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Education 114

6th Grade Math
E.B. Stanley Middle School

I began my observations at E.B. Stanley Middle School in 6th grade math on

September 9th 2016. I had wonderful experience learning from my mentor teacher and
her students. This was my very first time ever sitting in on a classroom and learning
from it. I have substituted several times prior to taking education classes at Emory &
Henry. However, the experiences that I had during my observations were very different
and rewarding. During my time in 6th grade, the students were learning how to convert,
add, subtract, and multiply fractions. Mathematics was my least favorite subject in
school. With that being said, I went home and brushed up on my math skills while
observing this class. During this time I relearned fraction computation.

Before the teacher's instruction, she always made sure to hold the students
attention and keep them focused on her. After getting their attention she introduced
what they would be doing with fractions. Before she taught the lesson, she allowed time
for the students to reflect on what they already knew. She would activate their prior
knowledge beforehand. The teacher assigned a problem on the board and monitored
the students as they developed their answers. After the students had time to discuss
their answers, she allowed them to share their student invented strategies on how they
came up with the answer. The teacher allowed the students to share their invented
strategies before introducing the standard algorithm. This is vital in mathematic
instruction because students learn how to do mathematics different ways. During
instruction, the teacher provided a lot of guided practice for the students. I observed the
more practice the students had, the deeper understanding they developed. After guided
practice instruction, the teacher followed the lesson up with independent practice.
Depending on the strength of the class, the teacher would decide rather or not
homework was needed for more independent practice.

I observed that the teacher remained on her feet at all times. I never saw her
sitting behind her desk during class. She walked around and monitored the students
working during their independent work. The math class was an inclusive class,
therefore, algebra readiness tutors floated in and out of the classroom to assist
students. It was helpful to have another person assist students in their learning.

I have learned a lot from my mathematics 311 class at E&H and from observing a
6th grade mathematics class. Throughout this experience, I observed strategies that I
have been learning about in class. Learning about them and visually seeing them
implemented in the classroom gave me validation that they work. Because of my
observations, education 114, and education 311 I have been equipped with the
knowledge to pass my praxis I math.

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