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Assessment 2


Teacher name: Antoinette Wiseman.

Student name: Suad Taleb-H00283472.
Course name: Teaching Learners with Special need.
Course code: EDU2803


There are many diseases in the life can fall under the child with special need. And each
disease has different characteristics. In my report, I will identify the down syndrome, and it
is happening when the person has three chromosomes instead of a regular person who has 2
in each pair. (syndrome, 2011). Also, I will talk about the accommodation and modification,
and who we organize the classroom, the activity support to down syndrome and IEP and it
support the theories.

Through my observation from the first day in my school, I have one boy his name is Ali,
and he is Egyptian, Ali between four and a half and five years old. In my view, I sow he has
some characteristics it can fall under the child with down syndrome and the problem he has in
education. Such as poor muscle tone, like he can't hold the pen or any materials well.
Behavior issues language it is a difficulty when he took it is difficult to understand what they
said, and hearing problem, like the teacher, repeat the word more than one time and speak it a
loudly to Ali to hearing well the words. And his history starts from kg 1 when he starts to join
to school and start learning with regular class and normal children.

The accommodation means it is change curriculum but it still has the same time. I can
use to this child in my class is. First, for behavior using positive reward systems, the second,
sit the child in front of the class and close to the teacher. Provide footrests, seat cushions or
resistance bans on chair legs to help to move and improve focusing and provide the
headphones can limit auditory distractions. (DSAWM Educator Manual, 2014).

The modification is remove the curriculum, I used with this child I provide the materials
that fit with to support fine motor development, use wrist and finger strengthening
activities. Multisensory activities and materials work well. And use visual aids (e.g., write on
the board) that benefit with children who have a listening issue. Also, allow extra time for
them to complete tasks.

I organize my classroom environment to child down syndrome. Integration special need

with normal children, it has a better implication to develop speech and language in both
structure and clarity that help them to increase in many domains such as in social and

emotional domains. This social acceptance will have a profound effect on self-confidence to
child down syndrome. Planning to children down syndrome in the regular classroom need to
learn about the specific profile, learn what it is the strength and weakness point, "use the
pupil's strengths to support successful learning and development, e.g., social strengths".
(Hughes, 2017).

For applying the profile, first, good awareness of social and emotional cues; use of
reward and praise. That according to Skinner theory, about encourage children how did well
by positive reinforcement or give them the star and support children in reading and recording.
(McLeod, 2015). For promoting effective learning skills, using the visual resources and
approaches to aid comprehension to understand the concept. And meaningful activities to the
student experience.

Differentiation and individualized learning that according to IEP it represents the

children can show improvement in different areas. Also, we need to use a flexible approach
to complete success and find the development in a different domain to child down syndrome.
That means all of children and adults with disabilities need to grow and learn together.
(Hughes, 2017). The teaching method the teacher used in the classroom, it is creating a
flexible learning environment in partnership with students. Present the information in
different ways, so it assists to each level in class. Besides, the third point is, support
participation and build confidence. Such as, given to children a chance and encouraging them
to plan for the future. (ora,n.d).

I prepare the lesson plan about counting number five for children with a special need
that matches with domains in social and motor and academic individual education plan. The
learning objective of this lesson plan, the children will be able to identify the number five.
And write the number five in the paper. The third learning objective the children can
develop their fine motor skills by the count from one to five by using the cubes. The first
activity, the materials they need different numbers. The child will have different number
numbers from one to five, and they will identify the number five from the box. It is help
child down syndrome in social domains when they work and interact together as a group
and sharing the idea to find number five. (Caitlin, 2015). According to Reggio Emilia
method, it said the relationships are meaningful the children are expected to work together
and collaborate with each other. (Spielgaben, 2013).

The second activity about write number five. The children have different empty pace of
paper, and pencil to write the number five. The child with down syndrome the will become
the fundamental how to write the number five, and from with direction they can start it is
with assist teach in class and observe this child. So, it is developing the academic domes to
this child about self-direction and improve their writing. About the third activity using the
cubes to count from one to five it helps children in a motor domain with visual perceptual and
develop their fine motor skills when they use materials the cubes to count.

The modern technology in class can benefit for children to learn better about education.
Such as the smart board, it helps children to develop their cognitive to think how they can use
this board to use the screen and learn by touching and marking on the board.

For example, students with special needs can be created that allow the students to move
objects with their fingers to learn how to practice the fundamental fine motor skill. (Using
Smart Boards in the Classroom, 2014).

In writing skill, the children down syndrome have difficult to use the pencil, so the teacher
providing to this child "shortened or triangular-shaped pencils can help them in holding their
pencils properly." (Team, 2013). For cutting skills, down syndrome has difficult to using the
scissors provided in the classroom, so the aid provides to with "springs that are fixed to
automatically open once it has been shut". (Team, 2013).

To recap up what I wrote in my report about down syndrome and what the facilities,
resources that child down syndrome needs in class and how classroom look like with special
need. In my opinion about teaching observation this semester, I agree with joining the special
need and integration the down syndrome in a regular class with normal students because they
learn how they can deal with normal child and interaction with them, so it develops the social
and emotional domes.


Caitlin. (2015). Individual Education Plan . Retrieved from

DSAWM Educator Manual. (2014, August). Supporting the Student with down syndrome, p. 10.

Hughes, J. (2017). Inclusive education for individuals with Down syndrome. Retrieved from

McLeod, S. (2015). operant conditioning. Retrieved from


ora, K. (n.d.). Down syndrome and learning. Retrieved from


syndrome, D. ( 2011, June 9). Down syndrome. Retrieved from


Spielgaben. (2013). Comparison among Froebel, Montessori, Reggio Emilia and Waldorf-Steiner
Methods Part 1. Retrieved August 31, 2016, from

Team, R. 2. ( 2013, January 10). Five Ways Assistive Technology Helps Students With Down
Syndrome. Retrieved from

Using Smart Boards in the Classroom. (2014, April 13). Retrieved from

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