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Week 2

POWER TRUTH: I will trust and obey God always!

POWER VERSE: .And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.
Hebrews 11:1b (ICB)

OBJECTIVE: At the end of this month, the children will learn about the faith of several people
mentioned in Hebrews 11 that will help them to have stronger faith in God.



09:00 09:20 (20m) Teachers Devotion
09:20 09:30 (10m) Lesson review and practice
09:30 10:00 (30m) Reg/Coloring Page (interact with the kids as much as you can and offer to pray for them)
10:00 10:10 (10m) Welcome and Rules
10:10 10:20 (10m) Craft
10:20 10:30 (10m) Praise and Worship
10:30 10:40 (10m) Game/s
10:40 10:55 (15m) Bible story time
10:55 11:05 (10m) Object Lesson
11:05 11:15(10m) Huddle Time
11:15 11:25(10m) Snacks
11:25 11:30(05m) Closing and Prayer

Enoch Puppet

Materials: Brown paper bag, large googly eyes/eye cutouts, sticker

eyebrows/black marker, sticker mustache and beard/mustache and
beard cutout, Power Truth sticker/cutout

1. Precut eyes, eyebrows, mustache, and beard.
2. Arrange and stick the cutouts to the paper bag.
3. Stick the Power Truth on the bottom of the puppet.
4. Write the childs name at the back of the puppet.
We are on the second topic of our series entitled, Hall of Faith. Today, we will learn about
another person who was commended for having faith in God. His name is Enoch. Enoch lived a
life walking with God, and we will learn what its like to walk with God just like Enoch! Do you
want to know how to walk with God even though we do not see Him? Lets make sure that we
listen to the teachers so we can learn Enochs secret.

GAMES (optional) Walk with Jesus Relay

MATERIALS: blindfolds, chairs/traffic cones
OBJECTIVE: Have all children in the group walk across the room, around the chair/cone and
back to the end of the line while blindfolded and holding the hand of his/her teacher.

1. Divide the team into groups depending on the number of kids, the size of the room and
number of teachers. Have one teacher join each group.
2. Place the chair/cone at one end of the room while the kids stay on the opposite end. Each
group will form a line with the groups assigned teacher holding the hand of the child in
3. Have the child in front of the line wear a blindfold and hold the teachers hand. Once ready,
the teacher and the child must walk together across the room, around the chair/cone, and
back to the end of the line of their group.
4. Once done, the next child will wear the blindfold and hold the teacher and walk across the
room, around the chair/cone, and back to the end of the line. Do this until all children in the
group have finished walking with the teacher.
5. The first group who finishes the walk wins. In case that there is only one group, the game
finishes when everyone has completed their turn.

Was it easy walking blindfolded? Do you think you can walk blindfolded and finish the game
without the teachers help? Why or why not?

The Bible says that faith is being sure of what we hope for. It is being sure of what we do not see.
(Hebrews 11:1 NIRV). It is like knowing where to go or what to do even though you are
blindfolded. Will you be able to walk alone blindfolded and not get hurt? (Wait for the children to
answer) Of course not! You will get hurt and you will not know where to go.

How about a stranger? Will you walk with a stranger? (Wait for them to answer) No, we should
not walk with people we dont know. How about walking with a stranger while blindfolded? (Wait
for them to answer) Definitely not! What if its a friend or mommy or daddy but s/he is also
blindfolded? Will you walk with him/her with both of you not being able to see? Of course not!
Walking by faith is like walking blindfolded and trusting God to walk with you and guide your
every step.

Today, we will talk about a man who walked by faith in God. His name is Enoch


Last week we talked about Abel and how by faith, He pleased God with his offering. We talked
about how obedience pleases God. Today, we will learn about a man named Enoch who by faith
walked with God and pleased Him also.
Genesis 5 (see also Hebrews 11:5-6)
Bible story telling via video / puppets / skit / flannel board.

Enoch was the great, great, great, great grandson of Adam and Eve and was also the great
grandfather of Noah. But unlike Adam and Noah, the Bible says little about Enoch. However, he
is very famous! Enoch did not die. Yes, thats right! God simply took him! Do you want to know
why? Lets watch this video and take a look at what the Bible says about Enoch. (play the video)

Amazing, right?! Enoch did not experience death. He was just taken up to heaven to be with
God! Lets see what the Bible says about him:

It was by faith that Enoch was taken to heaven. He never died. He could not be found, because
God had taken him away. Before he was taken, the Scripture says that he was a man who truly
pleased God. Without faith no one can please God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that
he is real and that he rewards those who truly want to find him. (Hebrews 11: 5-6 ICB)

Enoch walked by faith, and it pleased God. Even though he could not see God, Enoch lived
believing that God is real and that He rewards those who truly want to find him. Do you
believe that God is real? Trust and believe in Jesus, who made it possible for us to know God!
Follow Jesus, and you will find God, for the Bible says that Jesus is the way, the truth and the
life, and no one comes to the Father (God) except through Him. (John 14:6)

Enoch walked with God, and he had faith in Him even if he could not see Him. Because of that, God
was pleased with Enoch.

OBJECT LESSON (This can also be used as an alternative game)

About Being Close to God

MATERIALS: Pieces of crumpled paper or lightweight balls

SPIEL: Hey kids! Today, we will have an activity. We will divide you into two groups and we will
form two lines facing each other, about a foot apart. Each child in one line will get a piece of
crumpled paper/ball. The child with the paper/balls will throw it to his/her partner to catch. After
the other group catches, the kids will take one step back. We will repeat the process of throwing
the paper/balls back and forth while taking a step farther from each other.

Which was easier, to throw the paper/ball far apart or when you are close to each other? It is
easier to throw and catch the paper/ball when you are close together. Just like with God, being

close to Him makes it easier to connect and talk to Him. In the same way, if we desire to walk
with God, we need to be close to Him. In fact, we can be best friends with God! Do you want to
be best friends with Jesus? Pray for God to help you be
close to Him.

(Teachers, sit with the children so you can easily pray with and for them as you do your huddle.)

1. Who were Enochs great great great great grandparents? (Answer: Adam and Eve)
2. What did Enoch do that pleased God? (Answer: He walked with God/had faith in God.)
3. Did Enoch die? Why? (Answer: No, because God took him)
4. Where did Enoch go when God took him? (Answer: He went to heaven with God.)

Say: By faith Enoch believed that God is real and He rewards/blesses those who truly want to
find Him. Like Enoch, we can believe that God is real. We can believe that He rewards those who
truly want to find Him. We can believe that God is here, and we can find Him whenever we look
for Him. By believing in God, we can begin to walk with Him and please Him by faith.


Enoch believed God was real so he walked with God. He did not just think of God as a faraway
person in the heavens, but Enoch became close to God because he had faith in God. In the
same way, Jesus lived a life here on earth but was still close to God. He prayed, and He obeyed
what the Father commanded Him to do. Do you want to be close to God? Jesus paid for our sins
so we can be close to Him. You can be close to God if you will have faith and believe in Jesus.
God loves you more than anyone else and He wants to be close to you!

Guide the children in reciting the power truth and power verse.

POWER TRUTH: I will trust and obey God always!

POWER VERSE: .And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it.
Hebrews 11:1b (ICB)


Lord, we believe in You even if we do not see you. Thank You for You are always with us. Thank
You for loving us! By faith, we believe that we can be close to You and walk with You. Give us the
power to walk with You as we choose to please You by always thinking of You and obeying You.
Thank You Jesus for being friends with us! This we pray in Jesus Name, Amen.


Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him. Genesis 5:24 (ESV)

Enoch walked with God. Because he did, he was commended to having pleased God, so much
so that he did not experience death! He was simply taken up to heaven. What an amazing thing!
And what did Enoch do to get such a reward? He walked with God.

It is baffling to think that simply walking with God would please Him. As followers of Christ, we
can think of a long list of great things we can do for God; maybe live a life doing miracles in His
name healing the sick, prophesying, or giving up comfort and safety to preach the gospel to
nations where doing so meant imprisonment and torture. These are all good, as long as this is
what God wants us to do. And sometimes, we miss that that what God has called us to do was
not to do things that we think would please Him, but to be with Him and walk with Him.

So what does walking with God look like? Amos 3:3 (NLT) says, Can two people walk together
without agreeing on the direction? Walking with God is agreeing with Him. It means we surrender
to Him and have Him direct our paths. We go where He wants us to go and stay away from
where He doesnt want us to go. When we agree with God, it means we agree with what He says
is right and wrong, and choose to do what is right and pleasing in His eyes and avoid what
doesnt. Most importantly, walking with God means we do not delay obedience or go ahead of
Him. Walking with God is living in His presence, enjoying it, and making sure that we are with
God in every decision and step we take. Enoch lived 365 years doing this. And this pleased God.

How about you? Are you truly walking with God right now? Stop and pause and give this some
thought. How did you start this day? What or WHO did you have in mind as you prepared to
serve today? May you find yourself walking with God, every step of the way as you continue your
journey of living a life that honors Jesus.

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