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GEES Samborondon, April 11, 2017 Volunteer Certificate at Centro de Equinoterapia Integral Thereby certify that Jordan Logan with passport number QG202761 of Canadian nationality, was part of our ‘group of exchange students from Spring 2015 at Universidad Espiritu Santo. Below you will find the description of work and schedule for Mr. Logan at his service site during the Spring, ‘Semester (lanuary to April 2015) Deseription: This agency promotes the social inclusion and offers rehabilitation of people with special abilities. They work with people, especially children, with psychological and intellectual disorders such as autism, Down ‘Syndrome, ete, Patients receive equine therapy, early intervention, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech therapy, psychological therapy, dance therapy, music therapy, hydrotherapy and equine therapy. ‘To do this, the agency has a team of therapists who have been trained by renowned national and international experts in this field. The horses are properly trained to perform the equestrian therapies that help patients ‘improve their balance, motor coordination and regulate muscle tone. Profle of Intern: In most general terms, an intem must have a desire to work with children or adolescents, at least a basic level of Spanish, enthusiasm and patience. Students of education, computer stience, sport, language, music or art are particularly sought, however students with an interest and experience in these areas ‘can also work here. The internship calls for someone with initiative. Description of Work: Assisting therapist with education or provision of basic health care, with provision of workshops (dancing, sports, etc.) and information campaigns for parents, depending on inter’s skill set. Students will working with resident physical therapists. ‘Hours: Usual hours Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 to 11:30am. hittou/! For further information, plkease do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Anlirea Losada Visquez Director UEES International Affairs Office Universidad Expirita Santo - UEES Re ees eee ee Mee eee eee ce Oe a

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