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Few prospects get butterflies fluttering in your stomach like a job interview.

though it seems to sit down and discuss yourself with a hiring manager, its something
99 percent of people have gone through. But dont worry! With a bit of practice (and a
few no-fail phrases up your sleeve), youll stroll into your job interview looking as cool
as an ice cream on a summers day.

To help you prepare weve put together some handy phrases covering what youll
typically discuss at a job interview: your personality, strengths, experience and why you
want the job, of course.

Describing your personality

As they sit down with candidates, the interviewer (your potential boss) is looking to find
out if the interviewee (you) will or wont fit in well with their existing team. So nows
the time to show them who you are and why youre a great person to work with. Here
are some adjectives to use:

Easy-going: a relaxed person who is easy to get along with

Hard-working: someone who works well and isnt lazy
Committed: a person who is loyal to a project or person
Trustworthy: someone who you can rely on
Honest: someone who tells the truth
Focused: someone who is not easily distracted
Methodical: a person who pays attention to details and works in a logical way
Proactive: someone who takes steps to complete tasks without supervision

You can say: Im (easy-going), or Im a/an easy-going person/employee/worker.

If youd like to add punch, use an intensifier like very, extremely, really. (Im very
trustworthy, Im an extremely focused employee.)

Describing your strengths

Your interviewer will also want to know what youre good at. Why? Because the job
youre applying for requires certain skills so nows the time to explain what you can
do well!

Some positive traits and skills managers look for include:

The ability to multitask
Perform to a deadline
Solve problems
Communicate well
Work in an international environment and with people from all over the world
Speak foreign languages
You can use phrases like:Im good at/Im skilled at multitasking/working under
pressure/working to a deadline, or My strength is/are my ability to problem solve/be
enthusiastic/speak fluent English etc.

Describing your experience

If youve had a job before you have valuable experience to bring to this new position.
Depending on the sort of job youre applying for, your education might also be
important to highlight. Here are some phrases to use:

I have five years experience as a waitress/in retail/as a teacher

I worked in retail for seven years and was promoted to manager in my second
I studied at the University of Queensland
I worked for Anderson and Assoc. as a lawyer

Be prepared to run through and explain the main points in your CV. Use the opportunity
to elaborate on whats on your CV and give more details.

Describing your goals for the future and why you want this job

Heres your moment to tell the interviewer why you want the advertised position.
Maybe you want to gain experience in your field, learn a particular skill, believe you are
a great fit for the company or particularly respect them in their industry. These phrases
can help:

Im looking to further my skills as a barista/in hospitality, as a childcare

worker/in early childhood education
Im want to further my career in physiotherapy/as a physiotherapist, in
administration/as an administrator, in retail/as a branch manager
I believe your company is an important player in its industry
I feel my skills set is a perfect fit for your team and I can contribute by

Its very important to emphasize the last point your interviewer will want to be
convinced that you really want the role. Dont overdo it, of course, but do make sure
you make this point clear.

This exercise is designed to teach you some of the common words, terms, and
expressions used during a job interview. Hopefully it will help you get the job that you
always wanted :)

(Choose the best response for each one)

1. When did you start your current ____________________ ( = job)?


2. I left my last job because I felt that they didn't recognize my


3. I've always been a team ____________________. ( = I've always worked well with
other people)

4. I believe I'm a good ____________________ for this position.


5. Tell me a little about your ____________________ job ( = your last job).


6. I developed good communication skills ____________________ as a customer

service representative.
while working
when working
by working

7. What does "rep" stand for?


8. You shouldn't discuss salary until the interviewer ____________________ ( = starts

talking about it).
brings up
brings it on
brings it up

9. An interviewer might ask you what your "salary ____________________" are. This
is the formal way of asking how much money you require.

10. Many companies want to hire someone who can ____________________ well.
take pressure/stress
handle pressure/stress
get pressure/stress

1. What does Brad think you should do with your resume/cv?:

Send it to a headhunter
Memorize it
Tape it to a wall

2. Where should you keep all of your employer research material?

On your desk
Within easy reach of your phone
In a folder

3. Brad suggests that during a phone interview you should have a __________________
sign on your door.
no disturbing
disturb me not
do not disturb

4. During a job interview, a (turned-on) TV would be a:


5. How should you warm up your voice before an interview?

By screaming
By talking or singing aloud
By calling your friend

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