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Political Research Quarterly

Improving Causal Inference: Strengths and Limitations of Natural Experiments

Thad Dunning
Political Research Quarterly 2008; 61; 282 originally published online Oct 3, 2007;
DOI: 10.1177/1065912907306470

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Political Research Quarterly
Volume 61 Number 2
June 2008 282-293
Improving Causal Inference 2008 University of Utah
hosted at
Strengths and Limitations of Natural Experiments

Thad Dunning
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut

Social scientists increasingly exploit natural experiments in their research. This article surveys recent applications in
political science, with the goal of illustrating the inferential advantages provided by this research design. When treat-
ment assignment is less than as if random, studies may be something less than natural experiments, and familiar
threats to valid causal inference in observational settings can arise. The author proposes a continuum of plausibility
for natural experiments, defined by the extent to which treatment assignment is plausibly as if random, and locates
several leading studies along this continuum.

Keywords: natural experiment; as if random; exogenous variation; continuum of plausibility; matching

If I had any desire to lead a life of indolent ease, response of experimental subjects to a treatment (or a
I would wish to be an identical twin, separated series of treatments) is compared to the response of other
at birth from my brother and raised in a differ- subjects to a control regime, often defined as the
ent social class. We could hire ourselves out to absence of a treatment. Second, the assignment of
a host of social scientists and practically name subjects to treatment and control groups is done at ran-
our fee. For we would be exceedingly rare rep- dom. Third, the application or manipulation of the treat-
resentatives of the only really adequate natural ment is under the control of the experimental researcher.
experiment for separating genetic from environ- Each of these traits plays a critical role in the experi-
mental effects in humansgenetically identical mental model of causal inference. For example, in a
individuals raised in disparate environments. medical trial of a new drug, the fact that subjects in the
treatment group take the drug, while those in the control
Stephen Jay Gould (1996, 264) group do not, allows for a comparison of health out-
comes across the two groups. Random assignment
ensures that any difference in average outcomes between
1. Introduction the two groups is not due to confounders, or factors other
than the treatment that vary across the two groups and
Social scientists are increasingly exploiting natural that may explain differences in health outcomes. Finally,
experiments in their research. A recent search on nat- experimental manipulation of the treatment establishes
ural experiment using Google Scholar (scholar evidence for a causal relationship between the treatment turned up more than 1 million hits; the and the health outcomes.1
results appearing on the first dozen pages suggest that Unlike true experiments, the data used in natural
economics and epidemiology are the leading fields to experiments come from naturally occurring phenomena
use the term, but political science is also well repre- actually, in the social sciences, from phenomena that
sented. An impressive volume of unpublished, forth- are often the product of social and political forces.
coming, and recently published studies in political Because the manipulation of treatment variables is not
science suggests the growing influence of the natural
experimental approach. Table 1 provides a nonexhaus-
tive list of several recent studies. Authors Note: I am grateful to Jake Bowers, Henry Brady, Bear
Braumoeller, David Collier, David Freedman, Alan Gerber, Don
As the name suggests, natural experiments take their
Green, Susan Hyde, Ken Scheve, Jason Seawright, and three
inspiration from the experimental approach. A random- reviewers for their comments and suggestions. An earlier version
ized controlled experiment (Freedman, Pisani, and of this article was presented at the annual meetings of the American
Purves 1997, 4-8) has three hallmarks. First, the Political Science Association, August 31September 3, 2005.

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Table 1
Recent Natural Experiments in Political Science
Study Substantive Focus Source of Alleged Natural Experiment

Ansolabehere, Snyder, The personal vote and incumbency Electoral redistricting

and Stewart (2000) advantage
Brady and McNulty (2004) Voter turnout Precinct consolidation in California
gubernatorial recall election
Cox, Rosenbluth, and Thies (2000) Incentives of Japanese politicians Cross-sectional and temporal variation
to joint factions in institutional rules in two houses
of Japanese parliament
Doherty, Green, and Gerber (2005) Effect of affluence on political attitudes Random assignment of level of lottery
winnings to lottery winners
Glazer and Robbins (1985) Congressional responsiveness to constituencies Electoral redistricting
Grofman, Brunell, and Koetzle (1998) Midterm losses in the House and Senate Party control of White House in previous
Grofman, Griffin, and Berry (1995) Congressional responsiveness to constituencies House members who move to the Senate
Hyde (2006) The effects of international election monitoring As if random assignment of election
on electoral fraud monitors to polling stations in Armenia
Krasno and Green (2005) Effect of televised presidential campaign Geographic spillover of campaign ads in states
ads on voter turnout with competitive elections to some but not
all areas of neighboring states
Miguel (2004) Nation building and public goods provision Political border between Kenya and Tanzania
Miguel, Satyanath, and Economic growth and civil conflict Shocks to economic performance caused by
Sergenti (2004) weather
Posner (2004) Political salience of cultural cleavages Political border between Zambia and Malawi
Stasavage (2003) Bureaucratic delegation, transparency, Variation in central banking institutions
and accountability

Note: This nonexhaustive list includes published and unpublished studies in political science that either lay explicit claim to having
exploited a natural experiment or that in my view adopt core elements of the approach. The published studies are largely those that
turned up in searches of JSTOR and other electronic sources, while unpublished and forthcoming studies were either previously known
to me or were pointed out to me by other scholars.

generally under the control of the analyst, natural exper- and quantitative techniques, the detailed case-based
iments are, in fact, observational studies. However, knowledge often associated with qualitative research
unlike other nonexperimental approaches, a researcher is crucial both to recognizing the existence of a nat-
exploiting a natural experiment can make a credible ural experiment and to gathering the kinds of evi-
claim that the assignment of the nonexperimental dence that make the assertion of as if random
subjects to treatment and control conditions is as if ran- assignment compelling. For these reasons, a detailed
dom. Outcomes are compared across treatment and con- examination of the logic of natural experiments and a
trol groups, and both a priori reasoning and empirical discussion of concrete applications should be of
evidence are used to validate the assertion of randomiza- interest to a variety of scholars. The goal of this arti-
tion. Thus, random or as if random of assignment to cle is therefore to survey the use of natural experi-
treatment and control conditions constitutes the defining ments, particularly in political science, with an eye
feature of a natural experiment. both to describing their powerful inferential logic and
Natural experiments can sometimes provide social also to delineating the sorts of issues over which nat-
scientists with an important means of improving the ural experiments may offer less leverage. After intro-
validity of their empirical inferences. As the examples ducing and discussing several examples below, I
discussed below will illustrate, natural experiments can make several general points about this increasingly
be useful to political scientists investigating a wide common research design.
range of topics; and although their use is becoming
more common, many more natural experiments than
we now realize may be available to researchers. In addi- 2. Natural Experiments: The Role of
tion, natural experiments often take place at the inter- As If Randomization
section of quantitative and qualitative methods (Brady
and Collier 2004). While the analysis of natural exper- A first example comes from a domain far from the
iments is sometimes facilitated by the use of statistical concerns of contemporary political science, but it
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284 Political Research Quarterly

nicely illuminates core features of a successful natural other (measurable) variables that might explain
experiment. Nineteenth-century London suffered a cholera deaths.
number of devastating cholera outbreaks. John Snow, an Snow presented various sorts of evidence to estab-
anesthesiologist who first became interested in the lish this pretreatment equivalence between the
causes of cholera transmission around 1848 (Richardson groups. His own words may be most eloquent:
1887/1936, xxxiv), conducted justifiably famous studies
of the disease (Freedman 1991, 1999, 2005). At the time The mixing of the (water) supply is of the most
of Snows research, a variety of theories existed to intimate kind. The pipes of each Company go
explain choleras transmission, including the theory of down all the streets, and into nearly all the courts
bad air (miasma). Snows experience as a clinician and and alleys. A few houses are supplied by one
his studies of the pathology of cholera deaths during Company and a few by the other, according to the
previous epidemics, however, suggested that cholera decision of the owner or occupier at that time
might instead be an infectious disease carried through when the Water Companies were in active com-
the water. petition. In many cases a single house has a sup-
Although various causal process observations ply different from that on either side. Each
(Collier, Brady, and Seawright 2004) supplied crucial company supplies both rich and poor, both large
support for the plausibility of Snows hypothesis, his houses and small; there is no difference either in
strongest piece of evidence came from a natural the condition or occupation of the persons receiv-
experiment which he exploited during the epidemic ing the water of the different Companies. . . . It is
of 1853 to 1854. Large areas of London were served obvious that no experiment could have been
by two water companies, the Lambeth company and devised which would more thoroughly test the
the Southwark and Vauxhall company. In 1852, the effect of water supply on the progress of cholera
Lambeth company moved its intake pipe further than this. (Snow 1855, 74-75)
upstream on the Thames, thereby obtaining a supply
of water quite free from the sewage of London, Particularly important for Snow was the fact that
while the Southwark and Vauxhall company left its residents did not appear to self-select into their
intake pipe in place (Snow 1855, 68). source of water supply in ways that might be associ-
This move of the Lambeth water pipe provided Snow ated with the propensity to contract cholera. Absentee
with his natural experiment. He obtained records on landlords often took the decision regarding which of
cholera deaths throughout London and also gathered the competing water companies would be chosen for
information on the company that had provided water to a particular address; moreover, the decision of the
the house of each deceased as well as the total number of Lambeth company to move its intake pipe upstream
houses served by each company in each district of the on the Thames was taken before the cholera outbreak
city. Snow then compiled a simple cross-tab showing the of 1853 to 1854, and existing scientific knowledge
cholera death rate in households during the epidemic of did not clearly link water source to cholera risk. As
1853 to 1854, by source of water supply. Among houses Snow put it, the move of the Lambeth companys
served by Southwark and Vauxhall, the death rate from water pipe meant that more than three hundred thou-
cholera was 315 per 10,000; among those served by sand people of all ages and social strata were
Lambeth, it was a mere 37 (Snow 1855, Table IX, 86;
see Freedman 2005).2 This dramatic difference between divided into two groups without their choice,
the two groups of houses suggested a large treatment and, in most cases, without their knowledge
effectand compelling evidence for the impact of [italics added]; one group being supplied with
water supply source on deaths from cholera. water containing the sewage of London, and,
Why did the move of the Lambeth water pipe con- amongst it, whatever might have come from the
stitute the basis of a credible natural experiment? In a cholera patients, the other group having water
natural experiment, assignment to treatment and con- quite free from such impurity. (Snow 1855, 75)
trol conditionshere, the water supply sourcemust
be as if random. This implies that the water supply Snows investigation of cholera transmission pro-
source is independent of observable and unobserv- vides several useful lessons about the elements of a
able factors that might influence cholera death rates, convincing natural experiment (Freedman 1991,
and people do not move in response to treatment. At 1999). Snow went to great lengths to gather evidence
least as a necessary if not sufficient condition, the treat- and to use a priori reasoning to argue that only the
ment and control groups are balanced with respect to water supply distinguished houses in the treatment
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group from those in the control group and, thus, the winners to those of the general public (especially, those
impressive difference in death rates from cholera was who do not play the lottery) is clearly a nonexperimen-
due to the effect of the water supply. Of course, to the tal comparison, since people self-select as lottery play-
extent that the as if random assignment fails, Snows ers, and those who choose to play lotteries may be quite
study would be less useful as a way of making valid different from those who do not, in ways that may mat-
inferences about the sources of cholera transmission; ter for political attitudes. However, levels of lottery win-
yet the strength of the evidence (and subsequent med- nings are randomly assigned.4 Thus, abstracting from
ical research) bear out Snows conclusions. sample nonresponse and other issues that might threaten
It is also worth noting that while the natural experi- the internal validity of their inferences, Doherty, Green,
ment may have been the coup de grace in a painstaking and Gerber could obtain a clean estimate of the rela-
investigation into the causes of cholera transmission, tionship between levels of lottery winnings and political
Snows use of this natural experiment was comple- attitudes.5
mented and indeed motivated by the other evidence that The example may demonstrate the power of nat-
he had compiled. This body of evidence grew from ural experiments to rule out alternative interpretations
Snows detailed knowledge of the progress of previous of the findingsin the case of Doherty, Green, and
cholera outbreaks in England, his ability to cull infor- Gerbers (2006) study, the finding that lottery win-
mation from a variety of sources, and especially his nings affect attitudes toward the estate tax and per-
willingness to do on-the-ground process tracing and haps some more narrow redistributive issues but not
close-range exploration of seemingly disconfirming broader political and social attitudes. This is because
cases.3 This kind of close-range research also gave him unmeasured factors that might affect political atti-
the information he needed to discover and exploit his tudes should be statistically independent of the level
natural experiment, while his sense of good research of lottery winnings: just as in a true experiment, ran-
design led him to recognize the inferential power of the domization takes care of the confounders.6 It is use-
natural-experimental approach. Snow used quantitative ful to note that in this class of natural experiment,
techniques such as two-by-two tables and cross-tabs unlike Snows, researchers do not need to depend on
that today may seem old-fashioned, but as Freedman a priori reasoning or empirical evidence to defend the
(1999, 5) put it, It is the design of the study and the assumption of as if random assignment of subjects
magnitude of the effect that compel conviction, not the to treatment and control conditions: they simply
elaboration of technique. exploit the true randomization afforded by the lottery.
To readers in some fields, the idea of taking advan-
tage of a true randomizing device to study the social
Social-Scientific Examples
world may seem far-fetched. How often will interest-
Snows study of cholera provides an early example ing substantive problems yield themselves to the kind
of a natural experiment and underscores core ele- of actual randomization that Doherty, Green, and
ments of a successful application of this research Gerber (2006) could exploit? In fact, a number of
design. Other phenomena can also provide the basis studies in economics and political science have been
for credible natural experiments, howeverand may able to make interesting use of various kinds of ran-
provide insight into substantive questions of greater dom mechanisms with known probability distribu-
concern to social scientists. tions. Researchers have exploited prize lotteries to
In one important class of natural experiments, study the effects of income on health (Lindahl 2002),
researchers can take advantage of an actual random- happiness (Brickman, Janoff-Bulman, and Coates
izing device with a known probability distribution 1978; Gardner and Oswald 2001), and consumer
that assigns subjects to the treatment and control con- behavior (Imbens, Rubin, and Sacerdote 2001). The
ditions. The most frequent example may be natural military draft lottery has also been used to study the
experiments that exploit prize lotteries. In a recent effects of military service on lifetime earnings
paper, for example, Doherty, Green, and Gerber (Angrist 1990). Nonetheless, many interventions that
(2006) were interested in assessing the relationship constitute the basis of credible natural experiments in
between income and political attitudes. They sur- the social sciences involve treatments that are as if
veyed 342 people who had won a lottery in an randomly assigned, rather than treatments assigned
Eastern state between 1983 and 2000 and asked a through an actual randomizing device.
variety of questions about estate taxes, government Brady and McNulty (2004), for example, were inter-
redistribution, and social and economic policies more ested in examining how the cost of voting affects
generally. Comparing the political attitudes of lottery turnout. Positive turnout in elections seems to contradict
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286 Political Research Quarterly

some rational choice theories of voting (see Green and communities, firms, or other units of analysis. Generally,
Shapiro 1994); however, turnout is less than the size of because these units of analysis are separated by the
the electorate in virtually every election virtually every- political or jurisdictional boundary, a policy shift (or
where, so the costs of voting may well matter. In intervention) that affects groups on one side of the
Californias special gubernatorial recall election of border may not apply to groups the other side. In broad-
2003, in which Arnold Schwarzeneggar became gover- est terms, those that receive the policy intervention can
nor, the elections supervisor in Los Angeles County be thought of as having received a treatment, while
consolidated the number of district voting precincts those on the other side of the border are the controls. A
from 5,231 (in the 2002 regular gubernatorial election) key question is then whether treatment assignment is as
to 1,885. For some voters, the physical distance from if random, that is, independent of other factors that
residence to polling place was changed, relative to the might explain differences in average outcomes across
2002 election; for others, it remained the same.7 Those treatment and control groups.
voters whose distance to the voting booth changed For example, Krasno and Green (2005) exploited
and who therefore presumably had higher costs of vot- the geographic spillover of campaign ads in states
ing, relative to the 2002 electionconstituted the with competitive elections to some but not all areas of
treatment group, while the control group voted at the neighboring states to study the effects of televised
same polling place in both elections. campaign ads on voter turnout. Miguel (2004) used
The consolidation of polling places in the 2003 elec- jurisdictional borders to study the effects of nation
tion arguably provides a natural experiment for studying building on public goods provision in communities
how the costs of voting affect turnout. A well-defined in Kenya and Tanzania.8 A well-known example in
intervention, the closing of some polling places and not economics is the paper by Card and Krueger (1994),
others, allows for a comparison of average turnout across who studied similar fast-food restaurants on either
treatment and control groups. The key question, of side of the New JerseyPennsylvania border; con-
course, is whether assignment of voters to polling places trary to the postulates of basic theories of labor eco-
in the 2003 election was as if random with respect to nomics, Card and Krueger found that an increase in
other characteristics that affect their disposition to vote. the minimum wage in New Jersey did not increase,
In particular, did the county elections supervisor close and perhaps even decreased, unemployment.9
some polling places and not others in ways that were cor- In all such studies, a key question is whether the
related with potential turnout? assumption of as if random assignment is valid. In
Brady and McNulty (2004) raised the possibility the case of Card and Kruegers (1994) study, for
that the answer to this question is yes, and indeed example, do the owners of fast-food restaurants
they found some evidence for a small lack of pre- choose to locate on one or the other side of the bor-
treatment equivalence on observed covariates such der, in ways that may matter for the validity of infer-
as age across groups of voters who had their polling ences? Are legislators choosing minimum wage laws
place changed (i.e., the treatment group) and those in ways that are correlated with characteristics of the
that did not. Thus, the assumption of as if random units who will be exposed to this treatment? As Card
assignment may not completely stand up either to and Krueger noted, economic conditions deteriorated
Brady and McNultys careful data analysis or to a pri- between 1990, when New Jerseys minimum wage
ori reasoning (elections supervisors, after all, may try law was passed, and 1992, when it was to be imple-
to maximize turnout). Yet pretreatment differences mented; New Jersey legislators then passed a bill
between the treatment and control groups are small, revoking the minimum wage increase, which was
relative to the reduction in turnout associated with vetoed by the governor, allowing the wage increase to
increased voting costs. After careful consideration of take effect. The legislative move to revoke the wage
potential confounders, Brady and McNulty could increase suggests that the treatment is something less
convincingly argue that the costs of voting negatively than independent of the characteristics of units of
influenced turnout, and a natural experimental analysis or of local conditions, whichthough it
approach played a key role in their study. does not necessarily invalidate the conclusions of the
studydoes make the specific assertion of as if
random assignment less compelling.10
Jurisdictional Borders Another recent illustration comes from Posner
Another increasingly common class of natural experi- (2004), who studied the question of why cultural dif-
ments exploits the existence of political or jurisdictional ferences between the Chewa and Tumbuka ethnic
borders that separate similar populations of individuals, groups are politically salient in Malawi but not in
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Dunning / Improving Causal Inference 287

Zambia. Separated by an administrative boundary Rather, he suggested that in Zambia, Chewas and
originally drawn by Cecil Rhodess British South Tumbukus are politically mobilized as part of a coali-
African Company and later reinforced by British tion of easterners, since alone neither group has the
colonialism, the Chewas and the Tumbukas on the size to contribute a substantial support base in
Zambian side of the border are apparently identical to national elections, whereas in smaller Malawi (where
their counterparts in Malawi, in terms of allegedly each group makes up a much larger proportion of the
objective cultural differences such as language, population), Chewas are mobilized as Chewas and
appearance, and so on. However, Posner found very Tumbukus as Tumbukus (see also Posner 2005).11
different intergroup attitudes in the two countries. In Clearly, the hypothesized intervention here is on a
Malawi, where each group has been associated with large scalethe counterfactual would involve, say,
its own political party and voters rarely cross party changing the size of Zambia while holding constant
lines, Chewa and Tumbuka survey respondents report other factors that might affect the degree of animosity
an aversion to intergroup marriage, a disinclination to between Chewas and Tumbukus. This is not quite the
vote for a member of the other group for president, same as imagining changing the company from whom
and generally emphasize negative features of the one gets water in nineteenth-century London.12 In addi-
other group. In Zambia, on the other hand, Chewas tion, the as if random assignment provided by the nat-
and Tumbukas would much more readily vote for a ural experiment may do a relatively small portion of
member of the other group for president, are more the overall inferential work in this context; as noted
disposed to intergroup marriage, and tend to view above, the natural experiment itself does not help
each other as ethnic brethren and political allies answer the important question of what, exactly, is the
(Posner 2004, 531). treatment. However, Posners investigation of the
According to Posner (2004), long-standing differ- plausibility of the relevant counterfactuals provides
ences between Chewas and Tumbukas located on an example of shoe leather (that is, walking from
either side of the border cannot explain the very dif- house to house to find nuggets of evidence and rule
ferent intergroup relations in Malawi and in Zambia; out alternative explanations) in the tradition of John
a key claim is that like many African borders, the Snow (Freedman 1991). Sorting through the histori-
one that separates Zambia and Malawi was drawn cal and contemporary evidence allowed Posner to
purely for [colonial] administrative purposes, with no argue that the different electoral mobilization strate-
attention to the distribution of groups on the ground gies to which Chewas and Tumbukus are exposed on
(p. 530). Instead, the factors that make the cultural either side of the border is the key treatment variable.
cleavage between Chewas and Tumbukas politically Posners study constitutes a recent example of an
salient in Malawi but not in Zambia should presum- attempt to exploit a natural experiment as one part of
ably have something to do with exposure to a treat- a broad research program.
ment (broadly conceived) on one side of the border
but not on the other. Why, then, do interethnic atti-
Other Examples
tudes and the political salience of cultural cleavages
vary markedly on the two sides of the border? Posner Political or jurisdictional boundaries may provide
suggested that the answer has to do with the different perhaps the most popular and convenient basis for
sizes of these groups in each country, relative to the natural experiments. However, many other pheno-
size of the national polities (see also Posner 2005). The mena that are the product of social or political inter-
different relative sizes of the groups changes the dynam- ventions may present the possibility for this kind of
ics of electoral competition and makes Chewas and research design. For instance, social scientists have
Tumbukus political allies in populous Zambia but exploited such naturally occurring phenomena as the
adversaries in less populous Malawi. weather as a source of natural experiments: Miguel,
Yet to argue this, Posner (2004) had to confront a Satyanath, and Sergenti (2004), for instance, used
key question that, in fact, sometimes confronts ran- economic growth shocks stemming from bad weather
domized controlled experiments as well: what, to study the sources of civil conflict in Africa. Angrist
exactly, is the treatment? Or, put another way, which and Krueger (1991) used quarter of birth to study the
aspect of being in Zambia as opposed to Malawi economic returns to education, since quarter of birth
causes the difference in political and cultural atti- is associated with educational attainment through its
tudes? Posner provided evidence that helps rule out influence on the number of years that students are
the influence of electoral rules and the differential mandated to remain in school but is presumably unre-
impact of missionaries on each side of the border. lated to other causes of economic returns.
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288 Political Research Quarterly

Institutional rules that create sharp thresholds that larger and generally more heterogeneous jurisdic-
assign subjects to treatment and control groups may tions (i.e., states rather than House districts), will
also be used to argue for as if random assignment. modify their voting behavior in the direction of the
These regression-discontinuity designs are often dis- states median voter. Grofman, Griffin, and Berry
cussed under the rubric of quasi-experiments (see found that the voting records of new Senate members
below), yet the a priori plausibility that treatment are close to their own previous voting records in the
assignment is as if random and evidence of the pre- House, the mean voting record of House members of
treatment equivalence of treatment and control groups their party, and the voting record of the incumbent
can provide the basis for a credible natural experiment. senator from the new senators state. Among House
Angrist and Lavy (1999), for example, exploited a rule members who enter the Senate, there is thus little evi-
in contemporary Israel (known as Maimonides Rule, dence of movement towards the median voter in the
after the twelfth-century Rabbinic scholar) that man- new senators state.
dates that secondary schools have no more than forty Here, however, the treatment is the result of a
students per classroom. In a school in which many decision by representatives to switch from one cham-
classrooms are near this threshold, the addition of a few ber of Congress to another. In this context, the
students to the school through increases in grade enroll- inevitable inferential issues relating to self-selection
ment can cause a sharp reduction in class sizes, since seem to make it much more difficult to claim that
more classrooms must be created to accommodate the assignment of representatives to the Senate is as if
additional students. Students in classes that were just random. As the authors themselves noted, extremely
under the threshold can then be compared to students liberal Democratic candidates or extremely conserv-
in those just over the threshold; since the latter group ative Republican candidates, well suited to homoge-
are reassigned to classrooms with smaller numbers of neous congressional districts, should not be well
students, this natural experiment may be used to suited to face the less ideologically skewed statewide
study the effects of class size on educational achieve- electorate (Grofman, Griffin, and Berry 1995, 514).
ment. A key feature of the design is that students do Thus, characteristics of voters in states with open
not themselves self-select into smaller classrooms, Senate seats, and the characteristics of House
since the application of Maimonides Rule is trig- members who run for the Senate, may explain why
gered by increases in schoolwide grade enrollment. these House members choose to run for the Senate in
Finally, scholars of American politics appear to the first place. This sort of study therefore probably
fairly frequently exploit electoral redistricting and exploits something less than a natural experiment.
other mechanisms as a source of alleged natural
experiments. Ansolabehere, Snyder, and Stewart
(2000), for example, used electoral redistricting as a 3. A Continuum of Plausibility
natural experiment to study the influence of the per-
sonal vote on incumbency advantage.13 The postre- A central point to emerge from the discussion of spe-
districting vote for an incumbent, among voters who cific examples above is that the assertion of as if ran-
were in the incumbents district in a previous election dom assignment may be more compelling in some
(prior to redistricting), is compared to the vote among contexts than in others. One way to think about this
voters who were previously not in the district; this issue might be in terms of a continuum of plausibility
comparison is used to gauge the effect of the cultiva- that assignment to treatment and control is really as if
tion of the personal vote and to distinguish this effect random. In Figure 1, I array some of the studies dis-
from other sources of incumbency advantage. In cussed above along a continuum, going from less plau-
terms of the natural experimental design, a key asser- sible to more plausible as we move from left to right.
tion is that the voters who are brought into the incum- Several initial points should be made about this figure.
bents district through the electoral redistricting First, most observational studies are off the chart, way to
process are just like voters who were in the old dis- the left of the less plausible pole. The natural experi-
trict, except that the latter group received the treat- mental designs I have discussed above provide many of
ment (cultivation of the personal vote). the best examples I have found in political science, con-
Another example comes from Grofman, Griffin, ducted by some of the disciplines leading researchers.
and Berry (1995), who used roll-call data to study the The point of arraying some of these studies along a con-
voting behavior of congressional representatives who tinuum is simply to give some texture to the idea that the
move from the House to the Senate. The question plausibility of as if random assignment may vary in
here is whether new senators, who will represent different settings, yet the advantages of these studies
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Dunning / Improving Causal Inference 289

Figure 1 of interest, the claim of as if random assignment in

Plausibility That Assignment to the neighborhood of the threshold may be especially
Treatment Is As If Random plausible in regression-discontinuity designs.14
As the examples discussed above suggest, a range of
different kinds of interventions, from policy innova-
tions to jurisdictional borders, can provide the basis for
Grofman et
al. (1995)
Brady et
al. (2004)
Green, and natural experiments. Since similar interventions appear
Most Gerber (2004)
observational Randomized to provide the basis for the quasi-experiments dis-
studies experiments
cussed by Donald Campbell and colleagues (Campbell
Card et Posner Angrist
al. (1994) (2004) and Lavy
and Stanley 1963; Campbell and Ross 1970), it may be
(1999) useful here useful to distinguish natural experiments
from this latter research design. In popularizing the
term quasi-experiment, Campbell clearly had in mind
an approximation to the experimental template; in par-
over many observational studies should be borne in ticular, he was interested in comparing units of analysis
mind. Second, however, studies that are closer to the that had been exposed to a treatment with those that
less plausible pole probably exploit something closer had not. In many such designs, however, no claim is
to a standard observational study than a natural made that the assignment is as if random; it is often
experiment. Of course, such studies may well reach clear that nonrandom assignment to treatment is a key
valid and compelling conclusions; the point is merely component of a given quasi-experimental design (see
that in this context, researchers have to worry all the Achen 1986, 4).
more about the familiar problems of valid inference Consider, for instance, the famous interrupted
in observational studies of causal relations. The final time-series discussed by Campbell and Ross (1970).
point about this figure is that the way the studies are Here, the question is the extent to which a new speed-
arrayed is quite subjective. Other readers may reach ing law in Connecticut can be given causal credit for
different conclusions about how particular studies a subsequent reduction in traffic fatalities. Reflecting
should be arrayed on the continuum; the goal is the vicissitudes of the political process, Connecticuts
simply to provoke discussion and to introduce the traffic law was passed after a year of unusually high
idea of the continuum of plausibility. levels of traffic fatalities; as Campbell and Ross
How can researchers hope to move closer to the pointed out, some of the ex-post reduction in fatal
right side of the continuum in Figure 1that is, to accidents may simply reflect a regression effect,
find examples of treatment assignment that are more rather than the causal effect of the traffic law.15 In this
plausibly as if random? Awareness of successful and other examples, then, the nonrandom application
exemplars may help inspire analysts to find or of the treatment is precisely the issue. Indeed, the
develop parallel natural experiments in the context of inferential difficulties posed by nonrandom assign-
their own research endeavors, either by exploiting true ment helped to inspire Campbells checklists of
randomizing devices (like lotteries) or leveraging various threats to internal validity in quasi-experimental
kinds of as if random events (including weather events designs (e.g., Campbell and Stanley 1963).16
and some policy interventions). Special mention might In a natural experiment, by contrast, the claim of
also be made of the value of regression-discontinuity as if random assignment is supported both by the
designs, as in the Angrist and Lavy (1999) study. As dis- available empirical evidence (for example, by equiv-
cussed above, in such designs a treatment is applied to alence on measured nontreatment variables across
subjects located just above a cutoff threshold value of a treatment and control groups) and by a priori knowl-
covariate, while those just below the threshold receive edge and reasoning about the causal question and
a control; for example, admission to a university might substantive domain under investigation.17 It is impor-
be given to all individuals whose score on some tant to bear in mind, however, that even if a
roughly continuous variable, or whose composite score researcher demonstrates perfect empirical balance on
on a group of variables, exceeds some threshold, while observed characteristics of subjects across treatment
admission is denied those below the threshold (see, and control groups, the strong possibility that unob-
e.g., Campbell and Stanley 1963, 61-64; Rubin served differences across groups may account for dif-
1977). Because subjects very near to either side of the ferences in average outcomes is always omnipresent
key threshold should be similar, on average, with in observational settings. This is obviously the
respect to other factors that might influence outcomes Achilles heel of natural experiments as well as other
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290 Political Research Quarterly

forms of observational research, relative to random- In many of the examples discussed above, an as
ized controlled experiments. The problem is worsened if random intervention assigns a relatively large
because many of the interventions that might provide number of units to different values on an explanatory
the basis for plausible natural experiments in political variable. This is not inherent in the natural-experimental
science are the product of the interaction of actors in the approach; in principle, it is possible that a much
social and political world, and it can strain credulity to smaller number of units could be assigned to treatment
think that these interventions are undertaken in ways and control by a natural experiment. In such situations,
that are independent of the characteristics of the actors the logic of a natural experimental comparison may
involved, or in ways that do not encourage actors to still be useful, but typical difficulties involved in
self-select into treatment and control groups in ways making inferences from a small number of cases
that are correlated with the outcome in question. No (such as large or undefined standard errors) may arise
matter how good the reasoning and supplementary evi- as well.
dence, we may never know what inferential monsters
(Leamer 1983, 39) lurk just around the corner.
None of the foregoing should imply that the plausi- 4. Conclusion
bility of as if random assignment is the only impor-
tant topic involved in evaluating the success of natural Natural experiments can afford political scientists
experiments. One issue to consider is that even as the with powerful inferential tools for improving the
plausibility of as if random assignment increases, the quality of their substantive inferences. There are also
population of units for which a causal effect may be probably more natural experiments waiting to be dis-
reliably estimated may be quite small. In a regression- covered than many researchers currently imagine.
discontinuity design, for instance, causal effects are One goal of this article has therefore been to illustrate
identified for subjects in the neighborhood of the key the usefulness of this approach in a range of substan-
threshold of interestbut not necessarily for subjects tive contexts. Whether studying how income affects
whose values on the assignment variable place them far political attitudes, how the costs of voting influence
above or far below the key threshold. Another issue is turnout, or how cultural cleavages become politically
that the treatments to which units of analysis are as if salient, natural experiments may provide useful tools
randomly assigned may not, in fact, be the treatments of for social scientists, particularly in combination with
theoretical interest. In the lottery study, for example, evidence from other sources.
survey respondents were randomized not to the treat- However, natural experiments also have important
ment variable of greatest interestoverall income or limitations. Another goal of this article has therefore
affluencebut merely to a variable that is correlated been to describe some of these limitations. Natural
with income and affluencethat is, lottery winnings. As experiments are observational studies, not true
I have discussed in more detail elsewhere, this can pro- experiments: the researcher does not, and usually
vide important challenges to efforts to use natural exper- cannot, manipulate the political and social world to
iments to infer the causal effects of the variables of assign subjects to treatment and control conditions.
greatest interest, even when analysts exploit techniques In addition, the absence of an actual randomization
such as instrumental variables regression analysis in device determining treatment assignment to treat-
conjunction with natural experiments (Dunning 2006). ment and control may present important concerns in
It may also be useful to contrast natural experi- the analysis of many natural experiments. To the
ments with the matching techniques that are increas- extent that assignment to treatment is something less
ingly used in the social science. Some analysts than as if random, familiar threats to valid causal
suggest that matching can create the equivalent of inference in observational settings can arise.
twin pairs, with one twin getting the treatment at ran- Analysts exploiting apparent natural experiments
dom, and the other serving as the control (Dehejia might therefore ask the following sorts of questions.
and Wahba 1999; Dehejia 2005). However, matching Do subjects plausibly self-select into treatment and
seeks to approximate as if random assignment by control groups, in ways that are unobserved or
conditioning on observed variables, leaving open the unmeasured by the analyst but that are correlated
possibility that unobserved confounders strongly with the outcome of interest? Have policy makers or
influence the results; if statistical models are used to other political actors possibly made interventions in
do the matching, the assumptions behind the models anticipation of the behavioral responses of citizens,
may also play a key role (Smith and Todd 2005; in ways that are correlated with these potential behav-
Arceneaux, Green, and Gerber 2006).18 ioral responses? Are treatment and control groups
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Dunning / Improving Causal Inference 291

unbalanced with respect to other variables that could 3. See, for instance, Snows (1855, 39-45) remarkable discussion,
plausibly explain differences in average outcomes in which he reconciled apparent anomalies to the claim that cholera
victims had been infected by water from the Broad Street pump.
across groups? Affirmative answers to any such ques-
4. Lottery winners are paid a large range of dollar amounts.
tions suggest that one is probably dealing with some- In Doherty, Green, and Gerbers (2006) sample, the minimum
thing less than a natural experiment. total prize was $47,581, while the maximum was $15.1 million,
There is, of course, nothing inherently wrong with both awarded in annual installments.
this. Most of the best social science has drawn on solidly 5. See Doherty, Green, and Gerber (2006) for further details.
observational research in which there is no claim of ran- 6. In fact, lottery winnings are randomly assigned condi-
tional on the kind of lottery tickets bought, so randomization
dom assignment, and techniques such as matching or takes place among sub-groups; see Doherty, Green, and Gerber
regression analysis may help adjust for observed imbal- (2006) for details.
ances across treatment and control groups. Yet calling 7. For a relatively small group of voters, the polling place
such studies natural experiments can be misleading. was changed but the overall distance did not increase (or indeed
Donald Campbell came to regret having popularized the decreased). This provides an opportunity to estimate the effect of
disruption costs on voting turnout, an aspect of Brady and
term quasi-experiment. As he put it,
McNultys (2004) study I do not discuss in detail here.
8. Laitin (1986) also exploited the division of ethnic groups
It may be that Campbell and Stanley (1966) by national borders. Posner (2004) cited Asiwaju (1985), Miles
should feel guilty for having contributed to giving (1994), and Miles and Rochefort (1991) as additional examples.
quasi-experimental designs a good name. There 9. In 1990, the New Jersey legislature passed a minimum wage
are program evaluations in which the authors say increase from $4.25 to $5.05 an hour, to be implemented in 1992,
while Pennsylvanias minimum wage remained unchanged. The esti-
proudly, We used a quasi-experimental design. mation strategy is based on a difference-in-differences estimator;
If responsible, Campbell and Stanley should do that is, the change in employment in New Jersey is compared to
penance, because in most social settings, there are the change in employment in Pennsylvania.
many equally or more plausible rival hypotheses. 10. Fast-food restaurants on the Pennsylvania side of the bor-
(Campbell and Boruch 1975, 202). der were also exposed to worsened economic conditions; past
economic conditions are also largely shared on either side of the
border, which, together with the panel structure of the data, may
As with the label quasi-experiment, the growing use bolster the validity of the substantive conclusions. A critique of
of the term natural experiment may well possibly Card and Kruegers (1994) study can be found in Deere, Murphy,
reflect a keener sense among researchers of how to and Welch (1995).
make strong causal inferences. Yet it may also reflect 11. Another inferential issue that Posner (2004, 531)
the understandable desire to cover observational stud- addressed is nonindependence: Indeed, both pairs of villages are
so close to each other that several respondents reported regularly
ies with the glow of experimental legitimacy. visiting friends and relatives across the border in the other vil-
However, valid causal inference in the social lage. Yet as Posner pointed out, this may be likely to bias against
sciences is difficult, and good natural experiments the finding of a difference in intergroup relations on the two sides
provide one useful and important inferential tool. In of the border.
conclusion, then, I would like to summarize the over- 12. Another issue is the relatively small numbers of individu-
als surveyed and, especially, the small number of villages (four),
all ideas that motivate this article. It is useful to (1) which may substantially limit degrees of freedom.
catalogue successful and less successful examples of 13. Another study to exploit electoral redistricting is Glazer
natural experiments; (2) recognize that existing stud- and Robbins (1985).
ies may be located along a spectrum, in which the 14. This claim is obviously undercut if, for instance, the
assertion of as if random assignment ranges from threshold in question is known to subjects, if subjects can take
actions to locate themselves on one or the other side of the thresh-
less to more plausible and valid; and (3) encourage
old, and if unobserved subject characteristics such as motivation
ingenuity in research design that may help make the or ability are correlated with the outcomes of interest.
assertion of as if random assignment more plausi- 15. That is, some portion of the high traffic fatality levels in
ble. In this way, we can move toward more explicit the year prior to the passage of the law may be due to chance, and
best-practice standards for discussing and evaluating on average a mean reversion is to be expectedso a fall in traf-
natural experiments. fic fatalities after the passage of the law does not entirely, or even
at all, reflect the causal influence of the traffic law.
16. See also the discussion of Campbell and quasi-experiments in
Notes the Conclusion.
17. The common practice in comparative research of compar-
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tion, see Goldthorpe (2001) and Brady (2002). points are separated by some natural event or policy intervention,
2. The rest of London had a death rate from cholera of 59 per can only rise to the standard of a natural experiment if the analyst
10,000 residents. can make a convincing case that the event or intervention
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