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The Law Of Manifestation, The Law of Attraction

By Alison Stormwolf
What we in our hearts and minds believe or long for, becomes manifest in our rea
lity. The Law of Attraction states that we draw to ourselves vibrationally anyth
ing that we focus on.... or "like attracts like". So, we manifest into our real
ity that which we focus upon!
Manifestation is where dreams become real. It is our magic key to the kingdom of
achieving our dreams. We can choose to learn how to become conscious creators.
There is a law operating in the universe that is SO amazing in its potential tha
t we could be surprised to discover we are using it every day without even reali
sing it (although often in the wrong way, which is called creating unconsciously
Here's how we manifest...
Knowledge Is Power!
This has been kept hidden for so long by the edicts of religion. Religion teache
s a separate God - Him and 'us'. We are taught that we are separate, and that w
e have no power, and no right to knowledge of that power, except through the 'in
termediaries' of the 'priests'. It is religion that has 'kept us in our place' a
ll these years. To give the people knowlege is to give the people power. To giv
e the people power is to risk rebellion in the ranks of the 'sleeping'!
BUT... The Divine Source calls for all of us to awaken from our slumber of ignor
ant belief of 'separateness'. Separateness is an ILLUSION that we humans have b
een taught - separateness from the plants and animals and stars and planets - an
d yes, even separate from God! But we are NOT separate. We are ALL ONE! This
is the knowledge that has been kept from us. Why? To keep us from knowing our
True Power! What is our True Power? That we are God Made Manifest!
But, when we awaken to our true power, where the HELL would that lead?
NO! Where the HEAVEN will that lead?
"Cherish your visions. Cherish your ideals.
Cherish the music that stirs in your heart, the beauty that forms in your mind,
the loveliness that drapes your purest thoughts,
for out of them will grow all delightful conditions,
all heavenly environment - of these, if you but remain true to them,
your world will at last be built."
~ James Allen - 19th century English writer ~
How Do We Manifest?
We need to know that we manifest all the time. We are constantly creating and s
haping the world around us by our thoughts and beliefs.
"The universe supports the reality of your beliefs absolutely.
When you believe you must struggle for abundance,
then it will bring about situations that are conducive to struggle;
when you believe you cannot experience love without pain,
the universe will give you exactly that - love with pain;
when you believe it takes time for an illness to heal - then so it will.
There is not a single force opposing you, there is only ONE force supporting you
It is called LOVE, the force that birthed you, that created you in its own image
This love is so magnanimous it will give you exactly and absolutely whatever it
is that your reality entails.
Change your beliefs and you change your reality."
~ Author Unknown ~
We are not just sitting ducks at the mercy of fate (this is creating unconscious
ly)! We are Manifesters of Dreams. We are Creators of our own Realities. We are
POWERFUL Spiritual Beings! Co-Creators with God! Each of us is a spark of the
Divine, so really we can say that WE ARE GOD MADE MANIFEST! We have a choice on
what we manifest... If we want to create consciously, what we need to do is deci
de what we want, visualise, energise with positive thought, believe, then LET GO
and let it materialise!
Thought vs. Consciousness
We are NOT our brains. Our brains are composed of meat, like the rest of us, and
our brains will rot along with the rest of our body when we die. Our brains ar
e an organ in of our bodies, that allows us to interpret the material world we l
ive in with our five senses. Sometimes our brains malfunction. They are after
all, simply (or maybe not so simply) computers, capable of being programmed.
So, if we are not our brains, then whence come our thoughts? We have a consciou
sness. Our consciousness 'was' before we were born and 'will continue to be' on
ce we have departed. Our consciousness is our Soul's areness of its own existen
ce. But because we think with our brains, we are fooled into believing that our
brains are the origin of our thoughts. Not So! Our soul is the origin of our
Mind (consciousness), with the brain being the tool.
Our subconscious mind is the part of us that creates our realities for us accord
ing to our beliefs. It does not distinguish between what it is 'told' is true a
nd real, and what 'is' true and real. It just does as it is bid. So if you say
(with belief) "I am slim" for instance, that is what is your subconscious believ
es and will manifest for you.
First of All, Be Careful What You Wish For - INTENTION Is All !!
As I say, thoughts are very powerful. What we refer to as 'intention' is the ene
rgy or 'power' behind the thought. It is that which decides what the correspondi
ng reaction (or outcome) of our thought will be. The result, or effect, of what
you manifest through your intent is experienced as Karma. Karma is cause and ef
fect (as you sow, so you shall reap). What you 'intend' with your thoughts, is
what you will experience back in your life, one way or another!
"Thoughts are Boomerangs,
choose wisely which ones you throw!"
~ Author Unknown ~

Ok, Where To Start?

Life is a skill we can learn.
To manifest your dreams, you simply create in your mind a blueprint... a 'perfec
t picture' of all that you desire. Hold nothing back! The universe wants to give
you over and above what you think you want or deserve.
- Visualise what you want, using as many of your senses as possible.
- Feel it, smell it, see it, touch it, feel the emotions attached to it (the joy
and happiness of achieving it)!
- Make it like a multi-dimesnsional reality for you as you relax somewhere.
Do NOT say things like "I wish", "I hope" or "I want"! In your visualizations, m
ake it in the PRESENT TENSE - eg: "I AM........." or "I HAVE......." An example
would be "I have loving people in my life", rather than "I want someone to love
me". And then imagine how it FEELS to have that. So, coupled along with visual
ization of what you want to manifest, is the Feeling associated with it, and ima
gine it as though it has already happened, which is most important.
The author Louise Hay is a visionary, and her book "You Can Heal Your Life" brok
e new ground at the time it was released, and is still today transforming the li
ves of millions. She came through major hurdles in her younger years to become t
he blazing spirit she is now. She ranks very highly as a courageous writer who e
ncouraged us to embrace self empowerment and accept responsibility for ourselves
Jesus said, "When you pray, pray as though you have already received it, and you
shall surely have it". So, imagine it as if it is already arrived in your worl
d! There is simply NO PLACE FOR DOUBT! Remember that doubt will only create situ
ations and people around you who confirm that Doubt.
The Art Of Manifestation
"The 'Art' of Manifestation is really not based on talent and skill,
but the simple recognition of the most fundamental universal law.
The Universe supplies exactly and absolutely what you perceive your reality to b
that is to say, what you believe in.
If your appeal is "I want ...", then it gives you precisely that, more of WANT,
and not WHAT you want,
for your reality is that you WANT.
Rather, state the most powerful words in existence: "I AM...",
and then add what you perceive yourself to be and KNOW that it already IS.
Do not hope or wish for - simply know that it already IS and give thanks.
The immediacy of the intended manifestation
is in direct proportion to the FEELING with which you charge your thoughts and w
As you still believe in time, it may take a little time to translate into the ph
but it MUST manifest. "
~ Author Unknown ~
The power operating behind the scenes is Divine Energy. As already stated in oth
er places, what we think and believe becomes real. What we put our minds to in t
he etheric regions of thought, becomes manifest in what we perceive as our reali
Just as in the Old Testament's Ten Commandments, man was given basic laws to liv
e by, in order to keep us safe from undesired karmic repercussions (although it
does not state that there, I know) so there are fundamental Universal Laws that
lead to personal empowerment.
See The Power Of Thought Made Manifest
To anyone who doubts the ancient mysteries, have a look at the photos below by M
asaru Emoto, who demonstrates the actions of thought energy (whether spoken, tho
ught silently or written and pasted on a bottle of pure spring water).
Water crystal images from Fujiwara Dam
Before offering a prayer After offering a prayer
Can you now see with your own eyes the damage done to your body cells (mostly wa
ter) by the holding on to negative thoughts like bitterness, revenge, hatred, ma
lice, etc.
Compare the indescibable beauty of the ctrystalisation of thoughts of a high vib
rational frequency (on the left) with the image on the right:
Water exposed to the words
"love and appreciation"
Water exposed to the words "you make me sick. I will kill you!" typed on a paper
pasted on the bottle
Do you see now the damage that we do? Do you see now the way that cancer can fin
d a good way to manifest in our bodies? The influence that thoughts of a lower v
ibration are "real".
Let your thoughts always take into account our Message From Water above. As we b
elieve... so we become.
Oh Great Spirit
let the cells in my body reflect the love bestowed on me.
Let the patterns of my cells be always ones of beauty to your eyes.
For I wander here and there, like a blind person
When my eyes are gifted with your exquisite joy
I fall prostrate before you in my revereance
And my soul knows it has a home.
© Alison Storm Wolf
â Only by much searching and mining are gold and diamonds obtained,
and man can find every truth connected with his being
if he will dig deep into the mine of his soul.â
~ James Allen ~
Gratitude : Giving Thanks
Look once again at the amazing demonstration of the power of thought on 'matter'
(water) above. Look, accept, believe.... give thanks for the amazing power of l
ove which motivates and permeates our being. How can you cease to believe in the
glory of manifestation?
No two snow flakes out of the trillions that have fallen to earth, each perfecte
d by love, are alike. So too, YOU are an individual manifestation of the Divine.
.. blessed by his universal laws that say that we are all connected. You are tha
t beautiful pattern in water. You are that unique snowflake out of millions... Y
OU are special... and very much loved.
Look up at the night sky. See the cosmos, see the bigger picture. Feel the surge
of power and thanksgiving rise up in your soul! You can never be disconnected t
o Source who made you.
Look around and within yourself. See who you are and where you want to be. Lie b
ack and enter sacred space in relaxation. See that which you desire as already m
anifested in your life. Have NO DOUBTS it is on its way.
GIVE THANKS for Divine Intervention and Grace and await the changing of your lif
"The greatest achievement was at first and for a time a dream.
The oak sleeps in the acorn; the bird waits in the egg;
and in the highest vision of the soul a waking angel stirs.
Dreams are the seedlings of realities.â
~ James Allen - 19th century English writer ~
The Archer
I take out my arrow
Of unfinished dreams and desires
And place it firmly in the bow
Of my determination
Aim it at the starlit sky,
Such amazing power
Behind the actionâ ¦
Totally pure intention
And, as my prayers
Ascend the night sky.. transverse
Mother Moon in silhouette
The planets call out in unison
â She knows her path!â
We will assist our sisterâ
I can close my eyes
And in that deep place
Where day has cast aside my worries
Can rest assured and protected,
The universe is on my side
What now can scare me?
© Alison Storm Wolf
Artwork © Malcom McClinton
Fantasy Fine Art Gallery
Behold a new dawn.
A new life,
A new set of seemingly impossible realities manifesting in your life now.
Give thanks and await more.

Alison Stormwolf

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