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House (42 Words)

bath tub

dining room

living room

orbits An asteroid is a combination of rocks and iron that is too small to form a planet. There
are many asteroids that orbit the sun between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars.
A comet is a small body of gas and ice orbiting around the solar system. We can see the tail of
the comet because it is the sun heating and melting the ice. The most famous comet is Halley's
Comet which is visible from Earth every 75-76 years. The last time it appears was in 1986 and
will next appear in 2061.

A star is made up of clouds of gas and dust. Many people love to go outside at night and count
the stars, but there are so many that it is impossible for one person to count them all.
A constellation is a group of bright stars that form shapes or 'pictures' in the sky. The Southern
Cross is a constellation in the Southern hemisphere that points towards the South Pole. The Big
Dipper is a constellation in the Northern hemisphere that is in the shape of a ladle or a large
The sun is the star in the middle of our solar system. The eight planets in our solar system all
orbit around the sun. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury and then comes Venus. The
planet that we live on is called Earth. It is the third closest planet to the sun in our solar
system. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun. It is a small red planet, named after the roman
god of war. Jupiter is the largest of all the planets in the solar system. The next planet
is Saturn which has thin rings around it. Uranus and Neptune are the next two planets after
Saturn. Pluto used to be considered a planet, but now is called a dwarf planet because it is so
small. Its orbit is further away from the sun than any of the other planets.
A solar eclipse is when the moon's orbit comes between the earth and the sun and it looks like
the sun is blacked out. We can only see the edge of the sun around the moon. A lunar eclipse is
when the earth prevents sunlight from reaching the moon.
Because the moon orbits the Earth and the Earth orbits the sun we can only see parts of
the moon at a time. This cycle happens every month. A new moon is when we can not see any
of it. This shows the beginning of the cycle. Half way through the month we can see the full
moon. A full moon makes the sky bright at night because it reflects the light of the sun.

The galaxy we live in is called the Milky Way. It is made up of billions of stars.
A telescope is an instrument which has reflective lenses that allows us to see the objects in the
sky closer and clearer. It magnifies objects that normally cannot be seen unaided.
Some telescopes are very powerful and can be used to see thousands of light years away.
There are many large powerful telescopes in the north of Chile.
An astronaut is a person who leaves Earth and goes into space. Many of them work in the
international space station and do scientific experiments. Astronauts need to wear space
suits because it is very cold in space and they do not have oxygen to breath.
A spacecraft is any type of vehicle used for travelling in space. There are many different types of
spacecrafts. A space shuttle is a spacecraft used for repeated use in between earth and a
space station and contains astronauts.
A rocket is the type of plane that astronauts used to use to fly into space. Now they are used to
leave satellites in orbit around the Earth. It has a special cylindrical shape so that it can go very
fast for a long distance.
A space probe is a type of space craft that does not have a person inside. Space probes can
be sent to far away distances for long periods of time to gather information about different areas
in space.
A lunar module is a small craft used for travelling between the moon and the larger space craft
orbiting the moon. When the first men walked on the moon they came out of the lunar module.
The first man to walk on the moon said "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
Many people have said that they have seen unidentified flying objects, or UFOs but it is
unclear what these objects are and who or what is inside of them. Some people believe they
contain aliens.

I have a headache an ache or pain in the head. The word ache means pain, so we
can say we have toothache, backache, stomacache see how easy?
I have a broken wrist (or ankle, etc) separated into parts or pieces by being hit,
damaged, etc.
I have a sprained wrist (or ankle, etc) to injure (a joint) by twisting it in a sudden and
painful way. A joint is a point where two bones meet in the body.
I have a twisted wrist (or ankle, etc) to hurt (your ankle, knee, wrist, etc.) by turning it
too far.
I have a flu a common disease that is caused by a virus and that causes fever,
weakness, body aches, and breathing problems.
I have a cold a common illness that affects the nose, throat, and eyes and that usually
causes coughing, sneezing, etc.
I have a runny nose having a thin flow of liquid flowing out. This is what we say when
we have mucous coming out of our noses.
I have a fever this means you have a high temperature.
I have a sore throat -the throat is the tube inside the neck that leads to the stomach and
lungs and when it feels sore, it is feeling or affected by pain.
I feel sick. Im feeling nauseous feeling like you are about to vomit.
I have a bruise a dark and painful area on your skin that is caused by an injury.
I have a cut to make a hole or wound in (a persons skin).
I have a graze an injury on your skin that is caused because it moves against
I have a wound an injury that is caused when a knife, bullet, etc., cuts or breaks the
What should you take?
If you have been to the doctor and they have recommended some medicine, it might be:

Eye drops drops are liquid medicine that is measured in drops and put into your eyes,
ears, or nose.
Cream a very thick liquid or soft substance that is rubbed into the skin to make it softer
or is used as a medicine for the skin.
Syringe a device made of a hollow tube and a needle that is used to force fluids into
or take fluids out of the body.
Bandage a covering (such as a strip of cloth) that protects or supports part of the body
that has been hurt.
Dose (of medicine) the amount of a medicine, drug, or vitamin that is taken at one
Drugs a substance that is used as a medicine.
Shot (or injection) the act or process of forcing a liquid medicine or drug into someone
or something by using a special needle.
Medicine a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is
usually in the form of a pill or a liquid.
Pain-killer a drug that decreases or removes pain that you feel in your body.
Pill a small, rounded object that you swallow and that contains medicine, vitamins, etc.
Plaster a piece of material that is put on the skin over a small wound.
Tablet a small usually round piece of medicine.
Tranquilizer a drug that causes a person or animal to become very relaxed and calm.
What type of appointment do you need?
When you call the doctors office you can ask for

Check-up an examination of a person made by a doctor to make sure the person is

Diagnosis the act of identifying a disease, illness, or problem by examining someone
or something.
Operation a process in which a doctor cuts into someones body in order to repair or
remove a damaged or diseased part.
Surgery medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into someones body in order to
repair or remove damaged or diseased parts.
Prescription a written message from a doctor that officially tells someone to use a
medicine, therapy, etc.
Well, that was a lot of vocabulary! We hope you are very healthy!

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