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EDFD 308/460/461

Annotated Bibliography for the Digital Ethnography

Jacob Schlaefer

(J. Danneker, Personal A. Chair of the Winona State Special Education Department. B. She has been a role model for
Communication, 2015- me and someone that is very well read in our field of study. She believes very strongly in
2017) the fact that every human being is valuable and can rise to great personal achievements.
C. All learners are capable of being successful in their own right they just need someone to
believe in them. No matter the disability the person matters, and the person should be put
before their disability. Every Learner is different so be sure to understand you must
approach your relationship with every student differently.

Understand the Learners strengths as well as any triggers specific to an individual with autism
Utilize inclusion whenever possible so that general education students see the assists of
learners with exceptionalities.
Be aware of constant changes in the students behavior and daily routine.
(M. Sinning, Personal A. Advisor and Special Education Professor at Winona State University. B. She specializes in
Communication, 2017) laws and procedures in special education field and has personal experience teaching in many
different locations. C. There is legislation in place to help individuals with special needs so that they
can be advocated for. Every student needs someone advocating for them regardless of special needs
or not. Students deserve equal and proper due process and educators must follow a strict code of

Know the legislation In place within your state and area of teaching
Figure out a way to connect with your students on a personal level
Be ethical with your choices and understand the educational institution you are performing
(Dumais, S. (2002). Cultural A. Peer reviewed journal from the sociology of education journal. B. It comes from the J-
Capital, Gender, and School store which is always credible and is relevant from 2002. C. Female students repeat
Success: The Role of grades less than males and they attain higher graduation rates. Male students have a
Habitus. Sociology of lower interest in cultural activities counter to females. Education disparities in the United
Education, 75(1), 44-68. States are slowly diapering which is now allowing for equal educational opportunities for
doi:10.2307/3090253) men and women

(Chalfant, L., Rose, K., & A. Peer reviewed journal from the science teacher journal. B. Found on the Winona State
Whalon, K. (2017). University Library search credentials. C. Students visual process in generally considered
Supporting Students with some strength for learners with autism spectrum disorder. Visual supports can include
Autism. Science Teacher, pictures or words. Examples are graphic organizers and diagrams
84(4), pp. 36-41)
For students with ASD (autism spectrum disorder) capitalize on their strengths: (1) priming, (2)
peer supports, (3) schedules, and (4) visual supports (Chalfant, L., Rose, K., & Whalon, K. 2017).
Priming involves preparing the student for a lesson prior to instruction in a relaxed context
(Koegel et al. 2003)
Peer supports should be students interested in working with the learner with ASD and who
demonstrate effective social communication skills (Chalfant, L., Rose, K., & Whalon, K. 2017).
Many learners with ASD benefit from written schedules that list steps needed to complete an
activity (Knight Sartini, and Spriggs 2015).

(Wysocki, N. (2015) A. Located under course materials and provides a look into ways for investigating students Funds of
Activities to Investigate Knowledge. B. Content helps show how these students can all possess individual strengths and
Funds of Knowledge) assets. C. Create a graphic organizer of the occupations held by the respondents, their parents,
grandparents, family members, guardians, and/or community members. Discuss the kinds of social
networks that the respondents family and community members identify as important to help them
deal with changing or challenging circumstances. This document helped me to find out many assets
and strengths of my learners in the AVID program.

Identify respondents within specific clinical settings

Engage in ongoing communication and respectful interaction with them
Consult research analyzing the respondents culture, Important Societal Factors, and academic
Create a developmental profile of specific respondents (See EFRT 400/401 assignments) through
ethnographic practices

(Sadker, M. & Sadker, D. A. The information is directly from a published book and under course materials for EDFD 461.
(2002). The miseducation B. The information helps to discuss the education of boys how individuals can be overlook
of boys. In S. M. Bailey and what is expected of boys. C. When their needs are not met boys may go from responding
(Ed.), The Jossey-Bass to answers and calling out the correct answers to acting out in class to combat that lack of
reader on gender in attention that they crave. Boys arrive at school as the entitled gender, but even though they
education (pp. 182-203). are at an advantage not every individual will be an alpha and others will slip through the
San Francisco: Jossey- cracks to the bottom and be neglected. Expectations on boys to be a "man" this entailing not
Bass) showing emotion, being aggressive, and not to show any weakness.
Understand that boys are still being pushed to conform to old stereotypes
Find a way to help the boys that fall through the cracks of the educational system
Understand the male tendency to be alpha

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