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How To Install & Configure SLES with XML files

1. XML configuration files

1.1. Create XML configuration files:


To create XML configuration file please refer first to document

Step1_HowTo_Plan_Environment_deployment.pdf for network configuration

Collect one MAC Address of any LAN interface from the hardware which is to be
installed this must be inserted into XML file.

For in depth procedure please refer to the files inside from the

1.2. XML templates and examples:

Depending on the required deployment, please use the corresponding XML template files
inside from the

Examples with different configurations and deployment types can be found inside from

2. Prepare USB stick:

To install the HiPath 4000 V6 image please refer first to document
After USB stick is created, copy the XML files into following location on the USB stick from
your windows machine:

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Note that multiple XML configuration files for multiple systems can be copied into config
folder as long as they have different MAC addressed allocated.

3. Installation procedure:

Boot the machine from USB stick and the first phase of installation will begin automatically.
After the first phase will be completed the login prompt will be displayed and a notification
message that the system has been booted from USB stick:
!!! SYSTEM HAS BOOTED FROM THE HiPath 4000 V6 Installation Image !!!

Login with default user and password:

User Password
root hicom

At this moment it is possible to check if the system was correctly configured with the given
parameters from XML file. In case that no configuration was made, then check the errors
from the installation log file:

# cat /var/log/firstinst-netw.log

In case that no XML file was found on the USB stick, or a file with the wrong MAC address
was found, then it is possible to continue the installation, but a default ip address will be
configured on eth0 with ip address /24. In this case it is recommended to repeat
the installation with a correct configured XML file.

Note that configuration settings made with XML file, does not take action over the software
installed on the HDD, but only if the second phase of the installation is initiated and
completed. If the machine is rebooted after the first phase of the installation, the original
settings of the software installed on the HDD will not be overwritten.

After login the second phase of the installation process can be started using command:

# /studio/scripts/

The same command can be triggered also using:

# InstallHipath400

After the installation is finished, a reboot will take place automatically and based on the BIOS
settings the machine will boot either from HDD or USB stick.

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If the machine has booted from USB stick, the login prompt will be displayed and a
notification message that the system has been booted from USB stick:
!!! SYSTEM HAS BOOTED FROM THE HiPath 4000 V6 Installation Image !!!

In this case, take the USB stick out and restart the machine so it would start from the installed
software on the HDD.

Restart Linux with command:

# reboot
After the machine boots from HDD, it can be accessed over any configured IP address for the
connected LAN interfaces.

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