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MST Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Maryam

Grade Level: 6

Unit/Lesson: Science

Date: November 13th, 2017 (Lesson Observation #6)

Competency Area A B C D F

Professionalism and understanding

Planning and learning X

Planning activities and lesson aims

Implementing and managing Learning X

Language and delivery

Classroom management X

Communication skills X

Monitoring and Assessment X

Critical Reflection X
Professionalism and understanding

Lesson plan was sent in advance and Maryam was well prepared for the lesson.
She had a PowerPoint and printouts cut and ready for the activities.

Planning and learning : Planning activities and lesson aims

Maryam prepared a science lesson that was tied to the UOI. She had the
children make paper helicopters and test to see if they could make it fly longer.
She used several different variables (various paper sizes and textures and
different weights).

Implementing and managing Learning Language and delivery

The children were engaged and loving the activity. Maryam did a great job
facilitating the lesson to ensure that each student was learning to their full
potential. She took on board all the advice I had given her and implemented it
into the delivery of the lesson.

Classroom management: Maryam did a great job managing the class and has
improved dramatically since the beginning of the term. She has good teacher
presence now and the children stop and listen when shes speaking. She has
learned to maneuver around the class to ensure that each child gets her
Communication skills

Maryam has learned different techniques to get the childrens attention

without having to raise her voice. Excellent job here. You are to be
commended on your delivery.

Monitoring and Assessment

Maryam walked around and checked in on students as they were working on

their activities. Maryam was asking inquiry based questions to get the children
thinking and she grouped the children based on ability groups to show
differentiation. Well done.

Critical Reflection:

This was Maryams best lesson to date and it goes to show that she has really
listened to the advice of her mentor from HCT as well as myself to try and be
the best teacher she can be. Im proud of your efforts and achievements.

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