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Guskeys Five Critical Levels of Professional Development Evaluation

Evaluation Typical Questions Typical Info. What is Measured or How Will Information
Level Addressed Gathering Assessed? Be Used?
1. Participants Did participants like it? Questionnaires Initial satisfaction with To improve program
Reactions Was time well spent? administered at the experience. delivery and design
Did the material make end of sessions.
sense? Focus groups
Will it be useful? Interviews
Was the presenter Personal learning log
knowledgeable? MeetingWorks
Did the physical conditions internet-based
of the activity support sessions
learning? Analysis of threaded
discussion forums

2. Participants Did participants acquire the Paper and pencil New knowledge and/or To improve program
Learning intended knowledge or tests skills of participants content, format, and
skill? Simulations and organization
reflections (oral
and/or written
Participant portfolios
Case study analysis
Analysis of threaded
discussion forums
Evaluation Typical Questions Typical Info. What is Measured or How Will Information
Level Addressed Gathering Methods Assessed? Be Used?
3. Organization What was the impact on the District and school The organizations To document and improve
support and change organization? records advocacy, support, organizational support
Did it affect organizational Minutes from accommodations, To improve future change
climate or procedures? meetings facilitation and efforts
Was implementation Questionnaires recognition
advocated, facilitated, and Focus groups
supported? Structured interviews
Was the support public and with participants and
overt? school or district
Were problems addressed administrators
quickly and efficiently? Participant portfolios
Were sufficient resources MeetingWorks
made available? internet-based
Were successes recognized sessions
and shared? Analysis of threaded
discussion forums

4. Participants use of Did participants effectively Questionnaires Degree and quality of To document and improve
new knowledge or apply the new knowledge Structured interviews information the implementation of
skills and skills? with participants and program content
their supervisors
Participant reflections
(oral and/or written)
Participant portfolios
Direct observations
Video or audio tapes
Adoption Model
Evaluation Typical Questions Typical Info. What is Measured or How Will Information
Level Addressed Gathering Methods Assessed? Be Used?
5. Student Learning What was the impact on Student records Student learning To focus and improve all
Outcomes students? School records outcomes: aspects of program design,
Did it affect student Questionnaires 1. cognitive implementation, and
performance or Structured interviews (performance and follow-up
achievement? with students, parents, achievement) To demonstrate the overall
Did it influence students teachers, and/or 2. affective ( attitudes impact of professional
physical or emotional well- administrators and dispositions) developement
being? Participant portfolios 3. psychomotor
Are students more (skills and
confidents as learners? behavior)
Is student attendance
Are dropouts decreasing?

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