do this a few different ways.

To add records in the new record row:

Click the record row with the asterisk that appears at the bottom of the

Type the data into the appropriate fields.

Hit Enter or the Tab key to move to the next field.

To add records with the New Record navigation button:

Click the New Record button in the navigation bar. The navigation bar is
located in the bottom-left corner of the open object pane.


Type data into the appropriate fields.

Hit Enter or the Tab key to move to the next field.

To add records with the New Record command:

Click the New Record command in the Records group in the Ribbon.

Type the data into the appropriate fields.

Hit the Enter or the Tab key to move to the next field.

Editing records in tables

Sometimes it is necessary to edit records in the database. Like with every other
task in Access 2007, this can be done several different ways.

To edit a record directly:

Scroll through the records, or use the navigation buttons on the
navigation bar to find the record to edit.


Click the cell containing the information that must be edited. A pencil
icon appears to indicate edit mode.

Type the new information into the field.

Click outside of the record row to apply the change.

To edit a record using Find and Replace:

Click the Find command in the Find group on the Ribbon.

The Find and Replace dialog box opens.


Tell Access what to find by typing it into the Find What: area.
Type the replace term in the Replace With: area.

Tell Access where to look with the Look In: drop-down list. The first
choice in the drop-down list is the field you were last in within the table.
Tell Access what to Match: Any part of the field, the whole field, or just
the start of the field.
Tell Access how to Search: Up finds records above the cursor, Down
finds records below the cursor, and All searches all records.
Click one of the action options:

o Find Next will find the next instance of the word in the table.

o Replace will put the new word into the table, overwriting what
is currently there.
o Cancel stops the editing process.

CAUTION: DO NOT use Replace All because it will overwrite every instance of the
Find term in the table, which can have a serious impact on your data.

To copy and paste a pecord:

Select the record you want to copy. Right-click, then select Copy.
Select the new record row. Right-click and select Paste. The record
information appears with a new record ID number.

To delete a record:

Select the record you want to delete, then right-click and select Delete
A dialog box appears, telling you the action cannot be undone and
asking if you are sure you want to delete the record.

There may be other records that rely on the record you are trying to delete. DO
NOT delete a record without knowing how it will impact the rest of your database.

When you delete a record, the record number is permanently deleted from the
database table. If you delete the last record from a table and then add a new record,
your new record numbers will appear to be out of sequence.

Data validation

Data validation is an important database concept. It is the process by which
Access tests the data that is being entered into the database to make sure it is
in an acceptableor validformat.

Let's say one of your database users has entered an order date of January 4,
2008, in the month/date/year format as 01/04/2008. Another user has
entered an order placed on that same date in the day/month/year format as
04/01/2008. If the database is tracking all sales for the month of January 2008,
it may not show both orders as placed in January, even though both were
placed on the same date.

Access 2007 allows you to set field properties and data validation rules to
force the person entering data to follow a specific format.

Data types and validation rules

Data validation begins when data types are set during the process of building
tables and fields. For example, if a field data type had been set
to Currency and a text value is entered in that table field during data entry,
Access will not accept an invalid format and will display a validation error, like
the one below.

Data validation is accomplished by setting data validation rules and other field
properties for various fields.

To set data validation rules:

In Design view, highlight the field that requires a validation rule.

In the Field Properties section at the bottom half of the window, set
your validation rule using the Expression Builder. The Expression
Builder offers common syntax to set up a data validation rule.

Validation rules work most easily with numerical fields. Rules for text fields
require you to enclose each acceptable value inside its own quotation
marks, separating them with Or, as seen above.

Validation text
Validation text is a specialized error message you can set to have Access tell
the user entering data the specific way you want that person to enter it.

To set the validation text, enter the error message exactly as you want it to
appear to users in the row directly beneath the Validation Rule row in
the Field Properties section of Design view. For the validation rule we set for
Category, you'd set the validation text like this:

The image below shows the resulting error message users would see when the
Category validation rule has been broken.

Using field properties to ensure data integrity

Another way to ensure data integrity is by setting field properties such as Field
Size, Format, and Required.

Field Size can be set to hold a specific number of characters, up to as

many as 255 for text fields. If you were using a text field to hold the
two-letter state postal abbreviation, the field size could be set to 2 to
ensure no one enters a full state name into this field.
The Format field property can be set to display text or numbers in a
standardized way. For example, text can be set to show as all
uppercase, and numbers can be set to show scientific numbers,
percentages, or decimals.
Set the Required property to Yes if you want users entering data to be
required to enter something in the field. Choose No if users are allowed
to leave the field blank.
These are just some ways Access helps you ensure data being entered into
your database is valid.

If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Open the database, and add records using the New Record navigation
Add a record using the New Record command in the Ribbon.

Edit a record using the Find and Replace command.

Copy and paste a record in one of the tables.

Set a validation rule and validation text for a field in one of your tables,
then break the rule when entering data to read the resulting message.

Previous: Building Table Relationships

Next: Creating and Using Forms


Access 2007:
Creating and Using Forms
Why use forms?
To create a form using the Form command
To add a record using a form
To edit records using a form
To create a drop-down list using a Combo Box control


Another way to populate a database is with the use

of forms. An Access 2007 form helps you know exactly what data to enter. In
this lesson, we'll address the benefits of using forms with a database, and we'll
show you how to set up a basic form for your Access 2007 database, as well as
how to use the form to populate or edit data in the database. You'll also learn
how to enhance a basic form with a drop-down list.


Creating and using forms

Watch the video! (Part 1) (3:18min) (Part 2) (6:35min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

Why use forms?

In real life, a form is piece of paper you fill out so someone can collect and
keep track of specific information about you. Only one recordyour recordis
captured with any given paper form.

Access 2007 forms work in a similar way.

In previous lessons, you saw that you can populate a database by entering
records into the tables themselves. If the database has hundreds of records
and many fields to populate for any given record, a table can be overwhelming
to a user entering data. An Access form lets you enter data one record at a
time, without having to see the entire table.


An Access 2007 form also lets you know exactly what information to enter and
can even tell you what that information should look like. Adding certain
control components to a formlike a drop-down menucan
dramatically increase the integrity of the data that is held in a database.

A database owner wants to control the levels of access other database users
have to the data; the fewer the amount of people who are interacting with the
data, the lower the chances are of the data becoming compromised. Forms are
one more way a database owner can limit the actions of other users. Form
properties can be set so users can only enter records or just view records.

Creating a form
Access 2007 has several automatic tools for creating forms. These tools are
located in the Forms group on the Create tab in the Ribbon, as seen below:

Access 2007 forms tools include:

The Form command makes a basic form, showing a single record at a

The Split Form command creates a form showing one record on top and
includes the Datasheet view of the entire source table on the bottom.
The Multiple Items command creates a form that shows all records at
once, which looks similar to the source table in Datasheet view.

The Form Wizard is hidden under the More Forms command. It walks
you through the process of creating more customized forms.

To create a form using the Form command:

The basic Form command is the one we suggest because it allows you to see
just one record at a time. It also includes all of the fields in your source table
for you, and you can modify the layout of the basic form to hide fields or add

Begin by highlighting the table you want to use as a source table.

With the source table highlighted, select the Form command from
the Forms command group in the Create tab on the Ribbon.
The new form is created and opens in the object pane.

The newly created form has the same name as the source table by default.
You can give the form a new name by saving the form. You will be
prompted to give the form a name.

Using forms to enter data

Populating a database is easy once you have a basic form in place. Record
navigation works the same way for forms as it does for tables. The navigation
bar is located in the bottom-left of the object pane. The navigation
buttons work the same way as they do for tables. The picture below shows the
navigation buttons for a form.


To add a record using a form:

Navigate to a new record, either by using the New Record navigation
button or by using the New command in the Records group on
the Ribbon.
Add the new data.
Save the record.

Your data must be entered using an acceptable format. The acceptable

formats were established when the field properties were set.

Save by using either the Save command on the Ribbon or by progressing to

another record using the New (Blank) Record navigation button. Moving to
a new record saves the most recently entered record. However, it may be
necessary to refresh the table in Datasheet view to see the newest record.


To edit records using a form:

Just like in a table, database users can edit records from a form using the Find
and Replace command. This command works exactly the same way in a form
as it does in a table.

Creating a drop-down list

Using a drop-down list on a form can increase the integrity of the data in the
database because drop-down lists force form users to select one of the preset
options in the list to populate the field. These types of form controls are
relatively easy to set up using the Combo Box.

To create a drop-down list using a Combo Box control:

With the form opened in Design view, select the Combo Box command
in the Controls group on the Design tab in the Ribbon.

Drag and drop the combo box sizing tool to create the combo box
where you want it to be on the form.


The Combo Box Wizard appears.

Choose the desired option from the wizard, and click Next.
Because the middle option was selected in the example above, the
wizard progresses to the next step, which asks for the values to be
typed into a small table.


Next, the wizard asks what to do with the entered values. Access can
either remember the values for later use, or it can populate a field with
the entered values. Use the drop-down list to select which field Access
should use to store the values.

Once the desired option has been selected, click Next.

Finally, the wizard gives the combo box a generic name, which can be
meaningful to you later if there's ever a need to adjust the properties of

this or another combo box. If you want, give the combo box a name,
then click Finish.

Whatever name is entered will appear as a label on the form. This label can
be deleted if you want.

Switch to Form view to see how the combo box works. The Category drop-
down list appears on the Books form, as seen in the image below.

If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Scroll through the customer records using the Customers form.

Create a basic Books form using the Form command.

Use the new Books form to enter and save the following data:
o Title: The Secret Streets of Savannah
Author: Amy Little

Category: Travel
Price: $34.99
o Title: Cars and Trucks
Author: Jonathon Bradley
Category: Kids
Price: $14.99
Using the Combo Box command, create a drop-down list on the Books
form for the following categories:
o Fiction
o Nonfiction
o Kids
o History
o Technology
o Home & Garden
o Travel
o Food
Add another record to the database using the Books form with the
drop-down category selector.
Use the Find and Replace command to change the price of all books
that are $14.99 to $16.99.

Previous: Entering and Editing Data in Tables

Next: Making Forms More Usable with Controls

Access 2007:
Making Forms More Usable with Controls

Making forms more useable
To set form properties
To hide a field on a form
To set field properties from a form in Design view
To set a field to auto-fill with the current date
To add a command button to a form


You've already seen how a combo box control can

make a form more user friendly. In Access 2007, there are several additional
ways you can modify forms to make them easier to use while also increasing
the integrity of the database. In this lesson, we'll explain how to use form
properties to limit the actions your form users can take. We'll also walk you
through hiding fields on a form and adding command buttons to the form.

Making forms more usable

Watch the video! (10:04min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

Making forms more useable

You already know that forms can help you increase the integrity of your data
by limiting what you see and how you can enter data. You saw that using a
drop-down list can make data entry easy. Now it's time to think about the
design of your forms from a form user's perspective.

Let's look at the Orders form in our bookstore scenario. The basic form, which
was created with the Form command, looks like this:

This form is where we would want our userthe store employeeto pair a
customer with a book to complete an order. Let's look at the form from the
user's point of view:

The employee would be adding new orders, not editing existing ones, so
we'll set form properties to limit this action.
The user will also never need to enter the Order ID number because this
is the number the database assigns each order record to differentiate it
from other orders. We'll hide this field.
The Customer ID field and the Book ID field are not too useful as they
are because the employee would have to know each customer's ID
number and every Book ID number to be able to enter the data in the
format we need. We'll make these fields more useable by creating
combo boxes that help users select the correct customer and book.
Our user will not need to enter the Order Date because we want the
database to auto-populate this field in the database using today's date.
We'll set field properties to make this happen.


Setting form properties

Access 2007 allows you to set several form properties. Form properties are
options that are set in Design view on the Property Sheet, like the one shown
below. These options control how the form looks, works, and interacts with
the rest of the database.

To set form properties:

View the form in Design view.
Select the Property Sheet command from the Tools group on the
Ribbon, as seen above.

Note: The form Property Sheet is also accessible by right-

clicking anywhere on the form in Design view and
selecting Properties from the menu.

When the property sheet opens:
o Make sure Form is selected in the Selection type drop-down list.
o Set the desired form properties.

Tip: Use the tabs to find the specific property you want to set. Use the help
available to you in the bottom-left corner of the Access window to know
what each property setting does.

Hiding fields on a form

There will be times when a field will not be needed on a form. Access 2007
allows you to hide fields by setting the Visible field property in Design view.

To hide a field on a form:

In Design view, open the Property Sheet.
Change the Visible property setting to No, as seen below.


Switch to Form view to verify that the field is hidden.

Creating combo boxes

For the New Orders form in our bookstore example, we created user-friendly
drop-down lists using the Combo Box command. These drop-down lists help
our users identify a specific customer and specific book using more useful
information than the Customer ID and Book ID numbers, as seen below.


For more information on creating combo boxes, visit this lesson.

Setting field properties

Sometimes it may be necessary to set field properties from the form itself. For
example, on the New Orders form for our bookstore shown below, we want to
set up the Order Date field to auto-fill with the current date each time an
order is entered. This way, our employees will not have to worry about
entering a date on the form because the form will do it for them.


To set field properties from a form in Design view:

Highlight the appropriate field on the form.
Open the Property Sheet.
Verify that the Field Name appears in the Selection type drop-down list.
Set the desired field property.
In our example, we want to set the Order Date field to auto-fill with the
current date. Refer to the picture below. Notice that we have the Order Date
field highlighted on the form itself. On the Property Sheet, we have Order
Date showing in the Selection type drop-down list.


Because we want the Order Date to auto-fill, we must set the default value to
always enter the current date.

To set a field to auto-fill with the current date:

Open the Data tab on the field's Property Sheet.


Set the Default Value property by clicking on the Expression

Builder button.
Use Expression Builder to enter the expression for the current date. It
looks like the image below.


The Expression Builder contains many commonly used

expressions for database functions. Explore them by clicking
the various files in the lefthand column.

Creating command buttons

Another way to make a form more user friendly is by adding command
buttons to the form. Command buttons are a quick way for form users to take
a specific action. These command buttons are grouped into categories of
actions, including:

Record Navigation command buttons, which easily allow users to move

among the records in your database
Record Operation command buttons, which let users do things like save
and print records
Form Operation command buttons, which let users quickly open or
close a form, print the current form, and perform other actions

Report Operation command buttons, which offer users a quick way to
do things such as preview or mail a report

To add a command button to a form:

Click the Button command in the Controls group on the Ribbon.

When the Command Button Wizard opens:

o Select the type of command you want from the Categories list.
o Select the specific action you want the command button to perform
from the Actions list.
o Click Next.

In the next wizard step:

o If you want text to appear on the button, enter it in the Text box.
o If you want a picture to appear on the button, select one using
the Browse button.
o Click Next.


In the next wizard step:

o Give the button a meaningful name. Note: Access will give your
button a default name. Renaming it with a more useful name may
help later if you have several buttons on a form and want to change
the properties of one.

o Click Finish.
The command button should be operational and appear on the form in Form


If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Open the Orders Form, and change the form properties so it limits users
to adding records only.
Hide the Order ID and Order Date fields.
Set the Order Date field property to have a Default Value of the current
Create drop-down lists for the Customer ID and Book ID fields, making
sure they contain helpful information for users and correctly populate
the database with ID numbers.
Add a command button to the form.

Previous: Creating and Using Forms

Next: Making Forms Attractive


Access 2007:
Making Forms Attractive
Making forms more attractive
To switch to Layout view
To replace the icon with a logo
To apply an AutoFormat
To change the form title
To modify text
To move objects on a form
To resize objects on a form
To apply a border to objects on a form


Now that you know how to make forms work

better, it's time to think about what a form looks like. In this lesson, we'll
address the various ways to modify a form layout, including how to add a
logo and apply an Auto Format to the form. We'll also cover using and
formatting titles, as well as moving and applying borders to objects.

Making forms more attractive

Watch the video! (3:34min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

Making forms more attractive

Because others will be using the forms in your database to enter data, you may
want to make the forms more visually appealing. These types of changes are
done to the form in Layout view.

In Layout view, you see the form as it will appear to the user in Form view, so
it's useful for setting the size of controls and other objects on the form, as well
as for changing the font, colors, and borders on the form.

To switch to Layout view:

There are three ways you can open the form in Layout view.

Right-click the Form tab or the form name in the object list, then
select Layout View from the list.
Select Layout aView in the Views group on the Ribbon.
Click the Layout view icon in the bottom-right corner of the Access
2007 window.

Adding a logo
Access 2007 automatically puts a form icon, like the one below, in the header
area of every form you create.


One way to customize the look of your forms is to remove the icon and replace
it with a logo. This is easy to do using the Logo command.

To replace the icon with a logo:

Delete the form icon.
Select the Logo command from the Controls group on the Ribbon.

Use the Insert Picture dialog box to locate the picture file you want to
use as the logo, then click OK. The new logo should appear.

You can move and resize the logo as well. Moving and resizing objects on a
form is covered later in this lesson.

Applying a style with AutoFormat

Another simple way to dramatically change the way your form looks is to apply
a style with the AutoFormat command. You could modify the color for each
part of the form on your own, but Access has already combined colors in
several attractive styles. These styles are available under the AutoFormat

To apply an AutoFormat:
Click the AutoFormat command on the Ribbon.
Select the desired format. The change will appear when the mouse
button is released.

Working with titles

One of the easiest things to change on the form is the title, which appears in
the form header with the icon or logo.

To change the form title:

Click the Title command in the Controls group on the Ribbon.


When the title highlight appears, type the new title, then hit the Enter
key on your keyboard.

Note: The title does not affect the name of the form, and vice versa.

Changing text on the form

Access, like all Microsoft Office 2007 products, allows you to change the font
style, text size, text color, and alignment. It also lets you apply bold, italics, or
underline to the text. All of this is done from the Ribbon, as seen in the
diagram below.


To modify text:
Highlight the text.
Apply the desired format by doing one or more of the following:
o Select the desired font style from the font face drop-down list.

o Set the size of the text using the font size selection list.

o Choose a color for the text using the font color selector.

o Apply either the bold, italics, or underline style.

Additional text formatting options are available in the Font group. The
above list includes the most common text modifications.

Working with objects on a form

Other ways to modify the way a form looks in Access 2007 include resizing and
repositioning the objects that appear on the form, and applying borders to
objects on the form. All of these tasks are easily done in Layout view.

To move objects on a form:

Highlight the object by clicking it.
Move the object by dragging and dropping it in a new location.

To resize objects on a form:

Highlight the object by clicking it.
When the crosshair cursor appears, hold down the left mouse button
and drag the edge to the preferred size.
Release the mouse button to apply the change.

To apply a border to objects on a form:

Highlight the object by clicking it.
Select a width using the Line Width command.
Select a style using the Line Style command.
Select a color using the Line Color command.

If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Open the Orders Form in Layout view and change the form by:

o Adding a picture using the Logo command

o Giving the form a new title

o Modifying some text on the form

o Applying one of the AutoFormat options

o Moving or resizing an object on the form

o Applying a border to an object on the form

Previous: Making Forms More Usable with Controls

Next: Sorting Records


Access 2007:
Sorting Records
Sorting records
To sort based on a text value
To sort based on a numerical value
To clear a sort


Once a database is populated, it's time to think about

how to look ator analyzethe data. One basic way to analyze data is
to sort it. Sorting data is easy with Access 2007. In this lesson, we'll show you
how to sort text-based and numerical data using common sorting commands,
as well as how to clear sorts.

Sorting records
Watch the video! (3:34min)

Download the example to work along with the video.

Sorting records
Sorting is probably the simplest way to look at data because it keeps similar
things together. In our bookstore database, for example, we could sort our
data a few ways:

We could sort orders based on the order date.

We could sort customers by the state in which they live or by their zip
We could sort our books by author, category, or price.

Access 2007 allows you to sort the records in your database tables based on a
field or value that is either textlike an author's last nameor numerical
like a customer's zip code or a book's price. Depending on the type of value,
Access offers different sorting options.

Sorting on text values

When Access 2007 sorts on a text value, it offers the two options described in
the table below:

Sort Option Also Called Description

Values closest to A are displayed
A to Z Ascending first
Values closest to Z are displayed
Z to A Descending first

To sort based on a text value:

Click the drop-down arrow at the top of the field you want to sort.


When the menu appears, select either the Sort A to Z or the Sort Z to
A option.
o With A to Z, the records will be sorted based on the chosen field's
value with the value closest to A at the top of the table, as seen

o With Z to A, the records will be sorted the using the chosen field's
value with the value closest to Z at the top of the table.

The sort command section in the Sort group on the Ribbon is

another way to begin a sort.


Sorting on numerical values

Access 2007 also offers two options when sorting based on a numerical value.
These options are described in the table below:

Sort Option Also Called

Values closest to 1 are displayed
Smallest to Largest Ascending first
Values farthest from 1 are
Largest to Smallest Descending displayed first

To sort based on a numerical value:

Click the drop-down arrow at the top of the field you want to sort.

When the menu appears, select either the Lowest to Highest or

the Largest to Smallest option.
o With Smallest to Largest, records will be sorted based on the chosen
field's value, with the value closest to 1 at the top of the table.

o With Highest to Lowest, records will be sorted the using the chosen
field's value, with the value farthest from 1 at the top of the table, as
seen below.

The sort commands in the Sort & Filter group on the Ribbon
can also be use to begin a sort.

To clear a sort:
o Click the Clear Sort command in the Sort & Filter group on the


If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Open the Customers table and the Books table.

Sort the Last Name field in the Customers table from Z to A.

Sort the Books table according to Price using the Lowest to

Highest option.
Clear your sorts.

Previous: Making Forms Attractive

Next: Filtering Records


Access 2007:
Filtering Records
Filtering records
To use the Filter by Field feature
To toggle between filtered and unfiltered results
To use the Filter by Selection feature
To apply an Advanced Filter
To save the Advanced Filter


Another useful way to look ator analyzethe

data in a database is by filtering it. Filtering groups your data together based
on one or more criteria for a given field, then displays only the records that
contain those specified values and criteria. Filtering data is easy with Access
2007. In this lesson, we'll show you how to filter records using common filter
commands. You'll also learn how to use the toggle button to switch between
filtered and unfiltered results, as well as how to perform advanced
filters and save the filtered results.


Filtering records
Watch the video! (7:10min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

Filtering records
When you tell Access 2007 to filter your records, you are asking it to:

Search all of the records in one table

Find every record in that table that meets the criteria you set

Display the results for you in the table by hiding records that do not
meet the criteria
You can filter data using what Microsoft calls the Filter by Field and Filter by
Selection methods. Additionally, Access 2007 can perform an Advanced Filter,
which is essentially a small query that is run on only one table. These options
are described in the table below.

Method Description
Lists all of the values that have been entered in a
specified field so you can choose which value or
Filter by Field values you want Access to find
Offers the ability to search records based on the
value that is currently selected in a table; you can
ask it to find records that:
Equal the value

Do not equal the value

Contain the value

Filter by
Selection Do not contain the value

Narrows filtered results further by performing

Advanced Filter additional filters or sorts

Filtering by field

When you Filter by Field, Access 2007 finds all of the values that have been
entered in the specified field. Access lists all of these values for you so you can
choose which value or values you want Access to find for you within that field.
Once you choose which value to filter by, Access returns the results to you as a
subset of records in the table.

To use the Filter by Field feature:

Highlight the column for the field you want to use as a filter. In the
example below, we are filtering using the State field.
In the Sort & Filter group on the Ribbon, click the Filter command (it
looks like a funnel).

When the dialog box appears, select the value you want to use as the
filter value:
o Checking Select All will return every record in the table. However,
clicking this option when all values are checked will clear the
o Checking Blank will find only records in which the field is empty.

o Check as many of the values as you want to see returned in your


Click OK.

The results will appear in the table. In the example above, the results are
showing all records for customers living in North Carolina (NC). Notice that all
other records are hidden from view but that the table name is still Customers.

To toggle between filtered and unfiltered results:

As with most actions in Access, you can toggle between your filtered results
and unfiltered tables in a variety of ways:

Use the label that appears in the navigation bar, as seen above
Use the Toggle Filter button on the Ribbon


Filtering by selection
When you Filter by Selection, Access 2007 returns the results to you as a
subset of records in the table. It assumes that your current selection is what
you want to use as your filter value, or criteria.

To use the Filter by Selection feature:

Place your cursor in the cell that contains the value you want to use as
your filter value.
Click the Selection command in the Sort & Filter group on the Ribbon.
When the list appears, choose one of the options:
o Equals will return all records that have exactly the same value as
your selected value. In the example below, this option would return
records for the City of Raleigh only.
o Does Not Equal will return every record that does not have the same
value as your selected value. In the example below, this option
would return all records except for the ones with Raleigh as a city.
o Contains will return every value that has your selected value
somewhere in it. In the example below, choosing Contains would
return records with a City value of Raleigh, Caraleigh, or Raleighville.
o Does Not Contain will not return records with the selected value
anywhere within the search field. In the example below,
clicking Does Not Contain would return all records except
for records that have Raleigh in the city nameRaleigh, North
Raleigh, and Raleighville, for example, would not show up in the


Sorting or filtering the filtered results

Access 2007 lets you narrow the filtered results further by applying another
level of sorting or filtering. To do this:

In the table showing your filtered results, select the field or value you
want to use as the basis for a deeper sort or filter.
Apply the additional filter or sort.

Another way to do this is to use the Advanced Filter command.

Using advanced filters

An Advanced Filter is similar to a multilevel sort in Microsoft Excel. An
Advanced Filter can help you further narrow your records. This is like running a
miniature query on only one table. It uses a screen that's similar to the query
design screen, and it can even save your results as a query so you can use
them again later.

To apply an Advanced Filter:

o Click the Advanced command in the Sort & Filter group on the

o From the menu that opens, select the Advanced
Filter/Sort option.
o The design screen will open so you can set up your filter criteria
and/or sorting order for the various fields in the table.

o To sort or filter another field, drag the field name from the
table at the top of the screen to the design portion of the
screen in the bottom half of the window. Then:
o To sort the new field:

o Click in the Sort cell for the field.

o Choose the sort option you want to use from

the drop-down list that appears.
o To filter the new field:

o Click in the Criteria cell for the field.

o Enter your criteria by directly typing it into the cell.

Access will put quotation marks around your
criteria, showing that it is searching for that exact

Important: Access will perform the sorts left to right, according to the way
they are displayed on the Advanced Filter design screen. Once all of the
sorts are complete, Access will perform filter functions. Similar to sorts,
Access filters from left to right based on the order displayed on the
Advanced Filter design screen.

To view the results, click the Toggle Filter button on the Ribbon.

Your filtered results will appear in a new table. You can save the advanced
filter so you can run it again later if you want.

To save the Advanced Filter:

Right-click the Advanced Filter design tab.
Select Save.

If the Save as Query dialog box comes up, you must give the advanced
filter a name.
This dialog box will only appear the first time you save.

Access 2007 saves Advanced Filters as queries because they are simple
queries run on only one table.


If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Use the Filter by Field method to filter the Customers table to find all
customers from NC.
Use the Filter by Selection method to filter the Customers table,
looking for all NC customers NOT in Raleigh.
Hint: Use the Does Not Equal option.
Practice toggling between the filtered results and the unfiltered tables.

Apply an Advanced Filter on the Books table to find all of the Kids
books, sorted by price with the highest price first.
Save your Advanced Filter with whatever name you choose.

Previous: Sorting Records

Next: Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful - Part 1


Access 2007:
Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful -
Part 1
Using queries
Planning: Which customers ordered technology books?
To build a query using the Query Design command
To hide part of the query result
To save a query


The real power of an Access 2007 database lies in

its ability to pull data for quick analysis, which is what happens when you run a
query. Queries allow you to retrieve information from one or more tables
based on a set of search conditions you define. Access 2007 will display your
results in their own table, which you can then further analyze and manipulate.
In this lesson, we'll explain how to plan a query using a three-question
planning process. You'll also learn how to use the Query Design command to

run a query, as well as how to modify the query to hide fields or other
information in your query results. Finally, you'll learn how to save the query
for later use.

Using queries: Part 1

Watch the video! (5:22min)
Download the example to work along with the video.

Using queries
Queries retrieve information from one or more tables based on a set of search
conditions you set up and then combine that information in a way that's easy
for you to analyze. If you've used an Advanced Filter in Access 2007, then
you've already run a basic query on only one table. If you want to pull data
from more than one table, though, you'll need to use either the Query
Design command or the Query Wizard.

Before using the Access 2007 query tools, it's important to plan out the query
using a logical process. Otherwise, you may not get the results you expect.

Planning a query
There are three questions you need to answer when planning a query:

What do you want the results to look like? Identify every bit of
informationor fieldyou want included in the results.
Where is the information stored in the database? List which tables
and/or querieshold the information you want to see.
What conditions do you want the data to meet? This helps determine
how to set the criteria so Access can search the records properly.

Planning: Which customers ordered technology books?

Let's think about this process for our bookstore database scenario. We have a
new technology series coming out soon, and we want to send coupons to
customers who have ordered technology books from us in the past. A query
can help us answer the question, Which customers have ordered technology
books from us already? Let's use the three-question process to plan this

What fields do we want to see in the results? We need a list of

customer names and addresses in order to mail the coupons to our
customers, so we'll need the results to show the categories below:

In which tables is the information stored? For this query, we'll need:
o The Customers table to get customers' names and addresses

o The Books table to know which books are technology books

o The Orders table to know which customers ordered those books

What is the condition we want the data to meet? We want Access to

look for only the books where the book's category is technology.


Using the Query Design command

Once you've planned out your query, you can build and run it using Access
2007's query tools.

To build a query using the Query Design command:

Select the Query Design command from the Create tab on the Ribbon.

Use the Show Table dialog box to select which tables and/or queries to
include in the query. Our plan called for all three tables.


Drag and drop the fields you want to see in your results to the bottom
portion of the query design screen.

Enter the condition in the Criteria row for the condition field. For our
query, we typed Technology in the cell labeled Criteria for
the Category field. As seen above, Access 2007 puts quotation marks
around the term to show that it is looking for exactly that term within
the designated field.
Once the condition is set, click Run! in the Results group on the Ribbon.

View your results to determine if they match your desired results.

Hiding fields or other information in the

Sometimes the results of a query will include information that is seemingly
unnecessary to you. Access 2007 allows you to easily hide these fields.


To hide part of the query result:

In the query design window, deselect the Show option by clicking it.

When you run your results, the field you chose will be hidden, as seen


Saving the query

Sometimes you will not need to save your results or your query design, and
other times you may want to keep it to run again later or to modify it slightly.
Saving a query is easy to do.

To save a query:
Right-click the Query tab.
When the Save As dialog box opens, give your query a meaningful

Click OK.

The query will now be listed in the object list on the left side of the
Access window.

If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Plan a query to find out which customers order a certain category of
Use the Query Design command to set up the query.

Run the query, and view your results.

Save the query.

Modify the query to hide a field.

Previous: Filtering Records

Next: Using Queries to Make Data Meaningf


Access 2007:
Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful -
Part 2
To use the Count and Group By options in a query
To sort via the query design
To filter via the query design


You already know how to plan and run a basic

query. This lesson will show you how to run a query that includes
a Totals function to group and count the records in the results. It will also deal
with ways to further sort and filter via your query design to further refine your

Using queries: Part 2

Watch the video! (4:45min)
Download the example to work along with the video.


Using totals in a query

Sometimes you may want to see your query results grouped or counted in
some way. Access 2007 offers several options to make these functions
possible. Perhaps the easiest of these is the Totals command, whose optional
functions are similar to the functions used in Microsoft Excel. These functions

Sum, which is used to add a column of numbers

Average, which is used to find the average of a column of numbers

Maximum, which returns the highest value in a field

Minimum, which returns the lowest value in a field

Count, which is used to count the number of same values in a query

One of the most useful totals functions to use in queries is the Count function.

Using Count and Group By functions in a

When you use the Totals command in a query, Access will automatically group
every field by the values in each field. This means it will look for repeating
values and group like values together so they appear as one record rather than
as many records. This is called the Group By function.

Let's use our bookstore database as an example. If we run a query to see the
information for every book that has been ordered, we'd get a list that looks
like this:


Notice that we get a record back for every order of each book that has been

In our bookstore example query, we want to see these titles grouped together
so we see each ordered title only one time. To do this, we use
the Count and Group By options.

To use the Count and Group By options in a query:

Click Totals in the Show/Hide group on the Ribbon.


The Total row will instantly appear in the bottom portion of the query
design screen.

Click in the Totals row for the field you want to count. We want to
count the number of times the same Book ID appears in
the Orders table.
From the list of optional Totals functions, select Count.

Click Run! to see your results. Notice that each title, author, price, and
category is now listed only one time for each book, with an extra
column that indicates the number of times the Book ID appeared in the
Orders table.

Sorting and filtering query results

Once you have the results looking how you want them, you can sort and filter
them to further narrow your results. This can be done using the methods of
sorting and filtering covered in earlier lessons, or by applying a sort and filter in
the query design itself.

To sort via the query design:

Click the Sort row for the field you want to sort. A drop-down list will


Choose one of the options:

o Ascending will show the results sorted with the lowest numerical
value or the text value closest to A first.
o Descending will show the results with the highest numerical value or
the text value farthest from A first.
o (not sorted) will keep your records grouped but will not sort them.

Click Run! to see the results.

To filter via the query design:

Click the Criteria row in the query design.
Add your filter criteria by typing the value in the cell, as in the example

Click Run! to see the results.


If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Create a query that uses the Count and Group By options.

Modify a query design to include a sort.

Run the query, and view your results.

Save the query.

Modify a query design to include filter criteria.

Run the query, and view your results.

Save the query.

Previous: Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful - Part 1

Next: Using Reports to Make Data Meaningfu


Access 2007:
Using Reports to Make Data Meaningful to
To create a report based on a table using the Report command
To limit the number of records in a report
To add grouping to a report
To delete a column or other report element
To move a column or other report element
To resize a column or other report element
To add a logo to the report
To modify the title of a report
To modify text in report headings
To apply an AutoFormat style
To change the page layout
To change the page layout options
To save a report



Now that you know how to use queries to analyze

the data in a database, it's time to find out how to create a report that will
make the data meaningful to someone else. In this lesson, we'll show you how
to create a report using the Report command, as well as how to use grouping
options and query limits to make the report easier to read and how to identify
several report formatting and layout options that can be set in Layout view.
Finally, you'll learn how to use Print Preview and save the report.

Using reports to make data meaningful to

Watch the video! (7:07min)
Download the example to work along with the video.
As you know, queries make the data in a database meaningful to you.
Sometimes, though, you need to share that data with someone else.
A report is an effective way to present your data using an attractive layout.
The text can be formatted in an Access report similar to how it can be done in
Word documents.

Access 2007 offers tools that allow you to create and format a report.
The Report Wizard walks you through the steps of creating a report.
The Report command, however, is much easier to use, and all of the
formatting options are still available to you in Layout view once the report is
created. With these tools, you can create a report based on a table or query.

Creating a report based on a table

One of the easiest ways to create a report is by using a table as the source of
the report. For example, in our bookstore scenario we have a table that lists all
of the books in our inventory. We want to create a Book Price List report that

lists all of the details for each book in our store's inventory.
The Report command makes this incredibly easy because it automatically
includes every field in the source table in the report.

To create a report based on a table using the Report

Choose the table you want to use as the source of your report. To do
this, you can either open the table or highlight the table name in the
navigation pane. In our example, we used the open Books table to
create the report.

Select the Report command on the Create tab on the Ribbon, as seen
The report is automatically generated and includes every field in the
table in order of their appearance in the table. This can be seen in the
example below, which was created from the table above.


The layout and formatting of the report can be manipulated in Layout view.

Creating a report based on a query

Access 2007 can also create a report using a query as the source. The process
for creating a report based on a query is identical to the process for creating a
report based on a table, which was outlined on the previous page. And just like
when making a report from a table, every field and record that appears in the
query results will appear on the report.

It's possible to limit the number of records in a report, but only if the report
was based on a query. The limit is set in the query itself, using the query design

To limit the number of records in a report:

Open the query in Design view.
Use the Return option in the Query Setup command group to set the
number of records you want to see in the query results and in the final


Click Run! to make sure the query results look like you want the report
to look.
Create the report using the Report command on the Create tab.
Format the report as desired.

Grouping items on a report

Grouping items on a report can make it much more readable. Access 2007
offers a quick and easy way to add grouping to a report.

To add grouping to a report:

With the report open, select the Group & Sort command from
the Grouping & Totals command group on the Format tab on the


This opens a Group, Sort, and Total dialog box in the lower portion of
the window.

In the Group, Sort, and Total dialog box, select Add a group.
Select the field you want to group by from the drop-down list. We chose
to group our list by Category.


When you release the mouse button, the report will now appear with
items grouped. Our report is grouped on Category now, as seen below.

The Group, Sort, and Total dialog box will remain open until you close it.

Formatting a report in Layout view

Access 2007 opens the created report in Layout view so you can easily make
modifications. In Layout view, you can change the look of your report in many
different ways, including:

Deleting columns and other report elements

Moving and resizing columns
Adding a logo
Changing the title and other text on the report headings
Applying a report style with AutoFormat
Modifying the page layout

To delete a column or other report element

Highlight the element by clicking it.
Hit the Delete button on your keyboard.

To move a column or other report element:

Highlight the element by clicking it.
Drag and drop the element to a new location on the report.

To resize a column or other report element:

Highlight the element by clicking it.
Drag and drop the edge of the element to the new size on the report.

To add a logo to the report:

Click the Logo command on the Format tab on the Ribbon.


When the Insert Picture dialog box opens, find the picture file.

Click OK.

To modify the title of a report:

Click the Title command on the Format tab on the Ribbon.

When the highlight appears, type the new title.


To modify text in report headings:

If you don't like the standard font face and size Access used to create your
report, you can modify them using common Microsoft Office text formatting
commands. You can modify the size, font face, font color, alignment, and much
more. They all work basically the same way.

Highlight the text you want to change.

Select the formatting option you want from the lists that appear when
you click a command.

The change appears when you release the mouse button.

To apply an AutoFormat style:

Like with forms, Access 2007 offers a variety of report styles in
the AutoFormat command. To apply a style:

Click the AutoFormat command on the Ribbon.


Select a format from the drop-down list. The change is applied instantly.

To change the page layout:

When a report is created, it opens in Layout view, like the one in the picture
below. The dotted lines are showing where the edge of the page will be in
Report view.

To change the page layout options:

Switch to Print Preview using the Views command on the Ribbon.

Select the layout option you want to alter from the Page
Layout command group on the Ribbon.

All of the standard Microsoft page layout options are available, including:

Page Layout
Option Description
To set the margins for narrow, wide, or
Margins normal
To select either
Orientation a portrait or landscape orientation
Size To set paper size

Saving a report
When you have created and modified a report and try to close it, Access 2007
will prompt you to name and save the report. If you do not need this report

again, you do not need to save it. However, if you think you may want to
publish it again, it is best to save.

To save a report:
Right-click the Report tab.
Choose Save from the list that appears.
When the Save As dialog box opens, give the report a name.

Click OK.

If you haven't already done so, save the sample Ready2Read database to your
Create a report based on a table.

Create a report based on query.

Modify the layout of a report by:

o Resizing or moving columns

o Deleting report elements

o Giving the report a new title

o Applying an AutoFormat style to the report

o Using groups, sorts, or totals in a report

Previous: Using Queries to Make Data Meaningful - Part 2

Return to Playlist: Access 2007



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