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Some jobs in
the workforce
require an Shifts

Our Fellow Classmates

employee to

Cara Benedict

This can lead to a list of

-sleepiness Business and Professional Communication


-reduced alertness, lack of -

concentration and memory

-lack of motivation

-increased susceptibility to

Speech 2810-WEB



-loss of appetite and

Group 2

digestive problems
Is the extra money on your
paycheck really worth putting Employees are at a higher risk of
your body through physical becoming burnt out and hurting
and emotional stress? business.

Attitude Changes
Overworking employees can make them
disenfranchised with the company,
causing a drop-in morale.

Feels like they are getting the short

Is it safe? end of the stick
People are normally tired from their Employees may not work as hard
normal 40-hour work week, but is it
safe to make people work more than
that? Are people really coherent Contact Us
enough to drive? Are employers risking Cameron Frank
the safety of everyone around them WorkLife Balance
making their employees work Jia Yuan Lai
It can be hard to try and find the
mandatory shifts? balance between work and life. It can Carlie Martin
How can I address these hazards? be stressful trying to manage work,
Brice Davis
family, health, friends, and fun. Should
When there is a choice, managers people have to make these sacrifices Tiffany Gavanda
should limit the use of extended shifts to make work happy? And suffer
and increase the number of days from the other consequences it might
employees work. Working shifts longer bring?
than 8 hours will generally result in
reduced productivity and alertness.
Additional break periods and meals
should be provided when shifts are
extended past normal work periods -
United States Department of Labor

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