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2. (a) (i)


Liver Either two

Small instestine

(ii) Oesophagus : channels food to the stomach.

Liver : secretes bile to emulsify fat.
Pancreas : secretes pancreatic juices containing enzymes.
Small intestine : digestion of fat, protein and starch and absorption of food.

(b) (i) P : Glucose Q : Starch

(ii) The enzyme digests starch to sugar / glucose.

3. (b) 7 N
(c) i) Sprinkle a little sand on the surface of the table
ii) Conduct a activity on the table
(d)Wet the surface / pour some oil on the table surface.
(e) Frictional force is the force that’s gives reading on the spring balance.
(f) Attraction force.
(g) Work = force x distance = 7 x 0.6 = 4.2 J

4. (a) (i) Crocodile

(ii) The center of gravity of crocodile is the lowest.

(b) (i) Giraffe

(ii) The center of gravity of giraffe is the highest.
5. (a) (i) P

(ii) The surrounding temperature is the highest. This increases the rate
of water evaporation.

(b) The fan produces a stream of moving air. This speeds up the evaporation
of sweat.

(c) Method:
i. Sliced, open / spread the fish.
ii. Place in open are / windy area.

Opening and spreading the fish will increase the surface area of the fish
that will be exposing to the sunlight. This will increase the rate of
evaporation / dehydration.

6. a)
Example Class of lever
Fishing rod Third class
Bottle opener Second class
Scissors First class
b) Fulcrum - P
Load – R
Effort – Q

c) According to the principle of moments

75 cm x P = 30 cm x 25 N

P = 30 cm x 25 N
75 cm

= 10 N

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