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What is the closest thing to God humans can achieve?

You enter the ascension spiral when you realize the truth in the statement that: The
Kingdom of God is within you. Whereby you realize, that you do not need light from
outside yourself, for you have that light inside yourself, because the core of your being is
the conscious self, that is an extension of Gods Beingand therefore is the open door
between the spiritual realm and the material world in which you currently have focused
your sense of self.

You are not a material being. You are a spiritual being who is temporarily focusing your
sense of self inside the role of a material being. But you are more than this. And when
you realize that you are more and therefore, the power that you need to rise is within
you then you begin the ascension spiral. Then I, Serapis Bey, can begin to truly help
you ascend and rise higher in that ascension spiral, until you build such a momentum
where you know, that nothing can take you out of that spiral. For the power is within
you, the Kingdom is within you. There is no room for judgment in the ascension spiral.

The human can realize as it is written in Luke 17:21, that The kingdom of God is within
you. and start to become an ascended master as Jesus the Christ, Gautama Buddha,
Lord Khrisna, and many others have taught about and demonstrated.

The human is a spiritual being with a material body, having experience in the material
realm. The human consciousness is to rise until it reaches the point of making the
ascension to become an ascended master and no longer has the need to reincarnate in
the material realm.

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