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Faculty : Social Science and Politics

Department : Public Policy and Management

Course : Human Resource Management

Code : SPA 3321 / 3 Credits

Prerequisite :-

Lecturer(s) : Dra. Ambar Teguh Sulistyani, M.Si, Dr. Ratminto M.Pol..Admin

Course Descriptions
Human Resource Management is an important aspect to be considered in an organization. This is related
to the determination of the performance of Human Resources and the organization as a whole for the
future. Human Resource Management covers several things including human resources planning,
determining recruitment system, applying incentive system, career planning and management, human
resource development management, and pension arrangement scheme. Thus, Human Resource
Management is a relevant concept, process, and technique as part of the Management and Public Policy

Course Objectives

1. Knowing, understanding, and able to explain the basics, theories, and developments of Human
Resource Management functions.
2. Able to implement the theoretical abilities to analyze, criticize problems and the practice of
Human Resource Management, especially in the public organizations.
3. Able to implement the knowledge and abilities of Human Resource Management in
extracurricular activities and other organizations.
4. Able to make use of the Human Resource Management proficiency as a self-development
support by increasing the softskills that are relevant with Human Resource Management
5. Analyze comparatively the practices and phenomenon of Human Resource Management in the
public or private institutions.

Learning Outcomes

1. Students are able to understand the definition of HRM

2. Students can know about approaches in HRM
3. Students can understand the application of HRM in public organizations
4. Students can know the principles of "POAC"
5. Students can understand the values contained in HRM
6. Students can explicitly understand the functions of HRM, namely procurement, human
resources development, management and career planning, compensation and maintenance,
human resources release, Workers' Rights and Employment Relationship, A review of regulation,
evaluation and performance appraisal

Learning Methods

The learning process is done through the method:

a. Lecture and QA
b. Presentation of group assignments and class discussions
c. Movie screening about HRM
d. Socio-drama about HRM

In addition, college students will be given assignments in the form of:

a. Group paper
b. Individual paper.
c. The socio-drama practice of MSDM

Expected Course Evaluation

The final assessment of student study results is based on several indicators, namely:

a. Attendance (minimum 75%): 10%

b. Activity in Class: 10%
c. Mid Semester Exam: 30%
d. Tasks (individual and group): 20%
e. Final test: 30%
f. Total: 100%


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Condey, Stephen E (ed.). 2005. Handbook of Human Resource Management in Government. San
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Gibson, J.L., Ivancevich, J.M. & Donelly Jr, J.H. 1994. Organisasi, Perilaku, Struktur dan
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Sunu, P. 1999. Peran SDM dalam Penerapan ISO 9000: Kajian Peran SDM dengan Pendekatan
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INFID untuk upaya sosialisasi publik dalam mengkritisi globalisasi dan
dampaknya terhadap Indonesia
No. Topics Learning Objectives Teaching-Learning Assessment Method References
Introduction Students are able to understand the Lecturer
to Human definition of HRM
Students are able to demonstrate the Discussion
approaches used in HRM

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