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TEL 431: Learning in Workplaces

L6 Activity

Performance Feedback
Constructs: Evaluation and Feedback

Name: Kayla Meredith

Date: 11-20-17
Your Assigned Facilitator: Workman

NOTE: Please bold all your responses so nothing is missed when your work is assessed.

NOTE: This document must be submitted with the url to your survey (paste below when
requested) as well as a stand-alone Excel document (submitted as an attachment). If you
do not submit all three deliverables you will receive 0 points for the entire assignment,
and be asked to resubmit a completed assignment within 24 hours. In this case there will
be a reduction of 10% of the possible points.

Background Information about Performance Reviews

Think about the learning institution you envision for your future target job. Your responsibility
would be to contribute to the goals and mission of that organization. There are several ways to
measure your success. You would want to document your progress towards these goals. You
would want your responsibilities to be measured in a way that is reliable and credible, and fair.

Most organizations have institutionalized a performance review process, which is usually

handled through the organizations human resources department as a formal, annual process.
The purpose of a performance review is to evaluate the job performance of an employee. The
performance review is typically used as justification to increase salary or to offer advancement
in position.

There is much research suggesting traditional performance reviews, conducted by an

employees supervisor, at best have limitations, and can sometimes be detrimental to morale
and motivation.

A Complementary System
In addition to an annual performance review, research has shown pairing multiple rating sources
can provide more accurate, reliable, and credible information, and insight about an employees
performance and limitations. Additionally, research has shown that evaluation systems that use
a variety of rating sources to supplement the supervisors evaluation are more influential on
employee change and motivation.

The 360-degree evaluation was established to provide multiple angles of review of an
individuals work-related performance. It is conducted by administering a questionnaire to
individuals who have contact with the employee, including:

For this activity you will ask others to take a 360-degree assessment about your behaviors.
Those who take the assessment on your behalf can be your superiors, peers, customers, and
possibly subordinates. You can do a 360 of yourself in your work environment, an organization
where you volunteer on a consistent basis, or any other group-based setting such as a club or
church group. As a backup plan, you can do a 360 of how your family members see you. The
idea is to review your behaviors from others perspectives, to learn more about yourself, and to
use the insight gained to improve yourself in the given environment.

Asking someone to review your attitudes and behaviors puts you in a very vulnerable position.
To help you understand the power of being vulnerable, and how being vulnerable can change
the way you interact with others, watch this TedTALK by Bren Brown, socialwork scientist: The
Power of Vulnerability.


Review this document to get a more complete explanation of benefits of a 360-degree

assessment. Pay special attention to the respondent categories and the precautions. This will
help you make good choices as you progress through this activity:
United States Office of Personnel Management, Performance Management Practitioner Series
(1997). 360-degree assessment: An overview. Retrieved from

Before you go further, explore the context of your 360. Provide a summary of the situation,
including the purpose or vision of the organization, your roles and responsibilities, who you are
responsible to, who your equals are, who reports to you (if applicable), and who the system
serves (e.g., the customer, client, patient, where applicable) (3 pts):

When it comes to my current status I do not have a job. However, I am a wife. This means
that I have duties to fulfill so that he can relax and not have to worry about anything. For
example, I have to make sure that he has dinner ready when he comes home, his laundry
done, the bills are paid etc. I have to do things to make my husband happy. I feel that this
is my job. I have responsibilities as a wife that I need to complete on a daily basis to
make sure that our household runs smoothly.

To get a better understanding of possible content and structure of a 360 questionnaire, review
the examples on this web page:

Write an opening paragraph for your questionnaire. Explain the purpose of the 360 with some
detail. Include that you will not be collecting identifying information on respondents (e.g., names,
email addresses, etc.). Be sure this comes across as a request, and something that would be
helpful to you, not a mandate. Let them know how their insight will be helpful to you. Provide a
deadline for their participation that is TWO DAYS PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE FOR THIS
ASSIGNMENT so you have some time to review the data and internalize their feedback. Write
your introduction paragraph here (5 pts):
Hello everyone, I would greatly appreciate if you would fill out my 360 Survey. Your
answers will help me realize what it is that I need to work on in the future as a group
member. I am someone that feels I am a good group member. I would really appreciate if
you all could respond so that I can see what areas I need improvement and which areas I
do not. This survey allows people to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Doing
surveys like this one every once and awhile are good for you and your peers. It gives you
the chance to evaluate things. By taking a short few minutes out of your day I will be able
to become a better group member. Thank you!

Now, determine a list of 5 categories that would be the most helpful in informing your
development. For ideas, review this comprehensive list:
Bias for Action
Change Management
Decision Making
Developing Others
Empowering Others
Establishing Focus / Direction
Interpersonal Skills
Managing Performance
Problem Solving
Professional Development
Project Management

For each of the 5 categories, compose 3 or more questions using a Likert scale, and 1 open-
ended question (minimum 4 questions total). The format of a typical five-level Likert item could

1. Strongly disagree
2. Disagree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Agree
5. Strongly agree

Here are some ideas:

Write your category headers and questions here (15 pts):

Category 1: Teamwork
Likert items (3 or more):
Kayla is an active team member?
Kayla is able to collaborate with her team members?
Kayla will put group work before her own?
Open-Ended Question (1):
Do you have an example where Kayla helped the team?

Category 2: Integrity
Likert items (3 or more):
Integrity is something that you feel is important?
If there was no integrity the group would not be able to work together?
Integrity can hurt relationships
Open-Ended Question (1):
Do you have an example where integrity was used in TEL?

Category 3: Flexibility
Likert items (3 or more):
Is Kayla a flexible team member?
Kayla can be counted on?
When due dates are changed Kayla can Handle it?
Open-Ended Question (1):
Do you know of a time Kayla was Flexible?

Category 4:Decision Making

Likert items (3 or more):
Kayla is able to make decisions under pressure?
Kayla showed that making decisions was easy?
Kayla can be relied upon to help make decisions?
Open-Ended Question (1):
Do you have an example of when Kayla had a hard time making a decision for the

Category 5: Initiative
Likert items (3 or more):
Kayla has strong initiative?
Kayla showed initiative through this course?

Initiative is a good trait to have?
Open-Ended Question (1):
Do you have an example where Kayla took initiative?

Create your questionnaire in Google Forms to include:

opening paragraph, per above
headers to label each category
3 or more Likert-type questions per category
one open-ended question per category (Make these questions required.)
customized thank-you text (See tutorials on how to do this.)

Paste your thank you text here (2 pts):

I want to thank you for taking the time to fill out my survey. Your answers will greatly
help me become a better group partner. This 360 Questionnaire will give me the
information that I need to know how I can change to become better. Thank you again for
taking the time out of your busy schedule to take my survey.


Paste the URL to your questionnaire here:


Take the questionnaire yourself, based on how you see your own behaviors. Double check the
response spreadsheet to make sure your data appears. If it does not, you have some trouble-
shooting to do before you send it out to your list of respondents. Edit any questions you feel are
not clear.

Population Types
Now make a list of individuals from this environment who might provide insight about your
knowledge, skills, behaviors, and attitudes. These individuals should fall within a variety of the
population types listed below.

The more responses you get, the more insight you will gain. To meet the expectation for this
assignment, you will need at least 8 participants to respond. You will want your respondents to
represent a variety of different population types. Not everyone will participate, so you might want
to send your request to more than 8 individuals.

Names of those you sent the survey to. Provide first names only, to maintain anonymity. (3 pts):
peers: Ben, Melanie, Austin, Scott, Jordan, Mary, Cliff, Amanda, Jillian, Ally, Jessica
clients/customers/students: Virginia, Eliana, Amanda, Jacob, Jennifer, Andres, Janice,
Stephen, Courtney

Send the URL to these individuals, along with the message you composed above, asking for
their participation.

Response Rate
How many participants responded? (8 required in order to provide you with the ability to reflect
about the questions below)
What percentage of people responded to the questionnaire? (1 pts) 40%
Hint: number of people who responded divided by the number of people you sent it to.

Share your spreadsheet results with your grader by downloading your results from the Google
spreadsheet as an Excel document and attaching it as you submit your assignment.

NOTE: Submitting the URL to your google spreadsheet is not acceptable as a google
spreadsheet can be edited after the submission deadline, and would be suspect of e-cheating. If
you submit the URL instead of a stand-alone file, you will be issued 0 points for this assignment.


Review the TedTALK by Bren Brown, socialwork scientist: The Power of Vulnerability.
Summarize what Brown says are the benefits of this level of connection with others, and
opportunity for growth. Include 3 in-text citations from the video that were personally insightful
for you, and explain why (200-300 words) (5 pts):

This video was rather interesting and it gave a lot of helpful information. One thing that I
found interesting was, if you cant measure it, it doesn't exist (Brown). She talked
about how she is the type of person that wants to be able to understand situations. She
used connections to help her. Connection is why we are here (Brown). What she said
was very intriguing to hear because it is true. Connections is something that we all strive
for. Connections are something that helps us succeed in our career. Another thing that
she said was, when you ask someone about love they tell you about
heartbreak(Brown). This is true, I know from experience that when I ask someone about
their relationship or past relationship a lot of times there is heartbreak involved. There
are so many things in our everyday lives that we do not think about. For example,
connections are what makes us who we are. Connections help us decide what we are
going to do with our lives. Connections ultimately are the reason for our growth. The
more we are able to connect and understand others the more growth we will experience. I
know connections have helped me immensely over the years. The more people you know
the better off you will be. I feel this was explained in the video.

Word count: 225

Reflect about vulnerability and this process. How did you handle your emotions, being the level
of vulnerability required was very high, when you were selecting who to send your questionnaire
to, when you were sending out the questionnaire, and when you reviewed your data. Discuss
this issue from the three points in the Brown TedTALK you emphasized in your response above.
(200-300 words) (5 pts):

After deciding who to send my survey to, I was eager to see the responses that I was
going to get. I sent the survey to a lot of my family members along with my TEL
classmates. Sending out this survey meant that I had to be vulnerable. I had to be okay
with the answers that i was going to receive. Something that I feel I need to work on
based on the videos is my initiative and communication/connections. I am someone that
does not always take initiative when it comes to assignments. I am someone that gets
overwhelmed with assignments so will not necessarily volunteer to do more. Another
thing that I need to get better at are forming more connections. I am someone that does
not like to go out of my comfort zone to make connections. This is something that I need
to improve on. Like discussed in the video, connections are very important. Connections
are vital in our lives. Without connections we would feel alone. On top of that,
connections can help us with our profession. It is also important to remember that the
wrong connections can affect us. Through our lives we will have formed good
connections and bad connections.

Word count: 207

References (5 pts)
Note: no credit will be given unless your references are formatted per APA. See Owl at Purdue
as a guide.

Brown, B. (n.d.). The power of vulnerability. Retrieved November 21, 2017, from


Vulnerability (4 pts)
How did you handle your emotions, being this is a vulnerable process--to request honest
feedback from those with whom you work?

Being vulnerable is something that is difficult to me. I chose to send my survey to a lot of
my family members but my classmates as well. I do not know my classmates very well so
it is weird to have them answer questions about me. I feel that it was harder sending my
survey to my classmates over my family. I am okay with being vulnerable with my family
but not as sure with my classmates.

How were you at accepting the feedback as it was intended? To what extent did you see
yourself reading between the lines?
I feel I was rather good at accepting my feedback In life we are going to hear things and
get feedback that we did not really want to hear. However, we cant let criticism get the
best of us. It is important to take the feedback and learn from it.

Strengths (4 pts)
What did you learn about your strengths?

One of my strengths that I saw was that I am a team member. I do feel that I am a good
team member. I am always helpful in group assignments and will never let a group
assignment go unfinished even if I am the only one doing it.

What did you learn about how others see your strengths?

I got clarification on what I thought that I was good at. There are things that I know I need
to work on. However, I know being a team player is something that I strive at. I grew up in
a household where working together to get things done was very important. I feel that my
peers responses was not surprising in this category.

Areas of Improvement (4 pts)

What did you learn about what others see as possible areas of improvement for you?
Taking the initiative is something that I need to work on. My peers from our class did not
have examples where i took the initiative. I knew they would not have examples because I
knew that i had not shown it to them before. This is something that I need to improve on
in the next couple weeks.
What did you learn about how others see your weaknesses?
I feel that others were able to see that I was weak in this area because i did not show
them that I could take the initiative. On top of that I have had a lot going on the last two
weeks since my husband came home from deployment. I feel normally i would have
taken initiative to do more things but the timing was not right for this class.

Alignment (3 pts)
When you look at your self assessment, to what extent do you tend to see yourself as others
do? Why do you think this is so?

When it comes to my results there is some room for improvement. Like discussed before
i need to learn to take the initiative in group work and assignments. I always do my part
but I want to strive to do more. I want to be the person that goes above and beyond and
someone who others can rely on.

Actionable Items (6 pts)

Establish three AREAS for change, improvement, and development that you want to work on.

Initiative- I want to do more things without having to be asked.
Communication- I want to come out of my shell and be more social.
Connection- I want to be able to form connections with more people. I do not always give
others the chance.

Determine 3-5 new skills, knowledge bases, and behaviors within these areas that will support
your short-term plan for professional development. These are things you could start doing
1. I want to start communicating to my husband more about my feelings. I tend to
bottle things up. This does not help when we are in a disagreement.
2. I want to be able to be more outgoing when in public. I do not want to feel shy if a
stranger in public is trying to talk to me.
3. I want to start to put myself in situations where I can make connections that can
help me in my future career. I want to network more.

Determine 3-5 new skills, knowledge bases, and behaviors within these areas that will support
your long-term plan for professional development. These are things that may take 1-3 years to

1. The more that I communicate with others, the more people I will know. This can
help me get a teaching job one day.
2. I do not want to be shy. I need to come out of my shell because I will have to
interview for jobs. I will also have to talk to parents when their child is struggling.
3. I want to learn to be more outgoing. This can help me become a fun and
entertaining teacher that students want to have.

Overall (5 pts)
Reflect about how this process worked for you. What did you learn about your emotional state?
What did you learn about your perceptions of yourself in comparison to others? What did you
learn about your performance and interactions? (100-200 words)

When it comes to my results I am not surprised. I am someone that does not mind fitting
in with the crowd. That is okay with me. However, I feel that I want to be someone that
people remember for a good reason. I want to be more bubbly and accepting of others. I
am someone that does not always give others the chance to have a relationship with me.
I want to become better at forming connections and maintaining them. Connecting with
others is something that I have a hard time with my entire life. I like to remain in my shell
so I dont make a fool out of myself. I am older now and feel that I care less about what
others think of me. I just want to be me.

Word count: 134

Professional presentation (professional language, grammar, spelling, word count) (10


Please proofread your work to be sure it meets university level writing standards. Note that if
your written work does not meet this standard, you will be asked to revise and resubmit within 3
days, and these points will be lost. The Writing Center can provide support. See for details.


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