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DIscussion of reactions of halides in solution

MVTypes of halides used.

RVReactions of halides in solution with certain reagents & products

formedin the reactions.


Silver nitrate solution is added into potassium halide solutions(KCl KBr KI)

and double displacement is happens. The silver halides(AgCl Agbr AgI),

which are insoluble salts will precipitated in the solution(KNO3) as they

cannot dissolve in water. KNO3 solution is also a product of the reaction

which is a colourless solution.The product ,silver halides is a

photosensitive substance.When is exposed to light with UV ,it will

decomposes to form a elemental silver and halogen gas.Expose to the

sunlight which contain high intensity of UV light ,the process of

decompose is very fast .The effect of common light indoor is same but

the reaction will be much slower.

For the reaction between KCl and AgNO3, a white precipitate is

formed in the colourless solution. The colourless solution is the KNO3

solution while AgCl is the white precipitate. The chemical equation : KCl

(aq) + AgNO3 (aq) -> KNO3 (aq) + AgCl(s). In dark condition, the colour of

solution is milky white and precipitate is silver. However,when it is put

under light,colour of solution is milky and precipitate is

white.Theoritically, AgCl is very sensitive to light and will decompose

into Ag and Cl, with an equation of: 2AgCl (s) +light -> 2Ag(s) + Cl2 (g).

This will forms a grey solution with grey precipitate, which is Ag (s).

When KBr reacts with AgNo3, a pale yellow colour precipitate with milky

white solution is formed. The chemical equation is KBr (aq) + AgNO3 (aq)

-> KNO3 (aq) + AgBr(s). The solution is KNO3 while the pale yellow

precipitate is the insoluble salt , AgBr. In dark condition, the precipiitate

is pale green and solution is milkky pale green.. When it is put under

light, AgBr decompose into Ag and Br, with an equation of: 2AgBr (s)

+light ->2Ag(s) + Br2 (g). There are only slight changes in the intensity of

the colour of precipitateand solution, this is because AgBr is less

sensitive to light compared to AgCl.

Greenish yellow solution and pale yellow precipitate is formed when KI

reacts with AgNO3. The chemical equation is KI (aq) + AgNO3 (aq) ->

KNO3 (aq) + AgI (s). KNO3 is the greenish yellow solution while AgI is the

insoluble pale yellow precipitate. In dark condition,milky yellowish

solution and pale yellow precipitate was formed. At light condition,

there are only slight changes in the intensity of colour, this is because

AgI is less sensitive to light too if compare with AgCl and AgBr. AgI

decomposes into Ag and I under light condition, the equation is:2AgI (s)

+light -> 2Ag(s) + I2 (g).

Part C

Potassium halides(KCl KBr KI) was added with silver nitrate followed by

diluted HNO3.The solution was acidified by adding dilute nitric acid.The

nitric acid will react with and removes other ions that might also give a

confusing precipitate with silver nitrate solution.Thus, the silver ions are

added in the form of acidified silver nitrate solution as this is one of the

few soluble silver salts.The nitric acid is there to decompose if carbonate

ions or sulfite ions present,which interfere with the test and give a false

positive white precipitate of silver carbonate.

2Ag+ + CO3- ----->Ag2 + CO3


Part D

Potassium halides(KCl KBr KI) is react with silver nitrate followed

byNH3.This is because the ammonia molecules present in the ammonia

solution will form a complex ion with silver(1ions which then allows the

precipitate to re-dissolve.The ammonia combies with silver ions to

produce a complex ion called diamminesilver (1)ion,[Ag(NH3)2]+. This is

a reversible reaction but the complex ions is more stable and the

position of equilibrium lies to rght.

Ag+aq) +2NH3(aq) <--------> [Ag(NH3)2]+(aq)

However the ease with which this happens depends on the nature of the

halides.AgCl can forms complex ion easily in dilute ammonia suffices:

NH3 + AgCl --> [Ag(NH3)2]+ + Cl-.The silver complex ion, diammine

silver(I), is a linear ion with the ammonia ligands arranged at 180

degrees to one another.The original precipitate ,AgCl will dissolves to

give a colourless solution when ammonia is added.

Silver bromide also dissolves in ammonia, but only if the ammonia is in

concentrated solution.NH3 + AgBr --> [Ag(NH3)2]+ + Br-.When ammonia

is added to AgBr precipitate ,the precipitate is almost unchanged using

diluted ammonia solution ,but dissolves in concentrated ammonia

solution to give a colourless solution.

Silver Iodide precipitate is insoluble in any concentration of ammonia




Chemical test distinguish halogen ions

The chemmical test to distinguish between Cl- Br- I- is by using silver

nitrate solution.this testmust be done in solution, a solid can must be

dissolved in distilled water before test.The solution is acidified by using

diluted nitric acid to react and remove other ions such as carbonate ion

and sulfite ion that might give a confusing precipitate with silver

nitrate.Then,silver nitrate solution is added to each solution that contain

different halide ions which is Cl- Br- I-.If Cl- present white ppt will formed

If Br- is present,pale cream ppt will formed.If I- present,pale yellow ppt

will formed.

Darkening effect

Darkening effect of light on silver chloride and silver bromide ppt

occured as uv light converts a part of silver halide into matallic silver

which is dark in colour ppt.for an example ,lenses of the spectacles

contain small amount of white , finely spread silver chlorides on it

returned back to sunlight ,some of the Ag+ions on the lenses convert

into Ag metal.This reaction is reversible as back to dark condition,AgCl

and Agbr will reformed and glass become clear again.

AgBr is less sensitive to light than AgCl

2AgCl(s)+light --> 2Ag(s) + Cl2(g)

Precaution steps

There are several precautions steps to obtain a more accurate

result.The test tube containing solution must be transferred to dark

cupboard immediately to ensure silver halide not exposed to uv light.This

is because silver halides are photosensitive.The test tube must be

stoppered with a cork after addition of any solution to prevent the gas to

escape which is a part of result and also help to avoid contact of

chemical with skin when shaking the test tubes.Besides the observatio of

the test tubes taken out from dark cupboard should be recorded

immediately as silver halides will react with the light immediately.The

test tubes should be place infront of a white paper when observed the

colour of the solution.Besides to obtain the most accurate result of the

action of silver nitrate with sunlight,the silver halides should be exposed

to the light with high intensity of uv light such as sunlight or the burning

of magnessium ribbon because the effect of common light will be much




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