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XVS 1.

8 (2017-08-16)
+ DMCA Delete mod
+ Kodi Pair mod
+ API mod
+ Single server mod
+ P2P mod with Peer5, Streamroot
+ Admin search by video direct link
+ Reverted back to traffic logs views/money count
+ Youtube plugin better quality & description parse
+ Country Tier 5 added
+ No money when no Referer option
+ Main / File servers IP check for better security
+ Custom UserAgent header for better security
+ Clappr now support .vtt subtitles with mp4
+ Force users disable ADB option
+ ADB views user stats
+ ADB views stats
+ Folder share link
+ SSD mod: Delete from SSD button
+ Not allowed UserAgents option
+ FTP mod: ftp password different from account one
+ Mailgun mail sending support

XVS 1.7 (2017-01-20)

+ Daily Country stats per user
+ Encoding quality order in HD mod
+ Removed FLV container support
+ Fair encoding slots option
+ Remember last upload mode
+ Sort by Title when inside folder
+ Link to folder on File Edit page
+ Choose folder on upload form
+ Use Screenlist/Timeslider thumb as Player image
+ Alternative speed preset for large encoding queues
+ Optimized TimeSlider mod requests
+ Ajax folder creation in Upload Form
+ New high-perfomance Torrent mod engine
+ Clappr video player support
+ High Load mode with auto on/off
+ Shift-Click for mass checkbox selections
+ Parent folders path list
+ Reworked Deleted Files page with Restore option
+ Added Deleted files number to Stats
+ Improved Host/Server pages, added Server Notes
+ SRT mod
+ User flag not to expire his files
+ New Next upload server logic using encoding queue
+ Fixed Timeslider mod in Safari browser
+ Replaced Flash copy-to-clipboard with HTML5
+ Optimized total user diskspace used check
+ Updated JW Player 7 to 7.7.1 version
+ Disable IP check option

XVS 1.6 (Feb 2016)

* JW Player 7 support
* New HLS/DASH streaming mod
* Image proxy mod
* Static embeds code
+ Auto crontab during installation
+ IP/Login brute-force security
+ Related videos player plugin
+ FTP mod: sync only users logged last 14 days
+ Prevent encoding files from transfers
+ Prevent transferring files from encoding
+ Responsive iFrame embed code
+ SSD mod: No serve from OFF SSD
+ Views table perfomance optimizations
+ Upload parameters cleanup
+ Top traffic/money IP list
+ Servers totals in/out network speeds, disk usage
+ Total server encoding FPS
+ Option to disable HD quality when server speed > 90%
+ Allow embeds only option

XVS 1.5 (Apr 2015)

* HLS mod with adaptive quality
* Clone upload mod
* Transcoding of video/audio streams without re-encoding when codec/bitrate match
* FastCGI mod: 30% perfomance boost + DB connections pooling
+ Sitemaps: 5000+ files support, Bing ping, robots.txt fix
+ TimeSlider mod: really nice shots transitions effect
+ Fix: avoid serving from OFF SSD server
+ Added fade-in player ads block
+ RTMP mod: faster links generation, optional SMIL/HTTP fallback
+ Re-encoding of videos without Original possible now
+ Limit: Not allowed referers
+ Expiration headers for index / static pages
+ Faster snapshot generation
+ Screenlist / timeslider generation speed improvements
+ FLV encoded with MP3 audio now
* Player skins pack mod
+ HTML::Template::Pro faster templater
+ Much better UTF8 suport
+ Partial IPv6 support
+ Updated jQuery to 1.11.1
+ Memcached mod: fixed folders caching
+ Gmail sending support
+ JW6: embed player now responsive for iframe size + showing title
+ Admin Views page optimizations
+ Admin Search by tag
+ Highlighting HDD high usage/utilization in Servers list
+ Fixed encoding status on Embed page
+ Encoding Status: seconds left info added
+ Admin Featured: improved view, ajax remove
+ Standard menu on all upload pages
+ FTP mod: FTP Upload page with server details
+ MP4Box/yamdi postprocessing for non-encoded MP4/FLV
+ YouTube plugin rewritten
+ New recaptcha mode
+ Subtitles burn option for MKV
+ Download button over video in embeds
+ Now can configure number of views for Tiers
+ Uppercase link code option
+ Progress bar for URL uploads list
+ Admin improvements on Encoding / Transfer queue pages
+ Watermark mod: scrolling text can be looped now
+ WebVTT subtitles format support
+ Hot files last 3 days server-to-server transfer filter

XVS 1.4 (Aug 2014)

* Memcached mod
* Limit: Play only first X seconds of video
* Latest NGINX version support
* Optimized pure-NGINX file upload
* Optimized pure-NGINX upload progress
* NGINX can work on default 80 port now!
* JW6 player support
+ CloudFlare compatibility
+ Support of Login/Payment plugins from XFS
+ Mobile support option for Normal quality
+ 3 types of next upload server logic
+ Custom snapshot upload
+ SRT auto-extract feature
+ Dynamic export codes
+ Player: use DivX player for not encoded videos
+ Player: Sharing plugin
+ Player: Lightsout plugin
+ Admin Files cosmetics
+ Fixed xxxxxxxxxxxx.html link format Mass Search
+ SSD mod: Filesize limit
+ News body cut tag
+ Optional TOS checkbox
+ Premium Only category flag
+ SQL mass optimize/repair/backup functions
+ Category/Tags/Public/Adult flags for URL/Torrent uploads
+ Total User Views profit / Payouts daily stats
+ Improved admin stats graphs
+ Payouts: paid/rejected user history
+ Payouts: payment info in transaction now
+ Payouts: history page
+ Limit: Max working URL uploads per User type
+ Limit: Max daily uploads per User type
+ Security: allow site in frames or not
+ Security: banned countries
+ Dynamic RTMP Streaming with JW6 player and RTMP mod (SMIL)
+ Timeslider mod: page slides better quality

XVS 1.3 (Jul 2013)

+ Watermark mod: static image mode added
+ Fixed unencoded dupe detection
+ Torrents mod: upgraded to 1.50 version / magnet links support
+ Torrents mod: can view each file progress in torrent, able to exclude files
+ Fixed YouTube leech plugin
+ Smart encoder server choose algorithm
+ Login history page for User
+ Login limits feature: Account sharing + Login throttle
+ Added optional Lanczos video resize
+ Social Login mod: added Google+ authorization
+ Fixed Views referer
+ Mass tag add function
+ Optional auto PremiumOnly option for allowed users
+ Change Password extra page
+ Login as user admin feature
+ Translations now in SQL database
+ Max bitrate limit for CRF mode
+ SRT styling options added
+ Auto video sending speed using video size/duration
+ Mass delete HD/Low/Original versions of videos
+ Delete links are optional now
+ High-bandwidth files admin page
+ Sticky category on upload form
+ Mass Set file extra fields
+ Playing original MP4/FLV while video is encoding
+ Error on video page if encoding failed
+ Auto player height calculation if omitted
+ Tier points with length or filesize
+ Folders merge feature
+ Mass file rename
+ Option to keep original MP4/FLV video without reencoding
+ FLV playing
+ Optional no reencoding for MP4/FLV files
+ Implemented encoding to FLV container

+ deURL mod

XVS 1.2 (Feb 2013)

+ Video length filters for main page

+ Torrents user filter: All/Premium/Selected
+ All Categories page added
+ Now can add any number of custom text fields for video. Search by these fields
+ MP4 video now supported for downloads
+ Fixed Video Preview mod for Embed2
+ Restrict domains your embed videos can work on
+ Favorites list for Registered / Anonymous users
+ Just Added section on Index page
+ Updated to the latest JW Player 5.10
+ New video resize logic: Fit to WxH
+ Add to My Account (optional)
+ Country resolve by IP (optional)
+ Reseller mod: resellers can automatically add money now
+ Auto-approve after X approved files option
+ Improved Moderator approval page with snapshot + screenlist link
+ Improved Admin Transactions page: added payment type, referer, link to IPN log
+ IPN log improvements: added creation date index/filter, added payment type
+ Moderator mod: implemented Legal accounts with daily delete limit
+ Video Preview mod: can choose source quality for preview
+ Webmasters mod
+ Premium Only video flag for selected users available
+ Mass category edit
+ Shaving mod for Views/Sales
+ Preview mod: now it's possible to just create preview without encoding whole
video at all
+ Multiple languages SRT upload
+ Moderator mod: daily delete limit, thumbnails view
+ Extra user fields on Registration / My Account
+ Video Preview mod: optional ability to upload custom Preview Video
+ Login/Registration/My Account security fixes
+ Referer security checks to avoid any XSS vulnerabilities
+ Admin functions moved to adm.cgi for perfomance/security
+ Site Maintenance modes added
XVS 1.1 (Jul 2012)

* Reimplemented server types. Now have: UPLOADER, ENCODER, STORAGE

* Video now gets playable when at least one quality encoded
+ Make money dynamic page
+ Now using 100% complete logic to count Views / Profit
+ Custom transfer speed for each Host
+ Original video details on Watch Video page
+ Added LibertyReserve, HiPay, OKPay, PaymentWall payment gateways
+ Deleting multiple links from Abuse message
+ Better file Export / Share code
+ Fixed URL Upload IP
+ URL upload status / error details for users
+ Private Files user option
+ Encode video to Normal / High quality only if size > encoding size
+ Account IP security filter
+ CDN optional URL to cache static image/css/js files
+ Setting affiliate cookie with JS now to avoid clickers
+ Category / Public flag for Torrents
+ Optimize HDD Perfomance option to prevent multiple transfers to single HDD
+ Admin Transactions page implemented
+ Fixed thumbnails proportions
+ Screenlist mod: thumbnail max size
+ Video Re-encode admin button
+ Admin can view User Reports now
+ Deleted files list in My Videos
+ zero-size protection when HDD is full
+ Quick option to disable news
+ Added number of nginx connections to server stats
+ Mass regenerate thumbs for selected videos
+ Updated CGI modules
+ SQL Stats page added
+ Files status added: OK, PENDING or LOCKED
+ Optional files pre-approve mode. Auto-approved users are possible
+ Added admin files filter by Views number, search by file code
+ Categories move up/down functions
+ Saving Source URL for URL uploads now (available on Edit File page)
+ Allow uploads to Selected users only
+ Safe file expiration cron (delete confirmation when opening in browser)
+ FTP mod web settings, old users/subdirs cleanup, multi-HDD support

(*) HD/Low mod many improvements

(*) Time Slider mod
(*) Video Preview mod
(*) Watermark mod
(*) Snaphot mod
(*) User Monitoring (Trends) mod

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