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Science and Soothsaying

1.Foretelling the future is almost always wrong maybe because no one born in the future.
Predicting the accurate tragic event within 10-20 years from now is next to impossible. There
are many factors we will considered in foretelling the future, and of the difficult to be
considered is the the human behavior and their activities which is changing time to time. No
one can predict what we are thinking every minute in our life. Everyone have different interest
and advocacy which can affects the economy and the environment and it can lead to distraction
to humanity and in our environment. If this is the case we should be prepared for the
consequences we did to our Mother earth. And as part of our preparation we will used modern
mathematical model/modelling that can minimize the damage or distraction of calamities we
may face in the future. When the Calamities strikes us in the future those knowledgeable and
well-prepared will have more chance to save themselves. Using Mathematical model/modelling
is the best preparation for calamities that would minimize the damage in the future.

2. Forecast based on model should treated as high priority in any nations around the world. It
can be for our future protection in the oncoming calamities which can cause distraction and
death in our nation. Government in every country should give attention to this very important
matter not only to save the present generation and also the future generation.
3.Forecast based on model should treated as high priority in any nations around the world. It
can be for our future protection in the oncoming calamities which can cause distraction and
death in our nation. Government in every country should give attention to this very important
matter not only to save the present generation and also the future generation.
4. Utilizing the forecast for Political and ideological purposes to influence public behavior is not
wrong. It is one way of communicating every person to accept changes in our climate and in our
environment. And it is our privilege to educate ourselves in the current event happened in our
atmosphere or in the climate change that would possible happen in the future. Utilizing the
forecast can help us to research more , to be a rational thinker , to formulate new ideas or
invention, for the sustainable development of individual and to the society. It is important to
influence public behavior in utilizing the forecast for political and ideological purposes if the
safety and interest of majority of the people not by the few the corrupt individual will be
implemented and benefited

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