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Viscoelastic Properties of

Ac ryIo nitriIe - Butadie ne- Styre ne (AB S) PoIy mers

in the Molten State
LPMI-UPPA,Avenue d e lUniversit6, 64000 Puu, France
G. E. Plastics ABS-S.A., B.P. 1
60134 Villers-St-Skpulcre,France

The viscoelastic behavior of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene(ABS) terpolymers is

studied in the molten state. First, the behavior of the styrene-acrylonitrile (SAN)
matrix is determined. Then, the effect of the degree of grafting on AI3S rheological
properties is emphasized. A critical degree of grafting (DGc), corresponding to a
minimum of the viscoelastic functions in the low frequency region, is determined.
It defines a critical thickness of the grafted layer, and is related to the conforma-
tion of the grafted chains at the surface of the rubber particle. The DGc affects the
morphology of the ABS and also affects the appearance of a secondary plateau at
low frequencies. The effects of the rubber particles, of the grafted chains, and of
the morphology on the appearance of the secondary plateau at low frequencies are
clearly dissociated.

INTRODUCTION thermore, for ABS materials, Y . Aoki ( 11) put forward

the existence of a minimum of the complex shear
igh impact resistance, good dimensional stabil-
H ity, and good processability have made acryle
nitrile-butadiene-styreneterpolymers (ABS) the ma-
modulus at low frequencies, as a function of the
grafted SAN-polybutadiene mass ratio (degree of
terial of choice in many engineering thermoplastic grafting). The degree of grafting corresponding to this
minimum is called the critical degree of grafting, DGc.
applications for more than thirty years, particularly
in the automotive industry and in electric household The characterization and understanding of these two
appliances. Specific processability properties are of- phenomena, viz. the secondary plateau and the criti-
cal degree of grafting, are the core of this paper.
ten required by customers. Rheological studies of the
visoelastic behavior of ABS in the molten state are The viscoelastic behavior of the SAN matrix is first
related to the fundamental principles which govern characterized. Then, the effects of the various struc-
processability. riBS polymers belong to the family of tural parameters (particle size, matrix molecular
rubber-modified polymeric materials: they consist of weight, matrix composition, polybutadiene content)
a poldstyrene-co-acrylonitrile)(SAN) matrix rein- upon the rheological properties of the ABS are em-
phasized. A morphological study of the internal struc-
forced with SAN grafted polybutadiene (PB) particles.
ture of the ABS is of great help in explaining the
Many studies of the steady-state viscosity in the
molten state on these types of materials may be critical degree of grafting and the secondary plateau
found in the literature (1-7). but this parameter p r e appearance. The mean features of the viscoelastic
vides limited information concerning heterogeneous behavior are discussed in the last part.
systems. More recent studies of their viscoelastic
properties have been made by means of oscillatory MATERIALS
deformations over a large frequency range, thus al- The SAN matrix and the SAN grafted polybutadiene
lowing the description of the relaxation time spec- particles were synthesized separately and then me-
trum of the samples, in order to give information chanically mixed in a Brabender Plastograph at 170C
about the effect of the complex structure of such for 10 min.
materials (8- 13). These studies enhance a solid-like The polybutadiene spheres are crosslinked and
behavior of the material in the low frequency region. well-defined in size, and the particle sizes were deter-
This particular behavior is called the secondary mined by transmission electron microscopy (Photo 1 ) .
plateau phenomenon as it is manifested by a nearly The particles show a spherical shape, are nearly
constant value of the storage shear modulus. Fur- monodisperse and have a regular distribution in

Viscoelastic Properties of Al3S Polymers

over 20 min. The samples were placed in an oven at

50C until use to avoid any water absorption.
The characteristics of the SAN and ABS samples
used in this study are listed in Tables I to 4 . The AN
content of the SAN samples (Table 1 ) varies from 25
to 35% and their average molecular weights ( M w )
from 76000 to 228000. ABS 1 to 11 presented in
Table 2, are made of a blend of the same SAN 2
matrix with different SAN grafted polybutadiene sam-

Table 1. Characteristic Parametersof SAN 1-6.

Sample Mw AN% IP
SAN 1 76,500 29.9 1.77
SAN 2 93,900 30.1 1.8
SAN 3 112,500 29.9 1.56
SAN 4 87,100 24.7 1.5
SAN 5 68,100 34.3 1.6
SAN 6 227,800 27 3.1

Table 2. Characteristic Parametersof ABS 1-11

- PB ratio = 15%
-Matrix = SAN 2
-Graft SIAN =70130.
Sample D (nm) DG%
ABS 1 200 29
ABS 2 200 42.5
ABS 3 200 63
ABS 4 200 ao
ABS 5 420 33
Photo 1: ABS ABS 6 420 48
ABS 7 420 63.5
ABS 9 200-420 29-33
ABS 10 200-420 42.5-48
ABS 11 200-420 63-63.5

(x30 000)
Photo 1 . ABS. Table 3. Characteristic Parameters of ABS B-l
- PB ratio = 15%
-D=200 nm
space. The degree of crosslinking was determined by -Graft SIAN = 70130.
measuring the gel ratio, prior to reaction of the rub- Sample D (nm) DG % Ref. SAN
ber with the styrene/acrylonitrile monomers. The gel
ratio is defined as follows: the PB sample of weight P1 ABS B 200 42.5 1
ABS C 200 63 1
is put into toluene for 24 h at room temperature in ABS D 200 29 4
order to dissolve the free chains. I t is then placed into ABS E 200 42.5 4
an oven at 45C to evaporate the solvent. When the ABS F 200 63 4
weight remains constant, it is measured (P2) and ABS H 200 42.5 5
ABS I 200 63 5
corresponds to the weight of the crosslinked chains.
The gel ratio is equal to P2/P1. The value of the gel
ratio was different for the two particle sizes as fol- Table 4. Characteristic Parametersof ABS Gl-G9
lows: - Matrix = SAN 2
-D=200 nm
-D = 200 nm Gel Ratio = 93% -GraftS/AN=70/30.
-D = 420 nm Gel Ratio = 88% Sample PB% DG%
The polybutadiene (PB)/styrene (S)/acrylonitrile (AN) ABS G1 5 29
ratio of both the grafted rubber and the SAN matrix ABS G2 5 42.5
was measured by ETIR prior to mixing. The molecular ABS G3 5 63
weight M w and the polydispersity index Ip were de- ABS G4 15 29
ABS G5 15 42.5
termined by GPC. ABS G6 15 63
The sample preparation was as follows. The pow- ABS G7 25 29
ders were first dried at 150C under vacuum for one ABS G8 25 42.5
hour. They were then compression molded at 200C ABS G9 25 63

Marie-PierreBertin, Gkrard Marin, and Jean-PierreMontfort

ples (the graft has the same S/AN ratio than the temperature is 106C.The viscoelastic moduli G' and
matrix), in order to get a constant polybutadiene G ( w ) measured at 150, 170, 190, and 210C were
content of 15%. The SAN degree of grafting ( D G ) superimposed into a master curve at 170Caccording
defined by to the time-temperature superposition principle. The
weight of grafted SAN coefficients Cp and C: and f o , determined with the
W.L.F. (14) equation (Eq 1) are given in Table 5.
DG = weight of PB
varies from 29 to 80%, for two particle sizes, 200 and
420 nm, and for bimodal ABS (ABS containing two
different sizes of particles). The degree of grafting is
determined by measuring the weight of PB and the
weight of SAN grafted. The weight of PB is measured
prior to the reaction with the styrene/acrylonitrile
monomers. The weight of SAN grafted is determined
by substracting the initial weight of PB from the SAN
grafted PB. The SAN grafted PB is weighed after the To = 170C
following operations: it is put into acetone for 16 h at The viscoelastic behavior of the SAN matrix was char-
room temperature to extract the non-grafted SAN acterized. The effects of molecular weight and AN
(free SAN) from the grafted layer. The acetone is evap content on the viscoelastic functions are respectively
orated under vacuum at 60C for 12 h. Then, the shown in Figs. 1a and b and 2a and b. Slopes of 2
powder of SAN grafted polybutadiene is dried in a n and 1 respectively observed for log G' us. log w and
oven at 60T, and weighed. l o g G us. logo were found. This modulus depen-
ABS B to I in Table 3 are made of a blend of the dence on frequency is usual for homopolymers: linear
same SAN grafted polybutadiene a s the one used for for G and squared for G'. SAN 6 is a n exception,
ABS 1-4with various SAN samples (the S/AN ratio of probably due to its high polydispersity index (3.1).
the grafted and of the matrix are possibly different). which broadens and shifts the terminal zone to lower
The PB content is 15%.the particle size 200 nm, and frequencies. Furthermore, a n increase in molecular
the degree of grafting vanes from 29 to 63%.ABS G 1 weight shifts the terminal region to lower frequencies,
to G9 in Table 4 , are made of blends of the same SAN which means that the viscosity is increasing with
grafted PB as for ABS 1-4 and ABS B-I with the molecular weight (Fig. I ) . The low frequency zone
matrix SAN 2, in order to get a PB ratio of 5, 15, and behavior is not influenced by variations in the S/AN
25%. The particle size is 200 nm and the degree of ratio of the materials, though a n increase in the AN
grafting varies from 29 to 63%. To summarize the content from 25 to 35% slightly increases the plateau
table presentation: Table 1 presents the SAN samples modulus value. The AN variation from 25 to 35% is
which allows the determination of the SAN viscoelas not broad enough to allow conclusions concerning its
tic behavior: Table 2 corresponds to ABS with various influence upon the viscoelastic behavior of the SAN.
degrees of grafting for two different sizes of particles Thus SAN behaves like a homopolymer with a nar-
and for bimodal ABS; Table 3 presents ABS samples row molecular weight distribution, explained by its
with different matrix: ABS samples in Table 4 have statistical copolymer structure (at this S/AN ratio
their degrees of grafting varying for three different range) (15).
rubber contents.
Viscoelastic Behavior of the ABS
The ABS polymer is a two-phase material and each
The viscoelastic measurements were performed phase has a distinct glass transition: the SAN phase,
with a n Instron 3250 rotary Rheometer, in a parallel with a glass transition temperature of 106"C,and the
plates geometry in dynamic mode. The plate radius is PB phase, with a glass transition temperature of
1 cm. The shear and loss moduli were measured in - 84C.In the temperature range of this study (150to
the frequency range from 10 to 100 Hz and in the

210C).ABS master curves and SAN master curves

temperature range from 150 to 210C. In order to are superimposed (when SAN molar mass is the
limit aging effects of the ABS, the plates and the same), except in the terminal zone of the relaxation
sample were placed in a n oven under nitrogen gas
and therefore the ABS viscoelastic modulus did not
vary during the course of the experiments. A linear Table 5. Effect of the ABS Characteristic Parameters
on C:, Cg, and f,.
viscoelastic response to a 5% strain amplitude was
observed in the whole frequency range. Sample T%("C) c: (2 f0

SAN 22.8 7.4 147 0.06

RESULTS ABS 1-11 60 5.4 110 0.08
Viscoelastic Behavior of the SAN Matrix ABS G1-G3 52 5.9 118 0.075
ABS G4-G6 60 5.4 110 0.08
The SAN material is a statistical copolymer in this ABD G7-G9 65 5.1 105 0.085
S / A N ratio range. The value of the glass transition ABS B-I 65 5.1 105 0.085

ViscoelasticProperties of Al3S Polymers

1 log G ' ( w 1 f l o g G'Cwl

SANl AN-30%
SAN4 AN=25%
* SANJ AN-35%

-3 -2 -1 I 2 3 log I w x a , )

(b) (b)
Fg. l a and b. Master curves of SAN samples at 170C. Fig. 2a and b. Master curves of SAN samples at 170C.
Efects of the molecular weight. All units related to G' and G" Effects of the S/AN composition.
are Pa.
ondary elastic plateau appears: G' is higher than G ,
therefore the ABS exhibits a more elastic than vis-
spectrum ( R g s . 3 to 6). This observation suggests cous behavior. This solid-like behavior at low frequen-
that the SAN behavior predominates over the ABS cies, which usually appears for heterogeneous sys-
behavior except at low frequencies where another tems, is not yet completely explained and several
phenomenon appears. Therefore the AI3S behaves as theories have been presented (8, 16, 17). This will be
a homogeneous polymer at high frequencies and the discussed later.
time-temperature superposition principle can be a p The ABS viscoelastic behavior in the low frequency
plied in this region. The viscoelastic moduli measured region strongly depends on the degree of grafting of
at 150, 170, 190, and 210C were superimposed into the rubber particles. Aoki's (1 1) experiments on ABS
a master curve at 170C.The coefficients Cp and C i samples showed that when varying the degree of
and fo determined with the W.L.F. equation are re- grafting of the rubber particles, the viscoelastic func-
ported in Table 5 for all samples. tions exhibit a minimum at a degree of grafting that
The ABS values of Cp and Cg and fo are different he calls the Critical Degree of Grafting ( DGc). The aim
from those of the SAN matrix. The free volume frac- of this work is to better describe and understand this
tion increases with polybutadiene content, in agree- Critical Degree of Grafting. Thus, several parameters
ment with Casale et al (10). The free volume fraction were varied and their effects upon DGc studied. G'
is also slightly increased when the matrix and graft and G" were measured at a given low frequency in
S/AN ratio are different (AI3S 1 to 11 compared with the terminal zone ( w . a, = 10 rad/s) and plotted us.

ABS B to I). Other parameters, like the degree of the degree of grafting for different situations.
grafting, molecular weight, percent AN of the matrix, In the following paragraphs, the minimum of G'
or particle size do not have any effect on the free and G is observed for the same degree of grafting,
volume (i.e. temperature dependence). but the modulus variations are higher for G' than for
The most peculiar ABS viscoelastic behavior is G . Thus, only the curves obtained from G' are pre-
located in the lower frequency region where a sec- sented.

Marie-Pierre Bertin, Gkrard Marin, and Jean-Pierre Montfort

I log G ' f w l

I log G'iwi

D = 2 0 0 nm

AS S 2
+ ABS3

21 I I I I I I I I )
-3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 log f W XOJ

6 - J


D= 200nm
+ ABS3

log l w x a l J
2 & -3 -2 -I 0 2 3 log fW XOJ

(b) (b)
Fg. 3a and b. Master curves of ABS samples at 170C. Fig. 4a and b. Master curves of ABS samples at 170C.
Effects of the degree of grafting for D = 200 nm. Effects of the degree of graftingfor bimodal ABS.

curve log G' us. the DG show similar shape for M w =

Particle size influence
., 76,500 and for Mw = 93,900 (Fig.9). However, more
values are necessary to determine the DGc, and thus
The particle size influence on the Critical Degree of no conclusion can be drawn concerning the molecu-
Grafting (DGc) was studied on ABS 1-7 samples lar weight effect on the DGc. A modulus decrease
(Table 2). The elastic modulus, measured at 0'a, = between the curves corresponding to Mw = 93,900
lop2 rad/s for the two different particle sizes, D = and M w = 76,500 is observed and attributed to the
200 and 420 nm, is reported a s a function of the effect of the matrix molecular weight on the viscoelas
degree of grafting (Fig. 7). The DGc was measured at tic behavior of the ABS.
the minimum of G' and found to be: Composition Influence: the curve log G' us. DG for
- D = 20P nm DGc = 40 to 45% 75/25 S/AN matrix composition exhibits a minimum
- D = 420 nm DGc = 20%, assuming that the vis- at about 40% degree of grafting (Fig. 1 0 ) but other
coelastic moduli behave the same for 420 and values are necessary to allow the DGc determination
200 nm particle size, and thus shifting the curve for the 70/30 and 65/35. However, the DGc is equiv-
along the X-axis. alent for ABS 1-4 with a 70/30 matrix composition
(Fig.7) and for ABS D-F with a 75/25 matrix compe
Aoki (1 1) found DGc E 45% for ABS with 170 nm sition; therefore the S/AN ratio 75/25 and 70/30
rubber particle size, which is consistent with our has no influence on the DGc.
value. The modulus variations observed when the matrix
S/AN ratio differs from that of the graft (65/35 com-
Matrix characteristics influence
pared to 70/30) have not been explained. Masuda (9)
Storage moduli measured at w . a t = rad/s are showed that a small deviation between the matrix
plotted us. the degree of grafting for samples with and the grafted composition results in a large in-
different matrix molecular weights (Fig. 9 ) and com- crease of G', which is observed for the 75/25 curve
positions (Fig. 10). Molecular Weight Influence: the compared to the 70/30 one.

ViscoelasticProperties of ABS Polymers

loq G ' I W I !log G'IW)

6 -


5 % PB 4-
* 29% GI
43% G 2
63% G3 3-

-3 -2 -1 0 2 3 log i w x a , ) -3 -2 -1 0 2 3 log (WXO,)

(a) (a)

I log G"1w) log G " l w )

5% PB 2 5 % PB
8 29% GI
43% G2
63% G 3
29% G 7
43% G 8
63% G 9

2 I I I I I 1 1 I c 1 I I I I I --
-3 -2 -I 0 ' 2 3 log ( W X O , ) -3 -2 -I 0 I 2 3 log I W X O J

(b) (b)
Fg. 5a and b. Master curves of ABS samples at 170C. Fg. 6a and b. Master curves of ABS samples at 170C.
Effects of the degree of grafting at 5% PB. Eflects of the degree of grafting at 25% PB.

Polybutadiene content injluence Morphology

The polybutadiene content varies from 5, 15 to 25% The vlscoelastic properties of the ABS are strongly
for ABS G1 to G9 (Table 4). G' and G" at 0 -at= affected by the degree of grafting, which might have
rad/s were plotted us. the degree of grafting (Figs. an effect on the grafted particle morphology. The mor-
1 l a and b). At the low polybutadiene content of 5%, phology of the samples was therefore investigated.
the ABS behaves as the unmodified SAN matrix. At The internal structure of the ABS was studied by
15 and 25% rubber content, the DGc is v',sible and transmission electron microscopy. The polybutadiene
its value is independent of rubber content. particles were first stained with osmium tetraoxide
(OsO,) in order to a) harden the particles and b)
Bimodal ABS
enhance the contrast between the PB and SAN
Bimodal ABS contains two different sizes of rubber phases. Samples of both undergrafted (below DGc)
particles. They are commonly used for their good and overgrafted (above DGc) ABS. were studied, both
impact properties. The bimodal ABS materials inves- in the initial state and after shearing for 2 h at 210"C,
tigated in this study, ABS 9- 1 1, described in Table 2, w = 10 rad/s. The sheared samples were quenched in
are made of a 50/50 weight blend of 200 and 420 nm liquid nitrogen in order to examine the particle mor-
diameter particles. Their storage modulus, measured phology during the experiments.
at w . a , = rad/s, is plotted us. the average de- In the initial state (Photos 2 and 3 ) . there is a
gree of grafting in Fig. 8 and exhibit a minimum at slight difference in morphology between undergrafted
45% degree of grafting. This value is equivalent to the particles and overgrafted particles. The particle dis-
DGc of the monomodal ABS with 200 nm particles. persion in the SAN matrix is slightly less homoge-
Furthermore, below DGc, the bimodal AI3S behavior neous in the case of the undergrafted particles and
in the low frequency region is dominated by the some contacts between them are observable. At low
smallest particle size. graft density, the PB particles might not be suffi-

- -

wa,=10-2rad/s w a,=10-2rad/s
To=170'C I T,=170'C I

T G (7.)
Ftg. 7a and b. Particle sue effect on the DGc.

r W"

w a , = IO-'rod/s w o,=IO-'rad/r
T o = 170'C
I To = 170'C 1
50 I 50 I
T G (Y.) TG ( X I
(a) (b)
Fg.8a and b. DGc f o r bimodal ABS.


M,. 93900

"-1 / M,-76500

w a , = IO-'rad/s
T o = 170'C
I w a , = IO-'rod/s
I 0 50 I
T G (7.)

Fig. 9a and b. Molecular weight effect on the DGc.

ciently covered and tend to agglomerate. The rubber formed while the overgrafted particles (Photo 5) still
is not compatible with the matrix and the rubber retain their spherical shape. TEM photos of the same
particles attract each other. sheared ABS, non-quenched, do not show any defor-
Photos 4 and 5 correspond to sheared samples. The mation of the rubber particles which have the same
undergrafted particles (Photo 4) are strongly de- morphology as in the initial state. Therefore the parti-

Viscoelastic Properties of ABS Polymers
41 1



b 65/35
-0 3 '

w a,= IO-'rod/s

1 1
To= 170'C
TG (Ye) TG ( X )
(a) (b)
Rs. 1 Oa and b. Compositioneffect on the DGc.

w a , = lo-' rad/s
T o = 17O'C To=170'C

b b

u 25%

21 I
II 20
* I
* 5%

0 50 100 50 I
TG (Ye) TG (%I
(a) (b)
1 1.a and b. Polybutadiene content effect on the DGc.

cle deformation during shearing experiments does tively. The particles dispersion is better for ABS hav-
not correspond to an equilibrium state. The deforma- ing DG = 43%than for ABS having DG = 29%. due to
tion related to the rigidity of the rubber particle and the attraction forces between the undergrafted parti-
to its surface tension, both change with the degree of cles. Furthermore, the small, undergrafted particles
grafting. Above DGc, the particle surface might be shown in Photo 6 do not get deformed during shear-
well-covered with SAN and when the material is sub- ing, contrary to the undergrafted small particles of
jected to shear, the graft SAN, entangled with the the monomodal sample of Photo 4. The presence of
matrix, does not move and therefore the rubber parti- the large well-grafted rubber particles prevents the
cles, to which the other end of the graft chains are deformation of the small undergrafted particles (the
attached, cannot move either and do not deform. large particles possibly provide more rigidity to
Photos of samples at the DGc show the same mor- the matrix which avoids the smaller particles defor-
phology as those above DGc. Thus the particle stabil- mation).
ity under shear depends on the degree of grafting.
The rubber particles which would not be sufficiently DISCUSSION
covered get deformed and tend to agglomerate. The Critical Degree of Grafting
less the particles are grafted, the worse the disper-
The effect of various parameters on the critical
sion. When the particles are well-grafted, they are
degree of grafting can be summarized as follows:
more stable and are better dispersed.
The internal morphology of bimodal ABS samples, 0 DGc decreases when the rubber particle size in-
bimodal ABS with DG = 29% (undergrafted small creases:
particles and overgrafted large particles) and bimodal 0 DGc is independent of the polybutadiene content;
ABS with DG = 43% (small and large particles at and DGc is unchanged when the matrix AN ratio varies
above DGc) can be seen in Photos 6 and 7, respec- from 25 to 30%.

Marie-PierreBertin, Gkrard Marin, and Jean-PierreMontfort

Photo 2 :ABS 1 - GD = 29% Photo 3 : ABS 3 - GD = 63%

Photo 3. ABS 3 - DG = 63%- initial state.

matrix are expelled from the SAN graft layer. This is

(x40000) the brush conformation.
Photo 2. Al3S 1 ~ DG = 29% - initial state. At v,, each grafted chain occupies the volume of a
sphere with a radius equivalent to the value of two
radii of gyration. Thus, assuming a core-shell struc-
The dependence of the DGc with particle size is ex- ture of the rubber particle surrounded by the graft
plained by a lower surface area for larger particles, SAN, the thickness of the graft layer around the
which therefore requires less grafting on a weight particle might be equivalent to the value of two radii
basis. The degree of grafting can be related to the of gyration. The average value of this thickness can
density of graft points at the surface of the rubber be determined, assuming the shell only is composed
particle. Therefore the critical degree of grafting corre- of the graft chains. Taking into account the penetra-
sponds to a critical density of graft points, 0,. A tion of the free SAN chains within the SAN graft layer
correlation with the theory of De Gennes (18) about would provide the real value of the thickness, but an
conformation of polymers attached to a surface can estimation is enough.
help u s to understand the dependence of the vis- The layer thickness T of the shell can be calculated
coelastic behavior of the polymer with the degree of from the radius R and the number n of grafted
grafting ( HLJ. 12). particles in the considered volume in the following
when the density of graft points is below uC,each
graft chain occupies a half-sphere which do not volume (grafted sphere) - volume (sphere)
overlap each other. This is the mushroom confor- = volume (grafted)
when the density of graft points is at u,,each graft volume (grafted) = volume (PB) . -. DG
chain occupies a sphere with a radius equivalent to PSAN
the radius of gyration.
when the density of graft points is above uc,the
graft chains are stretched and the chains of the

Viscoelastic Properties of ABS Polymers

Photo 4 : ABS 1 - GD = 29% Photo 5 : ABS3 - GD = 63%

Photo 5. ABS 3 - DG = 63% - sheared Cfor 2 h at 21 0C
w = 10 rad/s).

Photo 4. ABS 1 - DG = 2970- sheared ($or 2 h at 210C. gyration. The radius of gyration ( 1 9) in a melt can be
w = I 0 rad/s). defined a s ( E q 3).
R,= b.-
6 (3)
R, = 10 nm
b , monomer length = 0.35 nm
T = R. [( +
1 DG. -
ppB I l l 3 -

The values of the thickness T, of the grafted layer mo , monomeric molecular weight = 90 g
calculated for the ABS for which the grafting degree
is critical (at uJ,are reported in Table 6. The data of Then, the radius of gyration and the critical thick-
densities are pPR= 0.97 g/cm3; pps = 1.06 g/cm3; ness have similar values. Thus, the assumptions con-
pAN = 1.17 g/cm3. The SAN density is calculated ac- cerning the SAN grafted conformation at the rubber
cording to the S/AN ratio. The main result is that the surface might be correct and can be summarized as:
critical thickness does not vary with any of the con-
sidered characteristics (particle size, matrix molecu- 0 when the degree of grafting is below the DGc, the
lar weight, S/AN composition, polybutadiene con- mushroom conformation is observed, and the
tent), although the grafts are supposed to be the particle surface is not well-covered.
same in all of our ABS materials. Therefore a direct 0 when degree of grafting is at DGc, the thickness of
correlation exists between DG and the grafts confor- the graft layer is equivalent to the value of two
mation. radius of gyration, the particles are just well-
Let us now calculate the value of the radius of covered.


Mane-Pierre Bertin, Gerard Marin, and Jean-Pierre Montfort

Photo 6 : ABS 9 - GD = 29% Photo 7 : ABS 10 : - GD =42.5%

Photo 7. ABS 10- DG= 42.5% - sheared Vor 2 h at 210C.
w = I 0 rad/s).

(x 20 000)
Photo 6. ABS 9 - DG = 29% - sheared Uor 2 h at 210C. times is also a possible origin. The experimental re-
w = 10 rad/s).
sults presented here show that there may be several
causes for the formation of the secondary plateau:
Two different cases need to be considered:
when the degree of grafting is above the DGc, the
chains may stretch and exhibit the brush confor- 1) Case 1: the degree of grafting is equal to or greater
mation. The particles are well-covered and the than DGc
thickness of the graft layer might increase with the
degree of grafting. In this case the rubber particles are well-covered and
well-dispersed. The grafted molecules have the brush
Therefore, the correlation between the degree of graft- conformation and the thickness of the grafted layer
ing and the chains conformation a t the surface ex- increases with the degree of grafting. The elastic mod-
plains the strong dependence of the ABS viscoelastic ulus G is minimum at DGc, and above DGc, G
properties. Furthermore, the degree of grafting has increases with the degree of grafting.
an effect on the grafted morphology, thus affecting The level of the secondary plateau depends on the
the viscoelastic properties even further. The following volume fraction of dispersed phase (grafted PB) and
section describes a possible explanation of the ABS on the grafted layer thickness, i.e., the length of the
viscoelastic properties at low frequencies. grafted chains. The dependence on the volume frac-
tion of the dispersed phase can be explained by the
Secondary Plateau
formation of a pseudo-network, in which the nodules
The secondary plateau appearance is not yet totally are the rubber particles. The second effect, the length
explained. I t has been attibuted to the existence of of the grafted chains, can be explained by the brush
long relaxation times, of which several origins can be conformation of the graft at the sphere surface.
considered. Palieme (16) attributes the secondary Milner (20)showed that a n increase in length of the
plateau to the particle shape relaxation. The exis- grafted molecules does increase the elastic compe
tence of a network structure creating long relaxation nent.

Viscoelastic Properties of ABS Polymers

the creation of long relaxation times due to correlated

motions of the particles, and would explain the sec-
ondary plateau appearance.
When the degree of grafting decreases, the disper-
sion deteriorates even further and the bridging be-
comes more important, with both the agglomeration
and bridging phenomena contributing to the sec-
ondary plateau.
The particle deformation observed when under-
grafted can explain the non-superposition of the G
curves. In fact the particle deformation implies a n
increase of G (20-26).A temperature increase would
result in more particle deformation, thus increasing
the elastic modulus. According to Taylor (27).the
particle deformation can increase or decrease with
temperature, depending on the viscosity ratio and on
the surface tension, but experiments always show
a n increase in the particle deformation with tem-
perature, even when the theory proposes the
opposite result. The assumption of a particle defor-
mation increase with temperature can explain the
non-application of the time-temperature superposi-
tion principle at high temperatures. The good applica-
tion of the time-temperature superposition principle
for bimodal ABS 9, having small undergrafted parti-
cles, can be explained by the fact that these particles
Fig. 12. Grafted chain conformation at the particle surface, do not get deformed during shearing experiments
( a ) mushroom- the particle is ungrafted, ( b ) ( Photo 6).
mushroont- he particle is well-covered, (c) brush- the
particle is overgrafted. Figure 13 presents the elastic modulus (at w . a , =
lop2 rad/s) us. Qg (volume fraction of dispersed
phase) and summarizes the effects of the particle
Table 6. Dependence of the Critical Thickness Tc content and of the grafted layer on the secondary
With Particle Size, Matrix Molecular Weight, S/AN plateau formation at low frequencies. The more p r e
Ratio and PolybutadieneContent. nounced solidlike behavior is found when the rubber
content is the highest, and the degree of grafting the
The intensity of the secondary plateau of the ABS
200 42 11.2
was found to depend on the following parameters:
93,900 70130 15
420 20 11.7
- PB particle content;
200 87,100 75/25 15 42 11.2
graft length;
5 - -
200 93,900 70/30 15 42 11.2
25 42 11.2

2)Case 2:the degree of grafting is lower than DGc 25% +PB

The rubber particles are not sufficiently covered and
are not as well dispersed in the matrix. They also get
deformed during shearing. Here, the secondary
plateau increases when the degree of grafting de-
creases. Furthermore, the time-temperature superpe
sition principle is not obeyed at T = 210C and low
frequencies, for several samples, viz., ABS 1, ABS G4,
and ABS G7.
The particles are not sufficiently covered and there-
fore there may be a n area on the surface of the PB 2 1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
sphere that is devoid of grafted SAN, leading to ag-
glomeration and poor dispersion. A bridging phe- @g
nomenon may appear between the free PB and the Fig. 13. Particles and grafted chain effect on the elastic mod-
grafted SAN of another particle which would lead to ulus at low frequencies.

Marie-PierreBertin, Ghrard Marin, and Jean-PierreMontfort

particle dispersion; fo = Free volume fraction at glass transition

particle shape temperature.
m0 = Molecular weight per monomer unit.
The PB particle content, the bad dispersion, and the
deformation of the particles increase the value of the Mw = Weight average molecular weight.

second plateau. The grafted layer plays a more com- n = Number of grafted particles in the

plex role, via the AE3S morphology. considered volume.

N = Monomers per chain.
CONCLUSION R = Particle radius.
= Radius of gyration.
The degree of grafting of the rubber particles affects R,
T = Layer thickness.
the viscoelastic behavior of ABS in the low frequency
region, where the phenomenon of the secondary Tc = Critical layer thickness.
T, = Vogel temperature.
plateau appears. A critical degree of grafting, for which
TO = Reference temperature.
the secondary plateau intensity is at a minimum, was
= Coefficients of thermal dilatation.
related to a critical thickness, Tc, of the grafted layer, clr
w = Circular frequency.
independent of particle diameter, polybutadiene con-
P = Volume density.
tent, and of acrylonitrile content of the matrix. Tc is
= Critical density of graft points.
related to the radius of gyration R,, thus depending c
on the graft length. REFERENCES
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